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APIS 2016

Annual Poverty Indicators Survey





National Statistician and Civil Registrar General

ISSN 0119-7851

Published by the
Philippine Statistics Authority
PSA-TAM Building
East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City 1101

July 2017

This publication presents the results of the 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey
(APIS 2016). This survey round is the eleventh in a series of poverty surveys since
1998 and it is designed to provide information on the socio-economic profile of
families and other information related to their living condition.

It provides information on the demographic characteristics, education, economic

characteristics, housing characteristics, access to safe water supply and sanitation,
expenditure and income of the families, and other information that can be used to
assess and monitor the poverty situation in the country.

The report aims to provide statistics to the planners and policy makers as inputs to
planning, assessment and evaluation of the various programs designed to reduce
poverty incidence in the country. The APIS offers data for general public,
researchers, or institutions which may be used for studies related to poverty and its
correlates like education; water, sanitation and housing; and employment.

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) wishes to extend its sincerest gratitude to
the individuals and organizations who contributed to the successful completion of the
APIS 2016. Above all, we thank the thousand of households who generously shared
their time, effort and information during the data collection.


National Statistician and Civil Registrar General

Quezon City, Philippines

July 2017

Foreword ................................................................................................ iii

Table of Contents .................................................................................... iv
List of Tables ........................................................................................... v
… of Figures ......................................................................................... vii

Objectives of the Survey .......................................................................... 1
Sampling Design ...................................................................................... 1
Response Rate ......................................................................................... 2
Limitations of the Data .............................................................................. 2
Survey Questionnaire ............................................................................... 3
Concepts and Definitions .......................................................................... 4


A. Family Size and Characteristics of Family Heads ............................. 7
B. Housing Characteristics .................................................................... 10
C. Education ......................................................................................... 17
D. Economic
..… Characteristics .................................................................. 22
E. Family Income and Expenditure ....................................................... 24
F. Other Relevant Information ................................................................ 28

A. 2014 APIS Questionnaire .................................................................. 30

iv Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

List of Tables

No. Title Page

1 Families by Selected Background Characteristics of the Family Head
by Income Stratum and Sex, Philippines 2016..................................... 8
2 Families by Tenure Status of the Housing Unit and Lot They Occupy
by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016.................................................... 10
3 Families by Floor Area of Housing Unit They Occupy by Income
Stratum, Philippines 2016...................................................................... 11
4 Families by Type of Building/House They Reside in by Income
Stratum, Philippines 2016...................................................................... 12
5 Families by Type of Construction Materials of the Roof of Building
They Occupy by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016.............................. 13
6 Families by Type of Construction Materials of the Outer Walls of
Building They Occupy by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016................ 14
7 Families with Electricity in House/Building They Reside in and
Families by Main Source of Water Supply by Income Stratum,
Philippines 2016.................................................................................... 15
8 Families by Type of Toilet Facility They Use by Income Stratum,
Philippines 2016………………………………………….......................... 16
9 Families Owning Household Conveniences by Income Stratum,
Philippines 2016.................................................................................... 17
10 Population aged 5 Years or Over by Highest Grade Completed by
Income Stratum and Sex, Philippines 2016........................................... 18
11 Population aged 3 to 24 Years by Schooling Status by Income
Stratum, Sex and Age Group, Philippines 2016................................... 19
12 Population aged 3 to 24 Years Who Were Attending School during
School Year 2016-2017 by Grade/Year Level Attending, Income
Stratum, and Sex, Philippines 2016...................................................... 19
13 Population aged 6 to 24 Years Who Were Not Attending School during
School Year 2016-2017 by Reason for Not Attending School by
Income Stratum and Sex, Philippines 2016.......................................... 20
14 Families with Children aged 6 to 11 Years in Grade I to Grade VI by
Income Stratum, Philippines 2016........................................................ 21

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey v

List of Tables

15 Families with Children aged 12 to 15 Years in Grade VII to Grade 10 by

Income Stratum, Philippines 2016............................................................ 21
16 Families with Members aged 18 Years or Over Who are Gainfully
Employed by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016........................................ 22
17 Families with Members aged 5 to 17 Years Who are Gainfully Employed
by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016........................................................ 23
18 Families Engaged in Any Economic Activity by Income Stratum,
Philippines 2016......................................................................................... 24
19 Employed Persons Aged 5 Years and Over by Class of Worker and
Income Stratum, Philippines 2016.............................................................. 25
20 Total Family Income Derived by Source of Income, by Income Stratum,
Philippines January 1 to June 30, 2016..................................................... 25
21 Total Family Expenditure by Major Expenditure Group by Income
Stratum, Philippines January to June 2016................................................ 27
22 Total Family Income, Expenditure and Savings, Average Family Income
and Expenditure, and Average Per Capita Income and Expenditure by
Income Stratum, Philippines January 1 to June 30, 2016.......................... 27
23 Total Family Income Derived by Source of Income and Decile,
January 1 to June 30, 2016........................................................................ 28
24 Total Family Income, Expenditure and Savings, Average Family Income
and Expenditure, and Average Per Capita Income and Expenditure by
Decile, Philippines January 1 to June 30, 2016......................................... 28
25 Families with at Least One Member Who Experienced Hunger in the
Past 3 Months Preceding the Survey by Frequency of Experiencing
Hunger by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016 .......................................... 29
26 Percentage of Families Who Availed of Loan From January to June
2016 by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016................................................ 29
27 Families Who Availed of Loan From January to June 2016 by Income
Stratum and Source of Loan, Philippines 2016.......................................... 29

vi Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

List of Figures

No. Title Page

1 Average Family Size by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016.................. 7

2 Family Heads by Age and Sex, Philippines 2016.................................. 7
3 Family Heads by Highest Grade Completed, Philippines 2016............. 9
4 Gainfully Employed Heads by Sex and Income Stratum,
Philippines 2016…………………………………………………………..... 9
5 Families by Floor Area of Their Housing Unit, Philippines 2016............ 11
6 Families by Type of Building/House Where They Reside,
Philippines 2016.................................................................................... 12
7 Families by Type of Construction Materials of the Roof and Outer
Walls of the Building They Occupy, Philippines 2016............................ 13
8 Families by Main Source of Water Supply, Philippines 2016................ 14
9 Families by Type of Toilet Facility Used, Philippines 2016.................... 15
10 Percentage of Families Owning Household Conveniences,
Philippines 2016.................................................................................... 16
11 Population aged 5 Years or Over by Highest Grade Completed and
Income Stratum, Philippines 2016........................................................ 17
12 Percentage of Families Engaged in any Type of Economic Activity by
Income Stratum, Philippines 2016......................................................... 23
13 Family Income Derived by Source of Income, Philippines
January to June 2016.............................................................................. 24
14 Expenditure Pattern by Major Expenditure Group by Income Stratum,
Philippines January to June 2016.......................................................... 26

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey vii


The 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey (APIS) is the eleventh in a series
of poverty indicators survey conducted nationwide since 1998. The survey gathers
data that can be used to generate income and non-income based poverty indicators
to assess and monitor the poverty situation in the country. It was the third APIS that
utilized a more detailed set of questions that gather information about family income.

Objectives of the Survey

The APIS is designed to provide estimates for income and non-income

indicators related to poverty. It gathers data on the socio-economic profile of families
and other information that are related to their living conditions.

Specifically, it generates information on indicators that are correlated with

poverty in order to:

1. Determine family income;

2. Determine family expenditure pattern;
3. Determine the percent distribution of families in relation to the following

a. ownership or owner-like possession of house and lot and the types of

the materials of the roofs and walls of their housing units;
b. access to safe water and sanitation and type of toilet facility they use in
their homes;
c. children 6-11 years old enrolled in Grade I to Grade VI;
d. children 12-15 years old enrolled in Grade VII to Grade X;
e. with members 18 years old and over who are gainfully employed and
with working children 5-17 years old;
f. loan availed and its sources;
g. with members who received social protection and the total amount
received for the period January-June 2016; and
h. awareness on drug abuse problem and prevention.

Sampling Design

The 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey (APIS 2016) utilized the 2013
Master Sample (2013 MS) for household-based surveys of the Philippine Statistics
Authority (PSA). The 2013 MS is designed to produce reliable quarterly estimates of
selected indicators at the national and regional levels. The design can also provide
reliable province level estimates after completing four quarterly rounds.

In the 2013 MS, each sampling domain (i.e, province/HUC) is subdivided into
numbers of exhaustive and non-overlapping area segments known as Primary
Sampling Units (PSUs). Each PSU is formed to consist of about 100 to 400
households. A single PSU can be a barangay/Enumeration Area (EA) or a portion of

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 1


a large barangay or two or more adjacent small barangays/EAs. For the whole
country, about 81 thousand PSUs are formed from more than 42 thousand

From the ordered list of PSUs, all possible systematic samples of 6 PSUs
were drawn to form a replicate for the most of the province domain or 75 out of 81
provinces. On the other hand, for the majority of highly urbanized cities, all possible
systematic samples of 8 PSUs will be drawn to form a replicate.

The APIS 2016 used one replicate of the quarterly sample of the MS or about
11,000 sample households deemed sufficient for national estimates.

Response Rate

Of the 10,642 eligible sample households for the APIS 2016, 10,332 were
successfully interviewed. This translated to a response rate of 97.1 percent at the
national level. The response rate is the ratio of the total households who were
completely interviewed to the total eligible households. Eligible households consisted
of households who were completely interviewed, refused to be interviewed,
temporarily away, not at home or on vacation, and those located in critical or flooded
areas during the survey period.

Limitations of the Data

Data gathered from APIS are results of a sample survey and are therefore
subject to sampling variations, that is, sampling errors are expected since the data
are not obtained through complete enumeration or census.

The survey covered a national sample of households deemed sufficient to

provide estimates about the population at the national level only. Hence, tabulations
and cross-tabulations of variables at lower geographic levels are not generated since
these may not be statistically reliable.

Survey estimates may also be affected by non-sampling errors such as

deliberate under or over reporting of income and expenditures or unwillingness on
the part of the respondents to reveal their true levels of income/expenditures.

Moreover, considering that both cash and non-cash expenditures and income
are gathered in APIS, valuation of non-cash income and expenditures may cause
some problems. The instructions are to use market prices prevailing in the locality
for goods and services received as gifts, and farm gate prices for goods consumed
from own production. However, market prices may not be available for all items in
the locality or market prices/farm gate prices may be highly unpredictable for
different localities.

Furthermore, data users attempting to match the APIS and the Family Income
and Expenditures Survey (FIES) should take note of the differences in the reference
period. The FIES is conducted in two visits covering the periods January to June and
July to December while the APIS covers January to June only.

2 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey


Survey Questionnaire

APIS Form 1 is the survey questionnaire that contains questions on the

following topics:

 Geographic Identification and Other Family Information - region,

province, municipality, barangay, address, design codes, result of visit and
code, names of household head and respondent and the certification

 Demographic Characteristics - obtain information of all family members

such as name of family head, relationship to the head, sex, age and
marital status.

 Schooling Status and Highest Grade Completed - determines whether

a family member aged 3 to 24 years is currently attending formal school,
and if so, the grade or year the member is currently attending. If not
attending, then the reason for not attending school is asked. It determines
if the family members 3 to 5 years old are attending/have attended early
education or learning system in order to assess their ‘school readiness’. It
also determines the educational attainment of the family members 5 years
old and over.

