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Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) or phrase(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
(Khoanh tròn A, B, C hoặc D để tìm ra từ hoặc cụm từ có nghĩa GẦN NHẤT với từ hoặc cụm
từ được gạch chân trong những câu hỏi sau.)
1. Some of the newer plants in the garden died during the drought.
A. heatwave B. harvest C. summer D. aridity
2. Can you give me some suggestions on what to bring to the party tonight?
A. effects B. symptoms C. hints D. demonstrations
3. The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the dawn of a new era in European history.
A. outcome B. continuation C. beginning D. expansion
4. How did he come from a rich kid to a street wanderer?
A. veterans B. tyros C. vagabonds D. zealots
5. Many people say that he is always a good plumber.
A. a person who picks plums C. a person who supplies water
B. a person who makes water pipes D. a person who repairs water pipes
6. Nuclear weapons pose great threats to everyone.
A. risks B. annoyances C. fears D. irritations
7. Further information is required to determine the correct answer in any given instance.
A. situation B. attention C. place D. matter
8. They felt they had been treated with discourtesy which was unacceptable.
A. politeness B. rudeness C. encouragement D. measurement
9. The city has an exceptionally rich heritage of historic buildings.
A. heredity B. tradition C. endowment D. bequest
10. A major obstacle to finding a job is a lack of qualifications.
A. impediment B. encouragement C. impetus D. assistance
11. A lot of women are victims of aesthetic bad treatment.
A. mistreatment B. malpractice C. misdemeanor D. maltreatment
12. Your newly-published novel has enjoyed a great review from critics.
A. viewing B. regard C. look D. opinion
13. The dog is sick. We have to take it to the vet as soon as possible.
A. zoologist B. horticulturist C. veterinarian D. veteran
14. What do you call a cycle with three wheels?
A. tricycle B. unicycle C. bicycle D. motorcycle
15. The United States has the most centenarians, with an estimated number of about
A. people who live to be 100 or longer C. people who want to be fruitarians
B. people who are vegetarians D. people who are extraordinary
16. I could follow the main idea of their conversation.
A. fist B. twist C. gist D. list
17. Freud argues that a dream is the fulfillment of a wish.
A. attainment B. completion C. performance D. conclusion
18. The fact that he lost both of his arms was no impediment to his career as a
professional swimmer.
A. help B. impotence C. hindrance D. impossibility
19. The combustion of solid waste creates yet another environmental problem.
A. ignition B. contamination C. decomposition D. reconstruction
20. Many corporations have offered retirement plans as an incentive for older workers to
retire to recruit a younger workforce.
A. reward B. opportunities C. encouragement D. motives
21. We’ve just had a new wool carpet fitted in our bedroom.
A. artifacts B. pottery C. rugs D. textiles
22. A series of mishaps led to the nuclear power plant blowing up.
A. accidents C. incidentals
B. misunderstandings D. misfortunes
23. The ministry has come up with the augmentation of the curriculum by adding new
A. increase B. necessity C. demand D. decrease
24. See animals living in their natural habitat makes me the happiest person on Earth.
A. sky B. land C. forest D. home
25. The speech is being hailed as a milestone in race relations.
A. signs B. achievements C. landmarks D. progresses
26. We now can find a wide range of gluten-free food in supermarkets.
A. variety B. classification C. small number D. popularity
27. Could you have a glance at my essay and see if there are any mistakes?
A. close look B. quick look C. direct look D. furtive look
28. Honesty is of the essence of any relationship.
A. romantic part B. important part C. difficult part D. interesting part
29. You will have more opportunities if you come to work in the city.
A. possibilities B. advantages C. difficulties D. disadvantages
30. The repeated commercials on TV distract many viewers from watching their favorite
A. business B. economics C. advertisements D. contests
31. The writer is famous for writing novels about poor people having a
sparkling personality.
A. disaster B. composer C. character D. barnstormer
32. Without a high level of expertise in the job, he wouldn’t be able to deal with the
A. competence B. compost C. comprise D. competition
33. While analyzing the short story, the lecturer tried to emphasize the
fundamental elements contributing to its success.
A. viewpoints B. attitudes C. fields D. factors
34. The final game ended with a nil-nil draw, so they had to arrange a penalty session to
decide who is the winner.
A. paint B. tie C. equal D. same
35. This is the first time the team has experienced such a triumph over a much stronger
A. opponent B. friendship C. failure D. success
36. The match ceased as the referee blew his whistle to give the visiting team a yellow
card for having committed a foul.
A. champion B. game C. fair D. coach
37. Lance Armstrong, a monument of getting over illness to become a champion,
eventually received a penalty for using doping.
A. disadvantage B. forgiveness C. attribution D. punishment
38. The time in which a runner reaches the destination should be counted with
great precision.
A. manliness B. attractiveness C. forgiveness D. exactness
39. With a view to winning the match, the team took every chance to lead the score over
the rival.
A. teammate C. opponent
B. supporter D. spectator
40. Team sports require cooperation between members; otherwise, it will be really hard
to win.
A. cohabitation B. codeclination C. coproduction D. coordination
41. The skipper delivered to all the team members the strategy drawn up by the coach.
A. spectator B. captain C. referee D. commentator
42. There seems to be a reluctance to hold a conference on global warming with the
participation of all delegates.
A. presentation B. duration C. hesitation D. information
43. Two days ago, representatives from the World Bank came to Vietnam to attend a
special meeting to negotiate the education budget.
A. standings B. suspects C. attenders D. delegates
44. The objective of our cross-cultural club is to raise people’s awareness of recycling
household waste.
A. topic B. target C. problem D. matter
45. Working for this international corporation, you will have chances to work
with colleagues not only in your country but in others as well.
A. co-workers B. co-texts C. co-habitations D. co-defendants
46. It’s time we place sufficient concerns on conserving biological diversity so that we
can save the world for our future generation.
A. electricity B. variety C. similarity D. novelty
47. The meteorologist continued to check the air pressure before the storm.
A. astronomer C. weather forecaster
B. TV anchor D. fortune teller
48. He develops new irrigation techniques, invents new machinery, and creates new
A. flushing out with water C. supplying water
B. washing out with water D. cleaning with water
49. The fact that two leaders signed a peace treaty this morning is one of the world’s
greatest accomplishments this year.
A. structures B. achievements C. calculations D. documents
50. There was a big controversy surrounding Trump’s reaction toward his Russian
A. significance B. debate C. urgency D. concern
Ngày: …… /….. /…… Điểm đạt được:
Kết quả:
0 - 19: Bạn cần trau dồi để mở rộng và ghi nhớ từ vựng về danh từ,
từ đồng nghĩa và ý nghĩa trong từng ngữ cảnh.
31 - 40: Bạn làm tốt khi gặp những danh từ quen thuộc. Hãy ghi nhớ
những danh từ ít phổ biến và định nghĩa của chúng
41 - 50: Bạn làm rất tốt! Giữ vững phong độ trong các bài tiếp theo
Kiến thức cần nhớ:
Bạn hãy ghi lại những từ vựng cần nhớ sau khi hoàn thành bài tập trên.

Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) or phrase(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
(Khoanh tròn A, B, C hoặc D để tìm ra từ hoặc cụm từ có nghĩa GẦN NHẤT với từ hoặc cụm
từ được gạch chân trong những câu hỏi sau.)
1. Vitamins in this form can be easily assimilated by the body.
A. swallowed B. digested C. tasted D. chewed
2. The airline is heavily subsidized by the government.
A. ended B. created C. improved D. aided
3. During the last round, seeing that other runners were quite close to him, Alan
managed to sprint.
A. run usually B. run normally C. run very slowly D. run very fast
4. Prices have fluctuated wildly in recent months due to the pandemic.
A. spin out of control C. disappeared
B. run faster D. changed frequently
5. If it’s raining tomorrow, we’ll have to postpone the match till Sunday.
A. play B. put off C. put away D. cancel
6. My school has just presented the basketball team a golden medal for their
outstanding performance in the sports contest.
A. announced B. forwarded C. awarded D. rewarded
7. I had to balance the children’s needs against my own.
A. keep steady B. stay away C. work out D. consider
8. The authorities have revoked their original decision to allow the development of this
rural area.
A. accepted B. finalized C. stolen D. rescinded
9. The government has just enacted a law on overhunting in which animals in the Red
lists and other endangered ones are in protection against trading.
A. performed B. depicted C. upheld D. repealed
10. The price will fluctuate greatly between online sellers.
A. vary B. multiply C. diminish D. undulate
11. Read this article thoroughly and you will find out the inappropriate points presented
in it.
A. cover B. coverage C. recover D. discover
12. Most of the time, the color red is used to denote passion or danger.
A. signify B. examine C. contrast D. predict
13. According to the book, the king had to submit to the rules of the enemy because of
losing the battle.
