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College of Arts and Sciences

Social Sciences Department

Gen Ed Elec 2: Philippine Indigenous Communities

Name: ___________________________ Schedule: _______________________

Part I: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)

A. True or False: Write 1 for true and 0 for false. Strictly NO erasure.
___1. Indigenous peoples can include hunter-gathers, fisherfolk, nomads and hill people?
___2. Article 18 describes the rights of Indigenous peoples to participate in decision making in
situations that will affect them, as well as the right of Indigenous peoples to maintain their
decision making methods. This is one of the most violated rights of Indigenous peoples.
___3. The Declaration sets out the maximum standards for the particular human rights of
Indigenous peoples.
___4. A signatory does not have to give legal recognition and protection to lands that are
traditionally owned or occupied by Indigenous peoples.
___5. Article 32 states that States shall meet and discuss with Indigenous and their appropriate
representatives to obtain their free, prior and informed consent before approval of any
activities on Indigenous lands likely to affect their lands or resources.
___6. The Declaration (UNDRIP) sets out in one instrument only the collective human rights of
Indigenous peoples.
___7. Article 42 states that the UN and its organizations will promote respect for and full
application for the Declaration, as well as monitoring the effectiveness of the Declaration.
___8. The UNDRIP recognizes that indigenous individuals are entitled without discrimination to
all human rights recognized in national laws, and that indigenous peoples possess
collective rights which are indispensable for their existence, well-being and integral
development as peoples.
___9. Articles 3-6 of the Declaration set out the right of self-determination of indigenous peoples
but it does not mean that they will be a separate sovereign nation or state.
___10. Indigenous peoples have the right to belong to an Indigenous community, according to
its traditions and customs.
___11. Indigenous peoples have the right to practice and develop and teach their spiritual and
religious traditions, customs and ceremonies. They also have the right to privacy for
religious and cultural sites, the right to use and control ceremonial objects, and the right to
repatriation of human remains.
___12. Article 15 gives Indigenous peoples the right to use, develop and teach to future
generations of Indigenous peoples’ their histories and oral traditions as well as keep
traditional names for communities, places, and people.
___13. Indigenous Peoples are entitled to 50 percent compensation from the state in the event
that their means to live and develop are taken away from them.
___14. There is no uniform definition of “Indigenous peoples”.
___15. The Declaration has a limited recognition of the right of Indigenous Peoples to traditional
medicine and the maintenance of their traditional practices because there are already
modern hospitals, clinics and other advanced medical facilities.

B. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Small letters ONLY.
___16. When was the first draft declaration on Indigenous peoples drafted?
a) 1985 b) 1996 c) 2001 d) 2012
___17. In what year was the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
adopted? a) 2005 b) 2007 c) 2006 d) 2008

___18. Which four countries voted against the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on
the Rights of Indigenous Peoples?
a) United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia
b) Kenya, Canada, Bangladesh, Australia
c) Australia, New Zealand, United States, Russia Federation
___19. What are not some typical characteristics of Indigenous Peoples?
a) A unique language, culture, and set of beliefs;
b) A dominant, wealthy position in society;
c) Self-identification as tribal or Indigenous.
___20. How many articles are in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples? a) 47 b) 48 c) 46
___21. What are the two fundamental overarching rights found in the first two Articles of the
a) Right to be free from discrimination and the right to free, prior and informed consent
b) Right to be free from discrimination and the right to full enjoyment of human rights
c) Right to full enjoyment of human rights and the right to free, prior and informed
___22. What articles discuss the implementation of the Declaration?
a) Articles 43-46 b) Articles 33-37 c) Articles 38-40
___23. All other rights in the Declaration support the essential right of Indigenous peoples to:
a) Self determination b) Non-discrimination c) Self-governance
___24. Which Article in the Declaration acknowledges the rights of Indigenous peoples to lands
that they have traditionally owned or occupied?
a) Article 26 b) Article 19 c) Article 28
___25. Is the Declaration (UNDRIP) legally binding on all States around the world?
a) Yes b) No c) Maybe
___26.It advises the UN Economic and Social Council on Indigenous issues related to social
development, culture, the environment, education, health and human rights.
a. Transitional Forum on Indigenous Issues
b. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
c. Permanent Fora on Indigenous Peoples
___27. These are some indigenous communities around the world except one:
a. Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders in Australia
b. Maori in New Zealand
c. Early European migrants in America
___28. What does FPIC stand for according to the Declaration?
a. Free, Prior and Informed Consent
b. Freedom of the Press and Information Concerns
c. Freelance, Press freedom and Informal Consensus
___29. Articles 7 and 8 state that Indigenous individuals and peoples collectively:
a. Have a right to life, liberty and safety.
b. Shall not be forcibly assimilated or have their culture destroyed.
c. Both a & b
___30. During FPIC, the process of informing and negotiation should include:
a. All parties meeting and interacting at an equal level, with no power imbalances.
b. Respect for decision-making process of Indigenous peoples.
c. Respect for the traditional way of life of Indigenous peoples.
d. All of the Above.