 Economic Characteristics - obtain information on the job or business of

each family member 5 years old and over have during the past six months.
It also includes questions on occupation and business the family member
engaged in.

 Drug Awareness and Prevention – obtains information about family’s

knowledge and/or perception about drug problem in the barangay or
community. It also determines the awareness of family on the various
programs or activities being implemented to address the drug problem in
the barangay or community.

 Housing, Water and Sanitation - obtains information about the family’s

housing characteristics and conveniences/amenities owned by the family.
The main source of water supply and kind of toilet facility they used.

 Other Relevant Information - to determine whether or not the family

makes use of any form of credit in financing the family’s needs. It also
determines the source of loan. Also obtains information if a family
member experienced hunger because he or she did not have food to eat.

 Social Protection – obtains information about programs that seek to

reduce poverty and vulnerability to risks and enhance the social status and
rights of the marginalized by promoting and protecting their livelihood and
employment, protecting them against hazards and sudden interruptions or
loss of income, and improving their capacity to manage risks.

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 3


 Family Expenditures - determines the expenses made by the family

purely from family members’ personal consumption.

 Income - obtains information on the employment status of each family

member 10 years old and over. It also includes questions on occupation
and business the family member engaged in during the past six months
and salaries and wages from employment of each working family member.

 Net Share of Crops, Fruits and Vegetables Produced, Aquaculture

Products Harvested or Livestock and Poultry Raised by Other
Households - this is the net share from crops, fruits and vegetables
produced, aquaculture products harvested or livestock and poultry raised
by other family even without a landlord-tenant relationship.

 Family Sustenance Activities (FSA) – includes activities in the

production of goods mainly for home consumption only and if there was a
disposal, consumed and/or a small proportion was sold, given away, etc.
during the reference period.

 Other Sources of Income - obtains information on other sources of

income not derived from work.

 Entrepreneurial Activities – are activities that determine if any member

of the family is engaged as operator or self-employed in any agricultural or
non-agricultural family-operated activities. If engaged, this section asks for
the total net income, value consumed and value given away as gifts of the
products derived/produced from such activity.

Concepts and Definitions

Bottom 30% – The Bottom 30% refers to families in the bottom 30 percent of the
total income distribution arranged in descending order of the family per capita
income. This grouping of families was used as a proxy for those falling below the
poverty line.

Top 70% – The Upper 70 % refers to the upper 70 percent of the total families in the
income distribution arranged in descending order of the family per capita income. It
is the complement of the bottom 30 percent.

Respondent – An adult knowledgeable member of the sample family who can

provide accurate answers to all or most of the questions in the survey.

Family – Aggregate of persons bound by ties of kinship, who live together under the
same roof and eat together or share in common the family food. For the purpose of
this survey, a family can be classified as a nuclear family, extended family or a single
person family. For a household comprising of members who are not related with
each other by blood, marriage or adoption, only the head of the household is
considered. This case is a single person family.

4 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey


Family head - An adult member of the family who is responsible for the care and
organization of the family or who is regarded as such by the members of the family.

Highest educational attainment - The highest grade or year completed in

elementary and post secondary schools, colleges or universities.

Work - Any activity a person does for pay, profit or without pay on family farm or
enterprise, or an activity done by a farm operator or member of his family on
another’s farm on “exchange labor” arrangement. In addition, any activity that a
person does during the reference period in relation to minor activities such as home
gardening, raising of crops or fruit bearing trees, raising hogs/poultry, and fishing for
home consumption, and manufacturing for home use are also considered as work.

Floor area - The area enclosed by the exterior walls of the housing unit. In case of
several floors, the area of the housing unit is the sum of areas of all floors.

Family expenditures – refer to the expenses or disbursement made by the family

purely for personal consumption during January to June 2016. Value consumed from
net share of crops, fruits and vegetables produced, aquaculture products harvested
or livestock raised by other households, family sustenance and entrepreneurial
activities are considered as family expenditures. Gifts, support, assistance or relief in
goods and services received by the family from friends, relatives, and others, are
also included as part of family expenditure.

They exclude all expenses in relation to farm or business operations,

investment ventures, purchase of real property, and other disbursements which do
not involve personal consumption.

Family income - total family income includes primary income and receipts from
other sources received by all family members during January to June 2016, as
participants in any economic activity or as recipients of transfers, pensions or grants.
Primary income includes: salaries and wages, commissions, tips, bonuses, family
and clothing allowances, transportation and representation allowances, honoraria,
and other forms of compensation; and net receipts derived from the operation of
family-operated enterprises or activities, and practice of a profession or trade.

Income from other sources include: imputed rental values of owner-occupied

dwelling units, interest, rentals including landowner’s share of agricultural products,
pensions, support, and value of food and non-food items received as gifts by the
family (as well as the imputed value of services rendered free of charge to the
family). Also included as part of family income are receipts from family sustenance
activities which are not considered as family-operated enterprise.

Proportion of families with access to safe water supply – The ratio of the
number of families who access water from community water system (piped into their
dwelling, yard/plot or public tap) and protected wells to the total number of families.

Proportion of families with sanitary toilet – The ratio of the number of families
with flush toilet (either owned or shared) and close pit to the total number of families.

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 5


Proportion of families with owned or owner-like possession of housing units –

The ratio of the number of families with housing unit owned or amortized to the total
number of families.

Proportion of families with houses made of strong materials – The ratio of the
number of families with houses having roofs and outer walls made of strong
materials such as galvanized iron/aluminum, tile, concrete, bricks stone and
asbestos to the total number of families.

Proportion of families with gainfully employed family head – The ratio of the
number of families with a family head who is gainfully employed to the total number
of families.

Proportion of families with gainfully employed members 18 years old and over
– The ratio of the number of families with gainfully employed members 18 years old
and over to the total number of families with members 18 years old and over.

Proportion of families with children 6-11 years old in elementary – The ratio of
the number of families with children 6-11 years old attending Grade I to Grade VI to
the total number of families with children 6-11 years old.

Proportion of families with children 12-15 years old in high school – The ratio of
the number of families with children 12-15 years old attending Grade VII to Grade X
to the total number of families with children 12-15 years old.

Proportion of families with members 5-17 years old who are working – The ratio
of the number of families with children 5-17 years old who are working to the total
number of families with children 5-17 years old.

6 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey


Results of the survey are presented in this report using the Bottom 30% and
Top 70% income strata. These strata were formed according to families per capita
income arranged from highest to lowest, wherein the first stratum is composed of
families whose income fall or at the bottom 30% while the second group comprised
of families belonging to the top 70% of the income bracket.


Information on the family size and characteristics of the family head can
provide information about the economic status of a family.
FIGURE 1. Average Family Size by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016
A.1 Average Family Size
6.0 5.4
As of July 2016, the estimated 5.0 4.3
number of families was 23.7 million with
Average Family Size
an average family size of 4.3 persons. Of 3.0
the total families, 7.1 million belong to the
Bottom 30% stratum and 16.6 million in
the Top 70% stratum. The average family

size of those in the Bottom 30% stratum 0.0

All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%
tend to be higher (5.4) than the Top 70% Number of
group (3.9) [Figure 1]. Families in 23,771 7,132 16,640

A.2 Age and Sex of Family Head Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

In the Philippines, there were more

families headed by males than females. FIGURE 2. Family Heads by Age and Sex, Philippines 2016
The survey showed that 79.1 percent of
the total families were headed by males Age Group Male Female
and the remaining 20.9 percent were
65 and over 10.6 27.7
headed by females. The survey showed
that female family heads were generally 55 - 64 17.0 19.5
older than their male counterparts. About
47.2 percent of the female family heads 45 - 54 23.4 18.9
were aged 55 years or over compared
35 - 44 26.8 19.7
with 27.6 percent among the male heads.
Results also showed that heads of 25 - 34 18.3 11.9
families in the Bottom 30% tend to be
younger than heads of families of the Top 15 - 24 4.0 2.3
70% stratum. About 25.3 percent of
family heads in the Bottom 30% group 35 25 15 5 5 15 25 35
were aged 55 or over while 34.3 percent Percent
in the same age group among the Top Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey
70% stratum.

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 7

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

Table 1. Families by Selected Background Characteristics of the Family Head by Income Stratum and Sex, Philippines 2016

Selected Background Characteristics Income Stratum (Percent Distribution)

of the Family Head All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%

Both Sexes (Total, in thousands) 23,771 7,132 16,640

Age Group
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
15 - 24 3.6 3.8 3.5
25 - 34 17.0 19.8 15.7
35 - 44 25.3 28.8 23.8
45 - 54 22.5 22.2 22.6
55 - 64 17.5 14.3 18.9
65 and over 14.1 11.0 15.5

Highest Grade Completed

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
No Grade Completed 2.3 5.2 1.0
Pre-school (Kinder/Prep/Nursery) - 0.1 -
Grade 1 to 6 (K12 program) 0.1 0.1 0.1
Elementary Undergraduate 19.0 33.2 12.9
Elementary Graduate 15.0 19.9 13.0
Grade 7 to 12 (K12 program) 0.1 0.1 0.1
High School Undergraduate 12.3 14.2 11.5
High School Graduate 26.8 21.1 29.2
Post Secondary 4.4 1.5 5.7
College Undergraduate 9.0 3.5 11.3
College Graduate or Higher 11.1 1.2 15.3

Employment Status
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
Employed 82.8 89.8 79.8
Unemployed 17.2 10.2 20.2

Male (Total, in thousands) 18,806 6,238 12,568

Age Group
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
15 - 24 4.0 4.2 3.9
25 - 34 18.3 21.5 16.7
35 - 44 26.8 30.6 24.9
45 - 54 23.4 21.9 24.1
55 - 64 17.0 13.2 18.8
65 and over 10.6 8.6 11.5

Highest Grade Completed

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
No Grade Completed 2.2 4.8 0.9
Pre-school (Kinder/Prep/Nursery) 0.1 0.1 -
Grade 1 to 6 (K12 program) 0.1 0.1 0.1
Elementary Undergraduate 19.6 33.8 12.5
Elementary Graduate 14.9 18.8 13.0
Grade 7 to 12 (K12 program) 0.1 0.1 0.1
High School Undergraduate 13.3 14.9 12.4
High School Graduate 27.5 21.5 30.5
Post Secondary 3.9 1.4 5.2
College Undergraduate 8.8 3.4 11.4
College Graduate or Higher 9.6 1.2 13.8

Employment Status
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
Employed 88.9 93.7 86.5
Unemployed 11.1 6.3 13.5

Female (Total, in thousands) 4,965 894 4,071

Age Group
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
15 - 24 2.3 1.6 2.4
25 - 34 11.9 8.4 12.7
35 - 44 19.7 16.7 20.3
45 - 54 18.9 23.7 17.9
55 - 64 19.5 22.2 18.9
65 and over 27.7 27.5 27.8

Highest Grade Completed

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
No Grade Completed 2.6 8.4 1.3
Pre-school (Kinder/Prep/Nursery) - - -
Grade 1 to 6 (K12 program) 0.1 0.2 -
Elementary Undergraduate 16.7 29.0 14.1
Elementary Graduate 15.5 27.3 12.9
Grade 7 to 12 (K12 program) 0.1 0.2 -
High School Undergraduate 8.7 8.7 8.7
High School Graduate 23.9 18.6 25.0
Post Secondary 6.3 2.2 7.1
College Undergraduate 9.8 3.8 11.1
College Graduate or Higher 16.4 1.6 19.7

Employment Status
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
Employed 59.6 62.6 58.9
Unemployed 40.4 37.4 41.1

Note: "-" denotes less than 0.05 percent

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

8 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

A.3 Educational Attainment of Family Head

Around one in every four (26.8%) family heads had at least completed high
school education. Specifically, about 13.4 percent attended/finished post secondary
education or reached college but did not finish it, and 11.1 percent completed college
or higher level of education.

