Linux Commands

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Commands from technical Guftagu Command Description status

1 cat >newfile to create a file and write in the file Pass
2 ctrl+d to exit from that file pass
3 cat newfile to see the content of the file pass
4 cat >>newfile to concatinate the other content pass
5 ls list files and directories pass
6 cat newfile newfile.txt > newfile2 add newfile.txt and newfile into newfile2 pass
7 touch file3 create an empty file Pass
8 touch file3 file4 file5 create multiple empty files Pass
9 touch file3 to change the time stamp of existing file Pass
10 stat file3 to see the time stamp of the file Pass
11 touch -a file3 to change the access time of file stamp Pass
12 touch -m file3 to change the modify time of file stamp Pass
13 vi file3 to create a new file or existing files can alsoPass
14 i insert text after vi command Pass
15 : quit writing Pass
16 wq quit writing and closing file Pass
17 :w to save Pass
18 :q to quit Pass
19 :q! force quit and no save Pass
20 nano file6 to create file press enter and write Pass
21 ctrl+x then shift+y then enter to ctrl+x to stop writing, shift+y to save a Pass
22 ctrl+o to save the appended data in the safe then Pass
23 cat file3 >file4 to copy file3 content into file4 Pass
24 tac file5 last line written will be first and first will bePass
25 ll or ls -i tells info of all files and directories Pass
26 ls -a to see the hidden files Pass
27 history to see all the command that we have run Pass
28 mkdir direc1 to make the directory with name direc1 Pass
29 mkdir -p d2/d3/d4 to make directories d4 into d3 and d3 into Pass
30 cd change directory Pass
31 cd.. to go in parent directory Pass
32 pwd print working directory or the whole path oPass
33 cd../../.. to switch 3 directories Pass
34 mkdir d1 d2 d3 d4 making directories d1 d2 d3 d4 in the samePass
35 touch .file1 to create a hidden file Pass
36 mkdir .d1 to make hidden directory Pass
37 cp file1 file2 copy file1 into file2 Pass
38 mv file/dir directory move file/dir to a particular directory Pass
39 mv file1 newfile1 rename the file1 to newfile1 Pass
40 rmdir dir1 deletes dir1 if its empty Pass
41 rmdir -p dir1 deletes parent and child directories Pass
42 rmdir -pv dir1 delete all the parent and sub-directories a Pass
43 rm -rf file/dir deleted even non-empty file or dir Pass
44 rm -rp Pass
45 rm -r deletes empty directories Pass
46 ls -al to see the info of hidden files Pass
47 less file show the content of the first page in a file Pass
48 head file show the first 10 lines of file Pass
49 tail file shows last 10 lines of the file Pass
50 more file shows pages 1 by 1 of the file Pass
51 hostname tells about machine , i-e virtual environmenPass
52 ifconfig tells IP and other network related info: Pass
53 hostname -i shows your ip address Pass
54 cat/etc/os-release tells us about the version of OS Pass
55 yum (yellowdog updater modified) package preinstalled in the linux, used to i Pass
56 yum install httpd(d = daemon) command to install apachi packages Pass
57 yum remove httpd remove apachi files Pass
58 yum update httpd update packages related to apachi Pass
59 service httpd start used to active apachi server Pass
60 service httpd status shows whether server on or off Pass
61 chkconfig httpd on automate the appachi server to start whenPass
62 chkconfig httpd off terminate the automation Pass
63 which softwarename tells the location or path of the searched s Pass
64 yum list install lists the installed softwares Pass
65 whoami tells user name or user type Pass
66 echo "hello" takes the string as argument, and print it Pass
67 echo "Welcome" > file1 also used to create files or append messagePass
68 echo >file1 deletes the content in the file Pass
69 grep root /etc/passwd Global/Regular/Expression/Print = Grep :find Pass
70 sort used to sort the output alphabatically Pass
71 su switch user Pass
72 passwd changing the password of root user Pass
73 yum update update all the packages Pass
74 yum install tree install tree packages Pass
75 tree shows the directories in tree form Pass
76 useradd nameofuser to add the user Pass
77 cat /etc/passwd to see the user we created Pass
78 groupadd grpname to make the group Pass