A. decide on B. doubt about C. explain for D. comply with
14. The authority in this region is prohibiting selling and purchasing products made of
animal furs.
A. stimulating B. impeding C. eradicating D. facilitating
15. He was accused of seriously distorting the facts.
A. repeating B. disappearing C. deforming D. extending
16. After having committed many fouls over and over again, the athlete was ejected from
the team.
A. enlisted B. invited C. awarded D. expelled
17. Timmy sat quietly for hours staring into the distance, thinking of what might have
A. glancing briefly C. gazing steadily
B. peeking carefully D. winking privately
18. Sewage from this factory has definitely contaminated a vast area of the river, which
is the habitat of numerous aquatic species.
A. polluted B. defiled C. sanctified D. corrupted
19. The firefighters successfully extinguished the disastrous fire.
A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put off
20. Pills for seasickness often induce drowsiness.
A. clean B. control C. stop D. cause
21. Vovinam is one of the sports that are proposed to be enlisted in SEA Games 2019.
A. rejected B. advised C. suggested D. discouraged
22. Were that nature reserve not to be well-known for conserving rare bird races, oversea
tourists wouldn’t come there for bird-watching.
A. ignoring B. deceiving C. releasing D. preserving
23. The plots of the book are so easy to anticipate that my grandmother stopped reading
it to swallow a more interesting one.
A. think B. wander C. predict D. consider
24. It took several hours to clear the road after the accident.
A. erase B. unblock C. fill D. past
25. The new president assumes office at midnight tonight.
A. takes on B. gets off C. puts in D. goes about
26. Her paintings depict the lives of ordinary people in the last century.
A. distort B. emphasize C. commemorate D. portray
27. You need to make sure the equipment is properly installed.
A. inspected thoroughly C. put in position
B. delivered to the customer D. well-repaired
28. Her hopes of success in the race dwindled last night as the weather became worse.
A. shifted B. emerged C. grew D. diminished
29. By the time the current storm hit the village, the weather forecast hadn’t claimed it
was strong enough to devastate the whole village.
A. decay B. defeat C. decompose D. destroy
30. Hurricane Hugo menaced the eastern coast for a week.
A. consumed B. killed C. threatened D. pursued
31. Not only have you caused me to waste valuable time by not filling in the paper, but I
also feel personally affronted.
A. affable B. confronted C. afflicted D. insulted
32. A massive campaign has been conducted to eradicate poverty in many developing
countries including this area.
A. erase B. prohibit C. construct D. dissolve
33. Don’t pay too much attention to Brendon, he was trying to scare US away.
A. attract B. affect C. frighten D. excite
34. As he was advancing the ball, one player of the opponent team run into him and hurt
his right leg.
A. formalizing B. following C. forwarding D. folding
35. She is usually acknowledged to be one of our best artists.
A. reduced B. encouraged C. practiced D. recognized
36. A number of fans had been ejected from the bar for causing trouble.
A. advanced B. excluded C. played D. sprinted
37. As soon as I gave my plants some water, they revived.
A. encouraged B. eliminated C. moved D. resuscitated
38. Her dress was tightly belted, accentuating the slimness of her waist.
A. emphasizing B. betraying C. disfiguring D. revealing
39. The book contains too many concepts that the children in my class find it hard
to comprehend.
A. debate C. understand
B. oppose D. engross
40. In water polo, it’s not against the rule of the game if one player punches the ball
towards his teammate.
A. hits B. catches C. throws D. kicks
41. Thanks to receiving a good way of training, France football team could
successfully defeat other football teams to become the World Cup champion in
A. hit B. beat C. lose D. control
42. Some species of monkey, especially the silverback, clearly derive some benefit from
living in groups since they can receive help from other members.
A. assume B. obtain C. develop D. procure
43. Authorities want to preserve the character of the town while improving the facilities.
A. conserve B. cook C. display D. season
44. In 1930, Nguyen Ai Quoc hosted a conference to integrate three party organizations
in Vietnam, which leads to the foundation of the Communist Party nowadays.
A. unite B. arrange C. conform D. mix
45. It was in 2003 that Vietnam had the honor to host such an important sporting event of
ASEAN like SEA games.
A. stimulate B. throw C. organize D. move
46. Everyone may say that you resemble your mother very closely, right?
A. take after B. name after C. look after D. call after
47. The people who advocate him to become the next Prime Minister account for 70% of
all votes.
A. suppose B. suspect C. submit D. support
48. Right from the start, the performance captivated the audience’s attention with an
impressive opening.
A. attracted B. took C. paid D. held
49. He is said to be one of the people who initiate a free class for disadvantaged children
in remote areas.
A. imitate B. begin C. continue D. close
50. I hope I didn’t intrude. I didn’t realize your patient was there.
A. find fault B. interrupt C. leave quickly D. disagree
Ngày: …… /….. /…… Điểm đạt được:
Kết quả:
0 - 19: Bạn cần trau dồi để mở rộng và ghi nhớ từ vựng về động từ,
từ đồng nghĩa và ý nghĩa trong từng ngữ cảnh.
31 - 40: Bạn làm tốt khi gặp những danh từ quen thuộc. Hãy ghi nhớ
những danh từ ít phổ biến và định nghĩa của chúng
41 - 50: Bạn làm rất tốt! Giữ vững phong độ trong các bài tiếp theo
Kiến thức cần nhớ:
Bạn hãy ghi lại những từ vựng cần nhớ sau khi hoàn thành bài tập trên.

Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) or phrase(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
(Khoanh tròn A, B, C hoặc D để tìm ra từ hoặc cụm từ có nghĩa GẦN NHẤT với từ hoặc cụm
từ được gạch chân trong những câu hỏi sau.)
1. Though the ancient coin is no longer considered valid, yet I have kept it ever since
as one of my treasures.
A. available B. understandable C. legitimate D. clear
2. In business transactions, Alex was frugal with his money. But he was generous when
it came to his family.
A. sparing B. wasteful C. careless D. interested
3. Kelley was the most celebrated opera singer of his era.
A. ingenious B. eminent C. successful D. creative
4. It’s important that I remain neutral if there’s an argument between my daughter and
her mother.
A. unmarried B. unbiased C. untroubled D. unhurried
5. On hearing the bad news, my sister got appalled and fainted for a while.
A. bored B. appealed C. bewildered D. horrified
6. Helen is one of the most favored synchronized swimming athletes in our school
A. individual B. coordinated C. critical D. contractual
7. We need tangible evidence if we’re going to take legal action.
A. cozy B. unreal C. alive D. touchable
8. It is essential that animal species in the Red list be protected from smuggling.
A. superficial B. beneficial C. crucial D. special
9. Many campaigns have been mounted to raise people’s awareness of the far-reaching
effect of global warming on the life span of wild animals.
A. sensitivity B. perception C. anticipation D. recognition
10. Although containing a large number of precious books, the library
remains neglected on the outskirt of the city.
A. invested B. outdated C. concerned D. unnoticed
11. He walked off in a most bizarre fashion.
A. strange B. many C. loud D. quiet
12. There were contrasting opinions towards whether or not to make marriage between
LGBT community legal.
A. licensed B. logical C. legitimate D. legit
13. Can you tell the difference between poisonous mushrooms and edible varieties?
A. vicious B. deadly C. unhealthy D. bad tasting
14. If it hadn’t been for his invitation, I wouldn’t have gone to watch such a dull match.
A. interesting B. concerning C. boring D. worrying
15. No one in life would be as dedicated as my mother in caring for US all lifelong.
A. determined B. decided C. devoted D. detected
16. The Berlin Wall was a potent symbol of the Cold War.
A. contagious B. impure C. powerful D. abundant
17. The number of orangutans has been falling steadily and they are now almost extinct.
A. die away B. die down C. die of D. die out
18. Of all activists protesting animal slaughters, Helen is considered as a sociable person
who everyone loves to talk to.
A. congenial B. introverted C. empathic D. affable
19. The opponent team is playing in a defensive way so that they can maintain the current
A. positive B. protective C. advancing D. casual
20. He’s an integral part of the team and we can’t do without him.
A. informative B. essential C. invented D. exciting
21. The Harvard presidency is perhaps the most prestigious job in higher education.
A. major B. important C. effective D. reputable
22. The patient felt embarrassed about undressing in front of the doctor.
A. apprehensive B. funny C. ashamed D. confused
23. He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the room.
A. popular B. suspicious C. easily seen D. beautiful
24. Although some people consider that carrying alligator bags is fashionable, I myself
think it’s an immoral action.
A. outdated B. luxury C. normal D. trendy
25. After years of exposing to sunlight, the stelae have become
completely illegible; consequently, their contents remain a mystery.
