Workbook 5

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In 12 Numbers, Fourdistinct Series

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JB Zip/iincott and C? F a c s im il e E d it io n by

« F e n t o n , M ic h ig a n
Entered according to Act o f Congress, in the year 1864, by Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman & Co., New York Copyright © 1985 by Mott Media, Printed in U.S.A.
T he T hirteen Short L etters are F ormed by a U nion of the First T hree P rinciples

Application of P rinciples to the Short-Extented Letters

3 } .* .1

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Application of the P rinciples to the Loop Letters

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g £ z A^ y y f y ^ ^ . r j t s i + y - .- A '7! Z z A '/ v A '-c G

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From Hon. E. E. White, State Superintendent o f Public Instruction, “ Michigan State Normal School, Ypsilanti, May, 1863.— We take
O hio:— “ The Spencerian System is being widely studied and copied as great pleasure in giving our testimony to the excellence o f the ‘ Spencerian
the Model System. It combines the highest beauty o f form, and accords System o f Penmanship,’ by P. R. Spencer and his Associates. This
with the natural laws o f muscular movement. Copy-books published System is now adopted in the Michigan Normal School, and is giving
a few years ago, and embodying distinct and individual systems o f pen­ complete satisfaction. We deem this recommendation an act o f justice,
manship, have at each subsequent revision approached the Spencerian. not only to the superiority o f the System, but also to Mr. P. R. Spencer,
This fact shows conclusively that a system o f writing so universally to whom belongs the credit o f first originating and introducing a com­
regarded a model, and imitated as such, is worthy o f being styled PAR plete System o f Penmanship in this country.”
From Perkins Bass, Principal State Normal University, Bloomington,
The Boards o f Education o f Milwaukee, Wis; Madison, Wis: Daven­ 111.:— “ This may certify that the ‘ Spencerian System o f Penmanship’
port, Iowa; New Albany, Ind; Galesburg, 111; and Owego, N. Y .; have was adopted by the State Board o f Education about one year since;
recently, after a fair trial o f several o f the leading Systems, adopted that the System is regularly used in the Penmanship Department o f the
The Spencerian as the best adapted to Public Schools. Institution, giving the utmost satisfaction, both as to results and as to
methods o f teaching.”
From all the Teachers o f the Public Schools o f B uffalo:— “ The
Spencerian System has been taught in the Public Schools o f Buffalo The following resolution was passed by the Illinois State Board o f
for the past ten years continuously, and is now regarded as an indispen­ Education, June 27th, 1862:— “ Resolved. * * * That we cordially
sable branch o f public instruction. In our opinion, it can have no equal approve the ‘ Spencerian System o f Penmanship,’ and earnestly com ­
as a means o f instruction in the Art o f Writing.” mend it and the systematic methods o f teaching the same to the schools
o f the State.”
From Hon. Oran Faville, State Supt. o f Public Instruction o f Iowa:—
“ The Spencerian System o f Penmanship has been introduced into the
From Charles H. Allen, Principal o f Wisconsin State Normal
Com mon Schools o f this State, and gives general satisfaction I am
School:— “ From a careful examination o f the System, and from having
acquainted with no System that I consider equal to it. ”
seen the results o f lessons in it, we have been led to adopt the ‘ Spencerian
From Richard Edwards, A .M ., late Principal o f Normal School, St. System o f Penmanship’ in our Normal School.”
Louis, M o:— I have had a good opportunity for observing the Spencerian
Method o f teaching Penmanship. It seems to me the best, everything From Major General J. A. Garfield, late President o f Western Reserve
considered, that I have ever seen in use in the school-room. The Eclectic Institute, Hiram, O .:— “ The Spencerian is the System o f this
philosophical arrangement o f the principles is so happily perfected, that entire region.”
students become interested in it to a degree I never have seen equaled. ”
From Hon. J. W . Bulkley, Superintendent o f Public Schools,
From Hon. Samuel L. Rugg, Superintendent o f Public Instruction:— Brooklyn, N. Y .:— “ The lessons progressively develop every principle
“ Indianapolis, Ind. June, 1863.—Gentlemen, My attention was recently o f Penmanship, from the simplest to the most com plex.”
called to the revised Series o f Copy-books for instruction in the
‘ Spencerian System o f Practical Penmanship,’ with which System I have From the Teachers o f the Public Schools o f Pittsburg and Allegheny
been acquainted for several years. I most earnestly recommend that these City, P a.:— “ Eminently superior to any we know .”
Copy-books be used in all the schools o f the State. ”
From Anson Smyth, Superintendent o f Public Schools, Cleveland,
Bryant, Stratton & C o.’ s Commercial Colleges, the largest chain o f O hio:— “ With the Spencerian System o f Penmanship I am greatly
Commercial Colleges in the world, use the Spencerian exclusively, and pleased. It is, in my estimation, without an equal. I should be glad to
commend it in the highest terms. see it introduced into all the schools o f Ohio. ”

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