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Video Transcripts

Unit 1: Welcome! Mrs. Smith:   Hello, Holly. Um, is that H-O-L-L-Y?

Molly:   No, it’s Molly: M-O-L-L-Y.
Molly and Peter find the right classroom on the first day of Mrs. Smith:   M-O-L-L-Y. Molly. Hm. What’s your last name,
class. Molly?
Molly:   Lin. L-I-N.
Molly:   Excuse me. Um, hello. Mrs. Smith:   Peter Krum and Molly Lin.
Peter:   Hi! Peter:   Uh, wait. Excuse me. Are you Miss Taylor?
Molly:   My name is Molly. What’s your name? Mrs. Smith:   No, I’m not. I’m Mrs. Smith. Miss Taylor is in
Peter:   I’m Peter. My friends call me Pete. Room 203. Over there.
Molly:   My friends call me . . . Molly. Hi, Pete. It’s nice Peter:   Oh, thanks.
to meet you. Mrs. Smith:   Have a good day!
Peter:   It’s nice to meet you, too. Peter:   Good-bye.
Molly:   Are you a student here? Mrs. Smith:   Bye.
Peter:   Yes, I am. My class is at nine o’clock with Miss Molly:   Hello, Miss Taylor?
Taylor. Miss Taylor:   Yes.
Molly:   Miss Taylor? She’s my teacher. You’re in my Molly:   I’m Molly Lin.
class. Miss Taylor:   Hi, Molly. Nice to meet you. There you are.
Peter:   Great! Welcome, Molly.
Molly:   Where is our class? Molly:   Thank you.
Peter:   It’s over there. Peter:   Hi, I’m Peter – Peter Krum.
   *      *      * Miss Taylor:   Krum. Ah, here you are. Welcome, Peter. OK,
Peter:   Hi. I’m Peter, Peter Krum. I’m in your class. let’s begin class.
Mrs. Smith:   Hi, Peter. Nice to meet you. Hello. What’s your
Molly:   I’m Molly. I’m in your class, too.

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Unit 2: My passport! Jessica:   No, it’s not here.
Sofia:   OK. Maybe it’s next to the sofa.
Sofia can’t find items for her vacation and rushes to get them Jessica:   Sofia! What’s this?
while her taxi waits. Sofia:   My camera. I’m going to need that. . . . My
Jessica:   OK. It’s 10 o’clock. Jessica:   Is it under the books? No.
Sofia:   Yes. And my flight leaves at 12:30. Sofia:   Oh, no!
Jessica:   So, are you ready? Jessica:   Sofia, are those your keys, in front of the TV?
Sofia:   Yes, I am. My wallet is in the bag. Sofia:   Yes, those are my keys. My passport, Jessica! . . .
Jessica:   Good. Good. And your ticket? Wait a minute! Wait a minute! It’s . . . it’s on the
Sofia:   Yes! My ticket, my ticket. Oh, no! . . . My ticket, on desk in the bedroom.
the TV, under my notebook. Jessica:   OK! Bye.
Jessica:   Now, you’re ready! Sofia:   OK, I’m ready now. Bye.
Sofia:   Yes! Now I’m ready. OK. Jessica:   Bye!
Jessica:   Oh! Your taxi! Sofia:   My bag, behind the door. OK, bye!
Sofia:   Bye! Jessica:   Bye.
Jessica:   Bye! Have fun in Brazil! Sofia:   My umbrella, on the shelf! OK!
Sofia:   Yes! Thank you! See you in three weeks! . . . Wait!    *      *      *
Brazil? Captain:   This is your captain speaking. Welcome aboard
Jessica:   Yes, Brazil. the 12:30 flight to Budapest.
Sofia:   Brazil! My passport! Jessica:   [phone rings] Hello?
Jessica:   Sofia! Where’s your passport? Sofia:   Jessica, where’s Budapest?
Sofia:   Maybe it’s. . . maybe it’s in a box.
Jessica:   Oh!
Sofia:   Maybe it’s. . . . It’s probably behind the chair.