The survey showed that a higher proportion of female heads (26.2%) had at
least reached college level compared to their male (18.4%) counterpart. Only
around one in every 10 male heads (9.6%) were college graduate or higher vis-à-vis
the 16.4 percent among female heads. Heads of families belonging to the Bottom
30% income stratum tend to attain lower level of education than the family heads
among the Top 70% group. About 4.7 percent of family heads in the Bottom 30%
had at least college education compared with 26.6 percent in the Top 70% group
(Table 1).

FIGURE 3. Family Heads by Highest Grade Completed, Philippines 2016

Highest Grade Completed
College Graduate or Higher 11.1
College Undergraduate 9.0
Post Secondary 4.4
High School Graduate 26.8
High School Undergraduate 12.3
Elementary Graduate 15.0
Elementary Undergraduate 19.0
Grade 1 to 12 (K12 program) 0.2
No Grade Completed 2.3

0 10 20 30

A.4 Employment of Family Head

In 2016, eight out of 10 (82.8 %) FIGURE 4. Employed Heads by Sex and Income Stratum,Philippines 2016

family heads were employed or had a Male Female

job or business at anytime from Percent
100 93.7
January 1 to June 30, 2016 (Table 1). 88.9 86.5
Male heads who were employed 90

comprised 88.9 percent of all income 80

groups. The corresponding proportion 70

59.6 62.6
among female heads is lower at 59.6 60
percent. 50
The proportion of families with 30
heads who had job or business was 20
higher for the Bottom 30% stratum 10
(89.8%) compared with that for the 0
Top 70% income stratum (79.8%) All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%
[Table 1].
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 9

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results


The data on family’s housing characteristics can indicate the health and
economic well being of families. In the APIS 2016, the tenure status of housing unit
and lot, the floor area of housing unit, type of building or house and the construction
materials of the roof and outer walls of the building were asked. Questions on the
presence of electricity, main source of water supply, type of toilet facility used by the
family were also included.

B.1 Tenure Status of Housing Unit and Lot

In 2016 nearly 6 in 10 families (61.0%) own the house and lot they occupied.
The remaining 39 percent occupied houses and lots under the following tenure: own
house, rent-free lot with consent of owner (17.3%), rent house/room including lot
(10.1%), rent-free house and lot with consent of owner (7.2%), own house, rent-free
lot without consent of owner (2.3%), own house, rent lot (1.4%), or rent-free house
and lot without consent of owner (less than one percent). Among families in the
Bottom 30% stratum, 53.7 percent owned their house and lot, while 64.2 percent
among families in the Top 70% group.

Table 2. Families by Tenure Status of the Housing Unit and Lot They Occupy by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016

Income Stratum
Tenure Status of the Housing Unit and Lot
All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%

Number of Families (Total, in thousands) 23,771 7,132 16,640

Total 100 100 100

Own house and lot or owner-like possession of house and lot 61.0 53.7 64.2
Rent house/ room including lot 10.1 3.3 13.0
Own house, rent lot 1.4 1.9 1.2
Own house, rent-free lot with consent of owner 17.3 30.7 11.6
Own house, rent-free lot without consent of owner 2.3 2.5 2.3
Rent-free house and lot with consent of owner 7.2 7.5 7.1
Rent-free house and lot without consent of owner 0.6 0.4 0.7

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

10 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

B.2 Floor Area of Housing Unit

It shows that one in every three

families (32.9%) was residing in FIGURE 5. Families by Floor Area of Their Housing Unit, Philippines 2016
housing units with floor area of at least
Floor Area
50 square meters (sq.m.). Families
200 and above 1.1
residing in housing units with a floor
area ranging from 30 to 49 sq.m. 150 - 199 1.4
comprised 30.0 percent; those living in 120 - 149 2.3
housing units with a floor area of 10 to 80 - 119 9.6
29 sq.m. at 35.9 percent; and those
50 - 79 18.5
residing in housing units with floor area
of less than 10 sq.m. at 1.1 percent. 30 - 49 30.0
10 - 29 35.9
Most of the families (52.9%) in Less than 10 1.1
the Bottom 30% occupied housing
units with floor area ranging from 10 to 0 10 20 30 40
29 sq.m., followed by families who Percent
occupied housing units with floor area Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey
ranging from 30 to 49 sq.m. (27.0%). About 2 in 10 families belonging to the Bottom
30% stratum resided in housing unit with floor area of at least 50 sq.m.. In contrast, 4
in 10 families among the Top 70% group were residing in similar floor area (Table 3).

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 11

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

B.3 Type of Building/House

Ninety-two percent of Filipino families were residing in single houses (Table

4). The rest dwelt in apartments, accessoria, condominiums or townhouses (6.1%),
duplex houses (2.0%), or commercial, industrial, agricultural buildings or houses
(less than one percent).

FIGURE 6. Families by Type of Building/House where They Reside, Philippines 2016

2.0 %

Single House accessoria/
91.5% condominium/
6.1 %

0.3 %
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Table 4. Families by Type of Building/House They Reside in by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016

Income Stratum
Type of Building
All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%

Number of Families (Total, in thousands) 23,771 7,132 16,640

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0

Single House 91.5 97.2 89.1
Duplex 2.0 1.6 2.1
Apartment/ accessoria/ condominium/ townhouse 6.1 1.1 8.3
Commercial/ industrial/ agricultural building/house 0.3 0.1 0.4

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

B.4 Construction Materials of the Roof and Outer Walls

Most of the roofs and a great majority of the outer walls of houses in the
Philippines were made of strong materials. Strong materials refer to galvanized iron
or aluminum, tile, concrete, brick stone, while light materials refer to cogon, nipa or

12 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

anahaw. About 84.3 percent of families had houses with strong roofs and 69.1
percent had strong outer walls (Tables 5 and 6).

As expected, a larger proportion of the Top 70% group of families had

housing units made of strong roofs (90.6%) and outer walls (79.6%) compared to the
Bottom 30% families (69.6% and 44.6%, respectively). One in every five families in
Bottom 30% group of families were living in a house with roof made of light materials
(24.3%), and almost four in every 10 families (36.7%) were living in houses with
outer walls made of light materials.

FIGURE 7. Families by Type of Construction Materials of the Roof and Outer Walls
of the Building They Occupy, Philippines 2016

Construction Material
Strong materials 84.3

Light materials 10.8

Mixed but predominantly 3.0 Roof
strong materials 7.4 Wall
Mixed but predominantly 1.1
light materials 4.3
Salvaged/ makeshift 0.5
materials 1.1
Mixed but predominantly 0.2
salvaged materials 0.3

0 15 30 45 60 75 90
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Table 5. Families by Type of Construction Materials of the Roof of Building They Occupy by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016

Income Stratum
Construction Materials of the Roof
All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%

Number of Families (Total, in thousands) 23,771 7,132 16,640

Total 100 100 100

Strong materials 84.3 69.6 90.6
Light materials 10.8 24.3 5.0
Salvaged/ makeshift materials 0.5 0.9 0.4
Mixed but predominantly strong materials 3.0 3.1 3.0
Mixed but predominantly light materials 1.1 1.6 0.9
Mixed but predominantly salvaged materials 0.2 0.5 0.1

Note: "-" denotes less than 0.05 percent

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 13

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

Table 6. Families by Type of Construction Materials of the Outer Walls of Building They Occupy by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016

Income Stratum
Construction Materials of the Outer Walls
All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%

Number of Families (Total, in thousands) 23,771 7,132 16,640

Total 100 100 100

Strong materials 69.1 44.6 79.6
Light materials 17.8 36.7 9.7
Salvaged/ makeshift materials 1.1 2.0 0.7
Mixed but predominantly strong materials 7.4 8.7 6.8
Mixed but predominantly light materials 4.3 7.3 3.1
Mixed but predominantly salvaged materials 0.3 0.7 0.1

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

B.5 Electricity

Almost all families have electricity in their homes. About 91.4 percent of
families in the country have electricity in their homes, on the other hand, very few
families does not have electricity. Four-fifth of families (79.8%) in the Bottom 30%
stratum had electricity in their homes (Table 7).

B.6 Main Source of Water Supply

The data on main source of

water supply provide information Figure 8. Families by Main Source of Water Supply, Philippines 2016
on the proportion of families with
Source of Water
access to safe water supply.
Piped into Dwelling 49.4
Considered as clean and safe
sources of water supply are Protected Well 25.0

community water system (which Unprotected Well 5.3

may be piped into dwellings or into Piped into Public Tap 5.1
yards or piped into public taps), Developed Spring 4.4
and protected well. Piped into Yard/Plot 3.7
Tanker Truck /Peddler/Neighbor 3.2
About 83.2 percent of the
total families had access to a safe Undeveloped Spring 3.2

source of water supply (Table 7). Rivers/Stream/Pond/Lake/ Dam 0.6

The remaining 16.8 percent of Rain Water 0.1
families obtained their water from
sources considered unsafe, such 0 10 20 30 40 50
as unprotected well (5.3%),
developed spring (4.4%), Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

14 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

undeveloped spring (3.2%), river, stream, pond, lake or dam and rainwater (less than
one percent), and tanker truck or peddler or neighbor (3.2 %). Seven out of 10
families in the Bottom 30% stratum had access to safe source of water supply
compared to nine in every 10 in the Top 70% group of families.

Table 7. Families with Electricity in House/Building They Reside in and Families by Main Source of Water Supply
by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016

Income Stratum
Electricity/Main Source of Water Supply
All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%

Number of Families (Total, in thousands) 23,771 7,132 16,640

With Electricity 91.4 79.8 96.4

Main Source of Water Supply

Total 100 100 100

Community Water System
Dwelling 49.4 20.6 61.8
Yard/Plot 3.7 5.1 3.2
Public Tap 5.1 8.3 3.8
Protected Well 25.0 34.2 21.0
Unprotected Well 5.3 10.5 3.1
Developed Spring 4.4 8.4 2.6
Undeveloped Spring 3.2 7.8 1.2
Rivers/Stream/Pond/Lake/ Dam 0.6 1.2 0.4
Rain Water 0.1 0.1 0.1
Tanker Truck /Peddler/Neighbor 3.2 3.8 2.9

Note: Considered as safe sources of water supply are community water system and protected well.
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

B.7 Toilet Facility

Data about the toilet facility used

by the family provide indicators of health FIGURE 9. Families by Type of Toilet Facility Used, Philippines 2016
and sanitation status of families. One of
Toilet Facility
its indicators is the proportion of families
Flush Toilet (Owned)
who used a sanitary toilet. For this survey, 84.5
sanitary toilet refers to flush toilet (either Closed Pit 7.4
owned or shared) and close pit type of
facility. No Toilet/Field/Bush 4.2

Open Pit 2.7

At the national level, the proportion
of Filipino families with sanitary toilets Drop/Overhang 0.8
was 91.9 percent (Table 8). Other
families used open pit (2.7%), drop or Pail System 0.3
overhang and pail system (less than one
percent) which were considered as 0 50 100

unsanitary. There were 4.2 percent or Percent

about one million families with no toilet Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey
facilities in their homes.