79 cat /etc/group to see the groups you made Pass
80 gpasswd -a username grpname to add a paricular user in a particular grp Pass
81 gpasswd -M name,name,name groupname to add multiple users Pass
82 ln - s filename softfile1(shotcut name) to create softlink Pass
83 ln filename backupfilename to create hardlink (backup file) Pass
84 tar -cvf tardir-name dirx (tar = tape archivegrouping directories into single tar file Pass
85 gzip tardit-name to zip the .tar file Pass
86 gunzip .tardir-name to unzip the tar file Pass
87 tar -xvf tardir-name used for removing tar Pass
88 wget <url> to download data Pass
89 cvf = create verbose forcefully Pass
90 rm -rf* to delete everything in the dir: Pass
91 chmod to change permission Pass
92 chown to change the user Pass
93 chgrp change the group Pass
94 chmod 777 dirname giving permission to all Pass
95 chmod 700 dirname giving all persmission to owner, and remov Pass
96 chmod 755 filename rwx to owner, r-x to grp, and r-x to other Pass
97 chmod g=r,o=rw dirname r to group, rw to other Pass
98 chmod u+w,g-w,o+r filename add w to owner, cut w from grp, add r to o Pass
99 chown mir dirname make mir owner of the file Pass
100 chgrp linux filename add the file into linux grp Pass
101 alias name=command making commands the shorter or short na Pass
102 vim /root/.bashrc it will pop up the file that has some prewri Pass
103 source /root/.bashrc we will source it so that kernal could read tPass
104 > used for overwrite/blank file pass
105 >> used for append content in the file pass
106 2> used for standard error pass
107 &> used for standard output/errors pass
108 2> /dev/null sending error to trash that is bit-bucket(bl pass
109 >filename it will empty the given file Pass
110 ls -xz 2> filename sends the error of ls -xz to the given file Pass
111 &> used for stdoutput and errors redirections Pass
112 ls /bin/abc &> filename sends the error to given file if command is iPass
113 ls / &>> filename appends the output to given file if the com Pass
114 ls -yah 2> /dev/null sends the output/error to trash Pass
115 Pass
116 systemctl get-default to check the curret default target Pass
117 systemctl isolate to see the available target to switch or isol Pass
118 systemctl isolate isolate to multi-user target still we are in grPass
119 systemctl set-default to change the default target to multi-user tPass
120 reboot -f to reboot Pass
121 du -hs filename tells the size of file Pass
122 tar -zcvf boot.tar.gz boot(file/directory) makes tar and then gzip it Pass
123 bzip2 filename file.bz2 it will highly compress it Pass
124 tar -jcvf filename.tar.bz2 filename bz2 using tar Pass
125 vim editor it has 3 modes. Esc, insert, and replace Pass
126 :%s/words to replace/words to replace wit it is used i Pass
127 Pass
128 dd delete the character where cursor is blinki Pass
129 u to undo Pass
130 Pass
131 cp file1 file2 dir1 copy file1 and file2 in directory1 Pass
132 cp -r d2 di1 copy d2 into d1 Pass
133 cat filename | egrep -i WordToFind to search something in the files or directiorPass
134 grep WordToFind filename + enter to search something in the files or directiorPass
135 cat /etc/passwd | egrep root prints where it detects the root word Pass
136 ps aux to see the process running in the machine Pass
137 head -n 5 filename prints 5 line (0th line to 5th line) Pass
138 tail -n 4 filename prints last 4 lines of the file Pass
139 id username prints user id (uid), grp id (gid) and group Pass
140 cat /etc/passwd | grep name prints detail saved for particular user Pass
141 vim /etc/login.defs info related to user and their login Pass
142 passwd username change the password pf the specified user Pass
143 cat /etc/shadow | grep username show the related to user login password # Pass
144 userdel username deletes only the user but not the home direPass
145 rm -rf minhaj now it will delete the user home directory .Pass
146 userdel -r username deletes user with home directory Pass
147 useradd -u 1050 Hr creates the user with uid,gid,groups = 105 Pass
148 useradd --help shows flags related to editing user info Pass
149 useradd -c "it manager" -u 3040 -s /bin/ creating user based on choice, whose UID, cPass
150 useradd -s /sbin/nologin usman creating a user with no login console becausPass