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Unit 3: Newcomers High School Rachel:   I t looks fun! Thank you, Camilia. And
how are you today, Cai?
At a very interesting school, students from around the world Cai:   I’m just fine, thank you.
talk about their countries of origin. Rachel:   And where are you from?
Cai:   I’m from China originally. And here are
Rachel Park:   H  i, my name is Rachel Park, and I’m here some pictures of my family. He’s my
at a very special high school in New York brother. He’s a university student in
City. It’s the Newcomers High School. The China.
students at Newcomers High School are Rachel:   How old is he?
from many different countries. I’m talking Cai:   He’s 22 years old.
to some of the students now. I’m here Rachel:   What’s he like?
with Fatima, a student at Newcomers Cai:   Well, he’s very serious and very smart.
High School. Hi, Fatima. Rachel:   Oh, and who are they?
Fatima:   Hello, Rachel. Cai:   They’re my parents. They’re in China with
Rachel:   Where are you from, Fatima? my brother.
Fatima:   I’m from Morocco, in North Africa. Rachel:   Fatima, Camilia, and Cai all speak English
Rachel:   Where is it exactly? in school, but they speak different
Fatima:   It’s in the west, on the ocean. languages at home. So, Fatima, your first
Rachel:   What’s it like there? language is Arabic?
Fatima:   It’s old and beautiful. Fatima:   Yes, it is. I also speak French.
Rachel:   And what is this, Fatima? Rachel:   OK, so you speak three languages:
Fatima:   This is a book about Casablanca. Arabic, French, and English.
Rachel:   What language is it in? Fatima:   Yes. That’s right.
Fatima:   It’s in Arabic. Rachel:   Cai, what is your first language?
Rachel:   Thank you, Fatima. There are two people Cai:   Chinese, and people from Hong
here with you. Who are they? Kong speak a kind of Chinese called
Fatima:   They’re my classmates and friends. This is Cantonese.
Camilia and Cai. Rachel:   And Camilia, what is your first language?
Camilia and Cai:   Hi. / Hello. Camilia:   Spanish.
Rachel:   Hello. Where are you from, Camilia? Are Rachel:   Thanks to all of you for speaking with me
you from Morocco, too? today. And now it’s time to say good-
Camilia:   No, I’m not. I’m from Costa Rica. bye. How do you say good-bye in Arabic,
Rachel:   Where is Costa Rica, Camilia? Cantonese, and Spanish?
Camilia:   It’s in Central America. I’m from San José, Fatima:   Ma’a salama.
the capital. Cai:   Joi Gin.
Rachel:   What’s San José like? Camilia:   Adiós.
Camilia:   It’s very nice. I like it a lot. Rachel:   This is Rachel Park from Newcomers High
Rachel:   What are these? School. Good-bye, everyone!
Camilia:   These are photos of the rain forest in my
country. The rain forest is beautiful and
interesting. It’s fun, too!

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Unit 4: What are you wearing? Jasmin:   M  y uniform is a tie, white blouse, navy
blue skirt, and white socks.
People in New England talk about the clothes they have on. Jamal:   And yours?
Megan:   White socks, a gray skirt, a white
Jamal:   H  ello, everyone. I’m Jamal Greene, blouse, and a blue sweater.
and we’re talking to people today about clothes. Jamal:   But you’re not wearing it right now.
It’s fall here in New England, and it’s a cool, sunny Megan:   That’s right. But it’s over there, on
day today. What are people wearing? Let’s find the bench.
out! Jamal:   Oh, OK. And these are your
   *      *      * backpacks. Whose backpack is that? Is
Jamal:   Excuse me. Hello! it yours?
Man 1:   Hello there. Jasmin:   Yes, it is. The blue backpack is mine.
Jamal:   We’re talking to people about clothes. What are Megan:   And my backpack is yellow.
you wearing today? Jamal:   Thanks, girls.
Man 1:   I’m wearing a gray striped suit, brown tie, and    *      *      *
black shoes. Jamal:   Hello. How are you doing today?
Jamal:   Is it a summer suit? Sheila:   I’m fine.
Man 1:   No, it’s for cool weather. It’s good for the fall and Jamal:   And what is your name?
spring. Sheila:   I’m Sheila.
Jamal:   Very nice, very formal. Jamal:   Hi, Sheila. And what is her name?
Man 1:   Yes, I’m working today, so I’m wearing formal Sheila:   This is Julie.
clothes. Jamal:   Hi, Julie. So what are you wearing
Jamal:   I see. And this briefcase, is this yours? today?
Man 1:   No, it’s not mine. Sheila:   We’re just wearing casual clothes. I
Man 2:   Oh, I’m so happy. This is my briefcase. (to camera) have on boots and jeans, a blouse, a
Oh, oh, I’m sorry. Sorry to interrupt. light jacket, and some sunglasses.
Man 1:   No problem. Jamal:   And a very pretty purple scarf.
Man 2:   Thanks! Bye! Sheila:   Thank you.
Man 1:   This is my briefcase. It’s new. Jamal:   And what is Julie wearing?
Jamal:   Very nice. I like it. Sheila:   She’s wearing blue pants, a white
Man 1:   Thanks! sweater, a pink hat. It’s her favorite
Jamal:   Well, thank you for talking with us today. hat.
Man 1:   Sure. No problem. Jamal:   That’s a very pretty hat. Well, thank
Jamal:   Bye-bye. you both! Enjoy your day.
Man 1:   Bye! Sheila:   Thank you. We will.
   *      *      * Jamal:   Well, that’s all the time we have. I’m
Jamal:   Here’s Megan and Jasmin. And you’re wearing Jamal Greene, and I’m wearing a light
school uniforms, right? blue shirt, black pants, and . . . hey,
Girls:   Yeah / Yes. where’s my jacket? Excuse me, that’s
Jamal:   What is the uniform like for your school? actually my jacket.

