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Design strategies to increase building

E. Sarah Slaughter
Published online: 15 Oct 2010.

To cite this article: E. Sarah Slaughter (2001) Design strategies to increase building flexibility, Building
Research & Information, 29:3, 208-217, DOI: 10.1080/09613210010027693

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Building Research & Information (2001) 29(3), 208–217

Design strategies to increase

building ¯ exibility

E. Sarah Slaughter

MOCA Systems, One Gateway Center, Suite 808, Newton, MA 02458, USA
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As the needs of owners and occupants change, buildings must be frequently renovated, resulting in signiŽ cant cost and lost
use of the buildings during the construction. This research develops a systematic approach to examine the nature of
changes that can be expected to occur in built facilities, and analyses speciŽ c design strategies that can signiŽ cantly increase
the building  exibility, or ability to accommodate change. The three types of changes in a building are in its functions, the
capacity of its systems, and the  ow of the environment and people within and around the facility. Analysis of renovation
projects reveals that buildings require more changes to all systems (i.e. structure, enclosure, services and interior Ž nish) than
is commonly assumed, and that the difŽ culty of these renovations is determined by the inter-relationships among the
systems. The design strategies can provide a speciŽ c means to modify these interactions among the systems, and to more
easily and efŽ ciently accommodate changes during subsequent renovations. These design strategies increase the initial
construction cost by less than 2% on average and usually decrease the original construction duration, and the majority of
the strategies provide cost savings of 2% of the initial construction cost within the Ž rst renovation.

Keywords: adaptation, change, design strategies, facility management,  exibility, obsolescence, renovation, rehabilitation

Avec l’évolution des besoins des propriétaires et des occupants, les bâtiments doivent être rénovés fréquemment, ce qui est à
la fois une source de dépenses importantes et une perte d’usage pendant les travaux. La présente étude propose une
approche systématique visant à examiner la nature des changements dont on peut s’attendre à ce qu’ils se produisent dans
les parties déjà construites et à analyser des stratégies de conception propres à augmenter sensiblement la souplesse
d’exploitation des bâtiments ou leur aptitude à s’adapter à des changements. Les trois types de changements pouvant
affecter un bâtiment sont ses fonctions propres, la capacité de ses systèmes et l’environnement ainsi que le  ux des
personnes à l’intérieur et autour du bâtiment. L’analyse de projets de rénovation fait apparaître que les bâtiments
nécessitent davantage de changements de tous les systèmes (c’est à dire, structures, enceintes, services et Ž nition intérieure)
qu’on ne l’imagine généralement et que la difŽ culté de ces rénovations est liée aux interconnexions entre les systèmes.
Les stratégies de conception peuvent constituer un instrument spéciŽ que à utiliser pour modiŽ er ces interconnexions
entre systèmes et pour faire acceptor plus facilement et avec davantage d’efŽ cacité les changements pendant les travaux
de rénovation ultérieurs. Avec de telles stratégies, l’augmentation du coût initial de la construction ne dépasse pas 2% en
moyenne et la durée des travaux se trouve réduite; dans l’ensemble, ces solutions permettent de réaliser des économies de
2% sur le coût initial de la construction lors de la première rénovation.

Mots clés: adaptation, changement, stratégies de conception, gestion des installations, souplesse, obsolescence, rénovation,

Introduction life, since a facility that prematurely reaches the end of its
The longevity and potential obsolescence of built facilities is useful life reduces the effective time period over which
a concern for all owners, from large corporations to govern- beneŽ ts could be obtained, and increases the effective cost of
ment agencies to homeowners, as well as to the occupants demolition and waste disposal, thereby reducing the return
and users of these facilities. The usefulness of these facilities on the initial investment. Increasing the functional life of a
is often compromised by their inability to accommodate facility through attention to the capacity of the original
changes over time. It is not economical or resource efŽ cient design and constructed systems to easily, quickly, and
to design and build facilities that have only a short functional inexpensively accommodate change over the full life of the

