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Market Research Candidacy Assignment

Participant 1:

1. Name of Participant: Dhruv Wadhwa

2. Email of Participant: :

3. Age* (Choose Any 1)

☐ <18
☐18 to 25
☐ 26 to 35
☐ 36 to 45
☐ 46 to 55
☐ >55

Section 1

1. When you think of the word 'Cancer' what comes to mind?

Choose any 5 words.*
Leukemia, chemotherapy, tumor, sick , surgery
2. When you think of the word 'Oncology' what comes to mind?
Choose any 3 words.*
Cancer, therapy, radiation
3. Have You visited any Cancer Care Hospital or Centre for someone you know / yourself?*
☐ Yes
☐ No

4. If yes, which hospital did you visit and how was your experience? (Please elaborate on what
you liked about the hospital or services, what are the improvement areas, if any etc)*
I am a medical student who studies in Haryana and I have visited the Regional Cancer Hospital,
PGIMS, Rohtak once. My experience of the visit was fine- like there were a lot of cancer
patients for the treatment. The medical services were pretty much good, everything was
organised and managed properly. Only the improvement area, I can think of the more frequent
visits of the doctors and a proper space to stay for the relatives of the patients.

Page 1
5. Which are the top 3 Hospitals you would visit or recommend for Cancer treatment for your
loved ones?* (Choose Any 3)
☐ All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) – New Delhi
☐ Apollo Hospitals
☐ AMRI Hospitals
☐ BM Birla Heart Research Centre - Kolkata
☐ Bhagirathi Neotia Woman & Child Care Centre - Kolkata
☐ Belle Vue Clinic - Kolkata
☐ Desun Hospitals
☐ Fortis Healthcare Limited
☐ Rabindranath Tagore International Institute of Cardiac Sciences - Kolkata
☐ Ruby General Hospital Ltd. - Kolkata
☐ Medica Superspecialty Hospitals
☐ Max Healthcare
☐ Medanta
☐ Peerless Hospitex Hospital & Research Centre Limited - Kolkata
☐ Sir Ganga Ram Hospital – New Delhi
☐ Tata Memorial Hospital / Tata Medical Center
☐ The Calcutta Medical Research Institute - Kolkata
☐ Netaji Subhash Cancer Hospitals
☐ Saroj Gupta Cancer Centre & Research Institute
☐ Other (mention) _____________

5. i. First Choice of hospital (selected above): _______________

Why would you select the above?* (Choose Upto 3)
☐ Quality of treatment
☐ Price of treatment
☐ Wide range of services
☐ Word of mouth
☐ Quality of Doctors
☐ Qualification of Doctors
☐ Infrastructural Facilities
☐ Other (mention) _____________

Page 2
Section 2

1.i. Do you read newspapers online?*

☐ Yes
☐ No

ii. If yes, which are the top 3 News Apps used by you?* (Choose Any 3)
☐ ABP Live
☐ 24 Ghanta
☐ Kolkata TV
☐ Republic TV
☐ TV9
☐ Google News
☐ Dailyhunt
☐ Jio News
☐ Other (mention) _Economic Times___________
☐ No, I do not use news apps

2. Which is your most used social media app?* (Choose Any 1)

☐ Facebook
☐ Youtube
☐ Twitter
☐ Instagram
☐ No I do not use any app

3. How would you best like to know about new medical services brought by top hospitals in
your city?* (Choose Any 2)
☐ Newspaper
☐ TV
☐ Radio/FM
☐ Social Media/Online
☐ Word of Mouth
☐ Outdoor branding (bus/metro stations etc)
☐ Hoardings
☐ Other (mention) from seniors in the hospital

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Participant 2:

1. Name of Participant: Poonam Wadhwa

2. Email of Participant: :

3. Age* (Choose Any 1)

☐ <18
☐ 18 to 25
☐ 26 to 35
☐ 36 to 45
☐ 46 to 55
> ☐ 55

Section 1

1. When you think of the word 'Cancer' what comes to mind?

Choose any 5 words.*
Blood cancer, chemo, throat cancer, deadly, tumor

2. When you think of the word 'Oncology' what comes to mind?

Choose any 3 words.*
Treatment, medicine, cancer

3. Have You visited any Cancer Care Hospital or Centre for someone you know / yourself?*
☐ Yes
☐ No

4. If yes, which hospital did you visit and how was your experience? (Please elaborate on what
you liked about the hospital or services, what are the improvement areas, if any etc)*
Haven’t visited

