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by Massimo Guarnieri

21 July 1969

remember the day. In July 1969, I was the leading designer of the Nazi V2 fly- and organize national efforts in the
not yet 14, and I was spending some ing bomb, and his German team were space race. Nevertheless, the Sovi-
vacation days in the country near working for the U.S. Army on the bal- ets’ supremacy persisted in the early
Venice, Italy, at my uncle’s home. Early listic missile Redstone as a carrier of years. Sputnik 2 took into orbit the
in the morning on 21 July, he woke up nuclear weapons, and this had been first living being, the dog Laika, in
my cousin and me to watch on TV the successfully tested in 1955 [2]. By mod- November 1957, and the space probe
event that was going to be broadcast ifying a Redstone, von Braun and his Luna 1, launched in Ja nua r y 1959,
worldwide. Today, it may not be easy to team developed the Jupiter-C rocket was the first artificial object that es-
grasp the hurdles that had been over- for space missions, which could be caped Earth’s gravitational attraction,
come before the feat we were going to launched by 1956. After the Vanguard transiting only 5,995 km off the lunar
witness could take place. TV3 failure, von Braun was authorized surface [4]. Soviet Yuri Gagarin (1934–
In the middle of the Cold War, the to launch his rocket, and on 31 January 1968), aboard the Vostok 1 spacecraft,
space race began on 4 October 1957, 1958, it put the Explorer 1 satellite, built was the first man to orbit Earth, on
when the Soviet Union successfully at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the 12 April 1961 [5]. Two years later, Valenti-
put Sputnik 1, the first artificial satel- California Institute of Technology, into na Tereškova (born 1937) was the first
lite, into orbit around Earth, shocking orbit. This satellite was powered by woman to go into orbit. On 18 March
the world and, particularly, the Ameri- mercury batteries, and its electronic 1965, Alexey Leonov (born 1934) per-
cans, who felt that their U.S. techno- circuits used 29 silicon and germanium formed the first spacewalk, while or-
logical supremacy was being menaced, transistors, chosen for their robust- biting in the Vostok 2. On 3 February
and prestige and strategic issues were ness, lightness, and low consumption: 1966, the Luna 9 probe made the first
emerging [1]. The Soviets were build- it was one of the very first scientific soft landing on the lunar surface.
ing ever more powerful atomic bombs uses of transistors [3]. The Soviet space program, how-
after their first test explosion in 1949, The instrumentation, designed by ever, paid a heavy price in failures
and the possession of ballistic mis- a group led by James Alfred Van Allen and human lives as a result of several
siles capable of taking satellites into (1914–2006), performed the surveys ground and in-flight accidents [6]. The
orbit demonstrated that they also had that led to the discovery of the epony- nation that had chosen an economic
the technology for launching inter- mous belts of subatomic particles and political system completely driven
continental ballistic missiles carrying trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field. by central planning failed to join up its
nuclear weapons. The American space In March 1958, the U.S. Navy success- space programs, leaving them in the
program, which had been started by fully launched the Vanguard 1: it was hands of a number of design bureaus,
President Eisenhower in July 1955, was the fourth orbiting satellite and the often working in fierce competition.
ramped up, but the first launch by the first one powered by solar cells, de- Two major leaders of these groups, Ser-
U.S. Navy, on 6 December 1957, ended veloped at Bell Labs by a group led by gei Korolev (1907–1966) and Valentin
with the explosion at liftoff of a Van- Gerald Pearson (1905–1987) in 1954. Glushko (1908–1989), were divided by a
guard rocket carrying a TV3 satellite, Yet, on 17 August 1958, the U.S. Air personal antagonism. Several failures,
after it had risen just 1.2 m. Force’s launch of the Pioneer 0 probe, which eventually resulted in the Sovi-
At that time, German rocket engi- intended to orbit the moon, resulted ets losing their initial lead, were not
neer Wernher von Braun (1912–1977), in the explosion of the rocket 73 s disclosed. Overall, the entire program
after liftoff. was handled with extreme secrecy: the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MIE.2019.2910874 NASA was established in July 1958 names of the chief leaders, Korolev and
Date of publication: 25 June 2019 by President Eisenhower to collect his successor, Kerimov, were revealed