Building Research & Information ISSN 0961-3218 print/ISSN 1466-4321 online © 2001 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/09613210010027693
Design strategies to increase building ¯ exibility

facility can improve the value of the facility to the owner The evaluation of the relative costs and beneŽ ts from the
and reduce disruptions and downtime for the occupants speciŽ c design strategies are analysed using common
(Figure 1). methodological approaches, and building on recent empirical
work. Life cycle cost analyses can provide an initial basis
This research addresses this concern through a theoretical for understanding the immediate and long-term beneŽ ts
approach to the nature of change in built facilities, and an from increasing the capacity to accommodate change
empirical analysis of change implementation in existing (Dell’Isola and Kirk, 1983; Riggs and Jones, 1990; Neely and
buildings. In addition, the research analyses speciŽ c design Neathammer, 1991; Bull, 1993). For example, life cycle data
strategies used on particular projects that can decrease the for bridges have been incorporated into proactive bridge
time and cost required to incorporate new components and management programmes that seek to extend the useful life
systems into a building to meet new or changed requirements of existing bridges. An emerging issue in life cycle costing
(Maury, 1999; Keymer, 2000). approaches is the need to address signiŽ cant changes that
occur over the time period, such as in loads, conditions or
Several studies have examined and characterized the general usage.
interactions among the systems and their components
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during operation (Alexander, 1982; Lion, 1982; Rush, 1986;

Merritt and Ambrose, 1990; Reid, 1990; Slaughter et al., Theoretical framework
1997). Several recent studies analyse a facility over a long The framework for this research is the building systems
time period to examine the types of changes it can easily and their interactions, coupled with a speciŽ cation of the
incorporate (Habraken, 1972; Lees and Smith 1984; Pessiki et different types of changes that can be expected over the long
al., 1995; Gann and Barlow, 1996; Bordass and Leaman, 1997; term. A built facility can be examined as a set of functional
Patterson, 1998). While many of the issues and approaches systems; that is, the structure, exterior enclosure, services
discussed in these analyses focus on speciŽ c usage categories, and interior Ž nish systems. The physical characteristics of
these approaches can form the basis for a comprehensive these systems and their conŽ gurations form the basis in
approach to analysing potential changes over a facility’s life which to analyse the capacity of speciŽ c buildings to
for all possible usage categories. efŽ ciently accommodate changes over time.

Figure 1 Expected life cycle of facilities and potential impact of design to accommodate change


Types of facility changes as a whole increase (rather than the upgrading of the
This research develops the concept that, during the life systems, which is limited to the systems themselves), and new
of a facility, three general types of changes can be expected systems or components often must be incorporated within
to occur, in function, capacity and  ow (Table 1). These the facility to meet these new facility requirements.
changes can be seen as exogenous to the facility itself,
responding to either the owner’s objectives or the A facility may also be modiŽ ed to achieve a wholly different
expected facility usage. (Endogenous changes would include set of objectives than those for which it was originally
corrosion, deterioration, and other factors inherent in the designed and built. The expected performance levels for a
components and systems and their environment, and are change in usage class may differ signiŽ cantly from the
excluded from this analysis.) original requirements, and the new functions would not be
expected to be present in the facility as originally conceived.
For example, when an ofŽ ce building is converted into a
Change in function residential unit, the facility’s systems must be modiŽ ed to
accommodate the change in usage class, which includes such
A function is deŽ ned as the set of activities or components
new functions as cooking, bathing and sleeping (Gann and
to achieve a speciŽ c objective. Functions can be performed
Barlow, 1996).
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 14:52 09 December 2014