A. unreadable B. unfold C. lengthy D. obvious
26. Their elated decision could be detrimental to the future of the company.
A. helpful B. harmful C. depressing D. facile
27. If you don’t have anything constructive to say, it’s better to say nothing.
A. meaningful B. hurtful C. useful D. negative
28. It is vital to get medical supplies to the city center as soon as possible.
A. needing B. compulsory C. obliged D. essential
29. Baby lizards in deserts are vulnerable to being attacked by a species of snake some
minutes after born.
A. susceptible B. defendable C. hazardous D. imperiled
30. Climate change is one of the main causes endangering animals all over the world
from hot deserts to humid swamp and deep in the ocean.
A. safeguarding B. menacing C. dishonoring D. prejudicing
31. You have to be aggressive if you want to succeed in this business.
A. strong B. weak C. friendly D. passive
32. Vietnam, also the host of the game, possessed an outstanding number of medals and
became the champion.
A. enlarging B. touching C. striking D. leaving
33. The police did a thorough search of the area but found nothing suspicious.
A. practical B. scientific C. wonderful D. careful
34. Their victory over such a strong team like MU was so incredible that the press paid
special attention to the match.
A. unbelievable B. massive C. irresponsible D. moderate
35. There has been a worldwide concern for such an epidemic disease like cross-country
A. popular B. widespread C. general D. escapable
36. They swore eternal loyalty to each other at their wedding.
A. temporary B. finite C. immortal D. impermanent
37. She never thought that the duties of motherhood could be so onerous.
A. multiple B. unjust C. infamous D. burdensome
38. The law made turning on the motorcycle headlight during the day compulsory.
A. mandatory B. desirable C. rational D. perfunctory
39. The Navajos are among the indigenous people of North America.
A. original C. native
B. first D. beginning
40. The idea which they have submitted to the manager is a potential solution to the
problem of unbalancing finance.
A. promising B. proficient C. professional D. productive
41. Lawyers should be diplomatic in dealing with a judge.
A. strict B. outspoken C. firm D. tactful
42. Such a vigorous wrestler is he that he can defeat almost all opponents.
A. heavy B. energetic C. strengthening D. broad-minded
43. The important thing is to keep the heat low so as not to burn the sugar.
A. beneficial B. good C. effective D. essential
44. Microphones were hidden in the room to record their conversation.
A. exposed B. unrelated C. phenomenal D. invisible
45. Of all writers in his time, O’ Henry is praised for having a distinct writing style that
separates him from others.
A. customary B. unique C. familiar D. understanding
46. Each person’s genetic code is unique except in the case of identical twins.
A. stunning B. phenomenal C. astonishing D. one of a kind
47. The author of this non-fiction novel is one of the most well-read writers of the 20th
century, having published more than 5000 prints so far.
A. naked B. crooked C. beloved D. widely-read
48. The issue raised in his essay was really thought-provoking; therefore, he received
good marks from the teacher.
A. inspirational B. common C. confident D. heartfelt
49. In the introduction to her fascinating book, O’Brien explains how she first became
interested in music.
A. boring B. appealing C. involving D. outgoing
50. I hadn’t had enough sleep and was feeling kind of grumpy.
A. kind B. grouchy C. approachable D. strict
Ngày: …… /….. /…… Điểm đạt được:
Kết quả:
0 - 19: Bạn cần trau dồi để mở rộng và ghi nhớ từ vựng về tính từ, từ
đồng nghĩa và ý nghĩa trong từng ngữ cảnh.
31 - 40: Bạn làm tốt khi gặp những danh từ quen thuộc. Hãy ghi nhớ
những danh từ ít phổ biến và định nghĩa của chúng
41 - 50: Bạn làm rất tốt! Giữ vững phong độ trong các bài tiếp theo
Kiến thức cần nhớ:
Bạn hãy ghi lại những từ vựng cần nhớ sau khi hoàn thành bài tập trên.


Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) or phrase(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
(Khoanh tròn A, B, C hoặc D để tìm ra từ hoặc cụm từ có nghĩa GẦN NHẤT với từ hoặc cụm
từ được gạch chân trong những câu hỏi sau.)
1. Take it easy, man! There’s nothing to worry about. We’ve got this.
A. Sleep B. Relax C. Eat D. Sit down
2. The doctor won’t have my test results for a few days, and I’m trying not to fret
over it.
A. get involved in B. get angry about C. worry about D. look for
3. I don’t mind speaking my mind even about the most sensitive problems.
A. saying exactly what I thought C. having a chat
B. saying a few words D. being given the right to
4. If Kim hadn’t given me a hand with these bags, I wouldn’t have made it to the fifth
floor on my own!
A. worsened B. hindered C. prepared D. helped me
5. Due to the time limit, my brother only had a little time flipping through the textbook
before the exam.
A. dipping into B. running into C. going into D. checking into
6. Tell us what they had to say. I’m all ears.
A. deaf C. listening neglectfully
B. partially deaf D. listening attentively
7. My mother brought up that little matter of my criminal record again.
A. left B. called C. mentioned D. grew
8. Dinh Trong, a member of the Vietnamese football team, was seriously injured after
competing in 2018 AFF Championship.
A. largely B. bitterly C. deeply D. badly
9. The fact that my neighbor’s dog barks all the time since they moved here is
really driving me to the edge.
A. irritating me B. steering me C. moving me D. frightening me
10. My sister texts Kyle every day but never talks to him face to face.
A. in person B. facing them C. seeing them D. looking at them
11. His result in the marathon race has set a new world record in the history of running.
A. display the world record C. open the world record
B. break the world record D. establish the world record
12. The entourage should be arriving any minute, so keep an eye out for them.
A. look at C. control
B. take care of D. maintain awareness of
13. The police force must be on the alert for an upsurge in violence during the election.
A. look for B. search for C. watch for D. watch out for
14. A great number of chimpanzees are at the risk of being caught for scientific purposes
such as experimenting new drugs.
A. under the threat of C. under the impression of
B. under the weather of D. under the cloud of
15. I was on the point of calling you when your assistant called out my name.
A. not ready to call B. around to call C. about to call D. starting to call
16. It looks like we’ll all have to tighten our belts because things are beginning to cost
more and more.
A. earn money B. spend money C. save money D. sit still
17. The doctor advises him to take up a sport in order to have a better physical condition.
A. start to win B. start to train C. start to play D. start to quit
18. I know you are taking the final test today, Timmy. Break a leg, my brother!
A. Bend your leg C. Go away
B. Get out of my sight D. Good luck
19. I’m going to concentrate on my writing for a while.
A. be related to C. express interest in
B. be interested in D. paying all attention to
20. The list of sports played in SEA Games 22 in 2003 was composed of over 40 sports
with the participation of 11 countries in ASEAN.
A. consisted of B. comprised of C. included of D. encompassed of
21. I was scarcely able to move both of my arms after the accident.
A. almost B. barely C. immediately D. definitely
22. The problem with working with a large group is that you end up having to water
down the final product just to make everyone happy.
A. make much clearer C. make more fluid
B. make less extreme D. increase in size
23. Although we did exert ourselves to defense our goal, we lost the match after
committing offside foul.
A. devise B. focus C. attempt D. ignore
24. We were childhood best friends, but when we moved to different cities, we drifted
A. weren’t as childlike as before C. weren’t as sympathetic as before
B. weren’t as serious as before D. weren’t as friendly as before
25. I have to do the same boring jobs day in day out.
A. every other day B. every single C. every second D. every two days
day day
26. The commentators paid a lot of compliments to Ali Abdo, a world record breaker in
motorcycling because of his outstanding talent.
A. praised B. earned C. granted D. boasted
27. The baby was born with a heart problem and could only stayed alive for a few hours.
A. revived B. connived C. survived D. surprised
28. As the chairman has had some problems, the executive director will stand in for him
at the next conference.
A. respond B. represent C. renovate D. reflect
29. Her parents don’t hold with her living alone, but she does it anyway.
A. like B. object to C. dislike D. approve of
30. I hardly use my cell phone, aside from calling and texting.
A. since B. except for C. as a result of D. in addition to
31. I don’t know how you put up with such a loudmouth like John.
A. adopt B. comprehend C. tolerate D. experience
32. On June 16th, Dang Le Nguyen Vu, accompanied by his wife set up a coffee brand in
Buon Ma Thuot named Trung Nguyen.
A. tackle B. erect C. organize D. establish
33. My grandma always keeps a supply of firewood on hand for cold nights.
A. nearby B. available C. indisposed D. confident
34. Last summer, I decided to move to London out of hand.
A. without thinking C. with reluctance
B. with some hesitation D. without further consideration
35. If I were you, I wouldn’t stand for that sort of behavior from him.
A. like B. care C. mean D. tolerate
36. Don’t worry about me, I can take care of myself.
A. look after B. see C. imitate D. improve
37. Business was good and we were making money hand over fist.
A. to some extent C. to a certain extent
B. in moderation D. very quickly
38. The law must hold good for every person in society, not just those who earn the most
A. remain for good C. remain in effect
B. stand in life D. are in good condition
39. I spent the afternoon picking his brain for ideas to use in our celebration.
A. beating him C. threatening him
B. questioning him D. teaching him
40. He used his umbrella to ward off the fierce sun.
A. keep away B. transcend C. seek out D. describe
41. It’s not the end of the world that you broke up with him. Your job is to love yourself
and not anyone else.
