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Cesare Poppi (1997)

GE TCW (Prelim) “Globalization is the debate and the debate is

UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION globalization. One became part and parcel of the
Topic 1: The study of Globalization other. The literature stemming from the debate on
globalization has grown in the last decade beyond
any individual’s capability of extracting a workable
GLOBALIZATION definition of the concept. In a sense, the meaning
Defining globalization cannot be contained within of the concept is self-evident, in another, it is vague
as pecific time frame, all people, and all situations and obscure as its reaches are wide and constantly
(Al-Rhodan, 2006). Aside from this, globalization shifting. Perhaps, more than any other concept,
encompasses a multitude of processes that globalization is the debate about it”.
involves the economy, political, and culture. Social
structures, therefore, are directly affected by
globalization. The perspective of the person who defines
globalization shapes its definition. The overview of
Over the years, globalization has gained many definition implies that globalization is many things
connotations pertaining to progress, development to many different people.
and integration. On the one hand, some view
globalization as a positive phenomenon. Here are Globalization is a reality. It is changing as human
the definitions of Globalization from views of society develops. It happened before and still
different scholars: happening today. We should expect it to continue
to happen in the future. The future of globalization
Thomas Larsson (2001)- Swedish Journalist is more difficult to predict. What we could expect in
“The process of world shrinkage, of distances the coming years is what has happened over the
getting shorter, things moving closer. It pertains to past 50 years and that is the fluidity and complexity
the increasing ease with which somebody on one of globalization as a concept, which made more
side of the world can interact, to mutual benefit debates, discussion, and definitions than
with somebody on the other side of the world”. agreements on it.

