BME1 Prelim

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✓ A business is defined as an organization or

BME 1 (prelim) enterprising entity engaged in commercial,

UNIT I: The Foundation of Business industrial, or professional activities.
❖Accounting – A systematic way of recording and •For example, when Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
reporting financial transactions for a business or created Apple Computer in Job’s family garage,
organization. The process of identifying, measuring they started a business. The product was the Apple
and communicating about an entry to permit I, and the company’s founders hoped to sell their
informed judgments and decisions by users of the computers to customers for more than it cost to
information. make and market them. If they were successful
❖ Business – It is a general term, which includes all (which they were), they’d make a profit.
profit-seeking activities of enterprises that provide
goods and services necessary to an economic ✓ Before we go on let’s make a couple of
system. important distinctions concerning the terms in our
❖ Finance – It is defined as the management of definitions:
money and includes activities such as investing, •First, whereas Apple produces and sells goods
borrowing, lending, budgeting, saving, and (Mac, iPhone, iPod, iPad), many businesses provide
forecasting. services. Your bank is a service company, as is your
❖ Management – Management is a process of internet provider. Hotels, airlines, law firms, movie
planning, decision-making, organizing, leading, theaters and hospitals are also service companies.
motivation and controlling the human resources, Many companies provide both goods and services.
financial, physical, and information resources of an For example, your local cat dealership sells goods
organization to each its goals efficiently and (cars) and also provides services (automobile
effectively. repairs).
❖ Marketing – It refers to activities a company •Second, some organizations are not set up to
undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a make profits. Many are established to provide
product or service. Marketing includes advertising, social or educational services. Businesses can be
selling, and delivering products to consumers or for-profit entities or non-profit organizations that
other businesses. operate to fulfill a charitable mission or further a
❖ Organization – It is an entity comprising a group social cause.
of people, established to accomplish certain goals.
❖ Profit – It is the money that remains after a firm ✓ It is important to note also that people have
deducts its expenses related to producing and conducted business since ancient times;
marketing goods or services from its revenues. The historically, businesses have involved mercantile
firm receives money arising out of sales, operations, trade guilds, or shared agricultural
commissions, and the like. production.

Topic 1: What is Business? Key Takeaways

✓ It refers to any activity that provides goods or ● In the hope of making profits, businesses
services to consumers for the purpose of making a produce and market goods and services.
profit. ● In satisfying customers’ needs and wants, the
✓ The term business refers to the organized efforts firm will generate sales revenues, which make
and activities of individuals to produce and sell profits possible
goods and services for profit.
✓ It is important to note that organizations of
Topic 2: What is Profit? people come in many forms.
✓ It is important to note that profit is the primary
reason why people go into business. • They might be a random group of people who
✓ Businesses that do not make profits are bound spontaneously came together to address a short-
for extinction. term need, such as collecting litter along a certain
✓ Profit is the revenue remaining after all costs are stretch or road.
paid. These costs include labor, materials, interest • Or, it might be a carefully collected, aligned and
on debt, and taxes. integrated group of people who came together for
✓ Profit is usually used when describing business the long-term to address a long-term need, such as
activity. But everyone with an income has profit. stopping poverty in a certain country.
It’s what left over after paying the bills.
✓ A mere grouping of people will not qualify as an
» Profit is the reward to business owners for organization, the group must have some objectives
investing. In small companies, it’s paid directly as to achieve and to be able to do so, they must
income. In corporations, it’s often paid in the form interact, use knowledge and techniques, and work
of dividends to shareholders. together in patterned relationships.
✓ An overall organization can have a variety of
When expenses are higher than revenue, that’s small organizations within it, for example, various
called a loss. If a company suffers losses for too departments and teams of people.
long, it goes bankrupt. ✓ The way that people work together in an
organization depends on a variety of factors,
Key Takeaways including the values in their culture, the nature of
● Profit is income remaining after settling all leadership and types of current needs they are
expenses. working to address.
● Three forms of profit are gross profit, operating
profit and net profit. Topic 4: Functional Areas of Business
● The profit margin shows how well a company 1. Management
uses revenue. ✓Managers are responsible for the work
● Profit drives capitalism and free market performance of other people.
economies. ✓Management involves planning for, organizing,
● Increasing revenue and cutting costs increase staffing, directing and controlling a company’s
profits. resources so that it can achieve its goals.
• Managers plan by setting goals and developing
Topic 3: What is an Organization? strategies for achieving them.
✓ Remember, most of us have worked in an •They organize activities and resources to ensure
organization of people – even a family is a type of that company goals are met.
organization. •They staff the organization with qualified
✓ The word is widely used that its meaning can employees and
sometimes be lost. •direct them to accomplish organizational goals.
✓ The word means a collection of resources that •Finally, managers design controls for assessing the
are working together somehow to achieve a success of plans and decisions and take corrective
common purpose. action as needed.
✓ When we talk about an organization, we are
usually referring to a group of people.
✓Koontz and O’Donnel (2019) define management 4. Accounting
as the process of designing and maintaining an Managers need accurate, relevant, timely financial
environment in which individuals, working together information, and accountants provide it.
in groups, effectively and efficiently, accomplished Accountants measure, summarize and
aims”. communicate financial and managerial information
•This definition implies: and advise other managers on financial matters.
1. As managers, people carry out the there are two fields of accounting. Financial
managerial functions of planning, accountants prepare financial statements to help
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. users, both inside and outside the organization,
2. Management applies to any kind of assess the financial strength of the company.
organization. managerial accountants prepare information, such
3. It applies to managers at all organizational as reports on the cost of materials used in the
levels. production process, for internal use only.
4. The aim of all managers is the same: to
create a surplus. 5. Finance
5. Managing is concerned with productivity; Finance involves planning for, obtaining, and
this implies effectiveness and efficiency managing a company’s funds. Finance managers
address such questions as the following: How much
2. Operations money does the company need? How and where
All companies must convert resources (labor, will it get the necessary money? How and when will
materials, money, information and so on forth) into it pay the money back? What should it do with its
goods or services. Some companies, such as Apple, funds? What investments should be made in plant
convert resources into tangible products – Macs, and equipment? How much should be spent on
iPhones, iPods, iPads, Others such as hospitals, research and development? How should excess
convert resources into intangible products – health funds be invested? Good financial management is
care. The person who designs and oversees the particularly important when a company is first
transformation of resources into goods or services formed, because new business owners usually need
is called an operations manager. This individual is to borrow money to get started.
also responsible for ensuring that products are of
high quality. Topic 5: Management Principles

