Mock Exam 3 G4

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Class:……………….. Science
MOCK Exam 3 G.4
Q1) A- Choose the correct answer: -

1- Blood vessels that carry oxygen gas in amphibians, present in …………

a- Skin and digestive system b- Lungs and eyes
c- Digestive system and eyes d- Skin and lungs

2- Pollution of the ecosystem can affect ………..

a- plants and animals only b- animals and humans only
c- Humans and plants only d- plants, animals and humans

3- The sensory organs of the dolphin help it do all of the following except
a. Surviving b. searching for food
c. Searching for water d. protecting itself under water

4- Animals that become active in night are called………………………

a- diurnal animals b- nocturnal animals
c- extinct animals d- endangered animals

B- Draw arrows show the direction of reflection: -

Q2 : A - put √ or ×: -
1- The rotation of planets around the sun is easy to be seen. ( )
2- If two teams in the tug-of-war game are pushing the rope with equal
forces, so the rope will move towards one of the two teams. ( )
3- A normal truck can move faster than the jet airplane
( )
4- The three jet engines in the shockwave truck allow it to fly.
( )
Q2 : B - Match column (B) to column (A)

Column (A) Column (B)

a- Bronchioles 1- nerves
b- Carry messages to the brain via the spinal cord. 2- branches inside the lung that
c- The kapok tree emits beautiful scents to attract bats resemble tree branches
d- Structural adaptation of some animals to see better 3-behavioral adaptation
at night.
4- motion
e- A way to communicate between some animals
5- mirror- like membrane

Q3: A- Complete the following sentences from the two brackets

(shockwave – firefly beetle – nervous – force )

1- The spinal cord is an important organ of the....................system

2- Traffic lights depend on the sense of sight in communication like………………….
3- The car can move or stop depending on the change of …………..
acting on it.
4- Engineers use parachutes to slow down the motion of the …………

Q3: B - Classify the following materials into (rough – smooth):

Wood – glass – iron – mirror

Rough Smooth

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