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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Grimm (TV)
Relationship: Nick Burkhardt/Adalind Schade, Rosalee Calvert/Monroe, Sean
Renard/Juliette Silverton
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Porn With Plot, Claiming
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-05-20 Updated: 2023-09-14 Words: 53,397 Chapters:

by KalChloe1


Nick knows that Adalind has somehow altered her appearance to look like Juliet. He has
tried to deny his attraction to her, so plays along and turns the table, so to speak on her.
Juliette did sleep with Sean Renard. Trubel already left Portland.


This part is a bit longer than I planned.

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter 1

Part One

Nick wanted to believe that after all this time, the man as a Grimm desired Juliette as much as the
man before as a cop. He did not secretly covet feeling for an extremely-annoying Hexenbiest.
However, he currently lived in the land of denial.

He had felt dismayed when his mom brought Adalind to his home, but his emotions quickly
changed. He had a jealous rage creeping up his spine the instant his eyes landed on the baby in her
arms. A voice growled in his head, ‘That should be mine!’

Nick felt astonished. Where did that come from? I hate Adalind!

He could admit that he had kissed her. He needed to use Grimm’s blood to save Hank. However, he
did not know what he would have done if she had not bit him.

Nick had a scar that reminded him of just how dangerous Adalind could be. He had not considered
the ruins to be their first fight. Therefore, he required a good dose of make-up sex.

He must be losing his mind. He had gotten hit in the head one too many times. I am going crazy!

Bewildered, Nick stood rooted until Juliette lunged for Adalind. He probably shocked everyone
and himself, for that was the first time he defended her. However, he continued to do so.

He had been against their plan to take Diana from Adalind. He thoroughly believed a child should
never grow up without their mom. Maybe, because he thought he lost his own at fourteen.

Nick might be taking this a bit personally. His mom handed him to his aunt, but she could raise a
powerful Hexenbiest! He could not comprehend her logic.

He did not understand Sean Renard, either. He would never willingly hand his child over to
anyone. Therefore, he thought the saying true- any dick can make a baby and be a father, but it
takes a real man to be a dad.

Nick could admit that he had issues with Sean Renard. He had ordered Adalind to kill his aunt,
called off the security detail, had Adalind drug his partner, and . . . Nick did not even want to think
about Adalind and Hank sexually.

He had taken her powers and killed her Hexenbiest spirit. He could still remember how broken she
had looked afterward. You killed me. You don’t look so dead.

Nick had just dealt with the Verrat and returned to the precinct to visited Adalind in her cell. He
just can not figure out what to charge her with. She had taunted, “Under different circumstances, I
think you and I could have really had some fun.”

He had glared, pretending he did not feel that familiar electromagnetism between them. He played
his reaction off by replying, “I guess you don’t have to be a Hexenbiest to be a witch.” However,
Adalind seductively ran her eyes over him and purred, “You don’t have to be a witch to work this
kind of magic.”

Nick could admit that he had looked Adalind over. He might be a Grimm, but he is also a man, and
Adalind is gorgeous! However, he refused to give into the temptation.

He was in love with Juliette, and he had even proposed. She turned him down. Maybe that was the
beginning of the end for them?

Nick had taken residence in their guest room before Juliette snapped, “What is it with you and
Adalind?” He remained silent, insightful of everything the Hexenbiest had done. After all, he
generally was her target!

He did not want to argue, but obviously, Juliette did when she yelled, “My memory loss, obsession
with Sean, and what happened are all her fault!” She could blame Adalind for the first two but not
the last one, and he did not need a reminder. Yet, he could not stop his mind from going there!

Nick found a pregnancy test box a month after he came home from Monroe’s. He felt heartbroken,
knowing the baby could not be his, and speechless when he discovered Sean Renard would be the
father. However, he understood why his boss had been acting so strangely now.

He stated the obvious as he grumbled, “Adalind wanted revenge on me!” He could not and would
not change being a Grimm. Therefore, he hated admitting that he should have listened to his aunt,

Nick realized what would be said next even before Juliette yelled, “And there you go again,
defending her!” He could argue, but then he would sound like a broken record, stuck playing the
same thing. Instead, he held his hands up in mock surrender and admitted, “I cannot do this

He motioned with his hands between their bodies and declared, “Neither one of us is happy, and we
are trying to hold onto something that we used to be.” He assumed her silence was an
acknowledgment that she agreed with him. Therefore, he continued, “We can be civil for Monroe
and Rosalee.”

Nick did not want to ruin his best friend's wedding, and he was glad when Juliette agreed with him.
He had some weight on his shoulders reduced, but his guilt remained. Therefore, he concluded he
had to help Adalind get Diana back.

He did not know how to convince his mother, though. She insisted Diana needed normal. How was
living on the run conventional?

Nick frowned, mindful that Adalind was probably scheming, and he should expect her revenge.
His past experiences had taught him that even without her Hexenbiest, she was still a force to be
reckoned with. However, she had managed to get her’s back.

He recalled when Adalind woged and revealed she had her Hexenbiest spirit back. He attempted to
cover his reaction as he declared, “Really, you find that attractive?” However, neither Adalind nor
Renard realized his words were a contradiction.

Nick had an extremely painful erection, and he certainly should not have that response to her
Wesen form, but he did. He met his mom outside afterward, so she might have had an inkling of his
uneasiness. So, maybe convincing his mother would not be that hard.

He just needed to convince Adalind! He wondered if his Grimm books held a possible solution to
their trust issue. After hours of reading, he came across something that could work.

Nick speculated how to approach Adalind as he walked into the master bedroom. He stopped and
stared at Juliette after she came out of the bathroom wearing a silk baby doll. Knowing, she had
spent the night with Renard and went to get her hair done for the wedding.

He felt that invisible cord of attraction he always sensed when Adalind was near. He experienced
the same physical reaction as his blood rushed to his genitals. Something he had tried desperately
to ignore since meeting her.

Nick almost smirked, appreciative Adalind had used a spell to transform into Juliette. Of course, I
am the one she comes after, and what are the consequences? He played along as he asked, “Whoa,
you wearing that to the wedding?”

He almost chuckled after she declared, “Unless somebody takes it off me first.” He could inform
her that Juliette never is spontaneous. However, he replied, “Really?”

Nick felt thankful he had plenty of time before he had to put on his tux. He watched her come
closer while she answered, “Yeah, this whole wedding thing has kind of put me in a romantic
mood.” Before he could respond, she kissed him.

He noticed the subtle differences, but he had wanted to kiss her. He looked into her eyes and
huskily declared, “I support that.” Then he gently cupped her neck and leaned closer.

Nick brushed his lips over hers as she asked, “You do, do you?” He kissed her again but did not
want their kiss to become heated yet. However, he planned on taking control soon.

He gently caressed her neck before he hooked his thumbs under the spaghetti straps. He slowly
slipped them over her shoulders and answered, “I wish our friends would get married more often.”
Next, he let gravity remove the rest of the silk so he had her naked before him.

Nick toed off his boots while she removed his shirt. He could not stifle his groan as she unzipped
his jeans and pushed those and his boxers over his hips. Stepping out of them, he caught her eyeing
his erection, but instead of commenting, he led her to the bed.

He raised her hands over her head and pinned her wrists with his hand. He raked his eyes over her
body, noting she was a carbon copy. Looking into her eyes, he smirked and huskily declared,
“Adalind, you really should have had all your facts straight.”

Nick grinned when Adalind attempted to keep up the charade and snarled, “Did you just call me,
Adalind!” Of course, she did not want to admit he busted her. He nodded, eager to see what she
would do, now.

He maintained eye contact, daring her. Would Adalind make another attempt to convince him that
she is Juliette? He would have absolutely fallen for her seduction if the circumstances were

Nick had time, but not all night, so her spell needed to end soon. He certainly did not desire any
consequences, and he bet that was drastic. However, he could not resist, brushing his lips against

He smirked when Adalind attempted to deepen their kiss. He lost the gleeful expression and
groaned a second later when she arched her back and rubbed against him. His pulse pounded as she
pleaded, “Nick!”

Nick breathed in before he revealed, “Juliette and I broke up, so until you transform back, this is
not happening!” He saw shock, then disbelief before she gasped, “What, why?” Therefore, he
reluctantly admitted, “Adalind, the last time I pinned you to the ground, I ended up with blue-

He had not told Juliette about his fight with Adalind at the ruins. Monroe and Rosalee did not
know he had used a kiss to get his blood inside her, either. He did not have the benefit of their
clothes between their bodies now.

Nick needed to focus on something other than the temptation beneath him. He might just end up
with blue-balls again. Be that as it may, he declared, “We could talk about my plan to get Diana

He observed anger before she snapped, “Victor has Diana!” He swallowed hard, he had been on
the receiving end one too many times, and he heard about the destruction she had caused. Shaking
his head, he revealed, “The royals do not have Diana.”

Nick watched Adalind, noticing her anger turn to fury. She had swallowed her pride and asked for
his help, and he had lied. Needing to be honest, he admitted, “We impersonated the resistance and
stole her back.”

He was not proud of his actions and had done what he had accused her of more than once. He felt
like a hypocrite. His hold loosened as she growled, “Let go of me!”

Nick reluctantly moved when she snapped, “Get off me!” He sighed when she scrambled off the
bed and headed toward the bathroom. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he declared, “I was the one
person in favor of keeping Diana with her mother.”

He saw her stop and turn around before she snapped, “Yeah, right!” He did not want Adalind to
leave and had no idea how to convince her to stay. Nodding, he decided to voice an alteration of
something she had once said to him.

Nick slowly approached and then suggested, “I think you and I should really have some fun.” He
needed Adalind to become herself first, though. While he closed the distance between their bodies,
he watched her.

He breathed in as her eyes turned blue, her face altered, and finally, her hair became blonde locks.
He could not stifle his groan as his erection twitched, and he huskily declared, “God, you are
beautiful.” Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her body to him.


Adalind tried to ignore that thinking about sex with Nick had made her wet before she inhaled three
puffs from the hat. She continued her denial while she walked into his house and went upstairs to
the master bedroom. After undressing, she took the silk baby doll out of her purse.

She hoped her timing was right as she walked out of the bathroom. She noticed that Nick looked
surprised to see her and wondered why. He cannot possibly know I am not actually Juliette.

Adalind stood in the doorway as Nick declared, “Whoa, you wearing that to the wedding?” She
swung her hips while she moved closer and replied, “Unless somebody takes it off me first.” Once
again, she felt skeptical as she looked into his eyes.

She could not pinpoint her uneasiness, though. Juliette could not be that boring, could she? She
was close enough to kiss him when Nick asked, “Really?”

Adalind stepped closer while she replied, “Yeah, this whole wedding thing has kind of put me in a
romantic mood.” She pressed her body into his and kissed him. After he returned her kiss, she
pulled back to look into his eyes.

She maintained eye contact as Nick huskily replied, “I support that.” I bet you do! She felt
apprehensive, almost like he saw through her facade to see the real her, but he could not.

Adalind savored his gentle touch as Nick cupped her neck and face. He initiated their kiss this
time, and she wanted to deepen it, but she did not want to come on too strong. So she settled for,
teasingly declaring, “You do, do you?”

She noticed Nick looked deep into her eyes while he hooked his thumbs under the thin spaghetti
straps and declared, “I wish our friends would get married more often.” She wished those hands
would touch her own flesh. A thrill raced through her while the silk baby doll cascaded down her

Adalind had to stop from taunting about his eagerness as Nick toed off his boots. She began to
remove his shirt, gung-ho on the screwing. After she tossed his shirt aside, she quickly unbuttoned
and unzipped his jeans, then pushed the denim and boxers over his hips.

She enjoyed his groan of frustration when she freed his manhood from his jeans. She had to remind
herself not to stare when she saw his thickness and length. Nick is definitely larger than Sean, and
Juliette is one lucky woman, but he is mine now!

Adalind allowed Nick to take her to bed. She savored his weight on her while he moved her hands
above her head. ‘Oh, they like it a little kinky! she thought as his hand gripped her wrists.

Afraid to break whatever game Nick played with Juliette, she watched him through her lashes. She
needed to have intercourse as Juliette for her spell to work. His smirk had her on edge again, and
then, he huskily declared, “Adalind, you really should have had all your facts straight.”

Adalind felt panic as she attempted to keep up the charade. She believed Juliette would be furious,
so she pretended to be angry and snarled, “Did you just call me, Adalind!” She gulped when Nick
nodded. Had he known she was not Juliette from the beginning?

She refused to break his stare but noted the familiar challenge in his eyes. She had gotten herself in
quite a predicament. Now, she was naked underneath the Grimm that she had daydreamed about
having sex with and wished had fathered Diana.

Adalind pondered her next move when Nick brushed his lips against hers. She had always wanted
him to kiss her and attempted to deepen his kiss. Her eyes narrowed as she noticed his smirk.

She finally had an opportunity to wipe that from his face. She had her wrists pinned but not the rest
of her body, so she arched her back and rubbed her body against him. After he groaned, she
pleaded, “Nick!”

Adalind studied Nick trying to determine how to make him cave, but she never had much success
in her own body, and he did not appear tempted by his girlfriend, either. Maybe, becoming a
Grimm turned him gay. That would be an awful crime.

She had to admit that could not be the case when she saw and felt his erection. She wanted, no
needs, his dick inside her. Her heart beat faster as Nick declared, “Juliette and I broke up, so until
you transform back, this is not happening!”

Adalind felt shocked as she squeaked, “What, why?” She realized that Nick had known all along
that she was not Juliette. He had played along because he wanted her!

She considered laughing. She had hinted on more than one occasion that she was definitely
interested. Therefore, she was about to call Nick a lair when he admitted, “Adalind, the last time I
pinned you to the ground, I ended up with blue-balls.”

Adalind stared at Nick in disbelief. She had not imagined feeling his erection. However, she felt
pleased Nick had blue-balls and considered taunting, “You deserved pain after killing my
Hexenbiest spirit!”

She figured Nick would remind her why, and she bit her tongue to keep from revealing that she had
only kissed Hank and injected him with a potion. She had set the scene after she dragged his ass to
her bedroom. Now, she could see that Sean had treated her like a whore.

Adalind had always used sex as a weapon. She had never received much pleasure during the act,
though. Her musings stopped when Nick suggested, “We could talk about my plan to get Diana

She became angry as she considered why she had made herself look like Juliette. So, she snapped,
“Victor has Diana!” She glared at Nick as he shook his head and declared, “The royals do not have

The guilt she saw in his eyes did not appease her when Nick admitted, “We impersonated the
resistance and stole her back.” She went to his house and begged him for his help. Needing away
from him, she struggled and growled, “Let me go!”

Adalind glared at Nick after he released her wrists, but she still had his body pressing into hers and
snapped, “Get off me” She had no intention of screwing him to get his assistance with Diana. I will
not be your whore!

She scrambled off the bed after Nick moved and went to retrieve her clothes. She was almost to the
bathroom when he said, “I was the one person in favor of keeping Diana with her mother.” He
hates me!

Adalind stopped, turned, and snapped, “Yeah, right!” She could not stop her eyes from admiring
Nick while he walked toward her in all his naked glory and declared, “I think you and I should
really have some fun.” He had reworded her own words, and she considered his words afterward; I
guess you don’t need to be a Hexenbiest to be a witch.

She heard Nick breathe in, and his eyes were a casual caress but different from before when he had
been on the bed. She realized the spell had worn off, and she had been right; he wanted her, not
Juliette! After witnessing his manhood jump, she thought, I have power over him!

Her heart skipped a beat as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her against him, and
huskily declared, “God, you are beautiful.” Some of her anger disappeared, but she was still mad.
Looking into his eyes, she demanded, “Who has my daughter?”

She considered woging when Nick did not answer. She glared when he replied, “My mother.”
Shaking her head, she growled, “Wow! She wanted a do-over with my daughter!”

Adalind had hoped her comment would make Nick angry. She could deal with that version of him,
but she never expected the raw hunger she saw in his eyes. Her heart beat faster as he asked, “What
would have happened if we had sex while you were Juliette?”

She opened her mouth to answer, but Nick kissed her. Her arms wrapped around his neck of their
own accord as he deepened their kiss. She breathed in when he broke the kiss and answered, “You
would lose your Grimm ability.”

Adalind had assumed Nick would release her and snapped, “Karma for you killing my Hexenbiest
spirit.” Her plan to piss him off was not working! Why?

She had to tighten her hold on his neck when Nick suddenly scooped her into his arms and carried
her across the room. He placed her on the bed and pinned her body to the mattress with his body
before he growled, “That won’t happen now?” Afraid she would give away how he already
affected her, she shook her head no.

Adalind felt Nick shift his weight slightly before he rolled her nipple between his thumb and
forefinger. She had never been one for foreplay, more interested in the sex. Her eyes locked with
his as Nick huskily declared, “Good, losing my Grimm abilities would not go over well with my

She gasped as Nick rolled her nipple harder, and his other hand massaged her left breast. He closed
his mouth over her hard nub while he made her other one tighten. She felt an increasing ache
between her legs with each swipe of his tongue and twist of his fingers.

Adalind whimpered when Nick scraped his teeth over her tight nub and took her other into his
mouth. She bit her lip as he suckled her breast before he scraped his teeth over her nipple and
trailed kisses down her body while his hands spread her legs. Her hands gripped the sheets when
his finger traced over her outer lips.

She had never needed someone to touch her like she did now. She felt Nick watching her as he
plunged two fingers into her center. He thrust his fingers in and out, then slowly added his tongue.


Nick did not care if Adalind was angry. He should be upset with her since she had transformed into
Juliette. However, he had no intention of letting this opportunity slip away from him.
He watched her eyes spark in anger while Adalind demanded, “Who has my daughter?” He was
not allowing her to escape either. After she tilted her head, he almost smirked, knowing her woge
would not stop him.

However, Nick was not ready to reveal how untruthful he had been about her Hexenbiest form.
Adalind already appeared delighted with the knowledge she had power over him. He could not
hide that when he was naked.

He held her closer while he answered, “My mother.” He had anticipated a bad reaction before she
shook her head and growled, “Wow! She wanted a do-over with my daughter!” Therefore, he
understood that she meant for her words to hurt or piss him off.

Nick silently admitted that thought had crossed his mind. He also believed a Hexenbiest would be
better suited to deal with Diana’s powers, not a Grimm. However, he could mention that later, now
their time was limited.

He wanted to do more than hold Adalind, and he asked, “What would have happened if we had sex
while you were Juliette?” He had known she would take revenge on him. Once again, he
considered how he might have gotten caught in her manipulation if the situation had been different.

Nick wanted an answer, but he desired to kiss her too. So when she opened her mouth, his desire
won. He drove his tongue deeper as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

He reluctantly pulled back to breathe and narrowed his eyes once Adalind replied, “You would lose
your Grimm ability.” He decided to get revenge another way and kept her body tightly against his
own. You are mine!

Nick had just finally come to terms with being a Grimm. He moved his hands down her back as
Adalind snapped, “Karma for you killing my Hexenbiest spirit.” A small smirk formed as he
detected the slight change in her eyes.

Nick scooped Adalind into his arms and headed toward the bed. He placed her on the bed and
pinned her body to the mattress with his body before he growled, “That won’t happen now?” His
eyebrow mockingly rose when she shook her head, almost like she refused to speak.

He shifted his weight slightly before he rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He
wondered what Adalind thought as his eyes locked with hers. His intentions were crystal-clear as
he declared, “Good, losing my Grimm abilities would not go over well with my mom."

Nick savored her gasps as he rolled her nipple harder, and his other hand massaged her left breast.
He closed his mouth over her hard nub while he made her other one tighten. Wanting to hear more
of her responses, he scrapped his teeth over her tight nub and took her other into his mouth.

He suckled her breast before he scraped his teeth over her nipple. Then he trailed kisses down her
body while his hands moved along her inner thighs and spread her legs. He thought about how he
planned to use his tongue to bring her to an orgasm while tracing his fingers along her outer lips.

Nick continued to watch her while he plunged two fingers into her center. He thrust his fingers in
and out before slowly adding his tongue, deciding she tasted like vanilla and honey. Wanting more,
he embedded his tongue deeper.

He continued the steady rhythm of his fingers and tongue, enjoying how her moans increased in
volume. He silently stated that he had control when he moved his free hand to her hip. Therefore,
Adalind rewarded him by moaning his name in protest.
Nick drove his fingers faster and deeper while he slipped his tongue out and thrashed the tip
against her clit. He looked up, watching Adalind- her face flushed with desire, her chest rising and
falling while she arched her back. His eye briefly locked with hers before he plunged his tongue
inside her wet center again.

He released his hold on her hip to press his thumb into her clit. He greedily drank down her nectar
as Adalind thrust her hips wildly and screamed, “Oh. . . N. . I. .C. . .K. . .ppplease. . .” He groaned
when his erection twitched, and he slowly licked her clean.

Nick removed his fingers and licked them clean while he shifted his body, brushing his aching
manhood against her heat. He doubted Adalind had ever begged for sex. However, he could not
wait for another second longer and thrust his hips, ramming his cock into her tight wet center.


Adalind moaned when Nick thrust his tongue deeper. She could feel his fingers moving forward as
his tongue drew back, then the opposite. Nothing had ever felt so good.

She whimpered, knowing she was doomed. She would never permit another man to touch her. Her
heart raced as she realized she essentially was surrendering to the Grimm.

Nick had her moans increasing in pitch with each movement his fingers and tongue made inside
her. He pushed her closer and closer to the edge, making her want and need more. She attempted to
rock her hips, but his hand forced her to submit, control to him.

Adalind protestingly moaned, “Nick!” She gripped the sheets while he drove his fingers faster and
further. Another whimper came forth when he slipped his tongue out.

She felt his tongue press against her clit, and then he continued to tease her. She imagined she was
a sight to see, with her face flushed with desire, her chest rising and falling while she arched her
back, begging with her body. Her eyes locked with his, and she wanted to taunt, "Admiring your
handy work?"

Adalind could only manage to cry out in pleasure, though. She felt her walls flutter as Nick drove
his tongue into her wet center again. Once his hand moved from her hip, she thrust her hips wildly
and screamed, “Oh. . . N. . I. .C. . .K. . .ppplease. . .”

She trembled as his tongue continued tormentingly teasing her. She wanted Nick to thrust his cock
into her tightening core, and she needed their bodies to be one. After she felt his erection twitch
against her folds, she considered demanding, “Fuck me, now!”

Adalind wrapped her legs around his waist the instant Nick thrust his hips forward and rammed his
penis into her wet center. She moaned, delighting in how tightly their bodies fit together. Were
they made for each other?

She clung to Nick while he slowly pulled his manhood back before bulldozing forward and
nudging her g-spot. She already felt her walls fluttering, which she had never experienced during
sex until now. However, she had perfected receiving one by her own hand.

Adalind would not need to fake her orgasm, and Nick had given her two before penetration. She
felt her walls tightening around his length as Nick grunted, “Cum for me!” As if her body obeyed
his command, she did just that.

She rocked her hips, grinding her body into his while screaming his name. She had not even
recovered when Nick propelled her toward another one. Her nails marked his back as she vocalized
her pleasure.

Adalind felt lost in her ecstasy when Nick scraped his teeth over her rapidly beating pulse. She
wanted him to mark her but gasped when he bit into her flesh and grunted, “Mine!” Her response
rolled off her tongue, “Yours,” as his tongue licked the few droplets of blood.

She brought her mouth to his neck and traced her tongue over his rapidly beating pulse before
taking his flesh into her mouth. She sucked hard, and after she removed her mouth, she admired a
deep purple hickey. Her eyes focused on his when Nick growled, “Adalind!”

Adalind looked away when his eyes started to turn pitch black. She whimpered when Nick
instantly returned to his slower pace and asked, “Don’t you want to reciprocate my claim?”
Looking into his eyes again, she asked, “You sure?”


Nick groaned once his manhood became encased in her tight wet heat. He wondered why their
bodies fit so perfectly while Adalind wrapped her legs around his waist and brought their flesh
closer together. Once would never be enough!

He slowly pulled his manhood back before bulldozing forward and nudging her G-spot. He felt
amazed by her response to him when he felt the slight flutter of her walls. Therefore, he understood
after her muscles tightened more around his cock, he would not last much longer.

He set a steady rhythm wanting to hear more of the adorable noises. He could not shake his
suspicion that Adalind never had a lover who cared about her needs. After his shaft brushed
against her g-spot again, and her walls began to tighten around his length, he demanded, “Cum for

Nick groaned while her walls tightened and then continued to milk his penis. He did not desire this
to end yet, so he had to fight his urge to thrust harder and faster. However, it did not help matters
when Adalind rocked her hips and screamed his name either.

He grunted when he felt her walls become even tighter. He hissed as her nails clawed and scratched
his back. However, he planned on leaving his own more permanent mark on her.

Nick scraped his teeth over her rapidly beating pulse before biting into her flesh. He smirked as
Adalind gasped, and he huskily growled, “Mine!” His tongue licked away the few droplets of
blood as she replied, “Yours!”

He nearly ejaculated after his manhood twitched while her walls became vice-like. He managed to
hold off but knew he would once Adalind completed her claim. Therefore, he savored the
sensation of her tongue tracing over his pulse.

Nick growled when Adalind sucked on his flesh. He did not desire power over her! So when
Adalind looked into his eyes, he voiced his displeasure while he growled, “Adalind!”

He assumed Adalind looked away when his eyes turned pitch-black. He had no problem with her
Hexenbiest form but was not ready to have sex with her woged. Does she think I do not want her
to; he wondered and asked, “Don’t you want to reciprocate my claim?”

Nick returned his pace to a slow, yet steady, pounding of his shaft into her tight-wet center. He
noticed the doubt in her eyes as she asked, “You sure?” Nodding his head yes, he answered, “Yes, I
have never been more certain.”
He resumed his hard and fast pace as Adalind bit his flesh and declared, “Mine!” He bulldozed
deeper as she licked away the few droplets of blood, and he responded, “Yours!” His seed flowed
into her tight-wet vagina as he screamed her name, and she yelled his.

Nick propelled his manhood in and out for a couple more strokes before slowly slipping from
inside of her. He smirked when he felt her body trembling underneath him. Unable to resist, he
gleefully asked, “No one has made you climax like I just did?”

He delighted in the blush on her cheeks before Adalind answered, “No Kehrseite or Wesen has
ever made me feel so good!” He almost smirked and could gloat, but he did not care to discuss her
previous lovers. Therefore, he could deny his jealousy.

Nick sighed. He wanted to hold Adalind and bask in the aftermath, but he needed to get dressed for
the wedding. So with reluctance, he declared, “I need to get ready, and you need to go.”

He frowned after Adalind giggled. He did not have time for a shower, and his best friend was a
Blutbad. Maybe, Monroe will not notice!

Nick vowed to make Adalind pay later as he climbed out of bed, picked up his jeans off the floor,
and got out his wallet. He noticed Adalind eyeing his button-down shirt after she sat on the edge of
the bed, so he tossed it to her and took out his credit card. His eyes narrowed as she walked toward
the bedroom door, and he wrapped his arm around her waist.

He brought her into his arms and growled, “You are not wearing my shirt as a dress!” He felt no
amusement by her baffled expression and smacked her ass. After a chaste kiss, he handed her his
credit card and ordered, “Check into the Hotel DeLuxe under my name, and I’ll meet you there
after the reception.”


Adalind watched Nick nod before he answered, “Yes, I have never been more certain.” She held
his gaze, wondering if he understood the consequences. However, she already had his blood in her
veins, so her Hexenbiest spirit could not be affected.

She believed that most Wesen considered a claim the equivalent of marriage, except it was
unbreakable. She had heard about an increased chance of an offspring conceived during
intercourse. Therefore, she poked that bear, so to speak.

Adalind brought her mouth to his neck and moaned against his flesh when Nick thrust harder and
faster again. She bit him hard as his penis nudged her g-spot and declared, “Mine!” Lifting her
mouth, she licked the few droplets of blood as he responded, “Yours!”

She became lost in the sensations of pleasure while Nick thrust deeper then his seed flowed into
her tightening muscles. She heard him scream her name as she yelled, “Nick!” Her orgasm felt like
it went through every molecule in her body.

Adalind felt boneless as Nick slowly slipped from inside of her. She trembled underneath him,
bewitched by the mind-blowing sex. Therefore, she should have anticipated his question, “No one
has made you climax like I just did?”

She slowly looked at Nick, amazed a smirk had not appeared before or after when she blushed. She
did not care to discuss her past mistakes but did admit, “No Kehrseite or Wesen has ever made me
feel so good!” However, she did consider teasing, “I would not have waited so long if I had known
all I needed was a Grimm!”
Adalind could not stop the giggle after Nick declared, “I need to get ready, and you need to go.”
She doubted Nick had time for a shower and suspected he had just come to the same conclusion.
Instantly, she missed the closeness of his body but realized she needed to go.

She sat on the edge of the mattress, watching Nick before her eyes landed on his dress shirt. She
smiled when he tossed his shirt to her. Standing, she slipped on his shirt and re-buttoned it.

Adalind did not desire to spend another night at the storage shed, but she would. She started to
leave and gasped when Nick wrapped his arms around her waist and growled, “You are not
wearing my shirt as a dress!” Looking into his eyes, she pretended to be baffled and cried out when
his hand smacked her ass hard.

She leaned into his body as Nick kissed her. She could not stop her moan of protest when he did
not deepen their kiss. However, she did not wish to be face-to-face with Juliette, either.

Adalind glanced at the credit card after Nick ordered, “Check into the Hotel DeLuxe under my
name, and I’ll meet you there after the reception.” She bit into her bottom lip, feeling his action
were close to payment for services rendered. Her eyes held a spark of anger as she looked at him
and replied, “Check in as your wife!”


Nick watched Adalind stare at his credit card and bite her bottom lip. He wanted to strangle the
men who treated her badly in the past. Therefore, he understood the anger clouding her eyes before
she replied, “Check in as your wife!”

He smirked before he teased, “Adalind Burkhardt.” He had proposed to Juliette, and she said no.
However, he had technically just made Adalind his wife.

Nick brushed his thumb over his claim mark and declared, “I really like the sound of that.” He
watched her anger turn to desire before Adalind whimpered. Before he could do anything else, she
stepped out of his embrace.

He followed Adalind into the bathroom and watched her slip on her stilettos and a long navy coat.
He still did not want her walking around town. Therefore, he suggested, “Tomorrow, I will take
you to where you stashed your clothes.”


Adalind wanted to wipe the smirk off his handsome face. She silently promised she would again
later. After all, she had hours to plot.

She felt skeptical as Nick teased, “Adalind Burkhardt.” He had been near a jewelry store the first
time she saw him. However, their claims were the equivalent of marriage.

Adalind started to feel desire after his thumb brushed over his mark, and Nick declared, “I really
like the sound of that.” She could not stop a whimper from escaping, knowing she had to wait.
Therefore, she forced her legs to move and stepped out of his embrace.

She walked into the bathroom, slipped on her stilettos, and could feel his eyes examining her while
she buttoned her coat. She hoped Nick felt appeased by her attempt to cover up a bit. After all, she
refused to relinquish his shirt.

Adalind felt surrounded by his scent while wearing it. She would be all frustrated waiting at the
hotel. Worse now that he brushed his thumb over his mark.
She nodded after Nick suggested, “Tomorrow, I will take you to where you stashed your clothes.”
She did not want to do anything until he contacted his mother. Therefore, she reminded him, “You
have to get in touch with your mom.”

Adalind slipped his credit card into her pocket and stepped closer. She figured there was no need to
worry about the Verrat right now, so she would mention that tonight. After leaning closer, giving
him a chaste kiss, she declared, “I will tell reception that my husband will pick up his key this


Nick had not been surprised when Adalind mentioned contacting his mom. He needed to create a
new email and message her. Maybe, something like- this is Nick, use this. Juliette and I broke up
with Adalind bringing Diana back.

He did not know if his mom would, though. He suspected Victor would send the Verrat, and he
would deal with the treat, but that was a danger to Diana. Therefore, he was not looking forward to
their conversation.

