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Due on October 11, 2020 (Sunday, until 11PM)

Name: Mercader, Alejandro P. Coure,Yr &Sec: BSED Soc-Stud 2 Date:Oct-9-20

Course Code: ProfEd602 Course Description: The Teacher and the
Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership

Share your personal insights about the following in two to three sentences only.

1. Impression about this class. (How this class/group will be going to work for you?)
 I have been in this group for over a year, I know it will be alright and everything will be ok
amidst the pandemic. I know my classmates like a back of my hand I know we will help
each other out.

2. Expectation about the subject. (How this subject help you with your degree?)
 My expectation about this subject is, I knew we will learn a lot from our designated
professor not just wisdom but also morals. This subject is very vital to my degree
because it will teach me how to adapt and understand not just the school culture but also
the community

3. Online class status. (What is your feeling right now and how is your situation being in
this flexible learning modality?)
 So far I can still cope up, I admit I’ve been stressed lately still trying to adapt in this new
situation. But Im still fine and I knew I can get through this. I’ll just have to finish my
tasks and activities on time to lessen my problems and stress.

Please affix your signature inside the box (to be used for the orientation form and

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