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only with the advent of Gorbachev’s win could only come from a much more with no human or payload loss. The
glasnost after 1986. Such confidential- ambitious goal than orbiting Earth. first four manned missions, Apollo 7 to
ity cost Korolev the Nobel Prize, which Kennedy chose a goal where the Unit- Apollo 10, were preparatory, for testing
the Nobel Committee was determined ed States and Soviet Union could start maneuvers in Earth and lunar orbit.
to assign after Gagarin’s flight, except from a position of equality to maximize The Apollo 11 mission began on
that they did not know who should the chances of winning. 16 July 1969. About 1 million people were
be named. I n S e p te m b e r 19 61, t h e N A S A estimated to have attended the liftoff in
Early NASA steps were not so suc- Manned Spacecraft Center was cre- the vicinity of Cape Canaveral, includ-
cessful. The first launch, on 11 October ated in Houston on land donated by ing many U.S. dignitaries, 60 ambassa-
1958, carried the Pioneer 1 probe, which, Rice University. This NASA Center dors, and 3,500 media representatives
like Pioneer 0, was intended to reach the would later include the Mission Con- (Figure 1). The launch was televised live
moon but instead covered only a bal- trol Center of the manned missions. in 33 countries. Four days later, while
listic path as high as 113.8 km. The first The three-astronaut Apollo program, Michael Collins (born 1930) was orbit-
successful American probe was Pioneer 5, conceived during the Eisenhower ad- ing around the moon in the command
launched in 1960, after the Soviet ministration, was upgraded to the and service module (CSM) Columbia
Luna 1. In 1958, NASA also started Proj- moon target, and the two-astronaut (Figure 2), the spider-like, light-struc-
ect Mercury, aimed at putting man into Project Gemini was announced in tured lunar module (LM) Eagle landed
space in a single-man spacecraft and, in January 1962 as an intermediate step gently on the lunar surface in the Sea
July 1960, the Marshall Space Flight Cen- to develop the technologies and tech- of Tranquility.
ter was created, with von Braun as first niques required for Apollo [8]. On Six hours later, Neil A rmstrong
director, with the objective of designing 3 June 1965, Edward White (1930–1967) (1930–2012) climbed down the LM lad-
the Saturn rockets intended to launch became the first American to perform der and, moving with circumspection,
the spacecrafts. a spacewalk, completed while orbit- set his foot on the surface of the moon
Again, the beginnings were fraught ing in the Gemini 4 spacecraft, almost at 2:56 UTC (4:56 a.m. Central Euro-
with failures. On 21 November 1960, three months after Leonov’s analog. pean Time). He was followed by Buzz
the Mercury-Redstone 1 (unmanned Then, in December 1965, Gemini 6 and Aldrin (born 1930) a few minutes later
and with one of von Braun’s rockets) Gemini 7 performed the first rendez- (Figure 3). While watching this, even
lifted off just a few centimeters: it was vous, approaching as close as 30 cm as an Italian teenager, I could share the
later referred to as the “four-inch flight.” and zeroing their relative speed. Four enthusiasm with my relatives, under-
A few months later, on 5 May 1961, the months later, Gemini 8 performed the standing the eagerness in the national
Mercury-Redstone 3 Freedom 7 mission first docking rendezvous with an un- TV studio in Rome, Italy, and perceiv-
finally took Alan Shepard (1923–1998) manned satellite. Nevertheless, the ing the excitement at Mission Control
into a 15-min suborbital flight. He was challenge took a heavy toll also on the Center in Houston, Texas. One sixth of
the first American astronaut, almost American side. On 27 January 1967, humanity, about 600 million, shared
one month after Gagarin’s flight. The a fire aboard the Apollo 1 spacecraft that experience on live TV. It was an
first American to orbit Earth was John during a ground test killed the three event of unprecedented technological
Glenn (1921–2016) on board Mercury 6 astronauts, including White. and cultural importance, completed
on 6 February 1962. From Apollo 4 on, the spacecrafts when Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins,
The race to the moon was started by were launched by the Saturn V, the and Buzz Aldrin safely splashed back
U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy gigantic rocket 110 m tall and with a down in the North Pacific Ocean on
(1917–1963) in an address to Congress 3,000-t mass built under the direction 24 July. The race to space, the great
on 25 May 1961 in which he appealed of von Braun. Saturn V was a three-stage competition, was over.
to U.S. national pride: “No single space vector. Those stages were equipped, The event iconography includes
project in this period will be more respectively, with five F-1 engines fed the beautiful still pictures taken with
impressive to mankind, or more im- with super-refined kerosene and liquid- special Hasselblad cameras, some of
portant for the long-range exploration oxygen, and each eventually capable which accompany this article, and the
of space; and none will be so difficult of 715-t thrust; five J-2 hydrogen and low-quality video derived from the
or expensive to accomplish” [7]. In a oxygen engines, each with 105-t thrust; lost slow-scan TV transmission. It in-
speech at Rice University on 12 Sep- and a 105-t J-2 engine that could be re- cludes Armstrong’s memorable com-
tember 1962, Kennedy relaunched: started. The Saturn V could take a 140-t ment when first stepping on the moon:
“We choose to go to the moon in this payload into low Earth orbit or launch “That’s one small step for [a] man, one
decade and do the other things, not be- a 41-t payload to the moon. It was, and giant leap for mankind.” Although it
cause they are easy, but because they remains, the tallest, heaviest, and most had been started as a U.S. feat, at the
are hard; because that goal will serve powerful (in terms of impulse) rocket moment of seizing the epoch-making
to organize and measure the best taken into operation. Thirteen Saturn goal, the conquest of the moon was
of our energies and skills.” Given the Vs were launched from Kennedy Space presented in a different and wider per-
state of space exploration in 1961, the Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida, spective and was actually perceived