Martin Khor- former President of Third World Overall, globalization is a concept that is not easy to
Network (TWN) in Malaysia in 1990s define because in reality, globalization has a shifting
“Occurring through and with regression, nature. It is complex, multifaceted, and can be
colonialism, and destabilization Globalization is influenced by the people who define it. Moreover,
colonization”. the issues and concerns, involving globalization
have a wide range--- from the individual to society,
Ohmae (1992) for small communities to nations and state, and
“Globalization means the onset of the borderless from the benefits we can gains it to the costs it
world”. could carry. In this article, “The Globalization of
Nothing, “Ritzer (2003) said, “attitudes toward
Arjun Appaduria (1996) globalization depend, among other things, on
“Globalization is a world of things that have whether one gains or losses from it”.
different speeds, axes, points of origin and
termination, and varied relationships to
institutional structures I different regions, nations,
or societies”.
In order for us to better understand the concept of refers to the increasing ease of movement of people,
globalization, we will utilize metaphor. Metaphors things, information, and places in the contemporary
make use of one term to help us better understand world.
another term. In our case, the states of matter---
•Another characteristic of liquid phenomena is that
solid and liquid--- will be used. In addition, other
their movement is difficult to stop. For example, videos
related concepts that are included in the definition
uploaded on YouTube or Facebook are unstoppable
such as structure and flows will be elaborated. once they become viral. The so-called internet
sensations become famous not only in their homeland
SOLID AND LIQUID but also to the entire world.
Refers to barriers that prevent or make difficult the •Finally, the forces (the liquid ones) made political
movement of things. Furthermore, solids can be boundaries more permeable to the flow of people and
natural or man-made. things (Cartier, 2001). This bring us to what Ritzer (2015)
regarded as the most important characteristic of liquid:
it “ tends to melt whatever stands in its path ( especially
•Examples of natural solids are landforms and
solids).” The clearest example is the decline, if not
bodies of water. Man-made barriers include the death, of the nation state.
Great Wall of China and the Berlin Wall. An
imaginary line such as the nine-dash line used by Globalization Theories
the People’s Republic of China in their claim to the Homogeneity – refers to the increasing sameness in the
South China Sea is an example of modern man- world as cultural inputs, economic factors, and political
made solid. This creates limited access of Filipino orientations of societies expand to create common
fishes to the South China Sea. practices, same economies, and similar forms of
government. Homogeneity in culture is often linked to
•Obviously, these examples still exist. However, cultural imperialism. This means, a given culture
they have the tendency to melt. This should not be influences other cultures. For example, the dominant
religion in our country is Christianity, which was brought
taken literally like an iceberg melting. Instead, this
to us by the Spaniards. Global economic crises are
process involves how we can describe what is
products of homogeneity in economic globalization. For
happening in today’s global world. It is becoming
instance, blamed the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
increasingly liquid. for its ‘ONE-SIZE FITS ALL’ approach which treats every
country in the world as the same.
As a state of matter, takes the shape of its container. Heterogeneity – pertains to the creation of various
Moreover, liquids are not fixed. Liquidity, therefore, cultural practices, new economies, and political groups
refers to the increasing ease of movement of people, because of the interaction of elements from different
things, information, and places in the contemporary societies in the world. Heterogeneity refers to the
world differences because of either lasting differences or of
the hybrids or combinations of cultures that can be
•Zygmunt Bauman’s ideas were the ones that have produced through the different trans planetary
much to say about the characteristic of liquidity. First, processes. Contrary to cultural imperialism,
today’s liquid phenomena change quickly and their heterogeneity in culture is associated with cultural
aspects, spatial and temporal, are in continuous hybridization. Amore specific concept is “glocalization”
fluctuation. This means that space and time are crucial coined by Roland Robertson in 1992. To him, as global
elements of globalization. In global finance, for instance, forces interact with local factors or a specific geographic
changes in the stock market are a matter of seconds. area, the “glocal” is being produced.
as a state of matter, takes the shape of its container.
Moreover, liquids are not fixed. Liquidity, therefore,
2. The Economist (2006, Jan 2) – it considered the
Origins and History of Globalization rampage of Genghis Khan into Eastern Europe in
Where did Globalization start? There are five different the nineteenth century.
perspective regarding the origins of globalization. 3. Rosenthal (2007) – voyages of discovery-
Christopher Colombus’s discovery of America in
✓Hardwired 1942, Vasco de Gama in Cape of Good Hope in
According to Nayan Chanda (2007), it is because of our 1498, and Ferdinand Magellan’s completed
basic human need to make our lives better that made circumnavigation of the world in 1522.
globalization possible. Therefore, one can trace the
beginning of globalization from our ancestors in Africa Broader, more recent changes
who walked out from the said continent in the late Ice This happened in the last half of the 20 th century.
Age. This long journey finally led them to all known scholar’s today point to these three notable changes as
continents today, roughly after 50,000 years. the origin of globalization that we know today. They are
Commerce, religion, politics, and warfare are the urges as follows:
of people toward a better life (Chanda 2007). These are 1. The emergence of the United States as the
respectively connected to the four aspects of global power (post-World War II)
globalization and they can be traced all throughout 2. The emergence of multinational corporations
history: trade, missionary work, adventures, and (MNC’s)
conquest. 3. The demise of the Soviet Union and the end of
the cold War
For some, globalization is a long-term cyclical process Theories of Global Stratification
and thus, finding its origin will be a daunting task. What We may draw answers by looking at the different
is important is the cycles that globalization has gone theories of global stratification.
through (Scholte, 2005). Subscribing to this view will ✓Modernization Theory
suggest adherence to the idea that other global ages – This theory frames global stratification as a
have appeared. There is also the notion to suspect that function of technological and cultural
this point of globalization will soon disappear and differences between nations. It specifically
reappear. pinpoints two historical events that contributed
to Western Europe developing at a faster rate
✓Epoch than much of the rest of the world namely the
Ritzer cited Therborn six great epochs of globalization. Columbian Exchange and industrial Revolution
these are also called as “waves” and each has its own in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
origin. The sequential occurrence of the epochs:
1. Globalization of religion (4th to 7th century) ✓Dependency theory –
2. European colonial conquest (late 15th century) - It argues that liberal trade causes greater
3. Intra-European Wars (late 8th to early 19th impoverishment, not economic improvement,
century) to less developed countries (Toye, 2003).
4. Heyday of European Imperialism (mid-19th Dependency theorists saw that the
century to 1918) development of peripheral nations is stagnant
5. Post-World War II period because of the exploitative nature of the core
6. Post-Cold War nations (Ferraro, 2008).