Nick wanted to hold Adalind close and kiss her again. However, he reluctantly resisted and nodded
after she declared, “I will tell reception that my husband will pick up his key this evening.” He
watched her leave before he started to dress.
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

Thanks for the feedback:

Charlie_Snape~ Thanks hope you continue to like it:)

lydie~ thanks glad you enjoyed and hope you still do

123123qweqwe~ yes Kelly having Diana never sat right with me. I think Nick went
along with everyone else instead of doing what was right. As far as Juliette my muse
thinks she wanted her cake and to eat it too. but I do have to defend Sean Adalind was
in Vienna during her pregnancy and he did help her escape through Meisner but that's
as far as I go lol

I tried not to bash Juliette, but I really can't stand the character

without further ado:

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Part two

Juliette walked into the bedroom to get dressed for the wedding and stopped. She stared at the bed
she used to share with Nick, unable to believe her eyes. However, she did not imaging the scene
before her.

Juliette made the bed this morning, so this could only mean one thing. Nick had sex with Adalind,
and from the state of their bedding it had been a real whopper. The pillows were against the
headboard, the sheets rumpled, and the comforter bunched near the end of the bed.

She was furious and clenched her hands into fists. She did not want to believe that Nick would do
something like this in their home, in their bed. Maybe, she was a hypocrite, but she had not brought
Sean here.

Juliette had almost had sex with Sean in their living room. Close only counts in horseshoes and
hand grenades. She had been under a spell, which was all Adalind’s fault!

She had given in to those desires after Nick moved out. She had believed one wild night would be
her cure. However, one night turned into two, then three, until after one violent night Sean insisted
they return to the Spice Shop.

Juliette had ended her relationship with Sean. She hoped to rebuild what Nick and she had once had
together. Unfortunately, she had a pregnancy scare then everything began to fall apart, and maybe
even before, after she had turned down his marriage proposal.

Nick found her test, and she had to admit Sean would be the father. He had looked heartbroken as
he growled, “You lied to me, and now you might be pregnant by a half-Zauberbiest bastard
Royal?” She nodded and admitted, “Yes, but I will have an abortion!”
She should have anticipated his reaction as Nick growled, “Wow! You would murder an innocent
baby!” She did not have the same opinion, and it was her body. Before she could respond, he
questioned, “Were you ever pregnant by me and got rid of it?”

Juliette lied, “No.” Once, she had wanted children, but she never wanted one with a Grimm. She
cringed when Nick growled, “For all I know, that could be another lie!”

She huffed, then snapped, “Lies, ha, you are the king of liars!” She had turned down his marriage
proposal because of his lies. However, she had no desire to hear his excuses and angrily
suggested, “Maybe, one of us should leave before we both say more we will regret tomorrow.”

Juliette sighed, knowing she could not stand here and dwell on the past. She took one last look at
the bed before something on the floor caught her attention, a silk negligee similar to hers. What
kind of sick twisted game did those two play while I was getting my hair done?

She had spent the night with Sean, but she assumed Nick would apologize, proclaim his love, and
she would become his devoted girlfriend again. She could not have been more wrong. Therefore,
she remembered her vow of peace for Monroe and Rosalee went downstairs.


Nick frowned. He should have remade the bed and picked up the negligee. He had not wanted to
rub his afternoon delight in her face. However, he barely had enough time to get dressed.

He had slipped his sunglasses in his jacket pocket when his cell chimed. He had requested the day
off, so it could not be work. After taking his phone out, he discovered a text message from an
unknown number with an attached image. Adalind!

Nick debated for a moment or two, but his curiosity won. He opened the text- Mr. Burkhardt has a
key for suite number 3-22 at reception and this waiting with a tongue emoji. Oh, I am so going to
regret this.

He opened the picture despite his thoughts. He swallowed hard as he admired Adalind sprawled on
the bed, her blonde hair fanned out on the pillows and wearing only his dress shirt with all but the
button near her bellybutton unbuttoned. His blood rushed to his groin as he text back, My
Hexenbiest is going to pay, later.

Nick almost groaned aloud when Adalind replied, Mmm, my Grimm is making me wet, again. He
did not need the mental image that popped into his head. Therefore, he text, shutting my phone off.

He could just imagine her pout as he powered down his phone. He slipped it in his pocket and
grabbed his keys. Noticing the scowl on Juliette, he began to dread the drive to the wedding.

Nick focused on the road to avoid an argument. He felt the tension, but he could not say anything
or the drive would become unbearable. However, he needed to discuss their living situation.

He could not keep staying in the guest bedroom, an extended stay at the hotel too expensive, and
the cot in his trailer like sleeping on rocks. He did not want to move Adalind in. Therefore, he
needed a fresh start.

Nick had driven a few blocks when Juliette declared, “If we weren't going to Monroe and Rosalee's
wedding, I would make you pull over, and I would get out.” He glanced over, knowing why she
was upset. So, he declared, “I should not have been so thoughtless regarding your feelings.”

He gripped the steering wheel tighter as Juliette yelled, “You had sex with Adalind in our bed and
that is your response!” He could not deny her accusation. However, he could mention their
relationship had been over.

Nick sighed after Juliette grumbled, “I just do not understand you and Adalind.” He did not want to
have this conversation with her. Still, he stated, “You no longer need to worry about your life being
infected by me being what I am.”

He loved being a Grimm and did not even want to ponder how he could have lost his ability to see
Wesen. The saying, You do not know what you have until it is gone, came to mind. Now, he did
not need to worry.

Nick pulled into a spot, shut off the engine, and passed Juliette the keys. He did not feel like
another unpleasant ride with silence or arguments. Therefore, he declared, “I’ll catch a ride back
with Hank to get some of my stuff and my vehicle.”

He felt relieved when Bud interrupted, “Nick, Juliette.” He nodded, wishing he had his enthusiasm
when Bud chuckled and asked, “Is it the most wonderful day or what?” Before, he could respond,
Bud said, I will see you inside."

Nick started to move away from her car and Juliette asked, “You are not staying at the house.” He
felt this was not the right place to have this discussion. Shaking his head, he answered, “No,” then
walked away without a backward glance.


Monroe started getting nervous. He had nothing to worry about but could not stop his sudden
nerves. However, he did not like advice from the Kehrseite, who had been married a million times.

He breathed a sigh when Nick walked into the groom's room. He did not feel relief when Nick
came closer, and he got a good whiff. Therefore, he demanded, “Why do you reek of sex and

Nick slipped on his sunglasses and declared, “I almost forgot my shades with all the craziness
earlier, and do not worry, I have the ring.”

Monroe would not have a best man without those shades and needed the ring. He would give Nick
credit for those two but felt like reminding Nick that Blutbads have sensitive noses. So, he asked,
“Did you forget to take a shower after you cheated on Juliette?”

He was still waiting for an answer when his father walked in and gasped, “Why do I smell sex and
Hexenbiest?” He pointed across the room. Then, he sighed as Bart walked toward Nick.

Monroe did not want a brawl before, during, or after his wedding. He moved to intervene when
Bart pointed to Nick’s collar and stated, “That is a claiming bite, fresh too.” Therefore, Monroe
exclaimed, “Dude!”


Nick sighed. He had known he would have to deal with his best friend’s heightened sense of smell.
Yet, he had hoped to avoid this conversation.

He had not forgotten, nor had he skipped one on purpose. He did not have time for one. Otherwise,
he would have arrived late.

Nick became annoyed when Monroe called him a cheater. He could badmouth Juliette, revealing
she had, but he just wanted to move on. However, he should have told everyone.

He sighed, wondering how many others would comment about his scent. He felt uneasy as Bart
walked over and pointed to his collar that hid his claiming bite. The material irritated the mark, but
he had no desire to display it either.

Nick slowly turned to face Monroe, then declared, “First, I am sorry. Second, Juliette and I broke
up maybe a month ago and agreed to keep the peace for you and Rosalee.”

“You bought her a ring.”

Nick looked at Hank and nodded before he declared, “I asked, and Juliette turned me down,
insisting she loved me but could not marry me.” He had been keeping things from her, though.
However, he had not told Hank at the time, either.''

Their shocked expressions made him realize he had to mention the second proverbial nail in their
coffin. He looked at Monroe and stated, “I did not want to tell her dirty secrets, but to help clarify, a
month after I moved back in, she had a pregnancy scare.”

Hank had not known his secret, so he might not understand, but Monroe did and commented,
“Juliette told everyone she never acted on those feelings from their obsession spell.”

Nick could always count on Monroe to just blurt things out. He could have forgiven her infidelity
but not the other. Therefore, he mentioned, “I might never have known if I had not found the box.”

“What! You cannot hide a pregnancy!”

Nick shrugged. He had agonized over her sudden and quiet comment about not wanting children.
So he explained, “Juliette no longer wants children and insisted she loved me as a cop, but my
being a Grimm is an infection.”

He did not want to tell anyone Adalind had disguised herself by transforming into Juliette. He felt
that was nobody’s business but their own. So to make a long, complicated afternoon short, he
declared, “I have always felt an attraction to Adalind.”

“So, you claimed her!”

Nick smirked. He had the best sex of his life and claimed the woman responsible. However, he
understood his friends probably thought he was crazy as he answered, “Yes.”

He had not put much thought into what happened after he claimed her. He did know that he wanted
to right a wrong. Therefore, he declared, “Our helping to take Diana from her always felt
reprehensible, bordering on kidnapping.”

“Her father was fine with your mother’s plan.”

Nick nodded. He had hated how quickly Sean had acted, basically getting rid of the burden, but he
would use that power to his advantage too. Therefore, he declared, “My mother, Renard, and
Juliette were all for taking Diana from her mother, but that does not make it right.”

“Well, I hope you realize a claim is the equivalent of marriage.”

Nick understood. He felt there had been enough talk about his latest development. Therefore, he
stated, “Speaking of marriage, shouldn’t we be getting out there for yours?”
Monroe nodded before questioning, “You know one element finalizes a claim?”

Nick had read a small notation on claims. He recalled a bite, blood, and the words but not much
more. So, he replied, “You mean besides the three parts.”

Monroe chuckled, then answered, “Yes, a baby!”

Nick smiled. He had not even considered that he might have impregnated Adalind. However, he
always wanted children.


Rosalee looked in the mirror, loving her new wedding gown. She had hated the old one but would
have worn it. Thank god for the miracle in the form of her drunk sister who spilled wine all over
the hand-me-down.

She smiled, watching DeEtta attempting to avoid their mom. She almost felt sorry for her sister,
knowing how upset Mom had been over breaking tradition. However, she was not keeping with
customs by marrying a Fuchsbau.

Rosalee noticed Juliette seemed to be elsewhere. She looked pretty with her wavy dark hair and
gray dress. Therefore, she suggested, “Maybe, this will be you and Nick next.”

Juliette shook her head and admitted, “No! Months ago, Nick proposed, and I told him no, and I am
glad I did, or I would want a divorce. Our whole life has become infected by him being a Grimm.”

Rosalee stared, stunned. Did Juliette feel the same about Monroe and herself? They were Wesen
and helped him with Grimm stuff.

“We broke up maybe a month ago, and I assumed Nick would change his mind, beg me to end
things with Sean, pleading about how much he loves me.”

Rosalee could not believe her ears. A month ago? Juliette assumed Nick would beg! What did she
mean, end things with Renard? She almost laughed, DeEtta's mouth hung open in shock, and Alice

She needed to laugh, or she might cry. She did not feel Juliette had a right to be angry when she had
obviously moved on. Therefore, she almost called her a hypocrite.

“I am sorry. I promised to keep the peace, but I keep thinking about Nick screwing Adalind while I
was out this afternoon.”

Rosalee would talk to Nick later. Maybe, Monroe and I should hold off on our honeymoon?
Grabbing her bouquet, she ushered everyone toward the door and sarcastically said, “Just pretend
you are the ever-faithful girlfriend.”

She stood at the top of the stairs while DeEtta and Juliette walked down the aisle to stand near
Judge Mason, Monroe, and Nick. Everyone stood as the music began to play; here comes the bride.
She walked downstairs to Hank, slipped her arm into his, and whispered, “You are giving Nick a
ride after the reception?”

Rosalee sighed after Hank nodded. She could stop worrying about her friend.

Hank led her down the aisle, and Rosalee handed her bouquet to Juliette before she stood facing
Monroe and slipped her hands into his. She briefly thought she smelled Hexenbiest on Nick, but
soon forgot about everything else but her fiance as she looked into his eyes.

She continued to look into his eyes as she began her vows, "Monroe... When we first met, I didn't
know what to make of you." He was a Blutbad working with a Grimm. She paused, and everyone
laughed, then she continued, "And it wasn't under the best of circumstances. I had just lost my
brother and was going through a very difficult time.”

Rosalee felt sad while she thought of her brother, but she focused on how Monroe made her feel
safe, as she declared, “ But once I met you, you just lifted my spirits, and you poured happiness
back into my life.

She chuckled, then stated, "And it's only gotten better ever since. I love you."

Monroe smiled. He began his vows as he declared, "I wasn't really a believer in love at first sight
until I met you. Although to be honest, it wasn't really love at first sight so much as it was love at
first brick."

Rosalee smiled, knowing she had saved his life.

After everyone laughed, Monroe stated, "Because if you hadn't hit that guy when you did, I don't
think I would be standing here today."

Nick nodded after Judge Mason asked if he had the ring. He handed the ring to Monroe. Then
watched his best friend put the ring part way on Rosalee’s finger while declaring, “I, Monroe, take
thee, Rosalee, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward.”

Monroe continued, "For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love
and to cherish till death do us part," then slid the ring the rest of the way on Rosalee's finger.

Juliette nodded after Judge Mason asked her about the ring. She handed the ring to Rosalee and
watched her slip it on Monroe’s finger and declare, “I, Rosalee, take thee, Monroe, to be my
wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for
poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part." Then she slid the ring
the rest of the way on his finger.

Judge Mason declared, "Rosalee and Monroe, by the power vested in me by the state of Oregon, I
now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

Rosalee kissed Monroe while everyone clapped and woged. She could not stop smiling as Judge
Mason presented them as Mr. and Mrs. Their wedding had gone off without a disaster, but she did
not believe her friends could keep the peace last much longer.


Nick had believed he would speak those same words to Juliette, and he had loved her with all his
heart, but she had changed, become a woman he hardly recognized. He could and would not
change being a Grimm. However, he could admit, at first, he had wanted to, but not now.

He faced more intense dangers compared to those he did as a cop. He could not think of any other
differences. Therefore, her infection statement was simply another excuse.

Nick pondered what he had gained, a best friend and another amazing friend. He would never have
known how special they were without becoming a Grimm. His aunt Maria had called it a curse, but
he did not feel the same.
He still wanted to say vows and pictured Adalind as his bride. Was seeing her the day he bought a
ring a sign? If he and Adalind were inevitable, he had just made it happen sooner than later.

Nick might already have fallen deeply in love with Adalind if she had been on his side from the
beginning. He had her now. However, he did realize his friends would be cautious.

He walked closer to the bride and groom’s table instantly noticing Rosalee changing the seating
arrangement. His ex-girlfriend must have said something. However, his amusement felt short lived
as Rosalee declared, “I hope you know what you are doing.”

Nick nodded, relieved Rosalee had not mentioned that he smelled like sex and Hexenbiest. He
fiddled with his collar irritating his claim bite. Therefore, he wished to remove his tie and unbutton
the first couple of buttons.

Monroe smirked before he declared, “You should have thought of that before you had Adalind do
a claiming bite.”

Nick shrugged. He did not care to discuss his developing relationship. Today was their day, and he
declared, “We are here to celebrate your wedding. I get to watch the loving couple in their first
dance and shove cake in each other’s faces.”

Hank pulled the chair back next to Rosalee and declared, “I have agreed to give you a lift back, but
I need time before I will roll out the red carpet for her.”

Nick nodded, understanding. He felt there had been enough said about him, though. Therefore he
stated, “I think our focus should be on the newlyweds.”

Rosalee smiled before she teased, “Actually, Monroe and I wanted to take a moment to thank you.”

Nick did not follow. He saw Monroe shrug before Rosalee stated, “Monroe and I might never have
met without you.”

He furrowed his eyebrows as Rosalee pointed to his chair decorated to honor him. He chuckled
when he saw a garland of greenery and a matchmaker sign. Pulling back his seat, he replied, “Does
this mean I get to skip the best man speech?”

Nick smirked when Monroe frowned. He had to edit out the Grimm-related parts, but he had to
mention the marking of territory, and he could easily talk about the love he had seen bloom
between Monroe and Rosalee. Still, he had to hope everyone drank lots of wine.


Juliette felt like she did not belong there. Monroe and Rosalee were more Nick’s friends than hers.
Especially after Rosalee commented, “Just pretend you are the ever-faithful girlfriend.”

She could not help herself where Sean was concerned. She felt like a moth drawn to a flame, where
sex meant multiple orgasms. Had he woged during their wild nights, and she had been unable to

Juliette did not want to be in a relationship with Nick as a Grimm. She understood he could not
change, but she still yearned for the man she had fallen in love with. Had she loved him?

She did not care to see Nick with another woman, but he had made it clear their relationship was
over. She felt sick as she pictured him with Adalind. Maybe, the only solution would be to
disconnect from everyone and leave Portland.
Juliette noticed she was seated at the opposite end of the table, far from Nick. She was Rosalee’s
matron of honor, but Hank sat next to the bride. Maybe, Rosalee felt concerned a fight might break

She could not blame Rosalee after what she had said. She had every right to be angry. After all, she
had never brought Sean to their home.

Juliette grabbed a glass of wine, wishing she could get drunk. She had to drive home, though.
Therefore, she had to limit herself to two.


Nick had grown tired of wearing the sunglasses. He wished he could remove them from his face,
but then havoc would ensue. Their guests would scream, “A Grimm!”

He smirked, knowing he would need to make a mad dash to Hank’s car and leave. He had not
anticipated spending this much time at the reception. Therefore, he had mixed emotions when
Monroe declared, “My best man needs to give his speech so I can dance with my beautiful bride.”

Nick stood. He looked at Monroe and smiled. “I would not be offended if we skipped the speech
and you danced with your beautiful bride.”

Monroe chuckled, then replied, “No. Consider it payback from all us sensitive Wesen who have
had to tolerate the mingled scents of a fresh claiming bite.”

Nick smiled when Rosalee playfully smacked Monroe and chastised, “Monroe!” He looked at the
crowd and declared, “Well, I guess, now I have to start by apologizing to everyone with a
heightened sense of smell that did not hear my best friend. I claimed Adalind Schade a Hexenbiest,
and she reciprocated my claim.”

He heard a few murmurs, and Bud asked, “What about Juliette?” He ignored everyone but did
notice Juliette getting another glass of wine. Looking at Monroe, he stated, “Since you brought up
scents, I recall you pissing on your fence to mark your territory.”

Nick smirked while guests laughed, and Monroe huffed, “I am a Blutbad.” He nodded, thinking of
what he could not say. You scared the crap out of me when you jumped out your window.

He had arrested Monroe, then later returned. He could not mention being a Grimm, so his speech
was difficult. Therefore, he stated, “Monroe was a person of interest on a case, and later he helped
me determine the location of an abducted girl.”

Nick glared at Juliette as she declared, “You arrested him; maybe that is a pattern with you.” He
had arrested Adalind more than once. However, he refused to be baited and stated, “I had the
misfortune of telling Rosalee I was investigating her brother’s death.”

He silently apologized for how Juliette spoke. He remembered that drug addicts had scared
Rosalee, and she preferred someone Wesen to protect her. Therefore, he said, “Monroe could not
volunteer fast enough to make Rosalee feel safe when our suspects broke into her shop.”

Nick had a hard time thinking of non-Grimm reasons. He looked between Monroe and Rosalee and
declared, “It had been a pleasure watching your love blossom.” Then he looked at the guests and
suggested, “Anyone thinking of asking their girlfriend to marry them might want advice from
Monroe. He put Rosalee’s engagement ring in the cuckoo clock.”

He raised his glass and toasted, “To Monroe and Rosalee.” He took a drink as the guests repeated
his words. Then, he silently informed Monroe and Rosalee that he refused to partake in the matron
of honor and best man dance.

Monroe smirked, then stated, “Since my best friend entered into a claim without knowing a ton of
consequences, I think Hank should dance with Juliette instead of Nick.”

Nick sat and glanced at Juliette, noting she looked angry again. Get over yourself. He was glad he
just swallowed the wine in his mouth when Monroe added, “If we had invited Renard, I would
suggest he step in.”

Hank gasped, “Renard as in our captain?”

He almost roared with laughter and suspected Monroe had planned on saying more, but Rosalee
kissed him. Then, he heard her whisper, “My sister, our mothers, Nick, and I were the only ones
who knew about her and Renard.” So, he realized Juliette had indeed said something while in the
bridal room.

Nick watched his friends walk to the dance floor when It was always you by Maroon Five began to
play. He felt sorry for Hank;s nomination to dance with Juliette. Yet, he felt delighted he did not
need to endure her closeness.

He thought of Adalind while he listened to the lyrics.- Can't believe I could not see it all this time,
all this time. It was always you. Now I know why my heart wasn't satisfied, satisfied.

Nick frowned. He should have told Adalind to order room service. His thoughts were interrupted as
Bud stammered, “You and Juliette…”

He sighed. He was not in the mood to deal with a stuttering Eisbiber. Therefore he declared,
“Broke up, she moved on, and so did I.”

“Oh…these things happen…I guess.”

“She might have moved on but still wanted you on a leash!”

Nick understood where Monroe got his loose tongue as Bart chastised, “Alice!” She had a few
glasses of wine, though. Nick smiled after Bart declared, “You see where my son gets it,” then
suggested, “Let’s join our son and daughter-in-law on the dance floor.”

He felt relieved when Bud decided to find his wife. He could go back to thinking about Adalind
again. However, he decided that was a bad idea when he felt his cock harden; damn Vixen!

Nick chuckled. After several dances Monroe moved a chair into the middle of the dance floor. He
wanted to remain seated when he heard, “Nick, Hank, and all single men need to stand over there.”
However, he reluctantly stood with all the single men.

He watched Monroe kneel and slip his hand under the beautiful wedding gown. Rosalee smiled
and giggled while Monroe retrieved the garter. He tried to stand behind Hank, but his partner
forced him to remain near the front.

Monroe stood, dangled the garter and teased, “Who wants it?”

Nick shook his head, not me, before Monroe turned and tossed the garter over his shoulder. He
grimaced when somehow he ended up catching it. Therefore, he growled when Hank commented,
“You are next.”
He wanted to say, “Technically, I already am.” He smirked as an idea came to him. So, he slipped
the garter into his pocket for later.

Rosalee stood, held out her bouquet, and declared, “All the single women stand over there.”

Nick watched DeEtta, Juliette, and several other women move to where Rosalee had instructed.
She turned around and counted, one, two, three, before tossing the bouquet. He chuckled as all the
women tried to catch it.

He did not know the woman who managed to keep the bouquet but was delighted when Monroe
happily declared, “Time for cake.” He went to the cake table to watch Monroe and Rosalee hold
the knife, making the first cut. Then, he wondered who would wear move cake when they picked
up a slice.

Nick believed Rosalee made Monroe wear more of his piece. He picked up a plate and turned to
Rosalee when she declared, “Monroe and I put together a bag for you to take with you. It has a
bottle of wine, a couple of plates of food, and I want to wrap two pieces of cake.” Therefore, he
replied, “Thanks. When did you do all this?”

Monroe handed Nick the bag once Rosalee added the two plates and answered, “I spoke with the
caterer while she switched the seats.”

“Claiming someone is a big deal, and we might not understand your reasons, but we think you
should celebrate, and we kinda share an anniversary now.”

Nick smiled. He had not considered his claim would fall on his friends’ wedding anniversary.
However, he could not resist teasing, “If I whisk Adalind off to Vegas while you guys are on your
honeymoon, our wedding anniversaries will be different.”

“Think you should buy her a ring first,” Hank teased.

Nick chuckled and nodded in agreement before Monroe declared, “Thanks to everyone who came
and celebrated with Rosalee and me. It is time for me to take my lovely bride on her honeymoon.”
He followed the other guests outside, grabbed some rice, then tossed his handful at Monroe and
Rosalee as they walked by.

He snapped a picture as Monroe and Rosalee posed in front of his white punch bug decorated with
a just married sign, green garland with white flowers, and white strings with tin cans. He wanted to
leave before Juliette tried to get him to drive. She can call Renard if she is drunk.

Nick sighed. He was almost to Hank’s car when Bud came rushing over, frantically declaring,
“Nick, Nick…Juliette had too much to drink.” Therefore, he wanted to snap, "She is not my

“I had explicit instructions from Rosalee to drive Nick back.”

Nick had not known Rosalee had made a point to speak to Hank. He once again wondered what
Juliette had said after she arrived. However, before he could respond, Juliette walked over and
declared, “Sean is coming to pick me up.”

He bit his tongue instead of retorting, “Good for him!” He did not understand how Juliette could
think his Grimm an infection and screw a Royal who was Wesen. However, he honestly did not
care as he stated, “I am hitching a ride with Hank to get clothes and my vehicle.“

Nick walked away. He had hoped Juliette and he could remain friends, but after her comment about
his Grimm being an infection, he did not think it was possible. A clean break was his only option.

Chapter End Notes

More Adalind/Nick next chapter

Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

Thanks for the feedback

Charlie_Snape~Thanks hope you enjoy

darthlucien85~thanks hope you enjoy this as well

Tatin77777~Juliette kinda wanted her cake and to eat it too or at least that is how I see

Rix1998~Juliette contradiction might be my fault lol my muse hates her

LucyConan~ Juliette could accept the cop but not the Grimm and that always bugged
me. Rosalee realizes Adalind is not going anywhere and she made mistakes in her past
but i think the infection comment played a big part

lydie~ here ya go but my muse was evil

DIBpants~ I can't stand Juliette either

Buddie_The_Shipper~yeah I see Monroe getting lots of fun lines coming from mom
seemed only logical. yes Juliette wont ever be nice

AnnBett~ glad your loving this hope you continue to

Now without further ado~ Part was missing at bottom sorry got cut fixed now

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Part Three

Adalind glanced at the alarm clock again, checking the time once more. She had lost count hours
ago after her restlessness began to set in. After all, she had been going nonstop since Diana was
stolen, No kidnapped right in the precinct.

She had been beating herself mentally, day after day and night after night. Why had she trusted
Sean? He had sent her after Marie Kessler, which had resulted in her stabbing the first Grimm she
had ever seen, and he had terrified her, but the heat she felt had outweighed her fear.

Adalind had felt that undeniable attraction again in the precinct when she looked into his eyes, and
this time she had a better view of the Grimm who had been haunting her dreams. She would wake
panting and drenched in sweat with an unbearable ache between her legs. So painful only the
Grimm could extinguish those flames.

After his manly scent drifted to her in the office, making her mouth water and juices flow, she
needed every bit of willpower to keep a moan from slipping through her lips. She wanted to walk
faster, but her legs would not cooperate. Then, a robust whiff of Grimm when she went by him.
Adalind felt Nick watching and wondered, Does the Grimm even know how badly I want to rip off
his clothes? She dreaded his arrival in the even smaller interrogation room. After all, she had that
all too familiar ache for him.

She was truthful when she stated, "Some people don’t get the big picture. I was just doing my
job." Then, Nick tossed gasoline on those flames of desire when he moved his hands and declared,
"Hey, so am I. Just trying to get to the truth here unless Miss Schade has something to hide." She
most definitely did, but not what the Grimm expected.

Adalind had her heat practically pulsing, and she needed to shift in her seat. She kept her tone even
as she responded, "No more than you, Detective." However, she had desired to seductively
purr, Are you so hard that it borders on pain like an ache that can only be satisfied by our bodies
joined as one?

She had almost moaned. I wish when Hank had asked, you coming? She could not resist permitting
her eyes to zone in on his manhood, and she saw the well-defined outline of his arousal. Therefore,
another thrill raced through her body when she witnessed the effect she had on him.

Adalind should be fretting over the fact Queen Mellifer had targeted her. Sean and her mother had
made the stupid Queen believe she was a threat to the Grimm. However, she desired to rip off his
clothes, push him back on the bed, and ride him like a bucking bronco.

She had sat across from Nick, mentally undressing him while he tried to provoke her into losing
control. Finally, she had lost her composure, lunged forward, changed into her Hexenbiest form,
and hissed at him. However, he had no idea that her Hexenbiest desired to ravish him.

Adalind wanted to wipe that adorable smirk off his handsome face. She could have with a
seductive Detective why do your jeans look a little snug, now? Instead, she decided to remind him
of his duel identity and knocked him down a peg or two.

She might desire him, but she did not trust him. She had to do what she did best and solve her
problem. Which was created by Sean Renard and her mother, who she discovered later had been
screwing each other.

Adalind could have outed Sean Renard, and she might have if she had known about their affair.
She had imagined some awful scenarios where the bastard Royal had his Grimm in his back pocket
as Sean desired. Therefore, Queen’s words, He is coming for you, held a whole new meaning.

The Grimm would become his bitch, literally and figuratively. Sean would grant Nick the illusion
that nothing had changed, and The Grimm, so new, had not established the power to defeat a half-
Zauberbiest bastard Royal. So, once alone, the awful truth would reveal.

Sean would quickly and easily subdue the Grimm, making him submit to his new master. He
would lock his manhood in a chastity belt and repeatedly fuck him. Those had been her

Adalind should have seen those as a warning from her subconscious. She had ignored them and
moved on to the next task asked of her. Maybe, she hoped each interaction with her made him

She had wanted to make Zaubertrank cookies for the Grimm, not Hank Griffin. She felt making
Nick Burkhardt obsessed with her seemed only fair. However, she had heard that Grimms acted
differently than Wesen or Kehrseite.
Adalind gave Hank those yummy chocolate chip Zaubertrank cookies with a warning, but he had
not listened, and somehow Wu had managed to get his hands on one. Was that her fault? No! Sean
had whored her out to Hank Griffin.

She had wanted to scream when Nick wormed his way into her date with Hank. She already
desired him, so he had to make her blood boil with jealousy while she watched his bewildered
girlfriend try to understand why her boyfriend could not keep his eyes off Hank’s date. However,
she recognized Juliette but could not recall where she had seen her.

Adalind played her part, flirting with Hank when she wanted to play footsie under the table with
the Grimm glaring daggers at her. She was absentmindedly teasing Nick with her olives when she
figured out where; an abortion clinic! So, she almost choked when she swallowed.

She had noted a sudden change in his eyes, and maybe Nick had believed she had a reason for her
slip-up, and there was! A pale brunette, Juliette Silverton had exited a well-known abortion clinic
several months before she saw her first Grimm. Therefore, his devoted girlfriend had done this to
the man.

Adalind could barely contain her Hexenbiest form after she put the pieces-of-the puzzle together.
She considered using a fake call to flee, afraid she would inadvertently expose herself and the
Grimm during a fit of rage, but her phone rang. Thankfully, she managed to regain her composure
by focusing on work.

She was scheduling a deposition for tomorrow when Nick grabbed her cell phone and growled,
“What the hell do you think you are doing?” She answered, “Falling in love. I did not know that
was against the law,” but she honestly could not stand Hank. However, she really wanted to
retort why, aren’t you with your super sweet murderous girlfriend?

Adalind felt an electrical charge between their bodies as Nick stepped closer and ordered, “I am
only going to say this once you stay out of his life.” She only needed to take a step, and their bodies
would no longer be separated. Instead, she glared at him, wondering if she might have made the
righteous Grimm jealous.

She had enough and huffed before she attempted to leave, but Nick grabbed her arm, making her
too aware of him. She still could not understand why she always felt a flood of desire coursing
through her veins, and his touch merely amplified those sensations. Therefore, she did consider
ever so briefly pushing him into the bathroom across the hallway while he declared, “Hey, I hope
you are listening.”

Adalind would have liked nothing more than to follow the Grimm’s order. She would not admit
the one she desired was right in front of her, so she responded, “Did it ever occur to you that this is
exactly what it looks like?” However, she wanted to growl that Royal is coming after you through
your partner!

She still had his hand manhandling her while Nick answered, “No. Never, you are a liar.” She had
not told the Grimm the whole truth, but she had never lied to him. Therefore, her response was
about the knowledge she possessed about the Royal than Hank, “‘Cause I am not telling you

Adalind would not have told Nick if he had asked since she still had occasional nightmares. She
meant two things when she added, “I guess you speak from experience.” One, his girlfriend had
done something she considered murder of an innocent, and second, his Grimm secret.

