Using and Understanding Mathematics 6th Edition Bennett Test Bank

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Using and Understanding Mathematics 6th Edition Bennett Test Bank

Using and Understanding Mathematics 6th

Edition Bennett Test Bank
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SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

Decide whether the statement makes sense. Explain your reasoning.

1) I drove really far, almost 200 kilometers per hour.
Answer: Does not make sense. Kilometers per hour are a unit of speed, not distance. If you drive fast but only
for a short period of time, you will not go far. (Explanations will vary.)

2) We will need 1800 cubic feet of carpeting to cover the floors in our three-story house.
Answer: Does not make sense. Carpeting covers the area of the floors, not volume. (Indeed, if it covered the
volume of the rooms, there wouldn't be any space left for people or furniture.) Cubic feet are a
measure of volume, not area. (Explanations will vary.)

3) The boat leaked and started filling with water. There must be 50 gallons of water in it already.
Answer: Makes sense. Gallons are a measure of volume and, depending on the size of the boat, 50 gallons
could be a reasonable quantity of water. (Explanations will vary.)

4) I donated 64 fluid ounces of blood today.

Answer: Does not make sense. The units are fine, but 64 fluid ounces are equivalent to 4 pints. A typical
blood donation is one pint; donating four pints would be dangerous. (Explanations will vary.)

5) I got pulled over by a police officer for speeding. I was going 150 kiloliters per second.
Answer: Does not make sense. Kiloliters are a unit of volume, and speed is measured in units of distance
divided by time. (Explanations will vary.)

6) The container was big enough to hold a barrel of water, but it wasn't big enough to hold a barrel of petroleum.
Answer: Makes sense. A barrel of liquid and a barrel of petroleum are two distinct measures of volume. A
barrel of liquid, such as water, is 31 gallons, but a barrel of petroleum is 42 gallons. If the container
were 31-41 gallons, it could hold a barrel of water but not a barrel of petroleum. (Explanations will

7) To convert from Kelvin to Celsius, you subtract 273.15. For example, -100 K = -373.15 °C.
Answer: Does not make sense. The general formula is correct, but the numbers don't make sense. A
temperature of
0 K is the coldest possible temperature, known as absolute zero. A temperature of -100 K is
theoretically impossible. (Explanations will vary.)

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the

question. Evaluate.
1 1
8) +
7 6
42 13 13 13

Visit to get complete for all chapters

A) B) C) D)
13 21 84 42
Answer: D

1 1
9) -
2 4
1 1 1 1
A) B) - C) - D)
2 4 2 4

Answer: D

2 ×
10) 9

1 2 9 2
A) B) C) D)
9 19 2 9
Answer: D

4 1
11) ÷
3 7
8 14 28 4
A) B) C) D)
21 3 3 21

Answer: C

3 5
12) +
4 3
24 29 29 12
A) B) C) D)
29 6 12 29

Answer: C

9 1
13) -
5 4
8 31 41
A) 2 B) C) D)
5 20 20

Answer: C

3 1
14) ×
2 1
3 1 3
A) B) C) D) 1
2 2 4

Answer: A

5 2
15) ÷
2 5
4 25 5
A) B) C) 1 D)
25 4 2

Answer: B

1 1 1
16) + +
3 4 5
49 43 47 3
A) B) C) D)
60 60 60 4

Answer: C

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(Part II) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916, 109

Outdoor Relief (Friendly Societies) Act, 1904, 196

Overseas (Credits and Insurance) Amendment Act, 1921, 204
Trade (Credits and Insurance) Act, 1920, 204

“Peels Act,” 1825, 46

Prevention of Employment Bill, 1919, 110
Price of Coal Limitation Act, 1915, 157

Railways Act, 1921, 168

Reform Act, 1832, 47
Representation of the People Act, 1832 (Reform Act), 47
Regulation of the Forces Act, 1871, 164
Relief Regulation Order, 1911, 195
Right to Work Bills, 124
Roads Acts, 1920, 191