3. Marketing Henri Fayol named these 14 Management

Marketing consists of everything that a company principles based on fundamental truth. These
does to identify customer’s needs and designs principles of management serve as a guideline for
products to meet those needs. Marketers develop decision-making and management actions. They
the benefits and features of products, including are drawn up by means of observations and
price and quality. They also decide on the best analyses of events that managers encounter in
method of delivering products and the best means practice. Henri Fayol was able to synthesize 14
of promoting them to attract and keep customers. principles of management after years of study,
They manage relationships with customers and namely:
make them aware of the organization’s desire and
ability to satisfy their needs.
1. Division of Labor 8. Centralization
This means breaking a job down into specialized Power and authority must be centralized as much
tasks to increase productivity. For example, the as possible. Decentralization must be instituted,
total job of financing appliance sales may be broken however, when the firm grows to considerable size.
into tasks like credit investigation, collection and
accounting. 9. Scalar chain
This means that subordinates should observe the
2. Authority official chain of command unless authorized by
This is the right given to a person on position to their respective superiors to communicate with
give orders plus the power to exact obedience. For each other.
example, a sales manager must have the right to
expect from the sales supervisor the required 10. Order
volume of sales for a given period. This means that human and non-human resources
should be in their proper places. The production
3. Discipline manager, for example, must hold office at the
This provides uniform application of behavior to production site.
certain activities the outcome of which is readily
predicted. If discipline is not practiced, objectives 11. Equity
will be very hard to achieve. This is the result of kindliness and justice and is a
principle to guide management-employee relations.
4. Unity of Command
This means that each employee must have only one 12. Stability of Tenure
supervisor. Reporting to more than one boss High employee turnover is counterproductive. To
creates and reduces productivity. motivate employees to stay with the company,
effective manpower planning and implementation
5. Unity of direction are necessary.
This means that the efforts of everyone in the
organization must be coordinated and focused in 13. Initiative
the same direction. It will be hard to achieve an Management should encourage employees to act
organizational objective if some components of the on their own volition when confronted with an
organization are not moving towards the identified opportunity to solve a problem.
14. Esprit de corps
6. Subordination of the individual interests to This means that managers should emphasize
the general interest teamwork by building harmony and a sense of
This refers to the goals of the organization that unity among employees. Harmony breeds high
should take precedence over individual goals. morale and is more productive than discord.
When the reverse happens, it will be difficult for
the organization to succeed because its goals will
always be set aside.

