02.17 Excercises - Reading and Translation

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Read the newspaper article below and answer the questions.

A longtime restaurateur, Mimo Mahfouz, has expressed his shock after environmental health
officers shut down his popular restaurant, the Al-Shami, in Oxford. It was closed by city council
inspectors who issued an emergency prohibition hygiene order after checking the premises.
Officers said they found widespread evidence of cross contamination between open raw meats
and ready-to-eat food such as cooked chicken and yoghurt.
Yesterday, Oxford magistrates confirmed the restaurant will remain closed until at least the end
of December when health officers will need to confirm that there is no longer any risk to health.
The restaurant, which has been recommended by top chefs, has also featured in a number of
magazine articles though the reviews, more recently, have been rather mixed.
Adapted from The Oxford Mail, 6 April 2010

How did the owner feel when his restaurant was closed down?

Why was it closed down?

When is the earliest the restaurant will re-open?

Who has recommended the restaurant in the past?

It is becoming increasingly popular for students to take a year out before going to university, and this is
called ‘taking a gap year’.
Some students travel, others work, and many combine these into an international working holiday. The
most popular option for these gap year students, known as gappers, is international volunteering. There is
no salary for volunteering, but they will usually get food and housing free and a small amount of money to
cover personal expenses.
Many gappers also earn money overseas, often in the hospitality industry. Another growing trend for them
is to enrol in global education programmes that combine language study, cultural immersion, community
service, and independent study.

What do most gappers do?

What do the volunteers receive money for?

How do some gappers earn money whilst abroad?

What type of courses are becoming more popular?

1. Los políticos deberían aumentar la conciencia sobre el cambio climático.

2. Non tengo suficiente tiempo para ir a comprar antes de volver a casa. Probablemente pediré
una pizza.

3. Estaba andando en el parque, cuando descubrí a mi hijo fumando porros.

4. Cuando viví in Irlanda, hice muchos amigos

5. No puedes conducir sin carnet. Si lo hicieses, la policía te multaría.

6. No debería desaprovechar mi tempo contigo porque tenemos puntos de vistas diferentes.

7. Iniciaré el discurso hablando del duro trabajo que hicieron los voluntarios (**recuerda que en
las proposiciones afirmativas el sujeto antecede siempre el verbo)

8. Si hubiese sido rico, no tendría problemas de droga.

9. Tengo que estudiar esta tarde, aunque preferiría no hacer nada

10. Si nos hubiésemos esforzado más, probablemente habríamos recaudado más dinero

11. Descubrí que me mintió. Realmente, no había encontrado trabajo

12. Pensaba que te habías ido a trabajar.

13. El señor que estaba sentado allí hace voluntariado en un centro de beneficencia. Se involucra en
todas las actividades que organiza el centro.

14. He estado mirando las noticias. Sabías que la reina murió hace dos días?

15. Esta mañana, he tenido un accidente de tráfico. De todos modos, no me importa, ya estoy
buscando un coche nuevo

16. Hay muchos policías, de todos modos mantén la calma, ya que podemos pasar a través del

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