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Module Test 5

Vocabulary 3 Phrasal verbs

Choose the correct options in italics to complete
1 Travel and transport
the sentences.
Choose the correct options in italics to complete
the text. 1 His plane took up/off/out two hours late. He’s
going to miss the meeting.
Mr and Mrs Phillips retired and were looking
2 Have you checked in/up/for at your hotel yet?
for adventure. They decided to go on a world
3 We always eat up/with/out in the evenings when
1 package/cruise/adventure for their first-ever
we’re on holiday.
holiday abroad. They were going by boat because
4 The best way to get over/around/by the city is to
Mrs Phillips had been scared of flying ever since
take one of the special tourist buses.
a(n) 2 flight/flying/fly she was on when she was a
5 We are looking after/around/forward to our visit.
student had nearly crashed. Mr and Mrs Phillips
bought a fabulous 3 sightseeing/journey/package, /5
which included accommodation and food for 4 Dependent prepositions
six months. They took the 4 train/fare/driving to Complete the text with the correct prepositions.
Southampton, where the ship was leaving from.
The city is best known 1 its Roman ruins.
The day before the 5 arrival/departure/reception they
However, in the summer it is crowded 2
stayed in a small guest 6 hostel/hotel/house near the
tourists and cars so it’s best to go there 3
port. They had also made 7 receptions/reserves/
train. Once you are there, the only way to see
reservations for dinner at a famous restaurant that
everything is 4 foot so a good pair of
evening. The next morning, they were both very
walking shoes is necessary! The city is rich 5
nervous and excited when they joined the other
Renaissance art and architecture.
8 visitors/guests/passengers on the ship and set off on
their 9 journey/travel/departure around the world. /5
2 Compound nouns
Complete the sentences with a word from each
box. There is one extra word in each box.
city direct five-star information one-way public

break desk flights hotels ticket transport trip

1 If you need any help please go to the

2 It’s very easy to get to the city centre using
3 We have the best accommodation with a great
selection of along the
4 Unfortunately, there are no
to the island. You have to
change in Kingston.
5 You can buy a to the
island for €30.
6 We’re looking for a for
next weekend, to Barcelona hopefully.

Expert IELTS 5 Teacher’s Online Materials © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Photocopiable
Module Test 5

Language development 6 Prepositions of place, time and movement

Complete the texts with the words in the box.
5 -ing forms; infinitives
Complete the text with the correct form of the above at by for in next on out of round since
verbs in brackets. through towards under
I find it difficult 1
(understand) why my family made me The quickest way to get to the coach station
2 (learn) the piano when 1 Salisbury Road is to walk
I was younger. I couldn’t stand down here and go right at the end. Walk
3 (go) to my lesson every 2 the bridge and you’ll see it
Friday evening because I wasn’t at all musical. I was 3 to the big supermarket as soon
so happy 4 (stop) the as you come out the other side; you know, the one
lessons as soon as I finished school. After with the large sign with a picture of a coach
5 (leave) home, I never 4 it. You can’t miss it.
played the piano again because I had hated On Wednesday last week, we finished work
6 (have) piano lessons so 5 nine o’clock 6
much. I promised never 7 the evening, before catching a bus home. We’d
(force) my own children to do something they been at work 7 6 a.m. and were
hated. I insisted on each of them absolutely exhausted. I’m not used to working
8 (learn) something 8 15 hours in one go. I knew that
outside of school, and once they had chosen the 9 the weekend I would be tired
activity, they had to continue it for at least a term and just want to sleep.
before they were allowed 9 As we drove 10 the town on the
(give) up. Tomorrow I'm driving to my son’s to main road, everything was quiet and there was no
university 10 (see) him one about when, suddenly, someone rushed across
play in a concert. He actually enjoys the road in front of the car. We screeched to a stop
11 (play) the piano and to avoid whatever it was. Shaking we climbed
has become really good. I’m so proud of him. It’s a 11 the car and walked
good thing he didn’t listen to me when I advised him 12 to the front but there was
not 12 (take) up a musical no one there. Then we heard the sound of a car
instrument. speeding 13 us. We just managed
/12 to avoid the car as it sped past. It was then we heard
the alarm from the bank – it must have been a bank

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