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VERIFICATION OF IMPULSE MOMENTUM PRINCIPLE USING FLAT, INCLINED AND CURVED VANES Name ofthe students Nihil] Santesh Satbhet Roll No: 335 1 Date of Performance: Date of Submision Marks Scored: Signature of Stuf Department of Mechanical Engineering | MIT Academy of Engineerin Alandi ——_———- Experiment No: 01 ising flat & curved vanes. Verification of impulse momentum principle u ratus and determine the ‘To conduct an experiment on the Jet on Vane appa ‘Theory: “The study of impact of a jet of water is essential to understand the principle of an impulse turbine such as Pelton Wheel Turbine. When high pressure water from a source such as a dam flows through a nozzle in the form of a jet, the entire pressure energy of the water is converted into kinetic energy at the nozzle. When this jet of water hits a vane positioned in front of it, the vane deflects the jet and due to the change in the momentum of the {er jet. a force is imparted to the vane by the water. Force exerted by a jet of water can be evaluated by the rate of change of momentum. Vi and V2 is initial and final velocity in the Mathematically, F = mass x [Vi~ Va] Here, XAXV. direction of jet. Mass can be expressed in terms of discharge as ; Mass / see jet. When the plate is held stationary final Where p is density of fluid and A is area of the. velocity in the direction of jet after impact is zero. ‘This gives us F=p x Ax VP On similar lines for a curved plate and inclined plate respectively, Feared pte = pX AX Vi? (1 + Cos 0) , Fictined tae = PX AX Vi? Sin? Water turbines are widely used throughout the world to generate Power. In the type of ‘one or more water jets are directed turbine referred to as a Pelton wheel, water ly on to vanes or buckets that are fastened to th tangentiall: 1e rim of the turbine disc. The jimpact of the water on the vanes generates a torque on the wheel. causing it to rotate and ‘Experiment No. 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 2 Alandi ‘ademy of Engineeri MIT Ay giglly sinmple, such turbines ean generate to dovelop power, Although the concept is esse andl hytealic Powers in excess of 100 MW, considerable output at high efficiency efficiencies gree than 858, ane age uneommn. Handy betes thatthe Feo heel ix best site to sonsitons where the avai ead of water sweat aml the How Fe with a head of 100 a and a flow rate of Ents. comparatively small, For exatnple 50) pew min could be use to devetop about 900 KW, The at some 25 ty 10 am and the flow were Pelton witeel rant er power would be available Af the ed were om sume Je would then be needed. 10a /s. bat a different type of turbine rotational speed, Potion wheel, and «9 determine its open ke buckets, and To predict the output of & vee mgod to understand howe the deflection of the jet generates a TONES OF th ate of momentum flow itn the jet, In tis eP ‘or a curved plate oF iment, We how the force is wiated €0 the neasure the fore generated by a jet of water staking @ at plate sults with the computes manent Tow fate the Je inclined plate , and compare the Experimental Setup ing | Alandi MIT Academy of Eng Experimental Setup hanical Engineering Experiment No. 1 Page 4 Department of M oa a > on ef 4. Experimental Procedure 1 Ensure proper leveling of appari 2 Attuct any one plate, Dulance the lever re Y Connect water hose ta the nazete nna ya Hnpact Lever will move up, 4 Balance the tev 5 Vo calculate theoretical farce called measuring talk and measure flow Flow rate (Area of tink * Height of In = Jet urca x Jet velovity 1 7. Change the plate and repeat # Specificatlor 1 Area of collecting tank A 2. Reise in water level ( Height) " 3 Time taken 4. Actual How rate Q 5. Novele diameter a 7 Norsle aren ” 8 Jet velocity