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worldwide as an achievement of man- and privilege for us to be here, repre- Six more Apollo missions, from 12
kind, as Armstrong had commented. senting not only the United States, but to 17, returned to the moon, and 10
This sentiment was expressed in the men of peace of all nations.” more men walked on its surface, in-
motto on the plaque left on the LM de- Years later, on the occasion of cluding Sheppard. Five moonwalkers
scent stage: “Here men from the plan- the 40th anniversary in 2009, British are still alive, out of the twelve who
et Earth first set foot upon the moon, scientists commented, “The Apollo stepped on the surface. A second se-
July 1969 A.D. We came in peace for all program is arguably the greatest tech- rious accident, the explosion of an
mankind” (Figure 4). nical achievement of mankind to date oxygen tank with potentially fatal out-
In his phone call to the astronauts … nothing since Apollo has come close comes, hit Apollo 13 while it was head-
soon after they landed on the moon, [to] the excitement that was generated ing for the moon, but the expertise of
President Nixon stated, “For every by those astronauts.” On that 40th an- the astronauts and assistance from
American, this has to be the proud- niversary, Armstrong, Aldrin, and Col- Mission Control Center allowed their
est day of our lives. And for people all lins celebrated with President Obama safe return to Earth. The rendezvous
over the world, I am sure they too join on 20 July 2009 and received the Con- of Apollo 18 with the Soviet spacecraft
with Americans in recognizing what gressional Gold Medal a few days lat- Soyuz 19 in July 1975 marked the end of
an immense feat this is. …. For one er. We all wish Aldrin and Collins the the Apollo program and the start of a
priceless moment in the whole history best for the 50-year celebrations this period of cooperation. Other planned
of man, all the people on this Earth year, but Armstrong, the first man on missions were canceled: once a moon
are truly one.” And Armstrong’s an- the moon, will not be present, having landing had been achieved, it was hard
swer to Nixon was “It’s a great honor passed away in 2012. to justify continuing such expensive
missions, and Apollo remains the only
manned spacecraft program to fly be-
yond low Earth orbit.
The cost of the program was co-
lossal and weighed heavily on federal
finances: with US$20 billion (US$143
billion in 2018 dollars) in the period
1960–1973 (out of US$42 billion of total
NASA costs in the same period), land-
ing on the moon involved the largest
commitment of resources ever made
by any nation in peacetime [9]. At its
peak in 1966, NASA’s budgets reached
US$5.9 billion dollars, i.e., 5.5% of the
federal budget.
The implementation of the space
programs required the design, build-
ing, and testing of new devices, com-
ponents, and tools that had to be very
reliable, light, and often miniaturized.
New materials were developed, and
new processing techniques were con-
ceived, such as chemical milling and
explosion forming. Shielding systems
guaranteed protection against radia-
tion and cosmic rays. For the first time,
computers were used systematically,
in scientific analyses, design, planning,
and mission control. At the end, Apollo
missions resulted in the concentration
of the best technologies available at the
time. They spurred advances in several
high-tech sectors, many of which are
related to IEEE topics, and several were

spun off to industrial products.

