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Threat to National Security- is an expression of intuition to inflict evil, injury or
damage to the national security.
Subversion - it is a group of conspiracy seeking to alter an existing system of
government through deceit and other unlawful means or it is an act of an individual
or group who seek to alter an existing system through deceitful means.
Communism - it is a theory which advocates elimination of private ownership. It
tends to make the world stateless and the society classless.
Agitation- it is a subversive technique to arouse hatred and anger among the
Propaganda- it is a line of persuasion to influence the belief, emotion, behavior,
attitude and opinion of the target audience.
Infiltration - it is a deceptive use legal activities which is use to exert influence and if
possible, seize control of a target group.
Politics - it is an art or science concerning the winning and control over a


The AFP has the responsibility to protect the state from any internal or
external threat. The AFP thrust to address these threats:
- modernization
- provides not only military solution to any conflict but also a conscious
understating on its sources


The first school views national security as the protection of the nation’s
people and territories from physical assault. In this sense, national security is
equated with national defense, and the threats to a nation’s security are perceived to
emanate from outside the country.
The second school, however, maintains that national security has a broader
meaning. In addition to national defense, it includes the protection of vital economic
and political interests, the loss of which could threaten fundamental values and the
vitality of the state itself. In this sense, national security is the concern not only of the
military, but also of the other departments and agencies as well, and it may be
threatened both from within and externally.
We subscribe to the latter view. For this season, we look at national security
as a state or condition wherein the people’s way of life and institutions, their welfare
and well-being are protected and enhanced.
We can also say that national security fundamentally involves the
maintenance and protection of a nation’s sovereignty, the crucial attribute of which is
the right for self-determination – the freedom of a nation to pursue its political,
economic and social goals. (CLU Policy Studies No 2 – “A Question of National
Security.” Karrel Inc., QC (1983), p.2.)


1. Territorial Integrity – the territory of the country is intact and under the effective
control of the government
2. Ecological Balance – the environment is able to support sustainable
development strategies for the benefit of the nation and the people who depend
on it for their existence.
3. Socio-Political Stability – there is peace and harmony among the divergent
groups of people in the country, and mutual cooperation and support exists
between the Government and the people as a whole.
4. Economic Solidarity – the economy is strong, capable of supporting national
endeavors, and derives its strength from the people who have an organic
stake in it through participation or ownership.
5. Cultural Cohesiveness – the people share the values and beliefs handed down
by their forebears and possess a strong sense of attachment to the national
community despite their religious, ethnic and linguistic differences.
6. Moral-Spiritual Consensus – there is moral and spiritual consensus among the
people on the wisdom and righteousness of the national vision, and they are
inspired by their patriotism and national pride to participate vigorously in the
pursuit of the country’s goals and objectives.
7. External Peace – the country and the people enjoys cordial relations with their
neighbors, and they are free from any control, interference or threat of aggression
from any of them.

There are two aspects of national security. In its internal aspect, national
security relates to the defense of the nation’s government against hostile local
elements seeking its replacement with their own government. In this sense, national
security refers to measures aimed at countering domestic or internal challenges to
the existing political and socio-economic order.
In its external aspects, national security is concerned with safeguarding the
state against outside or foreign forces, pressures or influence designed to conquer it
or undermine its sovereignty, for the purpose of placing it under the domination or
control of some foreign state or states. In this sense, national security embraces the
defense arrangements directed at insuring the safety of the state against foreign
intervention or domination.
Both the internal and external aspects of national security should be part of a
system of safeguards designed to protect the national interests.

a. General Threats
1. Political - caused person/group of person who aspires for power and or
position into the government.
2. Economic - caused by businessmen who amass large amounts but do not pay
due taxes, hoarders, dollar syndicates, dollar seltzers, smugglers, and big time
criminals. These groups tend to drain our national fund and thus results into
economic chaos.
3. Psycho-social - caused by activities that could under-mine the morale of the
populace such as indulgence to vices, drug addiction, prostitution and other
criminal acts

b. External/Internal Threats
EXTERNAL THREAT- is posed primarily by conflict from other countries that may
affect a certain country politically, socially and even militarily.
a. The USSR threat
b. The Red China threat
c. Selected Asian countries
Among the countries in Southeast Asia that pose a threat to Philippine
national security are the countries of Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, and the People’s
Republic of China. These countries, together with the Philippines, are contesting
jurisdiction over the Kalayaan (Spratlys) group of islands, located southwest of the

