Biology Part I Paper A 2023

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Monthly Test
Subject BIOLOGY F.Sc-I Topic Ch 2 Paper A
Time allowed: 50 minutes Marks: 30
Q No: 01Choose the correct option and fill up the bubble on answer sheet. Roll No: ---------------
1) Carbon is :
(a) tetravalent (b) divalent (c) trivalent (d) monovalent
2) potential source of energy for cellular activities:
(a) C-H (b) C-C (c) C-N (d) C-O
3) The basic element of organic compounds is:
(a) hydrogen (b) carbon (c) oxygen (d) nitrogen
4) the percentage of water in bacterial cell is:
(a) 50% (b) 60% (c) 70% (d) 15%
5) The specific heat of vapourization of water is cal/kg:
(a) 374 (b) 456 (c) 574 (d) 674
6) Human tissue contain 20% water in which cells:
a) bone (b) brain (c)liver (d) muscle
b) At 25 the concentration of H and OH ions are:
(a) 10-7 (b) 10 (c) 1014 (d) 0
c) The source of carbohydrates are:
(a) Green plants (b) animals (c) fungi (d) none of these
d) Tetroses are rare in nature and found only in:
(a) bacteria (b) algae (c) fungi (d) algae
e) protein in mammalian cell is:
(a) 15% (b) 18% (c) 4% (d) 3%
Q No: 02Write short answers to any six parts. × =
I. Define biological molecules?
II. Differentiate b/w anabolism and catabolism?
III. Define large organic molecules?
IV. What is meant by specific heat of vapourization of water?
V. Write 3 main classes of carbohydrates?
VI. Write chemical definition of carbohydrates?
VII. Draw the structure of glyceraldehydes molecule?
Q No: 03 5+3=8
(a) write a note on solvent properties of water?
(b) write some general properties of monosaccharides?

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