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Unit 5: Everybody’s having fun. Peter:   Oh. How’s it going?
Doug:   OK, I guess. We’re having dinner together.
Peter is bored and talks to friends to see what they’re doing. Peter:   Nice.
Melissa:   It’s ready!
Kate:   Hello? Doug:   I’m coming! I have to go. Talk to you soon.
Peter:   Hey, Kate. It’s Peter. Peter:   Good luck with Melissa and her parents.
Kate:   Hi, Peter. How are you? Doug:   Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Peter:   Fine, thanks. Actually, I’m bored. I’m studying, and    *      *      *
it’s no fun. What are you doing? Peter:   Uh, hello?
Kate:   I’m babysitting. Emi:   Hi, Peter. It’s Emi. Um, are you OK?
Peter:   Babysitting? Who? Peter:   I’m studying.
Kate:   I’m at my neighbor’s. I’m babysitting Lindsay. Emi:   You’re not studying. You’re sleeping!
Peter:   You are? Peter:   OK, OK, I’m sleeping. But I’m studying, too! What
Kate:   Yeah. We’re playing, and I’m having fun. Actually, are you doing, Emi?
she’s waiting for me. I have to go. Talk to you Emi:   I’m hanging out with Ivan and Carla.
soon, Peter. Peter:   Really? Sounds like fun.
Peter:   Yeah, sure. Emi:   Yeah. We’re watching movies at my place. Are you
Kate:   Bye. busy?
   *      *      * Peter:   Well, I’m studying for a test that I have on
Doug:   Hello, Peter? Monday.
Peter:   Hey, Doug. What’s up? Emi:   We’re making popcorn.
Doug:   I’m with my girlfriend, Melissa. Peter:   What time is it?
Peter:   Is everything OK? Emi:   It’s twenty after nine. Ivan is ordering a pizza.
Doug:   Yeah. I’m with Melissa and her parents. Peter:   OK! I’m coming!

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Unit 6: My life Vanessa:   . . . to here. This is my room. It’s also my office. I’m
a web designer, so I work from home. It’s difficult
Vanessa introduces us to her busy life. She is a webpage work, but it’s interesting. And I start at 9 a.m.
designer during the week, and a comedian on the weekends.    *      *      *
Vanessa:   At 1:30, I take a lunch break. Sometimes I go out,
Vanessa:   H i, I’m Vanessa. Welcome to my home. I live here. but today I’m eating at home. Mmm, looks good!
Come on in! Thanks, Mom!
   *      *      *    *      *      *
Vanessa:   This is my mom, and this is my dad. This is my Vanessa:   I finish at five. Every night is the same. My
brother, Wynton. He doesn’t live with us. He has parents watch TV, or read, or go for a walk. But
his own apartment. He’s 25. I’m 22, so that makes not me. I write. I am always writing jokes. I’m a
him my big brother. comedian! Well, I want to be a comedian.
Dad:   Bye, lovelies. [end of joke in background] . . . and he brings all of
Vanessa:   Bye, Dad. his laundry home with him! What’s up with that?
Mom:   Have a good day, dear.    *      *      *
Vanessa:   Weekdays, I get up around 7:30. We have Vanessa:   I tell my jokes to my mom and dad. Sometimes
breakfast at about eight o’clock, right here. they laugh, sometimes they don’t, but it’s OK.
   *      *      *    *      *      *
Vanessa:   My mom is a teacher. She works in the school. Vanessa:   On Saturdays, I go downtown. I go to a comedy
She takes the bus to work. The bus comes at club and tell my jokes. It’s exciting! This is my
8:30, and she gets home about five. dream! The show starts at 8:00 p.m. and ends at
   *      *      * eleven. I go home about midnight.
Vanessa:   My dad drives to work. He works in the clinic.    *      *      *
He’s a doctor. He starts work at nine o’clock and Vanessa:   I get home pretty late, but that’s ok. On
gets home at six. Sundays, I can sleep all day. I have a pretty busy
   *      *      * schedule. I design web pages, I write my jokes,
Vanessa:   And how do I get to work? I walk from here . . . I do comedy, and I help out around the house.
   *      *      * What about you? What’s your schedule like?
See you.

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Unit 7: Richdale Street Oh, it’s in the living room.
283 Richdale. Why? . . . What? . . . You’re in
Jessica describes her new apartment to her mom, who shows town? . . . Uh, . . . great! . . . OK, see you soon.
up unexpectedly. Jessica:   (to Sofia) She’s coming here! Now!
Sofia:   No way!
Sofia:   It’s your mom.    *      *      *
Jessica:   Hello? Hi, Mom. How are you? Jessica:   [Mom knocks on door] Just a minute!
Pretty good. A little tired, but good. Sofia says Mom:   Jessica, is that you? It’s Mom.
“hello.” Yeah, it’s nice. (to Sofia) She’s asking about Jessica:   I’m coming!
our apartment. (to Mom) Yeah, I like it. Mom:   What’s going on in there?
Well, let me see. There are four rooms: the living Jessica:   [opens door] Hi, Mom! Come on in.
room, the kitchen, and two bedrooms. Oh, and Mom:   How are you?
of course, a bathroom.The living room? Well, it’s Jessica:   Good! How are you?
really big. The kitchen is nice, too. Mom:   Good. So this is your apartment.
   *      *      * Jessica:   Yeah.
No, we don’t have a microwave. We just have a Sofia:   [inside apartment] Hi.
regular oven. Mom:   (to Sofia) You must be Sofia.
   *      *      * Sofia:   Nice to meet you.
Yes, the kitchen is very sunny. There is a modern Mom:   You, too. How was Brazil?
refrigerator. Sofia:   It was awesome. Thank you for asking.
   *      *      * Mom:   What a nice apartment.
Clean? Yeah, of course, it’s clean. Jessica:   Thank you.
   *      *      * Mom:   This is the perfect place for my vase.
The bedroom? Actually, there are a lot of big Is this the bedroom?
windows. And the view is really great. Girls:   Don’t open that / it!
   *      *      * Mom:   Oh!
Yeah, there’s a really big closet, too.
   *      *      *
Mom! I live in an apartment, in the city. There is no
   *      *      *
What? The present. Yes, yes, I do. Thank you very
much for the vase. We really like it.
   *      *      *

