PART A Listening Project 6

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Jl. Brawijaya 75 Kampung Inggris

IG ; @titiknolenglish WA ; 0822 4910 1755 /

1.A: So are you going to see the student play tonight?

B: I doubt it. I'm still getting over the flu.

Q: What does the man mean?

2.A; Gordom needs to find another place to live. The apartment he rents now

has been sold to a new owner.

B: He'd better start looking right away. When all the students come back in

a few weeks, he won't find any near the campus.

Q: What does the woman suggest Gorden do?

3.A: Mind if I borrow ur Spanish workbook?

B: Not as long as I have it back in time to take to class this evening.

Q: What does the man mean?

4. A: U know that quiz we took in Dr. Turner's class today? Did u know that

she was going to give it to us?

Bl Actually I was just as surprised as u were.

Q: What does the woman mean?

5. A: I don't know which color folder to use, white or brown?

B: What difference does it make? It's the content that's important.

Q: What does the man mean?

6. A: U know I heard that professor Martin's introduction to chem class is

way to demanding for first year students. They say it's as hard as courses
Jl. Brawijaya 75 Kampung Inggris
IG ; @titiknolenglish WA ; 0822 4910 1755 /

for graduate students.

B: Yeah, but a lot of students will tell u otherwise. To talk to anyone

who's gone on to the advanced course,like organic chem or who study chem in

graduate school. They r really glad they started out with professor Martin.

Q: What does the man imply about professor Martin?

7.A: Hey Mark, have u been able to sell ur old piano yet?

B: Ah, u were right, just posting notices on bulletin boards at a coupke of

supermarket wasn't enough. I think i'll have to place an advertisement in

the local newspaper.

Q: What does the man imply?

8.A: My back has been aching ever since I started playing tennis on the


B: haven't u had that checked out yet?

Q: What does the woman imply?

9.A: Hi,uhm... I think something's wrong with the washing machine. It works

and I just did my laundry but it makes some strange noises. Maybe u should

call sb to fix it.

B: Oh don't worry. Sb from the repair shop is already on the way over to

take a look at it.

Q: What does the man imply?

Jl. Brawijaya 75 Kampung Inggris
IG ; @titiknolenglish WA ; 0822 4910 1755 /

10.A; It's so thoughtful of u to offer to drop me off at the train station.

Ru sure it's not out of ur way?

B: Not at all. The station is really close to where i'm going.

Q:What does the man mean?

11.A: I'm here about the job u advertised in the paper.

B; U need one of those forms over there, on the table next to the file


Q: What does the woman imply the man should do?

12.A:I know i ought to call home, but i've got a plane to take and I may be


B:But it only takes a minute.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

13.A: i have to drive in to Chicago next week. Do u have a map I could


B: Sorry I don't,but i can pick one up for u while I'm at the bookstore.

Q: What does the man mean?

14.A:What did u think of the paintings that Ted was showing last week?

B; I never made it to the exhibit.

Q: What does the woman mean?

15.A: Did u hear about the big show storm in Iowa yesterday? Three feet and
Jl. Brawijaya 75 Kampung Inggris
IG ; @titiknolenglish WA ; 0822 4910 1755 /

twelve hours.

B: Yeah, and I hear it's headed our way. We'r supposed to get the same

thing tonight.

Q: What does the woman mean?

16.A:U'r joining us for dinner tonight, aren't u?

B: Oh, I'm really sorry, but I had the wrong date for my geometry test. i

just found out it's tomorrow and I need all the time I can get to prepare.

Q: What does the woman imply?

17.A: I can't decide whether I should take physics now or wait till next


B: U might as well get it over with if u can.

Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

18.A: U look different today. Did u get a haircut?

B: That's funny. Ur the third person to ask me that. But all I did was

getting new frames for my eye glasses.

Q: What does the man imply?

19.A: Dr. Eliot, I'd like u to check the way u calculated my grade for this

test, I think u may have made a mistake in adding up the number of

questions I got right. When I added them up I came up with thos slightly

higher grade than u did.

Jl. Brawijaya 75 Kampung Inggris
IG ; @titiknolenglish WA ; 0822 4910 1755 /

B: I'd be ahppy to check it for u. And if I made a mistake in determing the

grade i'll be sure to correct it. Don't worry.

Q: What does the man imply?

20.A: That last speaker was pretty boring. But he did make a few good

points at the end.

B: Really? I didn't catch them. I must have dozed off for a minute.

Q: What does the woman neam?

21.A: If u run into Joan this afternoon, could u ask her to call me. I need

that book back that i lent her yesterday.

B: No need. I saw her this morning and I've got it right here.

Q: What can be infered from the conversation?

22.A:I told my student today that I'd be taking a sabbatical next semester.

But they didn't seem very surprised.

B: Well, last week i let ur plans slip to same my students. So more than

likely the word got around.

Q: What does the man explain to the woman?

23.A:Mary, I've got the bowls out for the stew. Do u think it needs any

more pepper before I serve it?

B: It's really quite nice an we did exactly what the recipe says. Why take

a chance of ruining it?

Jl. Brawijaya 75 Kampung Inggris
IG ; @titiknolenglish WA ; 0822 4910 1755 /

Q: What does the woman imply the man should do?

24.A: Those were such funny stories Tom told last night. He was like a

totally different guy.

B: Yeah, really. He is normally so serious. What do u think brought all

that out of him.

Q: What does the woman imply?

25.A: Wow,look at all these old books on this shelf. They've got to be at

least one hundred years old.

I'll bet they worth a lot to collectors.

B; Well. they'be got a lot of sentimental value for me, but that's about it.

Q: What does the man mean?

26.A: Hi, Susan, would u like to go our to eat with us? Several of us are

going over to the Macardy's.

B: Well, that sure beats sticking around here. Uhh... just let me pack up

my things.

Q: What is the woman going to do?

27.A: I thought u said u and ur friends were just planning a small

gathering. I could hear u from all the way up on the fourth floor of the


B:OH, Gee, I'm really sorry. I guess we did get a little carried away,
Jl. Brawijaya 75 Kampung Inggris
IG ; @titiknolenglish WA ; 0822 4910 1755 /

didn't we?

Q: What can be inferred from the conversations?

28.A: I kept looking for Mary at the seminar but never did see her. I can't

imagine she forgot about it. She'd be talking about it for weeks.

B: Oh she didn't. It's just that she caught areally bad cold a couple of

days ago.

Q: What can be inferred fom the conversation?

29.A: Our history presentation is Thursday. When do u want to get together

to work on it?

B: Well, how about Monday ?That way we will still have enough time to

figure out anything we are having trouble with.

Q: What does the woman suggest they do?

30. A: Hi, thanks for ur help. I guess I can handle the rest myself. But

just in case, rugoing to be around later?

B: I don't know but u can always ask Judy. She 's really good with these

kinds of problems.

Q: What does the woman imply?

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