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1. The posterior layer of Lumbodorsal fascia provides the posterior covering for?

A. Latissimus dorsi muscle.

B. Sacrospinalis muscle.
C. Quadrates lumborum.
D. Transverses abdominis muscle.
E. Psoas muscle.

Answer is B

2. When a unilateral Internal iliac artery is ligated, Internal iliac blood flow does
not stop but reverses its direction because of critical anastomoses, one
important anastomosis occurs between median sacral artery and which one of
the following?
A. Lateral sacral artery.
B. Middle rectal artery.
C. Lumbar artery.
D. Superior rectal artery.
E. Ilioumbar artery.

Answer is A

3. A patient underwent ureteral reimplantation with Psoas hitch, postoperatively

both motor and sensory functions of the ipsilateral thigh are affected, which
nerve was most likely involved with sutures in Psoas hitch?
A. The lumbosacral trunk.
B. The genitofemoral nerve.
C. The femoral nerve.
D. The obturator nerve.
E. The sacral plexus.

Answer is C

4. Branches of the Abdominal Aorta, which branch is encountered immediately

lateral to the origin of Superior mesenteric artery on either side?
A. Left renal artery.
B. Middle adrenal arteries.
C. Lumbar arteries.
D. Testicular or ovarian arteries.
E. Right renal artery.

Answer is B

5. Which of the following is true about the prostate gland?

A. The primary blood supply is from the superior vesical artery.
B. Partially surrounded by a true capsule.
C. It has both sympathetic and parasympathetic innervations.
D. Most prostate cancers arise from the transition zone.
E. The central zone is located distal to the verumontanum.
Answer is C

6. Which of the following is true about potassium?

A. ACE inhibitors may be a cause of hypokalemia.
B. Potassium is an extracellular ion.
C. The upper limit for safe intravenous potassium infusion is 60 meq/hr
D. Acidosis drives potassium out of the cell into circulation.
E. A high sodium load in the proximal tubule promotes potassium

Answer is D

7. Which of the following is true about acidosis?

A. Increasing the blood HCO3 level increases the anion gap.
B. Direct bicarbonate loss from the kidney would lead to metabolic
acidosis and a high anion gap.
C. Lactic acidosis usually presents as a nonunion gap metabolic acidosis.
D. Appropriate respiratory compensation for a metabolic acidosis is
decreased respiration with an increased pCO2.
E. It is possible to have both a respiratory and metabolic acidosis at the
same time.

Answer is E

8. All of the following can increase total GFR except:

A. Increased RBF.
B. Increased intraglomerular (hydraulic) pressure.
C. Decreased glomerular permeability.
D. Decreased efferent arteriolar resistance.
E. Increased functioning nephron number.

Answer is D

9. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the adrenal glands?

A. Embryologically the adrenals are distinct from the kidney.
B. The adrenal medulla receives postganglionic sympathetic input that
stimulates the release of catecholamines.
C. Arterial supply to the adrenal comes from branches of the inferior
phrenic artery, aorta, and renal artery.
D. The adrenal cortex is composed of three distinct areas: the zona
glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, and zona reticularis.
E. Venous drainage of the adrenal varies by side.

Answer is B

10. The following statements regarding the smooth and striated sphincter muscle
of the bladder outlet and urethra are true, except:
A. The smooth sphincter refers to the smooth musculature of the bladder
neck and proximal urethra.
B. The smooth muscle is a physiologic and an anatomic sphincter and one
that is under voluntary control.
C. The striated sphincter refers to the striated musculature that is a part of
the outer wall of the proximal urethra in both the male and the female
is often referred to as the intrinsic or intramural striated sphincter.
D. The bulky striated skeletal muscle group that closely surrounds the
urethra at the level of the membranous portion in the male and
primarily the middle segment in the female is often referred to as the
extrinsic or extramural striated sphincter.
E. The extramural portion is the classically described external urethral
sphincter and is under voluntary control.

Answer is B

11. Which of the following is true about the Renin Angiotensin System?
A. Angiotensin II decreases systemic vascular resistance.
B. Angiotensinogen is produced by the kidney.
C. Aldosterone decreases urinary sodium concentrations.
D. The ACE enzymes convert angiotensinogen to angiotensin I.
E. Angiotensin II inhibits aldosterone secretion.

Answer is C

12. Which of the following hereditary renal tumor syndromes is incorrectly

paired with its appropriate gene?
A. Von Hippel Lindau –3p.
B. Birt Hogg Dube –17p.
C. Hereditary Papillary RCC – 5p.
D. Hereditary Leiomyoma RCC –1q.
E. Tuberous Sclerosis – 9q.

Answer is C

13. A patient underwent urethroplasty for urethral stricture in an exaggerated

lithotomy position, postoperatively the patient complains of footdrop, which
nerve was most likely stretched?
A. The lumbosacral trunk.
B. The genitofemoral nerve.
C. The femoral nerve.
D. The obturator nerve.
E. The sacral plexus.

Answer is E

14. What is the most frequent site of urethral cancer in the male?
A. Fossa navicularis.
B. Prostatic urethra.
C. Pendulous urethra.
D. Penoscrotal urethra.
E. Bulbomembranous urethra.

Answer is E

15. The anterior wall of the scrotum is supplied by:

A. The common penile artery.
B. The perineal branch of internal pudendal artery.
C. The obturator artery.
D. The external pudendal artery.
E. The Internal pudendal artery (before branching).

Answer is D

16. When the kidney is ectopic, supernumerary arteries are common and can
likely originate from all of the following, except:
A. Celiac trunk.
B. Superior mesenteric artery.
C. Lumbar arteries.
D. Iliac arteries.
E. Aorta.

Answer is C

17. Blood supply to the pelvic ureter could come from all these arterial branches,
A. Internal iliac arteries.
B. Gonadal arteries.
C. Uterine arteries.
D. Vaginal arteries.
E. Middle rectal arteries

Answer B

18. Visceral-type renal and ureteral pain referred to the autonomic distribution of
the kidney and ureter is likely produced over the distribution of all of the
following, except:
A. Obturator nerve.
B. Genitofemoral nerve.
C. Ilioinguinal nerve.
D. Iliohypogastric nerve.
E. Subcostal nerve.

Answer is A

19. All these fascial layers fuses and are continuous with each others, except:
A. Scarpa's fascia.
B. Buck's fascia.
C. Deep fascia of the thigh.
D. Colle's fascia.
E. Dartos fascia.

Answer is B

20. Regarding pelvic circulation, In 25% of people, an accessory obturator artery

exists and must be avoided during obturator lymph node dissection, this artery
arises from:
A. Middle sacral artery.
B. Internal iliac artery.
C. Deep circumflex iliac artery.
D. Inferior epigastric artery.
E. External iliac artery.

Answer is D

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