PPG Q1 Module-1

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Department of Education

National Capital Region


Philippine Politics and Governance

1st Quarter – Module 1: Week 1
Concept and Importance of Politics and Governance

Writer: Jonathan C. Pilla

City of Good Character


Lesson 1: The Concept of Politics and Governance

What I Need to Know

This module was designed to provide you an information to which will help you
to understand the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance, and
“Man by nature, is a political animal”.
- Aristotle


MELC: Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance

and government.
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. articulate definitions of politics;
2. differentiate the various views on politics;
3. explore the connection between the phenomena (politics) and the method
of inquiry (political science);
4. recognize the value of politics;
5. differentiate governance and government.

City of Good Character
What I Know?

Activity 1 - Pre-Test
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is
incorrect. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Politics is what defines the activities of the government and of the state to which
formulates or make decision to achieve the goal of the country by using power.
2. Politics will help you to know your rights.
3. Politics is derived from the Greek word “polis” which means “city-state”, a small
independent self- contained political society.
4. Politics is played by the politicians only.
5. The Government refers to a set of individuals who perform political power in a
well-defined function within a geographical scope.
6. In politics, Socrates said that “man by nature is a political animal;” this means
that it is only within a political community that human beings can live the good
7. The process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are
implemented or the “action of the government” is also known as governance.
8. The direction of the nation is directed by government policies and principles.
9. The act of the President to prioritize the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic is
an example of governance.
10. World Bank (2007) defines politics as “the manner in which public officials and
institutions acquire and exercise the authority to shape public policy and provide
public goods and services.”

What’s In?

Activity 2 - Jumbled Letters Game

Directions: Rearrange the jumbled letters in each item below to reveal the word.


City of Good Character
What’s New?

Activity 3. Semantic Web Map

Direction: Write the words or phrases associated with the word “Politics”.


Based on the words or phrases that you have conceptualized in the Semantic Web Map;
answer the following guide questions below in relation with the terms that you have

A. Give the meaning of the following words or phrases:

1. Politics __________________________________________________________________________

2. Political Science _________________________________________________________________

3. Government _____________________________________________________________________

4. State ____________________________________________________________________________

5. Governance _____________________________________________________________________

B. Why do you think we study politics? What are the differences and the connection
between politics and Political Science?

City of Good Character
What is It?

Politics and Political Science

During the 4th and 5th century, the Greeks formulated the word politics, from
the Greek word “polis” which means “city-state”, a small independent self-contained
political society. It deals with power in society in general. It is said to be the art and
science of government. As to Aristotle and Plato, human beings are not self-sufficing,
they need each other to provide their needs as a group or community. To maintain the
order, they need politics to govern and protect themselves within the community. It is
the process of making decisions that apply to members of a group, it refers to achieving
and exercising positions of governance — organized control over a human community,
particularly a state.

According to Harold Laswell, politics is the study of (who gets what, when and
how). Politics is the exercise of power, the science of government, the making of
collective decisions, the allocation of scarce resources and the practice of deception and

During the 17th and 18th century, Europe social contract theorists like Thomas
Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and John Locke stressed the hypothetical state of
nature that was lack of any kind of government. This state of nature is often violent
and chaotic; thus, people enter themselves into a social contract or a written of
unwritten binding agreement among the people that bids for the creation of a
government and the consequent use of politics to achieve peace and order (Baradat

Political Science is a social science discipline that deals with the studies of the
state and the government. It also studies a range of political ideas, events, actions, and
institutions. It includes both understanding and explaining the world of politics that is
all around us.

Characteristics of Politics

According to Aristotle, “man by nature is a political animal;” this means that it is

only within a political community that human beings can live the good life. Thus,
politics becomes necessary to create a just society. Politics is played by everybody, not
only by the politicians.

City of Good Character
Politics always involves the making of collective decisions for group of people.
Those decisions are made by some members of the group, exercising power over other
members of the group (Shieveley, 2013).

Politics is “the heart of Political Science”. It is the activity of people where they
create, preserve and amend laws under which they live. Politics is what defines the
activities of the government and of the state. All government officials and all those
working in government are participating in politics.

Politics is meant to resolve conflict. In politics, compromise, conciliation and

negotiation become necessary. It is through these means that issues and problems are
being resolved. Thus, politics becomes the process of conflict resolution.

Politics happens in all human interactions: within the family, among friends,
among officemates, etc., therefore, can be seen as struggle over scarce resources, and
power can be seen as the means through which struggle is conducted.

Five (5) Reasons to Study Politics

1. Politics will help you to know your rights.

2. Politics clarifies what you yourself believes.
3. Politics is a living, breathing subject.
4. Politics helps you to understand our nation’s parties.
5. Politics prepares you for adult life.

How Politics can be Studied?