Benefits concerns that claimant can get:

1. major shipping and oil tanker route connecting the Pacific and Indian Oceans
2. Philippine trade goes through these waters
3. The area is below the Phil’s air travel lanes with Malaysia, Singapore, Borneo
and Indonesia
4. Around 2 million metric tons of sea harvest are exposed to possible oil spills in
the area
5. The area’s proven oil and gas potential (e.g. Sabah basin in Indonesia,
Northwest Nam Conson basin in Indonesia, Northwest Palawan basin etc.)
6. The area straddles the migration path of commercially viable fish like yellow-fin

Additional Chinese Interest

The Spratlys are important to China due to:
1. its hydrocarbon resources 3 trillion worth resources abound in the area (= to 40
yrs GNP)
2. it provides an excellent source of marine protein since it is a fishermen’s

China’s Act:
1. It occupied Mischief Reef in 1995
2. It prefers a bilateral rather than a multilateral resolution of the conflict
3. It wants a maintenance of the status-quo that favors itself.
4. It has so far refused to support the Indonesian initiative to transform the South
China Sea workshop series into more formal government dialogue.

The Philippines derives more than 19% of its fish catch from the sea west of
Palawan. Also the Spratlys are closest to the Philippines (50-90 miles). The area is
indeed very strategic economically and militarily. The South China Sea is
indispensable passageway for all kinds of ships carrying all sorts of cargoes from the
Pacific to the Indian Ocean. Around 400 commercial vessels pass through this sea
lane daily. Control of this vital route could therefore virtually strangle nation’s
Other situation that bear watching is the ongoing conflict in Indonesia (Aceh)
and the Korean Peninsula. Aceh, Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim area, the
conflict may spill over in Mindanao and in the case of Korean Peninsula, the plight of
our overseas contract worker may be affected that may indirectly affect our
Another threat is the intrusion of foreign and unidentified foreign vessels into
Philippine territorial seas. The archipelagic nature of the country hampers the effort
of tracking and preventing foreign vessels from intruding into Philippine waters. Local
and foreign enemies of the state utilize this advantage in providing logistics and
supplies to their followers like arms cache.
Another menace to national security is the presence of foreign terrorist
groups, foreign intelligence agencies, persona non grata, and other foreign entities
which threaten national security like those who are engage in economic sabotage,
international conspiracy and other activities contrary to Philippine vital interest.

d. Nationalist China and the local Chinese problem

e. Japan and her increasing economic power

INTERNAL THREATS - posed primarily by the different group who oppose our
present system.

Aim: To establish an independent Muslim state through armed struggle.
Organization Involved:
1) Muslim Independence Movement
- founded by Datu Udtog Matalam on 01 May 1966
- later renamed Mindanao Independence Movement
- aimed to established an Islamic Republic in
Mindanao and Sulu
Other organizations:
a) Green Guards (1968)
b) Ansar El Islam (1969)
c) Kalimatu Sahadat (1969)
d) Lam Alip (1970)
f) Black Shirt (1970)

The emergence of the MNLF as a vanguard secessionist organization was a
gradual and tedious process. The MNLF then became the Youth arm of the MIM. Its
members were trained on guerrilla warfare and political orientation in, Pulao,
Pangkor Island in Sabah in 1968. Nur Misuari formed the MNLF Committee in 1969
and focused in organizational expansion, personnel and logistical build up from 1969
to 1972. The MNLF then emerged as a potent secessionist group in 1972. In 1975, a
rift developed between MNLF Chairman Nur Misuari and Vice Chairman Hashim

3) The MILF
The Moro Islamic Liberation Front was formed by former MNLF Chairman
Hashim Salamat in 1979. It views the secessionist movement as impractical in the
light of the political situation of the country and opted for wider Muslim participation in
the local government.

