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The religion and mythology of ancient Greece had a profound impact on their civilization.

It influenced
their art, literature, and philosophy, and helped to shape their understanding of the world. Greek
mythology provided a framework for understanding natural phenomena and gave the Greeks a sense of
order and purpose in their lives.

Greek mythology also helped to define the values and beliefs of Greek society. The Greeks believed in
the importance of hospitality, piety, and honor, which were all important values in their religion. They
also believed in the importance of democracy, which they saw as a reflection of the will of the gods.
Greek mythology helped to shape the Greek concept of morality and provided a foundation for their
ethical and social norms.

The gods and goddesses of ancient Greece also served as models for human behavior. The heroes of
Greek mythology, such as Hercules and Theseus, were admired for their bravery, strength, and
intelligence. The gods and goddesses themselves were seen as models of ideal behavior, embodying the
virtues that the Greeks valued.

In conclusion, the religion and mythology of ancient Greece played a crucial role in their civilization. The
Greeks worshipped a pantheon of gods and goddesses who controlled different aspects of the world and
were worshipped through rituals and sacrifices. Greek mythology helped to define the values and beliefs
of Greek society and influenced their art, literature, and philosophy. The gods and goddesses of ancient
Greece served as models for human behavior, embodying the virtues that the Greeks valued. The legacy
of Greek religion and mythology can still be seen in modern society, and its influence continues to shape
the world we live in today.

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