Shops Acts, 142

Trade Boards Acts, 142, 149, 250

Trade Disputes Act, 1906, 33, 249
Facilities Act, 1921, 199, 200, 203, 204, 245
Unemployed Workmen’s Act, 1905, 115, 175
Bill, 1907, 124
Workers’ Dependents (Temporary Provision) Act, 1921, 183, 184,
185, 186, 196
Unemployment Insurance Act, 1920, 176, 262
(Temporary Provisions Amendment) Act, 1920, 181
Act, 1921, 178, 180, 181, 183
(No. 2) Act, 1921, 178, 181
Act, 1922, 184, 197
(Relief Works) Act, 1920, 191
Insurance Acts, 109,116,118,142, 174, 183, 184, 196

Work, Right to, Bills (see Right to Work)

Workmen’s Compensation Acts, 142


Acworth, Sir William, 100

Askwith, Lord, 135

Barnes, Rt. Hon. G. N., 30

Beer, M., 48, 49, 79
Bell, Richard, 21
Benbow, William, 47
Bevan, E., 254
Blanc, Louis, 125
Booth, Charles, 50
Bowley, Professor, 139, 157, 274, 305
Burns, Rt. Hon. John, 127, 128
Burt, Rt. Hon. Thomas, 21
Cameron, Alex. G., 63
Cave, Lord, 250
Cole, G. D. H., 44
Connolly, James, 51
Cox, Harold, 93, 105, 125, 127
Crooks, Will, 22

Duckham, Sir Arthur, 159

Emerson, 98
Engels, 73
Estey, Prof. J. A., 43

Farrar, C. F., 9

George, Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd, 156, 253

George, Henry, 50, 101
Goodenough, F. C, 243, 244
Goschen, Sir Harry, 198
Gosling, Harry, 72

Hardie, Keir, 21, 22, 27, 54

Henderson, Rt. Hon. Arthur, 22, 23, 30, 59, 65, 67, 72, 77, 112, 254
Hodge, Rt. Hon. John, 30
Huysmans, Camille, 77
Hyder, Joseph, 104
Hyndman, H. M., 50, 52, 53

Kindersley, Sir Robert, 200

Kitchener, Lord, 136

Lane, William, 98
Law, Rt. Hon. A. Bonar, 136
Lenin, 73, 79
Leon, Daniel de, 54
Lesser, Henry, 260, 261
Leverhulme, Lord, 214
Lloyd-Greame, Sir Philip, 204
Long, Lord, 175

MacDonald, Ramsay, 67, 72, 124

McDougall, Professor, 232
McKenna, Rt. Hon. R., 139, 240, 242
Mackenzie, Sir Wm., 148, 168
Mallock, W. H., 98
Mann, Tom, 51
Marriott, M.P., J. A. R., 126
Marx, Karl, 49, 50, 73, 280, 251, 282, 283, 284, 285
Miliukov, Dr., 52
Morris, William, 50, 52

Owen, Robert, 47, 98

Palme Dutt, R., 74
Plender, Sir William, 200
Postgate, R. W., 65
Pratt, Edwin A., 99

Rew, Sir Henry, 174

Roberts, Rt. Hon. G. H., 30
Rowntree, B. Seebohm, 305
Runciman, Rt. Hon. Walter, 156

St. Aldwyn, Lord, 156

St. Davids, Lord, 187
Schuster, Col., 200
Shackleton, Sir David, 22
Shadwell, Dr., 41, 53
Stamp, Sir Josiah, 94
Stuart-Bunning, Mr., 67

Thomas, Albert, 65
Thomas, Emile, 126
Thomas, Rt. Hon. J. H., 72

Vandervelde, Emile, 65

Wallace, Dr. Alfred R., 101

Watson, Sir Alfred, 186, 260
Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney, 50, 76, 80, 93, 254
Weir, Lord, 291
Whitley, Rt. Hon. J. H., 143, 265
Williams, Robert, 84
Withers, Hartley, 92, 304
Wolfe, Humbert, 133


Berne (Socialist Conferences), 65, 67, 73;

Reconstitution Second International, 65
Brook Farm, Socialist Phalanx at, 98

Clyde, Strikes of 1916, 52;

Causes of, 52;
How engineered, 79;
Success of Works’ Committees on the, 267;
Workers’ Committee, 80

