Lesson 2 - Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

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Learning Objectives: at the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to 1. Discuss the significance of
studying Culture, Society and Politics

2. Define Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science 3. Describe the goals of studying culture, society,
and Politics in our lives

4. Apply the knowledge of studying culture, society, and politics towards a better understanding our



Overview of Culture, Society and Politics

What is Anthropology?

Two broad Fields of Anthropology

Anthropology is a behavioral science that deals with the study of culture. The components,
characteristics, functions, modes of adaptation of culture as well as cultural value and practices are
studied in Anthropology. The word anthropology is derived from two Greek words "logos", which means
study and "anthropo" which means man.

What is Sociology?

Sociology is a behavioral science that deals with the study of society. The origin, evolution,
characteristics and functions, dimensions and basic social institutions are studied in sociology.

The word sociology was derived from two terms; "logos", which means

study or science, and "socius" which means group or parmers.

What is Political Science?

Political science deals with the study of politics or government. It also deals with the foundation of the
state and the principles of government. In political science, the way people govern themselves, the
various forms of government, their structures and their relationship to other institutions in society are

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A. Significance of Studying Culture

It's important to study culture, in short, so that you get a broader perspective of what people's
backgrounds are. You will be able to understand a little bit of their reasoning, beliefs, ideas, important
people these cultures looked up to not only in the present but in the past.

Culture is the invisible band which ties people together. How we perceive things is largely affected by our
judgment skills, preconceived notions, attitudes and emotions. These factors are closely linked with our
culture. In perceiving something as good or bad, our biases play a role and so does our way of thinking,
Culture affects perception, and perceptions drive behavior. Thus, the culture we belong to has a direct
impact on our behavior. Our culture shapes our value and belief systems, which influence our
personalities. Our culture gives us an identity, and helps build our character. For a healthy perception.
behavior and good personality it is important to study culture.

B. Significance of Studying Society Man's social behavior is greatly shaped by the society where he
belongs. To be able to identify and explain well man's social behavior, it is necessary to deal on a wide
variety of social dimensions such as social changes, social institutions, social stratifications and other
broad range of phenomenon that deal on the underlying recurring patterns of influence on social
behavior and how much behavior can enrich man's quality of social lives

Society is specifically significant because: (1) it provides a system of stratification (the arrangement or

classification of something into different groups); (2) it provides basic needs of its members: (3)

regulates and controls people's behavior, (4) it provides the means of social participation; and (5)

provides mutual support to the members.

C. Significant of Studying Politics

Since human beings are political animals, politics is with us since time immemorial 1. Politics can
enhance personal happiness. By studying politics, students become more aware of their dependence on
the political system. By being aware of politics, students may be better equipped in determining when to
favor and when to oppose political change. Likewise, the study of politics helps reveal the limits of
politics and its ability to bring about positive change 2. Politics can enrich human freedom and well-
being. Human freedom such as the freedom of speech,

assembly, press, religion, travel as well as social and economic advancement and opportunities are

relative in the sense that there is no country in the world where there prevails complete and absolute

3. Politics affects human lives. In the Philippines, education (for example) is a highly regarded human
resource. Where the government is actively involved in prioritizing education, it is usually deciding on
how its scarce resources are prioritized and allocated for education. Thus, to do this, the government has
to raise taxes, borrow money from international lending institutions, or spend less on defense
infrastructure, social welfare and services, and others to be able to allocate its limited resources to
education. 4. Politics can foster moral and intellectual growth. In politics, there are always competing
claims and

differences in opinions and views, students studying this subject must learn to be skeptical of what

they hear and read because those who speak and those who report political news are not always

objective or impartial. There are always vested interest groups whose aims are for political survival

and power. This is one reason why even people with close blood relationships result in moral and

physical destruction. It has been observed in Philippine politics that in politics no one is a permanent

friend, there are only allies

5. Politics also foster self-knowledge. Every citizen, like you, must know who they are in terms of moral
character and conduct. It can be said that a person's moral character and conduct are formed by and are
reflected in the kind of everyday decisions and choices he makes. The person's decisions and choices, in
turn, are greatly influenced by the kind of political sanity in which he lives. Political disagreements,
competing points of view, and political conflicts when made within the bounds of law are ingredients of
democracy. Democracy is good when it is not abused. Nevertheless, politics is an important and
necessary part of our lives.