by the facility itself (e.g. provide shelter) or with respect

to human activities (e.g. transportation, manufacturing,
housing). Changes to the functions associated with a facility
include upgrading existing functions, incorporating
Change in capacity
new functions, and modifying to accommodate different Capacity is deŽ ned as the ability of the facility to meet
functions. certain performance requirements, in either loads/conditions
or volume. Changes in the loads can occur for a built facility
Upgrading existing functions usually entails a modiŽ ed set of from either increased expectations for performance, or
activities or components to achieve the same objective. improved understanding of probable load conditions. For
Upgrading systems or their components speciŽ cally applies instance, bridges built 100 years ago could not anticipate the
to cases where the expected performance levels have live loads from large trucks and other motorized vehicles,
increased, and the existing elements are not able to meet while understanding of the behaviour of masonry buildings
those new performance requirements. For example, replacing under seismic loading has improved signiŽ cantly in recent
single pane wood-framed windows with double paned years. In these cases, the facilities would be modiŽ ed to
metal framed windows still achieves the same function (i.e. increase their load capacity or their performance under
providing light and air), but the new component has speciŽ c load conditions.
additional attributes which may offer different beneŽ ts (e.g.
lower maintenance costs, decreased air inŽ ltration, improved Changes in volume capacity refer to the spatial dimensions
energy efŽ ciency). of built facilities. In many facilities, a basic requirement over
time is to add more space in or on which the basic functions
A new function, however, achieves a new objective in of the facility are performed. The increase in the need
addition to those functions already existing within the for useable space is often deŽ ned by the performance
facility. For instance, adding air conditioning to a school requirements with respect to the future usage class of the
building introduces a new objective for the service systems. building. For example, a manufacturing facility may add
In this case, the expected performance levels for the facility special utility rooms to provide the level of power and

Table 1 Types of changes in a built facility

Type of change Category Response to

Function Upgrade existing functions Higher performance levels that require different components/
Incorporate new functions New facility performance objectives that require new components/
Modify for different functions Different objectives from change in usage class that require different
Capacity Change loads/ conditions Higher expected performance under speci® c load conditions
Change volume Increased requirements for operable space per usage class
Flow Change in environmental ¯ ows Higher/different performance requirements for internal or surrounding
environmental conditions
Change in ¯ ow of people/things Different performance requirements for passage, movement or
organization of people/things within/into facility

Design strategies to increase building ¯ exibility

services required by new production machinery, or an ofŽ ce the owner’s perception of the adequacy of the building. For
building may add a  oor. instance, lighting within a room spatially interacts with
interior surface Ž nishes differently for work at a desk with
paper and work at a table with a computer.
Change in  ow
Flows are deŽ ned as the movements within and around a The three major types of change (function, capacity and
building relating to the surrounding environment and its  ow) and the interactions among systems provide a frame-
usage population. Changes in the environmental  ows can be work in which to analyse the capacity of a facility to meet
in response to the climatic or physical environmental con- the performance requirements with respect to the value-
ditions within a facility, or between the facility and its added activities performed within or through the facility. The
environment. For example, replacing Ž xed pane windows change types capture different attributes related to the
with operable windows changes the environmental  ows. owner’s performance expectations, the built environment, and
These environmental  ows relate to the movement of air, the current approaches to meet those requirements. Using the
light, and sound with respect to the interaction with the built building systems, their interactions, and the types of changes
environment. over time, the research develops a systematic methodology
through which to analyse speciŽ c strategies to accommodate
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Changes in the  ow of people or things can occur in required function, capacity, and  ow changes over time.
response to process or organizational changes by the
occupant. For example, when a company expands to include
two contiguous  oors, it may wish to install an interior Methodology
staircase to improve the movement of people within its ofŽ ce The empirical research on the renovation of existing facilities
space. These  ows represent the usage patterns of the facility and the speciŽ c design strategies is based on data collected
as a whole, and are often used to evaluate the facility’s value from the owners, facilities managers, construction managers,
with respect to its expected and actual effective space architects, engineers and contractors involved in the projects.
utilization. Detailed information was collected for 48 recent building
projects in the US (Maury, 1999; Keymer, 2000) (Table 2).
The speciŽ c data for each building include a technical
Building system interactions description of the existing systems and components and the
The systems within a building can interact through various date they were installed, the extent of current renovation
mechanisms, and the nature of these interactions and the activities, and the design strategies employed to speciŽ cally
systems themselves in uence the  exibility of the building accommodate future changes in the components and
to respond to the different types of changes. The system systems. In addition, 37 speciŽ c design strategies were
interactions can be grouped into three general categories: identiŽ ed that have been used in actual buildings to accom-
physical, functional and spatial interaction. Physical modate expected changes (Keymer, 2000). The detailed data
interactions among building systems can be through a were collected through in-depth personal interviews and
connection, intersection or adjacency. For instance, a roof supplemented through publications, project documentation,
element can be mechanically connected to the structure, and site visits.
interleaved through the structural elements, or simply rest
upon the structure. These interactions are often easiest to The costs for the initial construction, operations and main-
identify and verify through direct observation, both during tenance, and renovation were estimated for each design
design and construction, and during the operational life. strategy by examining the speciŽ c time and resources
required to incorporate the design strategy into the base
Second, systems can functionally interact. The interaction building and to accommodate the changes during subsequent
can enhance current functions, such as when an exterior wall renovations. The base building used for these calculations is
panel provides additional shear capacity to a framing system. an ofŽ ce building constructed in Cambridge, MA, in 1998,
Interactions can also complement current functions (e.g.
natural light sources can complement artiŽ cial lighting Table 2 Sample of projects by current usage class
systems) but they can also degrade current functions, such as
when open windows degrade the performance of the heating
system. Often functional interactions may be difŽ cult to Building usage Sample num ber Percent
trace and analyse, particularly for complex systems and Industrial 4 8%
conditions. Retail 3 6%
Of® ce 21 44%
Third, systems can interact spatially, operating independ- R&D 6 12%
ently but within the same room, for instance. The provision Institutional 11 23%
of the systems (through the components) within the spatial Residential 3 6%
region provides a usage interaction that may not be physic- Total 48 100%
ally or functionally deŽ ned, but can be most important for