A. worth looking at C. worth worrying about
B. worth talking about D. worth speaking about
42. My teacher spent the entire day marking her students’ assignments.
A. all long day B. day after day C. the long day D. all day long
43. All 3,000 employees went on strike in protest at the decision to close the factory.
A. wipe out B. put away C. take off D. go over
44. Roughly $104.8 million was spent on lottery tickets in 2006.
A. As much as B. Relatively C. Amazingly D. Approximately
45. The coastal village has remained comparatively untouched by tourism.
A. straightly B. extremely C. surprisingly D. relatively
46. After pining in obscurity for many years, her early novels have recently been
A. at once B. before C. just now D. shortly
47. In my book, it’s worse to run away from a fight than to start one.
A. In my opinion C. In my subjection
B. In my retrospection D. As for my reading
48. It’s almost impossible to predict the last score as the two teams that are selected
carefully among our students are neck and neck at every moment of the match.
A. long B. beside C. forward D. close
49. I’ll have a piece of chocolate occasionally, but it’s very rare.
A. onetime C. once in a while
B. in one occasion D. none is correct
50. The three-month delay will be costly for the company.
A. of great value C. at reasonable price
B. in great expense D. in great detriment
Ngày: …… /….. /…… Điểm đạt được:
Kết quả:
0 - 19: Bạn cần trau dồi để mở rộng và ghi nhớ từ vựng về trạng từ,
cụm động từ và từ đồng nghĩa của chúng. Bạn cũng cần học thuộc ý
nghĩa của thành ngữ khi được diễn giải trong từng ngữ cảnh.
31 - 40: Bạn làm tốt đối với bài tập về trạng từ. Tuy nhiên, đối với
cụm động từ và thành ngữ, bạn cần học thuộc và hiểu thật kỹ ý nghĩa
sâu xa của chúng
41 - 50: Bạn làm rất tốt! Giữ vững phong độ trong các bài tiếp theo
Kiến thức cần nhớ:
Bạn hãy ghi lại những từ vựng cần nhớ sau khi hoàn thành bài tập trên.

Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) or phrase(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
(Khoanh tròn A, B, C hoặc D để tìm ra từ hoặc cụm từ TRÁI NGHĨA với từ hoặc cụm từ
được gạch chân trong những câu hỏi sau.)
1. Each year, forest rangers in this region have identified and prevented nearly one
hundred rare animal smuggling situations.
A. burglar B. trespasser C. poachers D. robber
2. It’s important that you share an affinity with your husband.
A. interest B. hatred C. enthusiasm D. move
3. Her generosity wasn’t appreciated but taken advantage of by her colleagues.
A. bounty B. sympathy C. gratitude D. meanness
4. Recently, we have worked hard to eliminate gender discrimination in a large
proportion of the population.
A. equity B. expansion C. difference D. closeness
5. They are struggling to save their marriage for the children’s sake.
A. loneliness B. anniversary C. divorce D. celebrity
6. After all the visitors had left, she experienced a feeling of complete isolation.
A. loneliness B. affection C. remoteness D. privacy
7. Unless you get your information from a credible website, you should doubt
the veracity of the facts until you have confirmed them elsewhere.
A. accuracy B. truthfulness C. mendacity D. fairness
8. As can be seen in the chart, there is a decline in the number of gazelles this year.
A. decrease B. cease C. please D. increase
9. The council has imposed a ban on alcohol in the city parks.
A. an allowance B. a destruction C. an exploitation D. a prohibition
10. There is growing concern about the way we humans have negatively affected the
A. consideration B. attraction C. indifference D. speculation
11. The fans watched with dismay as their team lost 12-0
A. disappointment B. happiness C. depression D. pessimism
12. The victory of our team is thanks to the effective cooperation of all members and the
excellent training of the coach.
A. win B. loss C. joy D. death
13. As the home team, they treated the visiting one with goodwill, which is one criterion
of sportsmanship.
A. availability B. possibility C. suitability D. hostility
14. He was prepared to use any weapon to fight against his enemies.
A. colleagues B. friends C. neighbors D. rivals
15. He’s such a phony. He’s always complaining about his friends behind their backs but
says nice things when he sees them.
A. someone who tries to make friends C. someone who pretends to like others
B. someone who tells lies all the time D. someone who is sincere
16. You don’t have access to classified material.
A. arrival B. dismissal C. admission D. output
17. Buying a house often places a large financial burden on young couples.
A. responsibility B. strain C. ease D. difficulty
18. The affability of the ship’s captain has made this a favorite cruise.
A. hostility B. caution C. warmth D. passion
19. In the coming months, pessimists will say that stocks are not a good buy.
A. activists B. feminists C. hobbyists D. optimists
20. Perhaps one of the most terrible events in Vietnamese history is the famine in 1945.
A. forum B. feast C. figure D. faith
21. Is there always an absolute distinction between right and wrong?
A. relation B. difference C. similarity D. characteristic
22. In a number of developing countries, war has been an additional impediment to
A. benefit B. obstruction C. hindrance D. setback
23. Anything that stands in the way of the dissemination of knowledge is a real problem.
A. suppression B. change C. combination D. disposal
24. Let me know if there’s any change in the situation.
A. alteration B. fixation C. substitution D. shift
25. It seems that children in urban areas have much more schooling benefits than those in
rural regions.
A. responsibilities B. mischances C. disadvantages D. interests
26. Many analysts are predicting an upswing in the economy.
A. a reform B. an improvement C. an inflation D. a decline
27. I don’t mind people speaking frankly, but I will not accept discourtesy.
A. rudeness C. measurement
B. politeness D. encouragement
28. She was honored for her many accomplishments as a researcher.
A. achievements B. inventions C. deeds D. failures
29. In the 18th century, William Herschel announced the discovery of Uranus, expanding
the known boundaries of the solar system for the first time in modern history.
A. speech B. analysis C. secret D. document
30. Their marketing strategy for the product involves obtaining as much free publicity as
A. public attention B. privacy C. popularization D. reputation
31. The problems of poverty, homelessness, and unemployment are all interconnected.
A. cold B. guilty C. wealth D. needy
32. Alternative medicines are now winning greater acceptance among doctors.
A. refusal B. admission C. presume D. confirmation
33. She’s still very frail and will need lots of loving care.
A. non-interference C. disqualification
B. inattention D. misapprehension
34. If the virus keeps spreading, it will cause widespread devastation.
A. confusion B. construction C. gaps D. movement
35. Biologists long regarded it as an example of adaptation by natural selection, but for
physicists, it bordered on the miracle.
A. flexibility B. inflexibility C. adjustment D. agility
36. The survey should be performed by an independent professional.
A. amateur B. tutor C. junior D. alien
37. The Red Cross is an international humanitarian agency dedicated to reducing
the suffering of wounded soldiers, civilians, and prisoners of war.
A. pain and sorrow B. loss C. sadness D. happiness
38. Deforestation is said to have a great influence on the life of forest animals as their
habitat has been destroyed.
A. Afforestation B. Reforestation C. Forestation D. Disforestation
39. We sat on the beach watching a spectacular sunset.
A. midday C. nocturne
B. evening D. daybreak
40. The Romans built these monuments to glorify their illustrious ancestors.
A. heirs B. elders C. fossils D. forefathers
41. Invertebrates, such as worms, are the main diet of these water birds.
A. Animals with ribs C. Animals with spine
B. Animals without ribs D. Animals without backbones
42. The charity was able to continue its work thanks to a large gift from an anonymous
A. award B. penalty C. bonus D. souvenirs
43. Large areas of Africa are affected by severe drought.
A. flood B. aridity C. heatwave D. summer
44. I was heavily offended by his rudeness.
A. care B. hostility C. politeness D. thought
45. There are good opportunities for advancement within the company.
A. progress B. discharge C. rise D. elevation
46. Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even exported
the surplus.
A. small quantity B. large quantity C. excess D. sufficiency
47. A book reviewer may not necessarily be a professional but can be anyone of us who
has experienced the content and want to express our thoughts.