7. Remuneration
Employees should be paid fairly in accordance with
their contribution to the organizational effort. This
must be applied to pay, bonuses and benefits.
UNIT II: Ethics and Social ✓It implores them to adhere to certain ethical
conduct when dealing with anybody especially
Responsibility those affected by their business activities.
Topic 1: Ethics ✓Note that many people react that business ethics,
✓The behavior of individuals and groups which are with its continuing attention to “doing the right
governed by standards, rules, and codes of conduct thing,” only asserts the obvious (“be good”, “don’t
consist of the subjects covered by ethics lie”, etc.), and so these people don’t tae business
✓Simply put, ethics is a system of moral principles. ethics seriously. For many of us, these principles of
They affect how people make decisions and lead the obvious can go right out the door during times
their lives. of stress. Consequently, business ethics can be
✓ Ethics is concerned with what is good individuals strong preventative medicine.
and Society and is also described as moral
philosophy. Areas of Concern for Business Ethics
✓ It involves learning what is right or wrong, and
then doing the right thing – but “the right thing” is Business ethics covers all areas encompassed by
not nearly as straightforward as conveyed in a great business transactions. The ethical conduct of
deal of business ethics literature. business persons may be measured against how
✓Ethics covers the following dilemmas: the following are adhered to:
● how to live a good life
● our rights and responsibilities 1. Laws and regulations promulgated by the
● the language of right and wrong government; and
● moral decisions – what is good and bad? 2. Specific ethical conduct not yet passed into
Topic 2: Business Ethics
✓Business ethics, also called corporate ethics, is a A list of concern relating to laws and regulations
form of applied ethics or professional ethics that requiring ethical behavior is provided as follows:
examines the ethical and moral principles and 1. Product safety and quality;
problems that arise in a business environment. 2. Fair employment practices;
✓It can also be defined as the written and 3. Fair marketing and selling practices;
unwritten codes of principles and values, 4. The use of confidential information for
determined by an organization’s culture, that personal gain;
govern decisions and actions within an 5. Community involvement;
organization. 6. Bribery; and
• It applies to all aspects of business conduct on 7. Illegal payments to foreign governments to
behalf of both individuals and the entire company. obtain business
✓In the most basic terms, a definition for business
ethics boils down to knowing the difference
between right and wrong and choosing what to do
what is right.
✓The concept has come to mean various things to
various people, but generally its coming to know
what is right or wrong in the workplace and doing
what is right – this is in regard to effects of
products/services and in relationships with Topic 3: Social Responsibility
● This definition indicates that the firm must UNIT III: Forms of Business
perform its function without harming the
community; instead it must improve the quality of
Organization and Ownership
life. It must produce goods or services that will not Topic 1: Sole Proprietorship
adversely affect any component of the society. It
can make profits but not to the detriment of ✓The sole proprietorship is that type of business
society. entity owned and operated by a single person.
● Movies, for example may be produced and ✓ It is a one-man enterprise because the owner
shown to the public but they must not be those shoulders all the losses when the business fails but
that devalue morals. all profits accrue to him if the business prospers.
From his own resources, the owner provides the
Social responsibility and business ethics are often necessary funds for operating the business.
regarded as the same concepts. However, the social Decision-making is monopolized by the owner.
responsibility movement is but one aspect of the ✓The big percentage of businesses owned by sole
overall discipline of business ethics. proprietors indicate the popularity of this
ownership type. This is so, because of certain
Topic 4: Corporate Social Responsibility advantages unique to sole proprietorships.
✓Social responsibility means that individuals and
companies have a duty to act in the best interests ADVANTAGES
of their environment and society as a whole. 1. Ease and Cost of Formation
✓Social responsibility, as it applies to business, is Among the three forms, the sole proprietorship is
known as corporate social responsibility (CSR). the easiest and least costly to organize. The only
✓The crux of this theory is to enact policies that requisites for its legal existence are the following:
promote an ethical balance between the dual a. The sole owner’s resolve to start
mandates of striving for profitability and benefiting operating; and
society as a whole. b. Getting the required permits and
✓ These policies can be either ones of commission licenses. The cost involved in
(philanthropy – donations of money, time, or forming the sole proprietorship is
resources) or omission (e.g., “go green” initiatives less than either the partnership or
like reducing greenhouses gases, etc.) corporation. This is because only
✓Social responsibility and business ethics are often one person makes the decision in
regarding as the same concepts. However, the the actual formation of the business.
social responsibility movement is but one aspect of Also, documentary requirements are
the overall discipline of business ethics. not as extensive as those of the
✓The social responsibility movement arose other two forms of ownership.