FIGURE 1 – The Apollo 11 Saturn V space vehicle lifting off from Kennedy Space Center on To allow the astronauts to remain
16 July 1969. in space for several days, issues of a


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physiological and psychological nature and is resistant to moisture, tempera- installed by Apollo 11, and it measures
were addressed, after which a number ture, and deterioration, resulting ide- the distance between the surfaces of
of medical applications were derived. ally in several present-day applications. Earth and the moon by using laser
Space suits and thermal insulation sys- Freeze-dried foods are used in military ranging and retroreflectors capable of
tems suitable for resisting the sidereal survival gear. Silver ion technology for reflecting light back to its source with
cold and the infernal heat of reentry purifying drinkable water by eliminat- minimal scattering, parallel to the
were made with the technology now ing bacteria, copper ions, and algae wave’s source, even if the angle of in-
used in the suits worn by racing car has become an alternative to chemicals cidence is greater than zero. Infrared
drivers and firefighters. The Pressure such as chlorine and bromine. sensors were used for detecting the
Suit Assembly, which was part of the Ex- If the Passive Seismic Experiments temperature. The joystick control was
travehicular Mobility Unit [10] and pro- set up on the moon by Armstrong and developed to pilot the LM.
tected astronauts walking on the moon, Aldrin operated for about one month Communications with the space-
used a Teflon-coated fabric that weighs only, the Lunar Laser Ranging experi- crafts were ensured by a network of
less than 5 oz/ft2, is stronger than steel, ment is still working. Its first unit was stations distributed all over the world

(a) (b)

FIGURE 2 – (a) The CSM Columbia photographed from the LM Eagle in lunar orbit during the Apollo 11 mission. (b) The LM Eagle after liftoff from
the moon, before docking with CSM Columbia. Beyond the moon, a half-illuminated Earth hangs over the horizon.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 3 – Apollo 11 on the moon, 21 July 1969. (a) Neil Armstrong works at the LM. Photographed with the mission 70-mm Hasselblad camera.
(b) Buzz Aldrin photographed by Neil Armstrong near the leg of the LM Eagle.


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of the first computers to use integrated the Apollo requirements in terms of re-
circuits, which were developed after liability, duration, safety, and lifetime.
the first working prototype made by Fuel cells are another emerging technol-
Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments in 1958 ogy for decarbonized energy, particu-
[13]. Integrated circuits were pivotal larly for electric mobility.
to obtaining relatively powerful, light, New manufacturing standards were
and low-consumption computers. The also defined to satisfy the required
technology evolved into microchips reliability. Each of the 12 million com-
a few years later. The AGC preceded ponents of the Apollo rockets and
home computers based on such chips spacecrafts was specified to a 99.9999%
in the late 1970s, such as the Apple II, reliability. A computerized axial to-
TRS-80, and Commodore PET. mography scanner was first used to
NASA developed advanced cord- detect component imperfections. The
less technology, which is now used in success of the Apollo program sprang
a wide variety of lightweight recharge- also from the very efficient and inno-