4) The MNLF Reformist Group

In late 1980, MNLF Vice Chairman Dimasangkay Pundato became
discontented with Misuari's leadership and finally set the MNLF Reformist Group.
This group prefers regional autonomy rather than secession.

Organized in the early part of 1973 with the aim to seize state power, dissolve
the government, and replace it with socialist democratic form of government. Its
activities were manifested by its involvement in the bombing of urban areas through
the "Light a Fire Movement" and the April 6 Liberation Movement.

These are politicians who maintain their private armies to secure their vested
interest. They show defiance to an existing system.


Aim: To overthrow the government and restructure the society.
- Insurgency
- Organizational Expansion
- Arms Build-up
- Party Building
Organization Involved:
- Maoist Faction (CPP/NPA)
- Marxist-Leninist Faction (CPP/BHMB)
- Partyless Hukbong Magpapalaya ng Bayan

a. Aim: To overthrow the government through armed struggle
b. Military Arm: NPA

It was organized on 26 Dec 68 by Jose Ma Sison. The CPP assumes its

center task which is to seize political power taking the road to armed revolution. The
people's army is the principal weapon of the party and armed struggle is the main
form of struggle. Peaceful political participation is doctrinally unacceptable. In March
1969, the NPA was formally established in Central Luzon by the PKP breakaway
group of sixty (60) men, with thirty-five (35) rifles, led by Bernabe Buscayno.
The spread of guerrilla warfare as guerrilla zone were established in the
different areas of the country in the 70's.
1972 -Tarlac, Pampanga, Zambales; Isabela, Quirino; Camarines; Samar; Leyte;
Bohol, Cebu;
Panay; Misamis Oriental; Zamboanga del Norte; and Davao
1973 - Bontoc, Abra, Pangasinan, Aurora, Nueva Ecija, Laguna, Cavite, Quezon,
Norte, and Sorsogon.
1974- Kalinga-Apayao, Northeastern Pangasinan, and Eastern Bulacan.

In 1982, the Front Committees were established in Cebu, Bohol, and in

Northeastern Mindanao and the formation of combat company in Mindanao. In
1983, the partisan units in major urban centers in Mindanao were organized. In
1986, a skeletal battalion surfaced in Northeastern Luzon. In 1987, the Military
Commission and the General Command was created. From 1988 to 1989, 33 NPA
companies were formed; 14 in Luzon, 6 in Visayas, and 13 in Mindanao. Nationwide,
the CPP/NPA has organized guerrilla fronts with 12 MRGUs, 63 SRGUs, 105
platoon-size DCs. Their strength rose to 23,060 in 1988 and 11,700 assorted FAs.
At present, the LCM is exerting all its efforts to recover the areas which were
liberated by the government through SOT

Aim: To overthrow the government through legal and parliamentary struggle.
Military Arm: Army ng Bayan and Masaka Armed Group.


Aim: Conduct small scale harassment/terrorism
Military Arm: None/Small groups engage more on subversion

It was officially organized on Nov 7, 1950 after labor organization leaders

arrived from Moscow. These labor ladders studied on the techniques of Karl Marx
and Lenin. Its objective before was independence from the claws of the American
rulers. Its military arm, the HMB emanated from the then HUKBALAHAP which was
a guerrilla force served to fight the Japanese invaders. After the war, the PKP/HMB
continued its armed resistance against our government with the objective of toppling
down the government.

All religious and religious-influenced individuals and organizations advocating
changes and reforms through legal means. These are members of the religious
sectors who find fault into our system. They claim to be spokesmen of the
oppressed. The fact is that they became radical when a number of legitimate
religious organizations were used to undermine our government and denounce the
abuses of the military be they real or fictitious.

