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Republic of the Philippines


San Nicolas, Candon City, Ilocos Sur

Survey on Customers Service Satisfaction in the College of Business Education


Instructions: Below are items that describe your satisfaction level on different services in the
College of Business Education. Please rate your satisfaction level as follows:

VS – Very Satisfied S – Satisfied N – Neutral D – Dissatisfied VD – Very Dissatisfied


A. Guidance Services

1. The Individual Inventory Service effectively helped me understand

my strengths and weaknesses.
2. The Information Service provided me with relevant information
regarding educational and career opportunities, which was helpful.
3. I am highly satisfied with the counseling sessions I received from the
guidance counselor.
4. The Testing Service provided valuable insights about my aptitude and
5. The Placement Service successfully assisted me in finding suitable
employment or educational opportunities.
6. The Follow-up Service provided adequate support and guidance after I
completed my program or received placement.
7. The process of issuing Pass/Admission Slips was efficient.
8. I was satisfied with the issuance of Guidance Certificates or Good
Moral Character Certificates when required.
9. I was highly satisfied with the support provided by the Placement
Services in securing internships or job placements.
B. Medical-Dental Services

1. Did the Medical-Dental Check-up service meet your healthcare

2. How satisfied were you with the Dental Tooth Extraction service?
3. Were you able to access necessary medicines for free, as a legitimate
student or personnel of NLPSC?
C. Library Services

1. How convenient was the process of obtaining a Library Card?

2. Did the library staff effectively assist you in using the internet and
multimedia resources?
3. How helpful were the library staff in instructing and assisting you
with research and other library-related activities?
D. Security Services VS S N D VD
Republic of the Philippines
San Nicolas, Candon City, Ilocos Sur

1. Did the security personnel effectively ensure your safety as a student?

2. How satisfied were you with the security measures in place to protect
ISPSC personnel and properties?
3. Were you satisfied with the security personnel's presence at the gate,
checking identities and inspecting vehicles entering the campus?
E. Registrar Services

1. How efficient was the Registrar's office in verifying and assessing

your requirements and issuing acceptance slips?
2. Did the Registrar accurately assess the school fees you were required
to pay?
3. Were you able to obtain the required clearance form from the
Registrar's office in a timely manner?
4. How satisfied were you with the Registrar's handling of document
processing and release?
5. How efficiently did the Registrar's office process your transfer
credentials, if applicable?
E. Accounting Services

1. Did the Accounting office ensure the completeness of signatures in

the clearance form?
2. How effectively did the Accounting office maintain and update your
student account?
3. Were you able to obtain the necessary permits from the Accounting
office without difficulties?
4. Did the Accounting office efficiently review and evaluate the
documents you presented?
5. How well did the Accounting office communicate updates regarding
your student account balance?
F. Guidance and Counseling Services

1. The process of registering as a client for Guidance and Counseling

services was satisfactory.
2. I was provided with an official receipt upon payment for Guidance
and Counseling services.
3. The Guidance and Counseling office effectively prepared and printed
my Comprehensive Guidance and Monitoring Checklist (CGMC).
4. The issuance and record keeping of CGMCs were well-managed by
the Guidance and Counseling office.
5. I was provided with an Excuse Slip Form when needed.
6. The interview process conducted by the Guidance and Counseling
office to validate reasons for absence was helpful.
7. The recommendations and signatures provided by the Guidance and
Counseling office were satisfactory.
8. Pass slips were efficiently issued by the Guidance and Counseling
9. My records were adequately maintained and filed by the Guidance
Republic of the Philippines
San Nicolas, Candon City, Ilocos Sur

and Counseling office.

G. Cashier Services

1. The Cashier's office effectively checked and evaluated transactions.

2. I was provided with an official receipt for my payments.
3. I was satisfied with the acknowledgment of my payment by the
Cashier's office.
H. Dean's Office Services

1. How efficiently did the Dean's Office review, check entries, and sign
off on documents?
2. How effectively did the Dean's Office evaluate your academic

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