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14.8.2023 16:53 MAECNE- fiLD ü 2/14

Needs Survey Guidance

Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainabie Development

1. Outllne oflhe Program

Tn recent years global issues tbat cannot be rcsolved by one country or région alonc hâve been
on the rise around the world, includiiig global wanning, energy and bioiogicni resoiirce issues,
the spread of infection? discases, and the occurrence of naturaî disasters.

Tn FY2008, Tapan launchcd a program caüed "Science and Technology Research Partnership
l'or Sustainabie Development (SATREPS)” as a framework for iiuematioiia! coopération ihat
strives lo résolve îhese global issues. Based upon the nceds of and rccjuesîs by récipient
countries, this program aspires îo promotc international joint research between rcsearch
institutions iti Japan and thosc in récipient countries in order to obtain new knowledge that is
conducive to tesolving global issues. It also aims to ensuxe capacity building of rcseaich
institutions in develüping countries.

2. Details of the Program

(l) Objective

This program is designed lo promotc international joint research in which bclh Japanese
research institutions and those of récipient countries work together based upon the social ncods
in récipient countries. Its aims are to obtain new knowledge and to iitilize lesea.rch outcx>nies To
the beiiefit of the society wilb a view lo rcsolviiig global issues siich as the eiivironmenl and
energy, biological resources. disasier prévention, and infectious diseases. In conjunction with
this, it also aspires to improve the development of human resources and research capabilities in
récipient countries by conducting joint research.

(2) Eligible Fields of Research

1) Research con^ibuting to îhe solution to global-scale environmer^tal issues

(Contfibuting lo SDGs - response lo dlmate change, conservation of ecosystems and
Fnvi''onment and biodiversity, sustainabie use of naturel resources. and pollution prévention and comrel)
Enarfltf 2) Research on the sustainabie use of resources and energy with a view lo achieving
carbon neuüaüty
(Conthbuting to SDGs - ciean energy and cigale action)
3) Research conb-ibuting to sustainabie production and ut'üzatior of bloresources
BioresQurces (Contributing to SDGs - fcod securtty, heaith proinoHon. nuirilon Improvement, and
sustainabie agriculture,Joresîry, and tishenes)
4) Research on disaater prévention and mitigation towards social susiainab trty
Disasier Prévention (Contributing to SDGs - analysis of disaster meohantsms, prior countemneasures and
end.Mitigaiipn disaster occurrence to post-disaster recover/ and reconstruction processes)
infecliçtus Disea&es 5) Research on measur» to godrefs infectious diseases conircl attuned to the needs of
ControM devebping countries

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14.8.2023 16:53
MflECNÊ- flLG Q 3/14-

♦Spécial lots for African Countries or Small Island Developing States(SIDS)

i'his ycar (JFVr2C23),s caU wiil wclccme for proposais with eithcr of followiag thèmes.
1) Proposai la coojîeration ■with African coantries utilizing rcsources and energy for
decarbonization or promoting decarbonizalion and recydùig in Üie waste lield.
2) Proposa] in coopération with Small Island Developing States(SIDS) tackling with cliraate
change or tbensing disasier prévention and mitigation.

To apply for dûs loi, appUcant needs fo mark the clieckboxes in the ODA application form
whether the project match with National Development Pian or STI for SDGs Roadmap. Piease
note that ail pxoposals/applications (including the proposals^appl ications for spécial lots) shalJ
bc sclcctcd through the sélection process lined bclüsv (8).

(3) Coopération Period

The period of the Joint Research is three to fîve years.

(4) Steering structure (Rôles of JST/AMED and JfCA)

SATREPS is carried out through the collaboration of five Japanese institutions: the Ministr}r of
Foreign Atïairs (MOFA) and JICA, as well as the Ministry of Education. Culture, Sports,
Science and Technoiog>' (MEXT) and ihe Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) / the
Japan Agcncy for Medical Research and Development (AMED),

JICA provides technical coopération for récipient counuies that are targeted for piüjects. JST
and AXIED provide supports to Japanese researoh institutions ior research costs outside of the
targeted countries, including within Japan (information including the project scheme is found
in Figure 1 ). AMED takes care of research projects in the field of infcctious diseascs. T he other
fields of research are laken care ofby JST.

