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Ticket agent (Amelia): God morning, can I help you?

Customer (Marysia): God morning, I would like two tickets for the ferry, please.
Ticket agent (Amelia): How old are you?
Customer (Marysia): I am seventeen and my cousin is ten.
Ticket agent (Amelia): Single or return?
Customer (Marysia): I don’t know yet. How much single ticket?
Ticket agent (Amelia): Over fifteen years costs £2,80 and under fifteen years costs £1,40, so
that will be £4,20.
Customer (Marysia): Ok. How much return ticket?
Ticket agent (Amelia): Over fifteen years costs £3,70 and under fifteen years costs £1,85, so
that will be £5,55.
Customer (Marysia): Two singles, please.
Ticket agent (Amelia): Ok.
Customer (Marysia): How can I pay?
Ticket agent (Amelia): You can pay in cash or by card.
Customer (Marysia): I will pay by card, please. How often do the ferries depart?
Ticket agent (Amelia): Ferries depart every twenty minutes.
Customer (Marysia): How long is the ferry ride?
Ticket agent (Amelia): Twenty minutes.
Customer (Marysia): Ok, thank you. Goodbye.
Ticket agent (Amelia): Goodbye.

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