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Unit 8: The night shift Rachel:   And when do you finish?
Trey:   At 10 in the morning.
People who work at night talk about their jobs and their Rachel:   That’s ten hours. You work hard.
rather unusual routines. Trey:   Yes, I do. But I take a break at 5 a.m. for breakfast.
Rachel:   Trey usually has breakfast at the Galaxy Diner. It’s
Rachel:   I t’s 11:30 at night, and most people are sleeping. open 24 hours a day. Trey has a short break, but
That’s because most people work during the day it’s OK. The service at the Galaxy Diner is fast.
and sleep at night. But some people – about    *      *      *
15 percent of people in the United States – work Rachel:   It’s now 5:30 in the morning, and we’re at the
at night. What kinds of jobs do they do on the Galaxy Diner. We’re talking with Dwayne. . . .
night shift? Let’s find out! Dwayne, what do you do?
   *      *      * Dwayne:   I’m a waiter here. Oh, and I’m also a student.
Rachel:   I’m Rachel Park, and I’m standing in front of Rachel:   What are you studying?
Memorial Hospital with Eva North. She works Dwayne:   Business.
here in the hospital. . . . Eva, what do you do? Rachel:   That’s great. What’s your schedule like?
Eva:   I’m a doctor. Dwayne:   I go to school from eight in the morning until
Rachel:   Where do you work, exactly? noon, and then I study two or three hours. I
Eva:   Right here in the emergency room. sleep until about 10, and then I come here to
Rachel:   Is it busy at night? work. I usually work from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
Eva:   Yes, yes, it is. Rachel:   What time do you finish today?
Rachel:   Really? Dwayne:   Today is a hard day. On Thursdays, I work extra
Eva:   All day and all night. hours. I start at 11 p.m., and I go home at 11 a.m.
Rachel:   How do you like your job? Rachel:   Dwayne takes a taxi home on Thursdays.
Eva:   It’s stressful. I work long hours – from 11 to 7. But    *      *      *
every day in the hospital is different. I like it.. . . . Rachel:   A taxi like this one. Taxi drivers on the night shift
Oh, actually, I’m sorry. I have to go. often work twelve to fourteen hours. There aren’t
   *      *      * as many customers, so they work longer hours.
Rachel:   There are one thousand eight hundred [1,800] This is Gio. Gio drives a taxi at night. . . . Gio, it’s
emergency rooms, or “ERs,” in hospitals around 6 a.m. How are you?
the country. Each ER has a big staff, including Gio:   I’m doing OK.
ambulance drivers. Rachel:   What time do you start work?
   *      *      * Gio:   At midnight. And I finish work at noon.
Rachel:   Some people come to the emergency room Rachel:   Wow. That’s twelve hours! Is your job difficult?
in an ambulance. Trey is an ambulance driver Gio:   No, it’s pretty easy, really. Sometimes it’s quiet,
and he works the night shift. . . . So, you’re an though. Everyone’s sleeping at night.
ambulance driver. Is your job difficult? Rachel:   What do you do after work?
Trey:   Yes, it is. But it’s exciting! Gio:   I sleep! I go home and sleep for ten hours!
Rachel:   What time do you start work? Rachel:   Ah, sleep. That sounds like a good idea. . . . This
Trey:   I start work at the same time every night, at is Rachel Park, saying “good morning” and “good
midnight. night”!

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Unit 9: At the diner Woman:   W  ell, sometimes I have chocolate.
Jamal:   Chocolate. I love chocolate. And you’re
People in a restaurant talk about what they are eating and having coffee, I see.
drinking for brunch. Woman:   No, it’s tea. Black tea, no sugar.
Jamal:   Do you come to Sunny’s often?
Jamal:   H i, I’m Jamal Greene, and I’m standing in front of Woman:   No, this is my first time. I’m from Canada,
Sunny’s Diner. Sunny’s Diner is 80 years old, and actually. I’m a tourist.
it’s still a very popular neighborhood restaurant. Jamal:   Welcome to our city. Enjoy your stay!
What are people eating? Let’s go inside and see!    *      *      *
   *      *      * Jamal:   And what are you having?
Student:   And I’ll have two eggs, some toast with butter, Father:   Hm, I’m not sure . . .
and some orange juice, please. Jamal:   Well, you know, there’s a special today:
Server:   Do you want any jam with your toast? steak and eggs.
Student:   No, thanks. Father:   I know. But I don’t eat meat. I usually eat
Jamal:   Hi. I see you’re having some coffee, too. vegetables. (to Richie) Vegetables are good
Student:   Yes, I am. for you. Right, Richie?
Jamal:   Do you always have coffee with your meal? Son:   Yeah, but I don’t like broccoli.
Student:   Yes, I do. I study late at night, and I’m sleepy in Father:   But do you like corn?
the morning. Son:   Yeah, it’s OK.
Jamal:   Now, today is Sunday, and there’s a special Jamal:   And who is this?
brunch menu. Do you ever have breakfast here Father:   This is my son, Richie.
on weekdays? Jamal:   Hi, Richie. Do you like Sunny’s Diner?
Student:   No. On weekdays, I eat breakfast at home. Son:   Yeah! It’s great!
Jamal:   What about lunch? Jamal:   And what are you having?
Student:   I usually have lunch at school with my friends. Son:   Pancakes with extra syrup!
Jamal:   OK. Well, enjoy your meal. Jamal:   And to drink?
Student:   Thanks. Son:   A large orange juice.
   *      *      * Father:   I think I know what I’ll have now: a green
Jamal:   Eggs, toast, orange juice, and more. Sunny’s salad with lettuce, tomatoes, and onions.
serves a lot of foods that are good for you. (to Jamal:   And what do you usually drink with your
woman) And what are you eating? meal?
Woman:   I’m having some yogurt, some granola, and a Father:   Just a glass of water.
fruit salad.    *      *      *
Jamal:   Now that’s a healthy meal! Jamal:   Great food, great prices. Everybody loves
Woman:   Yeah, I usually eat well. And I never eat sweet brunch at Sunny’s Diner! I’m Jamal Greene,
snacks. and we hope to see you here next Sunday!
Jamal:   Never?