5. Which are the top 3 Hospitals you would visit or recommend for Cancer treatment for your
loved ones?* (Choose Any 3)
☐ All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) – New Delhi
☐ Apollo Hospitals
☐ AMRI Hospitals
☐ BM Birla Heart Research Centre - Kolkata
☐ Bhagirathi Neotia Woman & Child Care Centre - Kolkata
☐ Belle Vue Clinic - Kolkata
☐ Desun Hospitals

Page 4
☐ Fortis Healthcare Limited
☐ Rabindranath Tagore International Institute of Cardiac Sciences - Kolkata
☐ Ruby General Hospital Ltd. - Kolkata
☐ Medica Superspecialty Hospitals
☐ Max Healthcare
☐ Medanta
☐ Peerless Hospitex Hospital & Research Centre Limited - Kolkata
☐ Sir Ganga Ram Hospital – New Delhi
☐ Tata Memorial Hospital / Tata Medical Center
☐ The Calcutta Medical Research Institute - Kolkata
☐ Netaji Subhash Cancer Hospitals
☐ Saroj Gupta Cancer Centre & Research Institute
☐ Other (mention) _____________

5. i. First Choice of hospital (selected above): _______________

Why would you select the above?* (Choose Upto 3)
☐ Quality of treatment
☐ Price of treatment
☐ Wide range of services
☐ Word of mouth
☐ Quality of Doctors
☐ Qualification of Doctors
☐ Infrastructural Facilities
☐ Other (mention) _____________

Page 5
Section 2

1.i. Do you read newspapers online?*

☐ Yes
☐ No

ii. If yes, which are the top 3 News Apps used by you?* (Choose Any 3)
☐ ABP Live
☐ 24 Ghanta
☐ Kolkata TV
☐ Republic TV
☐ TV9
☐ Google News
☐ Dailyhunt
☐ Jio News
☐ Other (mention) _Inshorts, Facebook____________
☐ No, I do not use news apps

2. Which is your most used social media app?* (Choose Any 1)

☐ Facebook
☐ Youtube
☐ Twitter
☐ Instagram
☐ No I do not use any app

3. How would you best like to know about new medical services brought by top hospitals in
your city?* (Choose Any 2)
☐ Newspaper
☐ TV
☐ Radio/FM
☐ Social Media/Online
☐ Word of Mouth
☐ Outdoor branding (bus/metro stations etc)
☐ Hoardings
☐ Other (mention) _____________

Page 6
Assignment Analysis
Candidate’s Name (mention your name): Srishti Wadhwa
Candidate’s Mobile Number: 9416737110
Candidate’s Email Address:

Survey Report on Market Research: Exploring Cancer Care Perceptions and Preferences

This survey report provides valuable insights into the perceptions and preferences regarding
cancer care among two different demographic groups. Candidate 1, Dhruv Wadhwa, represents
the 18-25 age range, while candidate 2, Poonam Wadhwa, falls within the 36-45 age range.
Their responses shed light on various aspects, including thoughts on cancer and oncology,
experiences with cancer care hospitals, recommended hospitals for treatment, media
consumption habits, and preferred sources of information.

Candidate 1 - Dhruv Wadhwa:

Thoughts on Cancer:
Dhruv associated cancer with the words "Leukemia, chemotherapy, tumor, sick, and surgery."
These words reflect his understanding of the disease and its related treatments and procedures.

Thoughts on Oncology:
When asked to provide three words associated with oncology, Dhruv mentioned "Cancer,
Therapy, Radiation." This indicates his perception of oncology as a field connected to cancer
treatment and therapies.

Experience with Cancer Care Hospitals:

As a medical student studying in Haryana, Dhruv has visited the Regional Cancer Hospital,
PGIMS, Rohtak, once. He described his experience as positive, highlighting the proper
organization and management of medical services. However, Dhruv suggested areas for
improvement, including more frequent doctor visits and the provision of adequate
accommodations for patient relatives.

