THE Sun Bears

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Sun bears
A report text created by
Dyah Tantri, Ayu Arsani and Dyah Ridhi.

We would like to present about

report text. With the tittle 'Sun Bear',
Sun Bear in Bahasa is beruang madu.
Before that, for the report text, we
divided into 4 paragraphs.
The definition
of sun bears

The Sun Bears (Helarctos Malayanus) is a small bear

and even the smallest of the eight types of bears in the

Sun Bear is a species inn the family ursidae occurring in

the tropical forest of southeast Asia. In Indonesia sun
bear is a typical animal of Bengkulu Province.
of sun bears
In addition to its relatively small size, the
sun bear’s fur also tends to be short,
smooth but shiny and in black color. In
general, their eyes are black or blue with a
relatively wider nose but not as muzzle as
the Habitat
of sun beasr
The dwelling of this animal is in a primary
forest or secondary forest that is commonly
used as an agricultural area. Sun bears are
common in trees with a height of 2-7 meters.

Their habitat mostly in Southeast Asian

tropical forests, including tropical evergreen
rainforest, montane forest and swamp
the type of
sun bears
Sun bears are omnivorous animals.
They feed on sweet fruits, small
rodents, birds, termites, and other

These animals are among the

protected as their numbers continueto
decline due to their changing habitat.
thank you

for the attention !

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