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1-Choose the correct order of donning personal protective equipment PPE:

A) Hand hygiene, gown, eyewear, mask, gloves

B) Hand hygiene, gown, mask, eyewear, gloves
C) Hand hygiene, gloves, eyewear, mask, gown
D) Hand hygiene, gown, mask, gloves, eyewear

2-Choose the correct order of removing personal protective equipment PPE:

A) Gloves, gown, hand hygiene, eyewear, mask, hand hygiene

B) Gloves, hand hygiene, gown, eyewear, mask, hand hygiene
C) Gloves, gown, hand hygiene, mask, eyewear, hand hygiene
D) Gloves, hand hygiene, gown, mask, eyewear, hand hygiene

3-What should you do if your hands touch the sink while you are washing
your hand:
A) Add more soap to your hand
B) Repeat the procedure
C) Continue to wash your hands
D) Apply more friction during procedure

4-During your 12-hour shift from 7p – 7a your patient’s intake is 2450 mL &
output is 2300 mL. According to the scenario, determine the balance between
A) Negative balance between intake and output
B) Positive balance between intake and output
C) The output exceeds the amount of intake
D) The patient needs more fluid to reach status of good balance

5-What is the type of restraints that nurse apply on patient's hands to prevent
agitated patient from pulling out the tubes?

A) Belt restraint
B) Limb restraint
C) Mitt restraint
D) Leather restraint
6-Which of these clients is at greatest risk for falls?

A. A 77-year-old female client in a client room that has low glare floors.
B.An 87-year-old female client has low temperature.
C. A 27-year-old male client sedated and has left leg fracture.
D. A 37-year-old male client diagnosed with diabetes mellitus

7-Which of the following is the FIRST priority in preventing infections when

providing care for a client?
A. Hand-washing
B. Wearing gloves
C. Using a barrier between client’s furniture and nurse’s bag
D. Wearing gowns and goggles

8-All of the following consider core body temperature Except?

1. Tympanic
2. Axilla
3. Rectum
4. Pulmonary artery

9-Select the names of pluses site mentioned on the picture below ?

1. Carotid, brachial, and dorsalis pedis

2. Temporal, carotid, and radial
3. Carotid, ulnar, and popliteal
4. Carotid, radial, and femoral
10-Apical pulse best located on the….. ?
1. Right sternum mid-calvicular line 5th intercostal space
2. Left sternum mid-calvicular 5th line intercostal space
3. Left sternum mid-calvicular 3th line intercostal space
4. Right sternum mid-calvicular 4th line intercostal space
11-When providing oral hygiene for unconscious patient, he/she should be on
which of the following position?

1. Supine position
2. Semi-fowler position with head elevated
3. On side (Sim’s position) with head turned well toward dependent side
4. Porn position with head turned well toward dependent side

12-You as a nurse assign to do oral hygiene for unconscious patient, if you

noticed that the gag reflex is absent, what you will do?

1. It does not matter I will complete my work

2. I will stop the procedure considering the risk of aspiration
3. I will notify the doctor
4. I will try to stimulate it again forcefully
13-IF the systolic blood pressure is 145/90 mmHg , the pulse pressure will be?

1. 70 mmHg
2. 90mm Hg
3. 55mmHg
4. 65mmHG

14-In which position should the patient be to provide perineal care ?

A. dorsal recumbent position.
B. supine position
C. Dorsal position
D. High fowler position
15-The purpose of for wiping from the front to the back in one stroke while
providing perineal care is ?
A. reduces chance of transmitting fecal organisms to urinary meatus
B. prevent irritation
C. it is faster
D. all the above

16-Perineal care is provided for which part of the body ?

A. Mouth
B. Eyes
C. genital and surrounding area
D. feet

17-Height measurement can be affected by ?

A. posture
B. foot wear
C. feet and head positioning
D. All the above

18-Weight is a indicator for ?

A. Fluid balance
B. Infection
C. Illness
D. None of the above

19-What is the term that describes the following joint motion :(bending of a
joint so as to bring together the parts it connects ) ?

A. Extension
B. Adduction
C. Rotation
D. Flexion
20-The nurse position the patient where the body is laid supine or flat on the
back with the feet higher than the head by 15-30 degrees this position
A. Trendelenburg
B. Sim’s
C. Reverse Trendelenburg
D. Supine

21-Choose the appropriate

position for the patient that the nurse apples as shown in the picture ?

A. Trendelenburg
B. Semi – fowler’s
C. Prone
D. Sim’s

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