particularly during the 1960s with increased public
consciousness about the role of business in helping 3. Secrecy
to cultivate and maintain highly ethical practices in One way of effectively competing with other firms
society and particularly in the natural environment. is to know the moves, as well as the strengths and
weaknesses of competitors. The sole proprietor has
the advantage of keeping his intentions secret. As
he does not have, and is not required by law, to
share information with anyone, he can proceed
with his activities in secrecy. His competitors can
only guess what his intended moves are.
4. Distribution and use of Profits 8. Closing the business
If because of his efforts, the business made much Sole proprietorships can be dissolved by the
profits, the sole proprietor is the sole beneficiary. owners at will. although this is not always
He does not have to share those with anyone. If he exercised, it remains an option of the owners. Once
decides to use the profits for expansion, he is not the owner decides to close shop, he does seek the
required to consult anybody. If he decides to use it approval of co-owners or partners for he does not
anyway he pleases, he is free to do so. have any. If business conditions had become
unprofitable, the sole proprietor has the advantage
5. Control of the Business of immediate cessation of operations. This allows
The sole owner is also vested with the power to him to cut his losses to the minimum.
control solely the business. This sole authority is
very important especially under critical competitive DISADVANTAGES
situations. For instance, a consumer is confronted 1. The owner’s possible lack of ability and
with a situation where he or she must choose to experience
buy either from a sole proprietorship, a The success of the sole proprietorship will depend
partnership, or a corporation. If all the prices largely on the management skills of the owner. The
quoted by the three firms are identical and the firm will need a “generalist” with sufficient grasp of
prospective buyer is asking for a lower one, the the various specialized functions performed like
sole proprietorship has the advantage of making an those for marketing, production, finance,
immediate decision while the partners will still accounting, personnel, and research.
have to consult with each other. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find qualified
generalists to manage sole proprietorships. If the
6. Government regulation sole proprietor lacks the skills of a generalist, then
The sole proprietorship is spared from various it will be very hard for the firm to succeed.
government rules which apply to partnerships and
corporations. Also, sole proprietorships are 2. Difficulty in Attracting Good Employees
required by the government to submit fewer Sole proprietorships are not known for surviving
reports. Sole proprietorships are also spared from long periods. The existence of a sole proprietorship
charter restrictions on operations. An insurance is co-terminus with the life of its owner. As a
corporation, for example, cannot engage in the consequence, good employees tend to get
retailing of groceries. On the other hand, a sole employment in a more stable enterprise which is
proprietorship manufacturing furniture can switch most often a corporation.
to selling agricultural products in a few days
without worrying about violating any restriction. 3. Difficulty in Raising Capital
In sole proprietorships, raising capital will depend
7. Taxation on the financial resources of the sole owner. Even if
The net income of the sole proprietorship is treated he can obtain credit, the amount will depend on his
as the personal income of the sole owner and is sole capacity to pay. This problem is especially felt
taxed accordingly. This is not true with partnerships when business expansion is required and which
and corporations where their respective net becomes more difficult when credit is getting tight
incomes are taxed and will be subject to taxation and interest rates become prohibitive. The difficulty
again when the owners individually receive their in raising additional capital often aggravates the
shares of the profits. problem of meeting competition.
4. Limited Life of the Firm ADVANTAGES
The existence of the sole proprietorship depends 1. Ease of Formation
on the physical well-being of the owner. When he is Like sole proprietorships, partnerships are easy to
ill, business operations may be affected. Prolonged form. The only requirement before the partnership
illness may make the firm go bankrupt. His death commences operations is for the partners to agree
will mean liquidation of the firm. In any on basic aspects of the business like the nature of
case, customers and creditors are saddled with the business, location, capitalization, and the like. A
some degree of anxiety as a result of the limited life written agreement called the contract of
of the firm. This limits the opportunities for growth partnership is drawn to formalize what has been
and expansion which could be afforded to the sole agreed upon.
2. Pooling of Knowledge and Skills
5. Unlimited Liability of the Proprietor The combined knowledge and skills of the partners
Any liability incurred by the sole proprietorship provide the partnership with a distinct advantage.
extends to the owner’s personal assets. In theory, One partner, for instance, may possess the required
the sole proprietor could lose “even his shirt” if all skills in manufacturing, while another has the skills
his other assets are not enough to cover all claims in accounting, and another in marketing. These
against his business. Unlimited liability is the skills may be used to the advantage of the