v " 9 Theoretical Force on Plat Plate 10 ‘Theoretical Force on Inclined Plate P IL Theoretical Force on Curved Plate F 12. The efficiency of the Jet 13° Percentage of Error Department of Mechanical Engineering MIT Academy of Eapineer ujusting the water Haws thiaueh nse ste wna winter en ec Why Thine reaquited for water tr procedure, inn] Alana HHO ts the pointes tlhe valve Det Mies pet bua ae wh reference H jet velocity, Usinys appropriate equation find ent theenetionl force 2405 sy en San cuyy Psecemds ANIA eumisor oom V4 nd rqan a0 Ofn nee PeAayye PEAR! Si’ DAA RVD + Con Oh Pacis Bact Pe VI ct 100 Haperiment ta, b Voges MIT Academy of Engineering 4 Olwervatinn wud Mesult talite: Wak Mates ah ata plunger ~ 48, Who tes = 42 10 gins, eight of bane = wal (ot of ccs) STR gem oo wt ol a fe | Catal Weighty | Actual [ine | Dineharge | det Theoretical Perventeze | [Me | (ud cu2smds Dead | turer in| Caer) | satisex | velewity Force Error (te) Weluity | Nesetun | | | tmey | (Newtons fm (wt of plunger) = 44.5 gm, en2 (ort of rod) =578 1013 gm Meght of tanke = Seta [080m ) wl of fnclined plate fe. [ Porat Weighttymy [ Act No. | (nd sn2sm3 Dead | force in | (see) Webylit Newton (fort Weight “w Tere ai TIN 19-50 ah lainey fy. oe S1CI3 aah ar [206 ary 2) 51-9) KetT Deparment of Mechanical Eagineering eee Eipeinca no 0-25) 0-tgS 0-196 | | tuo | Be ! | Pase 6 y of Engin ng | Alandi For Curved gm m3 wt o ite (O=45 deg): mt (wt of plunger) = 44.8 gin, m2 (wt of rad) =87-8 vurved plate) = 150.3 gm, Height of tank = 2-011) | Total Weight(gm) Jet | Theoretical | Percent: ; Je heoretical | Percentage ie (miim2+m3eDead | force in | (see) | msec | velocity Force | Error (%) Weight) Newton \ | Gms) | (Newton) | (Tota | (Total | | | Weight | | i i! | 251-6 baie 155 [esaVl [3-36 ] oF 6 6 EY [LSS 3 3 22. € oP | 23 Pano (9.43 | )r-6 4-066] 2.2.]3-08x10 73.89 | 442-6 qt) | SHIM] 4-09 | 3 § a) a] ee] 7. Sample Calculation (Shall be attached separately) 8. Graph (Fact Vs Discharge) (Shall be attached separately) observe impact of get on flat, oso retttce! smpulsé namatten as dine vg ostorning jt y actual practiced it was mre ervey sRord « Experiment No. 1 Page 7 Coleolettun For Plat plete Face 2 M9 gH a x gers Vl? WV Ste : 199% 6° 465 1909 2 Y-Bl Fie mo Dis chery € Ca. 2 ue foie oie ’ Noleity Set 2 @ . 21 x10" 4 7 a 4 (0 ote 4109) mi) s = aS fan = (000 4 BI LE) Gr egf = Pagan th 1.5163 nae zleo = IA &y, Bie Cle Gana han GIT Fae For indined flute 195.4 498) 4 = ion Faey TMG 5 a4 Discharge = QeAH = O29 KO465 X95 2 ag yom?) 9 wu aE ‘bs Ndoaty of jet = GO = EFS 410 oe a giu y (oar) a Ee Ln io al 80 “]s ies 78S xu Fy Gav sin OQ = 1600 x766S z10> ©3.301™ sin *¢ 909 7 2 ef O.24n -Fu [P20 -0 -24 pall Scent = 8668) * 5 @: 1720 FUG GIES), C alevlatton For cvrved pled e @eus? Fae -2 A923. 292-6 xt Oy art 3 atloM Dis charge = AM O29 KR O46S 4905 : BA OES ¥O 23 ot 2.93 x1“ n'/s : 4 ; ae. = Pele 193 wleita of jee = Ge 2 rh et 3-a)s 7-35 x107* be fav" (1t@se ) = loco x78 x10? (SPST CIE conus) = 1.864 V peertor ay sihnih olde 2 athe T1864 zs x oe ah retO Wy 93. 5.) 5 let R= ah eT centre Prom hing é @=- onse af swinge about hinge LM can Wh of Plate fut of g et — mement_of farc_ <—s Pout hinge 0 2 En xo av sing ge-@ ) xo =Gav> § (oe Xer% = pay” cea ¥ SB ye = fav RH __oment 8 Ww _ahavt hing =A yor sing ew xx xsing | For equilibe! om + sav x = Wx Xsin@ sno = cave Ay) “Ihe quonlity, ef velabtan af a body. whith vs cs , a product of VS mement: ab ds, ongelog: - oy ne . \ Macs 7 15 a 1 dvinonst on Me? ' yok unt ky me i let Lo, ongulor velo Wy wy) Uae ag a (ME of waler pers. sec = pay, f omen vm o} waler iohening sn dengendiol direchtan =" QV) Veep —— Momo: um 01 _waler_ ak oubled = £4 X Vanes jingver momentum a

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