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Donation Programs 2023 “Donate today and help us make a lasting impact” Zaqaty Sadqah Charity — E>] ISLAM FOR KIDS PROJECT MIWF aims to purchase 1000 seis ( 13 books per set) of islam for kids syllabus designed by UK. The cost is approximately 30 lakh Rs. cree eee ee er ech eae eso “For promotional purpose, free sample copies and Demo lectures can be given to various schools. where MOI hes contacls, “Trainers{ Male and Female) who can dedicate 3-4 hours daily for each Peano + The trainers ean be given a salary of Rs,8000-10,000 either by school management or by local Ree es co ere cece + The syllabus can be taught in Minhaj ul Quran affiliated schools, Schools willing to teach Islamic Beane ola eR Cut A elt eae ot Ok lero ele Rell Cum oe rr) also be taught in non-residential madrasschs where school going children learn Deeniyat studies + Syllabus can also be taught during school vacation time as a I-month course. + One lecture per class on weekly basis can be planned so that we get close to 50 lectures per Cera Se a ee ees eed Breet: ee eaters See Sea ees eon Reece oe Sen ee coi! moral stories ,exhibitions on various subjects, quiz competitions, ete. to build an attachment of Seen ea aces Women Empowerment Women empowerment has been one of the main focus areas of MIWF since its inception, Please donate a sewing machine or sponsor a skill development contro. - By gifting a Sewing Machine, you will help « single mother, orphaned toon, or widow make a decont living by helping her to develop skils and thereby generate an income for thelr Family. MIWF centres located in various parts of India will help local women earn the required skills and also assist them to get work for them after the successful course completion. Cur- rently we have plans to run this project in West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Mahorashtra € 3,00,000 = 9,000 MIWF Dialysis ferTal tg) See RM Ren ea ua Ma) plan to assist patients and their families in alleviating the emotional stress eee tet a gear eg ee include dialysis, medications as well os investigations. The number of Dialysis centres in tier 2 83 cities in India are very very loss, eC oko eno Pena ee ee ec eee Re cerca - With an aim to transform the lives of patients afflicted with Kidney Diseases, Ca reenact -We are accepting donations from anyone who'd want to make a difference Ph kt ene che ca) owen ee act ean aca ote i Cree Re) CelLR Uae teeL rol Please donate for new Minhaj school in Madhya Pradesh - Alhamdullich ,MIWF has acquired 0.5 acre land for Minhaj schoo! in Umatio district (MP). The new building that will come up at this land will meet many of our essential needs - a playground for students, space for public events and closses, and offices for academic administrators and faculty members. ~ By Allah's grace, this ccquisition is a mojor step toward our gool of establishing fully accredited, academi- cally committed Minho] school compus. - Please donate for the noble cause. ial © wry LitemcoMe (olatehs-) Cee ol Amat cate h i Me ee ace Coe eet ee eat es Cee cy so that they can eam a respectable livelihood. The initiative was started in Ce RECN ei ei Mu ee ea Cr Roly pee ele ee ean eee aca ane a tet CeCe nicer nt ania ccm yan enna) self-reliant and self-sufficient.The electric vehicle can help them earn a monthly income of upto Rs. 20,000 Our primary goo! in the distribution E- Rickshows/E-Bikes is to provide access to sustainable and affordable transportation, promote economic develop- ment, and alleviate poverty. = 60,000 lee) % 65,000 (oma eure Ramadan Helpfeed -Imagine waking up every moming worried where the next meal is going to come from for you and your family? Imagine going to bed hungry every single night having barely eaten that day? Imagine watching your child ery out from hunger? This is sadly the reality for the 821 million people who go hungry each and every day in some of the world's poorest communities -Food is a bosic necessity for survival and also the key to a healthy life. Without regular healthy meals children struggle to go to school, carers struggle to work and communities are left battling to survive. This Ramadan, MIWF is providing families with urgent food to ensure they are able to have iftacr with a nutritious meal. Our Ramadon food parcel ensures a fomily has enough food during the month of Ramadan Pe eet en od & 2,000 Per Family Microfinance initiative for setting up small businesses SN ae CoC eee mg ne See ae meas ee en cic end Peer aer ~ In response, MIWF has introduced a ‘Mawakhat Program’ which offers small renee corer ts = Usuolly, these individuals do not have access to conventional banking system. They usuelly have the expertise, motivation, end know-how to successfully run a small-seale business. What they seek is seed-money. Sa ee ee aa eae a me Oe eee es ae Me ees sy fo transform their dream of own business in fo reality. The loan money is then collected back in monthly installments without any interest or service charges. eee eee iste DONATE ae Belin Lim SCAN & PAY WITH ANY UPI APP eee ted ACCOUNT NAME: MINHAJ INTERFAITH & WELFARE FOUNDATION Netra ere) sree ust cs Pea BRANCH: CRAWFORD MARKET, MUMBA! Na Maal Cece areronneerea CONTACT INFO @ © Oo MINHAJ Shabbir 96205 64468 sinha Yemeni I donations 4

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