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I. NCC Vision, Mission, and Credo. . Fill in the blanks. (Total Points = 15 )

VISION: A just, FREE, and responsible community made up of people who are INTELLECTUALY competent and honest, MORALLY and
ETHICALY, sensitive to the needs and ASPIRATIONS of the society.

MISSION: The mission of Northern Christian College is the training of the SPIRITUAL, intellectual, SOCIAL , and PHYSICAL faculties of the
youth of the Philippines with special emphasis on the development of CHRISTIAN character as exemplified by the life, and TEACHINGS of Jesus

CREDO: Northern Christian College seeks a life of FAITH, learning, and action that will develop the person into becoming intellectually competent
and HONEST, ETHICALLY sensitive, and creatively aware and responsible to the needs, aspirations, and realizations of a just, free, and
RESPONSIBLE Christian social order.

II. Read the questions carefully and ENCIRCLE the letter of the correct answer. (PLEASE…….NO opening of the lecture materials.)
( Total Points = 5 )

1. Who discovered the sequence of numbers that form the set

{ 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, . . . }? FIBONACCI

a. Gauss b. Kepler c. Pisano d. Pythagoras

2. What is the approximate value of the Golden Ratio?

a. 1.61803… b. 2.8142… c. 3.1416…. d. 4.1234…..

3. What is the symbol for null set?

a. ∩ b. € c. Σ d. Ø
4. Use inductive reasoning to predict the next number in 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ?

a. 36 b. 49 c. 64 d. 81

5. What is next in the given pattern 10, 6, 2, -2?

a. –4 b. – 6 c. – 8 d. – 10

III. Answer the following. Use the space below. ( Total Points = 5 )

1. Identify Polya’s Four – Step Problem Solving Strategy.

____________________________ ____________________________
____________________________ ____________________________

2. What is the eight Fibonacci number? ___________________________________


1. What is ( 2x - y2 ) 2 ? ___________________________________________

2. Expand ( x + y ) 4 = _____________________________________________

3. Find for the 10th Fibonacci number. ___________________________________


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