A. publisher B. examiner C. author D. editor
48. She worked hard all morning, without distraction.
A. carelessness B. unawareness C. unconcern D. attention
49. It is a funny fallacy that every Asian person is very good at math.
A. false idea B. actual fact C. true belief D. children’s story
50. The alleged harassment took place over two years.
A. teasing B. composure C. irritation D. absence
Ngày: …… /….. /…… Điểm đạt được:
Kết quả:
0 - 19: Bạn cần trau dồi để mở rộng và ghi nhớ từ vựng về danh từ,
từ trái nghĩa và định nghĩa cơ bản.
31 - 40: Bạn làm tốt khi gặp những danh từ quen thuộc. Hãy ghi nhớ
những danh từ ít phổ biến và định nghĩa của chúng.
41 - 50: Bạn làm rất tốt! Giữ vững phong độ trong các bài tiếp theo
Kiến thức cần nhớ:
Bạn hãy ghi lại những từ vựng cần nhớ sau khi hoàn thành bài tập trên.

Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) or phrase(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
(Khoanh tròn A, B, C hoặc D để tìm ra từ hoặc cụm từ TRÁI NGHĨA với từ hoặc cụm từ
được gạch chân trong những câu hỏi sau.)
1. They induced her to take the job by offering her a bonus.
A. controlled B. prevented C. caused D. cleaned
2. Some people find that certain foods trigger their headaches.
A. blunt B. mask C. encounter D. deactivate
3. You don’t chew your food enough. That’s why you get indigestion.
A. drink B. vomit C. taste D. enjoy
4. The importance of your children’s feelings should not be underestimated.
A. overvalued B. misjudged C. underrated D. outnumbered
5. Voting behavior varies geographically.
A. stays unchanged C. restrains
B. fluctuates D. remains unstable
6. Never before has my father protested my going to see a football match like today.
A. opposed B. participated C. forwarded D. allowed
7. How can the government ignore the wishes of the majority?
A. overlook B. neglect C. pay attention D. brush aside
8. A lot of our drinking water is now heavily contaminated.
A. polluted B. filled C. purified D. concentrated
9. The U23 Vietnamese football team failed to win the final match with Uzbekistan due
to the heavy snow at Changshu stadium, China.
A. gain B. tie C. find D. lose
10. She felt rejuvenated after her vacation to the Maldives.
A. being made wealthy again C. being made inactive
B. being made merry again D. being made weary again
11. They couldn’t fix my old laptop, so I bought a new one.
A. repair B. fit C. damage D. update
12. Hardly had my father told me that they outlawed the act of using doping in sports
when I saw an article about doping commitment.
A. legalized B. excluded C. restricted D. communicated
13. There are very few foods that I actively dislike.
A. avoid B. are fond of C. disinterest D. hate
14. They decided to postpone their holiday until next year.
A. cancel B. spoil C. endanger D. continue
15. Hearing that the aerobics club is recruiting new members, I
immediately participated in it.
A. applied B. practiced C. offered D. left
16. The author denied that his new book advocated violence.
A. impugned B. supported C. advised D. denied
17. The organization was dissolved in 1986.
A. disbanded B. established C. assisted D. perpetuated
18. Most major countries all over the world raised their voice to endorse the sovereignty
of Vietnam on the South China sea.
A. refuse B. claim C. approve D. express
19. WWF is internationally respected for its conservation work.
A. complied with C. looked down on B. ignored D. looked up to
20. The government is persisting with its ambitious public works program.
A. continuing B. resisting C. insisting on D. stopping
21. In the program on Wildlife channel I saw this morning, one little calf was lucky to
have survived after being chased by a wolf.
A. scared B. died C. recovered D. fainted
22. The budget has increased by more than a third in the last year.
A. shrunk B. boosted C. went up D. fluctuated
23. The organization was established to better conditions for the disabled.
A. achieve B. change C. worsen D. improve
24. Recent criticisms have deadened her enthusiasm for composing poems.
A. blinded B. continued C. prevented D. stimulated
25. The survey reveals that two-thirds of married women earn less than their husbands.
A. distorts B. hides C. blocks D. disrupts
26. The last-minute agreement averted renewed fighting.
A. led to B. avoided C. averred D. avowed
27. Eventually, they had the chance to reunite after 10 years of living far away from each
A. gather B. collect C. separate D. confide
28. The gap between rich and poor has widened considerably.
A. changed B. strengthened C. broadened D. narrowed down
29. I’m trying to foster an interest in modern art in my children.
A. improve B. discourage C. produce D. speed up
30. Unlike other parents who punish their kids for every mistake they make, my parents
are inclined to listen to my point of view and allow me to make a decision.
A. award B. arrest C. applause D. scold
31. Jenny stood with her feet slightly apart, ready to catch the ball.
A. break B. destroy C. miss D. hold
32. He’d been pursuing her for months and then she finally agreed to go out with him.
A. following B. controlling C. avoiding D. chasing
33. The captain of Kyle’s team attempt to attack so that he could score a goal before the
match ended.
A. maintain B. defend C. save D. advance
34. He is trying to persuade local and foreign businesses to invest in the project.
A. convince B. encourage C. solicit D. deter
35. The agreement preserved our right to limit trade in endangered species.
A. discontinued B. conserved C. presumed D. covered
36. In the end, the Football League had to acknowledge to the mass the change of coach
for special reasons.
A. release B. reject C. sponsor D. announce
37. She gathered up the newspapers that were scattered around the floor.
A. witnessed B. assembled C. separated D. gaped
38. It has long been known that regular exercise promotes all-round good health.
A. restricts B. balances C. expands D. boosts
39. George Horine, an American athlete, set a world record on 6 feet 7 inches jumping for
men in 1912.
A. found C. keep
B. change D. break
40. Investigators urged that safety procedures at the site should be improved.
A. forced B. asked C. encouraged D. deterred
41. It’s funny how Tim always disappears whenever there’s work to be done.
A. vanishes B. shows up C. increases D. withdraws
42. The annual meeting between Vietnam and China plays an important part
in fortifying the relation between the two countries.
A. neutralizing B. strengthening C. loosening D. developing
43. The two skyscrapers were connected by a giddy walkway.
A. pasted B. gathered C. united D. separated
44. She relinquished control of the family investments to her son.
A. gave up B. paid C. quitted D. maintained
45. He is one of the most brilliant book critics who can assimilate sophisticated literary
A. misinterpret B. misspell C. mistake D. miscall
46. Food stocks were replenished by imports from abroad.
A. emptied B. remade C. refilled D. repeated
47. The police have decided not to pursue the matter further.
A. follow B. avoid C. chase D. control
48. I have successfully condensed twelve pages of comments into two.
A. expanded B. abbreviated C. continued D. delayed
49. Some of the men in the village were recruited into the army.
A. created B. enlisted C. dismissed D. captured
50. He wholly unleashes the six-year-old within whenever he talks to his best friend.
A. describes B. releases C. conceals D. extends
Ngày: …… /….. /…… Điểm đạt được:
Kết quả:
0 - 19: Bạn cần trau dồi để mở rộng và ghi nhớ từ vựng về động từ,
từ trái nghĩa và định nghĩa cơ bản.
31 - 40: Bạn làm tốt khi gặp những động từ quen thuộc. Đối với
những động từ ít phổ biến hơn, hãy cố gắng đoán nghĩa của từ dựa
vào ý nghĩa cơ bản của câu.
41 - 50: Bạn làm rất tốt! Giữ vững phong độ trong các bài tiếp theo
Kiến thức cần nhớ:
Bạn hãy ghi lại những từ vựng cần nhớ sau khi hoàn thành bài tập trên.

Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) or phrase(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
(Khoanh tròn A, B, C hoặc D để tìm ra từ hoặc cụm từ TRÁI NGHĨA với từ hoặc cụm từ
được gạch chân trong những câu hỏi sau.)
1. I tried to explain to my mom that the game I played was not a competitive game. We
just played it for fun.
A. dimensional B. optional C. recreational D. national
2. As the home team, we have an advantage over the other team because of having been
accustomed to the competing court.
A. arriving B. coming C. visiting D. going
3. Many investors blamed the government for not warning them
against risky investments.
A. dangerous B. secure C. normal D. brave
4. For the time being, he is one of the most consistent athletes in shooting in Paralympic.
A. unsteady B. unable C. uncommon D. unbeaten
5. It appears that each country has its diverse culture that distinguishes it from the
A. several B. variable C. uniform D. countless
6. These diseases are more prevalent among middle-aged adults.
A. severe B. uncommon C. widespread D. short-lived
7. The more time you spend practicing acrobatics, the more durable your body becomes.
A. flimsy B. sticky C. steady D. strong
8. Amateur as he may be, Alex is one of the fastest runners in the marathon race.
A. Clumsy B. Scientific C. Professional D. Breadwinner
9. The ceasefire will only provide a temporary solution to the crisis.
A. short-term B. permanent C. genuine D. satisfactory
10. The main character of the short story written by my classmate is a brave bulldog who
rescues his owner from a gang of robbers.