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 15

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

Families in the Bottom 30% group were more likely to use unsanitary toilet.
Among families in the Bottom 30% group, 19.3 percent used unsanitary toilet while
3.2 percent among families in the Top 70% stratum.

Table 8. Families by Type of Toilet Facility They Use by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016

Income Stratum
Type of Toilet Facility
All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%

Number of Families (Total, in thousands) 23,771 7,132 16,640

Total 100 100 100

Flush Toilet (Owned) 84.5 67.7 91.8
Closed Pit 7.4 13.0 5.1
Open Pit 2.7 6.6 1.0
Drop/Overhang 0.8 1.9 0.3
Pail System 0.3 0.6 0.2
No Toilet/Field/Bush 4.2 10.2 1.7

Note: Considered as sanitary toilets are flush toilet (either owned or shared) and closed pit.
"-" denotes zero count or less than 0.05 percent
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

B.8 Household Conveniences

Data on ownership of family conveniences provide proxy indicators of the

economic status of the family. Cellular phone was the most common (84.8%)
household appliance in Filipino homes, followed by television (73.8%) [Table 9].

As expected, families in the

Top 70% stratum tend to own FIGURE 10. Percentage of Families Owning Household Conveniences,
Philippines 2016
household appliances than the Household Convenience

Bottom 30% families. Among the Cellular phone 84.8

Top 70% families, 89.3 percent of Television 73.8

families had at least one cellular Refrigerator/Freezer 35.8

phone while 74.4 percent among CD/VCD/DVD Player 33.2

the Bottom 30% group of families.

Washing Machine 32.4
Radio/Radio Cassette Player 29.6
Motorcycle/tricycle 26.2
Personal Computer 23.4
Stove with oven/Gas Range 11.3
Audio Component/Stereo Set 11.1
Aircon 10.8
Car, Jeep, Van 7.2
Karaoke/Videoke/Magic Sing 7
Landline/ Wireless Telephone 6.7
Motorized boat/banca 1.7

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

16 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

Table 9. Families Owning Household Conveniences by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016

Income Stratum
Type of Household Conveniences
All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%

Number of Families (Total, in thousands) 23,771 7,132 16,640

Cellular phone 84.8 74.4 89.3

Television 73.8 51.7 83.3
CD/VCD/DVD Player 33.2 16.0 40.5
Refrigerator/Freezer 35.8 7.3 48.1
Washing Machine 32.4 6.5 43.5
Radio/Radio Cassette Player 29.6 26.5 30.9
Motorcycle/tricycle 26.2 15.0 30.9
Personal Computer 23.4 3.6 31.8
Audio Component/Stereo Set 11.1 2.9 14.7
Stove with oven/Gas Range 11.3 1.9 15.3
Aircon 10.8 0.2 15.4
Car, Jeep, Van 7.2 0.2 10.3
Karaoke/Videoke/Magic Sing 7.0 2.1 9.1
Landline/ Wireless Telephone 6.7 0.7 9.2
Motorized boat/banca 1.7 2.0 1.6

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey


C.1 Highest Grade Completed of Population 5 Years and Over

Low level of education is

FIGURE 11. Population Aged 5 Years or Over by Highest Grade Completed and
associated with poverty. Members Income Stratum, Phillippines 2016
of families in the Top 70% families Highest Grade Completed
tend to have attained higher level College Graduate or Higher 14.0 Top 70%
of education than members of College Undergraduate 12.3 Bottom 30%

families belonging to Bottom 30%

Post Secondary Graduate 4.6
group. Persons who had attained
Post Secondary Undergraduate 0.5
a college level or a higher level of High School Graduate
education comprised 26.3 percent High School Undergraduate 7.8

among Top 70% families 7.6


compared to 5.3 percent among

Grade 7 to Grade 12 (K12 program)
Bottom 30% families. Those who
Elementary Graduate
were high school graduates in Top Elementary Undergraduate

70% group of families comprised Grade 1 to Grade 6 (K12 program)


22.6 percent, while 15.6 percent of Pre-School (Nursery/Kinder/Prep) 2.2


families in the Bottom 30% group No Grade Completed 2.1


(Table 10). 0 10 20 30

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 17

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

Table 10. Population Aged 5 Years or Over by Highest Grade Completed by Income Stratum and Sex, Philippines 2016

Income Stratum (Percent Distribution)

Highest Grade Completed All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female

Population aged 5 Years or Over

91,876 46,239 45,637 33,082 16,771 16,311 58,794 29,468 29,326
(Total, in thousands)

Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
No Grade Completed 3.7 3.8 3.5 6.6 7.0 6.2 2.1 2.1 2.0
Pre-School (Nursery/Kinder/Prep) 3.0 3.2 2.7 4.2 4.5 3.9 2.2 2.5 2.0
Grade 1 to Grade 6 (K12 program) 15.6 16.0 15.2 21.6 21.7 21.5 12.2 12.7 11.8
Elementary Undergraduate 9.9 11.6 8.2 15.8 18.8 12.7 6.6 7.5 5.7
Elementary Graduate 8.7 8.8 8.7 11.0 10.7 11.3 7.4 7.7 7.2
Grade 7 to Grade 12 (K12 program) 8.1 8.0 8.2 9.1 8.6 9.6 7.6 7.6 7.5
High School Undergraduate 8.4 8.8 7.9 9.5 9.2 9.8 7.8 8.6 6.9
High School Graduate 20.1 19.8 20.3 15.6 14.0 17.3 22.6 23.2 22.0
Post Secondary Undergraduate 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5
Post Secondary Graduate 3.3 2.9 3.7 1.0 0.8 1.3 4.6 4.1 5.1
College Undergraduate 9.3 9.1 9.5 4.0 3.5 4.5 12.3 12.2 12.3
College Graduate or Higher 9.5 7.5 11.4 1.3 1.0 1.7 14.0 11.3 16.8

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

C.2 Attendance in School of Persons 3 to 24 Years Old

In this survey, persons who were enrolled in the school year covering June
2016 to March 2017 were considered as attending school. School refers to formal
schools, including vocational/technical schools offering post-secondary courses.
Information on attendance in school of family members 3 to 5 years old was included
to capture early childhood educational learning in schools like nursery, kindergarten
and preparatory schools.

Of the estimated 46.1 million population 3 to 24 years old in 2016, around

two-thirds (65.3%) were enrolled or attending school during school year 2016-2017
(Table 11). School attendance among members 3 to 24 years old of families in the
Bottom 30% was 65.1 percent and 65.5 percent in the Top 70% families. By sex, of
the total females of this specified age group, 65.7 percent attended school while 65
percent among males.

Of the total number of persons aged 3 to 24 years who were attending school,
28.4 percent, were children aged 6 to 9 years. Those in age group 10 to 12 years
comprised 20.8 percent, and those aged 13 to 16 years, 25.5 percent.

Persons of school age in families belonging to the Top 70% were more likely
to pursue higher education than those in the Bottom 30% population. While 15.2
percent of the school age populations in the Top 70% families were attending college
or post graduate schools, the corresponding proportion in the Bottom 30%
population was 4.1 percent (Table 12). The proportion of those attending Grade I to
Grade VI was higher among the persons of school age in the Bottom 30% population
compared to Top 70% population with 54.3 percent and 40.6 percent, respectively.

18 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

Table 11. Population Aged 3 to 24 Years by Schooling Status by Income Stratum, Sex and Age Group, Philippines 2016

Income Stratum (Percent Distribution)

All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%
Schooling Status and Age Group
Both Both Both
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Sexes Sexes Sexes

Population aged 3 to 24 Years

46,113 23,613 22,500 20,207 10,351 9,855 25,906 13,261 12,645
(Total, in thousands)

Currently Attending (Total, in thousands) 30,123 15,350 14,773 13,152 6,651 6,501 16,971 8,698 8,272
Percent to Total 65.3 65.0 65.7 65.1 64.3 66.0 65.5 65.6 65.4
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
3 to 5 10.6 10.5 10.7 11.0 11.4 10.6 10.3 9.8 10.8
6 to 9 28.4 28.3 28.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 26.0 25.9 26.2
10 to 12 20.8 21.2 20.4 23.3 23.3 23.2 18.8 19.5 18.1
13 to 14 12.8 12.7 13.0 12.7 12.4 13.1 12.9 12.9 12.9
15 to 16 12.7 12.3 13.0 11.8 11.5 12.1 13.3 12.9 13.7
17 to 19 10.6 10.8 10.5 7.4 7.3 7.4 13.2 13.4 13.0
20 to 24 4.1 4.3 3.9 2.3 2.4 2.1 5.5 5.6 5.3

Not Currently Attending (Total, in thousands) 15,990 8,263 7,727 7,055 3,701 3,354 8,935 4,563 4,373
Percent to Total 34.7 35.0 34.3 34.9 35.7 34.0 34.5 34.4 34.6
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
3 to 5 24.7 24.6 24.8 30.2 29.4 31.2 20.4 20.8 20.0
6 to 9 1.0 1.2 0.8 1.8 1.9 1.6 0.4 0.5 0.2
10 to 12 0.5 0.6 0.4 1.0 1.2 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.1
13 to 14 1.0 1.1 0.8 1.7 1.8 1.5 0.4 0.6 0.2
15 to 16 3.8 4.1 3.5 6.1 6.6 5.5 2.0 2.0 1.9
17 to 19 15.9 16.3 15.4 16.9 16.9 16.8 15.1 15.8 14.3
20 to 24 53.2 52.1 54.3 42.3 42.2 42.5 61.7 60.2 63.3

Note: School refers to formal schools, including vocational/technical schools offering post-secondary courses
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Table 12. Population Aged 3 to 24 Years Who Were Attending School during School Year 2016-2017 by Grade/Year Level Attending, Income Stratum,
and Sex, Philippines 2016

Income Stratum (Percent Distribution)

Grade/Level Attending All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female

Population aged 3 to 24 Years who were Attending

30,123 15,349 14,773 13,152 6,651 6,501 16,971 8,699 8,272
School (Total, in thousands)

Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Pre-school (Prep/Kinder/Nursery) 10.8 11.0 10.6 11.4 12.4 10.4 10.4 10.0 10.8
Grades I to III 23.2 23.3 23.2 27.2 27.6 26.8 20.1 19.9 20.4
Grade IV 7.4 7.7 7.0 8.5 8.7 8.4 6.5 7.0 5.9
Grade V 8.5 8.6 8.4 9.6 9.7 9.6 7.6 7.8 7.4
Grade VI 7.5 7.8 7.1 8.9 9.4 8.4 6.4 6.7 6.1
Junior High School (Grade 7 to 10) 26.9 26.6 27.2 26.1 25.1 27.1 27.5 27.7 27.3
Senior High School (Grade 11 to 12) 5.1 4.7 5.6 4.0 3.4 4.6 6.0 5.7 6.4
Post Secondary 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 - 0.2 0.3 0.1
College (Year 1 to Higher) 10.4 9.9 10.8 4.1 3.5 4.7 15.2 14.9 15.6

Note: "-" denotes zero count or less than 0.05 percent

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 19

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

C.3 Reasons for not Attending School

There were more than 12 million aged 6 to 24 years who were not attending
school in school year 2016-2017 (Table 13).

