Worksheet - Current

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1. In current electricity, Ohm’s law is obeyed by all

(a) Solids
(b) Liquids
(c) Metals
(d) gases
2. the dri velocity of the free electrons in a conduc ng wire carrying a current I is v. If in a wire
of the same metal, but of double the radius, the current be 2I, then the dri velocity of the
electrons will be:
(a) v/4
(b) v/2
(c) v
(d) 4v
3. A steady current flows in a metallic conductor of non uniform cross sec on. The quan ty
constant along the length of the conductor is/are:
(a) Current, electric field and dri speed
(b) Dri speed only
(c) Current , current density and dri speed
(d) Current only
4. A piece of copper is to be shaped so as to have a minimu resistance. Its length and cross
sec onal area should be
(a) L and A
(b) 2l and A/2
(c) L/2and 2A
(d) Donot ma er
5. The rela on between coulomb and ampere
(a) 1C=1 A/s
(b) 1C=1 As
(c) 1C=1 A/s2
(d) 1C=1 As2

6. The order of coloured rings in a carbon resistor is red, yellow, blue and silver. The resistance
(a) 24 x106Ω +- 5%
(b) 24 x106Ω +- 10%
(c) 34 x104Ω +- 10%
(d) 26 x104Ω +- 5%
7. The order of coloured rings in a carbon resistor is red, blue, brown and gold . The resistance
(a) 26Ω +- 10%
(b) 26Ω +- 5%
(c) 260Ω +- 10%
(d) 260Ω +- 5%
8. The ra o of the resistance of 100W and 40W bulbs of the same rated voltage is:
(a) 2:5
(b) 5:2
(c) 25:4
(d) 4:25
9. The filaments of 60W and 100W bulbs are of the same length. Then:
(a) 60W filament is thicker
(b) 100W filament is thicker
(c) Both are of same thickness
(d) Both cannot have same length
10. When a 100W- 240V bulb is operated at 200v, the current in it is:
(a) 0.35A
(b) 0.42A
(c) 0.50A
(d) 0.58A
11. Of the two bulbs in a hous one glows brighter than the other. Which of two has a large
(a) the dim bulb
(b) bright bulb
(c) both
12. Ohm law is obeyed by many substances, but it is not a fundamental law of nature:
(a) If V depends on I non linearly
(b) If the rela on between V and I is non unique
(c) Both
(d) None

13. In series combina on of resistors:

(a) The current remains same
(b) Voltage is same
(c) Current and voltage both remain same
(d) None
14. In parallel combina on of resistors:
(A) The current remains same
(B) Voltage is same
(C) Current and voltage both remain same
(D) None
15. The wire of resistance R is cut into n equal parts these parts are then connected in parallel
with each other. The equivalent resistance of the combina on is:
(a) nR
(b) R/n
(c) n/R2
(d) R/n2
16. If R1 and R2 are filament resistances of 200W and a 100W bulb respec vely, designed to
operate on the same voltage, then
(a) R1=R2
(b) R2=2R1
(c) R2=4R1
(d) R1=4R2
17. Two resistances R1 and R2>R1 connected in parallel have an equivalent resistance R, then:
(a) R>(R1+R2)
(b) R1<R<R2
(c) R2<R<(R1+R2)
(d) R<R1 AND R2

19. The equivalent resistance between A and B as shown in figure is:
(a) 30kΩ
(b) 20kΩ
(c) 5kΩ
(d) 10kΩ

(A) 0.2A
(B) 0.4A
(C) 0.6A
(D) 1A

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