-■ , 'I-

I- rirrart
14.8.2023 16:53 MflECNE- flLG 3 4/14 -,

Research N International \/ Japanese research

institutions in \ joint research / institutions
récipient countries N---- V
^sDi^patfb of r<?A.-‘nr-;ht':o:s = r N
.Pnncjpa ' Fraioipal
Tn\ «-!>•< igHliM' & sA<, urifee<«i'ci-'ri-'?=^ Inverfigarcr é*
Res-^;.uxliers Team Re-iearcheiv Team J

Research r; î
Pr'v^-i-' manâgemeut/' evaluatiou Proposai SV .A
Xii'tnslî* ifiiv
t<^i‘hni€4i) ccxj|x?ruLiory
fc AHr-ptior. of
SujJJX'I’I.Tdl («•
if S“Ar<ik C-XlVinv-*. C-ÎJ'.
tf- Prop.'.f ai

Proiect Prç-k'-1 m.»r Ajjç.r.ve-n; / hz?ti

•ç ' f ,
sélection evjihmti;'!! Vr"

JICA Cüllt=.bûralion JST/AMED


Portion borne oy rJÎCA Portion borne by JST/AMED |

Figure 1. Projec: Scheme

(5) Essential Qualificalions tequîred for the pioposed researc)* pvoject

l) A spcclf.c Joirr jcsearch stiucnire mtist be weii-prcparci'i ixnveen the rcsearch itisTitiitions
in the récipient country concernée! and ihose in Japaiilhai will undenake the joint research.

2) Tîte subsiantive and piacticable structiu-e .for the operation in the research institutions in
the récipient country conccrncd inast bc conlirmed in order tor the joint research to be
appiopriately carned out.

3) ilicrc musT be a request for assistance through Official Development Assistance [ODA)
pertaining to the joint research from the récipient country concemed. and il must be
conhvmed Ihat ihe requested projecl will contributc lo the development or restoration of
ihe econoiuv and society i«; ihe aieas around.

4) In coniuncf.on wilh the ODA rcqucsl mentioned above in the paragiaph 3). research
institutions in Japvin must submit a research proposai to JST/AMED. and the content of
the proposai must be evaloaled by JSPAMHD as a research woithy ofbeing seîected.
at mm
14.8.2023 16:53 tlflECNE- PLG ù 5/14 .4

(5) Conlent ot'thc Désirable Research Coopération

0 The reqnested research must hâve ideas that wilJ lead to the future utilizatiou of lesearch
outcomes to the bcnefit of society. ît should not be a research for the sakc of lescarch

2) Thcrc must be thc expectation of improving the sciertille and technological standards of
bolii tiîc récipient country and Japan.

3) The contents of ihe research plan nnist be narrowee down and it must be highiy spécifie.
Thcrc must also be the expectation that a certain degree of results will be brought about
trom the research witliin thc coopération period.

(6) Ofganizaiions for the Joint Research

Organizations of the Joint Research are required to be those which carry ont activities with a
public nature in tlie targeted field(s), such as universitles (including private schools), public
research institutions, and so on (except military-affiliated research institutions). In addition,
tliey must bave structures that are suitable for conducting international joint rcscairh.

(7) Expansés supported by JICA and by .TST/AIvrED

JICA covei's the expenses needed for the Japanese research institutions to cany ont research
coopération activities (expenses for the dispatch of researchers from Japan, acceptance ot
invited foreign re.searchers, provision of equipment and research exiienses incurred in récipient
counlrics, etc.). In such cases, outlays ruanagemenl will be haiidled by JICA gi by Japanese
research institiitions as is the case with ordinary JICA’s teclmical coopération projects.

JST'/AMbD furnish thc Japanese research institutions with thc expenses that they will need in
order to conduct rcscaich in Japan and the third countrics and. to set in place structures necessary
for research coopération.

Please note in advance that. as this piogran is implemented within the ODA framework. it
cannot provide support for local costs, such as the personnel costs for researchers from thc
récipient country, tbeir travcl expenses, supply expenses, or tlie cost of renting an office, etc. in
tlie iccipienl cuunlry.