A. fierce B. strong C. coward D. spotty
11. Unlike volleyball, racquetball is regarded as an individual sport, one in which an
individual competes directly or indirectly against other players.
A. team B. member C. match D. personal
12. She inherited a substantial fortune from her grandmother.
A. amazing B. difficult C. considerable D. slight
13. It was very benevolent of them to give provision to people in the flooded areas.
A. unable B. unkind C. unwilling D. uninspected
14. This species of crocodiles favors humid swamps because its skin needs moisture
A. moist B. arid C. stuffy D. mucky
15. These books are compulsory reading for students of engineering.
A. selective B. free of charge C. required D. optional
16. It was foreseen that she would defeat the other team, as she has superior strength over
the opponent.
A. surprising B. worrying C. complaining D. exciting
17. Of the two cats, the white and yellow one is the gentler when being approached by a
A. harsher B. noisier C. fiercer D. amiable
18. His doctor advised him not to do any strenuous exercise.
A. half-hearted B. forceful C. exhausting D. energetic
19. There are lots of exotic pets in his house, including an alligator, a Capuchin monkey,
and a sloth.
A. artificial B. changeable C. alien D. familiar
20. In Australia, kangaroos can be found even in urban areas where there is heavy traffic;
therefore, the government has enacted a traffic rule giving priority to wild animals.
A. rural B. highland C. remote D. valley
21. In Western culture, it is polite to maintain eye contact during conversation.
A. informal B. insecure C. irresponsible D. discourteous
22. It’s important that girls feel empowered and in control of what happens to them.
A. inhabited C. demolished
B. energized D. unauthorized
23. Nine Dragon river delta in Vietnam is abundant in fertile soil, which promotes
agriculture in the area, turning it into the largest granary of Vietnam.
A. barren B. acute C. useless D. generative
24. Some recent researches conducted by Harvard University have concluded that rodents
are beneficial in supporting scientists to discover new diseases in human.
A. disadvantageous B. destructive C. constructive D. instructive
25. Never have I read such a hard-to-pick-up-again long story like “The girl by the
window”. It’s terrible.
A. disaster-stricken B. water-proof C. read-worthy D. novel-like
26. The synchronized swimming performance was so tempting that I could hardly take
my eyes off it.
A. unpersuasive B. unattractive C. uncreative D. uninformative
27. The way a string vibrates is somewhat analogous to the way ripples spread out in the
A. deceptive B. similar C. the same as D. different from
28. You can find a variety of man-made materials here.
A. natural B. hand-made C. artificial D. authentic
29. Being a member of that international organization is not mandatory, but it brings
about lots of benefits.
A. obligatory B. essential C. conclusive D. voluntary
30. She decided to climb the mountain alone.
A. poorly B. with someone C. luxuriously D. on her own
31. In spite of strenuous endeavor, he couldn’t set up a new world record on swimming.
A. careless B. priceless C. effortless D. driverless
32. A vertical post with a warning message was erected in the swimming pool to warn
people of its depth.
A. optional B. horizontal C. physical D. essential
33. Sub-adult dolphins have to face much more danger than grown-up ones; as a result,
they often follow their mother until fully developed.
A. Mature B. Teenage C. Youngster D. Elderly
34. The interests of both parties may not be identical but they do overlap considerably.
A. fake B. similar C. genuine D. different
35. The court’s final judgment is thought to be impartial and no one has got any
A. expected B. balanced C. biased D. complained
36. It is a resort that clearly built for well-off people.
A. broken B. kind C. poor D. wealthy
37. Suppose he wasn’t a fable writer, he would not be able to lead the story in such
a witty way.
A. serious B. ridiculous C. funny D. fascinating
38. Even though we have played a home game many times, this is the first time we
welcome so many spectators.
A. distant B. away C. remote D. oversea
39. He manages to exude confidence without being arrogant.
A. snooty C. cunning
B. naive D. humble
40. UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, is
considering the investment in private schools in Vietnam.
A. funding B. own C. taxed D. state
41. That group of activists is comprised of dynamic members who are willing to go into
dark forest doing researches.
A. apathetic B. energetic C. affluent D. strenuous
42. Synchronized swimming is somehow really dangerous if the team members cannot
coordinate well enough.
A. risky B. safe C. caring D. faithful
43. There’s no need to be frightened. He’s a very friendly dog.
A. hostile B. inapplicable C. amicable D. futile
44. So tiresome was the match that my father turned off the television halfway through it.
A. disappointing B. promising C. exciting D. crowding
45. To ensure a wealthy future of the nation, the government is doing its best to minimize
the illiteracy rate.
A. rich B. poor C. fine D. full
46. The UN has listed Vietnam as a peaceful country with little terrorism; however, the
crime rate is becoming an alarming figure.
A. unexpected B. unfair C. unstable D. uninformed
47. They don’t sound confident about the future of the industry.
A. uncertain B. reserved C. resigned D. eager
48. Highlands Coffee is now not just a domestic brand name, but its branches have been
established in many nations.
A. unstable B. national C. multilateral D. foreign
49. The most complicated motorway interchange in Britain is known as Spaghetti
A. complex B. mingle C. simple D. related
50. Numerous articles have been written in favor of prohibiting animal testing on the
ground of morality.
A. Few B. Many C. Several D. Various
Ngày: …… /….. /…… Điểm đạt được:
Kết quả:
0 - 19: Bạn cần trau dồi để mở rộng và ghi nhớ từ vựng về tính từ, từ
trái nghĩa và nhận biết những mặt ý nghĩa của từ.
31 - 40: Bạn làm tốt khi gặp những tính từ quen thuộc. Đối với
những tính từ ít phổ biến hơn, quan trọng là bạn cần xác định ý nghĩa
của từ là tích cực hay tiêu cực.
41 - 50: Bạn làm rất tốt! Giữ vững phong độ trong các bài tiếp theo
Kiến thức cần nhớ:
Bạn hãy ghi lại những từ vựng cần nhớ sau khi hoàn thành bài tập trên.


Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) or phrase(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
(Khoanh tròn A, B, C hoặc D để tìm ra từ hoặc cụm từ TRÁI NGHĨA với từ hoặc cụm từ
được gạch chân trong những câu hỏi sau.)
1. We were advised to stay calm and not react rashly.
A. recklessly B. heroically C. cautiously D. reluctantly
2. As the applause died down, a child came on stage with an armload of roses for the
A. became louder C. became more cheerful
B. became softer D. became more irritating
3. Her boyfriend let her down when he did not propose marriage.
A. disappointed her C. fell short
B. made her pleased D. failed to meet her expectation
4. First of all, let’s have a look at the main plots that make this fiction a masterpiece.
A. Actually B. Generally C. Extremely D. Eventually
5. His voice was deceptively innocent, and she was led right into the trap.
A. for a serious purpose C. in an honest way
B. in a dishonest way D. at the wrong time
6. If the weather clears up, we’ll go for a picnic.
A. is clean C. is not cloudy
B. shines D. becomes worse
7. You don’t have to make fun of the movie. You can stand up and leave.
A. envy B. endorse C. deride D. admire
8. Sarah has spent hours getting engrossed in the new book she borrowed from the
library this morning.
A. distracted from B. stuck in C. noticed to D. depended on
9. After she found out about his affair, she decided it was best to leave him for good.
A. badly B. permanently C. temporarily D. hastily
10. His clothes are all neatly folded in their drawers.
A. formally B. untidily C. nicely D. comfortably
11. The writing on the tombstone was barely visible.
A. easily B. often C. never D. softly
12. By the end of 2020, surfing, skateboarding, karate, baseball and mountain climbing
will probably have been officially added to the list of sports competed in Olympic
A. instantly B. informally C. currently D. intensely
13. My dad had a few beers and is under the weather again.
A. healthy B. happy C. sad D. sick
14. Politicians often bend the truth to make themselves look better and their opponents
look worse.
A. tell a lie
B. say something that is completely true
C. don’t tell the truth
D. say something that is not completely true
15. I have snowed under with work since the start of the week.
A. been busy with C. been free from
B. been stressed about D. been interested in
16. After the knee operation, he has recovered quickly and now he is in shape.
A. inept B. unfit C. tired D. ready
17. I don’t associate with criminals like him.
A. connect with C. allow by
B. dissimilar to D. separate from
18. He handed out flyers in the street all morning.
A. collected B. dispersed C. dispensed D. contributed
19. The foundation of ASEAN resulted in a solidarity community for nations in South
East Asia to co-operate.
A. relied on B. accounted for C. coincided with D. derived from
20. We just moved in and I haven’t hooked up my stereo yet.
A. disconnected B. connected C. combined D. blended
21. Liam was out of work for nearly half of a year after the economy crashed.
A. out of order B. out of control C. employed D. unemployed
22. I wish our neighbors would quit poking their noses in and just leave US alone!
A. involving B. ignoring C. interfering D. exaggerating
23. A lot of athletes will become laid off after they have passed their prime day; therefore,
there is a need for providing them with an occupation.