She did not understand why Nick had to keep touching her and practically pulled her closer as he
declared, “I am not going to let this happen.” She could not resist getting under his skin. After all,
he was under hers, so she angrily replied, “Try and stop it!”

Adalind attempted to leave, but Nick grabbed her arm so hard you could hear an echo of his hand
smacking against her flesh. She had broken that arm in three places as a teenager. Looking into his
eyes, she taunted, “Yeah, maybe, I should scream.”

She did not want to scream, but she desired to find out if kissing the Grimm would be as sensational
as her fantasies. She had imagined more than once what those lips could do to her. Therefore, her
screams would be from ecstasy.

Adalind had told Hank that she grew up on her grandparent's farm in Iowa. She had not mentioned
that her childhood and early teen memories were missing, and she believed her mother was
responsible. Therefore, she put herself through law school to escape her mother.

She doubted Nick would ever believe her, and he might even say something like, sounds a little too
good to be true. He only saw that she had attempted to kill his aunt, Marie Kessler. However, she
had given him a dose of spider venom, not the dying older female Grimm.

Adalind had Hank over for a romantic dinner. She had prepared that portion of her plan with a
large syringe of an altered potion next to his plate. After all, the meal was only for show.

She plastered on a fake smile while opening her door, and Hank handed her a dozen red roses with
baby’s breath. She invited Hank into her apartment led him to her table, where she kissed and
injected him with an altered potion. Then she dragged his unconscious ass to her bedroom, stripped
him of his clothes to set the scene.

Adalind tossed the roses onto the floor and scattered his clothes to her bedroom. She painted a
picture where Nick would believe Hank ravished her on the way to her bedroom, that doubled as a
perfect trail for him to follow. After all, the Grimm would automatically believe the worst.

She did not need to do much of anything for Nick to find her guilty, and he constantly reminded her
that she had tried to kill his aunt. She doubted he would check under the covers and discover Hank
still wore his boxers. After exiting, she had even kept the door ajar.

Adalind called his cell and wondered why the Detective had never once questioned how she had
acquired his number. She ignored how the Grimm saying her name instantly had her wet and said,
“I just wanted to invite you over to my place for a little dessert.” However, she had watched a very
unobservant Grimm, Blutbad, and a Fuchsbau enter her apartment.

She ignored his question where are you and explained how she expected things to go. She did not
want the key, but Sean did. Therefore, she appeased the Royal by playing her favorite game of cat
and mouse with the Grimm.

Adalind waited for Nick at the Bremen ruins. She taunted him, insisting Hank would die, but she
had never been willing to take it that far. So, just before she woged to fight the Grimm, she
released Hank from her spell.

She put everything into their fight, but she had never fought like this before, so when Nick
managed to turn the tables, she felt his arousal pressing into her. She submitted, retracting her
Hexenbiest form. However, she had not been expecting the Grimm to kiss her.

Adalind felt infuriated. The audacity of the Grimm! Who was he to kiss her? So, she retaliated and
bit him.
She certainly had not anticipated the Grimm pressing his mouth harder against her own. She tasted
iron when he pulled back and moved away. Then, she realized he had used Grimm’s blood against

Adalind suspected she looked dead while her Hexenbiest spirit died. She had not asked what he
had seen before she gasped for breath and cried, “What have you done?” However, she
remembered forcing her body off the ground, covering her blood-smeared chin, and staring at him.

She noticed his swollen bottom lip and the blood smear on his chin. I hope you are in pain and
your inner lip bears a permanent scar from my teeth. She did not voice her thoughts and cried,
“You killed me.”

Adalind recalled the Grimm had kept his distance and responded you don’t look so dead. She was
nothing without her powers. He had taken everything from her.

She went to see her mother in tears and received a slap across her cheek. You are no longer my
daughter! She should have expected her reaction.

Adalind had already been suspicious. Her memories of their relationship began after she turned
fifteen. So why would now be any different?

She saw pity in his eyes as Sean looked at her. He no longer had any use for her. She was just
another pretty girl.

Adalind wanted revenge on the Grimm. She recalled mentioning Majique, a beautiful black and
gray Egyptian male cat. Juliette had been impressed, well, we don’t really see those very often, and
Nick had commented, maybe, that’s because they are so dangerous.

She understood the Grimm’s reference was to her. A clueless Juliette had praised Nick before
mentioning they were descended from wild African cats, very ancient breed, and had only seen one
in her practice with a really cool mark on their forehead like a little scarab beetle.

The Grimm motioned with his hands while he asked, they have a little mark underneath their

Adalind could not resist replying, “I don’t know, I have never looked.” The Grimm meant her
mark that revealed she was a Hexenbiest. Therefore, she would show him just how dangerous a cat
could be.

She put L'espirt ailleurs in Majique’s milk which made her eyes turn black and tongue yellow then
she made an appointment with Juliette. Majique scratched Juliette, infecting her and within two to
four hours, the spell made her pass out, and her memories began to disappear.

Adalind had wondered briefly if her mother had used a similar spell on her. She pushed her
thoughts aside to focus on the Grimm that had taken her powers. Now, she wished she had not used

A second component allowed her to get Revenge on the half-Zauberbiest Royal bastard. Sean had
to kiss sleeping beauty, and when she woke, all of her memories of Nick Burkhardt would be gone,
then her obsession with Sean would begin. The Grimm was too good for her, anyways.

She returned to Portland to avenge her mother’s death. She was working with the Royals to acquire
the key and had found a way to return her powers. However, she needed a sperm donor, and her
first choice just happened to be the Grimm.
Adalind visited Hank, apologizing for how she treated him. He asked if she baked him anymore
cookies, and she insisted her baking days were over. However, she had been the distraction, so
when he went inside to call the Grimm, and the Verrat were waiting.

She went to Juliette and invited her out for coffee. She asked questions about when aunt Marie
came to town to get information she needed on the Grimm trailer. Therefore, she could pass on the

Adalind had a nice conversation with the Grimm over the phone. He dispatched the police and
arrested her for suspicion of murder. However, she was exactly where she wanted to be.

She found herself in another interrogation room with the Grimm. He asked if she could account for
her whereabouts the day her mother was murdered as he walked across the room and sat down.
Therefore, she asked, “Can you?”

Adalind wished after she lost her powers that her dreams and sexual frustration caused by the
Grimm had ended, but she had no such luck. She blamed the blood that had flowed down her throat
when he kissed her. Now that Nick had arrested her, she could not resist some good old-fashioned

She had some awesome eye candy dressed in a blue hoody, dark gray jacket, and blue denim. The
Grimm looked rather smug as he stated, “You did not answer the question.” However, she had
nothing to hide and answered, “I was out of the country.”

Adalind watched Nick lean back and place his hands over his crotch as he insisted she needed to be
a little more specific. She answered, “Vienna,” then mentioned her proof, “I only have my passport
stamped, my plane ticket, and credit card recites to prove where I was.” However, she believed the
Grimm had killed her mother.

She doubted Nick would admit it as she stated, “So if I didn’t do it, who do you think did?” She
had set herself up for his next question about her relationship with her mother. Therefore, she kept
close to the truth when she answered, “You know, good and bad, like most.

Adalind had her opening now, and pretended to care as she said, “Which reminds me, I am really
sorry to hear about your troubles with Juliette.” She got lost in his gray-blue eyes while she
wondered, do you know what your precious girlfriend did? However, she dug the invisible knife
deeper, “Monogamy must be challenging for a pretty woman like Juliette.”

She did not voice her real thoughts. I am sure if Juliette got herself pregnant, she would run right
to that clinic where every other day pro-lifers picket. Instead, she said, “There must be a lot of men
who would be interested in a woman who can’t remember them.”

Adalind did not mention she had memory issues, and she pushed her thoughts about those to the
back of her mind, wanting to focus. She had enough detraction with the Grimm this close in
proximity. However, she spoke to the Royal bastard Prince who woke the sleeping beauty.

She had not been able to get a reaction out of the Grimm. He merely continued to question, how did
you find out about your mother’s death? She had no reason to lie and answered, “I got an email
from her lawyers.”

Adalind should have anticipated his questions concerning Hank. She claimed to have missed his
partner but had hoped to run into Nick. After all, the Grimm was the one she missed, even though
she tried not to.
She was not surprised when Nick stated, “You know he is in the hospital.” She raised her voice a
notch and pretended to be concerned as she asked, “What happened?” Then she was informed
Hank got beat up about the same time she was there.

Adalind pretended to be innocent as she proclaimed, “You don’t think I had anything to do with it,
do you?” She motioned with her hands while she declared, “Nick, Hank’s a big guy, “ looking
down, she quirked, “What chance would I have. . .” Anyone would think the detective had lost his

She anticipated his inquire about where she went and answered, “Back to the hotel.” She watched
Nick take out his notepad then she declared, “I ordered room service and stayed in the rest of the
night.” Therefore, she predicted, he would ask, "What hotel?"

Adalind admired Nick as she answered, “The deluxe room, 212." She had someone the detective
could speak to and suggested, "Ask for Xander, the nice young waiter who brought me my food. I
am sure he would remember me.”

Nick wanted to know if the room was in her name, and she mentioned the company she worked for
GQR industries. The Grimm was smart enough to figure out more. Therefore, she brought up the

She felt sad when Nick declared, “I am done with you.” She was not done with him. So when he
reached he door, she asked, “Oh, one more thing, you would not know what happened to my cat,
do you?”

Adalind felt justified. The Grimm had taken something from her, so she returned the favor.
However, she believed Nick could do much better, and that voice she tried to ignore whispered, ‘I
want you.’

She insisted, for nothing more than his sperm,why do I care? It must be that thin line between love
and hate. What other reason could there be?

Nick came to her cell, declaring, “I just had a nice talk with your friends in the Verrat.”

Adalind looked over and asked, “Really, how did that go? She substituted talk with brawl and
imagined him kicking their asses. So, she was not the least bit surprised when Nick leaned against
the bars and answered, “Well, they said as much as they are gonna say.”

She stated the obvious, “Well, there is plenty more where they came from.” She suspected Nick
would eliminate any other Verrat sent after him. However, she did not care.

Adalind wanted to say, duh, after Nick stated, “You are working for the Royals.” She could not
work for her old law firm. Therefore, she replied, “Girl’s gotta eat.”

She almost laughed when Nick declared, “You can not hide in here forever, you know,” knowing
she was exactly where she wanted to be. She continued to admire him as he placed his hand on his
stomach and declared, “I, I just can’t figure out what to charge you with.” Therefore, she
considered, asking, “Aren’t I in here for a murder you committed?”

Adalind understood what Nick wanted as she declared, “You think I tried to kill your aunt.” She
moved and sat on the edge of the mattress as she continued, “I have a confession I did.” So, she
clearly noted the anger in his eyes and expression but was not finished

She pointed out what Nick already knew as she said, “Of course, I was just one of many.” She did
find the fact he looked down instead of at her; interesting. However, she was leading into what she
had planned.

Adalind already knew his answer as she asked, “Haven’t you ever wondered who put us up to it?”
Nick confirmed as he said, “The Royal here in Portland.” She understood he always wanted her to
tell him as she questioned, “Uh-huh, would you like a name to go along with that?”

She smiled. She loved teasing Nick with the identity of the Royal. Therefore, she had anticipated
Nick declaring, “That be nice.”

Adalind moved closer and declared, “Well, I’d like nothing better than to tell you, Nick.” She
thought about screaming his name while in rapture as she wrapped her hands around the bars and
looked into his eyes. Therefore she declared, “Really, I would. ‘Cause under different
circumstances, I think you and I could have really had some fun.”

She smiled. Nick had no idea that she was completely truthful. He had taken her powers and could
help her get them back. All she needed was for him to impregnate her.

Adalind assumed Nick must be really frustrated with Juliette having no memories of him. She had
made all her memories poof, and his precious girlfriend wanted another man. It was almost ironic
Nick wanted the identity of the same man Juliette wanted to have between her legs.

She would be in real trouble if the Grimm could read her mind. She wanted him between her legs,
and his scent drove her crazy. After all, she had taken a potion to guarantee conception.

Adalind ignored how Nick glared daggers at her while she stated, “All you have to do is give me
the key.” She did not want it and doubted he would be pleased to know what she desired. However,
she believed he wanted this, “Then you will have your answer, and I will be out of your life

She wanted to reach through the bars, grab his blue hoody, pull him closer, and kiss him. She
tightened her grip on the bars while Nick responded, “I guess you don’t need to be a Hexenbiest to
be a witch.” Looking into his eyes, she replied, “You don’t have to be a witch to work this kind of

Adalind swore that Nick attempted to be discrete while he ran his eyes over her body. She had felt
it, though. He fled before she could say anything else, but she had gotten the last word.

She felt as frustrated now as she did that day. She had not had sex then or several other times in the
past when she felt the same, and the sensations seemed similar to something she had read about
Wesen heat. However, she realized that Nick had probably already impregnated her.

Adalind sighed. How long does a wedding and reception take, anyways? It can’t take that long to
say vows. Not that I ever considered walking down the aisle and saying I do! She had just
pretended to be his wife several hours ago.

She nibbled on her bottom lip, believing it was illegal to fake a marriage. She had not considered
any legal ramifications when she checked in! Nick should have known! However, she would marry
Nick if that secured the return of Diana.

Adalind frowned. She could hope the person at check-in was Wesen, then the Grimm could
explain why. Did anyone even use that ancient method anymore? Besides the Grimm who claimed
me this afternoon!

Nick had not wanted another unpleasant car ride with silence or arguments, but he had Hank giving
him the silent treatment. He did not want there to be an argument either. Therefore, he stared out
the window.

He tried to think of possible email addresses. He did not understand why making one seemed so
hard. However, he could not use anything obvious like Detective, Grimm, Hexenbiest, Blutbad,
Fuchsbau, Wesen, or Kehrseite.

Nick was no closer to one when Hank asked, “Can you keep an open mind?” He looked over and
answered, “I can try.” However, he probably should add he made no promises too.

“I know I said I would not roll out the red carpet, and you probably do not want to talk about
finding me in Adalind’s bed.”

Nick nodded. He most definitely did not want to talk about that! Therefore, he attempted to joke,
“You must have lost your touch that night.”

He understood Hank did not know what Adalind had claimed. No Wesen or Kehrseite had brought
her to an orgasm. However, he still was not ready for this conversation.

“I would have brought this up before, but you tend to be in denial when it comes to Adalind.”

Nick hated to admit Hank had elevated his curiosity. Maybe, he had been in denial since the day he
saw Adalind across the street. He almost laughed again as he thought, Love at first sight.

He had just purchased an engagement ring but could not stop staring at the gorgeous blonde. He
had been stunned when their paths crossed again. Perhaps, destiny or fate had been trying to tell
him she was his future.

Nick figured the silence meant Hank was waiting on him. He did not want to talk with Adalind
about his partner, knowing she might determine his jealousy. However, he hoped Hank would be
clueless as he questioned, “Bring what up?”

“Adalind and I never had sex.”

Nick clenched his hands into fists as he recalled a shirtless Hank unconscious in her bed. He
sighed, then grumbled, “I wish that were true.” Yet, wishes would not alter the facts.

He had seen their untouched romantic dinner, followed a trail of clothing, and walked into her
bedroom to find candles burning. She created a perfect picture of how Hank had ended up in her
bed. He had tried shaking Hank awake while Rosalee checked his eyes.

Rosalee explained Adalind had altered the potion, so the cure was worthless now. Monroe had
mentioned it worked on Wu, and he distinctly recalled Rosalee exclaiming, “Wu did not have sex
with her!” Then Monroe declared, “Sex always complicates things.”

Nick considered how Monroe had a heightened sense of smell. Monroe had mentioned he smelled
sex seconds after he walked into the groom’s room. Why had he not said anything that evening?

He was still pondering when Hank asked, “Do you wear your boxer when you have sex?” He
could not stop his chuckle and shook his head. Therefore, he had to admit that he never would have
looked underneath the covers.

Nick tried to ignore the knot forming in his gut. Adalind had known he would automatically find
her guilty. He had always been an open book to her.
“I only remember kissing her, then waking up gasping for breath in her bed.”

Nick had thought of their fight several times afterward. He even had a few nightmares where he
considered the retraction of her Hexenbiest as submission to him, the Grimm. Then he continued
their fight sexually.

He felt his blood rushing to his groin and tried to push those sexual thoughts to the back of his
mind. He was not having much success, though. So, he tried using motives as he refuted, “Adalind
planned on killing you.”

Nick felt a fresh wave of guilt after Hank declared, “Our captain wanted Adalind to kill me, but she
released me after you arrived at Bremen ruins.” He had to be wrong! Nick had heard her taunt,
“His heart gave out. I’ll be sure to cry at the funeral.”

“Maybe, Adalind was playing both sides?”

Nick frowned. He did not know if Hank was correct. However, he did not want to dig up
everything from their pasts, either.

He understood he and Adalind had to discuss some things, but he had chosen to claim her. He
could not and would not undo his actions. Therefore, he declared, “Adalind and I are complicated,
and we need to be on more solid ground before my mother brings Diana back to us.”

Nick felt relieved when Hank parked in front of his house. He wanted to go inside, grab some stuff,
and leave before Juliette arrived if she brought her to the house. So, he picked up the bag from
Monroe and Rosalee before practically jumping out of the car.

He said, "Thanks for the lift," before he closed the car door. He hurried inside and climbed the
stairs two at a time. Glancing at the messy bed, he smirked and went to the closet.

Nick experienced deja vu as he packed his bag. He had told Juliette, I am not sleeping on the couch
anymore. She replied, "Well, you are not sleeping in here."

He responded, "I know," then walked to the closet and packed his things. He had moved into
Monroe's house that night. Tonight, he was starting over with Adalind.

Nick had to remind himself to do the speed limit as he drove to the Deluxe. He parked, thinking
about how Adalind had a bunch of Verrat waiting for him in her room last time. Then she stayed in
212 but was tucked in a jail cell, thanks to him.

He went to the front desk and stated, “My wife checked in earlier. You should have a key for
Nicholas Burkhardt.” He smiled as the receptionist nodded before placing his key card on the
counter and replying, “Yes, sir, you and your lovely wife are in room-3-22.” After he picked up the
key, he asked, “I need to send an email. Do you have computers for customer use?”

“Yes, sir. You can use the ones over there.”

Nick looked in the direction the receptionist had pointed. He shook his head after she asked, “Is
there anything else I can do for you?” Knowing he had not instructed Adalind on their check-out,
he answered, “I am not sure how long my wife and I will be staying.”

“That will not be a problem. We have your credit card on file, and I could charge you for the week
if you like.”

Nick nodded. He might have to increase his credit limit to stay longer. His eyes nearly doubled in
size when he looked at the price and signed.

He had chosen a hotel where the Royals usually stayed. He stepped away from the front desk as the
receptionist declared, “Sir, if there is anything else we can do for you and your wife, just let me
know.” He nodded while thinking, for that price, you better.

Nick pulled back the computer chair and sat down. He used the mouse to navigate to a browser and
then began creating an email, putting in his first name, birthday, and sex. Afterward, he stared at
the screen until he typed in NBAShunternwitch.

He probably should have created something unique then he might not remember the email. He
clicked next and groaned, when he read, create a password. I hate passwords!

Nick stared at the screen for maybe another five minutes. He could be in his room doing much
more fun things. Finally, he decided on one.

He glared at the screen when he discovered he had security questions. He did that part the fastest
and finally reached the send mail. After typing in his mom’s email, he wrote M-Juliette and I broke
up, am with Adalind, want Diana, raising her as my daughter-N.

Nick closed the browser, picked up his bags, and headed toward the elevators. He stepped inside,
pushed the button for his floor, and stepped out a few minutes later. After using his key, he opened
the door and instantly became aware of her scent while he shut the door.

He set the key card on the table and put his bags down. He did not want to be disturbed, so he took
the sign from the handle, opened the door, and put the do not disturb sign on the outside. Closing
the door, he engaged the security locks before moving further into the room.

Nick swore her scent was so strong he could practically taste her desires. He had been semi-erect
but rose to attention the second he was in their room. Moving closer to the bed, he wondered, do
Hexenbiests have sexual pheromones?

He licked his lips while he admired Adalind wearing only his shirt. He was almost to the bed when
his eyes locked with hers. Suspecting she had not eaten all day, he reluctantly declared, “Monroe
and Rosalee sent some food, cake, and wine.”

“Not hungry for food. I need you, Nick!”

Nick was not hungry for food, either. He had eaten at the reception, though. Therefore, he huskily
responded, “I am not having you pass out on me.”

Adalind spread her legs and purred, “Nick, I am so wet, and I need you inside me now!”

Nick licked his lips again. He had not had time earlier to appreciate how Adalind shaved her sex,
but now he did, and her juices glimmered on her outer lips. However, he demanded, “Did you get
yourself off?”

Adalind admitted, “No, it always makes it worse when you’ve made me this wet!”

Nick shrugged off his suit jacket and tossed it on the back of the chair while he toed off his shoes.
He undid his tie and began unbuttoning his shirt. Removing his shirt, he asked, “When?”

He raised an eyebrow when Adalind nibbled on her bottom lip. He tossed the shirt and tie before
unbuckling his belt, then unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. However, instead of removing his
pants, he taunted, “I think I can hold out longer than you can.”
Nick adored how her cheeks suddenly turned crimson before Adalind answered, “Both times you
had me in interrogation, in protective custody, at the bar before and during that awful double date,
in the hallway when you took my phone, and in the jail cell.” He thought she had listed off almost
every time she had interacted with him. Therefore, he pushed his pants and boxers over his hips
and teased, “That’s all?”

Adalind whimpered, “Nick. . ..”

Chapter End Notes

I know my muse is evil for ending it there and for the other story it won't stop
wandering too lol
Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

Thanks for the feedback

Charlie_Snape~ :)

123123qweqwe~ I thought I warned my muse was being evil tried to be faster but my
muse has another evil idea lol

LucyConan~ my muse really liked your idea :P enjoy

meg121186~ thanks

winter_writes~ thanks you made me smile with your wonderful words

lydie~ I thought I had warned my muse was evil still is but no huge cliffhanger this

lokiluver88~ hope you continue to enjoy

LalaIsAKitten~ thanks love me some Nick/Adalind

Without Further Ado

Part Four

Adalind was not amused by his that’s all comment. She had listed off almost every one of their
encounters. Therefore, she taunted, “How many times did I make you hard?”

She felt the mattress sink as Nick answered, “Too many.” She pouted, wanting him to admit at
least one other time besides Bremen ruins which he had already mentioned earlier. So, she asked,
“Afraid to admit I have always gotten to you?”

Adalind moaned when she felt his hands glide over her abdomen before Nick unbuttoned the one
button keeping his shirt on her. She slipped off the shirt, and Nick tossed it across the room.
However, she still did not get what she wanted as he answered, “No.”

She watched Nick lick his lips while he admired the sight before him. She needed no stimulation to
make her nipples tight and compact. Her body showed just how ready she was for him.

Adalind savored the feel of his hands along her inner thighs as Nick spread her legs wider and
settled between them. She needed Nick to thrust his hard-thick cock into her dripping wet core.
Therefore, she pleaded, “Nick. . .”


Nick could not wait a moment longer, even if he desired to. Her honey vanilla with a little spice
scent was driving him mad. Therefore, he slid his hard-thick shaft through her outer lips and deep
inside her wet-tight core and huskily declared, “Damn, you are wet.”
Adalind wrapped her legs around his waist and replied, “All your fault.”

Nick smirked. He slowly rocked his hips backward, sliding his shaft out until only the tip
remained, then rammed his length forward. He repeated his actions, setting a steady rhythm.

He grunted when Adalind rocked her hips, begging him with her body for more. He could feel her
walls already tightening, and he reached between their bodies, seeking out her clit. His shaft drove
deep while he pressed on the bundle of nerves.

Adalind thrust her hips wildly while she raked her nails down his back and screamed, “Nick!”

Nick grunted as his shaft became encased in a vice grip as he bulldozed harder and faster. He
wanted to push her over the edge another time before he climaxed, so he eased back slightly.
However, he heard a whimpered protest after his adjustment.

He complied, ramming his manhood even harder and faster. He could feel the mattress moving
with the force of his thrusts. His orgasm sprang forth as her walls tightened once more, and he
thrust deeply as his seed flowed from him, and he screamed, “Adalind!”

Adalind screamed, “Nick!”

Nick slowly slipped his semi-erect cock from her fluttering heat. He rolled their bodies, keeping
Adalind tightly in his arms. Running his hand down her back, he declared, “You are not getting
any until you eat.”

Adalind ran her hand down his chest and was near his belly button as she quirked, “Bet I can
change your mind.”

Nick grabbed her hand and replied, “After you eat.” He brushed his lips against hers before
reluctantly untangling his body from her. Moving away from the bed, he turned on another light
near the table and picked up their bag.


Adalind licked her lips, admiring his fine ass, while Nick walked across the room in all his naked
glory. She might have to eat first, but that did not mean she had to behave. Therefore, she scooted
off the bed and went into the small kitchen.

She deviously smiled while she watched Nick unpack the bag. He put one large plate and two
smaller ones in the mini fridge then a large plate in the microwave. So, she asked, “Are we

Nick uncorked the wine then poured red wine into two glasses as he answered, “No, I already ate.”

Adalind felt tempted to mention there was too much on that plate for one person. Nick would
ignore Her objection, though. After he handed her a glass, she asked, “Would you like to play out
one of my fantasies?”


Nick felt intrigued. He had suspected Adalind would tease him. However, he refused to cave to her
demands until she had eaten.

He could think of only once when he had been in a hotel room with her. Adalind had been in
protective custody. However, he had extremely angry with her.
Nick had enjoyed making Adalind lose control. He only needed to move a chair so she could sit
across from him. Therefore, he asked, “The Mellifer case?”

After Adalind took a sip she answered, “Yeah, all you have to do is sit on the edge of the mattress
and smirk.”

Nick had a big smirk after he made Adalind woge. He took the plate from the microwave,
unwrapped it, and got a fork. Leading her to the table, he asked, “What smirk?”

He set her plate and fork down, then pulled back the chair for her. After Adalind sat, he went back
into the kitchen. He set the wine bottle on the table, sat across from her, and smirked.

Adalind set her glass on the table and replied, “That one.”

Nick sighed. He doubted he would have reacted positively to anything she had attempted.
However, he felt differently now.

He thought now would be a good time to talk. He wanted to know more about Adalind besides her
being a Hexenbiest, lawyer, and mother. So he asked, “During our double date, when you went to
take a phone call, Hank mentioned you grew up on a farm in Iowa and put yourself through law
school. Was that true?”

Nick took a sip of his wine. He could not believe watching Adalind do something as simple as
eating seemed erotic. After she nodded, he asked, “Care to elaborate.”


Adalind munched on a goat cheese and mushroom tartlet. She picked up another, glad there was
more than one. Nodding, she slipped the pastry into her mouth and almost moaned at the robust

She took a sip of wine and then looked over. She expected Nick might experience deja vu as she
answered, “I’d like nothing better to tell you, Nick. I mean, really, I would.” After all, she had said
those exact words to him.

Shaking his head, Nick grumbled, “I feel like you are going to demand the key.”

Adalind sighed. She was not being vague because she did not want to answer. So, she stated, “I
have basically no memories before I turned fifteen, but I can see the house, barn, and a creepy old
oak tree in the backyard.”

She moved the beet salad around on her plate, knowing she had moved back to Portland. After a
few moments, she stated, “I cannot put a face on my grandparents.” Rubbing her arm, she declared,
“I know I fell out of that tree and broke my arm in three places, but not when it happened.”

Nick thought of the spell Adalind had used on Juliette and asked, “Do you think it was a spell?”

Adalind shrugged. She understood Nick would know she had lied about her relationship with her
mother. However, she wanted to be honest, so she answered, “I blamed my mother and put myself
through law school to get away from her, but it should have broken when she died.”


Nick remembered Hank mentioning Adalind had put herself through law school. He had taken a
swig of his whiskey and then stated, “Sounds a little too good to be true.” So, his assumption was

He had tried to find out more when he interrogated Adalind. He asked about her relationship with
her mother. So, he commented, “So your, you know, like most mothers, we had our good and bad
was a lie.”

Nick had called Adalind a liar. He did understand that excluding information was not necessarily a
lie. Therefore, he tried to remain neutral.

Adalind took another swig of wine and then stated, “I stretched the truth or maybe wished I had

Nick noticed Adalind seemed to be drinking more wine than eating. He did not intend to refill her
glass until she ate more. However, before he could comment, she ate some beet salad.

Adalind stabbed a piece of roasted spaghetti squash as she declared, “My mom was only interested
in my powers. After I lost them, she disowned me.”

Nick had felt guilty. She had given him no choice but to take her powers. He imagined she was
even more heartbroken afterward. Therefore, he considered her mom an idiot and commented,
“Your mom was a fool.”

Adalind nodded, then declared, “True, and I did use her, knowing Sean would go to her to break
my spell.”

Nick took a large swig of his wine. He had to do the pure-of-heart spell too. So he grumbled, “You
enjoyed taunting me over her memory loss and then had to rub it in that you were responsible.”

He watched Adalind nibble on her bottom lip, knowing that meant there was something else. He
wanted to know but did not want to interrogate her, either. So he questioned, “Adalind?”


Adalind stabbed a mushroom ravioli. She did not care to talk about Juliette and had no desire to
hurt him. So she moved their conversation away from her spell by declaring, “My mom’s murder
was just an excuse, and I did not want the key either.”

She realized eating meant she could not talk. She cut the ravioli in half and ate it. Then she waited
for his reaction.

Nick raised an eyebrow and asked, “Why did you really come back?”

Adalind blushed, knowing she had been exactly where she wanted to be. She wanted to be close to
him. After another sip of wine, she answered, “I had found a way to get my powers back, and my
first choice was not Sean.”

She watched Nick while she slipped the other half of the ravioli into her mouth. She was only
delaying the inevitable. Therefore when she swallowed, she admitted, “Taking a potion beforehand
when the Grimm I wanted can make me wet just by being in the same room was probably not a
good idea.”


Nick realized Adalind had assumed he had killed her mother. He had wanted her in jail so she did
not cause more havoc. However, he distinctly recalled that tantalizing scent and teased, “Now, I
know why I always smelled spicy honey vanilla.”

He watched Adalind take a large gulp and noticed her wine was almost gone. He had returned to
her cell after dealing with the Verrat. Therefore, he asked, “You wanted me to open your cell, come
in, and screw you?”

Adalind shook her head, then retorted, “You could have dropped the bogus charges and come to
the hotel.”

Nick chuckled, knowing he had no grounds to hold her. If he were focused, he would have realized
the captain agreeing to hold Adalind was suspicious. So he countered with, “The room crawling
with Verrat?”

Adalind rolled her eyes and declared, “You took care of the Verrat.”

Nick nodded. He rather enjoyed using his Kanabo. Therefore, he teased, “I relieved a lot of
frustration by beating on Hundjägers.”

He had always enjoyed their banter, and he loved making her lose control. He had felt stunned
when she looked him over and mentioned having some fun. However, he could not admitted he
had thought about it, so he fled, frustrated.

Nick spent several nights in the trailer, and he could not decided which was more uncomfortable
the old cot or the couch. He was tired of sleeping on the couch and Juliette would not let him in
their bedroom. So, he admitted, “I moved into Monroe’s after I left the precinct.”

He did not care to talk about Juliette. He had understood that Adalind wanted revenge. However,
he asked, “Do you regret doing the spell on Juliette?”


Adalind was glad she had nothing in her mouth, or she might have choked. She suspected Nick
believed his question had a simple answer, yes or no. However, she answered, “No, I regret using
my cat.”

Nick shook his head before he declared, “Your cat went psycho.”

She really did not care to talk about his ex-girlfriend. She most definitely was not jealous, but she
knew Juliette was not innocent. So, she needed to keep the topic on her spell.

Adalind had killed two birds with one stone. She had gotten her revenge on Nick and Sean but
inadvertently caused her mother’s death. Therefore, she admitted, “That was probably the darkest
spell I have ever done, but I was angry and hurt.”