able tools, from electric screwdrivers vative coordination of some 400,000

FIGURE 4 – The stainless-steel dedication to drills to vacuum cleaners, as well people at its peak, operating in more
plaque left on the moon with the LM’s de- as surgery instrumentation and preci- than 20,000 public institutions, univer-
scent stage.
sion instruments. Photovoltaic (PV) sities, and industrial companies. The
cells were used in the Passive Seismic new computer-assisted management
and even in orbit. Noise-reduction Experiments set up by Apollo 11 to mea- methods, which had their roots in the
techniques were developed for im- sure moonquakes. PV cells remain pivotal German A-4 missile program and in the
proving audio-video communications. power supplies for satellites, space sta- Manhattan project (although still clas-
Apollo’s CSMs and LMs carried the tions, and orbital telescopes, while hav- sified at that time), are among the most
Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC), de- ing evolved into a viable alternative for important, and least known, legacies of
veloped at the Massachusetts Institute reducing carbonized energy production the Apollo program. The experience of
of Technology, to provide computation on Earth. Practical fuel cells were first the American space programs remains
capability and assistance for guid- employed in manned space missions, documented in 750,000 technical and
ance, navigation, and control of the with the early proton exchange mem- scientific reports that are freely avail-
spacecraft [12] (Figure 5). It used a brane type by General Electric used able to everyone on the Internet.
special read-only memory consisting in Gemini 5 and 7–12; the alkaline type Criticism was also directed at the
of wires woven through small cores by Pratt and Whitney employed in the project at that time, claiming that the
and a smaller read-write magnetic Apollo CSM, Apollo/Soyuz, and Skylab; huge amount of money could be better
core memory. The size of its memory and those by the United Technologies spent on welfare and for taking care of
appears incredibly small now: the orig- Corporation adopted in the Space Shut- human needs. Nevertheless, the Apollo
inal 4 K words of fixed memory and 256 tle [11]. Fuel cells were ideal for those program achieved its goals while re-
words of erasable memory (each with missions: they combine oxygen and hy- specting budget and time limits. From
a 16-b length) were increased up to 36 K drogen to provide electricity efficiently this point of view, it stands as a proof of
and 2 K, respectively, during the pro- with a high power/weight ratio and also the American capacity to successfully
gram. More notably, the AGC was one produce drinkable water. They also met manage highly challenging projects,
such as the Erie Canal, the transconti-
nental telegraph, railway and telephone
lines, the transatlantic telegraph ca-
bles, the Panama Canal, the Manhattan
project, and ENIAC. Ironically, the pro-
gram, conceived by Kennedy to demon-
strate the superiority of the free-market
system, required the organization of
tremendous public resources within
a unique, vast, centralized bureau-
cracy [14].
To my eyes, the feat accomplished

by Armstrong and his companions 50

years ago deserves one last comment:
Apollo 11 demonstrated how precarious
life can be on a celestial body, and thus
FIGURE 5 – The Apollo Guidance Computer and its display and keyboard unit. how precious is the planet we live on.


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References Moon. Lincoln, NE: Univ. of Nebraska Press, [11] K. A. Burke, “Fuel cells for space science appli-
[1] D. Cadbury, Space Race: The Epic Battle Be- 2003. cations,” in Proc. 1st Int. Energy Conversion En-
tween America and the Soviet Union for Domi- [7] J. M. Logsdon, The Decision to Go to the Moon: gineering Conf. (IECEC), Portsmouth, VA, Nov.
nance of Space. New York: Harper Collins, Project Apollo and the National Interest. Chi- 2003, p. 5938. doi: 10.2514/6.2003-5938
2006. cago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1976. [12] E. C. Hall, Journey to the Moon: The History
[2] M. J. Neufeld, Von Braun: Dreamer of Space, [8] C. G. Brooks, J. M. Grimwood, and L. S. Swen- of the Apollo Guidance Computer. Reston, VA:
Engineer of War. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, son, Jr., Chariots for Apollo: A History of Manned AIAA, 1996.
Random House, 2007. Lunar Spacecraft. NASA History Series. Wash- [13] M. Guarnieri, “The unreasonable accuracy
[3] M. Guarnieri, “Seventy years of getting tran- ington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Informa- of Moore’s Law,” IEEE Ind. Electron. Mag., vol.
sistorized,” IEEE Ind. Elect ron. Ma g., vol. tion Branch, National Aeronautics and Space 10, no. 1, pp. 40–43, Mar. 2016. doi: 10.1109/
11, no. 4, pp. 33–37, Dec. 2017. doi: 10.1109/ Administration, 1979. Accessed on: Apr. 26, MIE.2016.2515045
MIE.2017.2757775 2019. [Online]. Available: https://history.nasa [14] Lexington, Ed. “Apollo plus 50: The mean-
[4] P. Seguela and J. Oberg, Space Probes: 50 Years .gov/SP-4205/cover.html ing of the race to the moon, half a century
of Exploration from Luna 1 to New Horizons. [9] NASA, “Apollo Program Budget Appropria- after the starting gun,” The Economist. Lon-
Richmond Hill, ON, Canada: Firefly Books, 2011. tions.” Accessed on: Apr. 26, 2019. [Online]. don: The Economist Newspaper Limited.
[5] A. L. Jenks, The Cosmonaut Who Couldn’t Stop Available: May 19, 2011, p. 36. Accessed on: Apr. 26,
Smiling: The Life and Legend of Yuri Gagarin. Apollo_18-16_Apollo_Program_Budget_Ap- 2019. [Online]. Available at: https://www
DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois Univ. Press, 2012. propriations.htm
[6] C. Burgess, K. Doolan, and B. Vis, Fallen As- [10] K. S. Thomas and H. J. McMann, US Spacesuits. apollo-plus-50.
tronauts: Heroes Who Died Reaching for the Chichester, U.K.: Praxis Publishing, 2006. 