Geneva, Resolutions on Socialism, 67, 68

Hollesley Bay, Farm Colony at, 127

Kienthal Conference, 65

Laindon, Colony at, 128

Lucerne Conference, 67
Minsk, 83
Moscow, 74

North America, Socialist Phalanx in, 98

Paris, 65, 67, 73, 77

Poland, 81, 83
Poplar, Guardians, 198
Port Sunlight, 214

Russia, 77, 82, 83, 84, 120

South Ockenden, Farm Colony at, 128

South Wales, Miners’ Strike 138, 155
Stockholm Conference, 65

Vienna, 75

Washington, Conference at, 238

Wisconsin, Socialistic Phalanx at, 98

Zimmerwald Conference, 65


“Accountant,” 204
“Bolshevism, an International Danger” (Miliukov), 52

“Call,” 5
“Case for Capitalism” (Withers), 92
“Case for Land Nationalization” (Hyder), 104
“Co-operative Magazine,” 40

“Daily Herald,” 42, 84

“Division of the Product of Industry” (Bowley), 274, 305

“Economic Liberty” (Cox), 93, 125, 127

“Edinburgh Review,” 9
“Evening Standard,” 9

“German v. British Railways” (Pratt), 99

“Group Mind” (McDougall), 232
“Guild Socialism Restated” (Cole), 44

“Historical Sketch of State Railway Ownership” (Acworth), 100

“Histoire des Ateliers Nationaux” (Thomas), 126
“History of British Socialism” (Beer), 48, 49, 79
“History of Trade Unionism” (Webb), 50, 76, 80
“Human Needs of Labour” (Rowntree), 305

“Industrial Democracy” (Webb), 76

“Justice,” 53
“Labour and the New Social Order,” 57, 85
“Labour International Handbook,” 74
“Labour Leader,” 54
“Labour Party and the Countryside,” 89
“Labour Supply and Regulation” (Wolfe), 133
“Land Nationalization” (Cox), 105
“Life and Labour in London” (Booth), 50

“Nineteenth Century,” 9

“Official Policy for reconstruction after the War,” 231

“Organization du travail” (Blanc), 125

“Poverty and Waste” (Withers), 304

“Prices and Wages in the United Kingdom” (Bowley), 139, 157
“Progress and Poverty” (George), 50, 101

“Quarterly Review,” 9

“Red Catechism,” 281

“Revolutionary Movement in Great Britain” (Shadwell), 41, 53
“Revolutionary Syndicalism” (Estey), 43
“Right to Work” (Marriott), 126

“Socialist,” 55
“Socialist Standard,” 55
“State and Revolution” (Lenin), 73
“Sunday Times,” 9

“Two internationals” (Palme Dutt), 65, 74

“Times,” 9, 41, 191, 243
“Trade Unionism and Political Action,” 29

“Unemployment: A Labour Policy,” 118

“Workers’ International” (Postgate), 65


Amalgamated (Society of Engineers) Engineering Union, 29, 30, 78,

136, 267
American Socialist Party, Connection with Socialist Labour Party, 54

Bolsheviks, 73
British Socialist Party, 53, 58
Building Trade Unions, 119

Communist Party of Great Britain, 53, 74

Electrical Trades Union, 77

Electoral Labour Committee, 21

Fabian Research Department, 54

Fabian Society, 21, 25, 53
Federation of British Industries, 239, 255
General Federation of Trade Unions, 26
General Workers’ Union, 30

“Hands Off Russia” Committee, 52

Harmony Community of Equality, 98
Herald League, 25

Independent Labour Party, 21, 25, 54, 74

Industrial Workers of the World, 51, 55, 79
Interim Industrial Reconstruction Committees, 143
International Labour Organization, 253

Jewish Socialist Party, 25

Joint Council, 26

Labour Party, Evolution of, 21;

