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Hook:Have you ever bully someone or been bullied?

if you have bully or been bullied then you should

know how bullying feels like.

Background:Bullying is the act of intentionally harming someone physically, verbally, or psychologically.

Bullying is often repeated over time and involves an imbalance of power. Acts of bullying include hitting,
pushing, or other unwelcome touching; teasing and name-calling; repeated exclusion of an individual
from games and activities; sending threatening or mean-spirited messages (such as texts, chats,
voicemails, or e-mails); or spreading of hurtful rumors. Bullying and cyberbullying, or bullying that occurs
online, are sensitive issues for many children, educators, and families. We recommend plenty of
discussion before and after viewing this movie and the related features, so that children can express
their feelings or share their experiences. Some children may be embarrassed that they have been bullied
or have bullied others, so it’s important to create a safe environment, where they feel they can share
their thoughts. Schools and districts have clear guidelines about bullying, and many state boards of
education are establishing bullying curricula. We encourage caregivers and educators to research how
bullying is being addressed in their area and help children understand how to prevent and stop bullying
and what to do when they witness it.

Thesis Statement:The victims of bullying are always innocent, and bullying is never deserved. Although
you may feel trapped, alone or incapable, there are people in Philippines who care and can provide you
support. Helpline volunteers and counselors will offer you a listening ear and will work through difficult
emotions with you.

First Point:Children who are targets of bullying might feel scared or embarrassed. It is crucial that they
understand that they are not alone. They should not feel embarrassed! When a child is being bullied, he
or she should tell a trusted adult, such as an aide, counselor, teacher, or caregiver. Help children
understand that they are not a “tattler” if they report a bully who is hurting them or other kids. If it feels
safe, children can stand up to a bully. It is imperative that they do not fight, but use their words. They
should tell the bully clearly that he or she should stop and then walk away and ignore them.

Second Point:Remind your children that a bully wants to see people get angry or upset. Thus, they
should act calm and confident when telling a bully to stay away. If the bully continues, children should
continue to ignore and report the bully to a trusted adult again.

Third Point:Children can avoid a bully by taking a different route home or changing where they play on
the school grounds. This does not mean hiding from the bully, but avoiding a confrontation while still
having fun during free time or after school. Targets of bullying can also stick with friends since a bully is
less likely to cause trouble with a group of people.
According to

Conclusion:Acts of bullying include hitting, pushing, or other unwelcome touching; teasing and name-
calling; repeated exclusion of an individual from games and activities; sending threatening or mean-
spirited messages (such as texts, chats, voicemails, or e-mails); or spreading of hurtful rumors.Although
you may feel trapped, alone or incapable, there are people in Philippines who care and can provide you
support.Remind your children that a bully wants to see people get angry or upset.

we all know that bullying is not good for everyone it creates major problem, it can cause depression,
anxiety, loneliness, panic disorder and self harm. Quote for today "You will never reach higher ground if
you are always pushing others down"

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