greatest disadvantage of the sole proprietorship. partnership. This condition also paves the way for
The lives of quite a number of former sole specialization which is a very important competitive
proprietors became miserable because of this tool in business.
3. Availability of more funds
Topic 2: Partnership The combined resources of the partners provide a
✓A partnership is formed by two or more persons bigger source of funds. This condition leads to a
binding themselves together to contribute money, higher credit rating for the partnership. The
property or industry to a common fund with the Resource potentials of the partners combined with
intention of dividing profits among themselves. high credit rating result to a formidable capability
✓A partnership begins from the time the contract for the partnership.
is executed. The articles of partnership must be
registered with the Securities and Exchange 4. Ability to attract and retain employees
Commission (SEC). Attracting and retaining employees is a difficulty
inherent to sole proprietorships. Partnerships have
Types of Partnerships the ability to overcome this difficulty by offering
Partnerships may be classified according to the partner status to valuable employees. This
liability of the partners. They are as follows: advantage also minimizes the potential harm that
1. General partnership may be done by a key employee moving to a
2. Limited partnership competitor.
✓A general partnership is an association of two or
more persons, each with unlimited liability, who are 5. Tax Advantage
actively involved in the business. The income of the partnership is not taxed
✓A limited partnership is an agreement in which separately from the partners’ incomes. Any profits
the liability of one or more partners is limited to derived by the partners are treated and taxed as
the amount of assets they have invested in the their individual incomes.
DISADVANTAGES Topic 3: Corporation
1. Unlimited Liability ✓ A corporation is an artificial being having the
Partnerships, like sole proprietorships, are saddled rights of succession and the powers, attributes and
with the disadvantage of unlimited liability. properties expressly authorized by law or incident
although one or two partners may opt to have to its existence.
limited liability, the remaining partner or partners ✓The Corporation Law (Act 1459) which took effect
carry the burden of unlimited liability. on April 1, 1906 governs the corporate form of
business ownership in the Philippines. It provides
2. Limited life the requisites in forming/organizing corporations,
When a partner dies or withdraws from the defines their powers, fixes the duties of directors
business, the partnership is terminated. The life of and officers, prescribes the rights and liabilities of
the partnership, in essence, is more limited than stockholders and members as well as the
the sole proprietorship. Whereas, the life of the conditions under which corporations may do
sole proprietorship depends on the state of health business.
and willingness of all partners. If there are five
partners, the risk of discontinuance of the ● A corporation is an enterprise chartered by law,
partnership business is five times greater than the with most of the legal rights of a person, including
sole proprietorship. the right to conduct a business, to own and sell
property, to borrow money, and to sue or be sued.
3. Potential conflict between partners
There are occasions when partners disagree on ✓ The corporate form of business is the third
certain ways of operating the business; and there ownership option open to business persons.
are many potential areas of disagreement. among owners of corporations are called stockholders.
these are the following: They are issued certificates of ownership called
a. Adding new lines; stocks. Some of these are openly traded in the
b. Hiring new employees; country’s stock exchange.
c. Decisions on credit extensions; and
d. Granting employee welfare benefits. ADVANTAGES
1. Limited liability
❖ When conflict between partners persists, The liability of the stockholders are limited to the
operations are affected. This may lead to amount of their shareholding. A stockholder may
bankruptcy. lose the entire value of his stocks in the event of a
bankruptcy. Beyond the said value, he has no more
4. Difficulty in dissolving the business liability. The limited liability advantage attracts all
Partnerships are not easy to dissolve as sole kinds of investors, big or small. An investor who has
proprietorships. After dissolving the sole only a few thousand pesos to spare may become a
proprietorship, whatever assets or liabilities left are part owner of the corporation by purchasing a
concerns of the sole owner alone. In a partnership limited number of shares. Those who have more
dissolution, it may not be easy to divide whatever money may buy more shares.
assets are left for distribution to the partners. This
is because some of the assets may be fixed or
immovable. The more difficult the dissolution
becomes when liabilities are to be shared by the
2. Ease of expansion DISADVANTAGES
The authority granted to corporations to sell its 1. More expensive and complicated to
own shares of stock provide a means to pool a large organize
amount of funds. The price per share of stocks Among the three major forms of ownership, more
could be made low enough to attract even the time and money are required to organize a
smallest investor. As the ownership of the stocks corporation. It takes months or even years before a
can be easily transferred, this provides more reason corporation can begin serving its customers. It may
for the investor to buy stocks. The ability of start operations only after receiving from the
