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Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS or EDX) is a technique

used in electron microscopes and some X-ray spectrometers to analyze
the elemental composition of a sample. Here's how EDX works:

1. Sample Preparation: The first step in EDX analysis is to prepare

the sample. The sample should be thin enough for electrons to
penetrate (in electron microscopes) or for X-rays to escape (in X-
ray spectrometers). Common sample types include thin sections,
nanoparticles, or even bulk materials with a thin surface coating.
2. Incident Electron or X-ray Beam: In electron microscopes, an
electron beam is focused onto the sample. In X-ray spectrometers,
X-rays are generated and directed toward the sample. The high-
energy incident electrons or X-rays interact with the atoms in the
3. Interaction with Sample: When the incident electrons or X-rays
interact with the sample's atoms, several processes occur:
 Ionization: Incident electrons can knock inner-shell
electrons out of their orbits, leaving behind electron
vacancies in these shells.
 Excitation: Incident electrons can also elevate outer-shell
electrons to higher energy levels, creating temporary excited
 X-ray Emission: As the excited or ionized electrons return to
their lower energy states, they release energy in the form of
characteristic X-rays.
4. X-ray Emission: The characteristic X-rays emitted from the
sample are unique to each element. These X-rays have discrete
energies corresponding to the energy differences between electron
shells or subshells for each element. The X-rays are emitted in all
directions, including toward a detector.
5. X-ray Detection: A solid-state X-ray detector placed near the
sample collects the emitted X-rays. This detector measures the
energies and intensities of the X-rays received.
6. Energy Analysis: The detector sends the collected X-ray data to
a computer for analysis. The energy of each detected X-ray is
determined, which corresponds to a specific element. The energy
peaks are characteristic of the elements present in the sample.
7. Spectrum Generation: The analysis software generates an X-ray
spectrum based on the energies and intensities of the detected X-
rays. Each peak in the spectrum represents a specific element
present in the sample, and the peak's intensity is proportional to
the concentration of that element.
8. Quantitative Analysis: The X-ray spectrum is used to identify and
quantify the elements in the sample. The software compares the
energy peaks in the spectrum to a database of known X-ray
energies to identify the elements. The peak intensities are used to
calculate the element concentrations.
9. Elemental Mapping (optional): In electron microscopes, it's also
possible to perform elemental mapping by scanning the electron
beam across the sample's surface and collecting EDS data at each
point. This allows you to create elemental distribution maps,
showing the spatial distribution of elements in the sample.

EDS is a valuable tool in materials science, geology, biology, and many

other fields for determining the elemental composition of samples at the
microscale or nanoscale.

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