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Brazilian Journal of Medical

Animal adaptations and Biological

for oxidative stress Research (1996) 29: 1715-1733 1715
ISSN 0100-879X

Oxidative stress: animal

adaptations in nature
K.B. Storey Institute of Biochemistry and Department of Biology,
Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6


Correspondence As a consequence of aerobic life, an organism must deal with the Key words
K.B. Storey continuous generation of reactive oxygen species (O2 , H2O2, •OH) as • Reactive oxygen species
Institute of Biochemistry and byproducts of metabolism and defend itself against the harm that these • Free radical damage
Department of Biology • Lipid peroxidation
can do to cellular macromolecules. Organisms protect themselves
Carleton University • Anoxia tolerance
Ottawa, Ontario
from such damage with both enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidant
• Freeze tolerance
Canada K1S 5B6 defenses. However, the reperfusion injuries noted after ischemic
• Estivation
Fax: (613) 520-4389 insult in mammalian organs and ascribed to a burst of reactive oxygen
• Ischemia
E-mail: species produced when oxygenated blood is reintroduced demonstrate
that the antioxidant defenses of many organisms can be overwhelmed.
Presented at the II Workshop in Although unusual among most mammals, many organisms routinely
Comparative Animal Physiology,
experience wide variation in oxygen availability to their tissues due to
Serra Negra, SP, Brasil,
factors such as environmental oxygen lack, breath-hold diving, extra-
August 21-23, 1995.
cellular freezing, or apnoeic breathing patterns in arrested metabolic
Research supported by the National states. In recent studies using various animal models (anoxia-tolerant
Institute of General Medical turtles, freeze-tolerant snakes and frogs, estivating snails) our labora-
Sciences, USA (No. GM43796). tory has explored the adaptations of antioxidant defenses that allow
such organisms to deal with rapid changes in tissue oxygenation with
little or no accumulation of damage products. The key to successful
transitions in several systems is the induction, during the oxygen-
Received July 8, 1996
Accepted August 1, 1996
limited state, of elevated activities of antioxidant and associated
enzymes, such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione-S-trans-
ferase, and glutathione peroxidase, so that damage during the reintro-
duction of oxygen (such as lipid peroxidation) is minimized. How-
ever, animals that are excellent facultative anaerobes, such as freshwa-
ter turtles, appear to deal with the potential of oxidative stress during
the anoxic-aerobic transition by maintaining constitutively high anti-
oxidant defenses (e.g. enzyme activities similar to those of mammals
and much higher than those of anoxia-intolerant lower vertebrates)
that can readily accommodate the burst of reactive oxygen species
generation when breathing is renewed.

Introduction one that few organisms can live without in-

definitely. Although more than 90% of the
Oxygen is indispensable to the lives of O2 taken up by the human body is used by
most organisms on earth, with the mitochon- mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase which
drial ATP production that is linked to the adds four electrons onto each O2 molecule to
reduction of O2 to H2O being the primary form water (O2 + 4H+ + 4e- → 2H2O) (1),
energy-producing pathway of the cell and oxygen is also used as a substrate by numer-

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1716 K.B. Storey

ous other enzymes. For example, Jones (2) In vivo much of the hydroxyl radical
listed 30 enzymes other than cytochrome production comes from the reduction of H2O2
oxidase that use oxygen in mammalian kid- by superoxide (the Haber-Weiss reaction)
ney, each with differing substrate affinities which is, in fact, a two-step process cata-
for oxygen and involved in a wide variety of lyzed by transition metals (Fe3+, sometimes
metabolic processes including the metabo- Cu3+) and involving the Fenton reaction.
lism of biological amines, prostaglandins,
Fe3+ + O2 → Fe 2+ + O 2
purines, steroids, amino acids, and carnitine.
Fe2+ + H 2O2 → Fe3+ + OH + •OH
Fenton reaction
Many of these reactions generate reactive
- -
oxygen species (ROS) as their products in- O2 + H2O2 → O2 + OH + •OH Haber-Weiss reaction
cluding superoxide (O2 ) and hydrogen per-
Numerous studies have shown that toxic-
oxide (H2O2). In addition, ROS are derived
ity of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide is
from other cellular activities including the
highly dependent on the presence of iron or
autooxidation of various small molecules
copper and that the nature and extent of
(e.g. flavins, catecholamines, hydroqui-
damage initiated by these species is related
nones), the microsomal cytochromes P450
to the subcellular location of these metals
and b5, microsomal flavoprotein reductases,
(1). All cellular components are susceptible
and superoxide leakage from the electron
to attack by ROS, particularly by •OH. At-
transport chain (3,4). The rate of ROS gen-
tack on proteins can lead to the modification
eration is closely related to oxygen con-
of amino acids, oxidation of sulfhydryl groups
sumption and proportional to the amount of
leading to conformational changes, altered
mitochondria in the tissue. In mammalian
enzymatic activity, crosslinking, peptide bond
systems, such as rat liver or pigeon heart, at
cleavage as well as carbohydrate modifica-
physiological O2 concentration, it has been
tion in glycoproteins, loss of metal in
estimated that about 1-4% of consumed oxy-
- metalloproteins, altered antigenicity, and in-
gen is converted to O2 and H2O2 at the mito-
creased proteolytic susceptibility (7,8). ROS
chondrial level due to electron leaks (5,6).
attack also causes DNA strand breaks and
Superoxide and hydrogen peroxide are rela-
base modifications (leading to point muta-
tively unreactive and long-lived in biologi-
tions) (8). Polyunsaturated fatty acids, such
cal systems but their danger lies in the fact
as arachidonic acid, appear to be particularly
that they readily give rise to highly reactive
susceptible to radical attack. Abstraction of
hydroxyl radicals (•OH) which are involved
a hydrogen atom by a radical attack leaves
in numerous forms of damage to cellular
behind a carbon-centered lipid radical (con-
macromolecules (4). In some instances, the
jugated diene) which further reacts with oxy-
destructive actions of ROS are actually ben-
gen to form a peroxyl radical (lipid hydro-
eficial to an organism; for example, phago-
peroxide). This can then abstract a hydrogen
cytic cells generate bursts of ROS to kill
atom from an adjacent fatty acid side chain
engulfed microorganisms. More generally,
and set off an autocatalytic chain reaction
however, ROS must be rapidly eliminated to
that converts many membrane lipids into
minimize their destructive nature.
lipid hydroperoxides (lipid-OOH). The pres-
Reactive oxygen species are intermedi-
ence of lipid hydroperoxides in a membrane
ates of the univalent reduction of oxygen:
disrupts its function by altering fluidity and
O2 + e- → O2 superoxide allowing ions such as Ca2+ to leak across the
O2 + e + 2 H → H2O2
- +
hydrogen peroxide membrane; the consequences of this include
H 2O 2 + e- + H+ → H2O + •OH hydroxyl radical activation of phospholipases, “membrane bleb-
• OH + e + H → H2O
- +
bing” and eventual membrane rupture (1). In