Part II: Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA)
A. True or False: Write 1 if the statement is True and write 0 if the statement is False.
___31. Pre-conquest rights to lands and domains which, as far back as memory reaches, have
been held under a claim of private ownership by ICCs/IPs, have never been public lands
and are thus indisputably presumed to have been held that way since before the Spanish
___32. When disputes involve ICCs/IPs, customary laws and practices shall be used side by
side with the Philippine courts to resolve the dispute.
___33. The Department of Labor and Employment partners with NCIP to serve as the primary
government agency through which ICCs/IPs can seek government assistance and as the
medium, through which such assistance may be extended.
___34. The NCIP shall be an independent agency under the Secretary of the Department of
Interior and Local Government (DILG) and shall be composed of seven (7)
Commissioners belonging to ICCs/IPs, one (1) of whom shall be the Chairperson.
___35. Women are excluded from the seven commissioners of the NCIP since hard technical
decisions are most often on the line of work dealing with indigenous peoples on the
___36. The State shall recognize the right of ICCs/IPs to a sustainable agrotechnological
development and shall formulate and implement programs of action for its effective
implementation. The State shall likewise promote the biogenetic and resource
management systems among the ICCs/IPs and shall encourage cooperation among
government agencies to ensure the successful sustainable development of ICCs/IPs.
___37. ICCs/IPs shall have the right to manifest, practice, develop, and teach their spiritual and
religious traditions, customs and ceremonies; the right to maintain, protect and have
access to their religious and cultural sites; the right to use and control of ceremonial
objects; and, the right to the repatriation of human remains.
___38. The State shall endeavor to have the dignity and diversity of the cultures, traditions,
histories and aspirations of the ICCs/IPs appropriately reflected in all forms of education,
public information and cultural educational exchange.
___39. Section 23 of IPRA Law protects IPs to ensure freedom from discrimination and right to
equal opportunity and treatment.
___40. The State shall observe international standards, in particular, the Fourth Geneva
Convention of 1949, for the protection of civilian populations in circumstances of
emergency and armed conflict, and shall not recruit members of the ICCs/IPs against
their will into the armed forces, and in particular, for use against other ICCs/IPs; nor
recruit children of ICCs/IPs into the armed forces under any circumstance; nor force
indigenous individuals to abandon their lands, territories and means of subsistence, or
relocate them in special centers for military purposes under any discriminatory condition

B. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Small letters ONLY.
___41. The primary government agency responsible for the formulation and implementation of
policies, plans and programs to promote and protect the rights and wellbeing of the
ICCs/IPs and the recognition of their ancestral domains as well as the rights.
a. National Commission on Indigenous Peoples
b. National Commission on Islands in the Philippines
c. National Commission on Indigenous Filipinos
___42. How many sections does IPRA Law have? a. 82 b. 83 c. 84
___43. What year was IPRA Law approved? a. 1997 b. 2007 c. 2017
___44. It refers to all areas generally belonging to ICCs/IPs comprising lands, inland waters,
coastal areas, and natural resources therein, held under a claim of ownership, occupied
or possessed by ICCs/IPs, by themselves or through their ancestors, communally or
individually since time immemorial…
a. Ancestral House b. Ancestral Domains c. Native Lands
___45. These refer to organizational and cultural leadership systems, institutions, relationships,
patterns and processes for decision making and participation, identified by ICCs/IPs such
as, but not limited to, Council of Elders, Council of Timuays, Bodong Holders, or any
other tribunal or body of similar nature.
a. Indigenous Peoples Groups b. Native Social Groups c. Indigenous Political
___46. These are responsibilities of ICCs/IPs to their ancestral domains except one:
a. Maintain Ecological Balance
b. Restore Denuded Areas
c. Claim Parts of Reservations
___47. What does CADT mean?
a. Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title
b. Certificate to Anchor Domain Title
c. Certified Ancestors Dwelling Title
___48. These are IP rights protected in IPRA Law except one:
a. Right to Ancestral Domains
b. Right to Basic Needs and Necessities
c. Right to Self Governance and Empowerment
___49. Sections 29-37 spells out this right of IPs:
a. Social Justice and Human Rights
b. Cultural Integrity
c. Right to Basic Needs and Necessities
___50. The State shall continue to strengthen and support the autonomous regions created
under the Constitution as they may require or need.
a. Section 14 b. Section 15 c. Section 16

Part III: Essay (10 Points)

51-60: How do you assess the programs of the National Task Force to End Local Communist
Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) in bringing to the fold of law those Indigenous Peoples
who are members of the Communist Terrorist Group (CTGs)? What are your thoughts on
the red-tagging of Indigenous Peoples?

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