151 /etc/passwd command displays: Username,Password,UID,GID,Comm Pass
152 /etc/shadow command displays: loginname, EncryptedPassword, Da Pass
153 vim /etc/default/useradd Displays the predefined values that are addPass
154 change -l username displays: details about password of user, paPass
155 chage username used for making change in the 154 details Pass
156 user groups: primary = g, secondary = G Pass
157 usermod -g grpname user to change the primary group of a user Pass
158 usermod -G grpname username changes the secondary group of a user Pass
159 usermod -G grp1,grp2,grp3 username adding user to multiple secondary groups Pass
160 adduser username grpname adding the user in a grp at the time of creatPass
161 en for ethernet Pass
162 wl for WLAN Pass
163 ww for wireless wide area network (wwan) Pass
164 gpasswd grpname setting password for a grp Pass
165 ip addr for ip address configration, it shows the LA Pass
166 ip link show shows the LAN interface like above commaPass
167 mii-tool enp0s3(LAN Interface) if we want to see wheather the LAN interface Pass
168 ip addr add dev en0ps3 this configures the given ip address to the Pass
169 ip addr del dev en0ps3 removes the ip address from device en0ps3Pass
170 systemctl status NetworkManager checks whether the nework manager is actiPass
171 systemclt status network same Pass
172 nmcli connection show command from the netwrok manger which Pass
173 systemctl restart NetworkManager restart the Network Manager services Pass
174 nmcli con delete en0ps3 deletes the interface en0ps3 Pass
175 nmcli shows d/f options, i-e agent, connection , ePass
176 nmcli connection show shows options, add, delete, show, modify , Pass
177 cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-en network configration file path for dhcp ip c Pass
178 nmcli device show enp0s3 shows the connected device infomration Pass
179 nmcli con up enp0s3 makes the conncetion active with given co Pass
180 steps: #1 nmcli connection modify enp0s3 Pass
181 #2. nmcli connection modify enp0s3 ipv4.address Pass
182 #3. nmcli connection modify enp0s3 ipv4.gateway Pass
183 #4 nmcli cinncction modify enp0s3 ipv4.dns Pass
184 #5. nmcli connection modify enp0s3 ipv4.method dhcp/manual(static) still there Pass
185 #6. nmcli connection down enp0s3 successfully deactivated the previous ip co Pass
186 #7.nmcli connection up enp0s3 successfully activated the recently givn ip Pass
187 USERCTL=no nomral user can't edit now Pass
188 nmtui opens a pop up window for gui based confiPass
189 mount /dev/cdrom/media for accessing dvd Pass
190 rpm -ivh(install verbose Hashes(show progre installing vsftpd from the cd drive Pass
191 rpm -q(query) vsftpd verify wheather the package is installed or Pass
192 rpm -qi vsftpd info about the package Pass
193 rmp -qi z shows info about not installed packages in Pass
194 rpm -e vsftpd e =remove, this command will uninstall thePass
195 rpm -ql vsftpd l=location, list all the location where docu Pass
196 rpm -qc vsftpd to see the path of configuration files Pass
197 rpm -ivh --allfiles vdftpd commands to install the vsftpd configrationPass
rmp -qa --last shows the recently installed files on the m Pass
199 rpm -qa show all the packages installed Pass
200 rpm -qa | wc -l count all the packages installed Pass
201 rpm -Uvh zenity U =update the zenity Pass
202 rpm -qf /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf show which package generated or installedPass /
203 yum can beconfigured using 1. ftp, 2. http, 3mostly we use http for the configuration Pass
204 http://machinename/rhe17.repo for pkg instalaltion In the repo of yum Pass
205 s1. rpm -ivh vsftd-3.0.2-10.el7.x86_64.rpm step1 install the pkg form the dvd Pass
206 s2.1 mkdir -p /var/ftp/pub/rhel7 step2 now copy the whole dvd in a public fopass
207 s2.2 cp -Rv * /var/ftp/pub/rhel7/ it will copy all the dvd pass
208 s3 cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ step3. now we configure local yum, for thatpass
209 s4 vim localyum.repo step4 now create with any name but only wpass
210 s5 save file step5 now in the file localyum.repo {[urdu pass
211 s6 createrepo -v -g /var/ftp/pub/rhel7/re step6 will create the yum database Pass
212 s7 systemctl restart vsftpd and then systemstep7 restart the vsftpd and check the stat Pass