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Animal adaptations for oxidative stress 1717

addition, peroxyl radicals can also attack and with catalase appears to be the primary en-
damage membrane proteins. These hydroper- zyme involved in organic hydroperoxide and
oxides are eventually broken down to a series H2O2 removal, respectively (15). Also involved
of low molecular weight products (such as in the removal of peroxides is alkyl hydroper-
alkanes, alkenes, hydroxy or epoxy deriva- oxide reductase (AHR) which converts lipid
tives, ketones, or polyhydroperoxides) which hydroperoxides and other alkyl hydroperox-
may themselves prove toxic to the cell (3,9). ides to their corresponding alcohols, using
Because of the damaging effects of ROS, either NADH or NADPH as the reducing
all cells maintain antioxidant defenses. Three agent (16,17). Secondary enzymes in antioxi-
levels of protection have been considered: 1) dant defense include those of glutathione me-
prevention of ROS formation, 2) termina- tabolism. Glutathione S-transferase (GST) cata-
tion of the ROS using free radical scavengers lyzes the conjugation of reduced glutathione
or antioxidant enzymes, and 3) repair of (GSH) to nucleophilic xenobiotics or cellular
damaged cellular components. An important components damaged by ROS attack which
aspect of prevention is the segregation or leads to their detoxification. NADPH-depend-
chelation of metals that can catalyze •OH ent glutathione reductase (GR) replenishes the
formation, such as by iron binding to ferritin GSH substrate for GPOX and GST from oxi-
(10). Nonenzymatic antioxidants include glu- dized glutathione (GSSG).
tathione, alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E), ascor- The overproduction of ROS has been
bic acid, beta-carotene, and uric acid; these linked to a number of clinical disease states
are mostly considered to be chain-breaking (3,18). Of particular interest to my labora-
antioxidants in that they interrupt the auto- tory is the well-documented role of ROS in
catalytic spread of radical reactions (11). ischemia-reperfusion injury in mammals
The tripeptide glutathione is extremely im- (1,19). Studies on the effects of the interrup-
portant in the antioxidant defenses of the cell tion of circulation to organs (particularly
and has multiple roles: as a substrate for brain) not only revealed damage due to en-
antioxidant enzymes, as an independent scav- ergy stress when oxidative phosphorylation
enger of hydroxyl and singlet oxygen, a func-
free radical generation
tion in the reactivation of some enzymes GS-electrophile
inhibited under oxidizing conditions, and a
role in vitamin E regeneration (3,12). In- electrophile glutathione
superoxide S-transferase
deed, the ratio of reduced to oxidized glu- dismutase
O2- + H
H2 O2
tathione (GSH/GSSG) in the cell is a good catalase GSH +
indicator of the level of oxidative stress.
Enzymes involved in antioxidant defenses glutathione
exist as a coordinated system and include H2 O + O 2
dependent GSSG NADPH
superoxide dismutase (SOD) which catabo- Fenton glutathione
reaction peroxidase
lizes superoxide radicals and catalase (CAT)
and glutathione peroxidase (GPOX) which Fe 2+

degrade hydrogen peroxide and hydroperox- H2 O + O2

ides, respectively (Figure 1). GPOX has two

forms. The selenium-dependent GPOX is Fe 3+ + OH + •OH peroxidation

widely believed to be the key enzyme in

Haber-Weiss reaction
vertebrate peroxide detoxification (13,14).
Fe salt catalyst
O2- + H2 O2
Se-independent peroxidase activity is a func- O2 + OH + •OH

tion of one class of glutathione S-transferase Figure 1 - Summary of the pathways for the generation of reactive oxygen species and of
isozymes; in insects this activity together the actions of some of the enzymes involved in antioxidant defenses in the cell.

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1718 K.B. Storey

was disrupted (20), but also showed that tathione release from tissues (26). Another
other forms of damage were initiated during related situation where ischemic damage is
the recovery period when oxygenated blood well known is the hypothermic and cryo-
was reintroduced. Ischemia appears to preservation of tissue and organ explants
“prime” tissues to respond to reoxygenation removed from the body for subsequent use
with a burst of O2 and H2O2 generation (21) in transplant therapy. Fuller et al. (9) sum-
and reperfusion damage has been clearly marize the evidence for the involvement of
linked to ROS formation. Several sources of ROS damage as one of the injuries caused by
the reperfusion-stimulated ROS generation cold ischemia and reperfusion. For example,
have been suggested. One is the electron excised hearts that were perfused with free
transport chain which produces few oxyradi- radical scavengers (e.g. mannitol, iron chela-
cals when the cytochrome chain is kept in a tors) showed fewer pathological changes af-
relatively oxidized state by the action of the ter cold storage and improved function after
cytochrome oxidase catalyzing the 4-elec- transplantation. Studies with kidney showed
tron transfer to reduce oxygen to water, but altered glutathione status and the accumula-
which generates more oxyradicals (appar- tion of lipid peroxidation products with ex-
ently from the ubiquinone-cytochrome b re- tended cold storage. Furthermore, the post-
gion) when the electron transport chain be- storage function of the kidney was improved
comes highly reduced (22,23). During is- by the addition of allopurinol, iron chelators,
chemia, accumulated electrons are available or SOD and CAT when they were added
for oxyradical formation using whatever oxy- both to the organ perfusate and to the recipi-
gen remains and can also readily react with ent at the time when blood flow to the organ
oxygen when perfusion begins. The action was restarted. Addition of SOD to liver
of xanthine oxidase may be another con- homogenates in phosphate buffered saline
tributor to ROS generation since adenylate reduced the extent of lipid peroxidation dam-
degradation during ischemia can elevate the age (measured as thiobarbituric acid reac-
levels of xanthine and hypoxanthine which, tive substances, TBARS) found after freez-
when O2 is reintroduced, are oxidized with ing storage of tissues at -20oC; TBARS were
the production of O2 and H2O 2 (21,24). An- also reduced after -20oC storage if the ho-
other consequence of ischemia is the col- mogenizing buffer was changed to sucrose/
lapse of plasma membrane potential differ- EDTA indicating that metal-catalyzed reac-
ences which leads to uncontrolled Ca2+ in- tions are involved in ROS generation in fro-
flux that activates phospholipases to liberate zen homogenates (27).
free fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids,
such as arachidonic acid, are highly suscep- Animal adaptation to variation in
tible to radical attack and, with the reintro- oxygen availability in nature
duction of oxygen during perfusion, can set
off a chain reaction of membrane lipid Mammals in general, as well as most of
peroxidation (19). Elevated cell Ca2+ could their organs, are quite intolerant of anoxia
also be responsible for setting up the poten- and/or ischemia partly because their me-
tial for xanthine oxidase-mediated damage tabolism is ill-equipped to endure the energy
since the Ca2+-activated protease, calpain, shortfall that occurs when mitochondrial ATP
cleaves the peptide bond in xanthine dehy- production is blocked and partly because of
drogenase that converts the enzyme to the injuries that arise due to a burst of ROS
oxidase form (21). Other reported forms of formation when oxygen is reintroduced.
ischemia-reperfusion injury include protein Clearly, in mammalian systems, the antioxi-
oxidation (carbonyl formation) (25) and glu- dant defenses of the organism can be over-