The most common reasons for not attending school were marriage or family
matters (25.9%), employment or looking for work (25.8%), high cost of education or
financial concern (16.4%), and lack of personal interest (15.3%). These were also
the most common reasons reported by members of families who were not attending
school in the Bottom 30% population: marriage or family matters (31.1%), high cost
of education or financial concern (21.4%), lack of personal interest (20.7%), and
employment or looking for work (17.1%). Among the Top 70% population, reasons
were employment or looking for work (31.8%), marriage or family matters (22.2%),
finished schooling or finished post secondary or college (18.4%), and high cost of
education or financial concern (12.9%).

Among the male population aged 6 to 24 years, employment or looking for

work (30.8%), lack of personal interest (22.2%), high cost of education or financial
concerns (19.3%), and marriage or family matters (14.7%) were the top reasons why
they were not attending school. A slightly different pattern was observed among
females in the same age group, namely: marriage or family matters (37.8%),
employment or looking for work (20.5%), finished schooling or finished post
secondary or college (16.7%), and high cost of education or financial concerns
(13.2%) were the reasons why they were not attending schools.

Table 13. Population Aged 6 to 24 Years Who Were Not Attending School during School Year 2016-2017 by Reason for Not Attending School
by Income Stratum and Sex, Philippines 2016

Income Stratum (Percent Distribution)

Reason for Not Attending School All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female

Population aged 6 to 24 Years Who Were Not Attending

12,036 6,229 5,807 4,923 2,614 2,308 7,113 3,615 3,498
School (Total, in thousands)

Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Accessibility of school 0.5 0.4 0.5 1.1 0.9 1.3 - 0.1 -

Illness/disability 2.5 2.8 2.2 3.6 3.9 3.4 1.8 2.1 1.4
Marriage/family matters 25.9 14.7 37.8 31.1 17.3 46.8 22.2 12.9 31.9
High cost of education/financial concern 16.4 19.3 13.2 21.4 23.7 18.7 12.9 16.2 9.6
Employment/looking for work 25.8 30.8 20.5 17.1 22.2 11.3 31.8 36.9 26.5
Finished schooling or finished post secondary or college 12.5 8.6 16.7 4.0 1.9 6.4 18.4 13.5 23.4
Lack of personal interest 15.3 22.2 7.9 20.7 29.0 11.3 11.6 17.2 5.7
Problem with school record/birth certificate 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.1
Too young to go to school 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 - - 0.0
Others 0.8 0.6 1.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.7 1.3

Note: "-" denotes zero count or less than 0.05 percent

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

20 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

C.4 Children in Grade I to Grade VI

A total of 9.8 million families with children aged 6 to 11 years were recorded in
the survey. Of this number, 9.5 million or 96.4 percent had children who were
enrolled in Grade I to Grade VI (Table 14). The proportion of families with children
aged 6 to 11 years who were enrolled in Grade I to Grade VI in SY 2016-2017 was
nearly similar for the Bottom 30% families and the Top 70% families with 96.5% and
96.4% respectively.

Table 14. Families with Children Aged 6 to 11 Years in Grade I to VI (K12 Program) by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016

Families with Children Families with Children aged 6-11 Years

Income Stratum aged 6-11 Years in Grade 1 to 6 (K12 Program)
(in thousands) Number (in thousands) Percent

All income group 9,802 9,448 96.4

Bottom 30% 4,296 4,144 96.5
Top 70% 5,505 5,305 96.4

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

C.5 Children in Junior High School (Grade VII to Grade X)

Of the 7.0 million families with children aged 12 to 15 years, 81.4 percent or
about 6.0 million families were reported having children in this age bracket who were
in Grade VII to Grade X (Table 15). Among families with children aged 12 to 15
years in the Top 70% income stratum, 87.7 percent were enrolled in junior high
school; the corresponding percentage in the Bottom 30% income stratum is 73.1

Table 15. Families with Children Aged 12 to 15 Years in Junior High School Education (Grade VII to X) (K12 Program)
by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016

Families with Children aged 12-15 Years

Families with Children
in Junior High School (Grade 7 to 10) (K12 Program)
Income Stratum aged 12-15 Years
(in thousands) Number (in thousands) Percent

All income group 7,010 5,709 81.4

Bottom 30% 3,019 2,207 73.1
Top 70% 3,991 3,502 87.7

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 21

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results


D.1 Families with Working Members 18 Years Old and Over

In the 2016 APIS, a family member was considered employed if he or she had
worked or had a job or business at anytime during the reference semester, that is,
from January 1 to June 30, 2016. A work is defined as any economic activity that a
person does for pay, profit or without pay on family farm or enterprise, or an activity
done by a farm operator or member of his/her family on another’s farm on “exchange
labor” arrangement.

Of the total 23.8 million families with at least one member aged 18 years and
over, 92.4 percent or 22.0 million were employed during the reference semester
(Table 16). Percentage of Families with members aged 18 years and over who were
employed was higher in the Bottom 30% group of families (95.5%) compared to Top
70% families (91.2%).

Table 16. Families with Members Aged 18 Years or Over Who are Employed by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016

Families with Members aged 18 Years or Over

Number of Families with Members Employed
Income Stratum aged 18 Years or Over
(in thousands) Number
(in thousands)

All income group 23,752 21,957 92.4

Bottom 30% 7,130 6,805 95.5
Top 70% 16,622 15,151 91.2

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

D.2 Families with Working Children 5-17 Years Old

The Labor Code of the Philippines specifies that no child below 18 years old
shall be employed except when he/she works directly under the sole responsibility of
his parents/guardian and his/her employment does not in any way interfere with
his/her schooling. Although the survey results would not show whether the conditions
stated above are met, results would show the proportion or number of families with
children aged below 18 years who are working.

Of the 14.9 million families with members aged 5 to 17 years, 9.0 percent or
about 1.3 million families were reported to have working children (Table 17). Among
the Bottom 30% families with members aged 5 to 17 years, 14.2 percent had
working children while 5.8 percent had working children among the Top 70%

22 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

Table 17. Families with Members aged 5 to 17 Years Who are Employed by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016

Families with Members aged 5 - 17 Years

Number of Families with Members who are Gainfully Employed
Income Stratum aged 5 - 17 Years
(in thousands) Number
(in thousands)

All income group 14,859 1,339 9.0

Bottom 30% 5,720 811 14.2
Top 70% 9,140 528 5.8

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

D.3 Families Engaged in Any Economic Activity

The three major economic activities that contribute to a family’s income are:
1) wage and salary, 2) family sustenance activities, and 3) entrepreneurial activities.
Other sources of income include net share of crops, cash receipts both from abroad
and domestic source, rentals from non-agricultural lands, interest, pension and
retirement, workmen’s compensation, social security benefits and dividends from

In 2016, the number of families with at least one member reported to have
engaged in any type of economic activity in the six months preceding the survey was
estimated at 22.8 million or 96.0 percent of total families (Table 18). Wage and
salary workers accounted for 77.1 percent of such families; those engaged in
entrepreneurial activity, 49.3 percent; and those engaged in family sustenance
activity, 55.1 percent. For this report, more than one economic activity can be
reported for one family.

FIGURE 12. Percentage of Families Engaged in any Type of Economic Activity

by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016
100 All income group Top 70% Bottom 30%

79.9 77.9
77.1 75.2

60 55.1 55.4
49.3 46.5


Family Sustenance Activity Entrepreneurial Activity Wage and Salary Employment

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 23

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

Table 18. Families Engaged in Any Economic Activity by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016

Income Stratum
Type of Economic Activities
All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%

Number of Families with Members Engaged in 22,814 7,061 15,753

Economic Activity (Total, in thousands)

Family Sustenance Activity 55.1 79.9 43.9

Entrepreneurial Activity 49.3 55.4 46.5
Wage and Salary Employment 77.1 75.2 77.9

Note: Percentage do not add up to multiple reporting.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Among the Bottom 30% families engaged in an economic activity in the six
months prior to the survey, 79.9 percent were involved in family sustenance activities
and 55.4 percent in entrepreneurial activities. Families with wage and salary earning
members comprised 75.2 percent. Meanwhile, among the Top 70% group, the
largest proportion of families with members engaged in an economic activity were
those with members who were salary and wage earners (77.9%) [Table 18].


E.1 Total Family Income

In the 2016 APIS, family income

includes, salaries and wages from jobs
or businesses, incomes derived from
FIGURE 13. Family Income Derived by Source of Income:
January to June 2016
entrepreneurial activities, net share of
crops, fruits and vegetables produced,
aquaculture products harvested or
livestock and poultry raised by other
Sources Salaries and

households and from other sources such 28.9 % Wages

cash receipts, gifts, support, relief and
other forms of assistance from abroad Entrepreneu
and from domestic source, rentals rial Activity
received from non-agricultural lands,
buildings, space and other properties, Family Net share
interest, pension and retirement, Sustenance

workmen's compensation and social 1.0%

security benefits, and dividends from Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

24 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

Table 19. Employed Persons Aged 5 Years or Over by Class of Worker and Income Stratum, Philippines 2016

Income Stratum
Class of Worker
All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%

Total Employed Persons (Total, in thousands) 45,432 14,487 30,944

Total 100 100 100

Wage and Salary Worker* 65.3 58.6 68.4
Self-employed without any employee 24.3 27.2 22.9
Employer in own family-operated farm or business 3.4 2.7 3.7
Unpaid Family Worker 7.0 11.5 4.9

Notes: * - include those who worked for private households, private establishments, government offices
and those who worked with pay in own family-operated farm or business
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

The total family income for the period January to June 2016 reached Php 2.9
trillion (Table 20). Almost 87.0 percent of this income or Php 2.6 trillion was earned
by the Top 70% families. The largest percentage (50.0%) of total family income was
from salaries and wages. Income from entrepreneurial activities accounted for 19.8
percent of the total family income. About 28.9 percent of the total family income was
derived from other sources.

Table 20. Total Family Income Derived by Source of Income by Income Stratum, Philippines January 1 to June 30, 2016

Income Stratum
Source of Income
All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%

Number of Families (Total, in thousands) 23,771 7,132 16,640

Total Income (P'000,000) 2,944,842 383,874 2,560,968

Salaries and Wages 50.0 47.7 50.3

Family Sustenance Activity 1.0 4.1 0.5
Entrepreneurial Activity 19.8 24.5 19.1
Net share of crops, fruits and vegetables produced, 0.3 0.4 0.3
aquaculture products harvested or livestock and poultry
raised by other households
Other Sources* 28.9 23.3 29.8

Note: * Include cash receipts, gifts, support, relief and other forms of assistance from abroad and from domestic source, rentals
received from non-agricultural lands, buildings, space and other properties, interest, pension and retirement, workmen's
compensation and social security benefits, and dividends from investment.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Almost three-fourths of the Php 384 billion earned by families in the Bottom
30% were contributed by wage and salary workers (47.7%), those with
entrepreneurial activities (24.5%), and those with family sustenance activities (4.1%).
Fifty percent of the total income of the Top 70% families came from salaries and
wages while 19.1 percent was from entrepreneurial activities and 29.8 percent from
other sources.