which is 5 stories, 11 566 M2 (124 500 SF ), with a 5 by 7 bay accommodate changes in the building’s functions, capacity,
 oorplate. Actual cost data was obtained from the building or  ows.
developer. The initial cost for each design strategy includes
the material/component cost (as estimated through manu-
facturer or public source prices), the cost of resources Renovation to accommodate change
(standard or specialized) required to incorporate the strategy, Analysis of changes accommodated in renovation reveals
and other related costs, such as modiŽ cations to other several speciŽ c trends (Maury, 1999). First, the buildings
systems. The analysis approach is similar to that employed required more change to all four systems (structural, exterior
to estimate the time, cost and worker safety impacts of enclosure, services, and interior Ž nish) than is usually pre-
design and construction innovations (Slaughter, 1999), which dicted in the literature (Table 3). The nature and extent of
focuses on the speciŽ c tasks required to transform and the changes differed signiŽ cantly by whether the facility
aggregate detailed physical components into the completed remained in the same usage class or changed to a new usage
facility. occupancy type (Figure 2). Changes in the usage class, such
as converting a warehouse into an ofŽ ce building or a school
building into apartments, signiŽ cantly alters the set of facil-
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 14:52 09 December 2014

ity performance requirements and changes the inter-

The research results reveal that buildings undergo sig- relationships among the systems. These changes in both
niŽ cantly more renovation to all systems (i.e. structure, objectives and interactions result in signiŽ cant changes to
enclosure, services and interior Ž nish) than is commonly each system. While most analyses of building renovation
assumed, particularly when the building is being changed for often assume that the structural system rarely changes, this
a new usage class. These results also indicate that signiŽ cant research found that almost two-thirds of the buildings
need exists for strategies to increase the effectiveness of being renovated for the same usage class required changes to
renovation activities to accommodate change. While all the structural system, and almost 90% of the buildings
future building requirements can never be completely being renovated for a new usage class required structural
anticipated, certain design strategies can be employed during changes. In addition, the exterior enclosure system also
either initial construction or renovation that can reduce the required changes in the majority of both samples. Therefore,
time and cost for subsequent building modiŽ cations to while these systems are often not explicitly conŽ gured to

Table 3 Accommodation changes to building systems by renovation to same and different

usage classes

Syst em Sam e usage class Different usage class Total sample

Structure 64% 87% 77%

Enclosure 73% 100% 88%
Services 73% 100% 88%
Interior Finish 82% 100% 92%
Sample 11 buildings 15 buildings 26 buildings

Source: (Maury, 1999)

