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Patricia Kyla Capunpon



1. WRITE: Write a paragraph on how you are going to use technology when you become a teacher.
(Submit your writing in this assignment. DUE TODAY)

2. GROUP: With the use of technology-supported communication, collaborate with the same group that
you had last meeting and share what you have written for #1.

3. PRESENT: Make a summary of all the member's answers and prepare to present the results next
meeting together with the unfinished activity we had last meeting.

1. Technology plays an important role to our lives. As a future teacher, I will be going to use technology
of course for the good one including creating an animation for my students to be totally engage with,
posting assignments or activities through google classroom, creating powerpoints for my class, etc. As a
teacher, we should know how to use technology because we are the foundation. What will our learners
will say if we don’t have the skill when it comes to computer right? Learners nowadays are into
tehnology. At age of 7, they know on how to use basic computer because remember, we are now living in
a 21st century. We are in a modernized world.

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