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whelmed by rapid and large changes in tis- mancy (33-35) and diving animals (such as
sue ROS levels. However, although unusual seals and whales) experience profound hy-
for most mammals, many organisms rou- poxia in many organs due to circulatory
tinely experience wide variation in oxygen readjustments that preferentially direct oxy-
availability to their tissues due to factors genated blood to the skeletal muscles and
such as environmental oxygen lack, breath- brain (36). Hibernating mammals also expe-
hold diving, extracellular freezing, or ap- rience hypoxia due to apnoeic breathing while
noeic breathing patterns in arrested meta- dormant and experience a rapid 10-20-fold
bolic states. To cope with these situations, increase in oxygen consumption during
many lower vertebrates and invertebrates arousal when they rewarm their bodies from
have well-developed tolerances for anoxia ambient back to 37oC over just a few minutes
and ischemia that allow them to endure these (37).
stresses as part of their normal life (28). For Studies in my laboratory focus on the
example, various gill-breathing intertidal biochemical adaptations that allow animals
marine invertebrates routinely experience to withstand environmental extremes. Two
cyclic bouts of oxygen deprivation with the of our interests are the adaptations that sup-
tides and have evolved excellent capacities port anoxia tolerance and freeze tolerance in
for facultative anaerobiosis that, in fact, al- nature. More recently, we have also begun to
low them to survive for days or weeks at a explore the metabolic regulation and molec-
time without oxygen (29). Among verte- ular adaptations that underlie estivation and
brates, anoxia tolerance is highly developed mammalian hibernation, two states of aero-
in various species of freshwater turtles that bic dormancy where hypoxic conditions gen-
dive routinely and also hibernate underwa- erally prevail due to apnoeic breathing pat-
ter; species of the Chrysemys and Trache- terns (32,38). The common thread linking
mys genera, for example, can survive for 3-4 survival in all of these situations is metabolic
months submerged in deoxygenated water at rate depression, the ability to lower meta-
3oC (30,31). Freeze-tolerant animals have to bolic rate in the stressed state to at least 20-
deal not only with anoxia but also with is- 30%, and sometimes as little as 1-5%, of the
chemia for when extracellular body fluids corresponding normal resting state (28,38).
freeze, all circulation is cut off and indi- This profound metabolic arrest allows ani-
vidual cells must rely on internal fermenta- mals to greatly extend the time that limited
tive fuel reserves to survive for perhaps days internal reserves of fuel can sustain life. In
or weeks until they thaw again. Freeze toler- addition, other biochemical adaptations deal
ance is quite common among cold-hardy with the particular circumstances of differ-
insects in northern latitudes and is also a ent situations; for example, among anoxia-
strategy used by several species of woodland tolerant animals, marine molluscs use alter-
frogs and some hatching turtles for winter native pathways of substrate fermentation to
survival (32). In addition, many other types enhance the yield of ATP under anaerobic
of animals, while not facing such extremes conditions whereas freshwater turtles have
of anoxia or ischemia, experience wide varia- greatly improved the buffering capacity of
tion in oxygen availability in their normal their tissues to deal with extreme lactic aci-
life and endure wide cycles of normoxic and dosis. Freeze-tolerant animals produce high
hypoxic conditions. For example, estivating concentrations of sugars or polyhydric
animals (such as various land snails and alcohols that act as cryoprotectants to pro-
burrowing toads) have this experience since tect their cells during freezing. Studies have
they use apnoeic breathing patterns to mini- included analysis of the protective strategies
mize body water loss during long-term dor- that deal with the stress itself, the regulation

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1720 K.B. Storey

of the intermediary metabolism and fuel use nonenzymatic, that are expressed by animals
to adapt to the energy needs of the stress to cope with oxidative stress.
condition, and the mechanisms that orches-
trate the coordinated suppression of the rates Measurements of lipid peroxidation
of all cellular processes so that homeostasis damage
is preserved in the stress state.
Apart from the common use of metabolic Lipid peroxidation has been reported as a
rate depression to maximize survival time major contributor to the loss of cell function
based on a fixed internal metabolic fuel sup- under oxidative stress situations. For ex-
ply, all of these stress states also share a ample, peroxidation attack on microsomal
reduced oxygen availability and/or consump- membranes can lead to calcium release and
tion that is either imposed by the environ- uncontrolled activation of calcium-depend-
ment (e.g. by freezing of body fluids, sub- ent proteases and lipases (39,40), whereas
mergence of lung breathing species) or is attack on mitochondrial membranes can al-
“voluntary” (e.g. due to apnoeic breathing in ter permeabilities and induce a disruption of
the dormant state). For animals in all of these cellular energetics (41). In addition, an accu-
situations, therefore, the transition back to mulation of lipoperoxidation products under
normal, active metabolism is accompanied some pathological conditions indicates the
by a rapid and large increase in oxygen probable involvement of oxygen radicals in
uptake, concentration and consumption by these disorders (3,42,43).
the organism. These transitions are function- The reactions below summarize the auto-
ally analogous to the reperfusion situation oxidation of lipids (LH) leading to hydroper-
that occurs after ischemic insult in mam- oxide (LOOH) formation:
mals. We reasoned, then, that animals that
LH + R• → L• [1]
naturally experience wide variation in oxy-
L• + O2 → LOO • [2]
gen availability should express biochemical
LOO• + LH → L• + LOOH [3]
adaptations that deal not only with the period
of oxygen deprivation but also with the con- where R represents an initiator radical (such
sequences of reintroducing high concentra- as •OH) and LOO • is a lipid peroxide radical.
tions of oxygen into their systems. If ROS The general sequence of events in the per-
overgeneration is a problem in situations of oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids is as
mammalian ischemia-reperfusion, then it follows. The first stage in the peroxidation
could also be a potential problem during sequence is the removal (usually by •OH but
metabolic recovery from anoxia, freezing also by other radicals) of a hydrogen atom
and estivation and one to be dealt with by from a methylene (-CH 2-) group, typically
biochemical adaptations of the organism. from one adjacent to an existing double bond
Our studies over the last 2-3 years, therefore, in the fatty acid. This results in an unpaired
have been analyzing the antioxidant defenses electron on the carbon which is then stabi-
in anoxia-tolerant, freeze-tolerant, and esti- lized by a molecular rearrangement to pro-
vating animals to determine how they cope duce a conjugated diene (alternating double-
with wide variation and rapid changes in single-double bonds). This reacts with oxy-
oxygen availability and rates of ROS forma- gen to form a peroxy radical which then
tion. We will begin the present discussion abstracts a hydrogen atom from another lipid
with an analysis of the evidence for lipid molecule (initiating a chain reaction) and
peroxidation damage arising from these stress becomes a lipid hydroperoxide (R-OOH).
states and then discuss the adaptive changes Transition metal complexes (particularly
in antioxidant defenses, both enzymatic and iron) can then catalyze the fission of the O-O

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Animal adaptations for oxidative stress 1721

bond of the hydroperoxide producing an preparations (53,54) but we demonstrated

alkoxy radical which readily causes beta- that the assay effectively assessed LOOH
scission of the chain to cleave off hydrocar- content in heterogeneous tissue extracts (52).
bons and aldehydes of varying sizes, one of Fe(III)xylenol orange complex formation
these degradation products being malondial- increased linearly with increasing amounts
dehyde. of methanolic tissue extract added and a
A variety of different methods have been significant correlation (r = 0.88; P<0.005)
used to assess the extent of peroxidative was demonstrated between the levels of lipid
damage to lipids (44). Some of them, such as peroxides indicated by the FOX assay and by
the iodometric assay and peroxidase-cata- the TBARS assay. Figure 2 shows that this
lyzed reactions (45,46), directly quantify correlation holds up well for extracts from a
LOOH. Other methods quantify the damage variety of tissue types and multiple animal
done by peroxidation including the forma- species. For example, the three tissues with
tion of conjugated dienes and of various the lowest TBARS content (turtle skeletal
decomposition products (such as malondial- muscle, rat lung, and ground squirrel white
dehyde, lipofuchsin, alkenes and light emis- adipose tissue) also showed the lowest lev-
sion by Russel reactions) (45,47). The meth- els of FOX equivalents.
ods developed to date all have limitations of In a new study, we have used this assay
reproducibility, sensitivity, or accuracy. For and compared it with two other methods in
example, the spectrophotometric determina- order to assess the potential extent of
tion of conjugated dienes is widely used but peroxidative damage to lipids occurring in
it has been shown that much of the conju- the anoxia-tolerant turtle Trachemys scripta
gated-diene material in tissues does not con- over the course of anoxia exposure and aero-
tain the hydroperoxide functional group, sug- bic recovery (Willmore WG and Storey KB,
gesting that the method does not exclusively unpublished data). Each method quantifies
measure the products of lipid peroxidation the damage at a different stage in the
(3,48). Malondialdehyde and others are quan- peroxidation process. As described above,
tified as TBARS (49) but this popular assay the FOX assay appears to directly quantify
has been criticized for a lack of specificity lipid hydroperoxides. The conjugated-diene
and accuracy (50), although many of the assay directly assesses the content of these
problems are caused by inappropriate modi- early products of the peroxidation process
fications of the assay (51).
Figure 2 - Correlation between
In an attempt to improve the methodol-
the xylenol orange method,
ogy for quantifying lipid peroxidation dam- 100 measured as cumene hydroper-
age, we recently adapted a method for use in oxide (CHP) equivalents, and the
TBARS (nmol/g wet weight)