Politics focuses its study on the actual actions or decisions of the state. It is
concerned with issues, problems and activities of the state while political science
analyses political structures, processes and behavior. In fact, various approaches and
methods have been suggested and used by political science thinkers and scholars in the
investigation of political phenomena and in order come up with systematic
generalizations and theories.
According to Giovanni Sartori, an Italian political scientist who specialized in the
study of democracy and comparative politics - approaches and research methods are
largely decided by the kind of evidence which is available for the units, and the kind of
problems with which one deals. In using the term "approach" it means a particular
orientation or point of view in looking at and interpreting the world of politics.

There are two approaches or methods that politics can be studied. Political
science is the best discipline because it deals with the theoretical perspectives and a
variety of analytical frameworks.

City of Good Character
Traditional Approach

In studying political science, the traditional approach combines views on and

orientations to politics in the philosophical, ethical and institutional terms. Politics from
the time of Plato and Aristotle were focused on the organization and functioning of the
state, the ideal political state. There are well-defined features to traditional approach,
as follows:

1. Is generally normative and emphasizes political values.

2. Emphasizes the study of various political structures and institutions.
3. Attempts to relate theory and research, insignificantly.
4. Believes that studies in political science can never be scientific.

The traditional approach is further divided into various forms:

1. Philosophical-This approach firmly believes that values cannot be separated

from the study of politics and political system. Therefore, its main concern is to
judge what is good or bad in any political society.
2. Historical-As the name of this approach is related to history, it emphasizes on
the study of history of every political reality to analyze any situation.
3. Institutional-This approach is concerned with the study of formal structures
and institutions like legislature, executive, judiciary, political parties, etc.
4. Legal-This approach is concerned with the legal process, legal bodies or
institutions, justice and independence of judiciary.

Behavioral Approach

The behavioral approach to political science mainly emphasizes on scientific,

objective and value free study of political phenomenon. This approach stresses upon the
use of empirical as well as scientific methods of study political behavior. This approach
shifts its emphasis from the study of the state and government to the day-today
problems, activities and behavior of individuals and groups. It is characterized by:

a. Regularities - asserts that political behavior follow certain patterns which are
expressed in terms of theories and generalizations;
b. Verification – political behavior is subject to certain tastings and verifications
being a science.
c. Techniques – emphasizes the application of research tools and methods.
d. Quantification – implies that gathered data are being measured and quantified
e. Integration – as a science, politics should be integrated with other social sciences

City of Good Character

According to Prof. James Garner, the State is a community of persons more or

less numerous occupying a definite portion of territory completely free of external control
and possessing an organized government to which a great body of inhabitants render
habitual obedience. The given definition consists of four elements of the state:
population, territory, sovereignty, and government.

Four Elements of the State

1. People – is one of the basic elements of the state. State is a community of

persons. It is a human political institution. Without a population there can be no
State. Population can be more or less but it has to be there. There are States with
very small populations like Switzerland, Canada and others, and there are States
like China, India and others, with very large populations.

2. Territory – is the second essential element of the State. State is the scope of
land, sea and air areas or boundaries where the population of the state resides.
A territory is divided into 3 domains – terrestrial (land), maritime and fluvial
(water) and aerial domains. It is essentially a territorial State. The size of the
territory of a state can be big or small; nevertheless it has to be a definite, well-
marked portion of territory. States like Russia, Canada, U.S.A., India, China,
Brazil and some others are large sized states whereas Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka,
Maldives, Switzerland, Togo, Burundi and many others are States with small
territories. The whole territory of the state is under the sovereignty or supreme
power of the State.

3. Government – is the third essential element of the state. The state exercises
its sovereign power through its government. It is the machinery of the people
where their hopes and aspirations are expressed, formulated, and realized. The
government is the basic agency of the State to carry its obligation.

4. Sovereignty – is the supreme power to command and enforce obedience.

Sovereignty is the most exclusive element of State. State alone possess
sovereignty. Without sovereignty no state can exist. Some institutions can have
the first three elements (Population Territory and Government) but not

The state, while is considered as something abstract for it has no existence

as a material object, enjoys permanence, is not confined to a particular space,
and is not embodied in any person or collection of persons (Kukathas 2008).

City of Good Character
Government and Governance

Government is defined as the group of people with the authority to govern a

country or state, a particular ministry in office (Oxford Dictionary). It is the political
direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants
of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc.;
(dictionary.com). It is the instrument of the state through which the will of the people
is expressed, carried out, and formulated. Thus, the government serves as the bridge
that connects the people to the state.

On the other hand, governance is the action of the government. It is the process
of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented. (Sheng,

To Fukuyama (2013) “a government’s ability to make and enforce rule and to

deliver services, regardless of whether the government is democratic or not.”

