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Monthly Test
Subject BIOLOGY F.Sc-I Topic Ch 2 Paper B
Time allowed: 50 minutes Marks: 30
Q No: 01Choose the correct option and fill up the bubble on answer sheet. Roll No: ---------------
1) Carbon is stable due to its:
(a) tetravalency (b) divalency (c) trivalency (d) monovalency
2) which of the following id peptide linkage of carbon to make proteins:
(a) C-H (b) C-C (c) C-N (d) C-O
3) Organic compounds consist of:
(a) hydrogen (b) carbon (c) oxygen (d) a&b both
4) the percentage of water in mammalian cell is:
(a) 50% (b) 60% (c) 70% (d) 15%
5) The number of calories required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water to 1 :
(a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5
6) Human tissue contain 85% water in which cells:
a) bone (b) brain (c)liver (d) muscle
7) the percentage of water varies in organisms from:
(a) 65-89% (b) 70-80% (c) 10-30% (d) 50-70%
8) carbohydrates are important source of :
(a) energy (b) water (c) carbon (d) none of these
9) our blood normally contain how much percentage of water:
(a) 0.5% (b) 0.08% (c) 0.7% (d) 0.01%
10) protein in bacterial cell is:
(a) 15% (b) 18% (c) 4% (d) 3%
Q No: 02Write short answers to any six parts. × =
I. Define biochemistry?
II. What is metabolism, write its types?
III. Define small organic molecules?
IV. What is meant by specific heat capacity of water?
V. What is importance of carbohydtrates?
VI. Write chemical definition of carbohydrates?
VII. How water provides us protection?
Q No: 03 5+3=8
(a) write a note on importance of carbon?
(b) draw the structure of glucose( linear and ring)?

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