“You made those cookies.”

Adalind nodded. She doubted anyone would ever want to eat her chocolate chip cookies. However,
she explained, “That was just a basic cookie recipe with the blood of the deceived and deceiver

“I’ll pass.”

Adalind laughed. She did not care to ponder the crazy Grimm. So she admitted, “I would have
rather made you a batch.”
Nick chuckled and then asked, “Could not get my blood?”

Adalind had Sean give her the blood she required for her recipe. She doubted he would have
supplied the other one. However, she was resourceful and declared, “I am sure I could have found
a way, but I am not crazy!”

Nick smirked, then stated, “Oh, the old Grimms act differently.”

Adalind nodded. She did not want an obsessive Grimm. After she finished her wine, she revealed,
“I injected Hank with an altered potion and broke the spell after you came to the ruins.”

She had probably set herself up for more questions about Hank. He was a safer subject than
anything remotely connected to Juliette. She would be revealing a truth that would not hurt Nick.


Adalind had just handed Nick an opportunity on a silver platter. He had reluctantly wanted to know
about her and Hank and assumed too many things before and after their fight at the ruins. Now, he
could find the truth and asked, “Did you have sex with Hank?”

He refilled their glasses while he waited. He had considered cutting Adalind off. After all, she
drank most of the bottle.

Adalind took a sip before she babbled, “No, Hank was not the one I wanted in my bed back then, I
dreamed about you, and my body definitely reacted, but I could not vocalize those desires.”

Nick almost sighed. Hank was correct, so now he had to admit, he had been wrong. He could hear
his declaration of I told you, so already.

He was curious. He felt an electromagnetic pull instantly.

Adalind smiled, then commented, “I felt heat like nothing I had experienced before, so I walked
away with drenched panties.”

Nick had been about to sip his wine, but thankfully he did not. He did envision her wet and
suspected she was now, too. Therefore, he attempted to ignore how his penis twitched.

He had lied to Hank. His I can't was a baldfaced lie. He had discretely looked when she walked

Nick was stunned when he saw Adalind later that evening. He was convulsing on the hospital floor
seconds afterward. Therefore, he grumbled, “You certainly did not reveal your desires the second
time we met.”

Adalind sighed, then admitted, “I thought I was in love with Sean, and I had to do what he asked,
but you should know that dose would not have harmed her.”

Nick huffed. He understood her actions with his aunt were a sore spot for him. However, he could
not stop his growl, “You tried to kill her!”

Adalind huffed, then declared, “You were a baby Grimm, and it knocked you on your ass, but your
aunt was an experienced one, so each interaction with Wesen made her stronger, just like each of
yours makes you stronger.”

Nick did not appreciate being called a baby and had to admit what Adalind claimed made sense.
He did not like where his thoughts began to venture, either. However, he voiced his question when
he asked, “Is that why you would not tell me Sean was the Royal?”

Adalind took a large gulp of her wine before she answered, “After I found out Sean was screwing
my mother, I thought about telling you.”

Nick was surprised. He had identified Sean as the Royal after Juliette had her affair. However, he
believed she had a reason she decided against telling him.

He had another question on his tongue as Adalind declared, “I had a few nightmares where the
Queen’s words he’s coming for you held a whole different meaning.” He saw Sean in a different
light after he learned Juliette was falling for him. Therefore, he declared, “Obviously, you felt
those had merit, but not enough to keep from putting him in the path of an innocent.”

Adalind laughed, then without thinking, she responded, “Innocent my ass! You called me a liar,
and you might have had your secret, but your sweet precious girlfriend …”

Nick stared when Adalind stopped ranting and clamped her mouth shut. He had not expected her to
go off on a tangent. Therefore, he teased, “Want more wine?”

He chuckled when Adalind put her glass on the table and shook her head. He had to remember she
was a lightweight. However, he could not resist, teasing, “I will get another bottle tomorrow.”

Adalind stuck her tongue out before she whined, “You do realize I won’t be able to drink for nine
months cause you probably knocked me up back at your house.”

Nick grinned while he focused on her abdomen. He always wanted children. However, he
understood she wanted to distract him.

Adalind licked her lips before she suggested, “You should sit on the edge of the mattress, so I can
play out my fantasy, just in case you have not succeeded yet.”

Nick followed her tongue with his eyes, and wanted to kiss her. He stood, walked across the room,
moved the chair, then motioned for her to sit. After she sat, he crushed his mouth against hers.

He deepened their kiss while he moved his hands along her inner thighs. He spread her legs apart
and placed one over the arm. Slowly, he removed his mouth from her lips and huskily declared,
“You can sit like that while I ask my questions. Consider it artistic license.”

Adalind whined, “I do not want to answer,” then pouted.

Nick smirked, then stated, “You did not want to during that case, so you are already in character.”
He could not resist squeezing her tight nipples and then lightly trailing his forefinger along the
edge of her outer lips. Her whimper and gasp were like music, and he looked into her eyes before
huskily declaring, “By my recollection, I have seven comments before you woged.”

He sat across from Adalind on the edge of the bed. He watched her bite her bottom lip and realized
she had almost done that during the case. However, instead of saying nature is full of powerful
concoctions, he huskily declared, “Is my Hexenbiest ready to play?”

Adalind gulped and nodded before she purred, “That is one!”

Nick shook his head, telling Adalind with his eyes that one did not count. He admired her beauty
just like before, but now, he did it openly. Once he reached her eyes, he leaned closer and lowered
his voice as he declared, “We were talking about the double date from hell.”
Adalind nodded and nibbled on her bottom lip.

Nick had noticed a sudden anger in her eyes while she seductively played with those damn olives
from her drink. He had thought she might need the Heimlich maneuver. Therefore, he asked, “Why
did you almost choke on those freakin olives?”

Adalind smirked, then teased, “I imagined those olives were your cock while I ran my tongue over

Nick groaned while his penis twitched in response. He had not had a blow job in years but felt
admitting that was a bad idea. However, he could not resist, declaring, “I certainly will not object,
but I think sixty-nine would be more fun.”

Adalind felt wetter as she purred, “My Grimm can do amazing things with that tongue!”

Nick licked his lips while he noted how wet Adalind had become and commented, “You do taste
delicious.” He needed to focus, but she looked so damn hot displayed before him. Therefore, he
demanded, “Did you avoid my question out of jealousy?”

Adalind glared as she growled, “I am not jealous!”

Nick had a feeling he might be caught in a lie soon. He certainly would not go limp when Adalind
woged. However, he persisted and asked, “So if you are not jealous, then why not answer?”

Adalind sighed, then answered, “I plead the fifth.”

Nick frowned. He understood that meant Adalind did not want to hurt him. Therefore, he had his
answer, and to change the topic, he declared, “You are giving me what I desire most, a family. You
and Diana.”


Adalind had lost count. Could she woge and jump yet? She had to wait for that smirk, though.

She looked into his eyes, watching as they became void of all color. She loosened the reins on her
Hexenbiest and woged. After retracting her form, she questioned, “Is that what my Grimm

Adalind raked her eyes over Nick, noticing his manhood not only stood proud but leaked pre-cum.
She licked her lips before looking into his eyes again. Her eyes locked with his as she teased,
“Seems my Grimm lied.”

Nick nodded and admitted, “I did.”

Adalind saw him smirk and jumped from the chair. She pushed Nick on his back and placed her
hands on his chest. Looking into his eyes, she rocked her hips, rubbing her wet center over his
cock, and grinned when he groaned.

She ran her fingers down his chest and took his cock into her hand. She thrust downward, in one
swift movement, taking his shaft into her wet-tight center. After she began to ride him like a
bucking bronco, she asked, “Gives that case a whole new meaning, doesn’t it?”

Adalind enjoyed the feel of his hands on her hips. She meowed when Nick nodded, rocked his hips
upward, and stated, “Imagine if Hank had walked back in with our Chamomile tea.” Her giggle
turned into a whimper as his shaft stimulated her G-spot.
She bucked hard and faster while her walls tightened around his manhood. She gasped and moaned
his name while Nick thrust upward, making his shaft penetrate her even deeper. Another orgasm
coursed through her as his hands squeezed her ass.

Adalind whimpered while she rocked her hips. She was nearing another crest of an orgasm, but she
needed Nick to climax. Her walls contracted around his shaft, trying to milk out his seed.


Nick drove his hips upward, keeping his rhythm the same as the pace Adalind had set. He heard
her whimper again and decided a new position was required. Therefore, he squeezed her cheeks
harder and huskily suggested, “How about a different position?”

Adalind nodded and moaned, “Okay.”

Nick slowly permitted his eyes to travel up her body, lingering briefly on her breasts where her
tight nipples practically begged for his attention. He suspected their stubbornness was partially to
blame for her current desperation. Therefore, he attempted to look deeply into her eyes.

Adalind focused on his chest when she saw his pure black eyes and gasped, “Your eyes!”

Nick nodded. He could almost hear Monroe laughing; why would you believe woged sex would
not be mandatory? However, he had another theory too, when he inhaled and swore her scent
beckoned to him like pheromones.

He smirked, matching her thrust with his own drives into her wet-tight contracting core. He
doubted Adalind would be happy with his thoughts. However, he questioned, “My claim basically
put you into a heat, so you are exceptionally fertile with a possibility of multiple ovulation?”

Nick growled when Adalind mewled and slowly locked her eyes with his own. He felt that
electromagnetic pulse between their bodies as she woged. However, he felt her momentum falter as
her body trembled in response.

He instinctively realized that Adalind needed him to take control. He glided his hands up her back,
gripped her neck, and brought her body closer to his own before he rolled their bodies. Then with
great reluctance, he slipped his achingly hard shaft from inside her, causing Adalind to object.

Nick quickly positioned Adalind on her hands and knees so he could take her from behind. He
began to penetrate her, knowing that she required their bodies to join. When he had his shaft fully
encased inside her wet-tightening core, he ordered, “You need to stay woged!”

Adalind rocked her hips and mewled, “I will!”

Nick began to pound his shaft into her wet-clenching core. He did not hold back, allowing the
Grimm to take complete control while he ravished his Hexenbiest. Therefore, their bodies felt the
mattress shake and rock in correlation with their rhythm.

He savored the whimpers, moans, and gasps Adalind made while their bodies moved as one. He
moved his hands from her hips, paying homage to her round firm breasts, and rolled her tight
nipples while massaging the cup. His own growls and grunts increased in pitch when he propelled
her over the edge again.

Adalind begged, “I need you to cum!”

Nick smirked before he nipped at the back of her neck. He wanted nothing more than to spill his
load of seed into her center, gripping his manhood tighter than a vice. However, he held back and
moved his hand to her clit.

He stroked her clit, causing Adalind to buck her hips harder and growl, “Grimm!” He bulldozed his
shaft, plowing her G-spot as his semen gushed from his penis, flooding her vagina with his seed.
While his essence drenched and coated her walls, he growled, “My witch,” and his words had her
moaning, “My Grimm!”

Nick grunted as a backlash of powers passed throughout their bodies and outwards. He decreased
his pace while he groaned, “What was that?” Then his thrust stopped completely when Adalind
softly answered, “My magic re-balancing.”

He slipped out of her fluttering heat, knowing his semi-erect penis would not be that way for long.
He rolled onto the mattress and brought Adalind into his arms. His confusion continued as he
noticed her woge was no longer a rotting corpse.

Nick held Adalind tightly in his arms as he stated, “Your woge changed, and your eyes are like
Diana’s.” He watched her blink, and her eyes returned to their natural color. Curious, he asked, “Do
you feel different?”

Adalind blushed and answered, “Other than my limbs feeling like Jell-O and a mild ache between
my legs, no.”

Nick smirked. He felt blissful and answered, “More than satisfied but already rising to attention. I
do not think I have gone limp since walking into our hotel room.” After kissing her, he declared, “I
will fill the tub and carry you into the bathroom.”

Adalind trailed her fingers down his chest as she retorted, “It is not a bad ache.”

Nick nodded. He was about to tease when there was a knock on their door. Growling, he climbed
out of bed, grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around his waist.

He slightly opened the door, wondering if the person could not read. He was surprised to see a
hotel employee. However, he almost roared in laughter as the young man woged and stuttered, “I
am sorry to bother you, sir. But we had several noise complaints.”

Nick could not get away from the Eisbibers. He did not want to spook the poor kid, so he replied, “I
am sorry, my wife is a screamer, but I assumed your hotel had soundproofed rooms.” Closing the
door, he chuckled while he walked back into the bedroom.

Adalind glared at Nick and declared, “Next time, I am getting the door so I can say my husband is a

Nick chuckled as he retorted, “You need to be able to walk to the door first.” He stole a chaste kiss
before he headed to the bathroom. Pausing at the door, he declared, “After our soak in the tub,
maybe you should scream.”

Adalind smiled and asked, “Why, Nick did you want to drag me into the bathroom after our little
spat in the hallway?”

Nick came out of the bathroom a few minutes later. He scooped Adalind into his arms, and after
she wrapped her arm around his neck, he answered, “The things I want and intend to do to you, my
witch.” Then, he laughed as Adalind replied, “Bring it on, my Grimm!”
Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

Thanks for the feedback

Charlie_Snape~ thanks

LucyConan~ haha yes


123123qweqwe~ yes I will try to make Nick lose control too. Adalind just might need
some revenge lol

Without further ado~

Part Five

Adalind leaned back against Nick. She felt relaxed in the warmth and the bubbles from the jets of
the sunken Jacuzzi tub. Therefore, she declared, “This is nice.”

She felt his manhood nudging her bottom as Nick wrapped his arms around her waist. She might
have considered turning and pouncing if she were not so comfortable. However, she doubted he
would accommodate her.

Adalind did not feel too sore, but Nick would reference his use of Grimm strength during their last
coupling. She could argue she had remained woged, which diminished the effects. Before she
could, he ordered, “Don’t even think about it. You nymph.”

She smiled. She could suggest keeping their rhythm slow. Instead, she turned her head, feigned
innocence, and asked, “What?”


Nick smirked, presuming an answer was not required. He might be more than ready for another
round, but he just wanted to hold Adalind in his arms. However, he feared she would demand he
release her.

He wanted to continue their earlier conversation even though he did not particularly care to talk
about Juliette or Sean. He believed they should. Hopefully, his ex decided to cut all ties with
Wesen, but that did not mean she would.

Nick absentmindedly wrapped his arms around Adalind tighter. He did not expect this to go
smoothly. Yet, he declared, “We need to talk about Juliette and Sean.”


Nick sighed. He decided to try another tactic. So, he restated, “You know, I don’t like this any
more than you do.”
“Deja vu.”

Nick had not had much luck getting Adalind to talk that day either. He did most of the talking.
Therefore, he suggested, “I talk, and you listen?”


Adalind sighed. She could not shake the feeling this conversation would connect to their previous
one, and maybe, she should just tell him. Instead, she grumbled, “Nick, you are like a dog with a

“What is that supposed to mean?”

Adalind nibbled on her bottom lip, knowing her words had upset him. She heard it in his tone and
felt his body stiffen. Signals, she suspected, meant he anticipated an argument.

She did not want to argue, but their history indicated that was inevitable. They were really good at
banter, which was their thing, and the sex was phenomenal, but before today neither of them had
attempted to talk. However, she understood that needed to change.

Adalind tried to think of an example other than his aunt. She considered how she had known the
identity of the Portland royal, but Nick did not, and he had wanted answers. Therefore, she
answered, “Sometimes, you just can’t let things go.”

She believed Nick could not help himself. He is a Detective and strives to uncover the truth.
However, she could admit, “It was not always bad, but some things are better left alone.”


Nick frowned. He had been certain Adalind had tried to kill his aunt, and his interference had her
inject him. Therefore, he used the Mellifer case to confront her.

He had been angry with himself too. He had promised his aunt he would do anything needed just
before he saw Adalind again. Once again, he had felt an undeniable attraction to her.

Nick had wanted Adalind to admit her guilt, and he had suspected someone had sent her. He had to
wait months before she finally did, and then she pointed out that others had tried. However, he
never had the opportunity to confront the others.

He did not need to deny an attraction to the others, either. He had felt one to Adalind since the
moment he saw her. Therefore, he questioned, “You do realize a lot of my aggression stemmed
from my attraction to you?”

Nick did not need an answer. He suspected her hostility was an avoidance tactic and decided to nip
it in the bud while he moved his hand to her abdomen. Keeping his palm against her skin, he
stated, “I confronted Juliette but believed she lied to me, and somehow you can confirm her lie.”

He believed Adalind understood. He held his hand on her abdomen and thought about the baby
they possibly created together. Therefore, he admitted, “Yes, it hurts, and I always wanted children,
but I do not believe fate meant for her to be the one.”

Nick decided he should mention their first sighting of one another. He had denied his instant
attraction then but had to be honest now. So he admitted, “I bought Juliette a ring but could not
take my eyes off you.”
He had believed he was losing his mind when her face suddenly changed. He had not known until
his aunt explained what was happening. Therefore, he declared, “You were my first woge.”

“My first Grimm was a baby Grimm.”

Nick growled. He did not like her referring to him as a baby. Therefore, he commented, “Only baby
Grimms will be the ones I impregnate you with.”


Adalind giggled. She could imagine his outraged expression. However, she could not resist adding,
“Our babies could be part Hexenbiest or Zauberbiest.”

Nick smiled before he commented, “I am the step-father to an extremely powerful Hexenbiest

whose father is the Portland Royal, my boss, and involved with my ex on and off since the
obsession spell.”

Adalind did not care to talk about Sean, either. She wished once again that she had acquired Nick’s
sperm. Therefore she exclaimed, “Unfortunately! I am not letting Sean take Diana when he handed
her to Victor!”

She would never understand Juliette, and she really disliked his ex-girlfriend. So, she babbled, “I
think your ex needs to be committed. Obviously, she has a few screws loose. How could she cheat
on you with Sean?”

Adalind did not expect an answer. She could not see why Juliette chose the beast over the Grimm.
A Prince or a knight or hamburger compared to steak? Therefore, without thinking, she blurted out,
“It took a whole five minutes, wham bam, to create Diana.”


Nick breathed in. He had to give Juliette the benefit of the doubt, believing she would not have
done anything without the spell. However, he feared saying that would only cause an argument.

He could not blame the spell for her dishonesty, though. He could have done without the facts of
Diana’s conception. So, he growled, “I really did not need to know that.”

Adalind giggled before she teased, “Who’s jealous now?”

Nick wrapped his arms tighter around Adalind and replied, “I have nothing to be jealous over. You
are mine!” He could not resist, brushing his lips over his mark. Then, he smirked after she moaned.

“You told me I had to behave. Shouldn’t that apply to you too?”

Nick reasoned that he could do more, so he was being good. He could move his hands upward to
cup and massage her breasts before he rolled her nipples or merely slide his hand lower. Therefore,
he answered, “I am.”

Adalind almost rolled her eyes. She wanted to change topics and asked, “Can we talk about
anything other than our exes?”

Nick had said his peace and could approach the topic of visitation another time. He did not foresee
Adalind granting Sean access to Diana. So, he asked, “Tell me about how you got your Hexenbiest
spirit back.”

Adalind frowned. She should have anticipated Nick asking. However, she was not eager to share,
afraid of his reaction.

She doubted Nick would be happy with a vague answer like the whole process was gross and
painful. So the best place to start was the beginning, but before she could, Nick declared, “You
know I will not judge you.” However, she still felt leery.

Adalind had done some awful things. She tried to remain calm, but she felt uncertain. Nick might
be disgusted.

“I think if I had lost by Grimm sight like you had planned, I would have done about anything to be
a Grimm again.”

Adalind smiled. She had already gotten her revenge for him taking her powers, but she had
believed Victor had Diana, and he had demanded she take care of the Grimm. Therefore, she
admitted, “I provided one possible cure by leaving you the potion.”

Nick grimaced before he grumbled, “I suspect that would taste horrible!”

Adalind shrugged. All that mattered was the potion reversed the magic and restored his Grimm.
However, she knew another way and revealed, “You could redo the spell where Juliette became

Nick chuckled, then replied, “ I do not see that going over well.”

Adalind had to agree. Nick would have been in a no-win situation when he had to sleep with
another woman. So, she declared, “Good thing you busted me.”

Nick smirked, then admitted, “She considers my Grimm an infection, so something awful would
have to have happened.”

Adalind huffed. The Wesen community was like a virus? She did not care to ponder what would
motivate Juliette.

She had confirmed her pregnancy with a test and smiled when the result was positive. She failed in
the mission for the prince, but she accomplished her private one. Therefore, she declared, “Frau
Pech, an older Hexenbiest in Vienna, detected my pregnancy and offered to help with the valuable

Adalind decided against mentioning that Frau believed the father was one of two half-brothers. She
did not think the meeting with Prince Eric or him noticing something different about her were
important, either. So, she stated, “When Frau found someone, I told her I was ill.”

She had been worshiping the toilet most of the day and did not feel like going anywhere. She had
wanted to go another-time, but Frau warned you do not want to offend them. Therefore, she
grumbled, “I still do not understand why it is called morning sickness!”

Nick chuckled before he suggested, “Rosalee might know some Wesen cures.”

Adalind did not see anything humorous about morning sickness. She had tried saltines, bland food
like bananas, and dry toast. Therefore, she huffed before she continued, “Frau took me to the
Romani Gypsies Schwarzwald Roma camp, where I met with Queen Stefania Vaduva Popescu and
her two sons, Dragomir and Lucian.”
Stefania talked about how the Schade family roots ran deep in the woods around them, but her
roots were deeper. She examined a lock of her hair before taking her into their tent. However, she
insisted mother’s lie, so her word was not good enough.

She shivered while she recalled what happened next. The sons dragged her to a divan so Stefania
could extract blood. Therefore, she explained, “Dragomir and Lucian restrained me while Stefania
used an archaic instrument with a long needle and a chamber to take a blood sample.”

Nick grimaced and commented, “That does not sound like fun.”

Adalind nodded. She had never seen a needle so big. Therefore, she replied, “No, it was not.”

Stefania mixed the blood with another liquid then she made her offer. Frau believed she could get a
better deal in Budapest, and Stefania threatened them. However, she admitted, “I told Stefania, I
want what was taken from me by the Grimm.”

Nick grumbled, “What did she offer?”

Adalind frowned. She had no interest in money. However, she answered, “500,000 Euros for a boy
or 750,000 for a girl.”

She did not believe Frau was pleased, but she had not cared. She would find someone else if the
Gypsy Queen could not help her. However, she revealed, “Stefania came to my hotel room and told
me it was possible but difficult.”

Adalind had not cared and was willing to do anything. She should have anticipated paperwork.
Therefore, she declared, “She had a contract with her, but it was in Roma language, so I refused to
sign it.”

She did not have a choice, though. Stefania had taken matters into her own hands. So, she
explained, “Stefania sprinkled some powder on the bottom of the page, grabbed my hand, and
pressed it on the paper. My veins became engorged, and when she lifted my hand, there was a
blood print.”

Nick frowned before he asked, “Should I worry about needing to save you from a Gypsy Queen?”

Adalind shrugged. She did break the contract, but Stefania forced her to sign it. However, she had
planned on double-crossing Stefania and declared, “I think she works for the Royals.”

“Who doesn’t?”

Adalind smiled. She fondly recalled Nick visiting her after his run-in with the Verrat. So she could
not resist, “A girl’s gotta eat.”

Nick chuckled before he declared, “Move up, so I can get out and get us some towels.”

Adalind reluctantly moved from his arms. She licked her lips while she admired his fine ass. Then,
she asked, “I thought we were playing out your bathroom fantasy.”

Nick chuckled, and helped Adalind out of the tub, wrapped the towel around her, and answered, “I
am saving that for the morning.”

Adalind had hoped to put off the rest. She stepped closer, wrapped her arms around his neck, and
asked, “Do you think I am going to behave?” Standing on her tiptoes, she brushed her lips against
his, then deepened the kiss.

Nick pulled back, scooped Adalind into his arms, and answered, “No.” He set her down by the bed,
so she could dry off, then went into the kitchen, hoping to find bottled water in the mini-fridge.
After he grabbed two bottles of spring water, he turned off the light.

He smirked when he found Adalind seductively posed on the mattress. He set the bottles on the
end stand, picked up her towel, then headed to the bathroom. When he tossed their towels, he
heard, “Nick, that is what they have housekeeping for.”

Nick turned off the light while Adalind continued, “They should bring clean towels, sheets, make
the bed, and refill the complimentary coffee.” He pretended to be annoyed and retorted, “I have
stayed at a hotel before.”

“You have?”

Nick laid on the mattress next to her, then sat up, resting his back on the pillows. He ignored the
seductress next to him. Reaching for a bottle, he twisted the top and teased, “Do you want a water
cause' you’re not getting any until you finish.”


Adalind pouted. She did not care to continue their conversation and had something much more
enjoyable in mind. Therefore, she waited until he set the bottle on the end stand and answered,
“No, maybe after.”

She grinned when Nick raised an eyebrow and asked, “After what?” She leaned closer, trailed her
fingers down his chest, then repeated her actions with her lips. However, when her hand reached
his erection, she answered, “This.”

Adalind wrapped her hand around his cock squeezed, and slid her hand downward while she darted
her tongue out to lick away the pre-cum. She savored his groan while she pumped her hand and
tasted him again. Closing her mouth over the tip, she sucked, then released him and asked, “You
sure you want to talk?”

She waited until Nick nodded before taking his tip into her mouth. She relaxed the muscles in her
throat and deepthroated his cock. Pressing her tongue hard against the vein, she bobbed her head
twice, then released him to purr, “Really?”

Adalind resumed the pumping of her hand along his shaft while she waited. She licked away the
pre-cum pooling at the tip when Nick huskily moaned, “Yes!” Instead of complying, she took his
cock into her mouth and sucked hard while she bobbed her head up and down.

Nick growled, “Adalind!”

Adalind moaned, “Mmm,” but she continued, increasing the pressure of her mouth and maintaining
the same pace. She moved her free hand to hold and gently massage his balls. However, she had
his hands in her hair, keeping her mouth in place when she went to release him.

Nick had enough of Adalind teasing him and huskily promised, “I am not giving in.”

Adalind thought, Yes, you will! She increased her pace just slightly, tempting Nick closer to his
orgasm. After he thrust his hips upward, she sucked harder and bobbed her mouth faster.

She began to become aware of how teasing Nick had affected her. She refused to admit that she had
not thought this through. Therefore, she corresponded the rhythm of her hand with her mouth.

Nick grunted, then licked his lips after he inhaled her spicy vanilla honey scent and huskily
declared, “My witch . . . should have . . . listened!”

Adalind hummed, adding vibrations into the mix. She relaxed the muscles in her throat when Nick
thrust his hips and sucked harder as his semen gushed from his manhood, and Nick yelled,
“Adalind!” After she swallowed, she slowly slipped her mouth from his shaft.


Nick panted while she looked up at him. He had not had Juliette give him head in years, and she
had never taken his penis entirely into her mouth. However, he was not inclined to tell his witch
that she had literally and figuratively blown his mind.

He smirked while Adalind crawled up his body. He still refused to give in to her demands, though.
However, he did have plans of his own.

Nick deepened their kiss when Adalind brushed her lips against his own. He trailed his hands
down her back, then squeezed her ass before he rolled their bodies. Once he pinned her beneath
him, he pulled back and noticed she looked utterly pleased with herself.

He smirked and lifted his body to snake his hand between their bodies. He savored her whimper
while he traced his forefinger along her outer lips, collecting her juices, and huskily declared, “You
are dripping.” Instead of doing what she hoped, he brought his finger to his mouth.

Nick slipped his finger into his mouth and sucked off her juices. He licked his lips and allowed
Adalind to believe she had won. However, he declared, “Now, you are all frustrated and will be
begging when I pay you back for teasing me!”


Adalind swallowed hard when she determined Nick had no intention of caving. She did not want
him to tease her! Therefore, she pleaded, “Nick. . .”

Nick countered by huskily responding, “Adalind.”

Adalind rocked her hips, but Nick lifted his body away. She narrowed her eyes when Nick smirked
at her. However, she huffed, “Please.”

Nick shook his head, answering, “The longer you stall, the longer you wait.”

Adalind pouted. She could not think of another way to have Nick cave. However, she still tried,
“Can’t we talk about that tomorrow?”

Nick glanced at the clock and answered, “It already is.”

Adalind sighed. She had to admit that there was no tempting Nick. However, she pleaded, “Nick, I
need. . .”

Nick rolled onto his side, propped his head on his hand, and declared, “I warned you I was not
giving in, and I promised I am not judging you, so do us both a favor and continue!”

Adalind rolled onto her side, missing the closeness of his body. She could not decide who was
more stubborn, Nick or herself. Therefore, she concluded she only had one option and reluctantly
declared, “Okay, you win.”

She mentioned her initial meeting with Stefania and the contract, so she had reached the elder
Hexenbiest problem. Frau had wanted her to take the money. Therefore, she declared, “Frau had
warned me that I was worth more dead to some people.”

Adalind still had enemies that wanted her dead, and Prince Victor would send the Verrat. She
understood that probably would complicate matters for getting Diana back. Knowing they would
discuss her daughter another time, she stated, “Frau had a waiter drug my food and used a
doppelganger potion to make herself look like me, and I appeared to be Frau.”

“That is different than the one you used?”

Adalind nodded. She had not altered Juliette’s appearance and suspected that might make his ex-
girlfriend become a Hexenbiest. Therefore, she speculated; could that have happened if Juliette had
to undo her spell?


Adalind nibbled on her bottom lip. She already mentioned what could happen but had not
considered the extent of her DNA. So, she explained, “I was thinking about the consequence of
Juliette becoming me and reversing the spell.”

“Care to share?”

Adalind nodded. She did not care to stray too far from how she regained her powers, especially
when an evil mean Grimm needed to give her an orgasm! So, she revealed, “Juliette would become
a Hexenbiest.”
“That is possible?”

Adalind groaned. She looked into his eyes and grumbled, “Yes, which would be awful. She would
be unusually powerful, probably very angry, and basically unstoppable. Grimm blood would not
work on her, either.”

“She would be more powerful than you?”

Adalind growled. She had gotten off topic, so she snapped, “Yes! She probably would want to kill
me, but you are torturing me!”

Nick chuckled, then teased, “Drama Queen!”

Adalind poked his chest before she grumbled, “No! Your claim put me into heat, and considering I
think I already was, it amplified that demand.” Her cheeks held a rosy hue as she growled, “It is
like my body is demanding your seed.”

“Is that why your scent is driving me crazy?”

Adalind huffed and replied, “Obviously, you are managing to ignore it!” She gasped when Nick
pushed her onto her back and spread her legs. Then, she moaned when he thrust two fingers inside
her wet core.

Nick thrust his fingers in and out while Adalind ordered, “Do not tease me!” She rocked her hips,
grinding into his hand, desperately needing more. However, she promised, “Nick, I will find a way
to make you lose control!”
“I am sure you will.”

Adalind nodded. She would. Maybe, she could use her claim bite to make Nick squirm.

She frowned, knowing Nick would do anything she did to him to her. She gulped when Nick
taunted, “You know we have played this game for years without sex, so much more fun now.”
However, she questioned, “Who always won?”


Nick smirked. He slipped his fingers out at the precise moment her walls began to tighten, making
Adalind scream. After all, he certainly was not admitting her pheromones were already driving him

He sucked her juices, then answered, “I did!” He did not permit Adalind a chance to comment,
crushing his mouth to her own. Their tongues battled while he moved into position.

Nick stopped kissing Adalind and looked down to watch her expression change. He effortlessly
slipped his hardness into her wetness and grunted when her walls immediately tightened around his
manhood. Holding his weight on his hands, he huskily declared, “I bet I could keep still, and you
would squeeze my seed out.”

Adalind whimpered, then snarled, “You have heard the term payback is a bitch!”

Nick chuckled. He remained still as he countered, “Oh, I am quite familiar with your payback!”
However, he needed to thrust, so he slowly rolled his hips backward, drawing his shaft out, then
drove his manhood back into her wet center.

“Thought you would see it my way!”

Nick smirked. He had planned on a fast and steady pace but altered his drives to a slower rhythm.
Looking into her eyes, he quirked, “Anything else you’d like to add?”

