Assignment 3 Flutter (Edit)

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Flutter Diploma

Become a Flutter Developer with just one course

Stateful Widget Practice.

Design Contacts Screen with at most three contacts.

This assignment is an edit of the previous assignment. There are some changes to
previous assignment:
1. Validate the two textfields and don’t add new items if two textfields are
2. Remove the delete button and make an icon delete for every contact item
to delete specific items.
3. Clear two textfields after adding a new item.
Watch the video for details.
Flutter Diploma
Become a Flutter Developer with just one course

Screen with no contacts items added

Flutter Diploma
Become a Flutter Developer with just one course

Screen when two items added

Note 2: Please submit the assignment in these steps:

1. compress dart files in folder lib with folder assets and pubspec.yaml file in a
zip file
2. rename this file with the name of the assignment
3. send it to your mentor's email
Don’t submit the full project. Submitting full project will be refused

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