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1. Group the sports in the list under the headings: INDOOR SPORTS, OUTDOOR SPORTS and EXTREME

* boxing, bungee jumping, swimming, golf, white water rafting, tennis, ice-skating, scuba diving, paragliding,
snowboarding, windsurfing, rock-climbing, cycling, basketball, snorkeling, football.



2. Match the sport to the place and the equipment:


badminton range clubs, ball

football court racquet, shuttlecock
boxing rink skates
golf ring bows, arrows
ice-skating course ball
archery pitch gloves

3. What sport is it?

Each team has got up to Each team has six players.

eleven players, but only Each team can have up to The player can hit the ball
seventeen players at the
seven of whom can play at with the hand. She/He has to
same time. Players wear
the same time. The players release the ball before hitting
skates and numbered skirts.
have caps on. They mustn’t They use the puck to score. it. The players are not
splash water into the allowed to touch the net.
opponent’s face.
………………………………… ………………………………… …………………………………

4. The following pictures illustrate equipment needed for certain sports. Match the letters to the numbers. Can you
name the sports they are used for?

1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

a. helmet d. paddle
b. foil e. saddle
c. flippers, snorkel, goggles f. rope
5. Listening task
You will hear five radio presenters giving commentaries on sports events. For questions 1-5 choose from the list A-F
which sport each speaker is talking about. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need
to use.

A football Speaker 1

B volleyball Speaker 2

C horse racing Speaker 3

D water polo Speaker 4

E tennis Speaker 5

F basketball

6. Reading comprehension


Heart-stopping activities such as mountain biking, snowboarding and skydiving are known as “extreme sports”.
And they are attracting more and more people. Rock-climbing, for example, is now enjoyed by more than half a million
Americans. Only 50,000 were doing it in 1989.
One of the most extreme of all these sports is BASE jumping. First done in 1980, BASE jumping is jumping off tall
buildings, towers and bridges using a parachute. It’s dangerous, but of course that’s why BASE jumpers love it. Like other
extreme sports, it’s the risk of disaster that makes BASE jumping so exciting. As one BASE jumper puts it,” There aren’t
many injures in BASE jumping; you either live or you die.”
Some experts predict that extreme sports will become the major sports of the 21 st century. They may become more
popular than traditional favourites like soccer and baseball. At one recent extreme sports show now in Chicago, in the crowd
there were a lot of kids under sixteen. As they stood watching in their baggy pants and hooded sweatshirts, one excited
eleven-year-old spoke for the next generation of athletes.” That is so cool!” he exclaimed. “ I gotta do that!”
BASE-jumping basics

Shoes and ankle protection

HELMET First-aid kit
A helmet can make the Your feet are the first thing to touch
the ground when you BASE jump. This might make your
difference between life
and death. Important for Proper footwear can protect you pack a little heavier, but it
all extreme sports. from broken feet or ankles. could save your life if you
get injured and have to
Radio and mobile phone wait for medical help.

Handy for communicating with your buddies on the ground, and very
important if the jump goes wrong and you need help.

True (T) or false (F)?

1. These days fewer and fewer people are doing extreme sports.
2. People can die when BASE jumping
3. Experts predict that baseball and soccer could be even more popular in the future.
4. It’s best not to wear shoes when you BASE jump.
5. BASE jumpers can use mobile phones or radios to call for help if they need it.

GAME “Back to the board”( follow the teacher’s instructions)

*** Homework: Name three water sports and describe them in terms of: equipment, benefits and risks.

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