6. Politics prepares the students for their future career and employment work opportunities. The
knowledge and skills gained in this subject will enable them to become good politicians, good

and good citizens.

7. Even as a student in this subject, you will gain political and analytical skills that are vital in the study of
politics. Political behavior such as political dynasties, partisan politics, and elections are important topics
for analysis. Elections, for instance, can change the course of a country. Studying elections can be about
predicting results trying to work out why people vote as they do or even why they don't vote at all. Party
campaigns, what policies are put forward, how parties select candidates and related questions are all
important and fascinating areas of study in politics.

D. Significance of Studying the Subject

This subject Understanding Culture, Society and Politics which you are presently taking is actually one of
the most interesting subjects that you can imagine. You'll gain really interesting insights about how and
why people behave so differently in different society. Better yet, the knowledge you gain has very

applications in your career, even if you don't pursue a college degree. This subject is very important in
business and other fields today. You can either work as self-employed or be employed in a company that
does business in the Philippines, in America or elsewhere. If you work abroad, you could better
understand your co-employees who come from different countries with different cultures You can also
understand your classmates who came from different socio-economic backgrounds. Some of

your classmates may be foreigners, or from different ethnic groups speaking different dialects and with
different social and cultural behaviors If you are aware of the cultural expectations and norms that
surround you, you will better understand what is expected of you and how to better "fit in" with them
and succeed

Resource Sharing. You may download Google Classroom Application on your smartphones and enroll at
Ittps://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/MT12NDg2N3M: "Understanding Culture, Society and Politics"
online class by Mr. Joshua Rebancos. Our classroom passcode is. 7jSacz

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics


Diwa (2016). Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Makati City, Philippines DIWA Leaming

Joting, M. (2017). Significance of Studying Culture, Society and Politics. Retrieved August 23, 2020

from: https://www.slideshare.net/eleisthenes 19/significance-of-studying-culture-society-and-politics


Activity #1- Answer the following, 40 points.

Multi Choices, Write only the letter of the correct answer, 20 points (2 points each) 1. Anthropology
came from the Greek Word "Logos" which means study, and "Anthropo" which means? b. Life c. Man d.

a Culture

2. Anthropology is a

science that deals with the study of culture. The components,

characteristics, function, modes of adaptation of culture as well as cultural value and practices are

a. Forensic

a Socious

studied in Anthropology b. Social 3. The word sociology was derived from two terms; "logos" which
means study or
c. Behavioral

e. Sociologeo

d. Physical

which means group or partners

b. Socius

science: and

4. This deals with the study of politics or government. It also deals with the foundation of the state and

d. Soucio

principles of government a. Politics

b. Political Sociology c. Political Science d. Governance . The following are connected to the life a man,
except one: 5

a. Culture

b. Society

c. Political Institution d. None of the above

6 Society provides the basic needs of its members. The statement ? a. True
7. What is the expression


a. Culture

b. False

c. Valid

d. Invalid

of a set of cultural ideas held by a distinct ethics or indigenous group? b. Ethnicity

c. Nationality by the society where he belongs

Man's social behavior is greatly shaped a. Significance of studying Subject

d. Politics

better understand

b. Significance of studying Culture c. Significance of studying Society

d. Significance of studying Politics

9. If you are aware of the cultural expectations and norms that surround you, you will what is expected
of you and how to better "fit in with them and succeed.
a. Significance of studying Subject

b. Significance of studying Culture c. Significance of studying Society

d. Significance of studying Politics

10. This affects perception, and perceptions drive behavior. Thus, it has a direct impact on our

a. Significance of studying Subject

b. Significance of studying Culture c. Significance of studying Society

d. Significance of studying Politics

Activity #2- Crossword Puzzle. Copy the Crossword Pattern in your answer Sheet. Complete the
Crossword Puzzle Below, 20 points (2 points each).


1. Expression of a set of cultural ideas held by distinct ethics or indigenous group

3. Study of Politics and Government 4. The Latin term for 'member

6. The invisible bond that ties people


7. It is the study of society


2. The 'last name/ surname of the Father of

Sociology 5. "Anthropo" refers to what?

8. What is the biggest religion in the world? 9. He was the Father of Political Science

10. What is the second biggest religion in the


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