A. jobless B. employed C. industrious D. troublesome
24. We will start on dessert after you have finished your dish.
A. conclude B. develop C. initiate D. undertake
25. The lottery numbers are chosen at random.
A. by testing B. by interviewing C. by competition D. on purpose
26. There is a large number of people who are unaware of their basic rights.
A. ignorant of C. adjustment to
B. indifferent to D. well-informed of
27. Books are considered a good source of knowledge helping students to
develop mentally.
A. entirely B. physically C. positively D. mechanically
28. She gradually realized that he wasn’t telling her the truth.
A. rapidly B. readily C. slowly D. finally
29. He tends to put his foot in his mouth when he’s forced to speak for too long.
A. make a mistake C. say something tactful
B. speak indirectly D. do things in the wrong order
30. I’m going to put an end to the corruption in this department once and for all!
A. divide B. enjoy C. split D. establish
31. In fact, I just go to the stadium to watch a live match more often than not.
A. usually B. seldom C. always D. often
32. Prior to going back to school, he worked in a restaurant.
A. Subsequent to B. At the time of C. In front of D. Previous to
33. How did Mom find out we were planning a surprise party for her? Who let the cat out
of the bag?
A. let the bag away from the cat C. kept the cat inside the bag
B. keep the secret D. revealed the true story
34. I gave up after an hour trying to solve the riddle.
A. gave away B. let down C. kept on D. made out
35. Initially, we planned to cooperate with some foreign scientists to do some research on
drugs for treating cancers.
A. Secondly B. Generally C. Namely D. Lastly
36. It is perennially one of the most profitable companies in the region.
A. extremely B. sporadically C. perpetually D. expectedly
37. I will go along with you on that matter.
A. approve C. support
B. agree with D. disagree with
38. They have been together for years and they are still madly in love with each other.
A. insanely B. wildly C. slightly D. extremely
39. This book fair is a unique opportunity for you to pick up a great number of books that
are difficult to find in bookstores or libraries.
A. lookup C. put down
B. go over D. give off
40. You will have to add the new data to the existing spreadsheet by hand.
A. spiritually B. manually C. automatically D. mechanically
41. This is a minor setback. Let’s not make a mountain of a molehill.
A. overextend it C. exaggerate it
B. overdo it D. understate it
42. Unfortunately, there’s nothing that I can do about your problem.
A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Successfully D. Unexpectedly
43. Particularly, Vietnam won 346 medals in total in SEA Games in 2003.
A. Suddenly B. Fortunately C. Generally D. Specially
44. The meeting has been tentatively scheduled for next week.
A. certainly B. intentionally C. temporally D. hesitantly
45. The team developed a new system to help speed up the work.
A. slow down B. look up C. put forward D. turn down
46. The minister came under fire for his rash decision to close the factory.
A. was dismissed B. was criticized C. was acclaimed D. was penalized
47. Police are hoping that the person of interest surrenders of his own accord.
A. enthusiastically B. voluntarily C. unhesitatingly D. unwillingly
48. The administration is clearly trying to cover up the scandal.
A. reveal B. hide C. report D. leave
49. It’s possibly the injury in the last game that made her performance unsuccessful today.
A. solely B. unlikely C. similarly D. namely
50. The damage was far more serious than believed at the beginning.
A. gradually B. officially C. finally D. firstly
Ngày: …… /….. /…… Điểm đạt được:
Kết quả:
0 - 19: Bạn cần trau dồi để mở rộng và ghi nhớ từ vựng về trạng từ,
cụm động từ và từ trái nghĩa của chúng. Bạn cũng cần học thuộc ý
nghĩa của thành ngữ khi được diễn giải trong từng ngữ cảnh.
31 - 40: Bạn làm tốt đối với bài tập về trạng từ. Tuy nhiên, đối với
cụm động từ và thành ngữ, bạn cần học thuộc và hiểu thật kỹ ý nghĩa
sâu xa của chúng
41 - 50: Bạn làm rất tốt! Giữ vững phong độ trong các bài tiếp theo
Kiến thức cần nhớ:
Bạn hãy ghi lại những từ vựng cần nhớ sau khi hoàn thành bài tập trên.


Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) or phrase(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
(Khoanh tròn A, B, C hoặc D để tìm ra từ hoặc cụm từ có nghĩa GẦN NHẤT với từ hoặc cụm
từ được gạch chân trong những câu hỏi sau.)
1. We could feel the tension in the room as we waited for our exam results.
A. strength B. high degree C. nervousness D. eagerness
2. My mom is always bad-tempered when I leave my room untidy.
A. easily annoyed C. very satisfied
B. talking too much D. feeling embarrassed
3. When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying or
asking you.
A. be related to C. express interest to
B. be interested in D. pay all attention to
4. There was a long period without rain in the countryside last year so the harvest was
A. a drought B. a flood C. an epidemic D. a famine
5. I made a blunder by getting his name wrong.
A. a commitment B. a mistake C. an injury D. an enemy
6. Luckily, the event was sponsored by several local businesses.
A. limited B. tested C. finished D. financed
7. Everyone in my community joined hands to help those impacted by the hurricane.
A. took hands C. worked together
B. gave a hand D. shook hands
8. Let’s raise our awareness because this is going to be a challenging time for us all.
A. difficult B. easy C. curious D. uninspiring
9. He was asked to give a detailed chronology of the events of the past three days.
A. catastrophe B. discrepancy C. disaster D. time sequence
10. This particular stretch of coast is especially popular with hikers.
A. area B. valley C. land D. dune
11. The reporter says the two leaders had had candid talks about the current crisis.
A. casual B. sweet C. discreet D. frank
12. The government has recently overhauled the healthcare system.
A. appreciated B. improved C. established D. devalued
13. It is up to you. Do you want to eat out tonight?
A. replies on C. depends on
B. waits on D. congratulates on
14. The divorce affected every aspect of her life.
A. annoyed B. touched C. moved D. influenced
15. The world has experienced the emergence of a new strain of virus.
A. simplicity B. urgency C. profitability D. appearance
16. I’ve had to shelve my plans to buy a new motorbike because I can’t afford it at the
A. delay B. stop C. cancel D. disapprove
17. You are looking at the most advanced type of engine available.
A. traditional B. underdeveloped C. well-developed D. conventional
18. How do you stay up-to-date with technology without spending too much time on it?
A. update new status C. use social network daily
B. connect to the Internet all day D. get the latest information
19. The president said that his country was moving into a lasting peace epoch.
A. period B. episode C. story D. migration
20. The men in the truck came to remove the rubbish from the backyard.
A. make over B. make out C. take over D. take away
21. He was accomplished in all the arts.
A. skillful B. famous C. modest D. perfect
22. We’ve had an awful lot of seafood and I don’t regret it.
A. a terrible thing C. a great desire
B. a large amount D. a great pleasure
23. We were drawn to the metropolitan glamour and excitement of Paris.
A. of a busy suburb C. in an industrial city
B. relating to a remote suburb D. belonging to a big or capital city
24. Untreated anemia can result in physical complications that can lead to a decreased
life expectancy.
A. span B. prospect C. anticipation D. expectation
25. As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their
A. research B. collect C. identify D. calculate
26. The hotel offers a tranquil haven of peace and serenity, away from the bustle of the
A. joy B. sadness C. calmness D. melancholy
27. Congo’s presidential election is hoped to enable the country’s first peaceful,
democratic transfer of power since independence from Belgium in 1960.
A. transplant B. shift C. conversion D. removal
28. We are having a surprise party for Susan next Saturday. Remember not to give it
away to her.
A. ask anyone to come C. reveal the secret
B. go to the party D. find out the secret
29. The designs for the new mosque have attracted widespread criticism.
A. limited B. colossal C. scattered D. universal
30. Heart disease specialists advocate a diet low in cholesterol.
A. publicly say C. publicly support
B. openly criticize D. strongly condemn
31. Skin eruption is common to many of US during times of stress.
A. hole B. rash C. erosion D. division
32. Bonus payments provide an incentive to work harder.
A. a goal C. a stimulus to action
B. a deterrent D. a valuable thing
33. I have to go home early so I can get ready for our trip morrow.
A. go out B. get up C. prepare D. wake up
34. The population of the village has remained remarkably homogeneous.
A. unrelated B. dreary C. distinguishable D. consistent
35. We really appreciate your help, without which we couldn’t have got our task done in
A. request C. feel thankful for
B. are proud of D. depreciate
36. Some students find preparing for the entrance exam such a daunting process that they
become depressed.