the determination of LOOH in animal tissue 80 MH

thiobarbituric acid reactive sub-
stance (TBARS) assay for quanti-
extracts that appears to directly measure li- fying the levels of lipid peroxida-
60 TL
pid peroxides (52). The FOX assay (ferrous tion in different animal tissues.
oxidation/xylenol orange method) (53,54) is ML The solid and dashed lines are
40 MK computer-generated linear corre-
based on the oxidation of Fe(II) by LOOH at RB lations (r = 0.88; P<0.005) and
acid pH in the presence of the Fe(III)- SWAT
20 95% confidence intervals, re-
complexing dye, xylenol orange; complex TM spectively, calculated from the
RLn means of values (N = 9); where
formation is then quantified by spectropho- 0
0 3000 6000 9000 error bars are not indicated, they
tometric absorbance at 580 nm. Previous use CHP equivalents (nmol/g wet weight) are smaller than the symbol. Tis-
of the assay was limited to the measurement sues are: RLn, rat lung; SWAT,
squirrel white adipose tissue; TM, turtle red muscle; RB, rat brain; SL, squirrel liver; TL,
of peroxides in irradiated solutions (55) or in
turtle liver; MK, mouse kidney; ML, mouse liver, and MH, mouse heart (From Ref. 52, with
low density lipoprotein (LDL) or membrane permission).

Braz J Med Biol Res 29(12) 1996

1722 K.B. Storey

using second-order derivative spectroscopy unpublished data). Indeed, turtle liver was
over the region (centered on 233-234 nm) the only organ tested where significant lev-
where these structures absorb UV light (56). els of conjugated dienes could be detected.
The TBARS assay measures the complex Overall, these results indicate that the rein-
formed (absorbance at 532 nm) between troduction of oxygen after anoxia exposure
thiobarbituric acid and various aldehydes does not stimulate an accumulation of lipid
that are terminal products of the peroxidation peroxidation products in organs of anoxia-
process (malondialdehyde is a prominent tolerant turtles. Although we did not attempt
product and the standard used for the assay) to assess damage to other macromolecules
(47). Table 1 shows the results of these (e.g. proteins or DNA), the data indicate that
determinations in liver samples from control animals that deal with aerobic/anoxic transi-
and 20-h anoxic (submerged in N2-bubbled tions naturally have developed mechanisms
water) turtles and from turtles submitted to to minimize or prevent oxidative damage as
24-h aerobic recovery after anoxia (Willmore the result of ROS formation when oxygen is
WG and Storey KB, unpublished data). The abruptly reintroduced. As will be discussed
levels of peroxidation products indicated by later for the turtle, these mechanisms appear
the different methods cannot be quantita- to be the maintenance of constitutively high
tively compared but they all indicated the activities of antioxidant enzymes and of glu-
same qualitative result. Except for a signifi- tathione.
cantly lower level of conjugated dienes in The same conclusion could be drawn
liver from anoxic turtles, the results were when the FOX and TBARS assays were
consistent in indicating a lack of accumu- applied to assess potential peroxidation dam-
lated lipid peroxidation damage during ei- age in organs of the wood frog Rana sylvatica
ther anoxia exposure or the aerobic recovery over a course of freezing and thawing expo-
period after anoxia. Furthermore, when FOX sure in vivo (57). No evidence of accumu-
and TBARS analyses were performed on lated damage products could be found in
three turtle organs (kidney, red muscle and liver, skeletal muscle, brain or kidney after
white muscle) the same result was found, 24 h of freezing or up to 4 h of thawing.
although the levels of damage products were Therefore, it appears that neither the natural
overall much lower in these organs than in ischemic excursion imposed by the freezing
the liver (Willmore WG and Storey KB, of extracellular body fluids nor the reperfu-
sion event associated with thawing and the
Table 1 - Assessment of lipid peroxidation products in turtle T. scripta liver by three
reestablishment of circulation leads to an
methods, and comparison of samples from aerobic controls, 20-h anoxia exposure, accumulation of lipid peroxidation products
and 24-h aerobic recovery after anoxia. in the organs of freeze-tolerant frogs. As for
The FOX assay measures lipid hydroperoxides directly whereas conjugated dienes are
the anoxia-tolerant turtles, this again sug-
an early product of peroxidative damage. Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) reactive substances gests that animals that are well adapted to
quantify malondialdehyde and other aldehydes that are terminal products of survive anoxic or ischemic insults have in-
peroxidative damage. Lipid hydroperoxides are reported as cumene hydroperoxide
cluded, as part of this adaptation, mecha-
equivalents and conjugated dienes are reported as relative second-order derivative
absorbance units (d 2A/mg lipid). *P<0.05 compared to aerobic control liver (Dunnett nisms that prevent or minimize the produc-
test) (Willmore WG and Storey KB, unpublished data). tion of ROS during tissue reoxygenation.
We also assessed the production of lipid
Tissue Condition Lipid hydroperoxides Conjugated dienes TBA
(nmol/g wet weight) (d2A/mg lipid x 10-5) (nmol) peroxidation damage products during the
arousal of land snails from dormancy. Esti-
Liver Control 5230 ± 131 (3) 13.1 ± 1.78 (11) 71.0 ± 1 vation is a response to desiccating condi-
Anoxic 4216 ± 86 (3) 8.15 ± 1.11 (11)* 85.9 ± 1
tions and is often associated with limited
Recovered 5624 ± 783 (3) 9.39 ± 1.21 (12) 89.0 ± 2
food availability and high environmental tem-

Braz J Med Biol Res 29(12) 1996

Animal adaptations for oxidative stress 1723

peratures. Snails can easily sustain dormancy Glutathione status

for a year or more but high humidity or rain
breaks dormancy and snails become active Glutathione is considered to be one of the
again within as little as 10-20 min. Arousal most important components of the antioxi-
includes a rapid increase in ventilation rate dant defense of living cells. The reduced
and oxygen consumption and a reactivation tripeptide GSH is a hydroxyl radical and
of metabolic pathways (34,38,58). Figure 3 singlet oxygen scavenger, and participates in
shows the changes in the levels of TBARS in a wide range of cellular functions such as
the hepatopancreas of the land snail Otala protein and DNA synthesis, intermediary
lactea during the first few minutes of arousal metabolism, and transport (3,65,66). Since
(after 30 days of estivation) (59). Lipid glutathione is present in high intracellular
peroxidation damage clearly increased when concentrations, there is a high probability
snails were aroused from dormancy, the level that reactive oxygen species (such as super-
of TBARS rising by 25% within 20 min in oxide, singlet oxygen and hydrogen perox-
the hepatopancreas. This suggests that this ide) will be quenched by reaction with glu-
tissue is sensitive to ROS generation when tathione before they can initiate their chain
the rate of oxygen consumption is abruptly reaction-damaging effects (67). Reduced glu-
increased during arousal. Foot muscle, by tathione acts as a hydrogen donor and as
contrast, showed no change in TBARS dur- such is a substrate of key antioxidant en-
ing arousal. Comparable situations where zymes including the Se-dependent glu-
the rate of oxygen consumption increases tathione peroxidase, GPOX, which removes
rapidly have also been shown to result in an hydrogen peroxide and glutathione S-trans-
increase in TBARS in mammalian tissues ferases, GSTs, which in turn catalyze conju-
under posthypoxic conditions (60), during gation reactions between glutathione and
thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (61), ROS-damaged cellular components. The Se-
and during acute aerobic exercise in skeletal independent peroxidase activity of GSTs is
muscles (61,62). These situations seem to be also used in the removal of organic hydro-
associated with high flux generation of ROS peroxides (68,69). When oxyradicals are
from mitochondria. In the snail hepatopan- present in large amounts, GSSG formation
creas other sources of ROS might also be
Figure 3 - Changes in the con-
TBARS (nmol/g wet weight)

