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Philippines Octagonal House of the Kalinga

Artemio C. Barbosa (Chief, Anthropology Division, National Museum of the Philippines)

K “ofThetheKalinga,
alinga Province lies at the centre of also known as the ‘Peacocks
the Cordillera Region, Northern Luzon, North’ due to their colourful dress,
Philippines. The terrain is mountainous are composed of three groupings:
with elevations ranging from 400 to 800 metres southern Kalinga, eastern Kalinga,
above sea level. The low-lying eastern side,
however, is distinguished by synclines and
and northern Kalinga.

anticlines. and these are bowed over the purling and fastened
The Kalinga, also known as the ‘Peacocks of the below to the upper sills of the outside wall. These
North’ due to their colourful dress, are composed fills are supported by eight additional posts.
of three groupings: southern Kalinga, eastern The whole roof appears rounded from a
Kalinga, and northern Kalinga. The southern distance, but this not so in structure, as the bowed
Frontal view of an old Kalinga octagonal house
Kalinga cultivate rice in terraces and in swidden, rafters are not duplicated at the front or back of (Courtesy of Jesus T. Peralta)
and they have settlement patterns with up to two the house. Rafters run up straight to the upper
hundred houses with patches of small villages. The crossbeams and then continue to the ridgepole
northern Kalinga, engaging in swidden farming, formation to make it stable. It is just the thickness
settled in dispersed hamlets of six to thirty houses. of the grass thatching and the extent of the smoke
Kalinga have a number of house types, hole overhang that give the roof the appearance
including: forny, buloy, fulong, buyoy, and binalyon of roundness.
or finaryo, which is the distinctive Kalinga The house itself is equilateral, about six metres
octagonal house of the elite. The forms of the on each side. The floor is raised approximately one
houses generally are organic forms responding to and half metres above ground. The space between
environmental imperatives. The binalyon/finaryo the ground and the flooring is often covered by
type, however, is distinguished by the social logs and other forms of timber to completely
ranking of the owners, who are usually pangats the enclose the area beneath the floor. This is for
most respected persons in the community. Only protection since the floorings are detachable. The Ceiling of a Kalinga octagonal house © Renato S. Rastrollo
ranking families can own such houses. floor to the rafters is about three metres. There
The foundation of the binalyon house is is no ceiling. Entry into the house is thru a low doorway on the opposite wall of the house
formed by four posts, two girders, and three floor staircase leading up to a doorway. The doorway as a back entry. The walls are made of vertical
joists. On top of these joists are stringers that run is closed by means of a number of wooded slabs, planks or plaited flattened bamboo called sawali.
from front to back, and at the end of which, a post one on top of another, that slide to a side. This The flooring is made of reeds tied together in
is set in the ground. Mortised into the stringers are allows reduction of the amount of opening thru sections and shapes depending on the structural
four sturdy posts, two of which carry a crossbeam the doorway depending on the need. One may limitations of the posts and beams. The flooring
that, in turn, carries two queen posts. These queen retain only the lower slabs to prevent animals can be rolled up and detached and taken to the
posts support four purling in the form of a square. from getting in while people inside can still look river for cleaning if need be.
Three short ridgepoles draw the rafters together through as if through a window. There is another The central square of the octagonal house has
been extended on its four sides, and in addition
to the four central posts, marking a square at the
centre, eight outer posts forming an octagon are
added at an equivalent distances from the centre
of the house to support the wall. Eight short sills
grooved to receive the wallboards connect these
posts together. The structural support is made of
the twelve posts with four inner posts. The house is
not an equilateral octagon, with the four diagonal
walls being shorter than the front, back, and side
walls. The floor is also not a perfect octagon since
the corners are not all floored over.
The baknang class of wealthy families is
distinguished by their octagonal houses. And one
distinguishing characteristics inside the octagonal
houses of the baknang families are racks or shelves
on which heirloom pieces such as gusi (jars),
bongor (beads), panay (Chinese plates), and gansa
Traditional Kalinga village built by Alonzo Saclag © Renato S. Rastrollo (gongs) are shown.

VOL. 16 | 5

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