Organizations Involved:
a. Christians for National Liberation
b. Students Christian Movements of the Philippines
c. Kilusang Kristiyano ng Kabataang Pilpino

Southern Ecumenical Council for People's Power Activities:

a. Teach-ins and discussion group
b. Dissemination of subversive publication
c. Church sermons
d. Monetary aid to subversive elements

RIGHTIST- These are the disgruntled politicians, businessmen, oligarchs,
intellectuals, military men, and big time criminals who work hand in hand to restore
the old order to pave their way into power and position in the government. It also
includes groups, organizations and temporary alliances not ideologically identified
with the LCM but are also concerned with the overthrow of the government.
Organizations Involved:
a. Marcos Loyalist Organizations

The CPP – the Communist Party of the Philippines is the brain of the people’s
revolution. It provides the political leadership to the movement and determines the
general line and direction of the revolution. It controls the activities of the army and
the united front.
The NPA – the New Peoples Army; it is the military arm of the Party tasked with
the advancement of the protracted people’s war through the principal use of the
armed struggle.

The NDF – National Democratic Front is the shield of the revolution. It provides an
umbrella organization for the CPP/NPA and other militant and “progressive”
organization including CPP and CPP-infiltrated groups. It is composed of various
territorial and sectoral non-governmental organizations as well as functional
organizations tasked with advancing the legal program of the communist
movement hitherto taking care of propaganda and black propaganda activities.
International Department - takes care of generating support from other countries or
from other communist movement from abroad (e.g., from the communist party in
Australia, the Netherlands, and from the other socialist countries in Eastern Europe).
Reaffirmist Group
Party: Communist Party of the Philippines
Leader: Jose Ma SISON
Ideology: Marxist-Leninist-Mao Tse-tung

Rejectionist Groups
This faction disagrees with the CPP/NPA/NDF’s strict adherence to the Maoist
Concept. of protracted people’s war and is instead advocating the Nicaraguan
model of insurrectionary strategy and tactics aimed at creating a revolutionary
situation by staging crippling strikes and urban terrorism. It has been polarized into
nine sub-groups due to personal and policy differences, to wit:

PMP (Partido ng Manggagawang Pilipino)

Lagman Group
Leader: Filemon LAGMAN – Chairman
Ideology: Adheres to the teachings of Lenin. It advocates insurrectionary
struggle that calls for a combination of political and military efforts to create an
insurrectionary or revolutionary situation.


a. Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)
Former Leader: Hashim SALAMAT
Armed Group: Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (BIAF)
Objective: Self-determination with the creation of a Mindanao Islamic
Republic. The objective of the MILF is to carve out portions of the Philippine territory
where it intends to establish an Islamic state. To attain its objective, the MILF relies
on Dawah or Islamic call and Jihad or struggle in the way of Allah Dawah calls for
the Islamization of the individual.
b. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
Former Leader: Khadaffy JANJALANI
Objective: Creation of an independent Islamic state in Mindanao. Mere
autonomy or independence will not stop them from pursuing their mission, which is
the eventual reign of Islam worldwide.
C. Missuari Breakaway Group
30 April 2001
26 high ranking personalities of MNLF formed 15 man Executive Council
Stripped Nur Missuari of his powers
Relegated to position of “Chairman Emeritus”
02 May 2001:
4th National Conference of the MNLF at Cabatangan Complex
Missuari declared a strategic shift to the MNLF’s objective from autonomy to
independence of Mindanao
Forge a unity agreement with the MILF



Ability to recruit new members in Sulu, Basilan, Zambo Norte & Sur
Capable of employing hit and run tactics on unwary mil personnel
Capable of launching minor-scale offensives
Capable of merging with ASG and MILF for selective activities

Loosely organized
No effective leader at present
Resembles a ragtag group of bandits out tp prey on unsuspecting targets


Another threat to national security is the existence of syndicated crime groups
locally and internationally which continue to sow terror, panic and wreak havoc to the
Philippine economy. These syndicated crime groups are the local and foreign crime
groups who engage in the dealing of prohibited drugs, those who are engaged in the
smuggling of economic goods and arms and other deadly weapons, and those who
engage in mercenary works to liquidate prominent personalities in the public and
private sectors.


The numerous illegal organizations, private individuals and groups or cartels
who engage in economic sabotage also pose a threat to national security by
crippling the Philippine economy by their illicit and illegal activities like piracy and
traffic of explosives.

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