Adalind wrapped her legs tighter around his waist and replied, “Later!”

Nick continued his slow and steady pace, hitting her G-spot with each forward thrust. He drove his
shaft slightly harder and faster when her walls began to flutter around him. However, he doubted
he could maintain that speed for much longer.

Adalind rocked her hips as another climax coursed through her and screamed, “Nick!”

Nick began to bulldoze his cock harder and faster as her walls gripped his manhood in a vice. He
grunted her name when his orgasm commenced, and his seed flooded her tightness. After several
more drives, he slowly slipped his shaft out before her walls made him hard again.

He rolled onto his side and brought Adalind into his arms. He ran his hand down her back as she
snuggled into his body. Kissing the top of her head, he asked, “If you are in heat, how long does it

Adalind yawned then answered, “I read Estrus some animals like the rat have the shortest 4 to 5
days, second shortest horses 4 to 10, then a dog 7 to 13, wolves 9, a cat is 14 to 21, cattle 21, Bison
22 to 24, but the longest is an elephant 16 weeks.”

Nick did not dare compare Adalind to any of those she had listed. He felt amazed and teased, “My
witch is a nerd.” Curious, he asked, “How do you know all this?”

Nick continued to trail his fingers along her spine while he wondered how long her pheromones
would beckon to him. He had other things that needed attention before he had to return to work.
Therefore, he hoped implantation reduced her sex drive.

“If you are thinking after implantation, that happens five to ten days after fertilization.”

Nick was not complaining. He merely did not like that Adalind felt pain. However, he could not
resist asking, “After sex, how long before I knocked you up?”

Adalind giggled before she answered, “As soon as three minutes or up to five days.”

Nick smirked. He needed to find a house with several bedrooms and would be in trouble if Adalind
could read his mind. Thankfully, he did not need to worry.

Adalind yawned again, then declared, “I can barely keep my eyes open, and you have a bathroom
fantasy to play out in the morning.”

Nick kissed the top of her head and said goodnight. He did not need to think about his fantasy
knowing his body would respond. Therefore, he watched Adalind sleep until his own eyelids
refused to remain open.
Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

Thanks for the feedback

LucyConan~ hehe yes they do

lokiluvr88~ hope you continue to love

Charlie_Snape~ thanks

Part Six

Nick slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the beauty snuggled into his body. He almost groaned
when he realized another part of his body was also awake. However, he planned on letting Adalind

He carefully maneuvered from her embrace and smirked when Adalind mumbled in protest before
grabbing his pillow. He quietly ventured to the kitchen to start the complementary coffee and find
the room service menu. Flicking on the lights, he realized that he was famished.

Nick glanced in the other room at his witch, knowing their multiple sexipades were responsible.
He decided a big breakfast was a must while he pushed brew. Glancing at the menu, he tried not to
look at the prices.

He debated on blueberry pancakes or the bistro breakfast. Finally, deciding on two bistros with
eggs over easy, one with sausage and the other with bacon, two mixed fresh fruit, two Mimosas,
and coffee. He called in their order but had not succeeded in ignoring the prices, eighty dollars plus
a tip. Sighing, he thought, I definitely need to increase my credit limit.

Nick did not want to get dressed when he had to get in the shower, and he refused to think about
what else he planned on having beforehand. He never had this much sex! Knowing he saw two
white robes in their bathroom, he went to get them.

He slipped one on and draped the other over the chair for Adalind. He would never eat breakfast if
she sat across from him naked. Walking over to the door, he opened it and removed the do not
disturb sign.

Nick smirked. He hung the sign, thinking not that the bellhop read it. Studying his sleeping witch,
he recalled she had not gotten to say my husband is loud.

He poured a mug of coffee and sipped it. He had every intention of making it out of their room
today. After all, he had a list of things to do.

Nick set his mug on the counter when he heard a knock, and a male declared, “Room service.” He
opened the door and almost laughed when the woman next door gave him the evil eye, and the
man looked positively jealous. Smirking, he motioned for the young man to come inside.

He signed the slip and handed the young man his tip. He nodded as the kid said, “Thank you, sir.
Just leave the cart outside your room afterward.” After closing the door, he thought, now to wake
my witch.


Adalind missed the heat from his body but snuggled into the pillow to inhale his scent. She began
to smell the freshly brewed coffee. However, she did not want to get up.

She had managed to open her eyes to witness Nick walking across the room in all his naked glory.
She almost giggled when she wondered if he might have an issue wearing jeans later. We could
stay in bed all day.

Adalind doubted Nick would agree, knowing he wanted to go to her storage shed. You need
clothes! Did he forget she was on the run?

She closed them before Nick went by the bed. She could play possum until he decided to wake her.
However, she wanted coffee.

Adaind felt his lips caress her own, and a flame instantly ignite. She slipped her hand into his locks
and pulled his head closer while she deepened their kiss. So, when Nick removed his lips from
hers, she was breathing heavily.

Nick smirked, then said, “Morning. You are not getting anything else until after breakfast.”

Adalind stuck her bottom lip out in a pout. She would not mind having a Grimm for breakfast.
However, she did enjoy teasing him.

She tossed the covers and stretched. She almost groaned when his gaze made her nipples hard.
Swinging her legs over the side, she shook her head when Nick held out a robe and asked, “No
naked breakfast?”

“No. I want to eat my breakfast before I have you.”

Adalind slipped her arms into the robe but did not tie it, so she could still tease him. She sat,
adjusted her robe to expose her breast, then reached for her coffee but felt tempted to drink the
Mimosa. However, she was thankful she swallowed when Nick asked, “Bacon or sausage?”

She giggled, wanting another kind of sausage attached to his body, then answered, “I hate bacon.”
She almost gasped, “I can not eat that much,” when he put a plate with two over-easy eggs, hash
browns, sausage, and toast down, then some fresh fruits. However, she did say, “Nick, this is a


Nick sat across from Adalind, wondering how he could, wear his jeans later. He had to agree there
was a lot of food on their plates, but with what he had just paid, there should be. Picking up his
fork, he noticed how she had purposely kept her robe untied and declared, “I can think of another
fantasy to play out!”

Adalind swallowed and asked, “Going to share.”

Nick smirked. He did not think Adalind would care for this one. After eating a piece of bacon, he
answered, “Putting the bad witch over my knee and spanking her.”

Adalind stabbed a potato as she replied, “I distinctly recall my Grimm mentioning blue-balls after
our fight at the ruins bet you’d have them again!”

Nick shook his head. He hoped never to experience those again. Therefore, he declared, “I do not
foresee you denying me.”

Adalind smiled before she responded, “I could make you beg!”

Nick stabbed a potato as he promised, “Making you beg sounds so much more fun.” He tried to
ignore how his manhood twitched in response. Therefore, he attempted to change the subject and
declared, “We could go out to dinner later.”

Adalind smiled, knowing their breakfast had cost a pretty penny, and teased, “Maybe, Hank can
find a date and join us.”

Nick did not find her comment funny. He did not believe Hank would, either. Therefore, he
declared, “We could always do take-out.”

Adalind had another idea and teased, “We need a small table so I can play footsie this time.”

Nick almost groaned as he imagined Adalind toeing his erection. He would find his revenge
afterward. Therefore, he stated, “I am sure you will get those dirty vodka martinis so you can tease
me with the olives again.”

Adalind smiled, then declared, “Speaking of teasing, do you know where Kinks is Us is?”

Nick was thankful he had swallowed his food. He probably would have choked. However, he
nodded and answered, “Yes. It is in a bad part of downtown,” then added, “I have never been there,
had a body close by.”

Adalind giggled before she asked, “Afraid to go inside?”

Nick set his Mimosa on the table and answered, “No, there is nothing I need.” He did not care to
mention that his sex life with Juliette was boring. However, he curiously asked, “What would you

Adalind nibbled on her bottom lip before she answered, “Vibrators, a vibrating cock ring, stroker,
not that you need a cock ring to stay hard.”

Nick had purposely waited to pick up his Mimosa. He drank the rest, then set the glass down.
Afterward, he responded, “You just want to annoy our neighbors.”

Adalind laughed before she declared, “They just be jealous.”

Nick nodded. He recalled the couple he saw and declared, “The one on our right, the woman
looked annoyed and the man jealous.” However, he did not want another knock on their door.

He poured more coffee into his mug. He was ready to take a shower and begin their day.
Therefore, he declared, “So we can go to your storage shed, then I want to get some wine, and
afterward we can go to the adult store.”

Adalind admitted, “I do not really have a lot of clothes, maybe two jeans, a sweater, a cardigan, and
two blouses.”

Nick frowned. He hated clothes shopping. However, he declared, “Guess we can add clothes
shopping, and you can buy a bra.”
Adalind shook her head and replied, “No, I will not until I need a nursing bra.”

Nick wanted to groan. He had an image of their baby feasting on her voluptuous breast. Something
he intended to do very soon.

Adalind drank the last of her Mimosia then set her glass on the table. She had enough food and
wanted her Grimm, so she asked, “You ready to initiate another fantasy?” Standing, she slowly
slipped her robe off.


Nick was more than ready. He licked his lips as her gorgeous body came into view. Standing, he
removed his own robe, walked to her, and declared, “We were closer to the bathroom on our date
from hell, so I am improvising.”

He had dragged Adalind into the bathroom in his dream that night. He had woken gasping for
breath and with a raging hard-on. Now, he easily tossed his witch over his shoulder and carried her
across the room.

Adalind giggle then joked, “Should I hit your back and say unhand me you beast?”

Nick chuckled before he asked, “Do not you mean Grimm.” He turned on the water, adjusted it,
pulled up the lever, then stepped into the shower and closed the curtain. Setting her on her feet, he
kissed her.

Adalind wrapped her arms around his neck as she returned his kiss. She pulled back for air and
teased, “There wasn’t a shower.”

Nick smirked, before he kissed along the side of her neck without his claim. He moved his hands
down her back and cupped her round firm ass while he replied, “Just imagine this is the stall.”
Then he knelt, lifted her leg over his shoulder and thrust his tongue into her center.

Adalind had a witty response but the second Nick used his magic tongue all she could do was

Nick had used artistic licence to add tasting and bringing her to an orgasm before he joined their
bodies as one. He could do a quickie but that would never be enough. Therefore, he continued to
devour her with his tongue, wanting to drink down her sweet nectar.

Adalind felt her orgasm building and moaned, “Nick.”

Nick nudged her clit with his nose while he drove his tongue harder and faster. He was rewarded
with her shout of ecstasy, her walls fluttering before her juices coated his tongue. However, he
continued to torment her with his tongue until she begged, “Please. . .”

He unhooked her leg from his shoulder, stood and picked her up, then quickly thrust his aching
cock into her center. He grunted as his manhood became encased in her wet tightness. His mouth
claimed hers again while she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Nick slowly rocked his hips backward until only the head of his shaft remained inside, then he
thrust forward, bulldozing his length into her core. He set a steady rhythm, grunting as her walls
began to flutter and tighten around him. Therefore, he understood she was close, and he would
climax soon afterward.

He began to bulldoze his shaft harder and faster, wanting to push Adalind over the edge again. She
thrust her hip matching his rhythm while she gripped his shoulders. He felt like his manhood was
held in a vice when her walls clamped around him.

Adalind moaned, ‘Nick. . .”

Nick plunged his shaft deeper as he ejaculated and his seed drenched her walls. He grunted her
name as he continued to thrust his manhood and then reluctantly slipped out. Setting her on her
feet, he held her close while he stepped backward bringing their bodies into the water.

He reached for the complimentary shampoo as he admitted, “Think we might have gotten arrested
if I dragged you into the men’s room.” He would probably get another noise complaint if he
screwed her against the wall. However, the day had only begun, so they still might get another one.

Adalind giggled before she declared, “Portland Detective arrested for public indecency which is a
Class A misdemeanor and a year in jail.

Nick frowned. He would probably been suspended and lost his job. Therefore, he declared, “I
would have needed an amazing lawyer.”

Adalind smiled then declared, “Only problem is I would have been arrested too.”

Nick began to massage her scalp as he teased, “Then you would have three arrests on your record.”
He moved, so she could rinse her hair and set the bottle down. Picking up the soap, he rubbed the
bar into a washcloth, then he slowly moved the washcloth over her body, making certain to linger
on her breasts, ass, and pussy.


Adalind stepped into the spray to rinse off and reached for the shampoo. She squeezed a small
amount into her hand, then stood on her tiptoes while slipping her hands into his hair. Massaging
his scalp, she wined, “I was innocent, and you know it!”

Nick rinsed his hair, then replied, “Yes, but didn’t you want to be in jail.”

Adalind nodded as she set the bottle down. She picked the washcloth and the soap up and rubbed
them together. After she had a nice lather, she brought the cloth to his chest and declared, “Yes, I
was safe in jail.”

Nick frowned, then declared, “You had the Verrat with you.”

Adalind nodded. She had not trusted Sean, though. Therefore, she admitted, “I told Sean I would
not end up like Camilla.”

“I killed Melissa Wincroft.”

Adalind nodded as she moved the washcloth over his shaft but did not linger. She traced the cloth
over his flesh until he stepped into the spray. After he moved closer, she replied, “Yes, but I had
given Sean forty-eight hours, and then I was telling you he was the Royal.”


Nick thought about what Adalind had said while he shut off the water and opened the glass door.
He tried to get the identity, but she had a demand. Therefore, he grumbled, “Your hunt for the
He did not trust his captain, and he had more reasons now. He did not care to discuss anything
connected to Sean and doubted she was still interested in the key. However, he reached for two
towels, handed one to Adalind, and declared, “An idle threat.”

Adalind stepped out of the shower, and she admitted, “I just wanted to show him I was more than
just another pretty girl.”

Nick wrapped the other around his waist. He understood she had believed her powers defined her.
Before he exited the bathroom, he declared, “Pretty was not a strong enough word, and you were
always more than your powers.”

Adalind dried off and asked, “Am I wearing your dress shirt like a dress?”

Nick growled, “No!” He had already considered her lack of clothing. After looking through his
bags, he handed Adalind a black t-shirt and sweatpants.

He dressed in a navy long-sleeved shirt, black boxers, and blue jeans, then sat on the bed to put on
his socks and boots. He almost laughed when he looked at Adalind. However, he still refused to let
her wear his dress shirt like a dress.

Adalind had tried rolling the waistband of his sweatpants, but that had not worked. She had to fold
the bottom up several times. Therefore, she suggested, “You know a pair of your boxers would
work better.”

Nick chuckled. He had a hard enough time thinking about Adalind in his shirts and did not care to
test how much room was in his jeans. Therefore, he caved and handed his white shirt to her.

He picked up his clothes from last night and his other dress shirt while Adalind changed. He rolled
the room service cart over to the door and put it outside their room, then put the sign on for
housekeeping. Holding her the raincoat, he declared, “Let’s go clothes shopping before we go to
your storage shed.”

Adalind tied the belt on the raincoat as she asked, “Do you have Discover cause' then at least you
would get cash back.”

Nick almost rolled his eyes while he slipped the room key into his wallet. He escorted Adalind out
of their room, dreading shopping. After intertwining his fingers with hers, he declared, “I am not
spending all day shopping.”


Adalind found several sundresses. She tried to pick those she could wear when she began to show
since Nick had probably impregnated her. However, she found two mini dresses, specifically to
tease her Grimm.

She handed Nick five hangers- a black spaghetti strap mini dress with ruffled bottom, a white mini
dress with a sting at the breasts, a black strapless mini dress with three pink ribbons that tied to
reveal the valley of her breasts, a grayish-black polka dot off the shoulder ruffle, and a lite-blue
sundress. She kept a white crochet mini dress with a hood. After flagging down a saleswoman, she
explained, “I would like to wear this one.”

Adalind watched the woman remove the price tag and security device, then pointed to Nick and
declared, “He will be paying.” She almost laughed when she noticed him looking at her selection.
Instead, she went into the dressing room.

Nick wondered how deadly each one would look on Adalind. He handed the ones she had decided
on to the saleswoman and asked, “Can you hold these, so I can buy them and the one she plans on
wearing? Just want to make sure she does not want anything else.”

He breathed in when Adalind walked out of the dressing room carrying his dress shirt and the
raincoat. He could not see through the material, but he understood she wore nothing else
underneath and was short. Therefore, he wanted to growl a bathing suit cover-up is not a dress!

Nick tried to remain calm when Adalind smiled and asked, “You like?” He nodded but could not
resist teasing, “You want the bikini that should go with it?” However, he should have known

Adalind smiled and then answered, “The hotel does have a pool. Do you have swim trunks?”

Nick reluctantly walked with Adalind to look at bikinis. He raised an eyebrow when she took a
blue and pink bikini off the rack. However, he thought about how easily he could remove the top
by pulling on the strings.

Adalind picked another ebony black bikini where the bottoms tied on the side and asked, “You like
this one?”

Nick glanced between the two bikinis, thinking he could easily remove the black bottoms. He
shook his head after Adalind showed him a pink bikini with half the top missing. Therefore, he
huskily answered, “You won’t make it out of our room!”

Adalind giggled and then batted her eyelashes before she asked, “Why?”

Nick was not amused. He counted to ten while Adalind showed him another one. However, he
could admit that the wrap-around top covered more than the others, and so did the side tie bottoms.

Adalind put the bikinis on the rack and declared, “I would rather stay in our room.”

Nick saw a burgundy crochet bikini and teased, “That would match your dress.” He almost groaned
when Adalind took it off the rack. It was skimpier than the other three.

Adalind checked the size, then asked, “Do you need swim trunks?”

Nick growled. He was joking! However, he answered, “No.”

Adalind led Nick away from the bikini rack toward the underwear section and stated, “I need

Nick sighed. He prayed Adalind did not ask his opinion. Therefore, he felt relieved when she
picked several and declared, “I think that covers it.”

He nodded but suggested, “We are near the bras.” He had enough clothes shopping, though.
However, he still believed Adalind needed one.

Adalind placed the thongs on the counter, handed the bikini to the saleswoman, and declared, “I do
not want the bikini.”

Nick was not about to admit he had hoped Adalind would put the bikini back. He had only been
teasing her. After he signed, he carried the bags and intertwined his fingers with hers as they exited
the store.

Adalind could not resist and stated, “I figured you did not want to pay eighty dollars for that

Nick nodded, then commented, “You are joking. It was skimpier than all the others you looked
at.” He could not foresee her leaving their room. However, he frowned when she declared, “Bikinis
are like bras- you need to try them on.”

He was near Victoria Secrets when Adalind asked, “Want to go in there?” He did not. However, he
answered, “Only if I get to buy you a bra.”

Adalind nibbled on her bottom lip, then replied, “I’d have to try it on, and I would need your
opinion, but I am not wearing panties.”

Nick had thought his response would get an instant no. He should have known Adalind would find
a way to tease him. Therefore, he leaned closer and whispered, “I will get my revenge.”

Adalind stole a kiss and then replied, “Then, I will have to pay you back.”

Nick chuckled. Their new never-ending cycle of revenge had become teasing each other. Once
they reached his vehicle, he kissed her properly.

He had two more places he wanted to go before the storage shed. After he put her bags in the back,
he declared, “I want to run into the Dollar General real quick and then the liquor store.”

Adalind opted to wait in his land rover while Nick went inside the store. He put the bottled water
in the back, then handed her a new hairbrush and wipes. After he pulled out of the parking lot, he
drove to the liquor store.

Nick had purchased two bottles of wine, one red, and one white. He was about to turn right to drive
to the storage shed when Adalind said, “Turn left.” Therefore, he groaned, hoping she had
forgotten about the adult shop.

He reluctantly switched lanes after Adalind asked, “Chicken?” He hated this part of town. After
finding a parking spot, he double-checked his glove-box was locked, knowing his badge and gun
were inside.

Nick locked his land rover and wrapped his arm around her waist. He saw picketers at the abortion
clinic across the street. Another reason, he hated this part of town, and he believed there was a
witch shop a block down and asked, “You buy supplies at the Spice Shop, not the one in this


Adalind had not known Nick or ever seen a Grimm before the last time she had been in this section
of town. She went to the Underground for ingredients when the Spice shop had none. However,
she had never gone to an adult store.

She felt surprised that Nick had heard of the witch shop. She believed he did not want her in this
part of town. Therefore, she answered, “Normally yes, but Freddie did not have an herb I needed, so
I had to go elsewhere.”

Nick held the door open as he declared, “He would not order it?”
Adalind followed Nick into the store and answered, “I could not wait.” She considered teasingly
stating; I can take care of myself. However, she declared, “I will not need it for nine months.”


Adalind walked down an aisle, her eyes growing huge at several items on the shelves. She
swallowed hard when Nick picked a nipple and clit chain. However, she hoped keeping quiet
meant he would put them back.

Nick smirked before he asked, “What did you want?”

Adalind was not about to admit that she had mainly been joking. She turned down an aisle that had
dildos, strap-ons, and some other items. However, she certainly was not suggesting any of those.

Nick teased, “Cat got your tongue?”

Adalind shook her head. She began to look at vibrating cock rings, wanting one that would vibrate
against his balls. After taking one off the shelf, she declared, “This should work.”

Nick sighed, then declared, “We do not need any of this stuff.”

Adalind put the one she had back then she walked down another aisle. She did not need a vibrator
when she had Nick. Therefore, she stated, “You are right.”

Nick smirked, then declared, “I am getting the one I have.”

Adalind pouted. She doubled back and grabbed the vibrating cock ring and water-based lubricant.
Then, she set her items down on the counter and declared, “I changed my mind.”

“My boyfriend loves that one. He can go for hours.”

Adalind bit her tongue, knowing hers already could go for hours. She almost lost it when Nick
leaned closer and whispered, “I can already go hours!” However, she kept from bursting out
laughing and led him out of the store.


Nick put the bag in with her clothes, but he considered keeping the nipple and clit chain out, so he
could add the accessory during their next stop. He could not admire it properly. Therefore, he
decided to wait.

He caught Adalind nibbling on her bottom lip while he drove. He suspected she believed he had
the chain in his pocket. Therefore, he teased, “Wishing you had not suggested the toy store?”

Adalind shook her head and answered, “No.”

Nick assumed the effect would be the same as when he pinched her nipples. He would not force
her to wear the chain. Therefore, he declared, “I think you can adjust the clamp, and if you do not
like how it feels, I will remove it.”

Adalind smiled, then stated, “I can always use the nipple clamps on you, too.”

Nick frowned. He had not considered Adalind using the clamps on him. However, he responded,
“Yes, I guess that would be fair.”

Adalind giggled before she suggested, “You could bring your handcuffs.”
Nick chucked. He had a feeling his handcuffs would not survive. Therefore, he declared,
“Something tells me they would end up broken.”

Adalind nodded and declared, “By you.”

Nick doubted his handcuffs would hold a Grimm. He could see her freeing herself. Therefore, he
declared, “You would cheat.”

Adalind pretended to be offended while she responded, “I would not.”

Nick smirked. He might just have to find out. So when he parked, he teased, “Only one way to

Adalind opened the passenger door and replied, “True.”

Nick closed his door before he walked with Adalind to her storage unit. He went inside and looked
around, noticing a lot of boxes, furniture, a mirror, spell books, and a witch hat set on a cauldron on
a burner. Therefore, he asked, “This is where you turned yourself into Juliette?”

Adalind nodded, then explained, “Verfluchte Zwillingsschester roughly translates to a curse plus
twin sister, so when the potion is ready, you inhale three deep puffs of the vapor through the hat,
but more can make the spell permanent. I would not recommend a Grimm trying, either.”

Nick watched Adalind remove the hat, pick a glass jar up, spoon the liquid into the bottle before
sealing with a cork stopper, then put the potion with her other vials. He remembered she mentioned
he would need to drink it. Therefore, he declared, “I am glad I busted you!”

He looked in one of the boxes with several files and suspected Adalind did not know what was in
most of them. He wondered if anything could unravel the mystery of her grandparents' farm in
Iowa. So, he asked, “Is this your mom’s stuff?”

Adalind finished cleaning her mess from the spell and declared, “Yes. Now that I am staying in
Portland, I probably should go through the boxes and get rid of things.”

Nick believed her Hexenbiest items could go in his trailer, but he wanted her to wear the witch hat
later. He did not want to take Adalind there today. However, he suggested, “We can take your
witch items to my aunt’s trailer another day, but bring the hat.”

Adalind smiled and excitedly replied, “I get to see all your Grimm paraphernalia.”

Nick smiled, thinking Adalind was a closet nerd. He wanted to have his way with her before
dinner, or he might have gone there after leaving here. Therefore, he huskily declared, “I want you
naked and wearing your witch hat after we get to our room.”

Adalind gathered her small pile of clothes and the witch hat and put them in a paper bag before she
replied, “I have everything, so whenever you are ready.”

Nick frowned, knowing Adalind would need to shop again. He moved closer to an old wooden
dollhouse, thinking Diana might like that when she was a little older. Therefore, he stated, “I need
to check my emails to see if my mother responded to my message.”

Adalind nibbled on her bottom lip before she declared, “I can hardly wait to read her reply.”

Nick nodded. He had no idea, but his mother probably would insist they had been in a relationship
longer than twenty-four hours. So after he secured the lock, he admitted, “I wish she would bring
Diana right back to you.”

He put her bag into the back as Adalind replied, “I still need to deal with the fallout from Victor,
and we need a proper home.” He would handle the Verrat, and did not care to buy Juliette’s half to
move Adalind, which seemed morally wrong. Therefore, he groaned, “I have to finalize my slit
with Juliette financially.”

Adalind glanced at Nick while he drove back to their hotel and suggested, “Maybe, you should call
her and meet someplace public.”

Nick nodded. He did not care about her relationship but did not want to walk in on Juliette and Sean
either. Therefore, he replied, “That was what I was thinking.”


Adalind carried her two bags and the wine bag while Nick got the case of water. She had no desire
to leave their room for dinner, but he would argue the plate of food from the wedding was not
enough for two people. However, he could check his emails when they went to the lobby.

She was eager to see what Kelly had to say. She did anticipate her demanding proof of their
relationship being solid. However, she could not guess what that would mean or entail.

Adalind followed Nick into their room and began putting stuff away. She put the bottles of wine in
the fridge, hung her new dresses and other clothing, then set her witch hat on the shelf. Finally, she
put his vibrating cock ring and nipple and clit clamps with chains in the top drawer of the stand by
the bed.

She leaned into his body as Nick wrapped his arms around her waist and asked, “Why are you
suddenly so quiet?” She shrugged, then answered, “I was just thinking that I do not want to go out
to dinner and worried about what your mom will demand.” Turning, she wrapped her arms around
his neck and kissed him.

Nick deepened their kiss but pulled back when he required air and responded, “We need something
to go with the plate in the fridge.”

Adalind was about to say wine when Nick commented, “Something tells me you are thinking
wine.” She pretended to be innocent and squealed when he picked her up. However, before he
placed her on the bed, she asked, “Can you check your email?”

Chapter 7
Chapter Notes

Thanks for the feedback~

Charlie_Snape~ thanks

LucyConan~ Yes, they did and will again. No Juliette for awhile

Kaya17tj~ they won't get her back for awhile yet

Author's note: 123123queqwe asked that Nick become emotional and I have kinda
agonized over this part and the twist so if readers could tell me if the love or hate it
please do

So without further ado~

Part Seven

Nick nodded, reluctantly putting Adalind down to retrieve his phone from his pocket. He had
something completely different in mind. However, he signed into his new email address and
opened a message.

He reread the reply several times, almost like he could not believe his own eyes. He thought, Are
you crazy? Although, he did snap, “That is impossible!”

A long time ago, he had learned where babies came from when his mom gave him the awful birds
and the bees speech. A man and a woman engaged in sex, intercourse, copulation, procreation,
lovemaking. . . He was sure he had skipped over a few, but every word meant the same damn

Nick would have needed to have sex, and he had been in a bit of a dry spell. He was not getting any
from his girlfriend, and his hand certainly did not count! Nonetheless, he had not cheated with
Adalind, either!

He began to pace and tried to be rational, but he found that extremely difficult when he could not
understand how this was possible. He wanted a logical explanation, and there had to be one. Didn’t

Nick understood other methods could create a baby. A woman could go to a sperm bank. He had
not looked at dirty magazines, ejaculated into a cup, and donated his sperm!

He had stumbled upon some considerably strange thing since becoming a Grimm, but this ranked
number one! He had believed nothing could thoroughly shock him. Now, he realized he could not
have been more wrong!

Nick had intense sexual dreams but could not have impregnated Adalind through a dream, either.
He had blamed his lack of sex and their fight for those. However, he had never considered their
fight to be foreplay.
He could admit that he had a jealous rage creeping up his spine when his mom brought Adalind to
his house. He had thought Diana should be his. However, that did not make Diana his biological

Nick considered how Adalind had taken a potion before he arrested her and recalled their
interactions. He had called her and stated, “I think we should talk.” Afterward, he raced to her
location with a bunch of police cars.

He watched from across the room while Wu handcuffed Adalind during her arrest. At the precinct,
he interrogated her with a table between them, and later when he visited her in holding, cell bars
were between their bodies. Therefore, he almost hysterically laughed while he speculated
conception through osmosis.

He began to ponder Adalind had admitted she wanted a baby with him. Had she unconsciously
altered the fertility mixture? So without thinking, he angrily asked, "What the hell was in the
potion you took?"

Nick had learned the alteration of appearance could become permanent if too much was inhaled.
Had something similar happened? Therefore, he grumbled, "A sperm-altering potion kinda like the
spell you did!"

He stopped suddenly, realizing he sounded like a raving madman. He simply could not understand
how this had happened! Therefore, he declared, "Do not get me wrong, I am thrilled, but you slept
with Sean, so why does a blood test reveal I am her father?"

Nick understood he did not act elated. He hated that Adalind had sex with Sean, and he was not
jealous of the Royal. It was only logical to assume his mom had used a blood test.

He glanced over at Adalind but only glimpsed blonde hair before their door slammed closed.
Under his breath, he yelled, “Fuck!” He raced across the room and opened their door to look up
and down the hallway, but he did not see her.

He frowned, knowing he should have considered her feelings. Adalind must have felt shocked too,
and she had no reason to doubt the paternity when a Queen Gypsy performed a blood test that
proved the baby was a Royal. A false positive?

Nick contemplated going after Adalind and glanced to his right when he heard, "First fight? Just
give her time to cool off." He was not about to tell the nosy man, they were very good at fighting,
and this might be considered their first fight as a couple. Could he label his freak-out as a fight?

He had ranted, and Adalind had remained calm. He could not read her mind, so he did not know
why she had left. However, he could guess she had heard enough and did not want things to
progress into a fight.

Nick realized if that was the case, then Adalind had been the rational one. He had lost control of
his emotions and blamed her. Therefore, he had some apologizing to do.

He sighed, and a woman declared, “She will come back; no woman in their right mind would give
up a man that brings her to the height of pleasure we have overheard.” He ignored her, suspecting
she called in their noise complaint. However, he heard the man grumble, “You are just jealous, ”
before he closed the door.

Nick ran his hands through his hair and slumped down into the chair. He should not have lost
control like he had, but he still wanted an explanation! How did Diana become my biological

He glanced at the door, more than a little tempted to find Adalind. He understood she was capable
of protecting herself, but he wanted her with him where he could keep her safe. However, he had
been a schmuck, so waiting for her, probably was his best option.

Nick decided to reply to his mom. He wrote M-I accepted Diana as my own, but that does not make
her mine-N. After he sent the message, he set his phone down on the end stand.


Adalind was stunned when she peeked over his shoulder at the message from his mother, and she
certainly did not know how Diana became his biological daughter. She understood Nick wanted
answers, and she did too. However, she started to believe he blamed her, and her emotions changed
from shock to anger.

She had used a simple fertility elixir which merely made her highly fertile, and she could not have
made a mistake. Could she? Now, his mother had her questioning her ability to do potions!

Adalind had endured an intensely painful blood test to prove her baby was a Royal, and Sean
Renard, her father. She had felt dizzy and nearly passed out, so she did not witness Queen Stefania
testing the sample. Could the old gypsy have lied to her?

She assumed a baby with Grimm blood might be even more valuable. The price quoted was for a
Royal, not a Grimm. Wasn’t it?