213 s8 systemctl enable vsftpd step8 now automate the vsftpd to start au Pass
214 s9 firewall-cmd --add-service-ftp --permanentstep9 to add the vsftpd services to the firewa Pass
215 yum repolist list all enabled repositories Pass
216 yumrepolist all list all enabled/disabled repositories Pass
217 yum install httpd(d = daemon) Pass
218 rpm -q httpd Pass
219 yum search vsftpd search this pakage Pass
220 yum search all shows all the packages in the yum Pass
221 yum provides /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf shows info about the owner of the httpd Pass
222 yum group list list all the groups Pass
223 yum groupinstall "Virtualization Host" installs the grp listed by above command Pass
224 kill -9 45882 kill the yum session Pass
225 yum groupinstall "Virtualization Host" remove the grp Pass
226 yum history tell history of yum, used for erasing, installiPass
227 yum clean all used database erased for any reason may be Pass
228 firewall-cmd --get-zone zones in the firewall Pass
229 firewall-cmd --get-default-zone by default enabled zone Pass
230 firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=dmz this is for changing zone to dmz Pass
231 firewall-cmd --get-services services that could be used under the firewa Pass
232 firewall-cmd --list-all services that are added in the firewall Pass
233 firewall-cmd --add-service=httpd --perman adding service of httpd in the firewall, afte Pass
234 firewall-cmd --add-service=ntp --permanenrestarting the firewall Pass
235 systemctl restart firewalld and systemctl status firewalld Pass
236 firewall-cmd --list-service list the running services Pass
237 firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8080 adding port to the firewall Pass
238 cd/usr/lib/firewalld/services/ path of xml files from where firewall fatchesPass
239 vim /etc/resolve.conf file for adding the dns Pass
240 df -h to see thre available disks Pass
241 cd /run/media/oracle tab tab directory of the dvd iso Pass
242 vim ftp.xml to create xml files Pass
243 hostnamectl set-hostname ipserver.urdui fully qualified name(FQD) Pass
244 vim /etc/hostname hostname configration file Pass
245 vim /etc/hosts ----file and in the file 19 resolving ipa against etc/hostfile Pass
246 yum install ipa-server bind-dyndb-ldap ipa-pacakges for ipa server Pass
247 capital,small,digit,special-characters ipa-server directory manager password Pass
248 capital,small,digit,special-characters IPA admin password written on google not Pass
249 pvdisplay to see the Physical Volume Pass
250 Pass
251 Pass
252 Pass
253 Pass
254 Pass
255 Pass
256 Pass
257 Pass
258 Pass
259 Pass
260 Pass
261 Pass
262 Pass
263 Pass
264 Pass
265 Pass
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271 Pass
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274 Pass
275 Pass
276 Pass
277 Pass
278 Pass
279 Pass
280 Pass
281 Pass
282 Pass
283 Pass
284 Pass
285 Pass
286 Pass
287 Pass
288 Pass
289 Pass
290 chmod a+rwx file1 for all owner,grp,others set permission to 7Pass
291 ls -ld to see the permissions on the working dire Pass
292 Umask value for files 0022 which decides the default permission for a Pass
293 Umask value for directories 0000 that’s why folder has all permissions, whe Pass
294 000 or 666 minimum and maximum Umask value for a Pass f
295 chown meer:meer fil23 changing the group and owner to meer Pass
296 chmod u+s filename this will set Uid which is adding small s to Pass
297 chmod g+s filename adds s to the group permission section, mePass
298 chmod o+t filename adds stickybit to the other permission sectioPass
299 bit = 1, Gid = 2, Uid = 4 Pass
300 chmod 1777 filename adds the sticky bit, and full permissions Pass
301 chmod 2777 filename adds the Set Gid, and full permissions Pass
302 chmod 4777 filename adds the Set Uid, and full permissions Pass
303 setfacl -m u:meer:rwx acl ls -l, + sign indicates that there is Acl on th Pass
304 getfacl aclname returns the permission scope of users Pass
305 setfacl -m u:hmustafa:rm acl m used 2nd time specifiying that the Acl fil Pass
306 setfacl -b acl2 removes all the permission of users and otPass
307 setfacl -x u:alee acl2 removes the permission of alee user Pass
