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Asking for help/services offering help is a way and an expression to suggest or to

offer help to someone who needs it. The purposes is to offers assistance. There are two
kinds of offering: Formal offers and informal offers.

- Formal offers are used when you talk to someone who are older to whose
position is higher than you .
- Informal offers are used when you talk to someone close to you.
Formal offering

Informal Offering
➢ Structure text
There are 3 structure of offering helps and services:
1. Expression
2. Response ( Accpeting)
3. Response ( Rejecting)
Pattern Examples Responses
May I.......? May I help you? Thanks a lot

May I doi t for you? That will be very helpful, thanks

May I call a taxi for you? No., thanks. I am fine

What can What can I do it for you? Can you show me the direction to
I......? the post office, please?

What can I do to help you? Please, call this number............

What can I write to complete the Nothing. I can finis hit myself,
assignment? thanks for offering

Would Would you like me to take red Yes, I’d love to see them.
you......? shoes?

Would you......? No., thank you. I just want this

Would you like a bowl of soup? Yes, please. That will be good.

The differences accpeting and rejecting response

Accepting an Offer Rejecting an Offer

Okay No, Thanks.
Yes, please It’s okay, thank you.
Certainly No, I am fine thank you.
That’s very kind of you Nothing, I can finis hit my self. Thank you
That’s a good idea No., thanks. Don’t bother me.

Informal Offering
These are formals offering :

• May I help you? (Ada yang bisa saya bantu?)

• Would you like me to help you? (Apakah Anda ingin saya membantu Anda?)
• Shall I help you? (Haruskah saya membantu Anda?)
• Should I open the window? (Haruskah saya membuka jendela?)
These are informals offering:

• Do you want me to help you? (Apakah kamu mau aku membantumu?)

• Can I get you some paper? (Bisakah aku membantumu mendapatkan kertas?)
• What if I help you doing the homework? (Bagaimana jika aku membantumu
mengerjakan PR?)

➢ Language features
- Modal verbs seperti can, could, dan would.
- Ungkapan yang sesuai untuk menawarkan jasa, seperti May I help you?, What
can I do for you? What if ...?
- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan.

➢ Practice the dialogues!

Dialogue 1

Shop Assistant : Good Afternoon, Ma’am. May I help you?

Mrs. Jasmine : Yes, please. I’m looking for the sample size of this
Shop Assistan : I’m sorry, Ma’am. We only have the full size
Mrs. Jasmine : Oh, I see.
Shop Assistant : Would you like me to help you find another product,
Mrs. Jasmine : No, thank you.

Dialogue 2
Mr. James : The weather is so hot these days.
Harry : Should I make an ice tea for you, Dad?
Mr. James : No, I’m fine. I already drank a glass of water.
Harry : Then should I turn on the air conditioner?
Mr. James : Yes. Thanks, Harry.

Dialogue 3
Johan : May I help you?
Andrea : Yes, please. I need a book entitled “My second
Johan : Sure, we have one copy left. I will geti t for you .
Andrea : Thanks.


Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, dan Furaida, 2018. Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII. Pusat
Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud
Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, dan Furaida, 2018. Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris. Pusat
Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud
LKS Bahasa Inggris Muatan nasional Untuk SMK kelas XII semester 1






Nama :


3.1.1 Setelah mengamati role play yang diperankan oleh guru dan
mengamati video, peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi
sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan terkait menawarkan
jasa dan cara menanggapinya dengan tanggung jawab

Activity 1

1. Buatlah analisis tentang dialog dibawah ini lalu identifikasi fungsi sosial dan struktur
teks dan unsur kebahasaannya!

a. Dialog 1

Yes, please.
Thank you
It looks
heavy. May I
help you?

b. Dialog 2

c. Dialog 3
d. Dialog 4

Dialog 5
Activity 2

Nama :


3.1.2 Melengkapi tindakan menawarkan jasa serta cara


Complete the following dialoue with the words from the box!

1. John : Excuse me. ........................lift this box?

Dick : sure
2. Ron : The box ....................let me help you.
Hermione : Thanks.
3. Harry : You look tired. Do you mind .......................some glass of
water for you?
Ron : No., thanks. I’ll take it by myself.
4. Jame : May I help you?
Jane : No., ...........I’m just looking/browsing.
5. Ani : You look as if you could do with............
Ana : Thanks. I think I’ve got it.

a. If I take d. Thank you

b. Can you help me e. Some help
c. Looks heavy

Activity 3

3.1.3 Menyusun teks interpersonal lisan dan tulis terkait tindakan

menawarkan jasa serta cara menanggapinya

Arrange these dialoguges into good order!

Dialogue 1
Harry : Should I make an ice tea for you, Dad?
Mr. James : The weather is so hot these days.
Mr. James : Yes. Thanks, Harry.
Harry : Then should I turn on the air conditioner?
Mr. James : No, I’m fine. I already drank a glass of water.

Dialogue 2

Andrea : Thanks.

Andrea : Yes, please. I need a book entitled “My second

Johan : Sure, we have one copy left. I will geti t for you .
Johan : May I help you?

Activity 4

Nama :


3.1.4 Menyimpulkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan

teks interpersonal terkait tindakan menawarkan jasa serta cara

Read the dialogue and fill the table based on the dilaogue!

Dialogue 1

May I help
Yes, please.
Can you
give this
box to
Mr.Asep? That’s

Dialogue 2
Man : I will go to office.

Woman : Take care.

Man : Excuse me, mom. You look so

confused. What can I do for you?

Woman : No, Thanks. It will be bother you.

Dialogue 3

Girl : Good morning, mom. What can I

do for you?

Mom Susi : I order 2 milks and orange


Girl : Okay, Mam. Wait a while. Your

order will made soon.

Dialogue 4

Son : Dad, It looks too heavy . May I

help you to bring that box?

Dad : Yes, please. That’s very kind of


Son : Just realx it. I will always help

you, dad.

Dialogue Expression of Response Accepting or

Offering help Rejecting
Dialogue 1

Dialogue 2
Dialogue 3

Dialogue 4




Nama :

Activity 4

4.1.1 Peserta didik dapat memodifikasi teks interpersonal terkait
menawarkan jasa dan cara menanggapinya dengan benar.

Try to Modify the dialog in activity 3 by uisng

your own words

Activity 5

4.1.2 Memainkan teks interpersonal terkait menawarkan jasa dan

cara menanggapinya secara lisan

Choose one dialogue below and practice it in front of the class!

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