(8) Sélection process of the research proposais

Under SAIREPS. JST/AMED engage in public recruitment for research pro{x>sals wiüt a focus
onrcscarch institutions within Japan at thc samc time as the ODA needs survey that is conducted
by MOFA and.llCA. Reviews are then heldfrom scientillcand teclinological perspectives whilc
capilalizing on ibe knowledge of experts in the flelds concemed.

Both the request form for an ODA project applied by the récipient coimtiy' and the proposai
documentes) for research projsct applied by lhe Japanese research institutions under
JST/AMKD programs are to he submitted by the prescribed deadline. In case thaï the both
applied piojects are confîrnied to be iüentical (i.e., rcprcscni the saine subjcct of research) as
candidate projects for SATREPS, those candidate projects will be subject to the sélection
process. Then, in case that both of them are deemed worthy of berng selected as projects for

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t?T/9 C Olb -3N33tlU 2SÎ9T £202'8,t?T


Science and Technology Research Partnership for

Sustainable Development : SATREPS OTl

International joint researches on global issues*, among research institutions in developing countries and Japan
r are pronioted by MOFA‘JICA and MEXT'JST/AMED in collaboration^ $

Environment, energy, bioresources, disaster prévention and mitigation, infedious disease control
This year (JFY2023)‘s ca!I will welcome for proposais with either of following thèmes.
1) Proposa! in coopération with African countries utilizing resources and energy for decarbonization or prcmoting
decarbonization and recycling in the waste field
2) Proposai in coopération with Small Island Developing States(SIDS) tackling with climate change or focusing
disaster prévention and mitigation

MEXT-JST/AMED collaboration Omofa/jica^

, ....I.
Support Technicâl Coopération

iohit JS:
/- ' ' "
Research institutions Research Institutions in developing
Research countries
in Japan

Reinforcement of capaertv in developing countries to find solutions for
problems by their own

EXT: Nlinistry of Education^ Culture,, Sports> Science and Technology MOFA: Ministry of Foreign Affairs O
;T; Japan Science and Technology Agency JIOA; Japan International Coopération Agency
AED: The Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development

14.8.2023 16:53 hAECNE- 8LQ D 8/14

(Sheat 2 1.)


1. DateofEntry: Day______ Month ______ Year_______

2. Applicant: ______________
3. Technical Coopération (T/C) Title:

4. Type of the T/C

Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development

S. Contact Point (implementing Agency):

Address; ________________ __
Contact Person:
Tel No.: +_____

6. Background of the T/C

(Current conditions ofthe secîor, Go\/emmenî’s development policy for the sector,
Issues and problems to be solved, Existing development activities in the sector,
the Projeci's priority in the National Development Plan / Public tnvestment
Program, efc.y
(Please tick in check box if any items below apply the T/C)(for African Countries
or Small Island Devetoping States(SIDS) only)
□ Contents of the T/C match with the National Development Plan
□ Contents of the T/C match with STI for SDGs Roadmap

7. Outline of the T/C

(1) Overall Goal
(Long-terrn objective)

(2) T/C Purposo

(Objective expected îo be achleved by the end of the project peiiod. Etaborate
with quantitative indicators if possible)

14.8.20Z3 16:53 HPECNE- flLQ D 3/14



(3) Outputs
(Objectives to be realized by the T/C Activities” in order to achieve the "T/C

(4) T/C Site

fin case there is any particular candidate site, please gh/e spécifies such as
the name of the target area for the T/C and attach a rough map to the
documents submitted. The attached map should be at a scale that cieaiiy
shows the proJect site. )

(5) T/C Activities

(Spécifie actions intended to produce each 'Oufput1 of T/C by effective use of
the Input. )

(6) Input from the Récipient Government

(Counterpart personnel (identify the name and position of the Project
manager), support staff: office space, running expenses, vehicles, equipment,

(7} Input from the Japanese Government

(Number and qualification of Japanese experts/consultants, contents of
training (in Japan and in-country) courses, seminars and workshops.
equipment, etc.)

8. Implémentation Schedule
Month Year__ Month Year

9. Description of an Implementing Agency

(Budget allocated to the Agency, Number of Staff of the Agency,
Department/division in charge of the T/C, etc.)