Adalind was only curious and never intended to go through with the sale. She would never know
unless she made a few inquiries. However, she doubted Nick would be too keen on her idea.

She realized ‘The Underground’ sold black market items, and she could go there. Nick had already
voiced his opinion, though. Therefore, she anticipated an argument.

Adalind had heard quite enough, and she did not want to say something she would regret later, so
she ducked out of their room. She had expected her Hexenbiest to react, but felt different since she
had balanced her magic. However, she could not worry about that now.

She sighed while she hurried down the hallway, insisting she was not running away. She was only
avoiding the inevitable argument. After all, they excelled at fighting.

Adalind pressed the button and waited for the doors to open. She glanced down the hallway
expecting Nick to appear. However, she seemed to have made a clean getaway.

She stepped onto the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby. She watched the numbers count
down and began to fret over why his mother had tested her daughter’s blood. Was something
wrong with Diana?

Adalind wished his mom had explained. She could put her mind at ease if Kelly had. Now, she
worried that she was responsible.

After all, she was the reason Diana already had powers. She had been willing to do anything to
regain her Hexenbiest spirit. Therefore, she was responsible!

Adalind wanted to know why Nick only cared about his mother’s statement! He was too busy
ranting to consider why his mother had tested Diana’s blood! Kelly had not even mentioned their
change in relationship.

Kelly probably hates that Nick and I are together now. She might believe it is a scheme, so I get
Diana back. Maybe, she wanted to test us?

Adalind felt panic-stricken when the elevator doors opened. She stepped into the lobby, knowing
she had nowhere to go. However, she did not want to leave Nick, either.

She just needed a few minutes to calm down, and so did Nick. She almost laughed, knowing that
was easier said than done. However, she would try.

Adalind went to the cafe, hoping to charge a coffee to their room. If only that would solve all her
problems! She plastered on a fake smile and asked, “Would it be possible to charge a Mocha latte
to my room, 3-22?”

She did not wait for a response before she babbled, “You see, my husband and I just had our first
fight. You could call our room, and I am sure he would agree.” If Nick knows what is good for him,
he better! After all, he will do some major ass kissing when I go to our suite.

The young man smiled and answered, “Of course your husband's card is on file. What can I get

Adalind smiled. Coffee goodness will help. She answered, “A large hot salted caramel mocha latte
with an extra shot of espresso and whipped cream, please.”

She waited for her latte, suspecting Nick would get an alert about his credit card. Stupid Grimm
can buy me a drink for being an ass! At least he will know I am still in the hotel.


Nick frowned, knowing he had not expected to sit and wait for Adalind to return to their room. He
had wanted another afternoon delight and then maybe dinner at Brasserie Montmartre. It seemed
almost perfect after talking about their awful double date.

He did not know how long Adalind had been gone. Maybe, five minutes? However, he still
believed following her would not be a good idea.

Nick heard his phone ding, looked at the screen, and discovered a charge to credit card at the hotel.
Adalind spent ten dollars on a coffee! Well, I know she is in the café now.

He definitely had some ass kissing to do, therefore the coffee could be his start. He still wanted to
take Adalind out to dinner, then maybe stop at Voodoo donuts to pick-up breakfast. Afterwards,
they could drink wine before he gave her multiple orgasms.

Nick decided to use the time while he waited to think of a more rational reason for his sudden
paternity. Adalind had a blood test that proved the baby was a Royal unless the Queen lied to her.
Wouldn’t a baby with a Grimm be just as valuable?

He had a bad feeling their children might be uncommonly valuable. He needed a top of the line
security system for break-ins and vengeful Wesen. However, he had to find a new home first, and
he could worry about that once Adalind took a pregnancy test.

Nick recalled, Adalind, I think, we should settle our differences violently, and his blood had killed
her Hexenbiest. What if my blood eliminated the Zauberbiest? He groaned, knowing he had ranted
and raved about potions and spells.

He glanced at the ceiling like a silent prayer. If I am responsible, Adalind will never allow me to
forget it! Therefore, he hoped he was not the reason.

Yet, Nick thought of something else he might have done. Maybe, I unknowingly claimed Adalind
with my blood, given how I kissed her. He swallowed hard when he contemplated the intimacy of
that moment, plus he had walked away with a raging hard-on and desperate to deny his desire for

He did consider the ruins to be where they had their first kiss, and he doubted Adalind would
agree. Where would she think we had our first kiss? My bedroom when she was Juliette cannot
count, so when she became herself again. We need a better first kiss!

Nick frowned, suddenly believing he had claimed Adalind twice and never acted on the blood
claim. He gulped, knowing Monroe said a baby is essentially part of claiming. Oh, Adalind might
just kill me!

He tried to imagine her reaction. I had a thought, and maybe Diana became mine because I
claimed you through my blood. He could hear her retorting, “Well, you are not blaming me, now!”

Nick would nod and act calm while secretly waiting for Adalind to realize what he meant. He
would see a sudden sparkle in her eyes before she snapped, “Oh, so you are thinking, what twins?”
Then, maybe she would woge and repeat, “Twins!”

He might just have to keep that thought to himself. He could pretend the possibility never crossed
his mind. Hopefully, Adalind will buy my gasped, “Twins?!”

Nick understood he did not need to worry about his suspicion yet. Adalind had not even confirmed
she was pregnant. Therefore, he could focus on the unbelievable change in paternity.

He needed to find out more about the ritual Adalind did. A combination of the two altered Diana’s
paternity? So, maybe, we are both responsible?

Nick drew a blank on other scenarios, and decided to focus on the positive. Queen Stefania forced
Adalind to sign a contract for a Royal baby, which should be null and void now. However, he
could think of nothing else.

He frowned, believing his negatives would be a longer list and pondered his first problem, Renard.
He did not trust him, but could set aside their differences concerning his affair with Juliette.
However, he could not forget or forgive his part in sending assassins after his aunt or poisoning

Renard would be unhappy, but that was probably putting his reaction mildly. He did give Diana to
Victor, so Nick and his friends could impersonate the resistance then give her to my mother.
Therefore, he had washed his hands of her, so to speak.

Nick felt thankful that dealing with Renard was not necessary yet. He would when the time came,
though. After all, he did not want Adalind to, suspecting that would be disastrous.

He considered his second issue The Royals, and he had dealt with them since he became a Grimm.
He did not anticipate that changing any time soon, if ever. So he could inform his mother the
Royals would always be a threat.

Nick wrapped the King in with the Royals, but Renard did have a mother, a Hexenbiest. Elizabeth
Lascelles could be his third problem. She believed Diana was her granddaughter.

He figured his fourth had to be Wesen, but he dealt with them everyday as a Grimm. He could
protect his family, and Adalind was not powerless. However, her woge had changed, so he could
not help but wonder if her powers were different too.

Nick could only think of one other time he had witnessed swirling purple eyes, and he felt both awe
and dread at the depth of powers Diana displayed. Adalind asked, “What are you going to kill me
and my baby, is that what you are going to do?”

He witnessed the whole house rattle and shake, then the glass on a picture frame cracked. His mom
had explained the baby was only a few days old, and her powers had already begun to show. He
picked up a bent spoon from the kitchen table and replied, “So, I noticed.”

Nick learned during their discussion that Adalind had gotten her powers back, and it was supposed
to be a long and painful experience. He had no sympathy for her, and felt she would not be doing
the baby any good if her powers were back. However, he insisted he hated Adalind, but deep
down, he had known that was a lie.

He could still recall how suddenly all the windows in the house opened and the strong wind
blowing the curtains, then his mom suddenly saying, “Adalind.” He raced upstairs after his mom
and believed that Adalind left her baby but discovered his eyes were playing tricks on him.
Afterward, he began to reevaluate the situation, and the voice in his head continued to taunt, the
baby should be mine.

Nick had noticed his mom looked surprised when he suddenly argued in favor of Adalind keeping
her baby. After all, less than twenty-four hours ago, he had said the opposite. He had understood
all that Adalind had done but also considered why.

He had anticipated Juliette would be furious, and she was, but he still did not want Adalind and her
baby to stay with him. He could not mend his relationship with his temptation down the hall.
Therefore, he enlisted Monroe and Rosalee.

Nick was headed toward their house when he saw something travel through the air to Diana. He
felt awe while his mom declared, “She likes my locket.“ Then, he had not considered any
significance, but now, he wondered, did Diana try to tell us that she was our daughter?

He would not have considered that a possibility, but his mom had just informed him Diana was his
biological daughter. He should have asked why was her blood tested and does that mean something
was wrong with her? However, he had only thought of himself.

His mother had not commented about his new relationship. He had not even gotten an Adalind
tried to kill your aunt and poisoned Juliette, or have you lost your mind? Why had not, she?

Nick sighed and glanced at the clock. Adalind must have drank her latte, so how long does she plan
to make me sweat before she returns to our room? Therefore, he decided, I am giving her five more
minutes, then I will venture to the lobby!

He checked his email and growled when he did not find another reply but decided to send her
another message. M-Now that I have calmed down, you did not comment on my new relationship,
and why did you test Diana’s blood? Is she sick?-N+A. After sending, he set his phone on the end

Adalind nibbled on her bottom lip, debating on a second latte. She probably should not and might
escalate their fight if she did. Could she even call it that?

She had walked away, which was something she had never done before. She could not recall one
instance when she backed down from a fight with Nick. However, she might have if she feared him
as a Grimm, but she never had.

Adalind did not consider the one time she practically ran away to be a fight. She had felt arousal,
not fear. Her desire for Nick is always present.

She stared at her empty cup, recalling an incident where she wanted to be far away from Nick. She
had not known Kelly was his mother or their destination and tried to leave after she saw him.
However, Kelly would not let her.

Adalind frowned. Had Nick's mother intended to initiate an argument? Kelly had kind of
succeeded. Did not she?

She sighed, wondering, was I here long enough for Nick to be calm and rational now? She would
only find out by going to their room. Therefore, she stood, tossed her cup in the trash, and headed
to the elevator.

Adalind stepped off the elevator, hoping Nick had not decided to leave their room. She did not
have her key and had not wanted to go to the front desk for another one. So, she thought, the
moment of truth, while she knocked.


Nick frowned when he heard someone knock. He could not be receiving another noise complaint
when he was not having sex, and he most definitely wanted to be. Therefore, he cautiously opened
the door.

He opened the door wider when he saw Adalind, and she said, “I do not have my key.” He had not
considered she did not grab her key-card, but she could have easily gotten another one from the
front desk. Stepping aside, he motioned for her to come inside when he wanted to take Adalind in
his arms and kiss her.

Nick resisted, knowing their kiss might escalate, and they needed to talk. He closed the door and
followed Adalind into the main room. Then, he had a moment of deja vu when Adalind sat in one
of the gray chairs.

He had their sexual encounter from the night before flash before his eyes as he considered sitting
on the edge of the mattress. He decided sitting in the chair was the better option. After he did, he
said, “I am sorry, and I hope I did not make you feel like I do not want to have babies with you
because I do.”


Adalind tried to ignore her wanton body as she glanced at the bed. She should be able to survive
several hours without sex! However, her body did not seem to have the same opinion.

She did not need an apology. She understood why Nick had reacted, and she had her own
emotional moments. So, why could not he.

Adalind had a mixture of emotions and sighed. She did not want to argue. Therefore, she declared,
“Nick, I left because I did not want to fight. You were going to be Diana’s step-dad, and now
through some miracle, you are her biological father.”


Nick nodded. He had planned on treating Diana like she was his daughter. However, he was not
sure he considered his sudden paternity a miracle, but he kept that to himself and declared, “I still
would like to know why.”

Adalind nodded and stated, “I do, too.”

Nick doubted Adalind cared what Sean would want but would not merely take their word, either.
He did not like what he was about to say. Therefore, he reluctantly declared, “We probably will
need another blood test and an explanation for Sean.”

He thought of the Mellifer case again while Adalind pressed her fingers into the arm of the chair.
He had grilled her that day. Now, he had no anger towards her.

Nick had a completely different spectrum of emotions- want, need, desire, hunger, passion when he
thought about Adalind now. He had not quite reached love yet. However, he had most definitely
fallen for her.

He hated how Adalind had loved Sean. The Royal had used and thrown her away. Then, Sean
essentially did the same thing with Diana.

Nick insisted he was not jealous! He had Adalind, and Sean could keep Juliette. However, he still
felt flabbergasted over his mom claiming Diana was his daughter.

He understood Adalind believed Sean had no rights after his part in her abduction. He basically had
allowed his mother to take his daughter, unknowingly, but still. Therefore, he asked, “Didn’t I do
the same thing by posing as resistance, stealing Diana from Victor, and handing her over to my

Adalind shook her head and replied, “No, you argued Diana should stay with me.”

Nick nodded, knowing he had not at first. He believed his childhood was one of the main reasons.
Therefore, he explained, “I lost my parents and years later discovered my mom was alive.”

Adalind understood and declared, “Your mom claimed that was to protect you.”

Nick frowned. He did not care what reasons his mom had and discovered his aunt had known she
was alive. However, he did not wish to talk about their betrayals.

He should mention that he contacted his mom again. He would only check his email if Adalind
wanted him to do so. Therefore, he declared, “After I calmed down, I asked my mom what I should
have when I read her message.”

Adalind nodded and declared, “That is what I want to know. And now, she is her grandmother, so
what that justify her keeping Diana?

Nick shook his head. He intended to tell his mom to bring Diana back. However, he needed an
adequate home for her first.

He still could not believe how badly he had freaked out. He had already apologized but stood,
walked over, then knelt. Looking in her eyes, he declared, “I promise when you take a test and tell
me you are having my baby, I will react properly.”
Adalind smiled, then teased, “Maybe, in an alternative universe, you would have said, Are you
crazy? That’s impossible.”

Nick smirked. He could just imagine Adalind pleading her case while he brushed his hand over her
abdomen, where he hoped they had created a baby together. Knowing, he had always wanted
children, he replied, “Maybe, but in this one, I claimed you,” then he emphasizing, “I did say

Adalind curiously asked, “How many are you thinking ‘cause babies are expensive.”

Nick pondered her question. He had Diana, but in his eyes, she did not count, and kept his thought
of twins to himself. So, he answered, “Mmm, excluding Diana and this one. . . a nice even
number,” then teased, “But I could keep you barefoot and pregnant.”

Adalind narrowed her eyes, glaring at Nick while she replied, “My Grimm better not!”

Nick could not resist and leaned closer, giving her a chaste kiss. He wanted to deepen their kiss, but
something else was bothering him. Therefore, he asked, “Why did you seem so calm?”

Adalind suspected what Nick meant and asked, “You mean my Hexenbiest?”

Nick nodded. He had not purposely attempted to get Adalind to woge, but she had not. Therefore,
he replied, “Yeah, and I pretty much look at you whenever I can cause I can’t get enough of you.”

Adalind smiled. She did not want to worry Nick but admitted, “Something changed after my magic
balanced, and I feel more like the witch I was before my mother dragged me off my grandparents

Nick frowned. He did not recall reading anything about balance in the Hexenbiest book. So, he
questioned, “I thought Hexenbiests craved power.”

Adalind nodded and answered, “Most do, but my grandma was not interested in power, and she
raised me, so I wanted love and family.”

Nick sat in the chair across from Adalind and beckoned her to him. He growled after she squirmed
in his lap, making his manhood rise to attention once more. Placing his hands on her hips, he
huskily declared, “Woge.”


Adalind sighed, then did as Nick requested. She did not hear the normal cracking of her jaw as she
woged and assumed her eyes were swirls of purple, like her daughter’s. After a few moments, her
eyes reverted to their natural color.

She could not explain but suspected those answers were within her past. She had tried potions,
spells, and hypnosis. Therefore, she declared, “My memories might reveal why, but I have not had
any success remembering.”

Adalind did not want to focus on her past, though. However, she did understand that Nick was
concerned. Therefore, she tried putting his mind at ease, “The last time I tried was maybe, six
months before I saw you, but then my mother volunteered me to help Sean.”

Nick teased, “You were too busy making my life a living hell.”

Adalind shrugged. She could not change their history and honestly did not have time then.
However, she had enjoyed their interactions and teased, “Seeing you could be considered the
highlight of my day and most frustration.”

Nick chuckled and admitted, “You were my first.”

Adalind could not picture the face of her first, but she doubted Nick meant a kiss. She had her first
sexual experience in college, but he could not be talking about that either. So, she asked, “First,

Nick smiled and answered, “First woge I ever saw.”

Adalind smiled as Nick asked, “You remember that you were coming out of the coffee shop I was
with Hank.” She nodded as he declared, “You looked at me.” However, she saw their interaction

She had laughed at something her friend said, then felt like someone was watching her. She
noticed a handsome detective staring at her. So, she declared, “As I remember it, you were looking
at me.”

“You scared the hell out of me.”

Adalind had smiled at Nick when suddenly his eyes changed. She had felt shock, fear, and desire,
but the last emotion had felt the strongest. Therefore, she admitted, “You scared the hell out of me
too, but I do not think it was me realizing you were a Grimm that scared me.”

Nick teased, “Oh, right, you walked away with drenched panties.”

Adalind blushed. She brought her hand to his cheek and looked deep into his eyes. However, she
was unaware her eyes had changed as she replied, “I guess you were my first as well.”


Adalind wanted to say she had never seen a Grimm before, but something bothered her. She did not
remember meeting another Grimm but might have known one. Therefore she declared, “Baby

Nick narrowed his eyes before he grumbled, “Your eyes are purple, and I hate when you call me a

Adalind blinked, and her eyes returned to their natural color. She leaned closer, suspecting there
was a reason she called Nick baby Grimm. Brushing her lips against his, she teased, “Maybe I keep
waiting for you to say, don’t call me a baby!”

Nick slipped his hand into her hair, brought Adalind closer, and growled, “Don't call me a baby!”

Adalind giggled before Nick thrust his tongue into her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his
neck while their tongues battled. However, she had to pull back to breathe.

She remained close and resisted the urge to kiss Nick again. She understood Nick was worried
about how the change affected her. Therefore, she attempted to reassure him again, “Maybe, we
will find answers in the storage shed, but I promise you, the only thing bothering me is Diana.”

Nick suspected something else might be bothering Adalind. He could not be positive his claim had
put her into a strange Wesen heat, though. She acted much better than last night, but was almost
too calm a tranquility before the chaos.

He did not know how to test his theory and anticipated being overpowered by pheromones again.
He needed a distraction but wanted some semblance of control. However, he could have some fun.

He held Adalind closer, stood, and smirked when she tightened her arms around his neck, and
wrapped her legs around his waist. Suspecting, she believed he planned on laying her on their
freshly made bed. However, he had something else in mind, so he deposited her in the gray chair
and almost chuckled when she pouted.

Nick could not decide which was worse, her pout or when she nibbled on her bottom lip. He always
wanted to kiss her but never had a problem refraining before. Therefore, he quickly stepped away
and declared, “I need something in my suit jacket.”

Adalind giggled and teased, “Meany!”

Nick huffed and suspected Adalind had considered calling him a chicken. He debated on a retort
while he got the garter belt from his inside pocket. However, he decided his payback would not be
with words.

He returned a minute later but kept the garter belt hidden in his hand. He knelt down on one knee,
lifted her right leg, and slipped off her shoe. After sliding the white lace on, he put her foot on his
jean clad thigh and stated, “I caught this after Monroe took it off Rosalee.”

Nick slowly and teasingly massaged her calf as he moved the garter belt upward. He almost
groaned when Adalind moaned, “Oh.” I want to tease her, but she still gets under my skin!

“Did you know that traditionally the groom removed the garter belt with his teeth?”

Nick shook his head. He was thankful Monroe had not ducked his head underneath Rosalee’s
wedding gown. However, she gave him an idea for removing it, so he taunted, “Mmm, might have
to try that later.”

He traced his fingers over her knee before he moved the garter along her thigh. He had the lace in
position and felt tempted to continue massaging upward without the garter belt. However, he did
not need to touch her to know she was wet since he could smell her delicious scent.


Adalind shifted in the chair, wishing Nick would stop teasing her. She felt herself become wet and
considered demanding he fix the problem he caused. Before she did, he moved her foot and
practically jumped away.

She tried to giggle, but it sounded more like a moan. She looked Nick over and could tell his jeans
were tighter. Afterward, she suggested, “You know we could have some fun, ” then licked her lips.

Nick followed the movement of her tongue then huskily answered, “We will never make it back
out of our room.”

Adalind shrugged. She did not consider that to be a problem. However, she asked, “Did you want
to go someplace?

Nick nodded and answered, “I want to take you to dinner and stop at Voodoo donuts.”
Adalind could admit she felt hungry, but wanted Nick more than food. So, she saw a potential
problem with his plan. However, she teased, ‘Where and you do know the seat I sit on might get

Nick breathed in, groaned, and answered, “Brasserie Montmartre. Not if you put on your panties.”

Adalind understood why Nick chose that restaurant; their nightmare double date had been their
fantasy theme. She could play footsie and tease him with olives, though. Therefore, she stood,
pulled the mini dress over her head and replied, “Guess I better change.”

Nick swallowed hard before he growled, “My witch will regret teasing me!”

Adalind laughed. She stood on her tip-toes, brushed her lips against his, then declared, “My Grimm
teased me first.” Stepping away, she glanced over her shoulder and ordered, “No, ripping my
panties off later.”

Nick chuckled before he replied, “I just might.”

Chapter 8
Chapter Notes

Thanks for the feedback~

LucyConan~ I was concerned about Diana's change in parentage Oh I lied Juliette

makes a brief appearance lol

123123qweqwe~ thanks I hope that satisfied your desire for Nick to get all emotional

Shannon~ Thanks :) enjoy

Without further Ado~

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Part Eight

Nick was thankful he grabbed some of his dress clothes but realized he should stop at the front
desk to inquire about their dry cleaning service. He needed his shirts laundered, his suits and her
dresses dry cleaned, plus he would require a wash and fold for their other clothing. However, he
would not this evening.

He wore the same outfit, a light-gray dress shirt with the first two buttons unbuttoned and a dark-
gray two-piece suit from that night. He did display his claim bite, but not purposely. However, he
had no intention of hiding her mark, either.

Nick was dressed and waiting for Adalind to emerge from the bathroom. Why do women always
take so much longer to get ready? He almost swallowed his tongue when she came into view, but
his blood did rush downward to his genitals.

Adalind had applied mascara, black eyeliner, and light-pink lip gloss, pulled back, and side-braided
her hair, exposing her neck and displaying his claim bite. She wore a black strapless mini dress
with a cutout center held together by three pink bows, allowing him to see the valley and a nice
portion of the curves of her breasts. Then, she had accented her outfit by wearing a silver chain
with a crescent moon pendant that she had worn during the Mellifer case.

She put her feet into her shoes and declared, “Too bad, I do not have a pair of stilettos that
crisscross and tie.”

Nick did not need anything to draw his attention to her legs but realized Adalind must have moved
the garter belt higher. He could see an outline of lace at the hem. However, he anticipated more
peeking out when she sat.

He did not understand women and their shoes. Adalind was a little taller, but he doubted those
shoes were comfortable. However, all thoughts of footwear vanished when he noticed how the
dress hugged her ass.

Nick was relieved he did not see an outline of her thongs and hoped Adalind had decided to wear
panties. She could not wear a bra if she had one, and he did not want to ponder if she wore nothing
else underneath that skimpy dress. However, he still made no promise not to rip them off her later.

He speculated how he would survive dinner when he already had a hard-on. He discreetly adjusted
his manhood and wished his suit pants had more room. Afterward, he huskily declared, “You look

Adalind slipped her arms into a transparent white-lace cardigan, and as the hem touched just above
her hips, she purred, “Thanks, handsome, you look good enough to eat.”

Nick tried to stop his naughty thought, but he could not. Now, he pictured those painted lips
holding his cock firmly inside her mouth. He tried to regain his focus while keeping the door open.

He remembered Adalind had worn a simple sleeveless brown dress that accented her curves but
revealed nothing. He was able to admire her ass while she went upstairs. After she stepped out, he
closed the door and declared, “You did not wear anything this sexy last time.”

Nick wrapped his arm around her waist as Adalind replied, “I did not want him.” He held her close
while they walked toward the elevators. Pressing the button, he admitted that he probably would
have blue-balls before the end of their meal, but he refused to cave and return to their room.

He would pay Adalind back for every tease and was keeping score. He stepped onto the elevator
and pressed the button for the lobby. Looking down at Adalind, he thought of the old Aerosmith
song, Love in an Elevator.

Adalind brushed her lips against his, then wiped her lip gloss off his lip as she purred, “We could
just eat in.”

Nick shook his head, knowing he did not want room service. He might have skipped over dating
with his claim, but he still desired to woo her. Therefore, he replied, “We can another night, or I
will grab take-out. We can consider this our first official date.”

He stepped off the elevator, realizing he might be a little rusty. He intertwined their fingers while
walking with Adalind to the parking garage. After arriving at his vehicle, he opened the passenger
door for her, then after she was inside, he closed it.


Adalind honestly had not been on an actual date before. She had meetings and hook-ups, and those
men had not opened and closed the car door for her. However, she did not care to tarnish their
night by mentioning her past experiences.

She had a perfect gentleman, and Nick made her feel special. She did not deserve him when she
had done awful things at the behest of the Royals. Yet, he forgave her.

Adalind glanced over, tempted to cop a feel, despite knowing Nick would get his revenge. Insisting
she was ready for the challenge, but was she? Yes, she excelled at their little game.

She decided to be good and behave. She wanted more than she could have and did not want Nick to
tease her. He was driving, and distracting him could be disastrous.

Adalind nibbled on her bottom lip after Nick declared, "You are alarmingly quiet." She could admit
what she had been thinking, and he would not be surprised. Therefore, she replied, "I was just
Nick chuckled before replying, "You don't want me to pay you back."

Adalind sighed. She would not want Nick to stop. Therefore, she responded, "I would rather tease
than be teased!"

Nick smirked. He parked near the restaurant, shut off the engine, and huskily declared, "So, you
intend to be a good witch during dinner?"

Adalind batted her eyelashes, pretending to be innocent. She leaned closer, stole a kiss, then pouted
when Nick opened his door and exited the vehicle. However, when he opened her door, she
answered, "I am always a good witch."

She stepped out of the car, appreciative that it was a wonderful evening for their first date. The sky
was clear of clouds, displaying a beautiful sunset containing vibrant red, orange, blue, and a bit of
yellow plus, the temperature was halfway decent, not too hot or cold, including a warm breeze.
Therefore, she declared, "It is a lovely night."

Nick nodded as he put his hand on her lower back and teased, "Good thing it's not colder."

Adalind agreed but read between the lines; the material would not hide her nipples. Nick would
keep her warm if the temperature dropped. Therefore, she retorted, “You would not let me freeze.”

Nick opened the door and replied, “True. You might need my jacket when we leave.”

Adalind understood why after she stepped into the restaurant and noticed how packed the place
was. She adored how Nick wrapped his arm around her waist while they walked to the hostess.
However, when the woman asked about a reservation, she suspected he had not made one.

Nick frowned and answered, “No, we can wait at the bar until a table for two is ready.”

“That will be fine and should not be too long a wait. Name?”


Adalind smiled at Nick, thinking about their last experience here. She was almost at the bar when
she spotted Sean and Juliette. Glancing at Nick, she stated, “I think this place is cursed.”


Nick almost growled. He might have joked about their nightmare double date but would not repeat
the experience with their exes. However, he had no intention of acknowledging Sean or Juliette.

He pretended not to have noticed either one while he led Adalind to the opposite end of the bar. He
stood behind Adalind, kept her body close to his own, and his back to the couple. Leaning down,
he asked, "Do you want the same drink as last time?"

Once Adalind nodded, Nick ordered a scotch on the rocks and a dry martini. While he sipped his
drink, he recalled how she leaned against the bar and tried to carry on a conversation with Juliette
about her cat. He aimed his retort about being dangerous at her.

He received praise while he stared at Adalind, expecting a response, but she remained silent.
Juliette handed him another opportunity, though. So, he whispered, “Do they have a little mark
underneath their tongue.”

Adalind giggled before she looked over her shoulder and replied, “I’ve never looked.”
Nick leaned closer so his breath caressed her ear before he whispered, “I want to do an
examination.” He reached for his glass, thinking

After another sip, he realized the danger of his thoughts.

He was not pleased when he noticed several men admiring his date. He never had this problem
before. Therefore, he tried to quell the neanderthal in him that wanted to growl, mine.

Nick suspected Adalind felt his eyes lingering on his claim bite after she turned to face him. He
wrapped his arm around her waist, reading her glare perfectly. We will not be waiting for our table.

He smirked and swallowed hard as Adalind reached up and declared, “I can demonstrate.” He did
not need her to, but he did not have a witty comeback. Shaking his head, he begged her with his
eyes not to make him harder.

Nick breathed a sigh when Adalind reached for her glass. He downed the rest of his scotch but did
not want a refill. However, he reconsidered when Juliette snapped, “You are just going to pretend
you didn’t see us?”

He reluctantly moved to stand beside Adalind but kept his arm firmly around her waist. He silently
declared he was with her. After he faced his ex, he answered, “Yes, I was trying to avoid a

Nick probably would have overheard Sean and Juliette arguing if he had cared to listen. He had
focused on his date, which is what his ex should be doing with hers. However, his boss had the
common decency to look uncomfortable before declaring, “Nick, Adalind.”


Adalind understood Nick did not want a confrontation with Juliette or Sean, and she did not, either.
She wrapped her arm around his waist, trying to support him. However, her action did not go
unnoticed by his ex.

“Don’t the two of you make a cute couple?”

Adalind bit her tongue to keep from responding, we do, but Nick did, “I could say the same about
you and Sean.” She watched Juliette huff before Sean apologized and maneuvered her to the other
side of the bar. Looking up at Nick, she asked, “Are you okay?”

Nick nodded and replied, “I am. Are you?”

Adalind nodded but understood his unspoken question. She could handle their exes and hoped their
table was not near theirs. However, she almost laughed when the bartender declared, “Bad break-


Nick did not answer, wishing to forget Juliette and Sean. He wanted to focus on his date.
Therefore, he leaned closer and whispered, “Was Majique your familiar?”

Adalind smiled and answered, “During the early modern period, cats were called Grimalkin.”

Nick smirked. He had not read about a witch's attendant in his Grimm books but had somewhere.
Therefore, he asked, “How do you know this stuff?”

Nick assumed her grandmother had taught Adalind. He tried to think of other topics. However,
before he could, she declared, “Freaky rituals are kinda my thing.”

He chuckled. He was curious but figured the current location was not the best place to find out
more. Therefore, he declared, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Adalind nodded and declared, “Did you know Halloween has its roots in the ancient Celtic festival
of Samhain, a pagan religious celebration to welcome the harvest?”

Nick almost groaned. Monroe was big on decorating for Halloween and even borrowed a weapon
to arm his skeleton. Therefore, he grumbled, “It is a bit early for Halloween.”

Adalind argued, “Nope, never too early.”

Nick disagreed and had six months before his best friend drove him crazy. He frowned, knowing
this was an argument he would lose. After all, he had a witch as a mate.

He became silent while he considered what else to talk about. He did not want to discuss their
housing situation here. However, he did have assets, a house, and a piece of land.

Nick moved the trailer from Forest Hills Storage to the woods on his property. He was not keen on
building a house in the middle of nowhere, though. However, he intended to sell the house and use
the proceeds toward a new home.

He did not care if Juliette agreed. He paid the mortgage and taxes. However, he would allow her
time to find a place, but not too long.

Nick realized that he probably should speak with a lawyer. Adalind could give him advice, but he
did not honestly want to involve her. Therefore, a recommendation to another attorney was the
better call.

After their breakup, he transferred his money to a new account, updated his direct deposit,
removed his name from the old one, and shredded the joint credit cards. He had contributed to their
bills while he stayed in the guest room, but he would not now. Therefore, he understood their
conversation was not something he should keep putting off.

He noticed Adalind had finished her drink and was about to order her another when the hostess
called his name. He intertwined their fingers and walked with Adalind to their table. Thankfully, he
did not need to ask about being seated far away from Renard and Juliette.