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Unit 10: What’s your sport? Lisa:   And what sports do you like, Diane?
Diane:   Oh, I love tennis.
People talk about the activities that they enjoy at Flushing Lisa:   Do you play tennis here at Flushing Meadows?
Meadows Park in Queens, New York. Diane:   Oh, no. I don’t play tennis. I watch it. Right over
Lisa:   H i, there! I’m Lisa Kim. Welcome to Flushing    *      *      *
Meadows Park in Queens, New York. We’re here to Lisa:   This is the National Tennis Center, home to the
talk to people about sports. On weekends, these U.S. Open. The U.S. Open is an internationally
soccer fields are crowded. There are soccer teams famous tennis tournament. People come from
for kids and for adults. all over the world to watch tennis matches here.
   *      *      * But you can play tennis and you can take tennis
Lisa:   This is Omar. He plays soccer at Flushing Meadows. lessons here, too.
Hi, Omar.    *      *      *
Omar:   Hello. Lisa:   What sports do you like?
Lisa:   So, you’re playing soccer today. Who are you Susan:   I like a lot of sports, but I really like golf.
playing with? Lisa:   Golf? Can you play golf here, too?
Omar:   With other friends from my country. We have a Susan:   Yes, you can. It’s mini golf. My husband takes our
team. kids to the playground, and I can relax.
Lisa:   How often do you practice?    *      *      *
Omar:   On Saturdays and Sundays. We start at 10 Lisa:   Flushing Meadows has something for everyone.
in the morning. And you don’t need to play sports to enjoy the
Lisa:   Soccer is hard. But it’s not all hard work. Over park. You can also just take it easy. There are
there, you can get a snack. They sell hot dogs, many beautiful places to walk in the park. Like
empanadas, and other snack foods. this.
   *      *      *    *      *      *
Lisa:   There’s so much to do here. There are baseball Lisa:   Best of all, you can get to Flushing Meadows
fields, basketball courts, handball courts, and even easily on the subway from Manhattan. The
a cricket field. (to Ian) So, Ian, you play cricket. Number 7 train takes you right to the park.
What exactly is that?    *      *      *
Ian:   That’s a good question. Well, it’s a team sport. You Lisa:   But where do you get off the train? Just look for
play it with a ball and bat. There are 11 people on the Unisphere. This giant globe tells you that
each team. The team with the most runs wins. you’re in Flushing Meadows. Pretty great, huh?
Lisa:   So, it’s kind of like baseball. Flushing Meadows welcomes people from all
Ian:   Yes. It’s similar. around the world to play sports, watch sports, or
Lisa:   Cricket is not very well known in the U.S. Where in just enjoy a day in this beautiful park. Why don’t
the world do people play cricket? you come for a visit, too?
Ian:   Well, it’s popular in Australia, India, South Africa,
and England – that’s our home. And of course,
I can play cricket here at Flushing Meadows.
It’s great!

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Unit 11: A trip to Washington, D.C. Marc:   Are you visiting with your family?
Student 1:   No, we’re here with our school. Our teacher is
People talk about what they are going to do during their visit right over there.
to Washington, D.C. Marc:   Well, it’s a beautiful day. What are you going
to do?
Marc:   T his is Washington, D.C. I’m Marc Jones, and Student 2:   We’re going to visit the Capitol building. We’re
I’m standing here on the National Mall. The going to take a tour.
National Mall is a good place for sightseeing Student 1:   After that, we’re going to watch the fireworks.
in Washington. You can see a little bit of Marc:   Fireworks? Where are they going to have
everything here. There are museums, parks, fireworks?
famous buildings, and lots of monuments. Student 2:   Right here on the Mall. They start at 10 p.m.
   *      *      * Marc:   Wow. I didn’t know that.
Marc:   Hi. How are you today?    *      *      *
Woman:   Just fine. Marc:   How about you? What are you going to do?
Marc:   So, is this your first time in Washington, D.C.? Bim:   Well, I’m an artist, so I want to see the art
Woman:   Yes, it is. museum. So, I’m going to spend the whole
Marc:   And who are you with? day there.
Woman:   This is my daughter. Today’s her 16th birthday. *      *      *
We’re visiting Washington, D.C., for her Diane:   I going to spend the day outside because
birthday. it’s so nice. I’d like to see some monuments –
Marc:   Well, happy birthday! maybe the Lincoln Memorial or the Jefferson
Girl:   Thanks! Memorial.
Marc:   So, what are you going to do?    *      *      *
Girl:   Well, we’re going to visit some museums. And Marc:   What are you going to do?
then, we’re going to have lunch at a café in the Jorge:   I’m going to go to the top of the Washington
museum. Monument because you can see the entire
Marc:   Nice! What museum are you going to visit? Mall from there. And then I’m going to walk to
Girl:   I want to visit the National Air and Space the White House. I’d like to take a tour there.
Museum. I want to be a pilot someday.    *      *      *
Marc:   Great! Well, have a good day. Marc:   You can get to the National Mall easily by
Woman:   Thanks. public transportation. Once you’re here,
Marc:   Happy birthday. you can walk to everything. It’s easy to get
   *      *      * around.
Marc:   Let’s find some more people to talk with. . . . Hi,    *      *      *
guys! Marc:   Museums, fireworks, sightseeing. There’s so
Students:   Hi. / Hello. much to see and do on the National Mall. In
Marc:   So, how do you like Washington? fact, it’s my turn to have some fun. I’m going
Student 1:   We love it. It’s really fun. to take one of those sightseeing buses to, . . .
well, I don’t know. But it’s going to be