Figure 2 Patterns of usage class changes

Design strategies to increase building ¯ exibility

accommodate change, implementing speciŽ c design strategies on particular projects. A design approach can be deŽ ned as
for these systems could signiŽ cantly alter the resources a goal or set of goals that a facility design should meet. A
expended to incorporate changes within existing facilities, design strategy, on the other hand, is a speciŽ c means to
and thereby increase the value of these facilities. accomplish an objective or set of objectives. Analysis of these
general approaches and the speciŽ c strategies can reveal the
The types of changes required for the renovation of buildings potential impacts from improving building  exibility, and
for same and different usage classes reveals the areas that speciŽ cally increasing its capacity to accommodate change,
have the strongest potential to increase the buildings’ including their impact on initial and lifecycle costs.
long-term value. These results conŽ rm that building renov-
ation for the same usage class primarily accommodates
higher performance requirements for the systems (Table 4). General design approaches
In addition, approximately one third of the sample increased Current thinking about the means to increase facility  ex-
the building volume to meet new space requirements. In ibility can be grouped into three general design approaches.
contrast, renovation for a different usage class required The Ž rst approach generally focuses on physically separating
signiŽ cant incorporation of new components, systems and the major building systems (and their sub-systems) so that
processes to meet the different performance objectives, with
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 14:52 09 December 2014

changes in one area can be isolated from changes in other

signiŽ cant accompanying changes to meet the altered regions (Brand, 1994; Glen, 1994). For example, a building
performance requirements for the expected load and volume design used ofŽ ce ‘pods’, which were room-sized cubes with
capacities and the  ows within the system. These changes connection to the service systems through a single link to an
also usually involved signiŽ cant modiŽ cations to the regions overhead distribution system.
and nature of the interactions between systems.
In the second approach, the prefabrication of major system
These results indicate the regions of change for the different components can increase the ease with which these elements
building systems and the required inter-relationship among can be changed out over time (Glen, 1994; Gann and Barlow,
the systems that need to be incorporated into design 1996). For example, a new interior partition system uses
strategies. The design strategies can explicitly address these prefabricated panels that Ž t into a ceiling mounted track,
requirements to increase the capacity of facilities to accom- with no required on-site activities to create and install the
modate all of the types of changes over the functional life of system elements or the continuous wall surface (Keymer,
the facility. 2000). The third approach is to design certain systems and
their components signiŽ cantly overcapacity so that changes
can be accommodated without the replacement or extension
Design strategies to accommodate change of current capacity capabilities (Iselin and Lemer, 1993;
While owners, designers and contractors generally Glen, 1994; Gann and Barlow, 1996). For example, selecting
acknowledge that renovation to accommodate change is a structural members with higher capacity than currently
costly and time-consuming endeavour, it has been difŽ cult to required for the immediate design loads can provide the
systematically approach the issue because of its complexity. opportunity to add to the building in the future.
In particular, the nature of construction projects, with the
unique requirements and resources for each project, and the
complexity of the facilities themselves, with often multiple Design strategies
generations of different systems within the same building, The set of speciŽ c design alternatives examined in this
can confound simplistic solutions to solve the problem. research increase initial building cost by only a small
However, several design approaches have emerged, and amount, and on average provide cost savings within the Ž rst
speciŽ c design strategies have been developed and employed renovation cycle (Table 5). The average cost for implementing

Table 4 Proportion of renovated facilities that experienced change by categories for same and
different usage classes

Change type Change category Same usage class Different usage class

Function Update 57% 30%

New 25% 47%
Different 85%
Capacity Loads 23% 62%
Volume 32% 63%
Flows Environment 20% 65%
People/things 20% 58%

Source: (Maury, 1999)


Table 5 Initial cost and renovation cost impacts for design strategies

Cost st atistic Cost inc rease per Cost saving per 1

Square metre Square foot % Building cost Square metre Square foot % Building c ost

Average $0.14 $1.49 1.6% $1.32 $14.21 15.3%

Median $0.02 $0.18 0.2% $0.21 $2.25 2.4%
Minimum $0.00 $0.00 0% -$0.02 -$0.23 -0.2%
Maximum $1.91 $20.55 22.4% $27.87 $300.00 322%

