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 Staggering/roaring/resounding success: great success

 Without a hitch: without difficulty

+ without fail: when you tell sb to do sth without fail, you are telling them that they must do it

Ex: I want you here by two o’clock without fail

3. It was alawming the way the young girl got so fired up about trivial things.
 Fire up: make sb so excited or interested in something
4. The outreach programme provides the elderly citizens with access to support and home care.
 Outreach: an effort to bring services or information to people where they live or spend time

Jargon: special words and phrases that are used by particular groups of people, especially in their work

military/legal/computer jargon

5. Augmented reality: images produced by a computer and used together with a view of the real
6. Their latest track record has, in the main, been a positive one.
 In the main: generally or mostly
7. Above and beyond: more than a particular amount or level

Out and out: completely ( out-and- out lie)

On and off: happening or existing only some of the time

Ex: He worked on and off as a bicycle messenger, but he never found a permanent work.

Down and out: having no luck, money, and no opportunities.

Ex: a down-and-out loser

8. Above board: honest, not trying to deceive anyone

9. More by accident than design: because of luck and not because of skills or organization
10. be ahead of the pack: to be more successful than other people who are trying to achieve the
same things as you

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