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Unit 12: Where does it hurt? Peter:   OK. Sounds good.
Dr. Smith:   All right. I’m going to give you some ear drops
Peter goes to see the doctor, but he ends up solving the and some pills. Take one pill before breakfast.
doctor’s health problem. Use the ear drops before bed.
Peter:   One pill in the morning, ear drops at night.
Peter:   Hi, Dr. Smith. Dr. Smith:   That’s it!
Dr. Smith:   Peter! It’s good to see you. How are you feeling Peter:   OK. And can I swim?
today? Dr. Smith:   No swimming for two weeks. But after that, you
Peter:   Not so good, Doc. should be OK.
Dr. Smith:   OK. Tell me exactly what’s the matter. Peter:   Great. Thanks, Doc.
Peter:   Well, I have an earache, and it really hurts, and Dr. Smith:   No problem. . . . Ow!
I’m a little dizzy. Peter:   Hey, Doc, are you OK?
Dr. Smith:   Sorry to hear that. Let me take a look, hm? Dr. Smith:   Oh, no, it’s OK, really. It’s . . . it’s just my back. I
All right. Do you have a cough? have a backache.
Peter:   No, I don’t. Peter:   Is the pain here, or here?
Dr. Smith:   Do you have a fever? Dr. Smith:   No, it’s down here.
Peter:   No, I don’t. I feel pretty terrific. It’s just my ear. Peter:   OK. Does it hurt all the time?
Dr. Smith:   OK, so the pain: Do you feel it all the time, or Dr. Smith:   Only when I stand a lot, and when I move
does it come and go? like . . . ow!
Peter:   No, it isn’t constant. Just from time to time. Peter:   OK, I have just the thing. Come on. Stand up
Dr. Smith:   Do you feel tired? straight.
Peter:   No, I actually have a lot of energy. I actually go Dr. Smith:   What?
swimming all the time. Peter:   My father has the same back pain. I can help
Dr. Smith:   OK. Give me an “ah.” you.
Peter:   Ahh. Dr. Smith:   I have a lot of patients to see today.
Dr. Smith:   Thank you. So, do you go swimming every day? Peter:   This will only take a minute. Take your left leg,
Peter:   No, not every day. Probably three times a week. pull it up to your chest like this, and turn your
Dr. Smith:   I think I see the problem. body to your right. . . . More!
Peter:   Is it serious? Dr. Smith:   Oh! I feel that. . . . You’re not going to charge me,
Dr. Smith:   Oh, no. You have some extra wax in your ear, are you?
probably because you swim so much. I’m going
to give you some medicine, and you should feel
better in a week.

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Unit 13: Across the bridge Ben:   What?
Sara:   What’s going on?
Sara and Ben cross the Capilano Suspension Bridge in Ben:   What do you mean?
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Sara:   Well, first you wanted to go to Totem Park. Now you
want to go to the gift shop. What about the bridge?
Sara:   H ere we are: the Capilano Suspension Bridge, one of Ben:   Well, actually, I don’t like high places. I get scared,
Vancouver’s most popular tourist attractions. and I freeze up.
Ben:   Capilano Suspension Bridge. Sara:   So you don’t want to go across the bridge?
Sara:   Come on! Let’s go! Ben:   Uh-uh. No. Nope. No!
   *      *      * Sara:   Why didn’t you say something sooner?
Sara:   Wow. It’s beautiful. Ben:   Because I didn’t want to disappoint you.
Ben:   Yeah. Really nice. Sara:   Oh, don’t worry about me! I can still cross the bridge
Sara:   Come on. by myself.
Ben:   Wait. Ben:   Really? You don’t mind?
Sara:   Photos! Good idea. Sara:   Of course not! I know. You stay on this side of the
Ben:   Tell you what: Let me get your picture over at the bridge and take a video of me crossing! How about
totem poles. that?
Sara:   The totem poles? They’re across from the gift shop. Ben:   OK. Sounds good! Let’s go!
We can do that later. Come on, let’s cross.    *      *      *
Ben:   Please, Sara. It’s nearby. It’ll only take a second. Do it Ben:   OK.
for me? Sara:   How am I doing?
Sara:   OK. Ben:   What’s it like down below?
   *      *      * Sara:   Ben?
Ben:   Now turn a little, and stand next to that one. . . . Ben:   Yeah?
Good! Sara:   Help.
Sara:   OK, my turn. Ben:   What’s wrong?
Sara:   Stand between those two. . . . All right. We got some Sara:   I can’t move.
great photos. Now let’s go cross that bridge. Ben:   Hold on! I’m coming.
Ben:   Oh! I just remembered!    *      *      *
Sara:   What? Ben:   How are you feeling?
Ben:   We have to get a present for my mom. We promised. Sara:   You crossed the bridge!
Sara:   Yeah? Ben:   Oh, my gosh! I . . . we . . .
Ben:   The gift shop’s just back there. We can get her Sara:   Let’s go to lunch.
something really nice . . . Ben:   Yeah, great.
Sara:   Ben . . . Sara:   At the restaurant.
Ben:   . . . and then we can go to the restaurant, and we can Ben:   Yeah.
get something to eat. Sara:   It’s across the . . .
Sara:   Ben?