Constitution, 1900, 21, 22;
Reconstitution, 1918, 22;
Objects, 23;
Membership, 25;
Finance, 25;
Sectarian characteristics, 27;
Want of leadership, 30;
General Policy, 32;
Adoption of Socialism, 46;
Home Socialistic Programme, 56, 85, 224, 226;
International Socialistic Programme, 68;
Approval of Direct Action, 76;
Policy for Unemployment, 106, 124
Labour Representation Committee, 21, 22, 52
Labour Representation League, 21
Labour Research Department, 54
Land Nationalization Society, 101
League of Nations, 37, 38
Local Labour Parties, 23, 28

Miners’ Federation of Great Britain, 44

Ministry of Labour, The work of the, 153;
The need of a real, 251
Ministry of Munitions, 137

National Council of Social Service, 196

National Federation of Employers’ Approved Societies, 258, 260, 261
National Guilds League, 55
National Joint Council, 26
National Socialist Party, 53
National Union of Railwaymen, 30
National Union of Sailors and Firemen, 77

Parliamentary Labour Party, 22, 27

Plumbers’ Union, 29
Post Office, 99, 100
Shipyard Labour Department, 212, 288
Social Democratic Federation, 21, 25, 52, 55
Socialist Labour Party of Glasgow, 51, 54, 79
Socialist League, 52
Socialist Party of Great Britain, 55
Socialist Societies, 52

Trades Councils, 22, 25

Trades Union Congress, 21, 25, 50, 122

Women’s Labour League, 25

Works’ Societies, 262


Administrative Staff, Capital and, 231;

Manual Workers and, 232
Agitation, Workers’ belief in, 216
Agriculture, Councils for, 90;
Government’s new policy in 1921, Repeal of Corn Production
Act, 1917, a “breach of faith,” 171;
Government war-time control, 171;
Joint Conciliation Committees, 172;
Labour’s Policy for, 35, 89;
Unemployment Insurance, 174;
Control by Workers of, 91;
Wages Board, 171, 172, 173, 174
Approved Societies, National Federation of Employees, 261
Arbitration, Industrial, under Munitions Act, 137;
Failure of compulsory, 137;
under Industrial Courts Act, 148, 248
Aspirations, The Three Dominant Industrial, 222
Ateliers nationaux, Failure of, 126

Bolshevism, An International Danger, by Dr. Miliukov, 52;

Repudiation of, by Second International, 72;
The Essentials of, 73
“Brooklands” Agreement, 1893, 146

Capital, Marxian Fallacy of the Origin of, 282

Capital, and Administrative Staff, 231;
and Manual Workers, 231
Capitalism, 38, 41;
Alleged defects of, 95;
Our Debt to, 93;
Meaning of, 92;
Socialists’ description of, 41;
Where Reform is needed, 97
Census of Production, 1907, 273
Chartism, Labour’s connection with, 47
Chief Industrial Commissioner’s Department, Absorption in Ministry
of Labour, 142
Citizen, The duty of the, 305
Coal Industry, Failure of Part II of 1920 Act, 162;
Government war-time control, 157;
Mining Industry Act, 1920, 159;
Pre-war conditions in, 155;
Royalties, 163;
South Wales Strike, 1915, 155;
Strike of October 1920, 160;
Strike of April 1921, 161;
Government policy, 163;
Sankey Commission, 158;
Government’s action on Report of, 117
Combinations and Monopolies, Regulation of, 254
Committee on Production, 135, 136
Communism, Its meaning, 74;
First Communist International Congress, 74;
Communist Party of Great Britain, 53, 74
Community, Industry and, 233;
Protection of, 248;
Workers and, 220;
Wages and, 273
Competition, Labour’s objection to, 32, 58, 96
Conciliation, Machinery for, Industry’s own, 143, 144;
State’s, 148;
Preferable to intervention, 247
Consumer, Responsibility of the, 303
Contentment in Industry, What it depends on, 256, 263, 271, 279
Control of Industry, 58, 60
Co-operation, Between Employers and Unions at beginning of war,
The Marxian argument against, 281;
The Workers’ own resort to, 280;
Methods of securing, 289
Co-operative Movement, 24, 39, 121;
Emergency Conference of, 25
Cost of Living, Labour Party Committee on, 141;
Recommendations of Joint Committee on, 114;
Relation of Wages to, 140;
Summer Committee on, 140
Council of Action, 31;
Establishment of, 82
County Wages Committees, 90
Currency, Inflation of, 139