308 setfacl -m d:u:Ahsan:rx acl2 set the default values for the directories cr pass
309 whole procedure of the using lvm written on the linux commands.txt file pass
310 type fdisk -l for checking the disk you have recently cre pass
311 fdisk diskname to create the new partition pass
312 pvcreate /partion-name designate physical volume(PV) pass
313 vgcreate vgaapps /partiotionname managing Volume group (VG) Pass
314 lvcreate -L 1000M(size) -n app1-lv vapps manage logical volume (LV) assign 1000MBPass
315 do the same for 2nd aap Pass
316 mkfs.ext4 /dev/vgapps/app1-lv apply file system ext4 Pass
317 mount /dev/vgapps/app1-lv /app1/ set a mount point (to set mount point we cPass
318 cat /etc/mtab mount table file Pass
319 vim /etc/fstab we check a file using cat by command cat /et Pass
320 mount -av check the mount Pass
321 fdisk -l to check the hardisk attached to system Pass
322 fdisk /dev/sdb first step to make the partition Pass
323 partprobe /dev/sdb for telling kernal that partition table has Pass
324 mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 formatting /dev/sdb1 on ext4 format. Pass
325 mount /dev/sdb1 /disk-ext4 mount /dev/sdb1 on disl-ext4 folder Pass
326 vim /etc/fstab file opened with vim in which we add the Pass
327 mount -a used to mount every unmounted partition Pass
328 lvcreate -L +100%FREE to give logical volume 100% of the volume Pass
329 pvs or pvdisplay shows info about existing physical volume Pass
330 vgs or vgdisplay shows info about existing volume group Pass
331 vgcreate ext4-vg0 /dev/sdb5 to create the vg Pass
332 lvs or lvdisplay shows info about logical volume Pass
333 man lvcreate manual for driving lv Pass
334 lvcreate -L +1G -n ext4_lv0 ext4-vg0 to create the lv of 1 gb Pass
335 mkfs -t ext4 /dev/ext4-vg0/ext4_lv0 to format the ext_lv0 at ext4 Pass
336 mkdir /disk-lvm-ext4 making folder for mount Pass
337 mount /dev/ext4-vg0/ext4_lv0 /disk-lvm-e mounting Pass
338 blkid /dev/ext4-vg0/ext4_lv0 it will print the UUID, this UUId can be use Pass
339 systemctl rescue to move to single user mode/maintenance Pass level with mounted lo
340 Systemctl emergency to move to single user mode/maintenance Passwith only /root mounted
341 Systemctl isolate to move to multi-user level without graphPass
342 Systemctl isolate Passinterface (equivalent to
to move to multi-user level with graphical
343 Systemctl set-default Pass
to set the default run level to multi-user graphical mode.
344 Systemctl get-default to get the default run. Pass
345 pidof systemd Id of process systemd Pass
346 pidof top Id of process top Pass
347 pidof httpd id of process httpd Pass
348 ps displays selection of active processes Pass
349 glances it is a systsem monitoring tool Pass
350 vmstat tool to display statistics of memory, ke Pass
351 lsof used to display a list of open files and Pass
352 netstat it’s a command line tool for managing inPass
353 htop it is a much advanced interactive and rePass
354 iotop iotop is also much similar to top command Pass
355 iostat iostat is a simple tool that will collect Pass
356 Pass
357 Pass
358 Pass
359 Pass
360 Pass
361 init 3 to switch from graphical to multi-user.targePass
362 Pass
363 Pass
364 Pass
365 Pass
366 Pass
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368 Pass
369 Pass
370 Pass
371 Pass
372 Pass
373 fdisk -l to see the hard disks available on the syst Pass
374 df -h tells the mount points of the hard disk att Pass
375 Pass
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Technical Guftugu video commands starts from here
UrduAcademy7.0 videos start below

below written about input/output redirections

output redirections end here

Urduit7.0 lecture 2 part2

Urduit7.0 lecture 3

Urduit7.0 lecture 3 Network Management

Assigning ip address through dhcp

configration through nmcli command-line tool

?GUI Based Configuration

Urduit 7.0 Lecture 5
Package Management through rpm

Package Management through yum yum can be used remotely localy

urduit lecture 6.1 LDAP authentication

installing packages for ipa server

Urduit lecture #8 Linux Permissions

urdii lecture#8Special Permissions

lecture 10 Acl
lecture 10 Linux Partitons

lecture 12 LVM part1

lecture 13 part 1 and part 2

lecture 14
lecture 11

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