Nick pulled back the chair for Adalind and swallowed hard when she slipped off her white lace
cardigan. He sat across from her, praying she could not play footsie. After all, she was already
teasing him with her exposed breasts.

He picked up a menu as their waitress asked, “Can I get you something to drink to start or an
appetizer?” He ordered, “I’ll have a Godfather, please.” Looking at his date, he asked, “Adalind?”

“Dry Martini, please.”

“I will be right back with your drinks.”

Adalind nodded. She glanced at the menu, noticing an aphrodisiac. So she could not resist and
teased, “You did not want oysters on the half-shell?”

Nick glanced at the menu and replied, “Only if you want to share them and frog legs.”

Adalind grinned. She intended to call his bluff, though. Therefore, she hoped Nick realized her
reference was geared toward a blow job as she responded, “You just suck the oyster right down,
and frog legs are delicious and taste like chicken.”

Nick breathed in and was about to reply when their waitress brought their drinks.

“Are you ready to order?”

Adalind inquired, “Nick, did you want to get those?” She took a sip of her drink while she waited
for him to answer. However, she already suspected his answer was no.

Nick tore his eyes away from Adalind and managed to keep his tone level as he requested, “We
will need a few more minutes, please.”

Adalind nibbled on her bottom lip to stop her giggle. Most of the items on their menu were not
appealing, and she could not eat raw tomatoes, hated bacon, and found both Brussels sprouts and
walnuts disgusting. Therefore, she had three to choose from.

She had decided when their waitress returned. She realized Nick wanted her to order first and stop
teasing him with her olives. So, she declared, “I will have the house-made pasta of the day, please.”

“That comes with our wedge salad.”

Adalind nodded and requested, “No bacon or cherry tomatoes, please. I am allergic to raw
tomatoes.” She could eat tomatoes cooked and made a mean Bolognese. However, she did use
sauces to hide potions.

Nick closed his menu and ordered, “I will have the steak frites with the eight-ounce top sirloin,
medium well.”

“Yours comes with our wedge salad, as well.”

“I will take mine as is.”

The waitress took their menus and declared, “I will put your order in and return with your salads in
a few minutes.

Nick nodded and declared, “Thanks.”


Nick hoped Adalind had not chosen the house-made pasta because it was the least expensive. He
could not remember what she had the last time. However, he did notice several items had bacon,
and he still could not understand how anyone could hate bacon.

He had not known about her allergy. He made a mental note not to add tomatoes to ham and
cheese sandwiches. Therefore, he asked, “Any other allergies I should know about?”

Adalind slipped the toothpick out of her mouth and answered, “No, just raw tomatoes, but I make a
good Bolognese.”
Nick smirked. Adalind ate her olives so she could not teased him. However, he would as soon as
she got another drink, and he declared, “I like Bolognese.”

Adalind smiled and commented, “I make yummy baked goods, too.”

Nick chuckled, knowing they already talked about her cookies. He would supervise to make sure
she did not add any witch ingredients. Therefore, he wanted to change the subject.


Adalind tried to think of ways to carry on a conversation. She understood you should not discuss
certain things on a first date. However, she and Nick were doing everything backwards.

She wanted to broach returning to work and realized that might only be temporary. She had never
imagined being a stay at home mom, but she could not put Diana in a daycare. However, she
disliked Nick providing for her.

Adalind wished to contribute, and she could. She was not as broke as everyone believed. However,
she would reveal that without a potential audience.

She was still debating when the waitress brought their salads. She could not remember her youth,
but Nick did. Therefore, she asked, “Where did you grow-up?”

Nick stabbed a piece of lettuce as he answered, “Rhinebeck, New York, until my parents died in a
car accident in August 1996, then I moved here with my aunt.”

Adalind did not know when Nick learned his mother was alive, but that could not lessen his loss.
She inadvertently brought up painful memories. Therefore, she declared, “I am sorry.”

“Adalind, it’s okay.”

Adalind nodded since she had a mouthful of salad. She did not recall Nick mentioning his age. So,
after she swallowed, she babbled, “I was eleven and returned to Portland four years later.”

Nick happily changed the topic to birthdays and commented, “April 14th.”

Adalind was about to take another bite but paused to gasp, “You know my birthday!” Before she
could ask about his, Nick shrugged and commented, “Yeah, well, you know.” She grinned and
replied, “I guess you did arrest me once.”

She watched Nick smirk, deciding he seemed rather pleased with himself. He was not the arresting
officer, though. Therefore, she teased, "You did not put me in handcuffs."

Nick chuckled, “Technicality. Mine is June 18th. Just so you know.”

Tomorrow, Adalind would have a month to plan something for his birthday. She could take a
pregnancy test at the end of May and have her first prenatal visit around that date. However, she
would not be far enough along to hear the heartbeat.


Nick finished his salad and sipped his drink. He wanted to ask about her grandparents but feared
Adalind would not remember. However, he decided to try and asked, “Do you recall doing
anything with your grandparents I would not expect?”

Adalind set her fork on her plate, and after a few minutes, she answered, “I am not sure, but since I
climbed trees, I was probably tomboyish.”

Nick tried to imagine Adalind sitting in a tree, but suddenly his heart raced. He did not know why.
Therefore, he attempted to push his anxiety away while he teased, “Anyone sing that old Kissing

Adalind giggled before she answered, “Maybe.”

Nick was about to tease her when their waitress returned with their meals. He shook his head when
she asked about another drink. However, he suspected Adalind might want one and asked, “Do you
want another dry martini?”

Adalind nodded and answered, “Please.”

Nick began to cut his steak, still thinking about the kissing song. He could imagine teasing her in
the tree. However, he suspected she was not supposed to be up there.


Adalind began to eat her pasta, thinking about the song Nick mentioned. She inserted her name and
baby Grimm sitting in a tree. Why do I keep calling him that?

She saw herself arguing with a dark-haired boy who told her to get out of the tree. She stuck her
tongue out and reached for another branch. However, the image faded as quickly as it appeared.

Adalind absentmindedly rubbed her arm. Did that happen before I fell? She was not sure but could
not focus now.


Nick observed Adalind appear almost disoriented like she had become lost in thought. Had his
question made a memory surface? Concerned, he questioned, “Adalind?”

Adalind hesitantly revealed, "I think I remembered something."

Nick felt curious but did not want to make Adalind feel pressured. She admitted to having issues
with her Hexenbiest during their last time here. Therefore, he suggested, “We can talk about it later
if you want.”

Adalind smiled before she declared, “Maybe, after dessert.”

Nick smirked, knowing Adalind did not mean food, and tried to keep his thoughts non-sexual. He
had only started eating his meal and had to stop at Voodoo Donuts before he drove back to their
motel. Therefore, he replied, “Sounds good.”

He considered other topics while he ate. He did not have much time for television and did not recall
seeing a television at the condo. However, he had not been there for a friendly visit.

Nick could not recall the last time he went to the movie theater, but watched several classical horror
movies. Maybe Adalind had, too. Therefore, he asked, “Do you have any witch movies you found

Adalind swallowed her food before she asked, “Have you seen The Covenant?”

Nick stabbed a piece of steak while he tried to think of the ones he watched. He had seen Blair
Witch, Practical Magic, and Season of the Witch, but he had not really watched that many.
Therefore, he answered, “I do not think so.”

Adalind smiled before she declared, “It is about a group of male Warlocks that escaped the Salem
witch trials. At a certain age, they ascend and receive their powers but pay a price for using their

Nick believed that sounded like Wesen but without the cost. He had read that puberty was
generally the age of a first woge, but Diana already had powers. However, she could have hers due
to the ritual.

He wondered when Adalind had developed her powers. He assumed she had at fifteen when she
returned to Portland. However, he had a nagging suspicion that might not be accurate, and did not
know why.

After another bite, Adalind revealed, “Using their power was addictive and could age them

Nick could not reply since his mouth was full. Hexenbiests craved power, and their woge
represented an old hag, so maybe the writer was Wesen. Now, he felt curious about the author.

Adalind noticed two books and declared, “It did reference Chronicles of Paganism and Book of

Nick pondered if those actually existed. Adalind did not sound too enthusiastic, though. Therefore,
he assumed there was nothing special about those books.

Adalind smiled and revealed, “Their eyes did turn black when using powers.”

Nick smirked. He had a Grimm reference within a movie about witches. Maybe the author was
Wesen making fun of their hunters by putting their attributes in Warlocks.

Adalind grimaced before she declared, “I could not watch one of the evil spells where the girl
became covered in spiders.”

Nick smirked. He had a witch refusing to watch a scene. Therefore, he teased, “Do not like

Adalind shook her head and replied, “No!”

Nick recalled one where a newly discovered deadly tarantula mated with a house spider. He
realized her answer would be no. However, he teased, “So you will not watch Arachnophobia with

Adalind shivered and answered, “No way!”

Nick chuckled, but before he could tease her again, Adalind declared, “I really liked The Last
Witch Hunter.” He had not seen that movie and suspected she compared the hunter to a Grimm.
Therefore, he asked, “Why?”

Adalind smiled and replied, “He was a knight cursed by a Queen witch with immortality and kept
the truce between humans and witches by execution or imprisonment of those that broke the law..”

Nick popped a fry in his mouth to keep his smart-aleck comment to himself. He had heard two
references to Grimms, the Knight, and law. Therefore, he felt tempted to ask, “Is it because I am
one of the last Grimms?”
Adalind took another bite after swallowing, “He goes to a witch bar for a memory spell, and she
reluctantly agrees, then later, he saves her.”

Nick considered how Adalind needed help regaining her memories. He doubted the spell was real,
though. However, he could not resist and asked, “Did the hunter fall for the witch?”

Adalind smiled before she answered, “I thought so.”

Nick could not comment with a mouthful of steak. He could compare the movie to a Grimm and a
Hexenbiest. After all, he had fallen for his witch.

Adalind curiously asked, “Do you have a favorite witch movie?”

Nick could not say that any he saw were his favorites and hated Blair Witch. He had liked
that Practical Magic had a curse, but that was before he became a Grimm. Therefore, he answered,
“Not really.”

Adalind set her fork on her plate and declared, "I cannot eat anymore."

Nick hoped Adalind did not plan on teasing him while he ate. He did not want to choke on his
food. However, he would not eat much more, either.

“How is everything?”

He tore his eyes away from Adalind to look at their waitress. How do servers always check on your
table when you had food in your mouth? After swallowing, he answered, "Everything was
wonderful, but she will need a doggy bag."

"I will bring that right over. Is there anything else I can get you? Dessert?"

Nick did not want dessert and glanced at Adalind, but she shook her head. He believed she wanted
him for dessert and vice versa. Therefore, he answered, "No, thank you. Just the check, please."


Adalind put her leftover pasta in the container while their waitress took his credit card. She
probably would not eat anymore, but he could have a midnight snack. After all, he would be quite
active once they arrived in their room.

She was eager to have her way with him. She believed Nick had the same thoughts as he quickly
put his card in his wallet and downed his drink. Therefore, she slipped on her cardigan.

Adalind stood and intended to carry her doggie bag, but Nick took it from her. She interlaced their
fingers as he led her toward the exit. After she stepped outside, she discovered the temperature had
dropped and shivered.

Nick took off his sports coat and declared, “Here.”

Adalind slipped her arms into his sports coat and thanked him. She thought of a corny movie line
from Top Gun as she reached his Land Rover. Looking up at him, she purred, “Take me to bed or
lose me forever.”


Nick smirked while he looked down at Adalind. He liked that movie reference. Therefore, he
leaned closer until his mouth brushed her lips and replied, “Show me the way home, honey.”
He quickly deepened their kiss as Adalind slipped her hands into his hair. His tongue battled with
hers while he wrapped his arms around her body. However, he had to pull back when air became
an issue.

Nick was still trying to catch his breath when he heard, “He never kissed me like that!” He did not
care to deal with Juliette and quickly opened the passenger door for Adalind. Once she was
securely inside, he closed the door.

He groaned when his suit pants pulled against his erection after he sat in the driver’s seat. He could
smell her pheromones as he started the engine. Therefore, he practically broke the speed limit to
get to Voodoo Donuts and their hotel.

Chapter End Notes

Author's Note~ I had to alter the death of his parents because I mixed up their birthdate
years and Adalind would have been too young for their past history also had to edit
another part
Chapter 9
Chapter Notes

Thanks for the feedback ~

LucyConan~ Yes they did. :) I've started with their memories so hope its surprising

lokiluv88~ :) your wish has been granted

Kaya17tj~ :) you find out in this part. No 3 parents thing. Nick is Diana's biological
father and how will slowly be revealed. Adalind will slowly get her memories back

GrouchyCritic94~ Thanks I am so glad you are enjoying. Sorry no 3 parents. She is

definitely more connected to Nick than either realizes that is all I will reveal now

Without Further Ado~

Part Nine

Nick tried not to breathe after the doors closed. He felt like he was drowning in pheromones again.
Thankfully, he had only two floors because making out now was intensely appealing.

He swallowed hard when Adalind stepped closer and felt tempted to kiss her again. He groaned
when her fingers brushed against her claim bite before her arms wrapped around his neck.
Therefore, he wrapped his arm around her waist, bringing her body against his own.

Nick did not deepen their kiss when her lips brushed against his own. He moved his lips to her ear
and nibbled before he huskily whispered, “My witch, two can play.” Afterward, he demonstrated
by running his tongue over his mark.


Adalind might have had a witty retort, but she could only think of one thing now. She rocked her
hips, grinding her lower body into his erection until Nick gripped her hip, putting a screeching halt
to her fun. However, she had barely begun.

She clung to Nick with her right hand and moved her left between their bodies to palm his erection.
She felt his manhood twitched before Nick growled. However, she continued inching her hand
toward his waist.

Nick huskily exclaimed, “Our floor!”

Adalind giggled as Nick practically dragged her off the elevator. She might have been thrown over
his shoulder if he did not need to avoid other guests on their floor. However, she did have to
increase her strides.

Nick kept a tight hold on Adalind while fishing the key card out of his pocket. He quickly
unlocked, opened, and put the do not disturb sign on the handle before kicking the door closed.
Turning on the lights, he set the begs on the counter, then took his suit jacket off her.

He wanted to remove her dress but did not want to fight with the zipper. He lifted Adalind but
decided the table was closer than the bed and laid her on the cold surface. Now, he intended to
teach his witch not to tease him.

Nick hiked up the bottom of her dress and discovered Adalind was not wearing panties. He
teasingly traced his finger along her wet outer lips, instantly making her whimper while he
collected her juices. Spreading her legs wider, he huskily asked, “You were only wearing the dress
and the garter belt?”

He took the lace between his teeth, pulling the garter belt down until he reached the middle of her
thigh. He looked up afterward, silently demanding an answer while he rubbed his thumb over the
line from the tight elastic. However, she moaned his name.

Nick had plenty of time to prepare earlier but had anticipated Adalind teasing him more. He
reached into his right pocket, where he stashed the clit clamp, and began to circle her bundle of
nerves. After fastening the clamps, he admired the silver chain and huskily promised, “Maybe,
next time you decide to forgo panties to tease me, you should wear this.”

Adalind gasped before she whined, “I took them off!”

Nick cocked his eyebrow, knowing Adalind had waited in the Land Rover while he went inside
Voodoo Donuts. He pulled on the string to untie the top pink bow while he took the nipple clamps
out of his left pocket. The silver chains dangled as he questioned, “Where did you put them?”

He untied the other two bows to expose more of her breasts before he rolled her right nipple
between his thumb and forefinger as Adalind answered, “Right jacket pocket.” He attached the
clamp before he repeated his actions with her left nipple. Afterward, he admired the chain loops in
the valley of her breasts and huskily teased, “I would need different ones for his dress, though.”

Adalind whimpered, “Nick, please!”

Nick licked his lips while he resumed teasing Adalind by running his finger along her outer lips.
He added another, continuing his stimulation up and down until she rocked her hips, then he
slipped his fingers into his mouth. After he sampled her juices, he huskily asked, “Any objections
to me eating my dessert now?”

Adalind whined, “Please, do!”

Nick smirked. He leaned down, slowly licking away her juices, coating her outer lips. After several
sweeps of his tongue back and forth, he pressed the tip inside her center.

He savored her little whimpers and moans while very slowly adding more of his tongue. He pulled
his tongue almost out before he drove back in. However, he had enough teasing, wanting to bring
her to an orgasm to taste her completely.

Nick had not stopped out of fear. He had imagine her mouth devouring his manhood on and off,
thanks to Adalind teasing him. However, he had formerly planned on suggesting six-nine.

He drove his tongue hard and faster as Adalind thrust her hips. He greedily drank her sweet nectar
as she screamed his name. Then, he slowly slipped his tongue out and licked his lips before he
looked down at her.
Nick imagined the table surface like a platter with Adalind laid out before him. Her face flushed
from desire, static electricity made strands from her braid stick out in different directions, and his
mark was prominent on her neck. He continued his admiration, noticing the pendant had flipped,
and he could read an inscription, Little Witch R.B.

He did not care to dwell on that now, wanting to admire his handiwork. He had freed Adalind's
breasts by undoing the pink bows so he could see the small silver clamps holding the tight peaks
within their black claws. However, the silver chain dangled in the valley instead of falling an inch
or two above her belly button and removing her dress would remedy that problem.

Nick watched her chest rise and fall in sync with her rapid breathing before he moved on. He had
her dress hiked up and bunched around her hips, exposing her lower body, and her gorgeous legs
were spread wide open, displaying the two silver loops of the clit chain falling just above her
glistening core. Therefore, he felt tempted to lick away the fresh nectar.

He resisted but decided Adalind required another mark on her inner thigh when he removed the
white lace garter belt. He noted how she still had on her stilettos. Therefore, she technically could
still be considered fully clothed.


Adalind had felt beyond frustrated while Nick teased, but the orgasm had her breathing heavily,
and her whole body tingled and trembled. She could feel his eyes traveling over her like a casual
caress while she tried to recover. Therefore, Nick must realize she needed a moment before she
executed her revenge, and she would.

She had not forgotten how Nick became putty in her hands when she gave him a blow-job. She
intended to put his Grimm strength to the test. Therefore, she promised, “It will be you who has the
noise complaint.”

Nick chuckled before huskily replying, “You need to answer the door.”

Adalind silently admitted Nick was right. She would not want to move after several more orgasms,
and she had difficulty now. However, she forced her limbs to work.

She held her weight on her elbows and debated on her next move. She pouted when Nick removed
his hands from the table surface and stood up straight. However, she understood he wanted to
watch her.

Adalind sprung into action, quickly sitting up and closing her legs, but momentum made the chains
swing. She determined she had to move slower or risk jouncing the clit clamp. However, she had
the nipple clamps too.

She refused to beg Nick to remove either one. She would give him a taste of his own medicine
another time. However, she did have the vibrating cock ring.

Adalind grinned. She watched Nick swallow hard, suspected he had just remembered she had her
own toy. Therefore, she taunted, “You know they make some pretty neat contraptions for men.”

Nick shook his head and huskily responded, “Too bad you did not think of that before.”

Adalind huffed, knowing she could always go there again, but she was unsure how kinky Nick
would be willing to try. She briefly thought of her vivid nightmares where he had taken an ass
pounding like a pro while his cock was locked in chastity. However, she refused to discuss any
She could not understand why the mere thought had knots forming in her stomach. Maybe she had
others and told someone else in her past. However, she had another priority now!

Nick smirked before he questioned, “Are you afraid to move?”

Adalind shook her head before carefully scooting her ass along the surface until she reached the
edge, and her legs dangled over the side of the table. Extending her arm, she grabbed his shirt,
formed a fist, and pulled him closer. Looking up, she purred, “My Grimm is wearing too many

Nick snickered and huskily replied, “My witch is still technically in her dress.”

Adalind felt the zipper slide down as she began to unbutton his shirt. She had undone three buttons
when Nick yanked down the top of her dress, permitting the silver chain to free-fall. Therefore, she
growled, “You had your dessert. I want mine!”

She teasingly moved her hands over his abs and chest to his shoulders before she removed his shirt
and leaned closer. She kissed along his collarbone and over his pecs toward his nipples. Next, she
ran the tip of her tongue around his right nipple and then switched to his left.

Adalind smiled against his flesh when Nick grunted. She unbuttoned and unzipped his pants,
knowing she could not do what she had planned with her ass planted on the table. Therefore, she
had to concede that she needed to be lower.

She did not need to move yet, though. She pushed Nick’s boxers and pants over his hips and licked
her lips as his erection sprung free. However, she squeezed his ass instead of touching his

Adalind ran her fingers along his spine before slipping her hands into his hair. She tugged his head
closer and hungrily kissed him. After air became an issue, she pulled back and requested, “Unless
you want a hand job, I need you to help me down.”


Nick groaned when Adalind took his manhood into her hand. He did not need a demonstration but
understood she meant to tease him. Therefore, he taunted, “You want to move to the bed already?”

Adalind squeezed harder and answered, “No, you will stand where I put you.”

Nick grunted. He was strong enough to admit that he might be unable to remain standing when
Adalind gave him a blow-job. However, he refused to voice his concern.

He groaned when Adalind suddenly released his manhood. He stepped closer, placed his hands on
her hips, and lifted her off the table. Once her shoes connected with the floor, he removed her dress
and watched the silver chain swing back and forth.

Nick toed off his boots and socks but still had his boxers and pants at his ankles. He stepped out of
his clothes so he could walk. However, he felt doubtful Adalind wanted to kneel on the linoleum
floor and asked, “Where do you want me?”


Adalind felt weight added to the nipple clamps while the silver chain swung. She could endure for
a short while, but her nipples were already sensitive. Therefore, she requested, “After I have my
dessert, could you remove the clamps on my nipples?”
Nick frowned and replied, “I can adjust the tightness, but if you are in too much pain.”

Adalind stepped back when Nick reached out. She wanted his mouth on her breasts after he
removed the clamps. Therefore, she turned so he had a nice view of her ass while she walked into
the other part of their room.

Nick sighed, admired her round firm ass, and then followed her.

Adalind sat in the chair and beckoned Nick over and leaned closer once he stood in front of her.
She licked the pre-cum before taking the mushroom head into her mouth. However, she did not
take him completely inside her mouth.

She heard his grunt and thought, you teased me! She thrashed her tongue back and forth before
sucking hard. Gripping his right cheek, she slowly took his shaft in inch by inch but stopped when
she was halfway.

Adalind added her hand so she squeezed and pumped while sucking hard. She counted in her head
and after a certain number when she held the base, she deepthroated his shaft. Then, she began to
bob her head, making her mouth slide over his length.


Nick wanted to slip his hands into her hair, but Adalind had it in a braid. He had to resist the urge
to thrust while she teased him. However, he did growl, “Adalind!”

He began to feel weak in the knees when Adalind moved her hand from around his shaft to cup his
sack. He gasped when he felt her gently roll his balls. Then, almost as if his hips had their own
mind, he thrust forward.

Nick moaned when Adalind sucked his shaft harder while slowing down to account for his thrusts.
He smelled her sweet-spicy scent and knew she was dripping wet. Therefore, he begged, “Stop
teasing me so I can bring you to orgasm again.”

He grunted when Adalind complied, wrapping her hand around the base once more while sucking
harder and moving her mouth faster. He could not hold back and thrust his hips uncontrollably after
his shaft pulsed and his semen flowed down her throat. Therefore, he screamed her name.

Nick nearly fell to his knees when Adalind swallowed before she continued at the same pace. He
felt his mouth watering from her scent and needed to taste her again. Therefore, he gasped out,
“Bed so I can pleasure you, too!”


Adalind ignored his request and deepthroated his shaft once more before releasing him. She licked
her lips while looking into his desire-filled bluish-gray eyes. However, she remained in the chair.

She did not want to move but soon discovered Nick was not taking no for an answer. He squatted
and removed her shoes before scooping her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck
and whined, “Nick! I was teasing you!”

Nick placed Adalind on the bed and promised, “You still can.”

Adalind turned the tables, pinning Nick to the mattress and using her powers to keep him where
she desired. She almost laughed when he growled, “That is cheating!” However, she did recall a
threat about handcuffs.
She had merely improvised, and Nick had said she could still tease him. She always received
multiple orgasms. So, she paused and asked, “Can’t take another?”

Nick groaned and responded, “Your pheromones and scent drive me crazy!”

Adalind sighed. She released her hold, and Nick spun her body around so her center was at his
mouth. Before she could take his manhood into her own, his tongue slid through her outer lips.

She managed to take his shaft inside her mouth and began to bob her head. She wanted to tease
Nick but could not focus with his mouth and fingers pushing her toward another orgasm.
Therefore, she switched tactics, hoping to propel him over the edge first.


Nick lost his rhythm when Adalind moaned, mixing vibrations with her sucking and thrusting her
mouth along his shaft. He had already been dangerously close to another orgasm. However, he
wanted to drink down her delicious nectar beforehand.

He quickly recovered and had an idea after the silver chain connected with his nose. He thrust his
tongue harder and faster while gently tugging on the loops. Therefore, he effectively urged her
orgasm on and greedily devoured her essence.

Nick grunted and rocked his hips when Adalind pushed him over the edge. He slipped his tongue
out once she released his manhood. However, he did not need to look to know he had never gone

He panted while Adalind turned and demanded, “Need your torture devices off!” He nodded as she
laid back, granting him access. Therefore, he leaned closer, removing the right and gently kissing
the tight nub before repeating his actions with the left.


Adalind whimpered when Nick spread her legs and slowly ran his hands over her inner thighs. She
sighed when he removed the clamp and stopped the constant pressure against her clit. However,
she could still feel her body’s demand to be one.

She still required a minute or two to recover and gulped when Nick lingered. She already felt
boneless after receiving multiple orgasms. Therefore, she mewed, “I think my limbs turned to Jell-

Adalind felt Nick chuckle before he looked up and huskily replied, “I like Jell-O.” She gripped the
sheets, suspecting he might use that oh-so-talented tongue of his again. Therefore, she gasped
when he kissed her near the garter belt.

She had given Nick the idea earlier. She watched him take the garter belt and her flesh between his
teeth, knowing he intended to leave another mark before removing the lace. Therefore, she
trembled while he trailed his hands over her leg.


Nick admired the dark purple mark on her inner thigh before he moved up her body. He settled
between her thighs, and his manhood pressed against her outer lips while he set the garter belt on
the end stand. However, he resisted the urge to join their bodies.

He felt her wetness coating the mushroom head of his shaft while Adalind wrapped her legs around
his waist. He brushed his lips against hers before slipping his tongue inside her mouth to kiss her
deeply until air became an issue. Then he slowly entered her heat after she rocked her hips in a
silent plea.

Adalind moaned, “Nick!”

Nick understood Adalind was demanding more. He had too many orgasms for this to be quick.
Therefore, he warned, “You will be sore.”

Adalind rocked her hips while Nick remained still and growled, “Tomorrow!”

Nick smirked. He could remain like this forever, buried within her wetness surrounding and
gripping his manhood. However, he did not want to consider her revenge.

He pulled his shaft back and thrust his length forward. He set a slower rhythm after Adalind
purred, “I thought so!” However, he reconsidered when her eyes became purple swirls.

Adalind ran her nails down his back before she gripped his ass and demanded, “Faster!”

Nick complied, driving his shaft slightly harder and faster, knowing Adalind wanted him to pound
his length into her wetness. He would compromise, though. Therefore, he promised, “After you
cum I will alter my rhythm again.”

Adalind nodded, rocking her hips, matching his thrusts, and gasping, “Good Baby Grimm!”

Nick growled, knowing Adalind had purposely added baby. He maintained the same pace, refusing
to take the bait. Therefore, he growled, “My witch better stop!”

Adalind mewed as her walls tightened around his shaft, and she cried out, “You follow through on
that threat!”

Nick grunted, understanding perfectly, and bulldozed his shaft a tad harder and faster. He doubted
a slower pace would be possible but refused to reveal it. However, he curiously demanded, “What
would my witch do?”


Adalind rocked her hips, matching Nick thrust for thrust. She nibbled on her bottom lip while
contemplating his question. What would she do to him?

She saw some oh-my-god items at the adult store. She did concede she had to be willing to
experiment with the same toys. After all, she had to be fair, didn’t she?

Nick rammed her G-spot as he asked, “Cat got your tongue?”

Adalind stuck her tongue out before she moaned, “No. Thinking.” She eyed her mark on his neck,
knowing there was more to their claims. However, she needed a Wesen book.

Nick propelled his shaft harder and faster, grinding against her G-spot as he asked, “Care to share?”

Adalind moaned, unable to respond while her walls tightened around his shaft. She had to admit
that bringing Nick to orgasm twice before intercourse might be detrimental when her body wanted
his seed. However, she kept that thought to herself and answered, “Just whatever I did to you, I
would need to be willing to do.”

Nick nodded and asked, “As in?”

Adalind gasped. She found answering difficult when Nick kept ramming against her G-spot. Then,
another orgasm commenced, and she screamed his name.

She mewed when Nick grunted and finally pounded his shaft with the force she craved. She
slipped her hands into his locks and yanked his head down to her. After kissing him, she managed
to answer, “Anal toys.”

Nick shook his head and grunted, “No!”

Adalind went to giggle, but it sounded more like a deformed moan. Nick shot her down really fast.
Therefore, she teased, “You would not fit!”

She growled when Nick suddenly stopped and exclaimed, “You said toys!” She nodded while
moving her hand toward her mark. However, he resumed his thrust before she reached his pulse

Adalind thrust her hips uncontrollably when Nick reached between their bodies and gently circled
her bundle of nerves. She felt his seed coating her walls as he screamed her name. Then, he
continued driving his shaft slowly before pulling out and rolling their bodies.


Nick gently traced his hand over her spine, feeling Adalind tremble against him. He wanted to talk
about her memories but did not wish to push her. However, he assumed she would rather talk about
those than the ritual.

He raised an eyebrow when he noted her face held a deep red tint. He had planned on letting the
teasing go. Therefore, he grumbled, “I am not returning to the adult store, and you are not going
without me.”

Adalind growled before she snapped, “Why not?”

Nick swallowed hard. He hated that part of the city but had already told her. Therefore, he
attempted to change the topic and grumbled, “Why do you keep calling me Baby Grimm?”

Adalind shrugged before answering, “It just rolls off my tongue.”

Nick did not believe Adalind meant the term as an endearment. He considered it as a taunt.
Therefore, he declared, “Like a little kid.”

Adalind stared at Nick before she said, “I do not know!”

Nick frowned. He found their discussion frustrating, so Adalind must have a stronger opinion.
Therefore, he declared, “I am being overbearing.”

Adalind attempted to smile before she retorted, “No, you are just being you, a detective.”

Nick stared down at Adalind, knowing he did not intend to treat her like a suspect. He was not sure
that was what she meant, though. However, he commented, “So you saw the inscription on your

Adalind huffed before replying, “Yes and no.”

Nick sighed loudly. He just wanted to help her remember when she had family that loved her.
Therefore, he explained, “Your mother was a bitch, but your grandparents loved you.”
Adalind sighed before she pleaded, “Nick,” taking off the necklace, she dangled the chain in front
of him and declared, “I used the inscription when I tried hypnosis, and I destroyed the doctor’s

Nick had heard about the car windows Adalind had smashed with her scream. He took the
necklace and set it on the end stand. Turning his attention back to her, he declared, “Like you blew
out all his windows?”

Adalind traced her fingers over his chest as she answered, “No, like I moved every object in his
office with a giant windstorm.”

Nick gently caressed her back, remembering how the windows opened and curtains blew, and his
mom claiming that was the baby. He had an awful suspicion that his mother had known a hell of a
lot more. However, he could not prove it.

He realized their discussion was ending for tonight when he felt her fingers on his chest slowing.
He kissed the top of her head, wishing he could help her. Then, he recalled a giant storm during his
parents' funeral.

Nick remembered a light sprinkle of rain that gradually increased until it poured, the breeze had
turned into a strong wind, and lightning struck. He thought there might have even been hail. The
storm ended as quickly as it began.

He watched Adalind sleep, snuggled into his side and using his chest as a pillow. He tried to clear
his mind, knowing there were probably millions of people with those initials. It had to be a
coincidence that his father did, too.