Event Cultural Differentialism
Specific events such as: Emphasizes the fact that cultures are essentially
1. Gibbon (1998) – he argued that Roman different and are only superficially affected by global
conquests centuries before Christ were the flows. The interaction of cultures is deemed to contain
origin of globalization. the potential for “catastrophic collison.”
The Cultural Hybridization Unit 2: The Structures of
Emphasizes the integration of local and global cultures
(Cvetkovich and Kellner, 1997). Globalization is Globalization
considered to be a creative process which gives rise to Topic 1: The Global Economy
hybrid entities that are not reducible to either the global The Global Actors
or the local. The United Nations (UN) tried to address the different
The Cultural Convergence problems in the world. Their efforts were guided by the
Stresses homogeneity introduced by globalization. eight Millennium development Goals, which they
Cultures are deemed to be radically altered by strong created in the 1990’s. Among these eight goals, the
flows, while cultural imperialism happens when one eradication of extreme poverty and hunger ranked as
culture imposes itself on and tends to destroy at least the first. The other seven goals include: achieving
parts of another culture. universal primary education, promoting gender equality
and women empowerment, reducing child mortality,
Definition of Terms improving maternal health, combating diseases like
Globalization – is a process of interaction and HIV/AIDS and malaria, ensuring environmental
integration among the people, companies, and sustainability, and having a global partnership for
governments of different nation, a process driven by development (United nation, 2015). The UN tried to
international trade and investment, and aided by achieve them by the year 2015.
information technology.
Economic globalization – refers to the increasing There are two different types of economies associated
interdependence of world economies as a result of the with economic globalization, namely;
growing scale of cross-border trade of commodities and
services, flow of international capital and wide and •Protectionism means a policy of systematic
rapid spread of technologies. government intervention in foreign trade with the
Global economy – refers to the interconnected objective of encouraging domestic production. This
worldwide economic activities that take place between encouragement involves giving preferential treatment to
multiple countries. These economic activities can have domestic producers and discriminating against foreign
either positive or negative impact on the countries competitors. Example: quotas and tariffs
involved. •Trade liberalization or free trade – mean goods and
Global market integration – a situation in which services move around the world more easily than ever.
separate markets for the same product became one Example: shoes, bananas, to innovations and ideas.
single market, for example, when an import tax in one
of the markets is removed. Integration is taken to There are various ways, however, the country can make
denote a state of affair or a process involving attempts trade easier with other countries while lessening the
to combine separate national economies into larger inequities in the global world. One of them is; fair trade
economic region. – is the concern for the social, economic, and
Global trade - – is simply the import and export of goods environmental well-being of marginalized small
and services across international boundaries. Goods and producers (international Fair-Trade Association}. It aims
services that enter into a country for sale are called for a more moral and equitable global economic system.
imports. Goods and services that leave a country for specifically, it is concerned with protection of workers
sale in another country are called exports. and producers, establishment of more just prices,
Global stratification – refers to the hierarchical engagement in environmentally sound practices and
arrangement of individuals and groups in societies sustainable production, creation of relationships
around the world. between producers in the South and consumers in the
Global Governance – or world governance is a north, and promotion of safe working environment. A
movement towards political cooperation among concrete example of the growth of fair trade is the case
transnational actors, aimed at negotiating responses to of American coffee chain such as Starbucks and Dunkin
problems that affect more than one state or region. Donuts.
The Modern World-System Topic 2: Market Integration
Modern World-System Analysis. On the surface, world-
system analysis, as eloquently formulated by the The social institution that has one of the biggest impacts
American sociologist jmmanuel Wallerstein is on society is the economy. You might think of the
specifically a capitalist world economy with capitalism economy in terms of number – number of unemployed,
defined as “the endless accumulation of capital” using gross domestic product (GDP), or whatever the stock
the metaphor that recalls the theories of Scottish market is doing today. While we often talk about it in
economist adam Smith (1723-1790). Wallestein defines numerical terms, the economy is composed of people. It
the world-system as geographical division of labor. is the social institution that organizes all production,
While the basic linkage is economic, the system is consumption, and trade of goods in the society. There
reinforced by political and cultural factors. The system are many ways in which products can be made,
was formulated in the 1970s which appears deceptively exchanged, and used. Think about capitalism or
simple. Wallerstein’s world-system analysis is a grand socialism. These economic system – and the economic
narrative of world historical development from the revolutions that created them – shape the way people
sixteenth century to the present, with boundaries, live their lives.
structures, member groups, rules of legitimation, and
coherence. The world- together by tension, and tear it Economic systems vary from one society to another. But
apart as each group seeks externally to remold it to its in any given economy, production typically splits into
advantage” three sectors. The primary sector extracts raw materials
from natural environments. Workers like farmers or
The tripartite World-System miners fit well in the primary sector. The secondary
Wallerstein’s world-system divides the nations and areas sector gains the raw materials and transform them into
of the world jnto three units; designated core, periheral, manufactured goods. Whereas, the tertiary sector
and semipheripheral (ine the past some areas remained involves services rather goods. It offers services by doing
external to the system). These normative units are things rather than making things. Thus, economic
systematic and relational within the caspitalist world system is more complicated or at least, more
economy. All parts of the system are dependent upon sophisticated than the way things used to be for much
and interact with each other; any change in the system of human history.
will impact upon the system as a whole.
Core nations dominate economic structure of their International Financial Institution
historical time and strive to maintain or expand this International Financial Institution (IFI) is a financial
authority. One fundamental element of a core nation is institution that has been established (or chartered) by
the ability to produce and distribute products. Other more than one country and hence is subject to
characteristics influence wielded by private international law. In many parts of the world, IFI’s play a
businesspeople, merchants, and financial institutions, major role in the social and economic development
which play a vital role in core nations. Culture often programs of nations with developing or transnational
serves as an ideological justification for dominance. The economies. This role includes advising on development
state also provides military force to protect and expand projects, funding them and assisting in their
economic interests. implementation.

