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Change the forms of the verbs in brackets to the present tense. 1.

She (sip) ___________ the hot tea slowly. 2. Her nephew (love) __________ to play squash and he (is) ________ the state champion. 3. The vet (suggest) __________ that her dog be put to sleep. 4. He (inform) __________ his class of the concert tonight. 5. Ahmad (write) to his parents every week. 6. Mei Lee (sing) at the Charity Ball every year. 7. We (experience) longer days in the U.K. during summer. 8. Friends (support) one another in difficult and challenging times. 9. The university bus (depart) as early as 7 in the morning. 10. Vitamin C and Fish Oil (help) our bodies fight against influenza.

For each of the following sentences change of the verb in bracket into the past tense form. 1. I (buy) _____________ a new car yesterday. 2. His uncle (arrive) _____________ from Johor Bahru last night. 3. The cat (catch) _____________ a rat in the drain. 4. She (walk) _____________ to her office this morning because of the jam. 5. The doctor (tell) _____________ me to take less sugar. 6. We (find) _____________ a strange- looking insect on our field trip. 7. The guest speaker (give) _____________ an interesting talk. 8. He (run) _____________as fast as he could when the dog chased him. 9. She (get) _____________ into trouble after complaining to the authorities. 10. He (is) _____________ a well-known rugby player in his younger days.

For each of the sentences below, change the verbs in the brackets into the present perfect form. 1. The workers .. (have) just (finish) the road repair work. 2. I .(have) already..(buy) the ticket for tonights big match. 3. She ..(have) .(live) here for thirty years. 4. The boys ..(have) not ..(complete) their homework. 5. I (have) .( play) rugby since I was in secondary school. 6. The tutor (have) just .(give) us the assignment topic. 7. Nizar ..(have) just ..(report) for duty this morning. 8. We .(have) already .. (see) that movie in 2001. 9. Kumar ..(have).(leave) the office ten minutes ago. 10. Eliza is worried. Her boyfriend .(have) not (call) her or ........... (send) her any messages for the last few weeks.
WH Questions 1.What does En Ramli work as? 2.Whwn are you going to Penang? 3.Where didi you find it? 4.Who will be the next king? 5.Whose slippers are there? 6.Which cake tastes better? 7.Why does he want to see me? 8.How did you cross the river? 9.Whwn is the English test? 10.Who are those people?

Taq Questions 1.He hasn`t finished yet,___________ he? A.does B.did C.hasn`t D.has 2.You go to London every day,____________you? A.can`t B.don`t C.won`t D aren`t 3.You couldn`t come tomorrow,_______you? A.were B.couldn`t C.could D.did 4.He died at the_______82. A.age of B.age C.years old D.years 5.You weren`t at the meeting,____________you? A.have B.are D.were 6.There were many people,_______there? A.weren`t B.were C.are D.aren`t 7.You haven`t got a camera,____________you? A.haven`t B.have D.will 8.You come here often________you? B.didn`t C.come D.haven`t 9.Jenny`s in Italy,_____you? A>hasn`t B.isn`t C.doesn`t D.aren`t 10.She doesn`t live here,__________she? A.wil B.did C.does D.doesn`t

Adjectives-CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER. 1.The children looked _____after the long journey. 2.The fish has gone __________because it was left without refrigeration. 3.Zarina felt_____because her husband was very busy every day. 4.Amran`s voice became_____________after cheering for the football team. 5.His hair felt out and soon Tony was _____ 6.When the home team lost the game,the spectators turned_____ 7.Princes of shares are______than they were yesterday. 8.Classical music is_____than rock music 9.Delia is more_____now that she has a job. 10.the foreigner asked,`is this durian_____?It smells awfull`.

Pilih jawapan- smelly,bald,lower,tired.mature,hoarse,violent,better,neglected,bad.

Verb CHOOSE THE CORRECT VERBS. 1.Subra wants____the army 2.Did you remember_____my letter? 3.We haven`t finished______our breakfast. 4.zul promised__________tennis with us 5.Please stop________so much noise! 6.I didn`t expect_____you here! 7.Roslan seems_____a nice guy. 8.Can you_____over the fence? 9.ida has agreed____petrol costs 10.Chen was pretending_____ a b ook.

Pilihan jawapan-be,post,meet,join.jump,read,eat,play,pay,make

Simple past continuous

1.I was watching TV when she called. 2.When the phone rang, she was writing a letter. 3.While we were having the picnic, it started to rain. 4.What were you doing when the earthquake started? 5.I was listening to my iPod, so I didn't hear the fire alarm. 6.You were not listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off. 7.While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car. 8.Sammy was waiting for us when we got off the plane. 9.While I was writing the email, the computer suddenly went off. 10.A: What were you doing when you broke your leg? B: I was snowboarding. Perkataan yang bergaris adalah jawapan

Simple future perfect

1.By next November, I will have received my promotion. 2.By the time he gets home, she is going to have cleaned the entire house. 3.I am not going to have finished this test by 3 o'clock. 4.Will she have learned enough Chinese to communicate before she moves to Beijing? 5.Sam is probably going to have completed the proposal by the time he leaves this afternoon. 6.By the time I finish this course, I will have taken ten tests. 7.How many countries are you going to have visited by the time you turn 50? 8.I will have been in London for six months by the time I leave. 9.By Monday, Susan is going to have had my book for a week 10,I am going to see a movie when I have finished my homework.k.

Perkataan yg bergaris adalah jawpan....kak ida boleh kosongkan jawapan utk jadikan soalan.

Sentence types Simple sentence

A. Some students like to study in the mornings. B. Juan and Arturo play football every afternoon. C. Alicia goes to the library and studies every day. Warna kuning adalah subjek...warna hijau adalah verb.

Compound sentence A. I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend tried to speak English. B. Alejandro played football, so Maria went shopping. C. Alejandro played football, for Maria went shopping.

subjects are in yellow, verbs are in green, and the coordinators and the commas that precede them are in red.

Complex sentence A When he handed in his homework, he forgot to give the teacher the last page. B. The teacher returned the homework after she noticed the error. C. The students are studying because they have a test tomorrow. D. After they finished studying, Juan and Maria went to the movies. E. Juan and Maria went to the movies after they finished studying

A complex sentence always has a subordinator such as because, since, after, although, or when or a relative pronoun such as that, who, or which. In the following complex sentences, subjects are in yellow, verbs are in green, and the subordinators and their commas (when required) are in red.

Kak ida..boleh kosongkan perkataan yg berwarna utk jadikan soalan.

Kak ida...lg satu soalan su tak dapat cari.....short answer questions....maksudnya soalan yg perlu jawapan yes/no atau pun true /false.....kalau su dapat cari...esok su email email dulu yg su dapat..kalau ia betul guna kalau tak kak ida boleh minta pendapat yg lebih ariff....selamat belajar....

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