CB 5 Module Test 2

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Module Test 2

Vocabulary 4 Celebrations
Complete the text with the words in the box.
1 Family
There is one extra word.
Complete the text with the correct word.
My father’s mother, my 1 , costume custom dress fireworks holding musicians
Maria, had four children so my father has two parades
2 and one sister. Between
them, they have twelve children who are my Many countries have celebrations on public holidays.
3 . Roberto and Felipe are my People celebrate them by 1
favourites and their mother, my 4 , wonderful parties. People often have the day off and
Chiara, is my father’s only sister. Roberto is married sometimes 2 up in an amazing 3
and his wife’s mother, his 5 , is a and then join 4 in
famous TV actress. She’s very glamorous. the street. Occasionally, people make speeches but
most people prefer to listen to 5
play while eating and drinking. At some celebrations,
2 Relationships the 6 is to give gifts to your family
Choose the correct options in italics to complete and friends. At the end of the public holiday, there
the sentences. are often fireworks.
1 Our neighbours/acquaintances/housemates who /6
live next door usually look after our pets when
5 Countries, nationalities and languages
we’re on holiday.
Complete the sentences with a nationality word.
2 I shared a house when I was at university but not
all my roommates/classmates /housemates were 1 She visited Vietnam last year and now has a lot of
students. friends.
3 We have a meeting with the 2 He can’t speak any despite
lecturer/manager/teacher every morning to discuss spending so much time in Greece.
customer problems. 3 He has a(n) passport because he
4 He doesn’t know Marisa very well. They’re just was born in Egypt.
employers/roommates/acquaintances. 4 He isn’t but he lives in Ireland.
/4 /4

3 Phrasal verbs; talking about relationships

Complete the text with the words in the box.
There are two extra words.
after in common on out time together touch up

Best friends
My best friend, Frieda, takes 1
her mother who’s an amazing artist and great fun.
Frieda has just sold her first painting, which is very
exciting. I have got a lot 2 with her
as I’m a painter too. When I went to university, I lost
3 with her for a while but when we
got 4 again when we left university,
it was like we’d never been apart. She’s got lots of
friends and gets 5 with everyone. I
don’t think she would be able to fall 6
with anyone. If there’s problem she always manages to
solve it.


Expert IELTS 5 Teacher’s Online Materials © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Photocopiable
Module Test 2

Language development 8 Making comparisons with nouns

Choose the correct options in italics to complete
6 Comparative and superlative adjectives
the sentences.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the adjectives in brackets. 1 Who has done the fewest/most/less work on the
My sister is 1 (old) than I am,
2 Katy had fewer/most/less ideas for the project than
although she looks much 2 (young)
others in the group.
than any of us. We’ve got completely different
3 Which of these jobs will take the more/least/fewest
characters: I am 3 (confident) than
amount of time, do you think?
she is because gets nervous when meeting new
4 A less/smaller/better number of students are living
people. I am also much 4 (sociable)
on campus these days
and I enjoy parties and being with people more
5 Fewer/Less/Least people have applied to study
than she does. We both play the piano but she plays
history this year.
5 (good) than I do and doesn’t
make as many mistakes. I’m also a /5
6 (bad) singer than she is. Even 9 Adverbs of manner; adverbs and adverbial
cats cover their ears when I sing! phrases of frequency, place and time
/6 Complete the text with the words in the box.
7 (Not) as … as …; superlatives anywhere ever sharp slightly strongly times well
Complete the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first sentence. 1 There has been a(n) increase in
the number of students studying engineering this
1 Mel is funnier than all my other friends.
Mel is of all my friends.
2 I feel about everyone having
2 Mel isn’t as confident as her brother.
educational opportunities.
Mel is than her brother.
3 People who go to university usually do
3 Eric is happier than anyone I know.
in the job market.
Eric is person I know.
4 Prices have fallen in the past
4 I’ve never bought such a cheap computer.
That’s computer I’ve ever
5 He has to travel several a month
for his work.
5 The journey was longer than I expected.
6 They haven’t been recently
The journey wasn’t I
because of his studies.
7 We hardly visit our grandparents
6 Jon was driving less carefully than he should.
who live in Australia.
Jon wasn’t driving he
should. /7
7 In fact, I don’t know anyone who drives as badly TOTAL /50
as Jon.
Jon is driver I know.

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