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“‘Netiquette’ is network etiquette. The do and don’ts of
online communication. It is also a set of rules that encourages
appropriate and courteous online behavior. These rules are
important as we promote communication skills, prevent
miscommunications, and help us understand what is socially
acceptable when working and collaborating online.

Do's Dont's
•Use respectful language. •Do not argue with people on social media/
Use appropriate language and avoid Don't be a troll.
Nowadays, many people make their
profanity words so we would not hurt
arguments about memes and politics, especially
other feelings. It will also further our
the 2022 election are coming. We must not start
communication skills and relationship
an argument and post offensive posts or
with people online. comments, because having the behavior of
NO being uneducated, could lead bad reputation
WORRIES. online. We must spread love not hate.
Remember, we will not gonna die if we don't
argue back.
• Apply the golden rule.
"Do unto others as you would have
them do unto you." We must have an
equal view of each other. We should treat
equally those people we meet online so
•No Cyberbullying/ Don't be a bully online.
others will treat us the same as well.
As bullying is still active in social media,
Cyberbullying may take someone's life. It is
a serious problem that should take an
action. That's why as we interact online, we
must avoid stereotyping and bullying
•Present yourself positively. people.
We must admire others’ differing
opinions and perspectives. Also, help
others when possible. That's why you
can post influential topics that people •Don't use all caps.
could learn a lot about it. We should avoid using all caps letters
because it symbolizes shouting. Other
people might misunderstand you that could
start a fight online.

•Respect other netizens' privacy.

It is better to have respect for the lives
of others. We do not have to know •Don't talk to strangers.
everything, so don’t feel like a stalker just We don't have to talk to someone we
to find out sensitive information on never know. They may be asked for personal
someone’s life. information or money transactions that
should not be done. As we protect ourselves
from fraudsters and cyber attackers, we
don't have to give our credentials as
•Fact check before reposting. possible. We may regret the consequences if
Often we only read the title or a piece of a we are fooled by these people on social
paragraph of an article. So make sure to read media.
all the caption. Also, make sure to identify if
the information is credible to find out if it is
legitimate. Because otherwise, people may
believe in fake news. For instance, "Covid-19
vaccines are not effective." But the truth, we
know that these vaccines have been proven •Do not plagiarize.
and tested. So, think and understand We can't deny that some information we
carefully before sharing. repost on social media is not originally from
us. We take it without the owner's
permission. So, don't practice that wrongs
doings. You may get caught for plagiarizing.

• Think before you click.

Check the link that contains the virus.
Because once we share it with others, not Sources:
only you could steal your credentials by
cyber hackers, but also with those people
My tips for everyone! Once posted,

we have passed it on. So be careful as always posted. Know our limitations. uctionalresources/netiquette

Discipline ourselves from being ignorant fbclid=IwAR1KJVh0e59yysyLaT
on social media. Let us handle our EqfcZRiX9jMLrGqM

behavior and be a responsible user.

"Be mindful
mindful of
of your
your actions.
Stop and
and think
think before
before you
you click."

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