Recommended Hospitals for Cancer Treatment:

Dhruv recommended AIIMS (New Delhi), Apollo Hospital, and Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (also in
New Delhi) as the top three hospitals for cancer treatment. His choices were based on factors
such as the quality and price of treatment, as well as the reputation and expertise of the doctors.

Page 7
Media Consumption Habits:
Dhruv confirmed that he reads newspapers online, indicating his engagement with digital news

Preferred News Apps:

TOI, Google News, and Economic Times are the top three news apps used by Dhruv, reflecting
his preference for these platforms to stay updated on various topics, including medical

Most Used Social Media App:

Dhruv mentioned Instagram as his most used social media app, which could be relevant for
hospitals and healthcare providers seeking effective ways to engage with the target demographic.

Preferred Sources of Information on New Medical Services:

To learn about new medical services offered by top hospitals in his city, Dhruv expressed a
preference for hoardings and receiving information from senior students and doctors at his
MBBS college. This suggests a reliance on both offline and interpersonal channels for obtaining
medical information.

Candidate 2 - Poonam Wadhwa:

Thoughts on Cancer:
Poonam associated cancer with the words "Blood Cancer, chemo, throat cancer, deadly, tumor."
These words reflect her perception of cancer as a potentially life-threatening disease and the
treatments associated with it.

Thoughts on Oncology:
When asked for three words associated with oncology, Poonam mentioned "treatment, medicine,
cancer." Her response indicates an understanding of oncology as a field focused on cancer
treatment and the use of medications.

Experience with Cancer Care Hospitals:

Poonam stated that she hasn't visited any cancer care hospitals, suggesting a lack of personal
experience with such facilities.

Recommended Hospitals for Cancer Treatment:

Poonam recommended AIIMS (New Delhi), Medanta, and Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (also in New
Delhi) as the top three hospitals for cancer treatment. Her choices were influenced by factors
such as the quality of treatment, price, and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Media Consumption Habits:

Poonam confirmed that she reads newspapers online, indicating her engagement with digital
news sources.

Preferred News Apps:

Page 8
Google News, Inshorts, and Facebook are the top three news apps used by Poonam, indicating
her preferred platforms for accessing news and information.

Most Used Social Media App:

Poonam mentioned YouTube as her most used social media app, which provides insight into her
preferred online platform for entertainment and content consumption.

Preferred Sources of Information on New Medical Services:

To learn about new medical services brought by top hospitals in her city, Poonam expressed a
preference for television and hoardings. This highlights her reliance on traditional media
channels for obtaining information.

This survey report presents valuable insights into the perceptions and preferences regarding
cancer care among different age groups. Dhruv's responses reflect the views of a young medical
student, while Poonam's responses offer perspectives from an older age bracket. The findings
emphasize the importance of factors such as treatment quality, price, reputation, and word-of-
mouth recommendations when selecting hospitals for cancer care. Furthermore, the report
highlights the significance of online platforms, social media apps, and traditional media channels
in disseminating information about new medical services provided by top hospitals.


The survey results provide valuable insights into the perceptions and preferences regarding
cancer care. The associations with cancer and oncology words demonstrate a general
understanding of the disease and its related treatments. It is encouraging to note that the visited
cancer care hospital received positive feedback, highlighting the importance of well-organized
and managed medical services. The recommended hospitals were chosen based on factors such
as treatment quality, price, and the reputation of doctors. This emphasizes the significance of
these aspects in the decision-making process for cancer treatment.

The preference for reading newspapers online suggests a digital shift in news consumption
habits. Popular news apps like TOI, Google News, and Economic Times are favored sources for
staying updated on various topics, including medical advancements. Furthermore, social media
platforms like Instagram and YouTube are prominent choices for engagement and content
Interestingly, while online channels are preferred for news consumption, traditional advertising
methods such as hoardings and television still hold importance when it comes to learning about
new medical services brought by top hospitals. This underlines the need for a well-rounded
marketing approach that encompasses both online and offline channels to effectively reach and
inform the target audience.

Overall, the survey results shed light on the evolving dynamics of healthcare information
consumption and highlight key factors influencing hospital choices and preferences in cancer

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