Debts, Inter-Allies, 242

Demand for Labour, Equalization of, 256
Demarcation of work, between Trade Unions, 29;
Effect on industry, 300
Democracy and Dictatorship, 66
Depression, Policy for Present trade, 235
Dilution, Meaning of, 134;
“Treasury” Agreements, 135;
How introduced on Clyde, 267
Direct Action, Meaning and qualities of, 76;
Labour Party’s adoption of, 80, 81;
On the Clyde, 1916, 78
Discontent and its Causes, 213
Dockers’ Inquiry, 273
Dock Strike, 1889, 50

Educational System, Reorganisation of, 34, 118

Electricity, Nationalization of production of, 85, 86
Employers, Suspicion of, 218
Employment, Dependence on demand, 126
Employment Exchanges, 142, 151, 176, 177
Environment, Effect of bad, 214
Exchanges, Stabilizing the, 239
Executive Management a matter for Employers, 269
Expenditure, Reduction of National, 237
Export Credits Scheme, 200, 204, 244;
General Guarantees, 206;
Specific Guarantees, 205

Factory Conditions, Regulation of, 247

Farm Colony Fiascos, 127
Finance, Labour’s Scheme of, 121;
Labour’s vagueness with regard to, 227;
Revolution in Public, 36
Financial Policy, Revision of National, 240
General Election of 1900, 21;
of 1906, 22;
of 1910, 22;
of 1918, 22
“George Scheme,” For confiscating rent, 101;
Argument for, 102;
Answer to, 103
German indemnity, 121
Government’s normal labour policy, 142;
Policy for present depression, 235;
Proper normal relation to industry, 246;
Policy with regard to coal industry, 155;
Railways, 164;
Agriculture, 171

Human Relationships in Industry, Enumeration of, 230

Human Status in Industry, Dissatisfaction of worker with, 215, 222,
Means for conferring on workers’, 263

Ignorance of Worker about Industry, 212

Imperialism, 37, 38
Improvement, Desire for, 216
Industrial Conference, 1919, 117;
Labour’s recommendations to, 111;
Labour’s Report to, 59;
Rt. Hon. A. Henderson’s Addendum to, 112
Industrial Conciliation Machinery, Description of, 143, 144, 147;
The Slowness of Ordinary, 263
Industrial Research, 250
Industrial Revolution (1780-1830), 93
Industries and Businesses, Control of Capitalistic, 88;
to be nationalized, 85
Industry, and the Consuming Community, 233;
and the Nation, 233;
Ignorance about, 212
Insurance, by Industry or Industries, 259;
by State or Industry, 258;
State, 259
Insurance Companies, Nationalization of, 87
Inter-Allies Debts, 242
Internationals, The First, 65;
The Old Second, 65;
The New Second, 67;
The Third or “Moscow,” 53, 73;
Vienna or “Two-and-a-half,” 75
International Co-operation, 37
International Financial Conference 1920, 236, 305
International Labour Charter, 1919, 66
International Peace, Establishment of, 236

Job-Finding Organization, Need of a, 258

Joint Industrial Councils, 143, 265
Joint National Councils, 265
Justice, The Need in Industry of Strict, 286

Labour Exchanges, see Employment Exchanges.

Labour, Government Departments concerned in administration of, 142
Labour Management, Effect of relieving Employers of responsibility
for, 138
Labour Party, see Organizations
Labour Problem, What it is, 15;
Solution of, 18
Landlordism, Labour’s proposal for abolition of, 90
Land Nationalization, 58;
Conceptions underlying each Scheme, 102;
different schemes of, 100;
“George” or Taxing-out Scheme, 101, 102, 103;
Nationalization Society’s or “State Purchase” Scheme, 101, 102;
Socialist Confiscation Schemes, 101, 102, 103;
Disadvantages of, 105
Liquor Control, 87

Maintenance of Workers, 114, 115, 118, 122, 124

Manual Workers, Administrative Staff and the, 232;
Capital and the, 231;
Inter se, 232
Mines, Nationalization of, 85, 86

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