Adalind mumbled in her sleep, dreaming about the past. Her younger self stared at the ceiling,
fighting sleep, knowing visions she dubbed as nightmares would come. Awful things happened, and
she would wake screaming.

She lost the battle and envisioned a high speed chase on US 9G.The men in the pursuing sports
utility vehicles had distorted faces of vicious hounds-fur on their foreheads and chins, with large
teeth and huge fangs. Inked on their palms was a tattoo of swords in the shape of an eight.

Suddenly, one of the sports utility vehicles rammed the car from behind while the other almost
connected on the driver’s side. The driver rapidly turned the steering wheel after one of the
strange creatures shot out the tire. The car spun until crashing into the guardrail, and smoke
billowed from under the hood.

The men jumped out of their vehicles and charged with their guns drawn. After surrounding the
car, one man shoot the driver pointblank in the head, while another shot the passenger. He walked
away carrying a severed head.

The others tore apart the car before pouring liquid all over the car and tossing a lit cigarette.
Soon, flames engulfed the vehicle, and she screamed. Her nightmare always ended the same way.

She had never seen the creatures before, but she recognized the driver. He was her grandfather’s
friend, Reed Burkhardt. She had never met the woman, but had seen pictures of his wife, Kelly and
their son. Nick would lose both his parents that day.

Adalind wrote down every detail, trying to determine when this event would happen, and hid the
journal in her room. She could warn Reed. However, she did not know if that would be good


Nick sat in the backseat with his arms crossed over his chest. He felt excited when his dad
mentioned a family fishing trip. After all, he had wanted to go before, but his mom always had an

He was eager to meet his dad’s best friend, Warren, a local sheriff, and his wife, Winnie, an herb
farmer. He felt less excited when his dad mentioned their granddaughter, Adalind. Therefore, he
had asked, “Did she go with you all these years?”

Nick was not jealous. He narrowed his eyes when his dad laughed, “Son, Adalind might be a tom-
boy, but she would never put a worm on a hook.” Oh, great, she probably is ugly, too.

He glanced out the window when his dad turned into a driveway. He could see the house, barn,
workshop, and chicken coop. However, he saw something strange and asked, “Why is it only
raining in the backyard?”

Nick noticed his parents exchange a look but did not wait for an answer and went to investigate as
soon as the car stopped. He came to a screeching halt when he found a pretty girl with shoulder-
length blonde hair and blue eyes dancing barefoot in the rain. Therefore, he assumed she must be
Adalind and was no ugly duckling.

He was instantly smitten. He had dreaded spending time with Adalind when he was not fishing.
Now, he reconsidered.

She giggled, her eyes turned purple, and she said, "Pluet durius," before greeting, "Hi, Baby

He clenched his hands into fists while rain came down harder. He did not know what a Grimm
was, but he was no baby. Stepping closer, he growled, “Don’t call me a baby!”

She stuck her tongue out before she chanted, “Pluet etiam durius.”

Suddenly, he was drenched from head to toe, and he snapped, “You are a witch!” She twirled
away while he declared, “My witch.” He did not know why those words rolled off his tongue, but
he meant them.

Nick was startled awake and almost surged out of bed, but silky hair and warm breath caressed his
chest while her soft-warm body snuggled into his side. He had no desire to wake Adalind, and he
definitely would if he moved and disturbed her pillow. She calmed him slightly.

He glanced down at Adalind, his witch. He gently brushed her blonde locks away from her face,
knowing his dream was not a fantasy but a memory. Somehow, he had forgotten.

Nick wanted to know how he had forgotten! He began to fret, knowing their trip had been for two
weeks. What else would he remember?

He could not fall back asleep, so he analyzed his memories. He could not go with his dad because
his mom did not want him to know about Wesen. Why had she finally agreed?

Nick decided that was insignificant. He did not need to know why his mom had changed her mind.
However, he suspected Adalind was not supposed to do magic.
He smirked. Adalind had not listened, and he believed that she made it rain. Did she command and
control the storm?

Nick looked down at his witch, knowing the rain poured down, drowned him like a rat, and soaked
him from head to toe. I’m always a good witch. He could think of a few instances where she was a
wicked and naughty witch.

He frowned, realizing Adalind was eleven when she first met him. She called me Baby Grimm! He
breathed in and slowly exhaled in an attempt to calm his nerves.

Are her nightmares premonitions, and if they are, does that mean she has foresight? Maybe, she
assumed, knowing my mom was one. However, he could not be sure.

Nick hoped her nightmares were just bad dreams. Adalind mentioned having a few after the Queen
Mellifer but had not revealed more. Did she do that intentionally?

He had not interacted with many Hexenbiests, and her mother backed away from him. You are the
Grimm who destroyed my daughter. Then, his mom accidentally killed Catherine.

Nick considered what Adalind did. Rain is an element. Are there different types of witches?

He needed to go to the trailer and research, but he had read everything in the Grimm’s Hexenbiest
book. Witches work at the behest of Royalty, are identifiable by a dark birthmark under their
tongue, possess extraordinary beauty in human form, and are highly intelligent and cunning. He
had found a little more information in the book about Mellifers.

Nick did not remember reading anything else on Hexenbiests besides their feud with the Mellifers.
He violated a long-standing alliance between Grimms and Mellifers. However, he wanted to arrest
Melisa Wincroft.

He swallowed hard, knowing he could add a verbal claim. He had claimed Adalind in three
different ways. Verbal, blood, and bite. What else did I do?

Nick glanced at his cell phone on the end stand, tempted to email his mother and demand answers,
but she probably would not give him any. Monroe or Rosalee might be able to help, but he had to
wait until his friends returned from their honeymoon. Sighing, he doubted he would fall back
asleep anytime soon, if at all.
Chapter 10
Chapter Notes

Thanks for the feedback~

CFan~ Thanks I am sorry it is hard to please everyone

Charlie_Snape~ the wait is over :)

lokiluvr88~ A bit more memories though I was not sure about them lol

LucyConan~ Kelly will provide you the read lol

Scoriono3~ I am not sure Nick will need to point out Adalind did things for Sean but if
need be he will. Sean definitely has his own agenda. Yes that issue with Juliette is
addressed. will see what else comes with the claim hehe evil muse plots a blood of a
Grimm only works once. Nick asked and believed he knew the answer because she did
not want to hurt him.:) yeah and it was a poor ice beaver , They will look for a house
and Nick wants to sell his house

Kaya17tj~yes they do. Why their memories are blocked will be slowly revealed

Hope everyone enjoys

Without Further Ado~

Part Ten

Kelly tucked Diana into bed before she went into the kitchen to make tea. After she added honey to
the herbs, she picked up her cup. Sitting in the overstuffed chair, she took a sip and began
reflecting on how she had gotten here.

She went to Vienna to rescue a woman and her baby from the Royals. She recognized Adalind but
pretended she did know her. After boarding the plane, she watched for any signs of recognition.

Kelly instantly realized that Adalind must have blocked her memories. Had Reed’s death been that
traumatic to her? Catherine corrupted her magic!

She offered to hold the baby so Adalind could rest. She watched in awe as her eyes became swirls
of purple, knowing another witch should have the same woge. After her locket opened, she studied
her face and saw her son.

She almost laughed. Nick had verbally claimed Adalind and performed a spell that she believed
bound their souls and gave her a transfusion. Had her son remembered? She doubted he would
have allowed Adalind to leave, though.

Kelly had to ensure the baby did not fall into the hands of the Royals or the Resistance. She would
use her husband’s words about a little witch to convince her son. But first, she needed to study his
She felt shocked when Adalind insisted that Nick would kill her and the baby. She did not believe
the enchantment would allow Nick to harm his witch. However, she and Winifred could not
determine the book her son had used, so finding the spell would be like finding a needle in a

She glanced at Nick when he growled, “Why did you bring her here?” Did the little witch block his
memories again? She played stupid when Nick informed her that Adalind was the one who put
Juliette in the coma.

Kelly gave an Oscar performance as she gasped, “She is that Hexenbiest!” She tried to defuse the
situation, but Adalind attempted to leave, and she could not let her walk out. Therefore, she
ordered, “No, no, no, you are not going anywhere.”

She wanted to smack her son when Nick yelled, “No, she can’t stay.” She was not surprised Juliette
said, “No.” However, she refused to take no for an answer.

Kelly explained the resistance recruited her to get Adalind and the baby to safety. She could not
believe her ears when Nick demanded, “What is so valuable about her?” Therefore, she wished to
say, I would not be alive today if it were not for her, but answered, “Her child.”

She explained the Verrat were waiting for Adalind and the baby outside Zurich. The Royals want
this child. Therefore, she needed them protected.

Kelly sighed when Adalind said, “If I stay here, he will kill me.” She looked at Nick when he
yelled, “As if I did not have good reason. You poisoned Juliette. You tried to kill my aunt, Marie.”
However, she did know more about Adalind than her son.

She knew her sister had planned to kill Adalind after the funeral. Marie argued that Adalind was
too powerful, something Reed had predicted, and only backed off after their conversation.
However, she exclaimed, “You tried to kill my sister!”

Kelly was thankful that Adalind did not strike back after Juliette got in her face but suspected the
baby might react. Her suspicion was confirmed almost immediately when the room began to shake,
the hands on a clock moved, and the glass in a picture cracked. After everything stopped, she said,
“That was the baby.”

She wanted to say her mother is just as powerful when her magic is balanced, but repeated the lies;
the baby is a Royal. She spoke the truth when she revealed her powers had to come from Adalind.
However, she kept her belief that the father was a Grimm to herself.

“It could not be Adalind her powers are gone I took them away from her.”

Kelly smirked before she asked, “With the blood of a Grimm?” She snickered after Nick answered,
“Yeah, and it hurt.” I can add that in with the rest. However, she doubted Adalind had ever been
powerless but might not be able to access her magic without her memories.

She understood Adalind had an ulterior motive. A little witch wanted revenge on those who had
killed Reed. However, she revealed that Adalind probably got her Hexenbiest spirit back.

Kelly needed to say what Reed always had said about Adalind. She tried to get through to Nick,
“This child has an extraordinary destiny in the wrong hands, it can do great evil, but in the right
hands, it could do great good.” Your father believed that about Adalind, and you both need to

She thought of numerous arguments she had with Reed, “She has to have a normal childhood, and
how she is raised will make all the difference in who she becomes.” She wondered if Adalind had
balanced her magic when suddenly there was wind. Therefore, without thinking, she exclaimed,

Kelly wondered if Adalind had blinked away when she did not find her. She watched Juliette and
wondered, Did you notice who the baby resembled? However, she had known the infant on the bed
was a mirage.

She did not honestly want to take the baby away from her mother. She had sworn she would not
interfere, but she realized the real reason the royals wanted the baby. So, she put her plan into

Kelly was surprised when Nick started to defend Adalind despite their history since he became a
Grimm. Juliette wanted the baby gone but tried to hide her accusatory looks. She had put another
wedge in their crumbling relationship.

She did not need to convince the Royal, which made her instantly suspicious. He had agreed way
too quickly, which meant there was something fishy. After closer observation, she caught Juliette
riding Renard like a bucking bronco.

Kelly wanted to claw her eyes out, knowing she had found her fish. She had never really liked
Juliette and had been willing to let her die from the hex. Therefore, she hoped karma came in the
form of a little witch.

Nick watched through the mirror as she spoke to Adalind. She wanted her to understand she had to
give up what she loved the most. However, she held her breath while Adalind stared at her,
knowing her cryptic message held a different meaning.

Kelly owed her life to the witch, and she was in the process of kidnapping her baby. She had
arranged for Adalind to believe the Royals had Diana. However, she agreed with Renard when he
said, “I hope you are right.”

She glanced over at Diana as she drove out of Portland and scolded her for using her powers. You
are just like your mother, and I am going to have to teach you not to do that in public. After she had
found a place to rest for the night, she started to reminisce.

Reed was long-time friends with Warren, a Kehrseite-Shlich-Kennen and a local sheriff who had
married Winifred, a Hexenbiest. At first, Kelly was skeptical, but Reed insisted Winifred was
different. She quickly discovered her wise husband was correct.

After meeting Winifred, Kelly had to admit not all the information she read in the Grimm books
was truthful. Winifred had suppressed her darker tendencies for love. However, she did not care
for the spelled house.

She believed Hexenbiests were witches who did not practice balance and abused their magic. Their
woge distorted and altered to a rotting corpse or an old hag. However, she never found any proof
for her theory.

Kelly could not visit as much as she liked, especially after Catherine dropped her daughter on their
doorstep, but Reed always carved out two weeks for his 'fishing' trip. Nick repeatedly asked about
why he could not go. She had managed to keep her son in the dark about her being a Grimm and

After Nicky turned fourteen, she reluctantly agreed to a family fishing trip but had not visited since
Nick was three. Adalind was supposed to be on her best behavior, but she should have known
better. The little witch would not listen to her grandmother.

Kelly glanced at Reed when he pulled into the driveway. The sun was shining everywhere except in
the backyard, and Nicky asked, "Why is it only raining over there?" However, before she could
answer, her son opened his door and ran to the source.

Kelly was not convinced when Reed claimed, "I am sure everything will be fine. We can claim it is
a freak rain storm." She hurried after Nick and found him staring at the young blonde dancing
barefoot in the rain. Her heart threatened to explode when her eyes turned purple before she
giggled and said, "Pluet durius, " then greeted, "Hi, Baby Grimm!"

She watched the rain come down harder like Adalind had commanded while Nicky grumbled, "Do
not call me a baby!" She glanced at Reese, worried over Adalind calling their son a Baby Grimm.
Did that mean the little witch knew her son would become a Grimm?

Kelly frowned as Reed declared, "Your bloodline is too strong for you to believe our son will not be
like you." She did not want to admit her husband was right. However, she really did not want to
hear her son declare, "You are a witch, my witch!"

She had Diana for several months when she felt a wave of power and realized what Catherine
meant during their fight. Her son must have chosen his witch. Did that mean Adalind remembered
her Baby Grimm?

Kelly checked on Diana before she took out an encrypted laptop from a friend in the resistance to
check her email. She wanted to see how Nick reacted to her news and laughed when she read the
email addy, NBAShunternwitch, again. However, she did not know if he remembered his past.

She believed the trauma of his father’s and her ‘death’ caused Nick to bury memories of their
fishing trip, where he practically worshiped the ground a little witch walked on. She also suspected
a little witch had blocked his memories with a kiss. However, she could not be sure, and the only
man with knowledge of the extent of her magic died.

She had numerous conversations with Reed about his belief that under the right influence, Adalind
could be an amazing force for good. She argued that eventually, Catherine would reclaim her
daughter, and then everything her grandmother taught her would fly out the window. However, she
believed Adalind had foresight like her grandmother.

Kelly blinked away tears as she remembered when Reed kissed her passionately before saying, “I
love you.” He was only being a gentleman and bringing the car around her. However, their friends
went with him, and while she stood waiting, she saw flashes of lightning and nearly fell to her
knees, finally understanding why Adalind had snapped, “Changing one thing will not work!”

She realized Adalind had decided to confide in Reed. She had refused to talk about her nightmares,
and her screams woke everyone but her son. The spelled house had shielded him.

Kelly tried to move to where Reed and Adalind were talking, but the house shifted and reshaped.
She had approval in previous years, but her absence had not reflected well. Therefore, she became
blocked with a confused fourteen-year-old.

“Mom, how is that possible?”

Kelly sighed. She did not want to explain, but she had no choice now. So, she reluctantly answered,
“The house is spelled and decided just like when it put away the spell book you used.”
Nick looked at his feet before he mumbled, “I never asked her to take the blame.”

Kelly nodded. She could lecture Nick about how dangerous spells could be, but that seemed
pointless now. Therefore, she asked, “Want to tell me why?”

Nick shifted on his feet before he answered, “She told me I would hate her and even call her a

Kelly frowned. She suspected those predictions would still happen. Therefore, she declared, “What
is meant to be, it will be.”

She attempted to go outside by way of the back deck, but her route brought her to the eye of the
storm. She could not walk through the lightning strikes. Therefore, she had no choice but to wait.

Kelly had reached Reed just as he said, “No fingers crossed this time.” Adalind held her hands out
and said, “I promise,” before she blinked and disappeared. Kelly had never witnessed a witch
possess powers like Adalind.

She believed Reed wanted to protect Adalind from the Verrat and the Royals. He insisted her sister
Marie could never know, either. Marie is a hypocrite and will judge on the potential danger
without a second hesitation.

Kelly sighed when she found two messages in response to her first one. She must have
inadvertently caused a fight. Therefore, she had no intention of being the root of another argument.

She had her hands tied, so to speak until she opened an old safe deposit box to retrieve some
drawings. The little witch gave her the one on top the day she left the farm, and she had known the
woged hand meant the man was a Blutbad, but she would never trust one. However, she had not
known he would become her son’s best friend.

Kelly closed the folder before she called Meisner, needing him to find where Monroe and Rosalee
were honeymooning. Her promise to Reed prevented her from revealing anything to Adalind or her
son, and she had kept her word when she lied about why she was not in the car. However, the
Blutbad and Fuchsbau were her loophole.


Juliette stared at Sean when he pulled in front of her house. She had anticipated spending the night
with Sean, but her horrible date concluded with their fling ending. Therefore, she blamed Nick.

She had not expected to see Nick with Adalind, but she had merely stated a fact. Nick must have
seen them. She certainly did not need Sean ushering her away like a child!

Sean claimed that she acted like a scorned woman. She had caused a scene while Nick had tried to
avoid one. Sean looked like a fool, and he had a reputation to uphold.

He did not need friends and colleagues gossiping behind his back. He intended to be the Royal that
worked with a Grimm. Therefore, he refused to do anything that might jeopardize his plans.

Juliette tried to manipulate Sean with a show of tears and a promise of a wild night, but he shot
down her advances. She insisted that all things Grimm were an infection invading her life, and he
was Wesen. So, wasn’t he part of the virus?

She tried to explain. She meant all the times Wesen attacked Nick because he was a Grimm, and
she did not have that problem before. Criminals had not followed him home.
Juliette had to admit maybe she did want Nick, but she longed for the man before he became a
Grimm. Our relationship was not anything serious, with no worries about unplanned babies. She
took steps to ensure she never had a baby.

She did not care that a claim was the equivalent of a marriage in the Wesen community, but other
details infuriated her. Nick and Adalind would be expecting, and Diana would have a sibling. She
wanted to scream!

Didn’t you notice Diana bears an uncanny resemblance to Nick? Adalind obviously lied about the
father, and you continued her lie. The question is, why?

I was with you the night Adalind conceived Diana, and you could not be in two places at once.
Nick had packed his bags and moved in with Monroe. However, he could have always gone out,
but Adalind was in jail.

Juliette clenched her hands into fists when Sean apologized. She did not want nor need an apology.
After opening the passenger side door, she said, “If you change your mind.”

Sean cut her off, “I won’t.”

Juliette exited the car and closed the doors. She swung her hips while walking away, silently
saying with her body, you will regret letting me go. Opening the door, she went inside and
slammed it closed.

She growled, knowing the master bedroom was in the same state as before the wedding. She did
not want to change the sheets and refused to sleep in the guest room, suspicious of where their
sexual encounter began. Therefore, she prayed the uncomfortable couch saw no action before she
went into the kitchen and poured a glass of wine.


Monroe had tried to put the wave of power he felt out of his mind. He had not been the only one
and remembered asking Rosalee, “Did you feel that?” After she nodded, he worried about other
Wesen, suspicious of the origin point.

He had made love to his wife, walked on the beach, and enjoyed dancing and romantic dinners, but
he worried about his best friend. He wanted to focus on his wife. However, he finally asked, “Do
you think the power we felt the night we arrived came from our Grimm and his witch?”

Rosalee breathed a sigh before she answered, “Thank god. I wanted to talk about them but wanted
to enjoy our time, too.”

Monroe smiled. He had the same thoughts. Therefore, he joked, “You know me and my mouth, so
I am surprised I did not say something sooner.”

Rosalee smiled before she declared, “Your no filter is one of the things I love about you.”

Monroe smiled, knowing he could get in trouble when he just blurted stuff out. He had done things
in his past that he was not proud of, and Rosalee did, too. Therefore, he declared, “Maybe we
judged Adalind too quickly.”

Rosalee nodded before she declared, “I still cannot believe Juliette and Nick broke up a month

Monroe nodded. He still felt stunned that Nick had claimed Adalind. Therefore, he questioned,
“Did Nick ever ask you about claims?”

Rosalee shook her head before she declared, “A book like that should not be with Grimm books.”

Monroe nodded, believing those books would be with other Wesen, not a Grimm. He laughed at
his best friend’s expense on the plane and joked, “How long will it take Nick to realize they need
to have woged sex? He grimaced after he considered Adalind would look like an old hag.

Rosalee snuggled into his body and declared, “Poor Adalind had to look into the black void.”

Monroe chuckled before he replied, “What about Nick?” His best friend had claimed a Hexenbiest
that slept with his partner and tried to kill him. However, he still wondered why the room did not
smell like sex.

Rosalee traced her fingers over his chest as she replied, “Maybe Nick does not have that big of an
issue with her woge.”

Monroe shrugged. Nick had mentioned making Adalind lose control during his Mellifer case.
Therefore, he declared, “Nick was rather proud of pushing her buttons until Adalind lost her
temper, woged, and hissed at him.”

He considered how Adalind had tried to kill Marie Kessler. He still could not wrap his mind
around her choice of poison. Therefore, he asked, “Doesn’t spider venom seem like a mild poison
for a Hexenbiest?”

Monroe frowned as Rosalee nodded. Adalind had stabbed and injected Nick. Therefore, he
admitted, “Probably a good thing she did not pick something more dangerous.”

He had said the same to Nick and called him a Baby Grimm. He had smelled several elements,
earth, air, water, and fire, while Nick stared and demanded, “What did you just call me?” Shifting
his weight, he answered, “Baby Grimm, like you are so new, you are an infant.”

Monroe had almost choked on his beer when Nick ordered, “Never call me that again.” He nodded
but noticed a far-off expression before hearing a mumbled, “My witch.” Therefore, he inquired,
“What do you plan on doing about your witch?”

Nick blinked, his expression hardened, and he grumbled, “She is a Hexenbiest, not my witch, and I
do not know.”

Monroe bit his tongue to keep his comment from slipping out. You just called her your witch. He
almost mentioned a cryptic message he received six months earlier that referenced a Baby Grimm.

He had laughed when he readA Baby Grimm will give you a chance at the redemption you seek,
the Little Witch. A Grimm working with a Blutbad! Then, he met Nick.

Monroe was pulled from his thoughts when Rosalee asked, “Did Nick ever mention how he got his
blood into her system?” He did not believe Nick did. However, he asked, “Did anything about that
night seem strange?”

Rosalee nodded before teasing, “Besides, you never mentioned the room smelled like sex.”

Monroe wondered if Adalind had set the scene. He certainly would not have checked underneath
the covers any more than Nick would. Therefore, he asked, “Why go to all that trouble and risk
losing her Hexenbiest spirit?”
Rosalee admitted, “I wondered the same thing.”

Monroe understood that Renard had been willing to do anything. He had to be wrong. However, he
declared, “What if Adalind believed something worse would happen, but I have not heard of a
Hexenbiest possessing foresight.”


Rosalee could ask the council but believed they should talk to Nick beforehand. She did not want to
while on their honeymoon, either. However, she considered calling their friend.

She assumed Nick and Adalind were doing some of the same things as she and Monroe. She and
her husband had managed to leave their room. Therefore, she wondered if their friends had too.

Rosalee almost laughed at one big difference. She would not be pregnant when she returned to
Portland. However, she wanted children someday.

She and Monroe had judged Adalind but did not know enough about her, and she had made plenty
of mistakes in her own past. She doubted Nick would want to exclude Adalind. Therefore, she
declared, “We should just get to know her better and become friends.”

Monroe nodded before he said, “Speaking of friends, what about Juliette?”

Rosalee growled. She smacked Monroe after he chuckled. Therefore, she whined, “You were not in
the bridal room!”

Monroe ran his hand down back and trailed his fingers along her spine as he requested, “You
could give me all the juicy gossip.”

Rosalee recalled how pretty Juliette looked and noticed her friend seemed upset. She had
suggested another wedding could be when Nick and Juliette tied the knot. So she revealed, “I
guess Nick proposed months ago, and she turned him down.”

She believed that might have been the start of their end. She recalled the anger in her voice when
Juliette spoke. Therefore, she continued, “She was glad, or she would want a divorce.”


Rosalee nodded. She looked up and purred, “I saved the best part of her answer for last.” After he
raised an eyebrow, she declared, “Our whole life has become infected by him being a Grimm!”

“What! Are all things Wesen a virus?”

Rosalee had the same thoughts. She had not finished dishing out the juicy morsels. Therefore, she
revealed, “She mentioned they broke up a month ago but assumed Nick would change his mind,
beg her to end things with Sean, and plead about how much he loved her!”

She laughed when his mouth hung open and teased, “You reacted like DeEtta, and your mom

“I am surprised my mom did not say something.”

Rosalee smiled before she declared, “I think Alice was shocked into silence.” She still felt stunned
and believed Juliette had no right to be angry. However, she admitted, “She did apologize and
mentioned a promise to keep the peace, but she could not stop thinking about Nick screwing

“Well, she did not have the scents to smell!”

Rosalee giggled and wanted to hear the lowdown from the groom’s room, but she had one more
thing. She smiled before she revealed, “I told Juliette to pretend to be the ever-faithful girlfriend.”
After Monroe roared in laughter, she demanded, “Now, share your dirt!”


Monroe grimaced while he recalled the distinct mingled scents. He swore his best friend ignored
him. Therefore, he grumbled, “Nick slipped on his shades, mentioning he almost forgot them in all
the craziness, but not to worry, he had the ring.”

Rosalee laughed, “I can just picture Nick doing just that.”

Monroe had not been amused. He could not just turn off his heightened sense of smell. So, he
revealed, “I asked him if he forgot to take a shower after he cheated on Juliette.”

“What did Nick say?”

Monroe sighed, “Nothing!” Nick sighed, but he had not bothered to deny anything. What would
have been the point anyway?

“Juliette practically had smoke coming out her ears.”

Monroe chuckled, recalling how Nick seemed relaxed. He was still waiting for an answer when his
dad came in. Therefore, he declared, “Then, Dad walked in and asked why he smelled sex and

He pointed to Nick, but his dad could have sniffed him out. He feared a brawl like the one at the
house. Then his emotions switched to shock, and he explained, “Dad was eyeing Nick then
declared that is a claiming bite, fresh too!”

“Nick was silent the whole time?”

Monroe nodded. He did not understand why Nick did not defend himself. However, he suspected,
“I guess Nick was trying not to bad mouth Juliette.”

He believed Juliette did not have the same issue. He still felt stunned by what Nick revealed.
Therefore, he declared, “I had no idea Nick and Juliette broke up or that she attempted to hide her
pregnancy scare 'cause Nick was living with me.”

“What! Juliette said nothing happened other than kissing!”

Monroe suspected he had sounded just as shocked. He suddenly remembered Nick had mentioned
her feelings about him being a Grimm. Therefore, he admitted, “I think I was still reeling from the
Sean and Juliette tidbit when Nick told everyone his Grimm is an infection.”

“I think I am considering her friendship an infection!”

Monroe nodded. He had been Nick’s friend first. Therefore, he had no reason to associate with

He felt surprised during his best friend's next admission. He had never suspected Nick felt anything
toward the Hexenbiest. Therefore, he revealed, “I guess Nick has always felt an attraction to

“So, Nick claimed her!”

Monroe chuckled, knowing he had said the same. He felt remorse when he considered another
reason. So, he revealed, “Nick did mention how we all kidnapped Diana.”

“Renard, her father was fine with his mom’s plan.”

“Sean Renard is not Diana’s biological father!”

Monroe and Rosalee woged before both gasped, “Kelly!”


Kelly gently placed Diana on the small loveseat before covering her with a blanket. She held her
hands up, revealing she had no weapons but did not necessarily need any. So, she admitted, “Nicky
would never forgive me if I hurt his friends.”

Monroe shook off his woge while Rosalee held the covers over their bodies, and he asked, “Why
are you here?”

Kelly brushed blonde locks out of Diana’s face as she suggested, “Maybe the two of you could get
dressed.” She was still in awe over how much Diana looked like her son. However, her
granddaughter reminded her of a little witch when using magic.


Monroe hurried out of bed and quickly dressed in pants and a t-shirt. He cautiously moved closer
to Kelly. However, Diana caught his eye, and he declared, “She looks an awful lot like Nick.”

Rosalee dressed, headed toward the kitchen, paused to look at Diana, and then exclaimed, “Oh,
my, she really does look like Nick.”

Kelly sighed and stated, “My son is her biological father.”

Monroe eyed Kelly suspiciously as he asked, “How is that possible?” He believed Nick had not
slept with Adalind then, but one look at Diana made him wonder if he might be wrong. However,
he stated, “Nick and Adalind only slept together after he claimed her.”

Kelly smirked before she questioned, “Which claim?”

Monroe looked like a fish out of water with his mouth hung open. Did Kelly mean Nick had
claimed Adalind more than once? After a moment, Monroe answered, “A claiming bite on the
afternoon of mine and Rosalee’s wedding.”

Kelly smiled and admitted, “I did not know about that one.”

Monroe contemplated arguing Nick would have told us he had history with Adalind. He wanted to
call Nick and considered going for a walk to do just that. Time difference be damned!

Rosalee gasped, “You are telling us Nick had already claimed Adalind!”

Kelly nodded before she answered, “Nicky claimed Adalind verbally and performed a spell that I
believed bound their souls when he was fourteen, then twelve years later, he subconsciously claims
her when he used Grimm’s blood.”
Rosalee asked, “Why don’t you know?”

“Nicky closed the book, and the spelled house put the book away.”

“Spelled house is old powerful magic.”

Kelly nodded and motioned to the chairs as she suggested, “Maybe we should sit.”

Rosalee filled a teapot with water and said, “I think we need tea.”

Monroe opened the fridge, grabbed a beer, and twisted off the top as he declared, “I want
something stronger.” He looked at his wife, wondering if she was thinking the same thing.
Portland here; we come!


Rosalee was speechless. She stared at the drawing of Monroe standing in the doorway with his
woged hand on the door frame and Nick outside. After finding her voice, she asked, “Who drew

“A little witch.”

Rosalee looked at her husband and curiously asked, “Did you answer the door like that?” She
considered getting a beer instead of tea when Monroe nodded. Maybe she would wait until Monroe
got another for himself.

She was about to ask who was the little witch, but before she could, Monroe did. She frowned when
Kelly answered, “It was what my husband called Adalind.” Reaching for the drawing, she noticed
several others.

Rosalee stared at the date scrawled on the back and pointed it out to Monroe. She did not
recognize any of the other men. Therefore, she asked, “Who are these men?”

She was surprised when Monroe answered, “The Verrat that were in Adalind’s hotel room, and I
led to Nick.” She glanced at the one with lightning bolts around his body as he declared, “All but
this one are dead.”

Kelly nodded and replied, “Adalind hand-delivered the Verrat involved in the murder of my
husband to his son.” She pointed to the one with the lightning bolts, “That is how his murder will

Monroe downed the rest of his beer before he asked, “Why bring these to us?”

Kelly sighed, “I promised Reed I would not tell Nick about her nightmares or that she is why I am

Rosalee gasped. She exchanged a look with Monroe and hoped Diana did not get woken when his
eyes turned red. However, she beat him to the punch and growled, “I highly doubt she told you so
you could abandon your son.”

Monroe nodded before he added, “You might want to enjoy your time with Diana ‘cause
something tells me Nick will be furious!”

Kelly nodded before admitting, “Yes.”

Rosalee stared at the drawing Monroe revealed. She recognized the person when he flipped the
back, and she gasped. Then, she exclaimed, “I told Nick to use the blood of a Grimm, and without
her memories, she was powerless even with magic!”

She locked eyes with Monroe, silently ordering, call Nick! She did not care if there was a time
difference. Then she smiled when he paused at the door and growled, "Diana is going to spend the
day at the beach with Rosalee and me tomorrow so we can take pictures to give to her mother! "

End Notes

my muse wanted some action and that would not work in Revelations yet lol hope to
alternate the updates between here and there

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