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 25

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

The average family income for the six months prior to the survey, computed
by dividing the total income for the period by the total number of families, amounted
to Php 124,000 (Table 22). The average family income for the Bottom 30% families
was Php 54,000 while Php 154,000 for the Top 70% families.

E.2 Family Expenditure and Saving

Family expenditures refer to the expenses or disbursements made by the

family purely for personal consumption. It includes expenditures for food, housing,
electricity, water, and other fuels, transportation, household and personal care,
clothing and footwear, education, recreation, medicines, and others.

Total family expenditure from January 1 to June 30, 2016 amounted to Php
2.4 trillion (Table 21). Two-thirds (65.8%) of the total expenditure accounted on food
(42.7%), housing, water, electricity, and other fuels (19.3%), and education (3.7%).
Eighty-five percent of the total family expenditure was contributed by families
belonging to Top 70% while 15 percent by the Bottom 30% families. Food was the
highest proportion of expenditure among Bottom 30% families with 60.8 percent of
their total expenditure, or nearly twice the proportion of expenditures on food of the
families belonging to Top 70% families (39.5%).

The total family savings or the total income minus the expenditure, for the
same period was estimated at Php 530 billion. Top 70% families had a saving of
Php 510 billion while the Bottom 30% families had a saving of Php 19 billion. The
average family expenditure was Php 102,000, Php 51,000 for the Bottom 30% group
of families and Php 123,000 for the Top 70% families (Table 22).

FIGURE 14. Expenditure Pattern by Major Expenditure Group by Income Stratum,

Philippines: January to June 2016

Bottom 30% Top 70%

Education Education
Health 4.1%
Transport 2.0% 4.0%
1.6% Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous goods and services
goods and services 6.8%
5.5 % Transport
60.8 %

Housing, water, ele

ctricity and other
14.7% Housing, water, ele
ctricity and other

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

26 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

Table 21. Total Family Expenditure by Major Expenditure Group by Income Stratum, Philippines January to June 2016

Income Stratum
Major Expenditure Group
All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%

Number of Families (Total, in thousands) 23,771 7,132 16,640

Total Expenditure (P'000,000) 2,414,702 364,667 2,050,035

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
Food 42.7 60.8 39.5
Alcoholic beverages 0.5 0.7 0.5
Tobacco 1.2 2.2 1.0
Clothing and footwear 1.6 1.4 1.7
Furnishing, household equipment and routine household
maintenance 4.1 2.7 4.4
Health 3.7 1.6 4.1
Housing, water, electricity and other fuels 19.3 14.7 20.2
Transport 5.9 4.4 6.1
Communication 2.0 1.0 2.2
Recreation and culture 1.1 1.0 1.1
Education 3.7 2.0 4.0
Hotel (accommodation services) 0.2 0.1 0.3
Miscellaneous goods and services 6.6 5.5 6.8
Other expenditure 7.2 2.0 8.1

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

E.3 Average Per Capita Income and Average Per Capita Expenditure

Average per capita income is computed by dividing the total income for the
reference period by the total population. Likewise, average per capita expenditure is
the total expenditure divided by total population.

The national average per capita income for the period January 1 to June 30,
2016 was about Php 29,000 (Table 22). The average per capita income for the
Bottom 30% families was about Php 10,000 while Php 40,000 for the Top 70% group
of families. On the other hand, the average per capita expenditure at the national
level was Php 23,000 while Php 9,000 for the Bottom 30% group of families and Php
32,000 for Top 70% families.
Table 22. Total Family Income, Expenditure and Savings, Average Family Income and Expenditure, and Average Per
Capita Income and Expenditure by Income Stratum, Philippines January 1 to June 30, 2016

Total Income, Expenditure, Saving/Average Family Income Stratum

Income and Expenditure/Average Per Capita
Income and Expenditure All income group Bottom 30% Top 70%

Total Income (P'000,000) 2,944,842 383,874 2,560,968

Total Expenditure (P'000,000) 2,414,702 364,667 2,050,035
Savings (P'000,000) 530,140 19,207 510,933

Average Family Income (P'000) 124 54 154

Average Family Expenditure (P'000) 102 51 123

Average Per Capita Income (P'000) 29 10 40

Average Per Capita Expenditure (P'000) 23 9 32

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 27

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

Table 23. Total Family Income Derived by Source of Income and Decile, Philippines January 1 to June 30, 2016

Source of Income (Percent to Total Income)

Total Income Net shares or crops, fruits and

Income Decile Group Salaries and Family Entrepreneurial vegetables produced, aquaculture Other
(P'000,000) Total
Wages Sustenance Activity products harvested or livestock and Sources*
poultry raised by other households

All income group 2,944,842 100 50.0 1.0 19.8 0.3 28.9
First Decile 97,768 100 43.4 6.3 23.8 0.6 25.9
Second Decile 132,366 100 48.0 3.9 24.9 0.3 22.9
Third Decile 153,739 100 50.2 2.9 24.5 0.4 22.0
Fourth Decile 175,619 100 51.6 2.1 21.3 0.4 24.6
Fifth Decile 200,056 100 50.7 1.4 21.3 0.5 26.0
Sixth Decile 236,250 100 56.4 1.0 17.3 0.3 24.9
Seventh Decile 289,087 100 55.9 0.6 16.3 0.2 27.0
Eighth Decile 366,780 100 49.8 0.4 18.8 0.3 30.7
Ninth Decile 456,063 100 53.4 0.2 16.1 0.3 30.0
Tenth Decile 837,112 100 44.8 0.1 21.2 0.4 33.5

Note: * Include cash receipts, gifts, support, relief and other forms of assistance from abroad and from domestic source, rentals received from non-agricultural lands, buildings, space and other
properties, interest, pension and retirement, w orkmen's compensation and social security benefits, dividends from investment, and imputed rental of dw elling units

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Table 24. Total Family Income, Expenditure and Savings, Average Family Income and Expenditure, and Average Per Capita Income and Expenditure by Decile
Philippines January 1 to June 30, 2016

Total Income Average Family Average Family Average Per Capita Average Per Capita
Income Decile Group Total Expenditure Total Saving
(P'000,000) Income Expenditure Income* Expenditure*

All Income Decile 2,944,842 2,414,701,959 530,140,092 123,882 101,580 28,500 23,400
First Decile 97,768 100,139,743 (2,371,411) 41,133 42,131 6,800 7,000
Second Decile 132,366 124,679,419 7,686,935 55,701 52,466 10,400 9,800
Third Decile 153,739 139,848,117 13,891,144 64,639 58,798 13,200 12,100
Fourth Decile 175,619 157,196,634 18,422,246 73,935 66,179 16,200 14,500
Fifth Decile 200,056 176,334,089 23,722,059 84,087 74,117 19,400 17,100
Sixth Decile 236,250 203,614,517 32,635,868 99,571 85,816 24,100 20,800
Seventh Decile 289,087 242,029,752 47,057,551 121,353 101,599 30,600 25,600
Eighth Decile 366,780 300,298,416 66,481,576 154,386 126,403 40,100 32,800
Ninth Decile 456,063 372,904,786 83,158,434 192,050 157,032 57,500 47,000
Tenth Decile 837,112 597,656,486 239,455,690 351,747 251,130 118,500 84,600

Note: * - Rounded off to the nearest hundreds

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey


F.1 Hunger

In 2016, of the estimated 23.7 million families nationwide, 2.4 percent of the
total families experienced hunger in the three months prior to the survey (Table 25).
Of the families who experienced hunger, 21.8 percent experienced it at least once in
each week during the reference period, 53.9 percent experienced it at least once in
each month, and 24.3 percent experienced it at least once in three months. Among
families in the Bottom 30% group, 5.6 percent experienced hunger and 1.0 percent
of families among those in the Top 70% group experienced it.

28 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Highlights of the 2016 APIS Results

F.2 Availment of Loan

Of the total families, 21.8 percent or 5.2 million families had members who
availed of loans in the six months prior to the survey in any lending institution or
private individual whose business is lending money with interest (Table 26 and 27).
The three most common sources of loans were from relatives/friends (38.3%),
microfinance institution (34.4%) and informal lenders (10.4%) [Table 27].

Table 26. Percentage of Families Who Availed of Loan From January to June 2016 by Income Stratum, Philippines 2016

Number of Families Who

Total Number of Families Percent of Families Who
Income Stratum Availed Loan
(in thousands) Availed Loan
(in thousands)

All income group 23,771 5,174 21.8

Bottom 30% 7,132 2,004 28.1
Top 70% 16,640 3,169 19.0

Note: Percentages do not add up to 100 due to a family can avail loan from more than one source.
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 29

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

30 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 31

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

32 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 33

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

34 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 35

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

36 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 37

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

38 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 39

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

40 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 41

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

42 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 43

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

44 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 45

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

46 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 47

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

48 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 49

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

50 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 51

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

52 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 53

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

54 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 55

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

56 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 57

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

58 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 59

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

60 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 61

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

62 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire


a. Furniture - dining table/dining chairs, sala set/sofa beds, cabinets, 051100
computer table, shoe rack, TV rack, etc. Baby furniture (crib, stroller,
walker, etc.). Others, specify ______________
b. Major Household appliances - refrigerator/freezer, washing machines, 053100
cooking range/stove/microwave oven, aircon, others (elecric dish dryer,
water dispenser, sewing machine, etc.)
c. Small electric household appliances - electric fan, rice cooker, 053200
flat iron, toaster, others (blender, electric airpot, griller, coffee maker,
hot plates, etc.)
d. Major tools and equipment - electric drills, saws, lawn mowers,
e. Transport equipment for household use - motor cars, motorcycles,
bicycles and tricycles, and others.
f. Major household equipments - cellular telephone, landline
telephone sets, telefax machine
g. Audio-visual equipments and information processing
1. Radio (am/fm) Radio cassette
2. Television
4. Video cassette recorder
5. Sing-along systems
6. Cameras
7. Desktop computers
8. Notebook or laptop
9. Printers
11. Others (film & slide projector, enlargers & film processing
equipment, etc.)
h. Other Major Durables for Recreation and Culture 092000
1. Major Durables for Outdoor Recreation 092100
1.1 Camper vans, caravans
1.2 Airplanes
1.3 Boats, outboard motors
1.4 Horses and ponies, horse or pony drawn vehicles and
related equipment
1.5 Other major durables for outdoor recreation, etc.
2. Musical Instruments and major durables for indoor recreation 092200
2.1 Planes and other keyboard stringed musical instrument
2.2 Guitars, violins, etc.
2.3 Other musical instruments, n.e.c. (drums, xylophones, etc.)