considered such as cytochrome P450 (which 35 centration of damage products

functions in detoxification of xenobiotics) a
(thiobarbituric acid reactive sub-
and xanthine oxidase (XO). Indeed, XO ac- 30 stances, TBARS) (upper panel)
tivity rose by 3-fold in O. lactea hepatopan- and in the activities of superox-
25 ide dismutase (SOD) (lower
creas over 35 days of estivation (63) and, panel, open circles) and glu-
furthermore, xanthine is known to accumu- 20
0 20 40 60 80 100 24 h
tathione peroxidase (GPOX)
late during estivation in snails (64). Thus, (lower panel, filled circles) in O.
lactea hepatopancreas with time
XO activity might be a source of ROS gen- 120
U/mg SOD or mU/mg GPOX

after arousal from 3 months of

eration during arousal after estivation, al- 100 estivation. Data are reported as
though maximal XO activity is actually quite 80
means ± SEM; N = 4-7; where
error bars are not indicated, they
low in the snail hepatopancreas (0.03 nmol
60 a are smaller than the symbol.
isoxanthopterin min-1 mg protein-1 or 1.2 aP<0.05 compared to the value
mU/g wet weight after 35 days of estivation) 40
a determined at 0 min (Dunnett
and H2O 2 generation by this enzyme should a a test) (From Ref. 59, with per-
a mission).
be easily dealt with by hepatopancreas cata- 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 24 h
lase activity which is several orders of mag-
Time (min)
nitude higher (63).

Braz J Med Biol Res 29(12) 1996

1724 K.B. Storey

exceeds its clearance and the ratio of re- weight) reported for liver glutathione in a
duced to oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG) variety of other ectothermic vertebrates (fish
decreases. Hence, this ratio is frequently and amphibians) (70). Indeed, turtle liver
used as an indicator of the level of oxidative values were closer to the levels in avian liver
stress in cells. In addition, GSSG itself can (2.5-3.7 µmol/g wet weight) but still lower
exert deleterious effects through nonspecific than values reported for mammalian liver (6-
reactions with the free sulfhydryl groups of 8 µmol/g wet weight) (70). High redox buffer
proteins to form mixed disulfides, reactions capacity, attributed to high numbers of re-
that can lead to inactivation of enzymes pos- duced sulfhydryl groups present in blood
sessing sulfhydryl groups at their active sites proteins, has been postulated as a mech-
(3). The maintenance of GSH levels, and anism preventing reperfusion injury in the
thereby the reducing environment of the cell, hypoxia-resistant turtlePhrynops hilarii (71)
is crucial, therefore, to organisms that peri- and the results obtained for T. scripta further
odically undergo oxidative stress. Thus, from support this idea. Glutathione pools in frog
the analysis of the cellular levels of glu- and snake organs were lower but the freeze-
tathione and the effects of stress on the pools tolerant frog species, R. sylvatica, had a
of GSH and GSSG and their ratio we can higher pool size than did the freeze-intoler-
assess both the extent of oxidative stress ant R. pipiens and this is particularly striking
imposed under different metabolic systems in the comparison of skeletal muscle values.
and the level of constitutive antioxidant de- Substantially higher glutathione pools were
fenses maintained by different organisms. also found in most other organs of R. sylvatica
The levels of GSH and GSSG in liver and compared with R. pipiens (57) which sug-
skeletal muscle from control (unstressed) gests that the ability to endure and to recover
animals of several species are shown in Table from freezing and from the ischemia that it
2. What is immediately obvious is that these imposes is supported by elevated levels of
levels are highest in the species with well- glutathione in all organs of the freeze-toler-
developed anoxia tolerance, the turtle T. ant anuran. The data in Table 2 show that the
scripta. Furthermore, the liver glutathione estivating snail species O. lactea also main-
content of T. scripta is substantially higher tains a substantial pool of glutathione in its
than the range of values (0.9-2.2 µmol/g wet tissues.
The effect of stress on tissue glutathione
pools has also been evaluated in these sys-
Table 2 - Levels of reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) glutathione in liver and skeletal muscle
tems. In turtles, total glutathione content
of different species.
decreased significantly during anoxia expo-
Data are reported as means ± SEM. For turtles, muscle is white skeletal muscle; for snails the sure in four organs, dropping to 49, 67, 54
“liver” is the hepatopancreas. Data are taken from Refs. 57,59,79 and Willmore WG and and 59% of control values in liver, heart,
Storey KB, unpublished data.
white muscle, and kidney, respectively; how-
Species Liver Skeletal muscle ever, red muscle and brain pools were unaf-
fected (Willmore WG and Storey KB, un-
(nmol/g wet weight) (nmol/g wet weight)
published data). The reduced total glutathione
content of these organs also persisted over
Turtle, Trachemys scripta 3350 ± 262 10.4 ± 3.0 1535 ± 195 6.0 ± 0.9 the 24-h aerobic recovery period. Differen-
Frog, Rana sylvatica 1293 ± 152 12.2 ± 3.1 216 ± 17 <1.5 tial changes in GSH and GSSG contents,
Frog, Rana pipiens 963 ± 84 <1.5 19.6 ± 1.8 <1.5 however, meant that the GSH/GSSG ratio
Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis 1015 ± 92 74 ± 14 454 ± 43 40 ± 4 increased in most tissues during anoxia ex-
Snail, Otala lactea 2178 ± 280 461 ± 36 634 ± 100 177 ± 2
posure, a finding that is consistent with the
more reduced state of many other cellular