In the early Indian history, back to at least 400 B.C, governance includes
emphasizing justice, ethics and anti-autocratic tendencies. Furthermore, World Bank
(2007) defines governance as “the manner in which public officials and institutions
acquire and exercise the authority to shape public policy and provide public goods and

The decisions should not be influenced by interest of the few, values and
preference. Good governance emerges when the government involves the people in its
agenda and in the process of policy making. The extent, therefore, to which democratic
participation is encouraged determines whether governance exists.

The following are the characteristics of good governance: participation, rule of

law, transparency, responsiveness, consensus oriented, equity and inclusiveness
effectiveness and efficiency, and accountability.

Eight Characteristics of Good Governance

1. Participation – active involvement of all affected and interested parties in the

decision- making process.
2. Rule of Law - legal frameworks should be fair and enforced impartially.
3. Transparency - free flow of information.
4. Responsiveness - serve all stakeholders.
5. Consensus Oriented - mediates differing interests.
6. Equity and Inclusiveness - all its members have opportunities to improve or
maintain their well-being.
7. Effectiveness and efficiency - produce results that meet needs while making
the best use of resources.
8. Accountability - accountable to the public.

City of Good Character
What’s More

Directions: Write a POLITIKANTA, an original Filipino or English song composition
whose theme is about Politics; at least, 2 stanzas and a Chorus. Adapt a familiar song
or music into your composition then and explain what is political about the song’s lyrics
that you have chosen. Based on your composition, answer the following guide questions:

Guide questions:

1. How would you use the concepts in politics to improve relationships with your
family and friends?
2. How is politics practiced in getting what you want?

Rubric for Essay.


Provides an insightful and detailed explanation/opinion that includes or 5

extends ideas from the text

Provides some explanation/opinion that includes ideas from the text for 4

Uses text correctly with limited success and includes an inconsistent or 3

confusing explanation.

Demonstrates minimal understanding of the task and provides an unclear 2

reference or no use of the text for support.

Answers are completely irrelevant 1


Lyrics 20

Creativity 15

Organization 10

Mechanics 5

Total 50

City of Good Character
What I Have Learned?
Activity 5: Summary and Reflection:
Directions: Based on your readings and understanding, discuss what you have learned
about the concepts, relationships and importance of politics, governance, and
government. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.


What I Can Do

Activity 6: Slogan Making

Directions: Create a SLOGAN that will establish how the good politics can be applied
in our daily life. Use the space provided below or use a separate sheet of paper. Your
SLOGAN shall be displayed in your house for at least 2 weeks.

Rubric for the Slogan

Relevance of the topic 10
Creativity 5
Neatness 5

City of Good Character
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is
incorrect. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Politics is what defines the activities of the government and of the state to
which formulates or make decision to achieve the goal of the country by using
2. Politics will help you to know your rights.
3. Politics is derived from the Greek word polis which means “city-state”, a small
independent self-contained political society.
4. Politics is played by the politicians only.
5. The government refers to a set of individuals who perform political power in a
well-defined function within a geographical scope.
6. In politics, Socrates said that “man by nature is a political animal;” this means
that it is only within a political community that human beings can live the
good life.
7. The process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are
implemented or the “action of the government” is also known as governance.
8. The direction of the nation is directed by government policies and principles.
9. The act of the President to prioritize the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic
is an example of governance.
10. World Bank averred politics as “the manner in which public officials and
institutions acquire and exercise the authority to shape public policy and
provide public goods and services.”
11. Politics is the actual process of how humans interact in groups.
12. Political Science is the process by which people try to influence their
13. Political science seeks to study the origin, nature and functions of the State,
Government and its all organs.
14. Politics is universal and is always the same.
15. Politics involve issues, problems, and activities taking place in the society.

City of Good Character
Additional Activities

Give me your own opinion!

1. As a senior high school student, do you think, is it necessary for a college student
who are aspiring to become a lawyer to take Political Science course? Why or why not?







City of Good Character


Pawilen, R. A. and R. Pawilen, 2017. Philippine Politics and Governance: K12. 1st
Edition. Rex Printing, Quezon City.

Tabajen, Rhene C. and Pulma, Erlinda B. Philippines Politics and Governance: JFS
Publishing Services, 2016

Villanueva, Prince Aian G. DIWA Senior High School Series: Philippine Politics and
Governance e-Module: DIWA Learning Systems Inc., 2017

Maguicad, Rogelio “Politics and Governance”, Rex Bookstore, 201

Internet sources:





City of Good Character
Answer Key

City of Good Character
Development Team of the Module
Writer: Jonathan C. Pilla

Internal Reviewer: Aaron S. Enano

Illustrator: Nathalia A. Malaga

Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Aaron S. Enano
Education Program Supervisor – A.P.

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero

Education Program Supervisor – LRMS

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

Email Address: sdo.marikina@deped.gov.ph

City of Good Character

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