Note: Calculated from the base building with total construction cost at $8.64 M 2 ($93/SF); 1 Cost savings = (renovation cost without strategy ±
renovation cost with strategy) ± initial cost of strategy.
Source: (Keymer, 2000)

the strategies was an increase of between 1 and 2% of total Table 6 Clusters of design strategies
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building costs, but the median cost increase associated with

incorporating the design strategies was less than 1%. (One
strategy signiŽ cantly increased the initial construction cost.) Cluster Number of
Almost all of the strategies, however, provide relative cost st rategies*
savings compared to the standard alternatives within the
Reduce inter-system interactions 16
Ž rst renovation to accommodate changes. The median cost Reduce intra-system interactions 9
saving (which is calculated by estimating the renovation Use interchangeable system components 12
cost without and with the strategy, and subtracting the
Increase layout predictability 13
initial cost of implementing the strategy) is approximately
Improve physical access 13
2% of initial construction cost. While one strategy required
Dedicate speci® c area/volume for system zone 6
several renovation cycles to recoup the original amount Enhance system access proximity 12
invested in implementing the strategy, the majority of the Improve ¯ ow 5
strategies provided immediate return on the investment, Phase system installation 3
and nine strategies made subsequent renovations possible Simplify partial/phased demolition 20
that would have been technically impossible or economically
unfeasible without the strategies. *Several of the 37 design strategies appear in more than 1 cluster.
Source: (Keymer, 2000)
The strategies also exhibited important impacts on con-
struction duration, both for the initial construction as well as the ease with which one system can be changed without
subsequent renovations. Approximately one third of the required alterations in other systems. A modular panelized
strategies might increase initial construction duration, but cladding system demonstrates this concept, where the struc-
almost three quarters of the strategies signiŽ cantly shorten ture is physically separated from the cladding panels. Because
the renovation duration, and thereby reduce the construction these strategies generally require special units that can be
impacts on the building occupants. In addition, all but one difŽ cult to procure, they generally raise the initial building
of the strategies can improve access for operations and cost by approximately 3%. However, all of these systems
maintenance activities, even though the strategy users did not provided cost savings within the Ž rst renovation cycle. These
necessarily identify this aspect of their functionality. The strategies can also signiŽ cantly reduce downtime while the
majority of the strategies can be easily implemented during change is made and also reduce material waste. In addition,
initial design or later renovation using standard materials, most of these strategies increase accessibility to the system
systems, or methods. components for operations and maintenance activities.

To explore the nature of the strategies in more detail, the 37 Several design strategies focus speciŽ cally on reducing the
design strategies are grouped into 10 clusters (Table 6). These intra-system interactions. For these strategies, a critical
clusters expand further the general objectives described in region in which change occurs is within a system, and
the design approaches, and can provide an organizing particularly among the contiguous components in a system.
context for speciŽ c examples of design strategies and their For example, a modular block partition wall provides the
functional and economic performance, analysed in the opportunity to easily move the doorway and adjacent
context of the representative base building. transparent panels through simply re-arranging the blocks,
rather than tearing down the wall. These strategies primarily
The strategies in the cluster that reduce inter-system focus on simplifying the connections between the compon-
interactions often rely on the use of speciŽ c components to ents, and often require special units. The average initial cost
reduce the interdependency with other systems to improve increase is only 1% on average, and these strategies provide