Peripheral areas or nations (often colonies from the The following are the financial institutions of economic
sixteenth to the twentieth centuries and defined as organizations that made countries even closer together,
underdeveloped or semi developed for a brief time in at least, when it comes to trade.
the twentieth centuries) serve the interests of the core » The Bretton Woods System
nations. Peripheral areas provide agricultural products, —Was the first system used to control the value of
luxury goods, raw materials, and cheap sources of labor. money between different countries. It meant that each
semipheripheral nations and areas serves as country had to have a monetary policy that kept the
intermediate trading areas between the core nations exchange rate of its currency within a fixed value –plus
and the peripheral areas. or minus one percent-in terms of gold.
» The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) History of Global Market Integration
and The World Trade Organization (WTO) Before the rise of today’s modern economy, people only
produced for their family. Nowadays, economy demands
GATT – Is a legal agreement between many countries, the different sectors to work together in order to
whose overall purpose was to promote international produce, distribute, and exchange products and
trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as services. What caused this shift in the way people
tariffs and quotas. produce for their needs?
WTO – is the only global international organization •The Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial
dealing with the rules of trade between nations. Revolution
•Capitalism and Socialism
» The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World •The Information Revolution
Bank (WB) •Global Corporations3

IMF – is an organization of 189 countries, working to We can also differentiate globalism and globalization in
foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial terms of its “thickness”. Globalism is thin. As it becomes
stability, facilitate international trade, promote high thicker, globalization happens. This means that being
employment and sustainable economic growth, and able to connect countries in the world through a more
reduce poverty around the world. dynamic and faster way is globalization. let us take
WB – is an international organization that offers global trade as an example. In the past, the Silk Road
developmental assistance to middle income and low served as the trade routes among countries in Europe
income countries. and in Asia. Aside from the trade of silk between the
continents, other products, even illegal ones, were
» The Organization for Economic Cooperation and exchanged among traders and consumers. In additional,
Development (OECD), the Organization of Petroleum cultural interactions among people were made through
Exporting Countries (OPEC), and the European Union their trades. However, they were felt by a relatively
(EU) small group of people, most especially those who were
actually on the road and did the trades. The connections
OECD – is an intergovernmental economic organization were not intense nor “thick”. In contrast to the
with37 member country, founded in 1961 to stimulate contemporary world, “globalism become increasingly
economic progress and world trade. thick”
OPEC – is an intergovernmental organization of 13
nations. Founded on 14 September 1960 in Baghdad by
the first five members, it has since 1965 been
headquartered in Vienna, Austria.
EU – is a political and economic union of 27 member
states that are located primarily in Europe, its members
have a combined area of 4, 233,255.3 kms and an
estimated total population of about 447 million.

» North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

NAFTA – was an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico,

and the United States, creating a trilateral trade bloc in
North America. The agreement came into force on
January 1,1994. The goal is to eliminate all tariff and
non-tariff barriers of trade and investment between the
United States, Canada, and Mexico.

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