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1 Advocate means

a) Advocate entered in any roll under the provisions of the Advocate Act.
b) Pleader
c) Revenue Agent
d) All of the above

2 Bar Council is a
a) Body Corporate
b) Judicial body
c) Quasi Judicial body
d) None of rhe above

A Bar Council may constitute one or more legal aid committees each of which
3 shall consist shall such number of member
a) Not exceeding nine but not less than five
b) Not exceeding five but not less than two
c) Not exceeding ten but not less than five
d) None of the above

4 Disqualifiaction of member of Bar Council includes

a) Absent without sufficient excuse from four consecutive meetings
b) Absent without sufficient excuse from three consecutive meetings
c) Absent without sufficient excuse from two consecutive meetings
d) Approval of Central Government

Who can make the rules of election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the
5 Bar Council.
a) Supreme Court of India
b) Central Government
c) Bar Council
d) All of the above

The Law Commission of India chaired by---------------submitted its report on

6 the Contempt of Court Act 1971
a) Justice D.K.Jain
b) Justice B.S.Chauhan
c) Both the above
d) None of the above

7 The Supreme Court and High Court derive their contempt powers from
a) Legislations
b) Judiciary
c) Constitution
d) All of the above

8 The objects of Contempt of Court Act are

a) Define and Limits the powers of Court in Punishing Contempts of Court
b) To regulate their Procedure in certain cases
c) Only define the powers of higher court in contempt cases
d) Only a & b

In which case it was held that Advocate making libellous allegations against
9 the sitting judge of High Court amounts to Contempt of Court?
a) Noorali Babul Thanewala vs. K.M.M Shetty AIR 1990
b) Pritam Lal vs. High Court of M.P AIR 1992
c) J. Vasudevan vs. T.R.Dhananjaya 1995
d) None of the above

10 Order holding the person guilty of Contempt cannot be reviewed held in

a) Shamsher Singh Bedi vs. High Court of Punjab & Haryana 1995
b) Senior Sub-Judge Dharamshala vs R.A Kansal 1991
c) DDA vs. Skipper Construction and Another 1995
d) None of the above

Punishment for Contempt of Court in Civil Contempt where fine will not meet
the ends of justice and a Sentence of imprisonment is necessary the person may
11 be detained
a) In a Civil Prison
b) In a Civil Prison for such period not exceeding Six months
c) No punishment prescribed in Civil Contempt
d) None of the above

No court shall initiate any proceedings of contempt either on its own or

12 otherwise, after the expiry of a period of
a) One Year
b) Two Year
c) Six Month
d) No limitation Period

An Appeal in case of Contempt shall be filled in Supreme Court against the

13 order of High Court with in
a) 30 Days
b) 45 Days
c) 60 Days
d) 90 Days

14 The Legal Services Authority Act defines Court as

a) Civil, Criminal and Revenue Court
b) Tribunal
c) Both a & b
d) Only a

15 Who Constitute State Legal Services Authority?

a) Central Government
b) State Government
c) Constitution
d) Supreme Court

The administrative expenses of every District Authority including Salaries,

16 allowances, and pension payable to secretary shall be defrayed out of the
a) Consolidate Fund of India
b) Consolidate Fund of Union
c) Consolidate Fund of State
d) None of the Above

Supreme Court Legal Services Committee shall Consist of Chairman and any
17 other members prescribed by the
a) Supreme Court
b) Central Government
c) Central Government nomnated by the Chief Justice of India
d) All of the above

Every Person who has to file or Defend a case shall be entitled to legal services
18 under this Act if that Person is
a) A victim of trafficking in human being
b) A woman or a Child
c) Unsound Mind
d) All of the above

19 Every Lok Adalat organised for an area shall consist of

a) Serving Judge
b) Retired Judge
c) Both a&b
d) Only a not b

20 The Permanent Lok Adalat have Jurisdiction on

a) only Compoundable offences
Non Compoundable offences and where the value of property in dispute not
b) exceeds 10 lakh rupees
Compoundable offences and where the value of property in dispute not
c) exceeds 10 lakh rupees
d) None of the above

21 Not to negotiate directly with opposing Party is a duty of an Advocate towasrds

a) Duty to opponents
b) Duty to client
c) Duty to Courts
d) All of the above

22 Not stand as surety for client is a duty of an Advocate towards

a) Client
b) Court
c) Society
d All of the above
23 Not Communicate in Private is a duty of an Advocate towards
a) Client
b) Court
c) Opposite Party
d) Society

24 Double Entry System includes

a) Entries on Debit sides
b) Entry on Credit sides
c) A debit in one account and a credit in another
d) All of the above

25 What is Ledger
a) Its record keeping system to deal with credit and debit system record
b) It is a trial balace
c) It is different than trial balance but validated by trial balance
d) None of the above

26 Provide Copy of accounts to client is a duty of an Advocate towards

a) Court
b) Client
c) Society
d) None of the above

27 No person shall be admitted as an Advocate on a State roll-

a) If he is Convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude
b) If he is Convicted of an offence under the provisions of Untouchability
c) If he is dismissed or removed from employment under the State
d) All of the above

28 Who work as a Patron-in-Chief in National Legal Services Authority Act?

a) The Serving Judge of the Supreme Court
b) The Retired Judge of the Supreme Court
c) The Chief Justice of India
d) President

29 All proceedings before a Lok Adalat shall be deemed to be

a) Quasi Judicial Proceedings
b) Non Judicial Proceedings
c) Judicial Proceedings
d) None of the above

30 Which Article of Constitution of India deals with Contempt of Court.

a) Article 129
b) Article 142
c) Article 136
d) Both a & b

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