14.8.2023 16:53 MÆCNE- PLG C5 10/14

10. Activities in the same sector of other donor agencies, the récipient
government and NGOs and others:
(Pfease pay particular attention to the folhwing items:
-Wheiheryou hâve requested the satne project to other donors or not
- Whether any other donor has aiready started a simüar project in the target
erea or not.
-Presence/absence of coopération results or plans by third-counthes or
international agencies for simüar projects.
"In the case that a project was conducted in lhe same field in the past,
describe the grounds for requesting this project/study the présent status of
the previous project. and the situation regarding the technology transfer.
-Whether there are existing projects/studies regarding this requested
Project/ study or not (Enter the time/pehod. content and concerned
agencies ofthe existing siudies.))

11. Global Issues

(Any relevant iriformation ofthe project from global issues (gender. poverty
climate change, etc.) perspective.)
(1) Gender
(2) Poverty
(3) Climate change
(4) Others

12. Environmental and Social Considérations

(In case of Technicai Coopération Project ûncluding SATREPSJ / Technical
Coopération for Development Planning, please fiil in the attached screening
rNnfe) !f JICA considers that the environmental end social Gonsideratlons are
reauired to the T/C. the applicants agréé on JICA 's information disclosure of
the T/C for oublie heahna in accordance w'ith JICA çjuidelines for
environmental and social considérations as stated in Question 11 of the
attached Screening Format
14.8.2023 16:53 MfiECNE- flLG D 11/14

13. Others

On behalf of the Government of
•4 >

14.8.2023 16:53 MflECNE- «_G D 12/14

Screening Format (Environmental and Social Considérations)

Narre of Proposée! Project;

Project Executing Organization, Project Proponent cr Investment Company:
Narre Address, Organization, and Contact Point of a Responsibie Officer:


I Signature:
Check Items
Please Write "to be advised (TBA)” when the details of a project are yetto be determined.

Question 1: Address of project site

Question 2; Scale and contents of the project (approximate area, facilites area,
production, electriclty generateû. etc.)
2-1. Project profile (scale and contents)
2-2. How was the necessity of the project contir.med?
!s th© Project consistent with the nigher prcgram/policy?
□ YES: Flease describe the higher program/policy.
( )
n NO
2-3. Did the proponent consider alternatives before this request?
□ YES: Please desenbe oulline of the alternatives
t )
□ NO

2-4. DId the proponent implement meetings with the related stakeholders before this
□ Implemented □ Not inptemented
m a-
14.8.2023 16:53 MflECNE- flLG □ 13/14

If imp!emenîed: please mark thefoüowing stakeholders.
□ Administrative body
□ Local résidants
□ Others

(1) □ The local residents above include socially vulnérable individuals/groups

(Please specify: ^
(2) □ The proponent gave appropriate considération to ensure participation of the
socialiy vulnérable individuals/groups

Question 3:
Is the Project a new one or an ongoing one? In the case of an ongoing project, hâve you
received strong complaints or other comments from local residents?
D New □ Ongoing (with complaints) □ Ongoing (without compiaints)
□ Other ( )

Question 4:
la an Environmental Impact Assessment (E’A), including an Initial Environmental
Examination (lEE) required for the project according lo a iaw or guidelines of a hosî
country? If yes, is an EIA împlemented or planned? If necessary, please fil! in the reason
why an E!A is required.
D Necessary (□ Implemented/ □ Ongoing/planning)
(Reason why EIA ia required: )
n Not necessary
□ Other (please explain: )

Question 5:
In the case that steps were taken for an EIA, was the EIA approved by the relevant laws
of the host country? If yes, please note the date of approval and the competent authority.
O Approved without a supplementary condition (Date of approval: Competent
authority: )
□ Approved with a supplementary condition (Date of approval; Competent authority;
□ Underappraisal
□ Under implémentation
□ Appraisai process not yet started
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Additionaf Form for SATREPS

1. Japanese Partner of SATREPS

(1)Research Institutions:
(2) Principa) Investigator of Japanese side:
(3)0ther Researchers:

2. Institutional profile
(1)Research Institutions:
(2)Principal Investigator:
(3)Previous international joint research projecls related this SATREPS {Give their
titles in English) If the projects are supported by other agencies. provide agency
names. and years.
(4)Ciirrent research projects related this SATREPS (Give their titles in EngÜsh) If the
projects are supported by other agencies, provide agency names, and years)

3. I ist of avallable equipment for the proposed research



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