A. long-lasting B. comforting C. intriguing D. intimidating
37. If you have any queries about your treatment, the doctor will answer them.
A. complaints B. questions C. agreements D. reservations
38. We can use either verbal or non-verbal forms of communication.
A. spoken C. posture
B. gesture D. facial expressions
39. We should find ways to improve our products in terms of quality and service.
A. for considering aspects C. in regard to
B. in spite of D. with a view to
40. Visitors to the hotel can enjoy a medieval banquet in an authentic setting.
A. formal party C. informal party
B. formal conference D. enormous breakfast
41. Public ignorance about the virus is still a cause for concern.
A. fearlessness B. unawareness C. arrogance D. indoctrination
42. Coal power stations release sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere.
A. contain B. vaporize C. omit D. discharge
43. The player announced his impending retirement from international football.
A. irrefutable B. absolute C. imminent D. formidable
44. The company executives prevent criticism by inviting union leaders to meet.
A. fail B. forestall C. defeat D. avoid
45. They had fortuitously been out of the house when the fire started.
A. luckily B. happily C. predictably D. unfortunately
46. The restaurant is well-known for its friendly atmosphere and excellent service.
A. ideal B. idolized C. famous D. nationwide
47. The bedroom was in its original state, with a 1920s bed and wardrobe.
A. condition B. country C. danger D. perception
48. I’m all in favor of ambition but I think when he says he’ll be a millionaire by the time
he’s 25, he’s simply crying for the moon.
A. crying a lot and for a long time
B. asking for what is attainable
C. doing something with vigor or intensity
D. longing for what is beyond the reach
49. There’s a striking contrast between what he does and what he says he does.
A. recent B. dangerous C. productive D. noticeable
50. The gate won’t stay open, so we’ll have to secure it to that post.
A. design B. manufacture C. attach D. release
Ngày: …… /….. /…… Điểm đạt được:
Kết quả:
0 - 19: Bạn cần ôn lại kiến thức về từ đồng nghĩa.
20 - 39: Bạn hãy vượt qua mức điểm trung bình bằng cách luyện tập
thêm qua các dạng bài tập tương tự!
40 - 50: Bạn làm rất tốt! Giữ vững phong độ trong các bài tiếp theo
Kiến thức cần nhớ:
Bạn hãy ghi lại những từ vựng cần nhớ sau khi hoàn thành bài tập trên.

Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) or phrase(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
(Khoanh tròn A, B, C hoặc D để tìm ra từ hoặc cụm từ TRÁI NGHĨA với từ hoặc cụm từ
được gạch chân trong những câu hỏi sau.)
1. Drugs can alter your perception of reality.
A. enlarge B. retain C. change D. design
2. Vogue magazine quickly became the bible of fashionable women.
A. outmoded B. incompetent C. trendy D. unattractive
3. The new range of engines all had a generic problem with their fan blades.
A. popular B. specific C. economical D. expensive
4. She is feeling noticeably better after 2 weeks of using the new medicine.
A. unwaveringly B. wildly C. unpredictably D. invisibly
5. Incredibly sophisticated computers are being used in the search for international
A. expensive C. difficult to operate
B. complicated D. primitive
6. I’m profoundly grateful for all the support I’ve received.
A. unmistakably B. indisputably C. insignificantly D. inconsistently
7. I remain open-minded when the feedback starts coming in.
A. absent-minded C. narrow-minded
B. small-minded D. broad-minded
8. Newspapers should not intrude on people’s private grief.
A. sadness B. joy C. sorrow D. trouble
9. He said the president should not be reelected, and the group of voters concurred.
A. agreed B. disagreed C. surrendered D. confessed
10. I’m tired of working in a team where I’m invisible in everyone’s eyes. I don’t want to
be just a cog in the machine!
A. an important person C. a large piece of equipment
B. a necessary person D. a person of small significance
11. I felt a deep humiliation and wanted the ground to swallow me up.
A. degradation B. creation C. honor D. fort
12. You can’t work continuously for six hours without a break!
A. endlessly B. sporadically C. incisively D. constantly
13. Your flight to Perth will leave from Terminal 4.
A. take off B. ascend C. land D. rise
14. Parents don’t want their children to go to mediocre schools.
A. lazy B. moronic C. average D. excellent
15. The boss doesn’t disapprove of our long lunches on Friday afternoons.
A. object B. support C. deny D. refuse
16. She sat back for a minute to ponder her next move in the game.
A. consider B. ignore C. study D. contemplate
17. The improvement in sales figures had a beneficial influence on the company as a
A. harmless B. innocent C. crude D. detrimental
18. He showed enormous courage when he rescued his friend from the fire.
A. small B. very large C. unusual D. very common
19. The design was so complex that only the best architects and contractors could
have carried it out.
A. put it in B. put it up C. put it off D. put it on
20. All the countries have proclaimed their loyalty to the alliance.
A. rebel B. fidelity C. treachery D. reconnaissance
21. The resources available are quite insufficient for the task.
A. inadequate B. unsatisfactory C. dominant D. abundant
22. The soil was so badly eroded it could no longer sustain crop production.
A. obstruct B. prolong C. support D. destroy
23. Nicky always spends an inordinate amount of time on her makeup.
A. abundant B. limited C. required D. excessive
24. By the time he decided to publish that book, he had thought that the book must sell
like hotcakes, but in the end, it turns out a flop.
A. record-breaker B. runner-up C. best-seller D. know-how
25. A well-behaved boy doesn’t go to bed after 10 p.m.
A. behaving correctly C. behaving nice
B. behaving cleverly D. behaving improperly
26. These missiles are capable of swatting enemy planes with deadly accuracy.
A. immortal B. alive C. lethal D. mortal
27. I’m doing a temporary job as a translator for big international conferences in which
people discuss climate change.
A. concise B. transparent C. makeshift D. permanent
28. Many of these old cinemas have now vanished altogether.
A. disappeared B. attacked C. appeared D. devastated
29. My cousin tends to look on the bright side in any circumstance.
A. be smart B. be pessimistic C. be confident D. be optimistic
30. They are worried about rampant drug abuse and sexual immorality.
A. uprightness B. mortality C. divinity D. transience
31. It’s very difficult to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so different
from your own.
A. cooperate B. separate C. induce D. depreciate
32. I can’t stand the sight of blood. I could never be a doctor.
A. look down on B. give on to C. take away from D. put up with
33. The gunmen showed no mercy, killing innocent men and women.
A. guilty B. innovative C. naive D. benevolent
34. I won’t be a quiet, submissive wife who would obey my husband’s every word.
A. obedient B. docile C. subdued D. rebellious
35. She was rushing around madly looking for her bag at the hospital yesterday.
A. running fast C. going leisurely
B. going quickly D. attacking suddenly
36. My greatest desire is to live in a society based on equity and social justice.
A. amenity B. distinction C. singularity D. partiality
37. I wouldn’t work for them even if they paid me twice my current salary.
A. past B. existing C. first D. special
38. We are cutting down on our heating to conserve electricity.
A. protect B. pollute C. eliminate D. waste
39. The purpose of our new affiliation is to grow the business.
A. severance C. ancestry
B. leadership D. commerce
40. Every religious and political belief should be respected equally.
A. doubt B. faith C. credence D. reliance
41. She was quick-witted and had an extraordinarily agile mind.
A. awkward B. inept C. ponderous D. passive
42. As a lawyer, you have an ethical duty to zealously represent your client.
A. ardently B. lazily C. happily D. smartly
43. The fund provides money to clean up chemically polluted industrial sites.
A. purified B. contaminated C. enriched D. strengthened
44. Our survey shows that employees are all industrious and want to excel in their job.
A. busy B. hardworking C. slothful D. fruitful
45. He was kept in inhumane conditions for 25 years.
A. vicious B. cold-blooded C. callous D. warmhearted
46. He is a dictator whose barbarity was only exceeded by that of his rival.
A. technology B. misconduct C. romanticism D. civility
47. This chemical is toxic to many forms of life.
A. grievous B. poisonous C. safe D. panic
48. I’ve brought an article from yesterday’s paper that I thought might amuse you.
A. astonish B. bore C. jolt D. frighten
49. She won a highly prestigious award.
A. ordinary B. distinguished C. renowned D. fanned
50. You should use strong glue to join the two pieces together.
A. paste B. unite C. separate D. gather
Ngày: …… /….. /…… Điểm đạt được:
Kết quả:
0 - 19: Bạn cần ôn lại kiến thức về từ trái nghĩa.
20 - 39: Bạn hãy vượt qua mức điểm trung bình bằng cách luyện tập
thêm qua các dạng bài tập tương tự!
40 - 50: Bạn làm rất tốt! Giữ vững phong độ trong các bài tiếp theo
Kiến thức cần nhớ:
Bạn hãy ghi lại những từ vựng cần nhớ sau khi hoàn thành bài tập trên.

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