corporations to accumulate large amounts of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) a
capital, make it easier for them to consider certificate of incorporation if it finds that the
business expansion. articles of Incorporation are fully compliant with all
3. Ease of transferring ownership
If a stockholder loses interest in the corporation he 2. Double taxation
partly owns, he may disassociate himself from it by The profits derived by stockholders are taxed twice
selling or donating his shares to another person. In by the government. First, when the corporation
effect, the ownership of a corporation may change realizes profits, and second, when the individual
as often as it could without actually, dissolving it. stockholders declare as part of their personal
income the dividends they receive from the
4. Relatively long life corporation. This is not a disadvantage of sole
Corporations may be established to have lives of up proprietorships and partnerships.
to 50 years and may be extended indefinitely
through renewals of documents. Since ownership is 3. More extensive government restriction and
readily transferrable, the death or withdrawal of reporting requirements
any or all stockholders do not terminate the Corporations are subject to stringent government
corporation. This advantage makes the corporation restrictions and are required to submit various
the most stable among the three major forms of reports on a periodic basis. An example of
ownership. restriction is the prohibition of certain actions by
the corporation without approval of the SEC. The
5. Ability to hire specialized management submission of financial statements is an example of
The expanded operations of corporations make it annual reports required by the SEC. In complying
possible to divide the overall job into smaller with this requirement, the corporation is exposing
specialized positions. As the various positions will itself to the scrutiny of its competitors. This is so
be quite dissimilar from each other, the demand for because annual reports are made available to the
management expertise will be a little more exacting public.
than those required for sole proprietorship or
partnerships. the said requirement pave the way 4. Employees lack personal identification
for hiring fully trained management experts. With with and commitment to corporate goals
Specialized management, the corporation is Many stockholders are detached from the daily
provided with the opportunity to grow and develop operations of the corporation. Those who work for
more vigorously. the corporation usually do not own the company’s
stocks. The relationship between the corporation
and employees are too impersonal. Employees do
not feel deep attachment to the corporation
resulting to less commitment to their work.
Employees of sole proprietorships and partnerships Topic 5: Other Forms of Business
most often know the owners personally. This Organization
feeling of attachment pushed the employee to Minor forms of business organization consist of the
make the company successful. Such concern is following:
rarely present in a corporate work atmosphere. 1. Joint stock company
2. The joint venture
✓A cooperative is an organization composed of 3. The business trust
individuals or businesses that have banded
together to reap the benefits of belonging to a The Joint Stock Company
large organization. ✓The joint stock company is a form of business
✓Cooperatives are not organized for profit but to enterprise in which the capital is divided into small
make its members individually profitable or save units permitting a number of investors to
money. contribute varying amounts to the total, profits
being divided between stockholders in proportion
Types of Cooperatives to the number of shares they own.
1. Credit union. ✓It is largely similar in form to the corporation,
2. Producers’ cooperative although it has certain features like fewer taxes,
3. Marketing cooperative greater ease of formation, mobility, freedom from
4. Consumers cooperative government regulation.
5. Service cooperative
The Joint Venture
Manual Companies ✓A joint venture is best regarded as a particular
✓A mutual company is a financial-service firm partnership established for a specific undertaking.
(such as an insurance company or savings and loan ✓This type of organization created for the purpose
association) owned by its policy holders or of bringing together several partners to engage in a
depositors. business activity which is normally very specialized
and which exists for a limited, specific purpose.
Types: ✓It is mostly formed for the purpose of producing
1. Mutual saving banks a movie or a concert, engaging in oil or mining
It is owned by depositors specializes in savings and exploration, constructing a major project such as a
mortgage loans. The profits of the company are dam or an airport, or perhaps the underwriting or
credited to the account of the depositors. selling of securities.

2. Mutual insurance company The Business Trust

It is a cooperative corporation organized and ✓The business trust is a legal form of organization
owned by its policyholders. Voting controls is in the in which a trustee is appointed to manage the
hands of those insured. Profits earned by the business and its operations through a trust
company can be used to pay policy dividends to relationship.
policyholders, and to strengthen the insurer by ✓Under the trust agreement, the owners of
building its surplus. property, securities, or other assets convey these
too a trustee in exchange for transferable trust
certificates. The certificates entitle the owners to
participate in the profits of the operation. The
liability is transferred to the trustees, however.

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