Design strategies to increase building ¯ exibility

a signiŽ cant decrease in the downtime for implementing the example, placing the electrical wiring within a hollow
changes, resulting in an overall cost saving. baseboard provides a speciŽ c zone for the location of and
access to these components and systems. While some of
Interchangeable system components can provide economies these strategies employ special components, the average cost
both in ordering materials and in their placement and increase for these strategies is generally small (i.e. 1%), and
replacement during change implementation. These modular most of the strategies provide immediate savings (i.e. lowered
components may aggregate several smaller units together, renovation costs in excess of initial cost increase for Ž rst
such as a raised panelized  oor with data interface boxes renovation). These strategies decrease the downtime required
attached to selected panels, with movement of the special to implement the changes, and also increase access for
panels thereby relocating the boxes (Keymer, 2000). The operations and maintenance activities.
majority of these strategies requires special components and
therefore may involve procurement concerns, and can A related set of design strategies focuses on increasing the
increase the initial building cost by 3% on average. In physical proximity of the access points of speciŽ c systems, to
addition, almost all of these strategies require an irrevocable reduce the need for signiŽ cant renovations when the location
commitment to the system for the functional life of the of work spaces or  ows of people or activities change. In one
building, where it would be almost impossible to extract facility, for example, the telecommunications and power
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the speciŽ c system and be able to continue operations systems were set out in a grid below the suspended  oor so
within the building. However, these strategies do provide the access points could be easily repositioned when the walls
signiŽ cantly improved access for operations and maintenance of the ofŽ ces were changed without signiŽ cant renovation
activities, and greatly simplify renovation construction and activities. These strategies can be implemented using
shorten its downtime. Overall, almost all of these strategies standard materials and methods, and have little impact on
provide cost savings, although some do not appear to offer the initial cost, providing signiŽ cant cost savings in the
sufŽ cient savings to justify the initial expenditure unless the immediate term through reducing renovation costs and
effected space is renovated several times to accommodate downtime.
frequent changes.
Design strategies that improve the  ow of people or things
A different means of achieving  exibility is to increase the throughout a space can accommodate change through the
predictability of the layout of a system and its components, strategic location of speciŽ c system components. These
particularly for those elements that are physically interwoven system conŽ gurations can accommodate many different
with or hidden by other units. For the strategies in this arrangements of inter-related systems. While these strategies
cluster, the regularity of the physical layout can provide can generally be implemented easily during design and
critical signals to reduce the duration and extent of require no special components, they do require an irrevocable
demolition to Ž nd the required components. For instance, commitment to the strategy, where the system layout cannot
locating critical service risers at the columns can reduce the be changed without signiŽ cant basic alteration of the whole
uncertainty associated with modiŽ cations to the capacity of facility. For example, the building cores (e.g. utility risers and
the service systems or the location of their access points. In elevators) can be placed at either end of the building to open
general, these strategies are easy to achieve, and require no the centre of the  oor plate as useable space. The impact of
increase in the initial building cost, and can be implemented these strategies on initial and renovation costs is difŽ cult to
using standard building systems and methods. However, the calculate since those costs are determined by the size and
predictability of the system location does not necessarily complexity of the complete facility and so cannot be deŽ ned
increase access for operations and maintenance (for example, in the general case.
the service risers may still be behind the interior material),
and the level of savings for these strategies are in general Certain strategies explicitly consider expediting future
fairly small. construction activities. The strategy clusters of phased
installation and simpliŽ ed demolition incorporate physical
In contrast, several strategies speciŽ cally focus on improving components or systems during the initial construction that
the physical access to systems and components for change are explicitly designed to accommodate either growth in a
implementation. While several of these strategies use special speciŽ c system (e.g. later structural addition) or the removal
components, the overall impacts of these strategies is only a of all or a portion of a system. These strategies can be
small increase (approximately 1%) in the initial construction easily implemented using standard components, systems and
cost, and the majority of these strategies provided direct cost methods, and their initial cost impact is often very small,
savings as well as signiŽ cantly shortening the downtime for while they signiŽ cantly reduce downtime for subsequent con-
the change implementation. For example, one strategy uses struction activities. Indeed, these strategies can make certain
demountable drywall panels that provide easy access to the usage class changes feasible that would otherwise be cost
electrical wiring within the wall cavity. prohibitive or impossible.

Another means of achieving  exibility is to create speciŽ c The design strategies can improve the long-term value of
zones for each particular system, and to keep those areas or the facility through reducing the time and cost required to
volumes free from other components and systems. For renovate the building to incorporate changes. These design


strategies can often be implemented with little or no Acknowledgement

impact on the initial construction time and cost, and can This research was sponsored through grant CMS 9800537
offer signiŽ cant return on their investment within the Ž rst from the National Science Foundation. This research was
renovation cycle. presented at the CIB Open Building Commission meetings in
Helsinki, Finland and Brighton, UK.

Discussion and conclusion

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