Braz J Med Biol Res 29(12) 1996

Animal adaptations for oxidative stress 1725

components (e.g. cytochromes, NADH) suggest oxidative stress under the hypoxic
when oxygen is depleted (72). The reason conditions of dormancy itself but more likely
for the large net decrease in glutathione lev- reflect a limitation in GSSG reconversion to
els in most organs during anoxia is not yet GSH due to limiting NADPH availability in
known. In their detoxification role, GSTs the metabolically suppressed state. Taken
conjugate reduced glutathione to electrophilic together, the data indicate that animals that
substrates including xenobiotics, lipid hy- deal naturally with wide variations in oxy-
droperoxides (including prostaglandins), and gen availability and consumption have ad-
nucleotide hydroperoxides. Hence, a gradual justed their tissue glutathione pools to higher
accumulation of damage products during levels than nontolerant organisms so that
anoxia may possibly be controlled in this during stress and recovery they can buffer
manner, with the further disposal of these any oxidative stress that occurs with mini-
products and regeneration of glutathione mal change (or even no change) in the glu-
postponed until the return to aerobic condi- tathione pools or the GSH/GSSG ratio.
tions when ATP availability is no longer
limiting. However, there was no evidence of Antioxidant enzymes
the accumulation of lipid peroxidation prod-
ucts in turtle organs during anoxia (Willmore How do organisms that experience wide
WG and Storey KB, unpublished data), so variation in oxygen availability and/or inter-
the identity of any damage products remains vals of natural ischemia (e.g. during freez-
to be established. Analysis of the glutathione ing) deal with the accompanying wide varia-
status of wood frog organs showed that nei- tion in the production of reactive oxygen
ther freezing nor thawing had major effects species? Three possible strategies can be
on the system and indicated, therefore, that suggested. The first would be to maintain
little or no oxidative stress occurred during constitutively high levels of antioxidant de-
this ischemia-reperfusion event (57). Over- fenses (enzymes, low molecular weight anti-
all, the GSH/GSSG ratio was unchanged in oxidants) so that any stress can be dealt with
most organs during freezing and, although effectively. The second would be to elevate
the tissue concentrations of both compounds antioxidant defenses as a rapid response to
increased during freezing, this effect was anoxia/ischemia stress so that these are in
explained by the organ dehydration that oc- place in anticipation of the overgeneration
curs as water moves into extra-organ spaces of ROS during the aerobic recovery period.
to freeze. Hence, the levels of all metabolites The third possible strategy would be to en-
(when quantified per gram wet weight) tend dure an accumulation of damage products
to increase in organs from frozen frogs. Lev- during the recovery period and emphasize
els of GSH and GSSG in Otala lactea tissues mechanisms that rapidly dispose of ROS-
showed little evidence of stress during the damaged products. As discussed above, we
arousal process. The total pool size of these have found little evidence for the accumula-
compounds remained constant in 30-day es- tion of damage products in animals with
tivating snails and over a 24-h time course of well-developed tolerances for anoxia or is-
arousal, although changes in TBARS and chemia; neither anoxia-tolerant turtles nor
enzyme activities indicated some oxidative freeze-tolerant frogs showed accumulation
stress during arousal (59). However, over 24 of lipid peroxidation damage products dur-
h of arousal the GSSG content actually fell ing the recovery from these stresses
about 50% in both hepatopancreas and (Willmore WG and Storey KB, unpublished
muscle. A higher GSSG content (and a lower data; 57). Land snails showed a small and
GSH/GSSG ratio) during estivation could short-lived increase in TBARS during arousal

Braz J Med Biol Res 29(12) 1996

1726 K.B. Storey

from estivation (59). These data suggest ent strategies are illustrated in the four cases
that the third option (letting damage prod- presented below.
ucts accumulate and then initiating repair It is instructive to begin with an examina-
mechanisms) is probably not a strategy that tion of the constitutive activities of antioxi-
is used and indeed, intuitively, this is a poor dant enzymes in liver and muscle of the five
idea since the repair of damaged systems species. Table 3 shows the maximal activi-
would require specific metabolic machin- ties of SOD, CAT and GPOX (Se-depend-
ery and a considerable investment of meta- ent) in liver and muscle of control animals.
bolic energy. Indeed, as a principle in com- Tissues from the anoxia-tolerant turtle T.
parative biochemistry in general, adapta- scripta clearly have very high activities of
tion is generally focused on preventive meas- these enzymes compared with those of gar-
ures that minimize the disruption of the ter snakes and leopard frogs, species that
“normal” metabolism rather than on repair only rarely encounter wide and rapid varia-
mechanisms that alleviate accumulated dam- tion in oxygen availability in nature. Thus,
age. Of the first two strategies, then, which for example, in liver the ratio of SOD activi-
is used? Our studies to date suggest that ties in the turtle, leopard frog and snakes was
both are used in different systems with the 100:29:17, CAT was 100:39:31, and GPOX
“choice” between them apparently deter- was 100:35:52. Values for liver enzyme ac-
mined by the extent to which a species tivities in the freeze-tolerant wood frog, how-
experiences oxidative stress naturally. Thus, ever, were quite similar to those in the turtle
our data suggest that a good facultative indicating that the antioxidant defenses of
anaerobe deals with the inevitable burst of frogs are well prepared to deal with potential
ROS generation during the anoxic to aero- ROS insult during reperfusion after thawing.
bic transition by maintaining high activities Se-dependent GPOX has also been meas-
of antioxidant enzymes and a large glu- ured in Rana perezi liver (73) and the activ-
tathione pool constitutively. Animals that ity (54-80 U/mg protein) was about the same
only infrequently experience oxidative as in R. pipiens and considerably lower than
stress, however, appear to initiate adaptive that in R. sylvatica (Table 3). Again this
changes in their antioxidant defenses dur- indicates that the high GPOX activities found
ing the stress period that minimize oxida- in R. sylvatica are specific for this species,
tive damage during recovery. These differ- probably related to freeze tolerance. Muscle

Table 3 - Activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and Se-dependent glutathione peroxidase (GPOX)
in vertebrate liver and muscle from different species (control animals).

Data are reported as means ± SEM. For turtles, muscle is white skeletal muscle; for snails the “liver” is the
hepatopancreas. Data are taken from Refs. 57,59,79 and Willmore WG and Storey KB, unpublished data.

Species Liver Skeletal muscle


(U/mg) (U/mg) (mU/mg) (U/mg) (U/mg) (mU/mg)

Turtle, T. scripta 48.6 ± 5.8 229 ± 8.3 298 ± 2 34.1 ± 2.2 55 ± 5.6 32 ± 1
Wood frog, R. sylvatica 37 ± 3.4 214 ± 17 136 ± 15 20.1 ± 2.4 1.3 ± 0.1 19 ± 2.4

Leopard frog, R. pipiens 14 ± 2 86 ± 8.5 70 ± 7 6.4 ± 0.5 1.2 ± 0.2 9.9 ± 0.6

Garter snake, T. sirtalis 8.3 ± 0.7 71.8 ± 5.5 155 ± 7 3.38 ± 0.22 22.9 ± 2.8 65.6 ± 10

Land snail, O. lactea 78.4 ± 14.0 177 ± 13 25.8 ± 6.9 42.1 ± 6.2 5.9 ± 1.0 4.2 ± 0.4

Braz J Med Biol Res 29(12) 1996

Animal adaptations for oxidative stress 1727

antioxidant enzymes showed a similar pat- true of molluscs and other invertebrates.
tern of high activities in turtle, slightly lower
values in wood frog and still lower in leop- Anoxia tolerance in freshwater turtles
ard frog and snake. Exceptions to the pat-
tern, however, were the very low activities of Freshwater turtles are excellent faculta-
muscle CAT in both frog species and high tive anaerobes and can survive under a nitro-
GPOX activity in garter snake muscle. Val- gen gas atmosphere for many hours at warm
ues for white skeletal muscle of turtles are temperature and for as long as 3-4 months at
shown in Table 3 as this muscle is the closest 3oC. Their anoxia tolerance is used naturally
comparison for frog and snake skeletal during diving and for winter hibernation at
muscle but activities of antioxidant enzymes the bottom of ponds (30). Biochemical
were even higher in red skeletal muscle from mechanisms supporting metabolic rate de-
turtles, as would be expected of a tissue with pression and anaerobic metabolism have been
a higher myoglobin content and greater de- extensively studied in Trachemys and Chry-
pendence on aerobic respiration (Willmore semys species and the turtle brain has been
WG and Storey KB, unpublished data). Com- widely used as a model system for investi-
parisons can also be made between turtle gating the events of brain response to anoxic
liver and mammalian liver. GPOX activities or ischemic insult, to further the understand-
were similar in turtle and rat liver, both being ing of the damage done by stroke in mamma-
about 6-fold higher than in ground squirrels lian brain. Turtles are clearly adapted to
(74). Activities of SOD in turtle liver were withstand anoxic insults that are unpredict-
also very similar to those of mammalian able both in onset and duration and, as such,
liver but CAT activity in turtle liver was their metabolism appears to be optimally
lower than in mammals (74). It appears, prepared at all times to deal with both the
then, that despite the much lower aerobic metabolic consequences of anoxia and with
metabolic rate of ectothermic turtles com- the potential for oxidative stress upon recov-
pared with endothermic mammals, anoxia- ery. The high constitutive activities of anti-
tolerant turtles have generally elevated anti- oxidant enzymes in turtle organs appear to
oxidant enzyme activities within the ranges be key in this regard. However, we won-
characteristic of mammalian tissues and con- dered whether turtles would also respond to
siderably higher than the ranges seen in other individual anoxic excursions with modifica-
ectothermic lower vertebrates. This would tions of their antioxidant systems to further
provide turtle organs with a high constitutive improve their ability to efficiently deal with
level of antioxidant defenses that would serve ROS stress during aerobic recovery. There-
to prevent or buffer damage due to bursts of fore, we compared the maximal activities of
reactive oxygen species generation during antioxidant enzymes in organs of the turtle
reoxygenation after submergence. Antioxi- Trachemys scripta from control (aerobic at
dant enzyme activities were also generally 7oC), anoxic (20 h at 5oC) and aerobic recov-
high in tissues of the pulmonate land snail, ered (24 h returned to 7oC) animals (Willmore
O. lactea, indicating a good constitutive ca- WG and Storey KB, unpublished data). The
pacity for dealing with ROS generation. Ac- results showed that anoxia exposure did,
tivities of Se-dependent GPOX in snail tis- indeed, lead to a few selected changes in
sues were low compared with those in verte- antioxidant defenses: SOD decreased in liver
brates, but, as noted previously, this is also by 30%, CAT decreased in heart by 31%,
true of insects and GPOX is replaced in CAT and total GPOX decreased in kidney
insects by the Se-independent activity asso- (by 68 and 41%), and CAT and SOD de-
ciated with GST (15). The same may also be creased in brain (by 80 and 15%) (Willmore

