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- Normal file

d dirs

c keyboard, mouse

b block file (hdd, pen drive, dvd)

l link files (shortcuts)

file – command to know the file type

less filename

d – next page

b – Previous page

/ - to search

v – vim editor

q – quit

more filename

d – next page

b – Previous page

/ - to search

v – vim editor

q – quit

69 cat /etc/passwd

70 less /etc/passwd

71 less /etc/passwd

72 more /etc/passwd

73 head /etc/passwd
74 head -5 /etc/passwd

75 tail /etc/passwd

76 tail -4 /etc/passwd

77 cat > abcd

78 vim abcd

79 cat abcd

80 sort abcd

81 sort -r abcd

82 vim abcd

83 sort abcd

84 sort -u abcd

85 vim abcd

86 cat > file1

87 cat file1

88 sed 's/Linux/RHEL/g' file1

89 sed 's/Linux/RHEL/g' file1 > file2

90 cat file2

91 ls -l

92 cat file2

93 history

94 grep root /etc/passwd

95 grep student /etc/passwd

96 cat > xyz

97 cat xyz

98 grep hello xyz

99 grep -i hello xyz

100 grep -v root /etc/passwd

101 grep -nB4 wheel /etc/group

102 grep -nB6 wheel /etc/group

103 grep -nA4 wheel /etc/group

104 cd /dev

105 ls -l

106 ls -l | grep ^b

107 ls -l | grep t$

108 ls -l | grep ^c | less

109 find / -name file1

110 cd

111 ls -l

112 ls -i file1

113 ls -i file2

114 find / -inum 26866842

115 find / -user student

116 find / -group student

117 find / -type f

118 find / -type b

119 find / -size 10k

120 find / -size +10k

121 find / -size -10k

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