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Unit 14: How was your vacation? Hugo:   It was really hot.
Evan:   Yeah?
Hugo tells his co-worker Evan about his bad vacation. Hugo:   Yeah! The air conditioning didn’t work. I couldn’t
sleep at all.
Evan:   Hey, Hugo. Welcome back! Evan:   So you’re saying it’s nicer here? In the office?
Hugo:   Ow! Hugo:   Yeah.
Evan:   Oh, sorry. Are you OK? Evan:   That doesn’t sound good. . . . [looking at the picture
Hugo:   Yeah, I’m fine. he took of Harry] I can’t wait to send this around the
Evan:   OK. Did you have a good vacation? office. . . . (to Hugo) Hey, did you take any pictures
Hugo:   It was OK. during your trip?
Evan:   Just OK? Did you go to the mountains or the Hugo:   Well, that’s another thing. . . . I bought myself a new
beach? camera, just for my trip.
Hugo:   Oh, I went to the beach. Evan:   Cool.
Evan:   Fantastic! Tell me about it! Hugo:   Yeah. It was expensive, too. But I forgot to pack it.
Hugo:   Stop. Wait. Don’t. I’ll tell you all about it. . . . I was I left it at home.
really happy when I got there. It was beautiful. The Evan:   Oh, that’s too bad. So, when did you get back?
water was so blue, and the sand was white. There Hugo:   I planned to come back on Saturday, but they
were palm trees and cool breezes. I couldn’t wait to canceled my flight. So I spent the night at the
hit the beach. airport. I finally got home late last night. And I had
Evan:   Lucky you. So what did you do first? an early meeting today, so I came to work early.
Hugo:   Well, the first day I just relaxed on the beach. I even Evan:   That’s terrible, Hugo.
fell asleep there. John:   Hey, Evan. You’re all set. Your flight to Chicago for
Evan:   Kind of like Harry there? tomorrow is confirmed, and they upgraded you to
Hugo:   Yeah. Like that. a deluxe suite at no cost.
Evan:   So you fell asleep on the beach. That sounds nice. Evan:   Great.
Hugo:   Yeah, it was, except I didn’t use any sunscreen. John:   Here you go.
Evan:   Uh-oh. Evan:   Thank you, John.
Hugo:   And I got sunburned all over. John:   No problem.
Evan:   Ouch! So that explains the . . . Evan:   I have to run. It’s good to have you back!
Hugo:   Exactly. . . . So after that, I didn’t go back to the Hugo:   Thanks, Evan. It’s good to be back. I think I need a
beach. vacation.
Evan:   That’s too bad. Was the hotel nice, at least? John:   Hey, Hugo. Welcome back.