Message from the President (continued from page 3)

This suggests to me that we do have a Technical Activities Roberto Oboe, 14–17 October 2019. Please visit http://
good appetite in the Indian subconti- the IES launched promotional video for
nent for more IES activities, and I think clips for IES and IECON 2018, which more information. You are warmly wel-
we should explore these opportunities were very well received. We expect come to join us at these events by par-
and develop a strategy for the future. such promotional materials be made ticipating and/or presenting.
In February 2019, at the request of for all IES major conferences. In wrapping things up, I would like
the IEEE, the IES Administrative Com- IES conferences and workshops have to provide personal reflections on my
mittee made an urgent decision to been progressing well. I had the plea- recent trip to India. While visiting IIT
establish a new open-access journal. sure to open the 2019 IEEE International (BHU) at Varanasi, a city regarded
This is in response to the European Conference on Industry Technology in as sacred by Hindus and Buddhists, I
Commission’s new open-access policy my home city, Melbourne, Australia, on took the opportunity to visit a few sa-
and represents a big step toward open 13 February. This conference was very cred places of Buddhism. Buddhism
science in Europe and, gradually, oth- successfully run by Vice President for has influenced Chinese culture deeply
er parts of the world. We have joined Membership Activities Yousef Ibrahim, for thousands of years. I learned when
many other IEEE Societies to ride this with more than 500 submissions, a well- I was very young that two famous Chi-
wave to create another exciting pub- run Industry Forum, and a Women in In- nese pilgrim monks, Faxian (337–422)
lishing venue to better serve the IES dustrial Engineering Forum in addition and Xuanzang (602–664), traveled afar
community and beyond. The IES is one to well-organized social networking to India to bring back Buddhist teach-
of the most internationalized Societies events. By the time you read this col- ings and the foundational texts of
in the IEEE, and we have many active umn, we will also have several key IES Buddhism. The famous 16th-century
members in Europe. We firmly believe conferences either just finished, just Chinese novel Journey to the West (Xiy-
in the necessity of a fully open-access started, or soon to open. These include ouji), which almost all Chinese would
journal for us to remain proactively the second IEEE International Confer- be aware of and know a thing or two
relevant and competitive. This new ence on Industrial Cyber-Physical Sys- about from childhood, provided an
publication, IEEE Open Journal of the tems in Taipei, Taiwan, 6–9 May 2019; extended account of the legendary pil-
Industrial Electronics Society, togeth- the 28th IEEE International Symposium grimage of the Tang dynasty Buddhist
er with IEEE Journal of Selected and on Industrial Electronics in Vancouver, monk Xuanzang. I was so thrilled to see
Emerging Topics in Industrial Electron- Canada, 12–14 June 2019; and the 17th first-hand where they actually went and
ics being established and now in the IEEE International Conference on Indus- feel the hardship they had gone through
phase-2 stage, will create a new era in trial Informatics in Helsinki, Finland, to learn the true meaning of Buddhism.
our publishing history. We need many 23–25 July 2019. Forthcoming major IES I am not a religious person, but I do
additional volunteers to serve on our conferences include the 24th IEEE Inter- appreciate the message of peace, har-
existing and future journals. Stayed national Conference on Emerging Tech- mony, and self-discipline from Buddha,
tuned, and watch this space. nologies and Factory Automation in which is still very much relevant today,
Promotion of the IES is another Zaragoza, Spain, 10–13 September 2019, as it was more than 2,400 years ago.
priority. Headed by Vice President for and the 45th IECON in Lisbon, Portugal, 


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