CH - No.5 Complete

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Class: 9th Subject: Phy Total marks: 30 Date:

Name:__________________________________________________ Admission no. _______________ Section: __________________

Q.1: Select the correct option. 
   1 
i Value of "g" at Moon surface is   "g" i
(a) (b) (c) (d)

ii GPS consist of _______ Earth Satellite    _________GPS ii

(a) 24 (b) 3.87 (c) 42300 (d) 8000

iii Moon completes its one Revolution around the Earth    iii
(a) 27.3 hours (b) 1 day (c) 27.3 days (d) 1 year

iv Value of "G" is   "G" iv

(a) (b) (c) (d)
v The orbital speed of a low orbit satellite is       v
(a) zero  (b) (c) (d)

vi Moon is nearly ________ away from the Earth  ________ vi

(a) 380000 Km (b) 43000 Km (c) 42300 Km (d) 38000 Km

vii What is mass of earth    vii

(a) (b) (c) (d) All  

viii Height of Geostationary Satellite with respect to Earth is       viii
(a) 42300 m (b) 42300 m/s (c) 42300 Km/s (d) 42300 Km

ix Who gave idea of gravity   ix

(a) Pascal  (b) Newton (c) Galileo  

 (d) Joul  

x Value of __________ change place to place   _________ x

(a) G (b) g (c) R (d) None 

Q.2: Attempt the following questions. 7 x 2 = 14   2 
1. What is meant by Force of Gravitation?      .1
2. Why value of g vary place to place?    g .2
3. Differentiate between Satellite and Artificial Satellite?    
    
  .3
4. Define GPS?   GPS .4
5. Define Law of Gravitation?    .5

6. Write difference between "G" and "g"?   "g" "G" .6

  .7
7. Define Gravitational Field Strength and also write its value?  

Q.4: Calculate the Mass of Earth with the help of Law of Gravitation? (6)     4 

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