Braz J Med Biol Res 29(12) 1996

1728 K.B. Storey

WG and Storey KB, unpublished data). These be made in order to permit the freezing pres-
data were consistent with a reduced poten- ervation of mammalian organs for transplant
tial for oxidative damage during anoxia. Most (32,77). As noted above, wood frogs display
anoxia-induced changes were reversed dur- considerably higher constitutive activities of
ing aerobic recovery, although brain enzyme antioxidant enzymes in their tissues com-
activities remained suppressed. Some spe- pared with the same organs of the freeze-
cific changes occurred also during the recov- intolerant leopard frog and these appear to
ery period, with SOD rising to 45% above gear them to deal well with potential ROS
initial control activities in heart whereas overgeneration during thawing. As with an-
GPOX was decreased by 50% in heart. The oxia stress in turtles, we also wondered
results show that enzymes that deal directly whether whole animal freeze/thaw exposures
with free radicals are modulated in some would stimulate any acute changes in organ
tissues to track the predictable changes in antioxidant enzyme activities that would fur-
ROS production during anoxia and recov- ther prepare the animal to deal with ROS
ery. One of the targets of anoxia-induced generation during thawing and reperfusion.
metabolic rate depression, therefore, may be The results showed that SOD activity de-
the biosynthesis of antioxidant enzymes. creased significantly during freezing in
Enzymes related to glutathione metabolism muscle, kidney, and heart of wood frogs,
also showed selected changes during anoxia falling to 77, 43, and 43% of control values,
and recovery in turtles (Willmore WG and respectively (57). However, SOD activity in
Storey KB, unpublished data). During an- kidney and heart recovered to control levels
oxia exposure, GR activity increased by 52 after 24 h of thawing but this activity re-
and 80% in liver and red muscle, respec- mained suppressed in skeletal muscle. This
tively. Strikingly, the enzyme gamma- SOD response parallels the effects of an-
glutamyl transpeptidase, which is involved oxia/recovery in turtles and again suggests
in glutathione degradation, was reduced to that SOD may be very sensitive to acute
only 2% of control values in anoxic kidney, changes in superoxide levels. Organ catalase
a change that would help to suppress glu- activities in frogs were unaltered throughout
tathione turnover during anoxia, a time when freezing and thawing but total glutathione
the oppositely-directed action of glutathione peroxidase activity (Se-dependent and -in-
synthetase would also be limited by the avail- dependent) increased significantly by 1.2- to
ability of ATP as a substrate. The kidney is 2.5-fold during freezing in all R. sylvatica
the major organ responsible for glutathione tissues. Upon thawing GPOX remained high
removal from blood circulation and at least in liver and brain but showed a decreasing
50 to 65% of the net plasma glutathione trend in the other three tissues. Changes in
turnover occurs there (75,76). Thus, by re- Se-dependent GPOX activity paralleled those
stricting the synthesis and degradation of of total GPOX in four tissues but in liver the
glutathione in anoxia, the net use of the activity remained constant throughout the
tripeptide could be directed towards conju- experimental course. These responses by
gation reactions in detoxification systems. GPOX appear to anticipate an overgeneration
of H2O 2 and organ hydroperoxides during
Freeze tolerance in wood frogs thawing. Changes in GST activity in wood
frogs during freezing and thawing were highly
The wood frog Rana sylvatica has been tissue dependent. In liver and brain, the ac-
extensively studied by us as a model of tivity increased throughout to peak after thaw-
vertebrate freeze tolerance and as a guide to ing but in kidney and heart the maximal
the types of metabolic adjustments that must activity decreased during freezing and in-

Braz J Med Biol Res 29(12) 1996

Animal adaptations for oxidative stress 1729

creased again after thawing. GST activity ed the defense against overgeneration of O2
did not change significantly in skeletal muscle with increases in SOD of 188% in liver and
during the freeze-thaw cycle. 56% in muscle. Neither of the stress states are
ones that should themselves be associated with
Anoxia and freezing stress in garter snakes elevated levels of ROS since in both states
oxygen in the tissues is depleted. This is sup-
The garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis is the ported by a lack of change in the GSH/GSSG
most northernly distributed reptile in North ratio in either frozen or anoxic tissues, which
America and throughout its Canadian range shows that there is no increase in the consump-
must have well-developed strategies for deal- tion of GSH by antioxidant reactions during
ing with winter cold. It appears that the pri- either freezing or anoxia exposure (79). It
mary mechanism of winter survival for this appears, therefore, that the elevation of anti-
species is to hibernate in well-protected under- oxidant defenses under stress is an adaptive
ground dens where the temperature is buffered response that anticipates the overgeneration of
and does not often fall below 0oC; indeed, oxyradicals at the termination of the freezing
snakes are known to migrate many miles to or anoxia exposures. Analogous anticipatory
congregate by the hundreds in a few selected responses have been documented in other sys-
den sites. However, as part of our studies of tems as follows: 1) the activities of antioxidant
animal freeze tolerance, we determined that enzymes in mammalian lung are enhanced
garter snakes have a significant ability to with- during late gestation in preparation for the
stand freezing. Animals recovered after sev- elevated oxygen pressure that will be experi-
eral hours of freezing at -2.5oC with about enced after birth (80,81), and 2) antioxidant
50% of total body water frozen as extracellular defenses increase in brown adipose tissue of
ice (78). Such a capacity would not support hibernating ground squirrels for protection
long-term hibernation within the dens but against ROS generation during the periods of
would be effective in allowing animals to intense uncoupled respiration that generate
endure short, overnight frosts when they are heat in the organ to rewarm the animal during
active above ground in both spring and au- arousal (82,83). Thus, for a species that only
tumn. Garter snakes also have a substantial intermittently experiences anoxia or freezing-
ability to endure anoxia exposure and can induced ischemia in nature, it appears that the
survive for 2 days under a nitrogen gas atmos- appropriate strategy to deal with oxidative
phere at 5oC. To determine how the antioxi- stress during the recovery period is to elevate
dant defenses of garter snakes responded to the activities of key antioxidant enzymes while
stress we measured the activities of five en- in the anoxic or frozen state. This is an energy-
zymes (SOD, CAT, GPOX, GR and GST) in expensive option in a situation where only
liver, skeletal muscle and lung of control (aero- glycolytic ATP generation is available, but for
bic at 5oC), frozen (5 h at -2.5oC) and anoxic dealing with infrequent exposures to anoxia or
(10 h at 5oC) snakes (79). Enzyme activities in freezing, this is more efficient overall than
control liver and skeletal muscle of snakes are maintaining constitutively high antioxidant ac-
shown in Table 3 and stress had the most tivities as occurs in turtles.
substantial effects on enzyme activities in these
organs. Freezing exposure stimulated defenses Estivation in land snails
against the overgeneration of H2O2 in muscle
and lung; muscle CAT activity increased by Another example of an anticipatory re-
183% and GPOX by 52% during freezing sponse by antioxidant defenses is seen in the
whereas lung CAT increased by 63% during case of estivation in the land snail Otala
freezing. Anoxia, on the other hand, stimulat- lactea. In response to a shortage of food and

