Hydro Chapter 10

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CE-405 – HYDROLOGY storm cause the discharge to rise rather slowly

in the initial periods. The basin and storm

Reviewer characteristics control the shape of the rising
limb of a hydrograph.
Crest Segment – The crest segment is one of
the most important parts of hydrograph as it
Lecture 10: Hydrograph
contains the peak flow. The peak now occurs
Hydrograph when the runoff from various parts of the
 The hydrograph, which results due to an isolated catchment simultaneously contributes amounts
storm, is typically single peaked skew to achieve the maximum amount of flow at the
distribution of discharge and is known variously basin outlet. Generally, for large catchments, the
as storm hydrograph, flood hydrograph or peak flow occurs after the cessation of rainfall,
simply hydrograph. the time interval from the center of mass of
 The hydrograph is the response of a given rainfall to the peak being essentially controlled
catchment to a rainfall input. It consists of flow by basin and storm characteristics. Multiple-
in all the three phases of runoff, viz. surface peaked complex hydrographs in a basin can
runoff, interflow and base flow and embodies in occur when two or more storms occur in
itself the integrated effects of a wide variety of succession.
catchment and rainfall parameters having Recession Limb – The recession limb, which
complex interactions. extends from the point of inflection at the end of
the crest segment to the commencement of the
Factors affecting Flood Hydrograph natural groundwater flow, represents the
withdrawal of water from the storage built up in
the basin during the earlier phase of the
hydrograph. The starting point of the recession
limb, i.e. the point of inflection represents the
condition of maximum storage. Since the
depletion of storage takes place after the
cessation of rainfall, the shape of this part of the
hydrograph is independent of storm
characteristics and depends entirely on the basin

Time Base of Hydrograph (TB) - It is the time

Elements of a Hydrograph from the beginning to the end of the direct
Hydrograph has three characteristic regions: runoff.
1. the rising limb AB, joining point A, the starting Lag Time (TL) - It is the difference in time
point of the rising curve and point B, the point between the center of mass of net rainfall and
of inflection, center of mass runoff.
2. the crest segment BC between the two points of Time to Peak (TP) - It is the time difference
inflection with a peak P in between, between the beginnings of direct runoff
3. the falling limb or depletion curve CD starting Rainfall Duration (Tr) - It is the effective
from the second point of inflection C rainfall duration, which causes direct runoff.
Curve between point M and A represents
recession from previous storm.

Base Flow Separation

The surface-flow hydrograph is obtained from the
Components of a Hydrograph total storm hydrograph by separating the quick-
Rising Limb – The rising limb of a hydrograph, response flow from the slow response runoff. It is
also known as concentration curve represents usual to consider the interflow as a part of the
the increase in discharge due to the gradual surface flow in view of its quick response. Thus,
building up of storage in channel and over the only the base flow is to be deducted from the total
catchment surface. The initial losses and high storm hydrograph to obtain the surface flow
infiltration losses during the early period of a hydrograph.
 Method I cm) of rainfall excess occurring uniformly over
In this method, the separation of the base flow is the basin and at a uniform rate for a specified
achieved by joining with a straight line the duration (D hours).
beginning of the surface runoff to a point on the The definition of a unit hydrograph implies the
recession limb representing the end of the direct following:
runoff.  The unit hydrograph represents the lumped
 Method II response or the catchment to a limit rainfall
In this method, the base flow curve existing excess of D-h duration to produce a direct-
prior to the commencement of the surface runoff runoff hydrograph. It relates only the direct
is extended until it intersects the ordinate drawn runoff to the rainfall excess. Hence the volume
at the peak. This point is joined to point B by a of water contained in the unit hydrograph must
straight line. Segment AC and CB demarcate the be equal to the rainfall excess. As 1 cm depth of
base flow and surface runoff. This is probably rainfall excess is considered the area of the unit
the most widely used base-flow separation hydrograph is equal to a volume given by 1cm
procedure. over the catchment.
 Method III  The rainfall is considered to have an average
In this method, the base flow recession curve intensity of excess rainfall (ER) of 1/D cm/h for
after the depletion of the flood water is extended the duration D-h of the storm.
backwards till it intersects the ordinate at the  The distribution of the storm is considered to be
point of inflection. Points A and F are joined by uniform all over the catchment.
an arbitrary smooth curve. This method of base-  The response of the drainage basin is linear.
flow separation is realistic in situations where This implies that the principles of
the groundwater contributions are significant proportionality and superposition are applicable.
and reach the stream quickly.  As per proportionality principle, the DRH
ordinates are proportional to the effective
Effective Rainfall Hyetograph rainfall intensity.
 Effective rainfall (also known as Excess  Similarly, as per superposition principle,
rainfall) (ER) is that part of the rainfall that DRH ordinates due to a complex storm,
becomes direct runoff at the outlet of the having varying effective rainfall intensities,
watershed. It is thus the total rainfall in a given can be obtained by superimposing the DRH
duration from which abstractions such as due to each element of effective rainfall in
infiltration and initial losses are subtracted. succession.
 For purposes of correlating DRH with the  The unit hydrograph reflects the basic effects of
rainfall which produced the flow, the various physical characteristics of the basin,
hyetograph of the rainfall is also pruned by which do not change in time. This implies that
deducting the losses. The figure shows the the principle of time in variance is valid.
hyetograph of a storm. The initial loss and  The definition of the UH together with these
infiltration losses are subtracted from it. The assumptions constitutes what is now called the
resulting hyetograph is known as effective unit hydrograph theory.
rainfall hyetograph (ERH). It is also known as  Since in practice, assumption (1) and (2) are
excess rainfall hyetograph. never satisfied, these forms the limitations of
unit hydrograph theory.
 Unit hydrograph theory can be applied only for
a basin having drainage area between 200 ha to
500,000 ha

 Both DRH and ERH represent the same total

quantity but in different units. Since ERH is
usually in cm/h plotted agains1 time, the area of
ERH multiplied by the catchment area gives the
total volume of direct runoff which is the same
as the area of DRH. Their initial loss and
infiltration losses are estimated based on the
available data of the catchment.

Unit Hydrograph
 This method was first suggested by Sherman in
 A unit hydrograph is defined as the hydrograph
of direct runoff resulting from one unit depth (1

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