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 63

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

J8 HEALTH 060000

a. Medical Products, Therapeutic Gadgets & Equipment -

pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical products for nutrition and/
or prevent diseases, other medicinal preparations, medicinal drugs
and patent medicines, other medical products (clinical thermometer,
adhesive & non-adhesive bandages, etc.), therapeutic
appliances & equipment.
b. Outpatient Medical Services - medical services, dental services,
paramedical services.
c. Hospital Services - (Inpatient services) (public/private hospital


a. Audio-Visual Photography & Information Processing -
equipment for the reception, recording and reproduction of sound and
pictures; photographic and cinematographic equipment and optical
instruments; information processing equipment (calculators); recording
media (records & compact discs, etc.); repair od audio visual,
photographic and information processing equipment
b. Maintenance and Repair of Non-Durables for Recreation and
c. Other Recreational Items and Equipment, Gardens & Pets -
game toys and hobbies (card, stamp collections, video games, etc.),
equipment for sport, camping and open-air recreation gardens, plants,
and flower, pets and related products (pet foods, etc.)
d. Recreational and Cultural - recreational, and sporting services
(sport stadiums, tennis, volleyball, skating rinks,etc), cultural services
(cinemas, theaters, cable subscription, etc.), service; game of chance
(service charge for lotteries, casinos, bingo hall, scratch cards, etc.).
e. Newspaper, Books and Stationery - books, newspaper and
periodicals, stationery and drawing materials pens, pencils, inks, 095000
erasers, etc., other stationery and drawing materials,
f. Package Holiday - package holidays, half-day and one-day
excursion tours, pilgrimages.
During the period January-June 2016, how much is your actual disbursements/expenditures on the following?
(Include expenditures whether purchased/paid for in cash or on credit, and received as gifts. Round to the nearest peso. )
In Cash/ Received
Item Code Total
On Credit as Gifts
J10 EDUCATION 100000
a. Tuition fees - pre-primary, primary education, secondary
education, post-secondary education, tertiary (baccalaureate 101000
and post-graduate) education
b. Education Not Definable by Level - review center, other
computer training, etc.
c. Allowances for Family Members Studying Away from Home 106000
d. Other Educational Expenses - school uniform and footwear,
computer rental services and printing services, other educational 107000
expenses, n.e.c.

64 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire


During the period January-June 2016, how much on the average is your monthly expenses/consumption on the following?
(Includes all expenses/consumption whether purchased/paid in cash/on credit, received as gifts or own-produced.
Round to the nearest peso).
In Cash/ Received
Item Code Total
On Credit In Kind as Gifts
a. Personal Care - hairdressing salons and personal grooming
establishments: services of hairdressing salon and beauty parlor
(manicure/pedicure, hot oil, rebonding, cold wave/perm,
hair trim, etc.); barbershop services (haircut, shave); spas, saunas,
turkish bath, solaria and non-medical massages, etc.; other personal
grooming services, n.e.c. (aesthetic/cosmetic surgery, etc.)
Electric Appliances for Personal Care - (electric razors and hair
trimmers, hand-held and hood hair dryers, curling tongs, etc.
Other Appliances, Articles and Products for Personal Care -
razors and hair trimmers, blades, scissors, nail files, combs,
toothbrushes, etc.; personal hygiene (toilet soap, toothpaste,
shampoo, conditioners, alcohol, etc.); beauty products (lipsticks,
make-up, brushes, lotions, deodorants, perfumes, etc.); other
products for personal care (toilet papers, napkins, shower caps, etc.)
b. Personal Effects - jewelry, clocks and watches, other personal
effects (handbag, travelling bag, wallet, purse, etc), article for babies
(baby carriages, etc.); umbrella, sun-glass, fan, etc.; funerary articles
(coffins, gravestone, etc) and other personal effects, n.e.c.
c. Social Protection - retirement homes for elderly persons,
residences for disabled persons, etc.
d. Insurance - (life and non-life insurance) - life insurance, housing 125000
insurance, health insurance, transport insurance, other insurance
e. Financial Services - financial charges of banks, LBC, Cebuana, 126200
Palawan, Western Union, etc.)
f. Other services, n.e.c. - fees for legal services, payment for
photocopies, fees for the issue of birth, marriage and death 127000
certificates, service charges in bayad centers, etc.
a. Actual Rentals for Housing - actual rental paid, other actual
rentals (rental actually paid for secondary residences)
b. Imputed Rentals for Housing - imputed rentals of owners-
occupiers, other imputed rentals.
c. Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling - materials for the
maintenance and repair (paints, wall papers, carpentry, electrical),
services for the maintenance & repair.
d. Water Supply and Miscellaneous Services Relating to the
Dwelling - water supply, other services relating to the dwelling 044000

e. Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels - electricity, LPG, kerosene,

fuelwood, charcoal, other fuels (biomass residues, etc.)

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 65

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire


During the period January-June 2016, how much on the average is your monthly expenses/consumption on the following?
(Includes all expenses/consumption whether purchased/paid in cash/on credit, received as gifts or own-produced. )
In Cash/ Received
Item Code Total
On Credit as Gifts

a. Restaurants, café's and the like - catering services provided by restaurants, 111111
buffets, bars, etc., catering services in places providing recreational, cultural,
sporting or entertainment services, swimming pools, sport complexes, museums,
art galleries, nightclubs, dancing establishments, etc., catering services on public
transport (coaches, trains, boats, airplaned, etc.); sale of food products and
beverages for immediate consumption by kiosks, street vendors and the like,
including food products and beverages dispensed ready for consumption by
automatic vending machines; sale of cooked dishes by restaurants for
consumption off their premises.
b. Canteens - catering services of work canteens, office canteens, and canteen 111210
in schools, universities and other educational establishments; catering services
of university refectories, military messes and wardrooms.
c. Accommodation Services - expenses on hotels, boarding houses, motels, 112000
and other accomodation services, n.e.c.
J14 TRANSPORT 070000
a. Operation of Personal Transport Equipment - spare parts & accessories
for personal transport equipment (tires, batteries, other spare parts or accessories,
(spark plugs, fan belt, etc); fuel and lubricants for personal transport equipment, 072000
(diesel, gasoline, biofuel, other fuels, n.e.c); lubricants, brake and transmission
fluids, coolant and additives; maintenance and repair of personal transport
equipment (wheel alignment, tune-up, chnageoil, etc.); other services with respect
of personal transport equipment (toll facilities and parking, driving lessons, driving
tests and driving licenses; other services n.e.c.
b. Transport Services - passenger transport by railway, by road (bus fare, jeepney
fair, taxi fare, tricycle fare, pedicab fare, other transport payment by road, n.e.c.; 073000
by air (domestic air fare, international airfare); by sea (boat fare. ferry/ship fare,
other passenger transport by sea and inland waterway, n.e.c (jetski, speed
boat, etc); combined passenger transport, e.g., bus and RORO, etc., other
purchased transport services (porters, etc.)
a. Postal/Courier Services- sending letters, things like pera padala, etc. 081000
b. Telephone and Telefax Services - installation and subscription
cost of personal telephone, internet connection services, subscription
of postpaid cellular phone, payment for prepaid communication (electronic load, 083000
prepaid cell card, prepaid telephone card, prepaid internet card, internet
broadband; other telephone and telefax services, n.e.c.

66 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire


During the period January-June 2016, how much is your actual disbursements/expenditures on the following?
(Include expenditures whether purchased/paid for in cash or on credit, and received as gifts. Round to the nearest peso ).

Code Total In
Item Cash/On In Kind
a. Taxes - income tax, real estate tax, other direct taxes (community tax
certificate, etc.)
b. Gifts and Contributions to Others - gifts and assistance to private
individuals outside the family, contributions to church and religious
institutions, contributions and donations to other institutions, 160200
other gifts and contributions (birthdays/weddings, anniversaries,
holiday season's gift, etc.)
c. Other - losses due to fire and theft, etc. 160900
a. Purchase/amortization of real property 170100 __________ _______

b. Payments of cash loan (principal) 170200 __________ _______

c. Installments for appliances, etc. bought before January 2016 170300 __________ _______
d. Installments for personal transport bought before January 2016 170400 __________ _______
e. Loans granted to persons outside the family 170500 __________ _______
f. Amount deposited in banks/investments 170600 __________ _______
g. Major repair of the house 170700 __________ _______
h. Constructions of new house 170800 __________ _______
i. Others (withholding taxes from current income, payment for
goods/services acquired/availed of outside reference period, 170900 __________ _______
back rentals paid during the reference period, etc.)

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 67

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire




During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family receive salaries and
wages from employment in cash (including allowances, tips, bonus, commissions) and in kind (including housing,
food, grocery, clothing and medical benefits)?


Please give me the names of family members
10 years old and older, who receive salaries and
wages from employment.


Occupation Occupation Kind of Industry

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)














68 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire




Basic Salaries Allowances, Total Basic Salaries Housing, Total

and Wages Honoraria, and Wages Clothing,
Tips, etc. (Col. 7 + Col. 8) Food, etc. (Col.10 + Col. 11)

(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)


Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 69

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family receive net share of crops, fruits and vegetables
produced, fishing or livestock and poultry raised by other households? If yes, how much was sold for cash or consumed by the family?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO M

Total Net Value Value

Item Code of Share Sold for Cash

1. Cereals 920100 _________ __________ ____________

a) Rice 920110

b) Corn 920120

c) Other cereals 920130

2. Fruit 920200 _________ __________ ____________

3. Vegetables 920300 _________ __________ ____________

4. Fish Harvested 920400 _________ __________ ____________

5. Livestock and Poultry 920500 _________ __________ ____________

6. Livestock and Poultry Products 920600 _________ __________ ____________

7. Others (specify)
920700 _________ __________ ____________

TOTAL 920000


During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family produce goods mainly for home consumption?
If yes, how much was consumed by the family?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO N

source Type of Activity Code Net Receipts Value Consumed

1. Fishing, gathering shells, snail, seaweeds, corals, etc. 950100 _________ _ _________ __

2. Logging, gathering forest products like firewood 950500 _________ _ _________ __

_________ __
3. Hunting and trapping 950600 _________ _ _________ __
_________ __
4. Farming, gardening 950800 _________ _ _________ __

a) Cereals 950810

b) Fruits 950820

c) Vegetables 950830

d) Others, specify 950840

5. Raising livestock and poultry 950900 _________ _ _________ __

a) Livestock and Poultry 950910

b) Livestock and poultry products 950920

TOTAL 950000

70 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire



During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family receive in cash any receipt, gift or other forms
of assistance from abroad?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO N2 BELOW

Item Code In Cash

1. Cash received from family members who are Overseas Contract

Workers (OCW) 930110
2. Cash received from family members who are working abroad other than
OCW 930120
3. Pensions, retirement, workmen's compensation and other benefits 930130
4. Cash gifts, support, relief, etc. from abroad 930140
5. Dividends from investment abroad 930150

TOTAL 930100

During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family receive in cash any gift, support assistance
or relief from domestic source?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO N3 BELOW

source Item Code In Cash

1. Other families 930210

2. Government institutions 930220 ___________

a. Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT/4Ps) 930221

b. Others, specify 930222

3. Private institutions 930230

TOTAL 930200

During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family receive in cash or in kind, rentals from
non-agricultural land, buildings, spaces or other properties?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO N4

source Item Code In Cash In Kind

1. Land 930310

2. Buildings 930320

3. Spaces 930330

4. Other properties 930340

TOTAL 930300

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 71

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family receive in cash or in kind, interest from bank
deposits and loans extended to other families?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO N5 BELOW

source Item Code In Cash In Kind

1. Interest from bank deposits 930410 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

2. Interest from loans extended to other families 930420

TOTAL 930400

During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family receive in cash or in kind, pension and
retirement, workmen's compensation, or social security benefits?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO N6 BELOW

source Item Code In Cash In Kind

1. Pension and retirement 930510 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

2. Workmen's compensation 930520

3. Social security benefits 930530

TOTAL 930500


During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family receive in cash or in kind, any dividend from
investment (stocks, bonds, etc.)?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO N7 BELOW

source Code In Cash In Kind

What is the total value 930700


During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family receive in cash or in kind, other sources of income
not elsewhere classified such as royalties and income of family members below 10 years old?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O

source Code In Cash In Kind

What is the total value 931100

72 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire



(a) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family engage in crop farming and gardening such
as growing of palay, corn, roots and tubers, vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc.?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O2