Braz J Med Biol Res 29(12) 1996

1730 K.B. Storey

water, snails enter into a dormant state char- duced (by 37%) in aroused snails compared
acterized by a sharply reduced rate of oxy- with dormant snails. GPOX activity was also
gen consumption and an apnoeic breathing affected in the hepatopancreas, activities
pattern that reduces water loss. Again, ROS being about twice as high in estivating as in
damage during estivation itself would not be aroused snails (Table 4). We proposed that
expected since the constitutive antioxidant the increase in antioxidant enzyme activities
defenses of the snail should be sufficient to in O. lactea tissues during estivation was a
deal with the much lower rate of ROS forma- protective mechanism against oxidative stress
tion that would accompany the 3-10-fold during arousal (59). Overall oxygen con-
decrease in oxygen consumption in the dor- sumption rates are low during dormancy,
mant state (34). Snails were submitted to two only 15-30% of the corresponding values for
cycles of 30-day estivation followed by a 24- active snails (34,58) and hence high rates of
h arousal and the activities of five enzymes ROS generation during dormancy would not
(SOD, CAT, GPOX, GST and GR) were be expected. During the first few minutes of
monitored (59). With the exception of GR, arousal, however, oxygen consumption
estivation/arousal had major effects on the quickly rises to peak at about twice the value
antioxidant potential of both foot muscle that is typical of steady-state active snails.
and hepatopancreas (Table 4). In foot muscle, This peak occurs at about 10 min after the
CAT, SOD and GST activities were all high foot emerges from the shell (58) but we have
during dormancy but decreased substantially found that estivation-induced inactivation of
(by 43, 40, and 47%, respectively) after snails pyruvate kinase (a regulatory enzyme of gly-
were aroused for 24 h. However, when snails colysis) is reversed within as little as 10 min
were allowed to re-enter estivation and were in foot muscle and pyruvate dehydrogenase
then sampled after a second 30-day period of (which gates carbohydrate entry into the mi-
estivation, enzyme activities were again el- tochondrial metabolism) was fully reacti-
evated (but fell again when snails were vated within 60 min (84,85). Thus, a major
aroused for a second time). In the hepato- metabolic reorganization to activate the aero-
pancreas, the activity of SOD was also re- bic metabolism clearly occurs very quickly
during arousal and the elevation of antioxi-
dant enzyme activities during dormancy
Table 4 - Effect of estivation and arousal on the activities of selected antioxidant enzymes in
foot muscle and hepatopancreas of the land snail Otala lactea.
would clearly facilitate the rapid disposal of
accompanying ROS produced as the result
Dormant-1 snails were sampled after 30 days of continuous estivation at 20-22o C. Snails of high rates of oxygen consumption early in
were then aroused for 24 h and active-1 animals were sampled. The cycle was then repeated
with snails allowed to estivate again for 30 days (dormant-2) and then aroused for 24 h (active-
2). Data for active-1 and active-2 cycles were extremely similar and were combined as the For a better understanding of the pattern
“active” group. Data are reported as means ± SEM (N = 8 for active and N = 4 for dormant of enzymatic changes during arousal, espe-
groups), all data reported per mg protein. *All values for active snails are significantly lower
cially during the early minutes when oxida-
than the corresponding values for either dormant group (P<0.05). Data are taken from Ref. 60,
with permission. tive stress would predictably be greatest,
activities of hepatopancreas SOD and GPOX
Dormant-1 Active Dormant-2 were monitored over time after arousal was
Foot muscle
initiated by spraying snails with water (59).
Catalase (U/mg) 5.9 ± 1.0 3.4 ± 0.1* 5.2 ± 0.1 As Figure 3 shows, SOD activity rose quickly
Superoxide dismutase (U/mg) 42.1 ± 6.2 25.2 ± 1.5* 39.3 ± 6.7 over the first few minutes of arousal, in-
Glutathione S-transferase (mU/mg) 239 ± 54 126 ± 20* 206 ± 25
creasing by about 70% after 40 min. Subse-
Hepatopancreas quently, enzyme activity fell over time to the
Superoxide dismutase (U/mg) 78.4 ± 14.0 50.0 ± 5.9* 89.2 ± 9.7
lower values seen after 24-h arousal. How-
Glutathione peroxidase (mU/mg) 25.8 ± 6.9 9.3 ± 1.6* 20.5 ± 2.4
ever, GPOX responded differently, with its

Braz J Med Biol Res 29(12) 1996

Animal adaptations for oxidative stress 1731

activity steadily decreasing over the first 40 periods of anoxia or ischemia appear to deal
min of arousal and remaining suppressed with the problem of oxidative stress during
over the remainder of the active period. These recovery by maintaining a high antioxidant
results show a particular need to increase the defense capacity at all times including both
superoxide scavenging abilities of the hepato- elevated activities of antioxidant enzymes and
pancreas quickly during arousal, again indi- large cellular pools of glutathione. Where oxi-
cating that ROS generation probably in- dative stress is a more intermittent phenome-
creases rapidly during the early minutes of non, the adaptive strategy appears to be el-
arousal and suggesting also that SOD activ- evated antioxidant defenses during the low
ity is the limiting enzymatic activity in the oxygen stress in anticipation of a rapid in-
disposal of ROS in the tissue. crease in reactive oxygen species formation
during the recovery from stress. The data from
Concluding remarks animal models make it clear that adaptations
of antioxidant defenses are a fundamental and
Biochemical adaptations have permitted widespread requirement for all animals that
many animal species to endure a variety of deal with natural variation in oxygen availabil-
situations where oxygen availability to tissues ity, and they show that these adaptations are
is highly variable including numerous stresses just as important and integral to overall animal
that impose anoxia or ischemia. Hence, many survival as are the well-studied biochemical
species deal naturally with rapid transitions adaptations of fermentative metabolism and
from situations of little or no oxygen to high metabolic rate depression that ensure survival
rates of oxygen uptake and consumption, con- under oxygen restriction.
ditions that are associated with a rapid in-
crease in the production of reactive oxygen Acknowledgments
species. Although oxidative damage is clearly
a problem in situations such as ischemia-re- Thanks are due to recent members of my
perfusion in mammals, animals that deal with laboratory, including M. Hermes-Lima, W.
similar stresses naturally have developed meta- Willmore, and D. Joanisse for their contribu-
bolic adjustments to deal with oxidative stress tions to the research reviewed here, and to
and incorporated these biochemical adapta- J.M. Storey for assistance in the preparation
tions as part of their strategy for survival. of the manuscript.
Animals that repeatedly experience prolonged


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