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Unit 15: On Broadway Andrea:   I’m a percussionist. I play the drums.
Rachel:   So, you’re in the orchestra?
People who work in Broadway theater talk about their lives. Andrea:   That’s right.
Rachel:   That’s interesting.
Rachel Park:   T imes Square. Midtown Manhattan. And the Andrea:   Yeah. We play a show every day and two
heart and the home of the theater district: shows on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and
Broadway! This is New York City! And no trip Sundays.
to New York is complete until you go to a Rachel:   Do you get any time off? Can you take a
Broadway play or musical. Broadway is a busy break?
and exciting place to be. It’s also the dream Andrea:   Sure. The theater is closed on Mondays.
of thousands of actors, dancers, musicians, Rachel:   I see. So, Andrea, were you born in New York?
and other artists. Let’s talk with some of the Andrea:   Yes, I was. Not too far from here, actually. In
people who actually work here on Broadway. Brooklyn. My parents were born in New York,
   *      *      * too.
Rachel:   Hi, Sylvia. Rachel:   What did you study in college?
Sylvia:   Hi. Andrea:   Music, of course. I always wanted to play on
Rachel:   This is Sylvia Santiago. . . . Sylvia, were you Broadway.
born in New York? Rachel:   And now you’re doing it! Congratulations,
Sylvia:   No, I was born in Mexico. Andrea, this is your dream come true!
Rachel:   And when did you come to New York? Andrea:   Thanks.
Sylvia:   I came here five years ago. I want to be an    *      *      *
actress. Rachel:   This is Frank Norris. . . . Frank, what do you do
Rachel:   Wow. Do you want to be in a Broadway here?
show? Frank:   I’m an usher.
Sylvia:   Yes! That’s my dream. Rachel:   An usher? What exactly do you do?
Rachel:   Did you study acting before you came to Frank:   I take customers’ tickets and I show them to
New York? their seats.
Sylvia:   No, I didn’t. I studied law. Rachel:   Why did you become an usher?
Rachel:   Law? Really? That is a big change. What did Frank:   Because I needed the money. I like it, though.
your parents say about you coming to New I get to meet a lot of nice people. And I get to
York? see a lot of shows for free!
Sylvia:   They were worried. They thought this was Rachel:   Nice. What else do you do?
a big, dangerous city. But last month they Frank:   I’m a college student. I came to New York to
came to visit New York, and now they love it. I study writing. I want to write Broadway plays.
do, too! Rachel:   Are you from New York?
Rachel:   That’s wonderful. Well, Sylvia, good luck to Frank:   No, I grew up in Colorado.
you! Rachel:   OK. Good luck, and thanks!
Sylvia:   Gracias! I mean, thanks! Frank:   Thanks.
   *      *      *    *      *      *
Rachel:   This is Andrea. She works right here in the Rachel:   There you have it – Broadway stories.
theater. . . . Hi, Andrea. Remember the names and faces you saw
Andrea:   Hello, Rachel. today because, who knows: You might meet
Rachel:   So, Andrea, what do you do? them again when you come to Broadway!

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Unit 16: Then he said . . . Peter:   W hat do you mean, you’re not sure? What
Abby tells her friend Peter about her date. Abby:   Well, we went on this big roller coaster!
Peter:   Was it fun?
Peter:   Hey! How’s it going? Abby:   Yes, but I got sick, and I had to sit down for a
Abby:   I’m good, Peter. How are you? while.
Peter:   I’m fine. Oh, hey, did you see Greg last Peter:   What did Greg do?
weekend? Abby:   He offered to buy me a soda to help settle
Abby:   Oh, well, that’s kind of a long story. my stomach. Then he realized that his wallet
Peter:   Well, we have plenty of time before class. was gone. It fell out of his pocket on the roller
Come on. Let’s go outside. coaster.
Abby:   OK. Peter:   Oh, that’s too bad.
Peter:   I’m all ears. Abby:   I felt terrible about it. But then my sister came
Abby:   OK. Well, I saw Greg here at school on Friday. over, and she had Greg’s wallet! He left it at
Peter:   Yeah? Did you talk to him? the restaurant where we had lunch, before we
Abby:   Yeah, but he was in a hurry. So he said, “Can I went on the roller coaster. She picked it up
call you later?” and I said, “OK.” And he did. and kept it for him.
Peter:   And? What did he say? Peter:   What a relief! Was he happy?
Abby:   He asked me to go to the movies with him that Abby:   Oh, yeah. He even offered to buy her ice
night. cream, to say “thank you.”
Peter:   Great! So you went to the movies together. Peter:   Did she like that?
Abby:   No, I couldn’t because of my little sister. I had Abby:   Yup. She got two scoops of chocolate ice
to babysit. So then he asked if I wanted to go cream. She loved it, but, . . . he didn’t.
to the basketball game the next night. Peter:   What do you mean?
Peter:   Oh, so you went to the game Saturday night. Abby:   She accidentally dropped her ice cream on
Abby:   No. I turned him down. him. She got chocolate ice cream all over
Peter:   What? Are you crazy? Why? What was your Greg’s new shirt. She ruined it.
excuse? Peter:   Oh, no!
Abby:   No excuse. I told him that I like him, but I really Abby:   He was cool about it, but I’m just afraid Greg
do not like sports. But, um, he was really nice didn’t have a very good time.
about it, and he even asked me to go to the Peter:   That’s too bad.
art fair with him on Sunday. Abby:   Yeah.
Peter:   So you went to the art fair. I was there, but I Peter:   [Abby’s phone rings] Maybe it’s Greg.
didn’t see you. Abby:   Very funny. [She sees it is Greg and shows Peter]
Abby:   No, we didn’t go. I couldn’t. On Sunday, I had Peter:   I told you! Answer it!
plans with my family to go to the amusement Abby:   Greg? Hi! . . . I’m fine, thanks. You did? . . .
park. Well, I had a very good time, too. You’re
Peter:   So you didn’t see him. welcome. . . . What? . . . Really? . . . Yes, sure,
Abby:   Yes, I did. I’d love to. . . . No, no, tomorrow’s bad. . . . Yeah,
Peter:   OK, wait a minute. I’m confused. When did you I have dance class. . . . No, my grandparents
see him? are coming over Wednesday night. It’s their
Abby:   On Sunday. I asked him to go to the 40th anniversary. . . . Um, no, not on Thursday
amusement park with us, and he accepted my because I have this huge test the next day,
invitation. He said, “I’d love to go.” and I’m going to study with some of my
Peter:   So you all went to the amusement park on classmates. . . . Friday? Well, let me see. Oh,
Sunday. That’s cool. How was it? no. I have a dentist appointment in the
Abby:   Well, I’m not sure. morning, and . . .

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