(b) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family harvest crops, fruits and vegetables?
If yes, how much was consumed by the family or given away as gift?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O2
Area/ Value Given
Item Code Trees Production Total Value Away as
Harvested Consumed Gifts

1. Cereals 001210 XXXXXXX XXXXXXX _______ _______ _______

a. Palay 920110

b. Corn 920120

c. Others, specify 920140

2. Fruits and vegetables 001220 XXXXXXX XXXXXXX _______ _______ _______

a. Fruits 920220

b. Vegetables 920230

c. Cassava 920240

d. Camote 920250

e. Coconut 920260

c. Other, specify ______


3. Others (including orchids

and ornamental plants) 001240 XXXXXXX XXXXXXX _______ _______ _______

a. Tobacco 920030

b. Coffee 920710

c. Others, specify
(including copra)


Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 73

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire


( c ) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family incur expenses, in cash or in kind, in the
production of the crops harvested?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O2

Item Code In Cash In Kind Total

1. Seeds 001310

2. Fertilizer 001320

3. Pesticide 001330

4. Fuel and oil 001340

5. Wages of hired labor and paid family 001350


6. Interest paid on agricultural loan (if any) 001360

7. Irrigation fees and other water charges 001370

8. Rent of land, equipment, and work animal 001380

9. Other expenses 001390

TOTAL 001300


CODE (January - June 2016)





74 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire


(a) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family engage in livestock or poultry raising such as raising
of pigs, cattle, chickens, carabao, etc. and produce any livestock and poultry products such as milk, eggs, etc.?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O3

(b) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family dispose of any livestock and poultry whether
sold, consumed or given away, or did you or any family member produce livestock/poultry products? If yes, how much
was consumed by the family or given away as gifts?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O3

Number/ Value Value Given

Code Total Value Away as
Quantity Consumed Gifts
1. Livestock and poultry XXXXXXX 002210 _______ _______ _______

a. Pigs 920410

b. Cattle 920420

c. Chicken 920430

d. Carabao 920440

e. Others, specify

2. Livestock/poultry products XXXXXXX 002220 _______ _______ _______

a. Milk 920510

b. Eggs 920540

c. Others, specify


( c ) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family incur expenses, in cash or in kind, in raising the
livestock and poultry disposed of, or in producing the livestock/poultry products?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O3

Code In Cash In Kind Total

1. Acquisition cost of stock 002310

2. Feeds 002320

3. Medicine 002330

4. Labor 002340

5. Fuel and oil 002350

6. Electricity 002360

7. Other expenses 002370

TOTAL 002300


CODE (January - June 2016)




Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 75

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

(a) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family engage in such activities such as catching
fish (with a boat of three tons or less), gathering fry, shells, seaweeds and other aquatic animals or products and culturing fish,
oyster, mussels, etc.?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O4

(b) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family catch/gather/harvest fish or aquatic products?
If yes, how much was consumed by the family or given away as gift?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O4
Value Given
Item Quantity Code Total Value Away as
Consumed Gifts

1. Fish and other products kg 003210

2. Fry gathered kg 003220

3. Shells and other products gathered kg 003230

4. Fish harvested kg 003240

5. Oyster and mussel harvested kg 003250

6. Other products harvested kg 003260


(c) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family incur expenses, in cash or in kind, in catching,
gathering or culturing the fish or aquatic products reported above?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O4

Item Code In Cash In Kind Total

1. Acquisition cost of fry/fingerlings 003310

2. Fertilizer, feeds and pesticide 003320

3. Wages of hired labor and

paid family members 003330

4. Ice 003340

5. Fuel and oil 003350

6. Other expenses 003360



CODE (January - June 2016)




76 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire


(a) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family engage in such activities such forestry
activities as tree planting (ipil-ipil), firewood gathering, small scale logging excluding concessionaries, charcoal making,
gathering forestry products (cogon, nipa, rattan, bamboo, resin, gum, etc.) or hunting wild animals/birds?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O5

(b) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family dispose of (whether sold, consumed, or given
away) forestry products gathered or wild animals/birds hunted? If yes, how much was consumed by the family or given away
as gifts?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O5
Value Given
Item Quantity Code Total Value Away as
Consumed Gifts

1. Charcoal 004210

2. Firewood 004220

3. Logs 004230

4. Other forest products 004240

5. Wild animals/birds 004250

TOTAL VALUE XXXXXXX 004200 ========== ========== ==========

(c) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family incur expenses, in cash or in kind,
in gathering forest products or hunting wild animals/birds disposed of?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O5

Item Code In Cash In Kind Total

1. Wages of hired labor and

paid family members 004310

2. Fuel and oil 004320

3. Other 004330



CODE (January - June 2016)




Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 77

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

(a) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family engage in any wholesale or retail activity
including market vending, sidewalk vending/peddling and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O6

(b) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family sell goods either on wholesale or retail basis?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O6


How many months did you sell such goods? 005210 .

What is the average gross sale per month? 005220 X


(c) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family incur expenses, in cash or in kind, in selling
such goods?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O6

Item Code In Cash In Kind Total

1. Cost of good sold 005310

2. Other (specify) 005320



CODE (January - June 2016)





78 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

(a) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family engage in such manufacturing activities as
mat weaving, tailoring, dressmaking, bagoong making and fish drying?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O7

(b) Describe major activity PSIC Code:

(c) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family sell any of the goods manufactured?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O6 (d)


How many months did you sell such goods? 006210 .

What is the average gross sale per month? 006220 X


(d) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family consume any of the goods manufactured?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O6 (e)

Item Quantity Code Value

1. Cereal preparation 006310

2. Preparation from roots and tubers 006320

3. Fruit and vegetable preparation 006330

4. Meat preparation 006340

5. Processed fish and marine products 006350

6. Other food items 006360

7. Alcoholic beverages (Native wine) 006370

8. Other non-food items (specify)




Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 79

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire


(e) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family give away as gifts any of the goods

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O6 (f)

Item Quantity Code Value

1. Cereal preparation 006410

2. Preparation from roots and tubers 006420

3. Fruit and vegetable preparation 006430

4. Meat preparation 006440

5. Processed fish and marine products 006450

6. Other food items 006460

7. Alcoholic beverages (Native wine) 006470

8. Other non-food items (specify)



(f) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family incur expenses, in cash or in kind, in
manufacturing the goods reported?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O7

Item Code In Cash In Kind Total

1. Raw materials 006510

2. Other (specify) 006520



CODE (January - June 2016)






80 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

(b) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family receive any compensation/payment for
rendering such services?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O7 ( c )


How many months did you render service or practice 007210 .

your trade?

What is the average gross receipt per month? 007220 X


(c) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family incur expenses, in cash or in kind,
in rendering such services?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O8

Item Code In Cash In Kind Total

1. Materials and supplies 007310

2. Others (specify) 007320




CODE (January - June 2016)





Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 81

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire


(a) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family operate any activity providing transportation,
storage and communication services such as operation of jeepneys or taxis, storage and warehousing activities, tour and
travel agencies, messenger services, etc.?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O9

(b) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family receive any compensation/payment
for rendering such services?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O8 ( c )


How many months did you operate or render 008210 .


What is the average gross receipt per month? 008220 X


(c) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family incur expenses, in cash or in kind, in
rendering such services?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O9

Item Code In Cash In Kind Total

1. Fuel and oil 008310

2. Maintenance and repair 008320

3. Others (specify) 008330




CODE (January - June 2016)





82 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire


(a) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family engage in mining and quarrying such as salt
mining, gravel and sand quarrying, etc.?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O10

(b) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family dispose of mining and quarrying products?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O10


What is the total gross receipt? 009200

(c) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family incur expenses, in cash or in kind, producing
the products disposed of?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O10

Item Code In Cash In Kind Total

1. Materials and supplies 009310

2. Fuels 009320

3. Others (specify) 009330



CODE (January - June 2016)





Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 83

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

(a) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family contract services for construction or repair of
a house, building or any structure?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O11

(b) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family receive payment for the construction activity?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O10 ( c )


What is the total gross receipt? 010220

(c) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family incur expenses, in cash or in kind, for the
construction activity?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O11

Item Code In Cash In Kind Total

1. Wages of hired labor and paid family 010310


2. Materials and supplies 010320

3. Others (specify) 010320



CODE (January - June 2016)





84 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

(a) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family engage in other entrepreneurial activities
not elsewhere classified such as legal, accounting and engineering services; advertising services; and machinery and
equipment renting and leasing?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO P

PSIC Code:

(b) Describe major activity :

(c) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family receive professional or service fees for this

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO O11 (d)


What is the total gross receipt for the semester? 011220

(d) During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family incur expenses, in cash or in kind, in this

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO P

Item Code In Cash In Kind Total

1. Materials and supplies 011310

2. Fuels and lubricants 011320

3. Others (specify) 011320



CODE (January - June 2016)





Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 85

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire

During the period January - June 2016, did you or any member of your family receive in cash or in kind, other receipts such as
sale of real property; sale of personal property such as (clothing, jewelry, etc.); loans from other families, business firms and
government institutions for current consumption and investment; payment received from loans granted to others (excluding interest);
withdrawals from savings/business equity; net winnings from gambling, profits from sale of stocks, back pay and proceeds
from insurance, inheritance or other receipts?

1 - YES 2 - NO, GO TO Q

source Item Code In Cash In Kind

1. Sale of real property 940010

2. Sale of personal property 940020

3. Loans from other families 940030

4. Loans from business firms (including sari-sari

stores and government institutions 940040

5. Payments received for loans granted to others 940050

6. Withdrawals from savings/business equity 940060

7. Net winnings from gambling, sweepstakes and

raffle 930080

8. Profits from sale of stocks, bonds and real and

personal property 930090

9. Back pay and proceeds from insurance 930100

10. Inheritance 930110

11. Other receipts (tax refund, dowries, prizes received

from tournaments, etc.) 940070

TOTAL 940000


86 Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

Appendix A – 2016 APIS Questionnaire


Q1. In your community, do you think drug abuse is a problem ?

1- Yes 2- No, ENTER '3' IN Q2 .
Q2. How would you rate the drug abuse problem in your community?

1 - Serious
2 - A little bit
3 - No drug-related problem

Q3. Which of the following activities on drug prevention and/or control are being implemented
in your community?
Yes No

a - Drug clearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
b - Drug advocacy seminars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
c - Dissemination or giving of information materials ................ 1 2
d - Referrals of drug dependents for treatment and rehabilitation ..... 1 2

Q4. Are you aware of the following services offered by the government on drug abuse problem?

Yes No

a - Anti-drug abuse council (ADAC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2

b - Law enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
c - Treatment and rehabilitation ............................... 1 2
d - Social Welfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
e - School-based drug abuse prevention program ................ 1 2
f - Random drug testing in school ............................. 1 2

Philippine Statistics Authority 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 87

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